Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 10, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Pact 10
Thursday, December 10. 195S
OES Elects
6Uverton Officer elected
Tuesday evening at the meet
ing of Ramona chapter, No. M,
Order of Eastern Star, were
tin. W. Dale Lamar, worthy
natron; W. Dale Lamar, wor
thy patron; Mr. Wayne week,
assoclste natron; Harry
Blchei, auoelate worthy pa
tron; Mrs. Harlan Loe, secre
tary; Mrs. F. I. Sylvester,
treasurer; Mrs. Austin Sanford
as eonductreas; Mrs. Harry Ba
ton as assistant conductress.
A Joint Installation program
with the officers of the Masons
is announced for Saturday, De
cember 18, the opening cere
monials for the chapter to ba
sin at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. Harlan Loe told of the
Christmas party of Ramona
club at the home of Mrs.
George W. Hubbe when offl
eers were elected. Including
Mr. Charles Leonard as pres
ident, Mrs. K. Band as vice
president, and as secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Norman L.
Mrs. W. P. 8carth gave a re
port of the work of the Order
of Rainbow for (3 iris, Ramona
assembly, during the past
Mrs. Orlo Thompson was re
sponsible for the seasonal dee-
orations of the ball.
The meeting was preceded
by a co hort supper when a
group of members having
birthday anniversaries In the
month, were complimented.
Mr., Mrs. Davit
Entertain Saturday
Among those planning par
ties preceding the Cams club
dance this coming Saturday
evening are Mr. and Mrs. lred
Guests of the Ds vises for the
dance will be Mr. and Mrs.
Dean McMurdle of Portland
and Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gles
of Independence.
For the pre-dance party the
guest list will Include the Mc
Murdies, the Gleses, Mr. and
Mrs. Cyril J arris, Mr. and Mr.
.Ernest Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs.
Vincent McLoughlin and Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Gottfried, both
couples from Portland, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Welter of
etayton, Mr, and Mrs, Harold
Muhs, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Fer
guson, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Gottfried, Mr. and Mrs. Wll
ber McCune, Mr. and Mrs.
Vern Reimann, Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Scott, Mia Mary Prime,
Don Armprleat.
Today's Menu
Betrothal Told
Lebanon Mr. and Mrs. Boy
A. Trottler of route 2, announce
the engagement of their daugh
ter. Miss Sharon Trottler, to
Keith Xlavano, son of Mr, and
Mrs. Alvln B. Klavano, Ml
Harden drive.
Both are graduates of Leb
anon high school, Mr. Klavano
having recently returned from
Germany where he served In
the Air Force.
The wedding data has not
been decided.
Mushrooms-ln-cream are sup-
er-epeclal with fish and spin
Friday Fare
Broiled Fish Fillets .
Leafy Spinach
Mushrooms a la Crem
French Bread
Pears with Cheese Beverage
Mushrooms a la Creme
Ingredients: hi pound med
ium size mushrooms, I table
spoons butter or margarine,
salt and pepper, teaspoon
flour, hk cup cream.
Method: Rinse mushrooms
quickly In cold water; wipe
dry; cut a thin slice from stem
ends and discard. Slice mush
rooms vertically through caps
and stems. Melt butter In 8
Inch skillet; add mushrooms
and cook over moderately low
heat until partly wilted, stir
ring for several minutes. Turn
heat low and cover tightly;
cook about S minutes longer so
Juices accumulate. Sprinkle
lightly with salt and pepper.
Stir In flour until it disappears.
Add cream; stir until sauce
thickens; add more salt and
pepper if necessary. Makes 3
to 4 servings.
Miss Dean and
Mr. Bond Married
Lebanon Planning to make
their home In Mesa, Aril., are
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bond
(Rose Dean) who were wed
Thursday, December 3, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sterling
Mr. Piatt, who Is president of
the Lebanon church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints,
performed the double ring cer
emony at 7 p.m.
The bride wore a coral knit
afternoon dreas with black ac
cessories and a white stole. Her
flowers were white carnations.
Her sister, Mrs. Shirley
Dean, was maid of honor. She
wore a navy blue suit with red
accessories and a carnation corsage.
Bruce Miller was best man
for the bridegroom.
Mrs. Bond, daughter of Mra
Lola Dean of Lebanon, and
Dewey Dean of Salem, grad
uated from Lebanon high
The bridegroom, son of Mr.
and Mrs. George Bond of Mesa,
1 attending Arizona State col
lege, majoring In business and
law. His servicejecord Includes
more than two years overseas
with the U. 8. Army Corps of
Neighborhood Tea
A tea honoring new neigh
bors was given by Mrs. W.
J. Sullivan at her home at 345
to 6
Forest Hills Way, from 4
O'clock this afternoon.
The new neighbors are Mrs.
Robert Sullivan, Mrs. H. C.
Saalfeld. and Mrs. G. W. Coch
ran. Pouring were Mrs. w.
B. Sullivan, and receiving
guests at the door were Miss
Shirley Quiring. Others assist-
ing were Mrs. A. L. Quiring,
Mrs. Pauline Starred and Miss
Diane Wasserman.
Invitation were sent to 30
Garden Club Sets
Greens Show Event
Woodburn At the regular
meeting of the Woodburn Gar
den club Tuesday night at the
library, plana were completed
for the annual Greens Show
which the club la sponsoring.
Saturday, December It, at the
library club room from S to
p.m. The public 1 Invited to
Mrs. George Sweeney Is gen
eral chairman of the show and
appointed the following
committees: Guest book, Mrs.
Harold Col (an and Mr. Edwin
Johnson; welcoming commit
tee, Mr. H. F. Butterfleld, Mrs.
James Lsvesay, Mrs. Frank Co
vey; arrangements, Mrs. Ralph
Bair, Mr. C. A. Wilkin. Mra.
Ray Olatt Refreihments will
be served with Mrs. Rslph See
ly In charge of the coffee and
tea table with Mr. John Corn
well and Mrs. Alvsh Cowan
presiding at the urns. No
charge will be made for exhib
its or refreshments.
Mrs. Wanda Edlund. state
chairman for the Garden club
corsage program, will be pres
ent with msterlals for making
corsage. A number of local or
ganizations are planning to ex
The meeting opened with a
no-host dinner at 3:30 p.m. for
member and families, follow
ed by the business meeting.
A program Was enjoyed
which included group singing.
led by Mr. Harold Colgsn
with Mrs. Charles Dean at the
piano, a gam In which the
prize was won by Mrs. Ralph
Seely, and each member was
asked to tell of hia or her most
outstanding Christmas. The
decorated Chriitmai tree wai
arranged by Mrs. Harold Col
gan and a gift exchange com
pleted the evening.
At CDA Meeting
"The First Christmas" was
dramatized by members of the
Blue Bird troop from St. Jo
seph's grade school during a
Christmas meeting of the
Catholic Daughters of Amer
ica, Wednesday night at the
Catholic Center.
The play was directed by
Mrs. John A. Ritchey. Follow
ing a brief business meeting,
the group sang Christmas
carols. During the singing,
Santa Claui appeared. He was
represented by the grand
regent Mrs. Wesley Goodrich.
Refreshments were served
following the distribution of
gifts. Mrs. Margaret Brown
was chairman of the committee.
33. at the
L. R.
Grove. ,
The service wa read by the
Rev. C. F. MeCalL Jr, of the
First Congregational church of
Forest Grove ta the
of Immediate relative
friend of the bride and bride
groom. Among the guest present
were the bride's two son and
her daughter, Harold Eugene
Richards and hfij wife, Robert
Richard and Dorothy Ann
The NUlaon plan ta make
their home in Fall City,
SALEM Ce-Ree club will
meet thi Friday evening at
the Salem YWCA The eve
ning will begin with dinner
at 6:30 o'clock and be followed
with a "Sloppy Sock" Hop.
Member and friend d sailing
dniner reservation (hould
phone the YWCA.
ffnai B'rith Women
B'nal B'rith women, Willam
ette valley chapter. No. 136,
met this past Tuesday at the
Temple Beth Sbolom.
The program consisted of a
Chanuka program by the Tem
ple Beth Sholom Sunday
school. Participating in the
program were Mrs. Mike Stein-
bock a the grandmother; and
children were Karen Linn,
Kathy Merin, Judy Jacobsen,
Theresa Blum, Thelma Kline,
Philip Perlman, Jerry Stein-
bock, Grant Stelnbock, Sydney
Stelnbock, David Stelnbock
and Sharon Golden. Following
the meeting, refreshment were
served by hostesses, Mr. Ruby
Perlman and Mrs. Jean Adler.
Junior Women
Silverton The annual
Christmas party for members
of the Junior Woman's club of
Silverton was at the home of
Mrs. Lowell Hoblitt, with Mrs.
Leland Morgan, co-hostess.
Mra Morgan and the pres
ident, Mrs. Edwin G. Heinon-
en, planned a program in an
inexpensive gift exchange and
wrapping 28 huge packages of
gift for the state hospital.
Mr. Harry Walker demon
strated the work of making
Christmas glow candles. The
singing of Christmas carols wai
led by Mrs. Charle Leonard,
The president, Mr. Heinon-
an, announced that the Satur
day, 1 o'clock afternoon library
story hour ia to be postponed
until January.
Tb hosteeae served lata
WSCS Event
Silverton Woman' Soci
ety of Christian Service of the
First Methodist church 1 meet
ing Tuesday afternoon, Decem
ber IS, S o'clock, at the church
social room, with Ellen circle
member directing the pro
gram and the Sara Adam Cir
cle to be responsible for the
A program feature will be
the appearance of Junior high
choral member directed by
Mr. Knute Digemea. To be
heard In two vocal (election
will be Mrs. Paul Henry, wife
of the recently appointed pas
tor. .
A special feature' of the af
ternoon is termed "A White
Christmas." Member of the
WSCS arc to bring gifts
wrapped in all-white paper
and decoration to be taken to
the Methodist home In Salem.
Mt. Angel
Mt. Angel Mr. and Mr.
William Harrahlll had as their
guests recently Mr. and Mra
Thomas McGowan of Grand
Island, Neb. Mrs. Harrahlll and
Mrs. McGowan are sisters. They
were on a three week trip by
plane, and also visited in San
Francisco, Los Angeles, San
Diego and Denver, Colo.
There will be a parents'
meeting of the Mount Angel
Prep Mother club on Thurs
day evening, Dee. 10, beglnniirg
at 8 o'clock in the school recro. I
atlon ball. All lather and mo j
then of Prep students era In
vited to be present
Fall City Mist Dorothy
Wink and F. Otto Nillson were
married on Saturday afternoon,
Tnrieii or cvi'
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