,-r . V-r2:aVt- WdnUy, Dwtabtr 1, 1S51 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, BalcM, Oregoa Page 2S OS. SALI MISCELLANEOUS CtOOB CUD reJiisastto, IMM . Tcaaar Ajganaaea u, nt 4H- PMu 3-4J1L LABOS DMT LIB Auk. aUl at 111 A MUf Um Halbi, UM to HI M Olaa WMlrri, ISO M. Brimmer, attl ft8 ELSCTBIC RUIN, 111 M a. Yeator .ippllaasa Oa, ITS Cbsgaefcoto A4. PMB 3-441L a aaum bieba bikes 10- M0 IBM OLBX WOODSY, 1M M. SUMMEft ni fcBCAPt, taw-lt, Mti OPa BiiBday. LptUs Tire Mart. nJr COT BATE rtlCtl oa sew Mima ttv ln room dlastt MtoM Olea HAST1C-KOTB reeulre aa waxing for roar nr or itaaieaw. Teeter Ap pliance (to 17. fhwilltl St, PhOO l-uil. a PINAL CLOtBOVT of oa rreosers. wash, on. aad dryers. Mmr stein ouaB at orMrtuttr. txadir lou i. 1110 Lana Ave. alt' SPINET PL4NQ. roar tries. Phea 44 Til Ik3l ADDtNO MACHINES. Used head .' elec tric clorr Multiplier, Mit Pttrcreundt Rd. 3-1371. &2M CASH BtGIBTEBA, from 131 at. Clarr Minuuih uii nwtroBDoj m. zsjts. STEEL EDGED sklls, aluminas poles. a. s-7 arts i:sa eve. a34 rVRNITCBI AT PRICES so lew you will think I'm crur. trader LOUIE, mo Lena Ave. aM4' BOBBINS mltlns furnace, 331 V. la bia six, handles II ht slloy eastings. Cart box M, Capital Journal a39J REAUTmJL taa iplaet piaae. A-l condition. .Been al IIM Aunnrvlew Aft. PhOR 4-00 S. B3131 S BENMORE CAE ruil, 1 Stealer Ou circulator hter with (an, 1 M-tel. gas wiur beater, M out year. Tmm or- tlcles r sol Junk, U1 otU rewooeble. Ph. 4-3411. DIM ANTIQUE MANTEL clock, antUu dishes I ire piece set,, rnone s-sms. mn ROT'l t'EEO Bicycle. Ideal lor Chrlit- mix 147 s. commarcioi. mn1 A GOOD LIGHTWEIGHT oik lot OQlr doll are. CU 4-1031- a2S PIANO SALE. Don't mlu TkUmon'i bli Xmu piano uii. over lw plane bar alna. Brand new tplntia at low a: 1313. brands I42T up. OprlihU Ml up. Bur Urna wo carry your con tract. lt holda a Piano lor Xmu delivery. Tallman Piano torea, ill m. 12th. Salem. n7 fcseD POWER toolj at UrrUle aatlnrc TRADER LOUrt 1170 Lana Avo. D4 AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOIILU AUTOMOIILES YEAR-END CLEARANCE!. All NEW 53'S and USED Cars MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS! OPEN EVENINGS . LODER BROS. 469 CENTER YOUR 0LDSM0BILE DEALER PHONES 4-2261 or S-7S7I AUTOMOIILES AUTOMOBILES tSED SINGER oltctrle cabinet sewtnt machtat. Rewa forward J reveno. Round bobbin, with attachment! froo wwlnc Uaou, Only Ml 60. Hu r Rcwtu Center 110 H. Commercial at. Open Friday evening. n4 CLEARANCE SALE TJaod oloctrte portable eowlnt ana Ohlnet. All machine in rood aewtns oendHMb M ruarantotd. Roma aa low oa I3I.M. Bluer Bowlnc CenUr, 1M N. Commercial at, open Pridnr ere-nlaa- n3M RADIO-PRONO. Comblnatlcmi'and re oordoTS from I17.M. TRADER LOOTS, 1171 Lna at. n4" I MM. CAMERA projector acreen. - Vary sloe Chrlitmaa Hit. Ahooat new. Very reasonable. Phone 44214. n4 MEDIUM SIZB oil beaUr, roaaonabla. wiia tsamai cook ewre. ihv n. Com'J. bM4 1 PANS WWDOW rarM. mirror. Ociaapa m Phono 41 140. Pitu tlaaa cut. B2I4 SPINET PIANO 1741 now Hallatt ft Dovk) tplnoi only MTI dnrtnt Tall tan'i lf Xmu Piano Bale, Boo tbii one now at Tollman Piano Btoraa, 3Bi B. llth. Balepa. n97' fciw"" BENDIX automatic 1 wuhor. EU ..radnstioa. Phono 47P1 Baiam. n204 REMINGTON RAND nodlnc machine. Eiiht ooiama. add, aubtracte. aix month old. Roaaonabla. Phono l-IMI mnmlnra nod OTealnaa. nlti trpBIGRT PIANO for oaio. XB Rood con dltlon. Phono 1-7 1M. n4' GOOD VIED PIANOa, only I7t. TRADER LOUIE, 1170 Lana Ave. n3S4 ALMOST NEW Baldwin AeTooonle iptnot plane With bench. Priced reasonably. Rt. 1 Bos 913. 4 mllea north of So la em Wallace Rd. Phone l-llll. BMT RLUX PRIEJZ chair. port ana e&air. Red. oprtas. mi Tapoitrr daven aood oondHion. attreia. 3-7ITT. nM4 tTIxnilON BETS. Moot aorthlni taken ta trad. TRADBR LOUIR. U70 Lana ATC. BW4" MASTER BEALTR1ZER (Darton Elcc trla BxtrcUcr) use in home. ymnas lum. doctor'! effko. M horse motor. Perfect condition. Tel. 1-3541. n2 O. E. WRINGER type, pump modal waah lag machine like bow, Phoa 1U12. n3K' WANTED Olrl'a 34-ln. bicycle. Phone HIT Woodburn, SM W. CImland. Woodburn. nM SHORT on Ready CASH...? WE WILL TAKE TOUR CAR OFP TOUR HANDS it PAT OFP TOUR EQUITY UNDER REASONABLE CONDITIONS. MEANTIME. BE SURE .TO CHECK THESE GREAT BUYS I 'AO Ford Pordor, RAH I III - Just completely overhauled, with food paint, tiru. M Ford Deluxe 4 Dr. aedaa ft Ml park) lag Jet black. RAtJJ, extra clean ate. A very nice carl M Chevrolet 1 Dr. oedan I10M rowertiide. exeollant condition, really A suce car. 41 Cher. 1 Dr. clean and sharp .1 im '4T Dodte 4-Door. very nice chape, RAH excellent eoaditloa I 4M '40 Ford 4 Doer, RAH. rum Bloc t 416 '43 Bulck Special. Take ever lew par manta and it's pours I '41 Chevrolet I It! Special deluxe sedan, t tone. RAM. bow tires, oatr il.ooo miles or new everhaaL it varr ale a. '40 Plymouth t door I 41 CadUlM ir ill '47 Chevrolet, pickup. Extra good CHEAP IRS Plymouth 4 door, perfect meter and lire M Packard 4 doer I 7 KANNIER'S USED CARS H. 1. IHIinl mtifald. ltir. no hom at. riM. a-iMi ud t-itn on1 IF YOU ARE INTERESTED In tulBi on excellent ton Che v. pickup, call me A Z will bring my 10 month old truck with radio, heater, ca.naty to vou. I1.IM. Phono 4-1104. 3M WILL BELL equity In MM H t pickup. Make offer kef or less center. '1 PLYMOUTH Cranbrook. Radio, heat er, spundid eoadlUon. ReaaotiabM. Phone 3-ioat. ' WILL SELL eaultr In UM Chrrsler S toe a. Radio, Boater, power brake. Phone 3-7134. OMI MM CHEVROLET 4 door sedan. Belalre Deluxe equipment. Will cell eaultr. Phone 43138. 34 SPORT CAR French Citroen con vert 1 Ible. Front wheel dilve. See at 3TM Market St. phone 31311 naUl 0 m. 17M Park Art. Phone lilTt after On Q204 IMS FORD Ranch Wuon. Equity. Cheap tor caah only. Phone 3-02M. ' CHRISTMAS gift 1 wuhor. like new. or her. Coronado 140. Ptieno 44ioe. n3i ELECTRIC Price 40 4-13 II. RANOC. Rt. 3, Good condition. Bos 373. Phone n3M CHRISTMAS treoa 310 white fir trees. Wholesale. 4-1411. L, W. Caodl. B104 GARAGES On your let, t. reur iptclllcttlou. bmiiu t. ,ir. itH wUm.tn.v souMAir in. bwdc co. iw iuu w. t-ii mJU IIO ACCOBDIOK. Ml bui, IK 00: imaU .11 Ixaur. I7.W; MltW, 11.00. i-M. WMTIrroBOIJU EANOB od .p.rtm.nt r.m. Good CMdltlea. Jtcuoa.bl. fhon. t'70. BlOts CHUisnus -mm. wuousau rboot 2-mi MOTOROLA BADIO corabtn.lloD. food rifrl..r.l.r. rtuontbli. . ,t iu BrUtT... Pboa. 3-0411. aW LIDNIL ILECTBIC trlla for itH. dir... Ill o.rlh An. riwD. l-llll .! Journal Want Ads Pay! 1M7 DODGE panel. Ooed condlUon. Il. IIM State St. Phone J-I3TS. qi 1141 4-DOOR OLDS. Muat MIL Very good condition. 3-4121. o2ar CHRISTMAS GIFT Bulek 1M0 Dyne flow special, win sou or ireoe tor oto- r model, a wee la Auto Service, 44M Market St. 3M' Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANT! riuUL Hon. l-IUO 1 ELECTRIC 1-SUO. BANOtt. WoJrri. rn'RNITURE reflDlihlni. very Ttuoa. .bl.. All work iu.r.nu.4. rnmt 4116ft. n.3B0' SPORTING EQUIPMENT FORCED TO BELL 13 ga. double shot gun 130.00. 300 Savage with Weaver scope 1100 M. Roth food condition, Fh evenings. 24531. nc294 RUBBER BOAT, II gauge shotgun, fish' intr MulDtnent. 17 duck decora A etc. Rcuonable. Phone 37IM. 1170 Trad Street. BCT141 PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION, mejtle problem, social gatherlnis, tracing, recovery. Phone I-M73. p3M' NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts other than mr own. B. R. Thomas, Ml Oerth Ave. - P34' DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham Ht 60RW CtO AND BROKEN OtfVN, BUT IU TRACK XXI MY JACKNlfV FCff HIM. CREAM OF THE CROP AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR RAVIN Q RADIATOR TROUBLE? Taller Motor Ccu. experts will solve rear prob ata and save poo asosey. Free eu mates, Meedy earvtoa. Ceeter nt 1 enr. TRUCKS IMS DODOE PANIL. Extr. utt. ha.UI, Hi 11,101 cub. nni 14011. THESE ARr EXTRA CHOICE CARS SPECIAL LY SELECTED FOR THE MOST PARTICULAR BUY ER. GET THAT USED CAR IJOW FOR SAFE HOLIDAY DRIVING. 1951 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION STAR LITE COUPE. RADIO, BEATER, SHARP BEAT covraj. L10HT OREKN FINISH. EXTRA CLEAN. $996 1951 RAMBLER HARD TOP, RADIO. BEATER. OVERDRIVE SEAT COVERS. BRAND WHITE WALL TIRES, RUST AND IVORT FINISH. SUPER SHARP. - $1195 1951 NASH AMBASSA DOR SEDAN. HERB IS TOP DRIVnfO PERFOR MANCE FOR A LOW PRICE. A ONE OWNER CAR Df TOP CONDITION. HTDRAUATTC DRIVE. BEAUTIPUL TWO TONE OREEN. RECUNINO SEATS, IED AND PAUOU8 WEATH' KR XTI HEATER. $1495 1950 NASH STATES MAN SEDAN. THIN IS THE SHARPEST ONE WE HAVE HAT IN WEEKS. ONE LOCAL OWNER. ABSOLUTELY SPOTLESS. RADIO, HEATER. OVERDRIVE, BED, UETALUC BLUB FINISH. LIKE NSW. . '$995 1950 NASH AMBASSA DOR SEDAN. THIS CAB IS PERFECT. BADIO, HEATER, HIORJIATIC, NEW TIRES. BEAIPnPLL TWO TONE. ' BED AND WORTH MORE THAN THE ASKINO PRICB OP $1095 1950 FORD 8 CUSTOM SEDAN. SHI NT BLACK. LOW MURAGE. RADIO. HEATER, OVERDRIVE THIS JB A REAL CLEAN CUSTOM CAR. $995 1949 OLDS 76 SEDAN. REALLY CLEAN AND BAS RADIO. HEATER. HVRAMATIC, RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW. $895 1948 CHEVROLET AERO. RADIO. HEATER. BEAUTIFUL BLUE FINISH WE THINK IT IS THE CLEANEST ONE IN TOWN. $645 BOATS BUCK BOAT (or eala. Prtee It tt. 4411 Sunny view Avenue. qlM FINANCIAL WHEN YOU NEED MONEY World Hop Crop 7.1 Percent Less Wuhlnfton (V-Thta year's world hop crop was 71 per cent smaller than lsst year's. uie department of agriculture cstimsted la report released Tuesdsy. The 1933 crop was estimated at 132 million pounds com pared with 143 million last year. U. 8. production was 41, 752,000 compared with 61,283, 000 In 1952. U. S. exports from the 1932 crop were 14,205,000 pounds compared with 12,253,000 the previous year. The report said that one of the outstanding features of the export trade was the large quantity sold to European mar kets 4,854,000 pounds com pared with 613,000 pounds In the 1931-32 season. A poor 1952 European crop, European brewers'' decision to build up reserve stocks, and the price advantage U..S. hops have in these markets, were among the factors responsible for the incresse. The report added that competition for ex port markets this seaion wll! bo keen. M ARK E T QUOTATIONS Bow artaawTemaaiTT, ejeM ' ocuas wanes: rre Governor Proposes Committee To Assist in Indian Transfer See Us AT tvpM of penon.l lo.ro. T.rmi to .ulL N. Iatmiu.Uor cbtriM. All dtallD.1 Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Home Operated Hollywood Finance Co. UN P.lnr.iiiMliaRor4 (Nut Door to B.nk Ptm Fwtiss Lot CU1 1-MM 1 KM S 11 rltt Lt S-1SS D U-1U D4 ' ROT H. SIMMONS . OI8URANCE AND LOANS Hw "Top TrlM" . . 11 OS D,U KSLU IIM Re. . OENERAL FDIARCB CO. . LOANS IU So. Onmnul St. ToL 14101 C4farT?0r IIM OLDSMOEILE CONVERTIBLE H Hrr.m.ttc. tula, h.tcr, a top a hiu On. loci liw. 14.000 auu Iitoi UM DESOTO CUSTOM SXDtB H,.wr a .utera.tif truwralulm. S..U.M mboiiim. obo eo.r. oi.no anw mn 11H IDICI SUPER RIVIERA SEDAN DrB.f. ri4l. bc.ttr. wo MIS ; Mrvteo iM.rd tv.ll.bl. ....11401 HIT MERCURY CONVERTIBLE ROOM a Bt.t.r. Sklru, ta. tw vhiu.1 UrM. OlaarolAC 1 104,1 PntlM T rMiHttt. s fr. HOI 1044 SalcA suptr H4U, RAH ....MSI 1040 BlUE OPKlOl KIU MM tUt m UM UM CHo.roMt IMla rtroioporulMI in MART OTHERS FROM WBJCB TO CHOOSE Otto J. . "WILSON Company REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INTESTIiNT CO ROBIIT W. BORHIIM. Pat. 687 Cwt trtne i-2Zto CASH FAST! ' $25.00 TO $2,500 SES FREDSCHOTT 4 AT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203. Pacific .. ' INDUSTRIAL LOANS Ex-Chef Sues Legion Club t Alleging breach of contract, Delmer C. Post, former chef of the Americsn Legion Club, has sued the organization for $2523.20 allegedly due fh lieu of wages, vacation pay and at torney fees. Post in his complslnt states that he was hired under con tract si chef for $800 a month and after a year's service was entitled to two weeks' vacs tion. The contract. Post declares, contained clause whereby he was to be given two months notice In esse of dismissal. On April 28., 1933. he sUtes. he was given' notice that his serv icer, would be terminated as of May 3. In addition to the $1600 he states he lost because of the alleged ' breach of contract. Post asks for $323.20 due as vscatlon pay and $600 for the services of an attorney. The contract was signed by William H. Nelson as manager for the club. , Ore. November LOANS UP TO $1500 oa airaetare, Parol tur. Car AT PERSONAL.' I fa "ye promptly t employs gats or womea. visit loan . . . phone first You select best payment date Between payday loan Pboae write or some la TOD ATI Personal Finance Co. 101 B. HIOH ST. SALEM Stat License Nog. 8-131. af-lll Loan ever UM up to 11 so and no to 30 Ecfrntn to repay made by Personal Plnanoe Co. of Marlon County under ine iiKiuiinai Loaa coeapaoles Act ei Oregon. r31V SEE US POR FARM, CITT OR ACREAGE LOANS - BEST OP TER11B WE BUT Meal estate Mortgages b contract State Finance Co. ItT Bo. Blgn SL Ph. 1-4111 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. Ill South Church Parking a-Pleaty Ph. 1-3467 Lie. No. M-190, S1I4 HOUSE TRAILERS Bu. TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Bank Plnanc Rent LANA LANE TRAILER PLAZA 1140 Lana Ave. tal Build In permits In 19 ma jor Oregon cities amounted to 94.038,768 In November, 86 percent below the $7,772,080 recorded in November, 1952. Salem, forced to compete with an abnormally large November. 1952 total, showed the biggest percentage drop, 75. But Sa lem was far ahead of all oth er upstate cities with $920,016. The figures for November, 1953, November, 1952, and the increase or decline follow: 1113 Change i 14.000 114 31.311 II - l.tH -41 Till 14 6.800 44 10?.St 34 II. , II 11,700 34 J.I50 301 11.171 41 S7.03I . 13 34.251 M 31.190 30 3.966 III 3 73. Ml 31 II IM 13 aaca: Promlaa euainrv sua-; mum m of eae ear eeal feMur oo UvereS ta Borliaaa f-Tle la.1 first lir. 44-eec, eocoas ejaaitt. ef-fie. VaUer reatos aaal countr? poaHSS, S fntt lot. sUUoWaosesAM Lea. Balk 4)aees I waeioaalet sjiooa AA. S3 soer. MSfcot A SraA. S3 acore, H44 B, M) score, Mteet C aweta, . Aoore geloos gtrlctlf' BjSgalaaL Caeoee fkslBat Sttet ta Portlaaa wholesaler. Oregoa stasias, ttSe-e. Oogoa A ta, loaf. M4lle. Ess I WAesoaalera Caaolow etas eonttnlaf loes. easoe lacledaa .e.s. Peruana: A area large. solo-eeUs: A grade saotlluai. UVUHi; A grade aaaaa. I 44-41 " e l B irea larae, U !. Pttftlaad Oatrr Marts Batter- -Prtee to reuitatet Oraat AA artBt, ISci A eartea. fSe: A artata, He; eartoa, 13; B anata, awe. Egg to Meemettv 47aB41a4 f.o t) PerUaad: Oaerad4 karr. 0S-4U do.; graa aa large, aes .! targe, as snedium. lis dos. i a grade nediaau tt-4H doa.i 4 grade emaU frclnai. U-34. Kirs to guuner Oraa AA. large. a -lie. A lane oA3e AA gsediuta. t4Mi; A aaadiuaa, ate, 4 44, Certaas 'ou edditioaaL r3iae Prtea ta reiaUera. PeetLaad. Oregoa atagle. UH-4S, I las. leaves, tl-Ui trtplsts. Iw Isss iaaa sta- gloa. Premlaai Brands, singles, M S la. for slnil wheels 40W. Proc eased Aa erlaaa aheeee, e-la. losves to retail, 41- aoe is. Poeltrr ue ciafeas No, 1 aaalttr. toe. Plan is Pry ars. rooster, all weMbta, 34- M: Beavy Boa, ail weights, 3Ae; Us&t bass, all weisau, I1iis al4 raetere 1411. , DreeaeS lAlekeaa No. 1 ateaew at retailers: Wriera, Broilers, 40-41e 0. rosster. all iu. 41-42c. Usbt beas. M-3sc; heavy hens, U3le. cutap Iry rs. U wtsv. s4.7 is.; whole drawn, sl ue lb. I Brassed TarhersTe rtallM: A grade evlserated heat, I7-Me lb.) evtsereted loma, M-se .t aoeorduif 1 weignt. York drassed Mm 40-43 lb. New York dressed hens, 49 lb. To produc ers: Orade A youn heat, 43 la. Lea. (arm: A teans. 33 la. Baaeiu - Average ta grower: um wbltos. J-4 lbs.. J(-31c; t-4 lbi U-M4 old does. 10-13O, lew higher Press dressed fryer I retailers. M-t1t eat up, so-see. Ceaalry Prsassl Meal Val Tea euAlltr. lo-l3o lb. 1 rough heavies, 30-e, Leans, blocker, 34-31 IV: sews, llsht. U-33c. lAHta--ei. M-Mc TB.I iwlihts. St Me lb. 11-14 Ik,. cuU-vuutr. s-ioc. Beef Utility cow. St-Slo la.1 cutters, 17-ltc; shcU Sows ta 13. Preth Drossod Mat wtioieiaiers to rs taller. Doliara Bar ewt.: Beer steers, choice. see-TM wag., in- good. U4-1I; coramerctaL SIO-lli utility. 133-11; commercial cows, I34U7, utility S33-3I: cannsr-oatters. O0-3J Beef ct Cbolc steer hlhd chart ers, 141-13; rouad. 4ai tun louts. trimmed. 71-so; triaisgtes, m-lli tore eoartera, Ml-Mt ebueka, Ill-All rise. J-S. Perk Cute Loins, shell. 1-13 the. I4T.M-U; shoulders, II las.43f-40; spr ribs, 4-I4. Iresh hams, 11-14 ibs ltl Teal aad Calves Oood-ehotee. all weignts. bh-wj eommerstai. ua-34. Lamb Cbolca-Muae. I3T-U: aood H4-17. saaoaafl siagse sjiibb) lu-rr, n-ii Ibe.l fined lard Ht dram 114-141 slah oaeoa. see-Ti. Peril aad aUissnaaisas medtuau Sl-l.il, large, 11.1-1. ill Idaho reuows, mea., 1-1,11 large ii.aa-i.ooi Patatees Or. Deeehntos ftviMet No. A. l3.W-3.7ll 4-1 oa. 1. 71-13; 11-14 oa. 41,76-4; 343-lb. sk. M-Het l-lb. SS-loc; No. S to-lb. 10 -IK 1 Wash. Bassets, Wo. 1-A, 10 lbs., I3.3I3J41 Idaho, e-W 3. 4 0-3 ,50; 100-lh. Sk. It 40-1 M. ar O. B. Me. 1 areas aJsifa. Urcrsa car leti X.s.b. ?rUA&4 ab4 Se attle. Xt-30. Weel oreaee hub, WiUsmett Tal ler Btedium, II -Iso lb.t Eastern Ores on fine and half-blood. M-tSc; Willamette valley wool, 3i u-aoaui wool. 41-eo. Mebktr M-re Jk, aa 13-month srew UL I.e. a. eouatrr shlpptnc point. lies producer aerlM price f.o.a. Portland, ealf akWA 11-17 lb., accord- lag to condition; green kip, n-lc tb.i green eow hides, S-71 lb4 according to weight and aualltrt bull hides. 3-4 l.i clu Bidis, to par oaai selow prices for above elusas. niberts Wbolsssl Mlllas prie 1.0 I. Oregon plents No. 1 Jumbo Barcelona 3le: lart 37 Ha 11 medium 31 "4e ib.i to trowtrs f.o.b. plant, itc lb. for Barce lona. DuChtlirs half coat leas. wain et producer paring pne, r e.. lanti lares Praoaucttes. II-lie lb.: Mar ettes, lo lb.i seedltast. II-If lb. Whole sal selling prices first ejus li ty large Prsnquetus, I1JJ4 Ib.i light helve. 71 -Mo Ibiitf sbiid light ameer naif, 1l-7tc lb. Appointment of a commit-1 te of Oregonians interested In the transfer of Indiana .from the status of wards of the federal government to full dUxenthip today was proposed by Gov. Paul Patterson. NEW PRESIDENT I irt Jl r I 1151 Albany 3I.MM I Astoria 4001 Baker .......... 2.6b$ Bend 3. Bit Corvalll . 39.313 Euene 150.373 Qrants Pan .... 77.17 'Klamath Palls . 4,113 LaOsand 15. 70S Coo Bar 33.401 Ifedford 141.440 Oregon City .... 40 10 Pendletoa , 31.917 Portland 4 3.034, 1H Rom berg 44.30 Ft. Helens 11 Ml saiem 130.016 Sprlncflell .... 19,400 The Dalles .... 131,711 WANTED GOOD trlr. rue. ss dn. pmt. on I rm. nomc-Ml S. Hembree. Me Mtnnville. t39l DIRECTORY ADDINQ MACHINES r...lr. Roa. IM Curt- Pb. 1171. I Stanley Schofield, 1SS3 Corina drive, was nsmed 1954 president of the Salem Junior Chamber of Com merce Tuesday at the annual election meeting. Schofield has held previous post. In Jaycees and was co-chairman of ststa convention In Salem last spring. He succeeds Douglas Hay in the top Jay- cee position. eed's Employes io Share in Big Bonus ' Employes of the Leed'i shoe store on 170 North Liberty street will share in $250,000 Christmas gift being distributed by the parent firm, Edison Bro thers Stores, Inc., of St. Louis, Mo., it was announced by Andy Nowak, manager of the store. Nowsk ssld this was the 20th consecutive year that Edi son Brothers has awarded Christmas bonuses to its em ployes. The company is the largest retailer of women s In the United States. About 1,000 part time em ployes who have worked a spe cified length of time and still employed by the firm, will also receive a special bonus, Nowak said. The company also contribut ed another $250,000 toward the estimated 1953 cost of its pen sion retirement plan for Its em ployes. The pension system, now in its ninth year, has a fund presently totaling over two million dollars. The governor's proposal came toward the close of meeting here yesterday of hit committee of Indian affairs. Representatives of the regional oil tee of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Stat. Department of Education, State Police, the Attorney Generals onto, and delegates from Oregon's In dian tribes attended. Gov. Patterson pointed out that the state had no specifio money to finance such a pro. gram and that those member, representing state department, would have to finance the work within their present depart mental budgets. Others would serve on a voluntary basis. ' The governor suggested on member to represent natural resources, one county and lo cal governments, education and perhaps one representing both welfare and health. The committee would make a detailed study of the prob lems Involved in the transfer of Indian reservation lands from the federal level to pri vate ownership of the Indiana It would recommend to the committee on Indian affairs any legislation considered ne cessary to submit to the 1955 state legislature. Minnie B. Peefz Dies in Oakland Mrs. Minnie B. Peetz, who tor 43 years made her home la Salem, leaving two years ago to be with her children in Oakland, Calli., died Tuesday in Oakland at the age of BS years. In Salem she had made her home at 591 North Church street Survivors Include t h r daughters, Mrs. Edna Hutchin son of Mill City and Mrs. Frank Anderson and - Mrs. Clyde Betts, both of Oakland, inr, and a son, Judge recti of Oakland, Services will be read by a Christian Scientist at the Howell-Edwards chapel. Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Con cluding services will be in Bel- crest Memorial park. Mid Willamette Obituaries Minnie E. Bissell SALEM MARKETS Complied from reports of Sales alen tor the gold cf Capital Jearmal readers. (Bevtaed dally.) BeUtl Peed Prteesi Rabbit Pellet 11-41 IH-lw. bail. 14 00 100-lb, bag). tie Na -is. o. Dairy Peed 13.37-1.13 l-lb. bag)) 11 90-4.10 1100 Wt.l. Peal try Bylo Prl Cdiorsd frrers. lie: old roosters, lie: colored fowl, Itoi leghorn fowl, lie; roasters, 37c. Baying Prtee Beta. A A. lit; Urge a. ftl-Ke: medium AA. 47c; medium A. 41-41; small. 33c. Eltt wbolesrl prices senertUr t-1 cent higher then prices above i lart grade a generally euoted t lie; mediums at tsc. Butler, Batierfel Saltertet Buring price: Premium. 1 11 ati N. U 17-M cots; N 1 II. STOCKS BLASTING SEEVICB HAT. Blairtlng BervLce. tjuarrrs. Stumping. Pavement breaking. Br day or contract. Phone 4-1370. 03 Bl'LLDOEINQ Sulldotlng, roads, clearing teeth. Ylr 111 Hotkey, 1010 Pslrvlew, phone 1-114. OI04 BXCATATIG Ben Otjen At Son, eiravattni and grading. Land clearing Ph 1-100 0314 Total Oregoa ..4,9&,7U 17,773. 34 Contract Let on . Dam Rail Shift Portland W) The Corps of Engineers reported Tuesday that Morrison-Knudsen Co., Boise, was low bidder at $777, 105 for relocating road, and railway trark. at Th. Dallr. '""' .wmj. oooa w mm, kum railway iracas at ine uaiies . , ,rrt , , ,M ,. . uam. The project, for which there were It bids, cells for relocat ing 2.9 miles of Union Psciiic track, two miles of Highway 30, and two-tenths of a mile of county road at the damsite. The government estimate on the project was $8311.514. The highest bid was $1,088,347. INKCLATIOV lniui.tion, wmrieritrlpi. ,tom .oib. Ptm utiro.u.. T. rlloi.B Pb.n. I-IM0. .4 MATTSEA.ES Coraomelol ol 0MI4 n t-ant .00 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D CAT POB BIBB. Pboas I-4444 Ems Phillip, M Abf-aaa aa, Capitol Bedding renovates, new m sureties Ph. I-. OPT ICE PrRMTlftE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, mpptlea, dik lamp, type writer stands. Norn, 4M Court o SEPTIC TANK Mike's SepU Bervtea Tanks cleaned. IVrooter len aawar. drain. Phone -. oMI Sewer, septl tank, drain clesaed Bote-Seoter Beaer Bervtee. Pbta 1-1337 HameJ's septt tank cleaood. Uae servte. Ouaraateod wrk Phn 3-7404. 1.0714. allt TTPEWBITtBS Smith. Ceroas, Remlngtoa. Roval, Dn derwood portable. All Makes asw seaehiaa. Repairs m real Boea. 44 Court. 1-tt3. WATEB prfm WINDOW CLEANING Chicago tiveetoeh Chicago upv A two way market de veloped la hoes Wednesday. Weights seel ing 331 pound and more sold at steady to 31 eenta higher prices while lis liter weight offering were steady to 00 cents lower. Bows sold steady to as much a H cent hMher. Most choice ISO to 141 pound butchers Brought 133 o. to S31.M with th latter price th top. Sutrs and heifers moved at steady prldi although the market continued alow. High choice and prim ter sold at ill M to 131 at. Opening prices oa aiBtuhter lamas and Salable receipts were estimated at 10 000 hoes, U.000 eattl. AOS salveo and 4.000 bep. LODGE A Salem Lodgt No. 4 A T St ASA AJrl.. Wed. Dec. 9. I.A. degree, 7:30 p.m. 293 TRANSPORTATION LEA VINO POB Pert Worth, Texas via San Praneuco, on Dec. lttk, 4ntcr eated riders call M Shedd or write Box Jl ii LEGALS AnMIMIKTBATOBt PINAL NOTICE Notice ta hereby ttvra that Inom : Myers, aa adminiatrator of th estate of Chicago Orala Chicago ( Soybeans Broke ss much aa 10 cent a bus he), the dally limit, as a heavy selling wave swept Bver that market oa the board of trade Wednes day Price reboar.ded from extreme lowl, but mil remained tulte dmenre der the previous closs. Touch ins off the selling was weakness la th fst and oils market. Soybean 11 cased 4 cent to 13 s eenu a poand bid, lowest pne sine October. The wide opea break la soybeans settled the rest of the grata list. Loi ran to several cent in wheat and corn. Wheat closed lta-3 lower. Dec. 3.0H 4. corn II to I cant lower. Dee. 1 54- II3V et lower. Dee 71S-7I, rre H-IH lower, Dec. saat. soybeans IMt lower, 4n. I 01. ,, and lrd II to 10 cent a hundred pound lover, Da. 11.11. (By Th Asiatd press Admtrr Corporiueti Allied Chemical ....., Allt Ch aimers Ameiicaa Airlines American Power Ugh Amensaa Tl m TL .. , American Tobacea Anacond Copper ...... Aichtsor Railroad , Bethlehem St, I , Boeing Airplalne Co. , Bora Werner Burrows Adding Machtat California Packing , Canadian Pacific tMUiplUer Tractor CelaneH Corporation , , Chrysler Corporatioa , Cities Servle Consolidated raawa Co:isolidated Vulte Crown 3llerbct .. Curtise Wrlshl Douaia Aircraft Du Pent o Nemoor .. Eastman Kodak ....... ., Emerser Radio (l Oenerst Eisetrl Genersl Poods ..., , Owners' Hours , Oeorsis Pic Piywooa ... Gooovcai Tire Homeaiaks Mining : In wr national Hart eater . International Paper ... , John aranvllt ........ , Ksuer Aluminum Kennecott Copper , Libby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes iDcarperatsA ... . Lon- Sell . Montgomery Wart Kaf Krlvtaato -.... . New York Central horthrrnv Pacifie Peclllc American Ptsb . , Paclfl Caa A Eteetrt . , Paclllc Tel m Tri Park art: Motor Car Penney. J. C . Pennsylvania B B, , Pepsi cola CO. Phtloo Radio Radio Corporatioa ..... Rayon te' Ineorp. ...... Ravonier Inoerp. Pfd. , Republic awe. , , Reynolds Me 41 ....... . Richrield Of. Safeway S'r. to. ... . Scott Paper Co .... . -sear Koebuek m Co. . Soco.nr Vacuum Oil ... Rout net o Pacific ....... . Standard Oil CaJll Standard OU N J Siode&aker corp. ...... Bunahine Mining , . Swift At O TTaniamerlca C-orp .... Twentieth Century Pel , Umia On company Dni-tn Paelfts Dnitat Airline United Aircraft . Dnlted Corporation ... , Dnitad State Plywood . . Unite States Steel .. Warner pictures W Micro Onion Tel. Weatinehooie Air Brake , Weatinchause Elntrt Weoloerth - smajioiairsiior wt tarn esiau 01 i ,-Ki B.u. wa.ia mi M.r. H.u. r..h.r. nu fiw 1 'nSS! SI no.l Arcunt ,n kr l.r .1 Pi,6" W "rt t h. ,..,., e, . . I ..... , r. I" - . th. Clrcutt Cnurt ot th. ru.t. af Or ooa for th. Cuntr ot M.rion, th. 4th d.r .f J.na.rr, 1K4, .1 0 II .'clock Io th. foronoo. of ..M Oir h.4 0cn fltMl . th. lira., .nd th. onrtroor. .f ..to court h, Ma flt.4 u th, aloe tor tn. nc.rwr 1 MMTCttm, U mm ffln.l accnat tx4 tko MWwM tl tut uu. OatoS OA. Mflt rthllchM- MOT. IS. 191 L.NOSL B IfTIM A4wln.t,.tor .f th, BMit. .f Uarr M,jd PlahCY. rww4 BHOTtM. BHOTBII SPraUTTRA lio Plwiccr Trut BulMlaa Chlc. Onlra, Chat,. Supptl,, mn4Titi, 4 rocrtil hint, m.rkrt onttld. Trark aclw M Iba.: u. s. I nlao at.l. .0 Idaho .pftntih l-lach .no l.rcar lalHi Wuhmaton Spcnuh l-lach .n. I.ra.r a. erase apMlil.0 out fair e.ncrallr aood I 10. trurkkit. 4ll.r Mlehkl.ll Tr In aa. Uri.r Str..t ..:m OS Mm ' Mah. OMt Ornna Rp.niin 0-tncb o l,ran 140-100: Whit.i S'lnrh and lari.r ftn4 mHlur. 1110; Hld.Mt Yellow Oloee. roHlur. J0 i n, irrouira oo- o. PwllanO Oreht Poril.nd (AV- B. k4d. of offer. WMB.ad.pe' ear rectpla; waeoA S flour 0. ..u : mil !d 1. Arm. wudo Cie.n,ra. InOuatrl.l floor iSalem. Oreooa ailaa. meat lac n la., raas. l-tail. Attornan Ik Adailaletratae Ml CMft. rlNn. . DM. I 0. 10. 13, 1)14 .. 90S .. 14V, .. 44V. .. 11 ' .. oi .. MS iTs ,. 404, .. 14 .. 1414 .. 31'. .. 31H .. tit ,. 10V. .. II "4 .. It'e .. 41 "4 .. IIS .. 14'. .. "0 .. H ,.1044, .. 40 .. 10H .. art .. 59', .. 00', .. 10 .. II i .. 14'. .. n ... UM ... f ... TjH ... II ... t't ... lit ,.. ir. ... u ,.. ... lit ... ii ... ii', ,.. T. ... Ilv, ...ill'. ... r. ... ii-, ... in. ... 13 . ... 11 ... a- ... ... II ... MS ... tl. ... ... IIS ...TO ... IIS ... II ... ITS ...II ... TJ'I Woodburn Mrs. Minnie E. Blase U, 80, died early Tuesday, Dec. S, at her home, 1041 North Pacifie highway at Woodburn after a long Illness. She bad lived at her late home for 20 years, coming from California, and was born in Iowa, Oct 19, 1B73. She was a member of the Woodbrun Christian- church- Evergreen chapter No. 41, Or der of the Eastern tSar, and the Woodburn Woman's Rural club. - Survivors include two sons. Boyd Im Bissell of San Mateo, Ciilif, and Roy S. Bissell of Redwood City, Calif.; one daughter, Mrs. Elsie DeNarda of San Francisco; four broth ers, Clyde. Myers of Phoenix, Ariz., Marvin and George My ers of Woodburn and Re". John T. Myers of Eugene; two sis ters, Mrs. W. M. Burke and Mrs. Lela Baldwin, both ot Woodburn; four grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be Fri day, Dec. 11, it 2 p.m. at the ' Ringo chapel, with the Rev, George Springer of the Chris tian church officiating. Burial will be in Belle Passl cemetery. . 4?' . IIS . l.'k ,. US .lots . '. . 4'i DEATHS Mrs. Minn I B. Peats Lata resident of III N. Church, Saiem at Oakland. Calif., at th as of II. Bur rived by daus titers. Mr. Edna Hutch in- Mill city, Oregon: Mr. Prank An derson and Mra. cird Belts, both of Oakland: eon, Mr. Judee Rreta. Oakland. Also, survived by 1 grandchildren. Serv ice will be read br Christian Scientist Thursday. December 10 at 3:10 pa. ta tne how eu-rn ward Chapel. Interment at Belerest Memorial Park. Mark B. Leeri. Mark E. Uaeh, late resident of Oold Beach. In that city Dee. 1 at the ate of 41. Survived by five aUtera, Mr. R. C. Ulrica. Salem, Mr. Bea Herienrsder. Mrs. Bud Cs rre!l end Mrs. Ralph John son, all of Los Anietes, and Mr. Reaa Jenkins. Wichita, Kan- Announcement ol service later by HoweU-Edward Co. Prank Piohs Prank Pic ha. at VI hospital Dee. I. Lte resident of Salem Rout I, Boi ell. Survived by wife, Mrs. Hsttl Irene Pkha, Salem; thre eons. Burt, Cird and Stanley Plena, all of Salem; brothers Jrihn Plcha, Nobleford, Canada, and An thony Pic he. Wisconsin; outer, Mrs. Ray Oopiui. MadUon. Wla : eictH grendcMW dren and five great grandchildren. Serv. Irea will be in held in the VirtU T Ciklea Chapel. Thurader, lcemher It, t 3 p m. Interment Retwn Memory Oarden. Rsv. Hsl Rargreade aad Dr. George Roetberrr will officit. Mrs, Stell M. Bate At th residence 3430 Green war Dr. Dec. I. Stir l ed by husband. C. E Betas, ftat.poc 4uarriisr Uri fSkrrilni Srtnrs. 'J1' Salem: son. Stanley Bate. Portland; sis ter, sears are. uonnor. roruano. oservico Prtday, Dec 11 at 3p m in Clough-Bar-rlek Chapel with Dr. Brooks H. Moor offsclattai. Plss omit flowers. . 43S . 13S. , V , 41 M Stork Market New VorK ury TTocrom wn swtq freely Wedneeday at sharply lower prices. The rem alrvder of the stock market was rather narrowly mixed and atoderately stive ebert P. Paltea At a local hoapltal December t. Lata resident of 1411 McCoy St. Services Pri de y. Dee, It at I M p a. hi th doagh Rarrlck Chapel. steers 1109-31 31. atllltr 13 00-ltM. short load aood III lb. fed heller It.. atUity kmut. ia.Mr.lltt. cnneratier IM-ltt. few Is IM; atllltr cows It UM: Btlltty bulls 1 1. 00-13 H. Calves sftlahl 10: market steady, aood- 1 choir veaetrs llto-31 ot. good -choice i 13I-M4) lb. calves li M-17 as, avuitr-1 ommerclal gradea 10 00-14. 0t. Hows salable 340; market actrv. stea dy: cboies 10-311 a, batchers Stil ts 31 iMiadtaa Mad til lb. St to: ehotc SW-134) IB. aiastly M.tt; raale 19-10 lb. aows 31W-33M. few chole 171-470 ft MM Sheep aelabl Mt: market stow, stoady. weak; good-rhotfe lambs mostly 14 00- few lots mostly chote 17 M-110 PartUad tHewtoea Portland ivDSDAi Cattl S abl 300: msrbet active on reduced euiiply, mostly steady; load high good-low ctolce 1 11 00, 1 131 lb fed steers 33.31; short load torn. large lo's good-prime 111 lb. Washington merciai-aoeo 9 . short tea oers i isiroe n i rew geoa reeiers it 9, good MM; etterd lets mmertia.. rood tboi ws awotoMt I 0.oa. ilryiiliiiirinisJ (W not .ihor recM Siaardm, TJT edlH Ul tTIMCI UMtlll 4V tmiif lleraa) "tgtAy Imbb wkmiI aawlsl kwifBI ai tMaa bJB. t)gr r)Mf BB DeeutpS. leetiel IM 144 w tM WrlMCfCoH THI DIAN CLINIC Oeoa Id ewtll I laendev '' fVtSoy. Uettl I . Meitttev, WedmAey oe rVieav. Celfe) PiVrtJcreaa . . . la eer 4J sw, SOt SfOtrNgAlT 4AMBT tOUttVAtn Teteskhwoo lAe 311 Poyrllowtd II, Or. -WN -1 M'l(h . . ,. , ..