'I ' Is Wednesday, December S, 1953 THlT CAPITAL' JOl'ENAL. Salem. Own Fact I a vrar 4t a no jiaf atA n n ri nnn ;am run n i - UVmV.UUU fair tS wUiuilrLt I E LtM F0H YOUR CHRISTMAS MALE CAUL kf eW mm f u El fni vv .1 -rfii- II I I IWIII11 11 J 'w as ' ii r . m. . mm M M W .. HI 'V -f J" .. N Jjse Scan Eaty Payment Plan ferchases totaling $20 or more '' NEW ZIP FRONT LEISURE JACKETS 95 A Typical Low Gift Price! 7 Give the gift that's fashion tailored to be as practical as it is handsome! Tailored of rayon, acetate and nylon for lasting good looks, with an elastic waist bock for snug comfort. Blue, brown or gray, sizes 36 to 44.- SEARALON Gabardine SLACKS 95 'Unconditionally guaranteed for one year against wear, rips, tears! Give good looks that last! Scientifically blended of rayon, acetate and nylon to be spot, crease and wear resistant, fashion tailored to look well always. 28 to 42 in. waist, blue, gray, gray-green ' or brown. all wool sport coats 2395 When he slips Into this sport coat he's In lor some real pleasure because It's designed for cotnfort designed for long wear, too. Precision tailored In handsome 2-button, 3 -patch pocket stylinn, easy-draping- lines that are sure to please him. 4- (X W Mi Short 1 vM k - V Rogers" Shirts Junior Dress Shirt 2 98 1 1 Western atyled thirts I 1 of washfast broadrlotb. I 1 Embroidered western i I I motifs Maximum tA I 1 shrink. 1. 4 to 12 J These are the gifts he would choose for himself! velvet-soft luxury . . . lightweight . wearing-ease " V men's gift suede leather Hell feel the difference the minute hit fingers touch the toft luxury of this supple suede . ; . tee the dif ference as soon as he tildes Into its easy-fitting lines. Collar, wristlets . and waistband are warm K wool and M cotton knit. Sixes 34 to 44 In brown, sand, navy, green. : ma . I . . .. h f - YSJ Men'g ravertibl Jackets W 9.95 Lined Luster Twilf Surcoats - , ' 10.95 Mew. neat looking alpoer ' front style. Wool lined body and aleeras. Action back. -Sim H to 4. Kandsom houndttooUt check reverting Into sheen gabardine. Chotoe of brown, maroon or rust. 8 M L XL. , Lined Gabardine Blouse Jackets 8.95 Heavyweight rayon and nylon twUL Water repellent and crease , ' resistant. Slset ' 8-M-IXL. - . Rayon Lined Short Jackets 7.95 Durable water repellent and crease resistant rayon cheek fabric. la blue, brown or green : checks. Special Purchase! All Wool Chopper Jacket 7.99 Asst. plaids snop front ' , half double back. ' . Sizes 36 to 48. handsome Boyville Jr. pajama-robe gift set j50 You'll be giving him extra warmth and extra comfort with this heavyweight flannel outfit. Washfast. U Gift handsome surprises that moke his wardrobe brighter Corduroy SPORT COATS Wonderfully priced for giving yet wonderfully tailored for casual good ks. Shop today for your velvet soft choice of maroon, ginger, green. Sizes 36 to 44; regulars. Store Hours; &ttJffi3i Sizes 4 to 12 Flannel Shirts 1198 Siies 4 to 10 "aHasigs Sanforized ond washfast colors! In your favorite patterns ond contrasting color combinations. Maximum shrinkage 1. With Cuff Ltntt ana Bow Tie Sizes 4-12 . 2.49 A convertible collar white shirt, complete with dressy bow tie. cuff links. Even sixes 4-13. each in a gift box. Washfast Hose Reinforced Heels, Toes 1 Pair, Only. . 1.19 Long-wearing hose of mercerized cotton. Choice of t colorful patterns. 3 of which hav. elastic tops. (-It. f Boyville Jr. 2 Pants Casual Suits : 8.88 Imagine ... 2 pair of pants with this rayon and acetate suit. 1 matches gabardine back. 1 the fancy front. Size S to 8. Boyville Corduroy SHIRTS Sizes 4to It 98 Fine 1 6 wale pinwale cordu roy. Double yoke, loop con vertible collar. 6 smart colors. Sturdy, woshable. PLENTY FREE PARKING 550 N. Capitol, Salem Ph.3-9191 s-.r.-srr--. '.: ? ' - , ' ' i i ' i ? ; 1 l f mi m w 4 1 1 "i i 1 1 ' i i i A i : t , 'iyr