Pitt f u 1 f ' V " . t " J i ' l . j v. -y ;,.. -j- :?, Wed at Home Event Mr. and Mri. Robert R. Hart (Lor , rains McCullen) were married November 7 at the home , of the bridegroom'! brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mri. David Loewen. The bride la the daughter of Mri. Lorraina McCullen and Mr. Hart la the ion of Mri. Minnie Hart. (McEwin studio picture) Wedding Dated For December 26 ' Woodburn Mr. and Mri. C. E. Roley of Bend announce the engagenment of their daughter, Mill Virginia Roley, to Leroy C. Murphy, son of Mr. and Mri. Archie Murphy of Woodburn. Miu Roley la head of the home economics department at the North Marlon Union high school. Mr. Murphy, a graduate of Woodburn high school. Is employed with his father In masonry work. The wedding Is set for December 28 at Corvallis. ' VISITOB hern the fore part of the week haa been Mrs. William M. Tugman, Jr., guest of her sister-in-law, Mn. Jer ry Stone. Mr. and Mn. Tug man have been living at Walla Walla and are moving to Spokane, Mr. Tugman recently being named assistant U. S. district attorney. Mrs. Tug man will go from here to Eu gene to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WiUlam M. Tugman, Sr. Sewing Club Brooki Mrs. Dollle Ramp entertained the Brooki Sew ing club at r-tr home lait week at an ail day meeting. A no-host luncheon was serv ed at 1 o'clock followed by the business meeting and Christmas program. Mrs. Thel- ma Darland was charge of me program or scripture read ing and tinging of Christmas carols. Mn. Eva Conn played the accompaniment. Mn Ber tha wood as Santa passed the gifts for the "lecrct pals" gift exchange. Names wera drawn for 1954 "secret pals." The next meeting will be at the home of Mn. Marie Bosch January 7. Officers will be elected. 5UN VALLEY BREAD'ES, iosa' IMMBfHW Today's Menu Here's a lunch "the girls" will enjoy when It'i your turn to entertain your club. Bridge Luncheon Shrimp Dunk Pretzel Sticks Sliced Ham and Cooked Vege table Salad Platter Rolls Relishes Broiled Fruit Compote Beverage Shrimp Dunk Ingredients: 1 cup diced cooked shrimp, H cup mayon naise, t teaspoon curry pow der, 1 tablespoon minced nnion, salt (to taste), light cream. Method: Mix shrimp, may onnaise, curry powder, onion and salt; thin with cream to dunking eonilstency if necei- lary. Makes about l'i cupt. Hostess to Group Salem Heights Mrs. A. A. Larsen was hostess to the Friendly Neighbors Garden club lilt week at her Hulsey avenue home. Mrs. E. L. Gray conducted the business meeting and the group made plant for their an nual Christmas party Decem ber 17, when they will enter tain their husbands. There will be a gift exchange for the members Mrs. Harold Patterson in troduced the tpeaker, Mn. J W. Garrett, who gave a book review. Mn Browning Ban gert wat guett at the meeting. PRE-CHRISTMAS SPECIAL CAPEHART RADIO- PHONOGRAPH (3 ONLY) Reg. $435 Now Only 299 95 Solid Mainour, SALEM'S LEADING MUSIC STORE FOR 74 YEARS Wills Music Store Capital 1 Edited ky MARIAN Initiation At Rainbow Four new member! were In itiated into the Chadwick as sembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, Tuesday night at the Masonic temple. They were Miss Nancy demons, Miss Vondra Anderson, Miss Marcia Hewitt, Miss Patricia Emery, Receiving service bars were Misses Pat Johnson, Ada Hart men, Janice Roieler, Janice Wood, Jan Gillespie, Susan Grier, Eleanor Mlezlva, Carol Warren, Eileen Osko, Shirley Tiber, Mary Stevens, Joyce Stealer, Sally Merrill, Lo Ann Mundinger, Margaret Hildreth. Guesti Introduced were Mn. Arnold Johnson, associate con ductress for Chadwick chap ter. Order Eastern Star, and Thomas Kelly, worthy patron, Chadwick chapter, Order East ern Star. Refreshments were served after Initiation by members of the Rainbow Mothen club. Mn. R. J. Seeger, Mn. I. M. Henderson, Mrs. N. W. Merrill and Mn. George T. Henken served A Christmas party was planned for the next meeting of the group. To Entertain Club Salem Heights Mrs. Floyd McClellan .will be hasten at the annual Christmas party of the Little Garden club of Sa lem Heights on Thursday, De cember 10, at 1 o'clock dessert luncheon at her home at 913 Ratcliif drive. There will be a gift ex change for the members with the gifts pertaining to garden ing or the borne. THE REV. AND MRS. Law rence of Mllwaukie - visited Monday in tho Clear Lake community. They were dinner guests at the Charlea D. Clay ton home, and called on the Rev. and Mn. Lyman Myen, and at the Virgil Hulser home. MRS. J. C. COSTELLO of San Francisco arrives this ev ening to visit In Salem until after the holidays with her lis ter, Mn. Frank S. Healy. Woman's Club Event Silverton Members of the Sllverton woman s club are observing their Christmas meeting, Monday afternoon, December 14, at 2:15 o'clock at the First Christian church social rooms. Mn. Harlan Moe and Mrs. E. A. Teter are program chair men, presenting Mn. William Iron and Mri. Robert Fry of Salem in musical selections Mri. Aage Anderson li to give a seriei of Scandinavian Chrlstmai legends. Instead of an exchange of gifts, the membera plan a sil ver offering for the Corvallli Children's Farm home, spec ial gifts for the Salem state hospital, and for the boys at Woodburn MacLaren Home Presiding at the tea hour will be Mrs. John Tweed Mrs. Ethel Brown, Mrs R. A McClanathan, Mrs. Harry Car son and Mrs. Mark Hungate SHOE! FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY John C Robert Far Mn DANA'S BOOTERY Capitol Shopping Center OFFER THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Silttff OretM Women tOWBT FISCHER Holiday Invitations Several more Invitations are out for gay pre-boliday at tain. Christmas greeting cards were received today from Mn. Ralph W. Johnson and Mn. H. M. Boeach for Chriitmaa brunch for which they will be hostesses on December 17. The affair will be at the Falrmount Hill home of Mrs. Johnson on John street between the hours of 10:30 and 2:30 o'clock. Mn. Arnold Krueger haa In vitations out for an informal party for which ahe is to en. tertain Monday afternoon next at her home at the Lee. Guests are invited to call between 3.30 and s:30 o'clock. Mn. Albert C. Gragg baa planned her annual neighbor- nood tea for Tuesday, Decern ber 22, cards being received for the affair Tueaday. Gueata are invited to call between 3 and S o'clock at the North Capitol itreet home of the Graggi. Salem friends have received Invitations to an open house for which Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Spaulding, formerly of this city, are to entertain on De cember 20 at their Dunthorpe nome on boulhwest Green- wood drive, Portland. Hours for the affair are between 3 and 8 o clock. Rebekah Groups Several meetings have been scheduled by Rebekah lodge groups for this week. The Three Links club will meet Friday, December 11, at noon for a no-hoit dinner followed by a Chrlstmai party. The FL club li icheduled to meet at the home of Mn. Keith Henderson Thursday evening, December 10. The LAPM will meet at the Odd Fellowi tem ple also on Thursday evening when they will elect officer!. Past Noble Grands have scheduled a party for the fol lowing week at the home of Mn. John Wllei. They will meet for both a Christmas party and business meeting Wednesday, December It. m m w LAST SOCIAL afternoon to be staged this year by membera of Chadwick chap terd, Order of Eastern Star, was Tuesday at the Masonic temple. Decorations were in keep ing with the holiday theme. The program consisted of three readings by Mae Baker and group singing of Christ mas carols Mrs. Earl Wiper was chairman of the commit tee. TWENTY attended the Christmas party of Delta Gam ma a'umnae last evening at the chapter house. The girls of the active chapter put on the en tertainment. The alumnae brought Jams and Jellies for the house, also the gifts to be presented to the state school for the blind. DINE AND DO club Is meet ing Thursday for luncheon at 1 o'clock at the home of Mn. G. C. Pomeroy, 4715 North River road. Compliment her with a OR &0 QUELQUES FLEURS PERFUME ... the most treasured thought of all. $3.50 to $18.50 EAU DE TOILETTE . . . for in-between momenta of refreshment ... in a charming aee-thra pack-ego- $2.75 and $3.95 DUSTING POWDER . . . the last word in bith luxury. Chantilly, $1.50 and $3.9$ Qurtquti FUurt, 1200 Shower for Bride-Elect On Thursday Misi Lorli Leanne Weill, w h o is to be married next Sunday to Benjamin C. Col bath, will be feted at a ihower and party to be given Thun- day evening by Miss Joyce Spillman and her mother, Mrs. E. K. Spillman at their home. The ihower will be a milk glass one. During the evening, guests will wrap the dream cake for the wedding. A late dessert will be served. Feting the bride-to-be will be her mother, Mn. Alia L. Wells, Mn. Cyril Colbath, mother of the bridegroom elect; Mn. Everett Herbert, Mn. Glen Hamilton. Miu Marvelle Coleman, Mn. Lee Coleman, Miss Darlene Eng dahl, Mn. Lloyd Oberson, Miu Penny Oberson and the hostesses On Frldiy evening, a Darty for the couple will be given at their future hjme. the event to follow the rehearsal that evening. Christmas Party cnristmai festivities were featured at party given by the Business and Profeuional Women'! club Tuesday night at tne Woman i club houie. Among the highlight! of the evening was the arrival ef both Mr. and Mri. Santa Claui, represented by Missel Ruth Jaynei and Betty Elof son. The play, "Not Even a Mouse," was staged by mem ber! of the Salem Civic play- en. Mri. Louis Neuman led the group In singing a number of Chriitmaa carols. A solo was aung by Mri. A. J. Are- hart. Gifts brought by memben will be given to the county welfare office for distribution, and to the MacLaren school for boys. Guests at the meeting were Mn. Glenn Seidler and Miu Louise Cattuzzo who recently arrived In Salem from San Le andro, Calif. 9 NEBRASKA club auxiliary will meet Friday, December 11 at the home of Mn. Dora Stanton, 1797 Center at 12.30 o'clock for a no-host luncheon. There will be a ihort pro gram and gift exchange. SILVERTON Mn. Robert Barnei and Mri. Lorren Barr are entertaining at the Barnei rural home, Thuriday even ing, December 17, at 8 o'clock. for the memben of the Mary Elizabeth circle of the Metho dist W o m a n ' a Society of Christian Service. A Christmai program will be featured. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdom inal Supports, Elastie Hosiery Expert fitter privsta fitting "ASK TOUR DOCTOR' Capital Drug Store 4ei BUM Street earner af Librrt Itl Green llsnei Gift oi... if uc&:;m Sis! Miss Cummings To Wed Soon News comes from New York City of the approaching mar riage of Miu Luclle Cum mings, well-known vocalist, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur E. Cummings, Salem, to Edward B. Bagley of New York. The wedding Is planned for the evening of Saturday, De cember 20, at 8 o'clock in the Rutgen Presbyterian church, 73rd street, wast of Broadway. Miu Cummings has been In the east for several yean in her concert and teaching work. She has appeared several times on the Telephone Hour on the ra dio and will again be on that broadcast on March 1. Mr. Bag ley is a senior associate of Cresap, McCormlck and Paget, management consultants. The couple will be at home in an apartment in New York City until they build a aub urban home. Highland Mothers Club Sets Meeting The December meeting of the Highland Mothen club is scheduled for Thuriday Dec ember 10 In the school audi torium. The program will be gin at 1 o'clock with Albert T. Ziegler, an exchange teach er at Parrlsh Junior high school, speaker on Christmai in New Zealand. Also, David Wood, student at Willamette university, will tell of the Christmas celebration In Scot land. Following the program a business meeting is planned with the president, Mrs. G. Carroll Meeks, presiding. Refreshments will be serv ed in the cafeteria with Mri. Wallace Beckett, Mn. Milo Van Houten and Mn. R. L Etheridge ai the hostess. A nursery will be provided for pre-ichool children. Benefit Friday Welcome Wagon, No. 1. Is planning a card social at the home of Mn. John Bower, 545 Fenway Drive, Friday, between 1 and 4 pm. Pro ceed! go to the project of. the club for the Fairview home Christmai party. Mri. Robert Wlnkenwerder will assist the hosteu. All members are Invited, and may call Mn. . H. Gormien, 45173. for reservations. BROOKS The Brooki Gsrden club will meet for its Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Dollle Ramp, Thurs day, December 10. Each mem ber to make and wear a Christmas corsage. A no-hoit luncheon will be terved at 1 o'clock, followed by a THE MOST f0 DESSERT " YOU EVER Made with the Pike Ice Cream Rolled in Macaroon Cocoanut. Group Aids Cancer Fund Alpha Psi chapter of Beta Sigma Phi realized 380 from its recent doll project and at its meeting last evening voted to send 320 of the proceeds to the national cancer society work and 380 to the Marion county cancer group. The meeting was at the home of Mrs. P. C Anderson. Plana were discussed for the chapter's part In the tea to be given next Sunday by all local chapten of Beta Sigma Phi to honor Mn. William L. Phillips. Sr., newly named city sponsor for the groups. Also, plans were made for the chapter Christmas party planned for December 22 at the home of Mn. Marvin Mc-Clain. Christmai program and gift exchange. out thrill in longer-lasting , argSgv fragrance! tSsL?"? HEEB F A1UC SHOPS BjfotM TOUCH ITlorw f?Vt jf rMv ttmpUt... behind yomr Jj" tf-fa ara...sfIOoWyoa... -ZZig'i J I V Here's just the dessert you're been wanting for special boliday paroes and dinners. The round ball is made of smooth, fine flavored vanilla Ice Cream, and it liberally garnished with sweat, rich cocoanut and topped with green frosting holly, red berries, and a real red candle that lights! Iri the dessert yoa've dreamed ; and when set-red in a darkened room b a real tti tenon. MX HOLIDAY SNOWBALLS pocked ki moisture-proof carton complete with doilies ond red condlas.nn. Order Today for Parties Also available decorated Ice Cresm Slices, Party Cups, Christmas Tree Center Bricks, pins onr many flavora of Ice Cream and SherberL Wednesday, December t, 1953 Post 'and Auxiliary ' Plan Holiday Party - The Marloa post and uzll. usry. Veterans of Foreign Wan, Mill mt tnffether fop th(p sn. nual Chriitmaa party at that Veterans of f oreign wan nail, Sunday, December 13. A no. host dinner will be eerved at 1:30 p.m. ...' The program, arranged by Mn W R BirnetL will consist of numben presented by tho children of in era oars, aiemoera are asked to bring presents for tk. rhilHrrn and fOfid for ft Christmas basket to be given to a needy family. . . pi.- hokIi, hiisinA mMtinf la icheduled for 8 p.m. Monday, .... rvuf k.il Detemoer n ai ine yr " . Lovely ... LADY ALICE DRESSES AT THE UTTU FRENCH SHOP US N Hifb St. AND BE Imk, i ibrtmfkomt ikt iaj tmd wimUa. munamdtdtjmmwaol trmgmta that raoUy ians? Inw am o luia itmihwi femn . ... ami and safay Ms poipovri, ieupimd to animeen your p iriomlify wiA At asieiy of lis ma CAPITAL DRUGSTORE 405 State Corner el liberty WE GIVt iWT GREEN STAMPS and Christmas Day a JMMk 432 State St. Ph. 34959 THE PIKE 138 So. Liberty St. Ph. 36828 lYTOItlfllMinfOOISTDRC OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 P.M.