Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Wtdaeeday, December 9, 195S
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Recently Wed Mr. and Mn. Wilfred F. Suing (Winona
. Idler), abovt, were married, recently in St. Joseph'!
Catholic church. The bride U the daughter of Mra. Either
Idler and Mr. Suing it the ton of Mr. and Mn. Ludwlf
Suing of La comb. (Artz studio picture.)
Return From Spokane
Woodburn Mrs. Maude
Scott and Miss Laura Bonney
have returned home from Spo
kane where they were guestj
at a reception given by Spo
kane chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, for Mrs. Harold
(Bonney) Bethelson, daugh
ter of Mrs. Scott, who is grand
chaplain, of the grand chapter
of Washington. On the way
to Spokane they visited Mrs.
Scott's ton and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Scott, at Milton, who also at
tended the reception at Spo
kane. While in Spokane Mrs.
Scott and Miss Bonney were
visitors at the regular meet
ing- of Spokane chapter and
State Of f ken at
Auxiliary Meet
At the meeting of Capital
unit. American Lesion auxili
ary, Monday evening at the
Woman's club house, mem
bers of Klngwood unit of
West Salem and Salem unit
No. lit Joined the group in
entertaining department ofll
data visiting at that time.
The department guests In
eluded Mrs. Forrest Erickaon,
Eatacada. president; Mrs. Mae
Whltcomb, Portland,
tary: Mrs. Josephine Xane,
Dundee, treasurer. Each of
the three gave a short talk.
Mn. T. J. Brabee, president
of Capital unit, introduced
other guests among whom
were Mra. William Kinney,
president of Klngwood unit,
who presented members from
her group; and Mrs. Carroll
Robinson,, prealdent of Unit
135, who presented members
from her unit and introduced
her soloist Mrs. Lester Hagan,
the latter tinging and playing
her own piano, accompani
ment The music was follow
ed by a short humorous tkit
by members of Unit 138,
Mrs. James A. Oarson, re
habilitation chairman, display
ed a few last minute gifts for
the Veterans' Chrlstmaa Gift
shop. She and her commit
tee are wrapping individual
gift baskets for the 158 veter
ans who are inmates of the
Oregon State hospital.
The unit voted to give ISO to
the "Gilts for the Yanks fund'
and to buy a $3.00 T.B. Bond.
Several future events were
announced, i
Poppy poster material will
previous to the reception they
were guests at a dinner given
by Mrs. Berthelson at the
Desert hotel. They also vis
ited Queen Esther chapter at
Couer d' Alene while in Spo-
be distributed In the schools
very toon after the first of the
year. It was reported.
The tew Ins comma lee u a s
more ditty bags, a quilt nd a
layette to make when tt meets
at tne home el sore, swan
Johns. 1790 Monroe avenue on
Monday. December 14 at 10
ajn. A no-host luncheon will
be served at the all day meet-
The Past Presidents parley
plana its annual Christmas
party at tne home et Mra. tiara i
Poland. 8Jt N. Mrd, an De
cember IT. Instead of the ue-
ual gift exchange members are
to bring food for the Chrlstmaa
baskets. 1
The annual Christmaa party '
sponsored by Capital poet and :
Capital unit auxiliary will be
at the South commercial street
Legion hall en Sunday, Decern-,
ber 20. GUts of food wm oe
donated for Christmas baskets
and special entertainment will
be provided for children ana
Following the meeting was a
social hour with Mn. Lue A.
Lucas and Mra. E. W. JUcbey
presiding at the urns.
There will be no meeting of
Capital unit on the regular
third Monday In December. Tne
next meeting will be the first
Monday in January.
. '
Legion Events
SUverton Mrs. L. P. Oeh-
ler, president of Delbert
Reeves unit No. T, American
Legion auxiliary, is announc
ing two meetings for the com
ing week. The annual adult
and children Christmaa party
is to be Friday, December 18,
at Legion Hall. '
A 6:30 o'clock no-host nip
per Is to be served, the pro
gram to follow. Children are
especially welcome.
Mrs. Ernest L. Starr, chair
man, is to be assisted by Mrs.
Ralph Cordon and Mrs. E. O.
Syron, in buying and making
ready the treats. Serving as
program chairman It. Mrs
Robert Allen aasister by Mrs.
Dewey AUen and Mra. E. A.
Kern, in program selections,
and room and tree decorations.
The regular meeting of the
auxiliary it to be Monday
evening, December 14, at 6
o'clock, with rehabilitation
reports by Mrs. Ralph Fran-
cia, chairman, final plans for
the Christmas party announc
ed, and child welfare observ
ances for deserving families.
Lions Auxiliary '
SUverton Mra. Norman
Nyhus, prealdent, entertained
the Liona auxlllay, Monday
evening, for the annual ex
change of gift and revealing
of "secret pals'. Christmas
aaroU were sung.
Assisting hostesses were
Mrs. William Bobbins, Mra.
Vaster eydell ant Mrs. H. A.
Plant were computed for
the Wednesday' December 18,
dinner with the members of
the Lions club at Joint boats
and the annual gift and fun
program for the children fol
lowing the 1:10 dinner, at the
Knights of Pythias halL
Cooking the turkeys will be
Mrs. Mae Higlabutham, Mrs.
Norman Nyhus, Mra Cliff
Almqulst, Mra. George Chrtat
enaon and Mrs. Vaster aWy
dell; decorating art Mra.
Clarence Morley, Mrs. Ralph
Adams, Mrs. Vaster Scydall,
Mra. Ernest K. Ikman, Mrs.
William Robbint ant) Mrs.
Norman Nyhus.
or Datetime . . . your
go around the clock!
R & K originals goes everywhere with
you . . . Down the Avenue ... to the
office ... to tea or to parties! Go
around the clock with an R&K original!
Ml A
Peter Scotts
Imported from '
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Guaranteed to do mora than
keep you warm. The most
delightful wolf-bait we've
een in o month of Sundays!
LONG SUIVES ...19.95
R&K't prettiest answer to merry holi
day partial: this yarn dyed rayon taf
feto dress with bouffant skirt; spark
ling rhinestone and oppliqued neck
line. Special point: the shirred
'eeves 19.95
F it
Open Friday
Kighfs 'III 9
R&K's wonderful pur wool
dress that mimics a coat. A
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leather . . . with sleeves that
push up and a cellar that con.
varts .-22.95
THIS IS THE DRESS that glows RAK's Iri
descence In pure silk shontung taffeta, the
collor doubly curved and sparked with a
nugget of brilliants; the skirt a flare of un
pressed pleats, subtle but oil the more ef
fective 22.95
i BE
a skirt, spices the whole
wonderful works with a
pinch of buttons in stra
tegic places. Pure wool
ined with a rustling or
royon taffeta. 22.95
it 10-Day Charge Account
90-Day fudge Plan
it Convenient Loyowoy
-: 'i t r w .v