THE CAffTAL i6LlHNAL,tSaJffl. 0rnU WssiMsday. December , 1953 FUTURE TREES in j X-Doughs M Oregon State Forester George Spaur (left) is presented bag ol about 20 pounds of Douglas fir seeds by tbe presi dent of the Izaak Walton League in Oregon, L C. Binford (right). The presentation was made at the IWL's Slst an nual convention. The seeds purchased by the Izaak Walton League will be planted in the Oregon Forest nursery. Calapooia Group Forms District . Albany By a margin of four votes land owners in the proposed Calapooia Irrigation district, comprising mainly farmers living along the Cala pooia river in an area center ing at Brownsville, approved formation of the district at an election held Monday. Results of the election, deliv ered Tuesday to County Clerk R. M. Russell, showed a vote of 90 yes and 84 no. At the same election the vot ers named Roy Cunningham with 88 votes; Kenneth S. Groves, with 89 and Glenn F. Isom, with 91, as directors of the newly formed district The election was held at I Brownsville. Walt ons Give Fir Tree Seeds Many Douglas fir tree will be growing in Oregon In the next few years because of the Izaak Walton League members in Oregon. . , Some 20 pounds of the seeds, which have been diffi cult to aeeure the past few yean, were presented the Ore gon state forestry department at the league's Slst annual convention in Eugene last week. The president of the IWL, L. C. Binford. made the presentation to State Forester George Spaur, who was at tbe convention to participate in a panel discussion. Collected In the Mt. Hood area, the seeds were purchas ed by tbe Isaak Walton league as part of the organization s conservation program. The seeds will be planted in the Oregon forest nursery at Corvallis and after they nave reached a size for re planting part of them will be returned to the Isaak Walton League, which will pay for the cost of growing the trees. land. Replanting of the trees i is by hand. .'! Each pound of Douglas fir seed contains from 40 to 42,- 000 seeds. The Oregon for estry nursery estimates that from 60 to 85 per cent of Douglaa fir seed germnlates' and becomes tree of the fu ture. . . ," w ' - Lebanon Jaycees To Name Citizen LebanoDr-The Joint meeting of junior and senior chambers of commerce will be held in the 1O0F hall with a dinner on Monday, Jan. 11, reports Wen dell Gronso, chairman of the senior chamber . forum committee. Speaker that evening will be Dr. U. G. Dubach, professor of political science at Lewis and Clark college, and former dean of men at OSC. The meetinc will include in stallation of officers for both clubs, and award of the Junior first citizen of 1SD3 oy me junior chamber.- FALSE TEETH , That loosta Need Not Embarrass Iftnr wwim 1 Mm Mb bw The IWL then will plant the ""."a "JUTf small trees In -their various! i lu hw"n P live la fear of this htppenlnf to you. reforestation projects. The pnnkit uttii faotkbth. th , . i alkaline (iwn-octd) powder, on tout remainder of the trees will be puim. Bold ium teu. more annir. , . , , . ' m ihey feel mora oomiorubl. Doasj tiveo to the state forestry ce- not tour, csmciu iu odor- u- . . . . . . . , , ! turt breath). On FAf ptnimm vo piani in ucnuucu tlruf oounur. FAfiTIZTH at MJ JAYSON'S AND CLEAR Drastic reductions . . . priced to clear.. .in time for Christmas. Our finest stock of this season's newest styles and patterns reduced for this special event. A wonderful opportunity to give him a distinctively tailored suit or topcoat at the unbelievably low price of . .. Regular from $60.00 to $75.00 TAILORED IN THE CHOICEST DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED WOOLENS k Every suit and topcoat from regular stock tailored by the finest nationally famous brands labels you will instantly recognize! Open Every Night 'til 9 from Dec. 14 thru Dec. 23 (o) (5) cl Smart Clothe For Smart MeH 1 I . YV ' V" ! V LAYAWAY I '" VvvV PUN v x. V Af T,'i, lw f,K Be i SAtEM, OREGON iff? m ammm mmmm ALL THsWJ1 TH2 IIOU2I hundreds of Penney ways to say hristmas TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT TO SHOP, T.IEN! SO OW JKW EXODISI t i - t . . a a - k. SI TOQ' ; .I: is .nil. . ' w r a, al W m I . m. . j . m . s ,i J. we. . Truly great beauties ... yet they need no care at all. They wash and dry in minutes without pamper, ing! See the graceful four gore styling ... the exciting variety of delicate, dainty decorative scheme (some over 5" deep!) and put them on your gift list today. White, pink ...32-40. MAIN FLOOR 4. r , i ACETATE CREPE CLASSIC PAJAMAS Beautifully tailored and a beautiful buy note Its silky feel its color variety She'll welcome this gift with open arms! Choose from .pink, blue, yellow, mint, tur quoise, rose. 32-40. MAIN FLOOR 1 t