WednwJiy, Dttmbtr 1, 1953 .. . THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saba, Oregon Pat 1 Says Not Everyth Br BOB HOOBINd New York () John J. Latt ner. a pretty fair halfback lor Notre Dame, haa done footbaU service not only with nil playing ablUty but with aim- pla statement that tht i p o r "isn't tht moat Important thin In lift." Tht two-time All America demonstrated again that t foot baU player can also ba an In telligent eitiztn aa ha accepted tht Heiaman trophy at tht out standing player of tht year in New York. Sure, the good-looking, 11-year-old Chlcagoan likes to run, block and tackle. But he doesn't think football la all lift haa to offer. And ha la tin cere In attributing his success In tht game to hit coaches and to his teammates. "Without a GOOD team be hind him there is no such thing as a so-called star," Lattner said in accepting the award at the annual banquet at the Downtown Athletic Club. "It's Canby Overtaken By North Marion Iri 50-35 Game North Marion A sudden surging in the fourth quarter paid off for North Marion of the Yawama league here Tues day night. Overcoming a defi cit to rack up a SO-35 victory over Canby of the Willamette Valley league. Twenty-five points in the 11- j rial period erased a 28-29 dii- advantage for the Huskies, led by the 18 points of a small guard, Larry Cole. Quarter time scores were 11-8 fori -North Marion, 15-12 lor North ' Marlon and 26-25 for Canby. Friday 'night North Marion 7111 host Woodburn. North Marion's Junior var sity won from Canby, 30-29, in Jhe preliminary. Tmnbr U () . MaHea TrUMm. 11 r 1. McLaren 9rf, T .....,.,... . 10, BcalfD -Parmar, 4 ....... ,C...... IS, CtUoway -4tnox, 4 o II. Colt -ftarlay. S O I. Barae. Heunr-i: N. Marloo Drlvar 1. Hoel 41ns 1, Prtfnd t. Bcor. br quartan: Casbr 11 It .II . N Marion 11 4 10 14-44 . Official!: CbambarlalB and lfcN.U. Tonight's Church Schedule Listed Salem Church Basketball league games tonight are scheduled as follows: Senior league: 8:00. Parrlsh gym. Knight Memorial v Stayton Baptist. Intermediate league "A1 8:00, Boys gym. First Chris tian vs. St. Paul Episcopal: B OO. Parrlsh, Calvary Baptist vs. First Baptist; 8:00. Girls gym, St. Mark Lutheran vs. First Methodist. ' Intermediate league "B": 7:00, Parrlslt gym, First Con gregational vi. Englewood DUB; 8:00, Boys gym, Halbert Memorial vs. First Methodist. Junior "A" league: 7:00, Girls gym. First Christian vs. First Presbyterian. Junior "B" league: 7:00, Boys gym. First Congregation al vs. Englewood EUB: 8:00, St. Mark Lutheran vs. Knight Memorial. SCORES in Capital Alleys INDVSTK1AL NO. 1 Cal Pak (4) Lane. 417; Und 161: Hctnk 441; Werbowakl 443: Sehtlttof. ifr 591. peetal Clerks () BurkJiarl 38 J ; akrhwecht.tib.rf 411. Hsdlay J44; 471: TertMott Hi. J is'- Blchflilt Rarviea VcCU li ter 409: MerreU 4T4; Clark a; Ala thin 4M: Hard 444. Ne4aal BatMrr (l) Lewis 450; Camiroa 440: Moody 473: Weill 413: Bariholon 419. ElvtMsJ't Meaanrr 4 Elwood 130: Crajcreft 7; Shiptnaa 411: 1Um 417. Busch 454. ftilets. folic NicLKlloa 403: Prte 377; I Vail MI; Grata- 46. Mathers 415. Biw La lit ( winter 431: icfclty 4M; Draw Mil Lewis 443 i Lloyd 411. Carlr s Dalrr (1) Valltau 421; ItaaUy tot; Shawn 41SI Schlnborff 407 1 Wrist: 434. Marflewer Milk l Brown 441: Me Parian 111; Htiitrom 944: Caea 431; Browp. 444. Elka in Thorn paon 111. Ok 411; Cherrlnpton 9071 McKlnofT 424: Karr 417. Valla? Motor Co. 4 farley Ul: Bchcoftr 497: Holmea 401; Parker 424; Bullock 410. tttna Jewrtora Clark 107; Scbrotdrr 431. Jones 434; Oadde it; Olnry 477. Huh team tame aod eerie, Valley Motor Co.. twt and 2104: hlih tbd. tame and r lea. P. Scheldeiiar of Cal Pak. 333 knd If3. INDL BTkIAL KO. I MrCvaa FaasJ Pal TtiOMpaon 447 Mccune 47:TOom 4t; wuaana aa?: Comitork 442 Hare Brttvera (It Carta 433: Caratnn 3fl. Lanaitan 421; Co 401: Nuae 471. Writ Pale Hardware iv Cberrtat too 404; wackfw 440; Schimberf 474; Day 441: Ivte 410. Kmay'a Bal Eatat (U-Br.tu 434; Amvu4 443 i H1U 43T. Rree 45 ; Karr 453. Port Ian4 Oaa anal Cab ( laftWll 401; Keller 440 1 ptaley. 404: Pndrfaat 410. Weetpbal 4SI. Brawn's Jewelry l V H eaten 4411 Bars wall 414. & Haa pro 432; Taylor 433: M. Rauavn 444. Frank oaaa 4 (1 llwood 424: riioeriT 4tt: Boir 441: Harris 444; Bulilvaa 471. Ketawr Mervnante D Breaker 114: Morler 141; Cooaler 4Jt; Whit 414; at 'ere 444 allay Oil la. ! Weroar 424: Mena 4SIi Lien 473: Herrrtcaa 401; Clauao 421. BaatUna Jaeka In, lit landta 4)4: pJotdnrft 43): Bansaa 443: Belavn Ml; XrnmwaJl 444. Nln Wia tapi antl aerie. McCvn Poo Bala. 44 and 1414. Blah tnd. paeaa, Lna Brtaps f Kenny's Real Batata, 114: blah bid- aertea. Kd WtlkaU at MoCaaa Pood Bai4 441. Duck Pins wsrs citt if tors Snn UiirtM v eahaif 3. Frn 4l. Wood B. Polleakl It. P,nor M4 Vn Mraaaa III K.lnaat M, T.ilar m. McOlaaaon. lea, in, Ohm tneriat (l Whit. 4aa. Bartar St.. Watdln. 41S. JunellB. 4M. weod 4M .t. Baaw a T ill Oaaa n.aael lie. Cm 111, tUtaal MS. Kara MaSara WeoeaMe lea. fll Dol.. 471. C.ooa Ul. ao. Wanwr 171, Baalta U. B.. Paefae lU-aaTtaua UL Latfner Football ing in Life not fslse modesty but common sense. I wouldn't have been able to do what I did this year without those teammates and the coaches who made it pos sible." Lattner, who never knew anything but two-way play even in the days of two platoons, paid special tribute to the Inspirational luldance of ! hit mother as praise was I nee pea upon nun aa the best performer in the year that football returned to limited substitutions. The Impressive affair was a testing one for the 190-pounder who bad aparked hi a team when it most needed him dur ing the season. But in appear ance and in speaking it was the sun durable John Lattner whom Coach Frank Leahy had called his "bread and butter" ball carrier. Plana to Be CPA The kid who came from Chicago's Fenwick High School to South Bend amid offers from many colleges thinks his Im mediate future will be with Uncle Sam, probably in the Air Force. He hopes to try pro football but he's majoring in accounting and intends to be come a CPA in a few years. Leahy, who couldn't attend the ceremonies because of ill health, said in a telegram: "He's more of an All Ameri ca off the field than on." Gophers, Huskers On 1954 Football Schedule for OSC Corv .I'll, 0JJ9 Oregon State's 1954 football schedule will include intersection al clashes with Minnesota of the Big 10 and Nebraska of the Big Seven. The schedule, released to day by Athletic Director Roy (Spec) Keene, Includes three Pacific Coast Conference games at home and one con test In Portland's Multnomah stadium. . The Beavers will open at home against Idaho on Sept. 23 and also wind up the sea son on Parker field with i homecoming battle against Oregon on Nov. 20. UCLA meets the Beavers in Corval lis on Oct 23. Oregon State meets Wash ington in Portland on Oct. 2. Road games Include Wash ington State' at Pullman, Oct. 18; Southern California at Los Angeles, Oct. 30; Minne sota at Minneapolis, Nov. 6; and California at Berkeley, Nov. IS. Castellani and Turner Rate Even Cleveland UP Rocky Cas tellani and Gil Turner will step Into the ring at even odds to night for their middleweight bout despite published ring ratings. Castallanl, the 27 -year -old stab and - cross puncher, is ranked officially as the No. 2 contender for the title held by California's Bobo Olson. The 10-round bout will be televised over CBS. It's sched uled for 7 p.m., PST. the ALLEYS Howell 121, BUhop 171. Upper 441. Cappe 411. WIfaa San Ihap (1) Frank 400, Xautba 330, Schwartz 161, Pla her 104. Prank 434. Davie Oil Co. S Omohundro IIS, Bcharf 197, Ad ami 403, IB Ian ton 474. Devla 404. Qaallty Ceow Care (l Campbell 111, Amtlcravt 441. abort 440. Miller 434. Van DU 441. Willamette Art Til 41 Bcholx I7T. Jafobcr SM, BuJb 141, Hobar 117, Utrtr 421. Hlb team aerlee and am-43uallty uaaa L"ar. 23bi and Ml. HMh tDdlrklual acrlei Mel Jacobtr (Willamette An Tll. IM. Httb tBdlYtduel game atllU Wbltt (Ol- ata noruta). its. University Alleys LADtEB CLASSIC LEAGl'l V Bawl BarroU Phlllippl 4-Krcet 5il Oar barioo 133. Curry 413, Laird 447. atuell haupt 412. nUklaad Market ( lln hard 487, Hopfiniar 444, Murry a. Bleb aa 444. Carr 424. Tbriflway Cleasera CS Rounda 341, Pea 409. Pal Ian 443, Loken 411. Haui ra 443. Betterta Brae II) Aleihlr Ma Jackion K. Hano'Jm 405, Paaaehl 431. Ail&ruht 413. SlmaiOM laa. Areary (ti Johruma 373. Orafllui 404, ArnbOed 314, Haley 434. Smith 464. Oak In a. Aaeney 5 Upaton 41S. Lute 443. ColTla 377. Bradley 413, Thorn paoa 441. China Cit (4. Thome 171. tonka (477. Htllfflch 407. Ade 374. Vandrl 447 ( Laa 'a Fin Cart (41 Metre! 4(13, Reirtke jra. Aaron jo, f.reen-ee jji, Mactey 171 Hub tea aerie Herrold P.imtaol. 344S. Uisb taaat tame Herrold Phiuippl. 437. Rlth ladlvldoal aerleawK. Kreicl. 442. RUB Ipdltlwual am P. Aleablr. 104. i-NivreiiTT macayrn HAcrr Marian raai Sa4 Ul li.ll 4BC. Snlth 411. Ucnhard tui. Holm t;j. CarlfOB ITS Bbrack Malar Ca. (.1 Ho lac bar IM. Welk 111. Shack 411. Orlcu, 141. Walae 404. Sale., Kla.lrla III MeCala 4TI. Mr rla 414. Jaeobsaa 411. Arthur 141 Coov.r 41T. n.taa.-a Barataa a SMlh Sal. rharaaaer i.i Pllnk 404. Ixmr 141. 1.1. oilaae 41.. BuBnal 441 Drar a Saaa In.areara lit flinam 1. Salaar 447. Uorrla US. Talbot 441. Cook 419. Berklaai LaatWr ra. Ill K. Wabb til. BurklanS 441, P. Wabb IM. Scliuati 144. Don Burklaraa 471. BaalaelM BaaS III Sprll. 411. KlmmaU 4B, Raboln 4n Havoan 471. Calbura 111. Baaia... Bararaeaa II) Ada 111, PUWe 411, Laoa 441. ouln 4SI. Bkhol. IU. Maaarr Pkirati.. (4) Cottle. 474. DonaKUM 4.1, lohbeaa 4.4. Smlih Ul. Hlllarlcb 14. Ban-Martea BMar,. l.i Ollnara 141. Johnaob 14t, Hayl. 411. Jaflaram 414. B7K 411. t"i Aetaaeue ll Datell Mi. Mc. Oulra Ml. Bare 441. Carr all. Roe 111. Craaraft Taasae III Badke 4.1. Dalpp Ul, Suil 411. Crararou 414, Bepllmar Ml. nub Uaa s. Bamlmtee RaeS. he. l.M. Rlek Mats aertea tier tM Paa. BeeS. I HUB ftftSl.ieo.l B4 Taftat ef I Drar Soea ltuurenc 111. HJ lorlial evnaa wUp CallMB BiUM4 P4M at 8eM. 174. Midgets Draw House Full of Wrestling Fans Little Beaver, dressed to fit the role, combined hit proved mat prowess with that of Tito Infanta to defeat another mid get wrestling combine, Tom Thumb and Fussy Smith, at the Salem Armory last night before a large crowd. Beaver, who can throw dropkicks, and use flying meres and body alams like the hie hova do. e'nned Thtim Thumb with a flying body scissors. Jack O'Reilly took Don Kindred, the head-butter, In two straight tails, using a atepover toe hold in the sec ond fall after Referee Frank Fagetty disqualified Kindred In the tint fall tor using rough stuff on the official. Danno McDonald and Gold' en Boy Lena, a muscle man, fought to a draw and Danny O'Rourke and At Warsawskl grappled to win for O'Rourke in the opener. Vancouver Signs 7 New Players For 1954 Team Vancouver. B. C. M" Bill Brenner, manager of the Van couver Captlanoe in the West em International Baseball lea gue. Tuesday announced the signing of seven new players for the 1954 season. Leading the array of new comer! are two Negro players. second baseman Marvin Wil liams and left-hander Raul Ga lata. Williams hit 46 homers for Chihauhau of the Arizona-Texas League last year. Galata is playing winter baseball in Mexico and formerly played In Venezuela and Mexico. Another purchase was right hander Bill Frank tram last season's Spokane Indians, where he won 14 and lost 13. Brenner raid he had also acquired a new catcher, anoth er infielder and two more m'oundsmen, but said be was not in a position to release their names because some "pa per work" still remained in connection with them. Stanford Leads US Team Passing New York VP) Stanford, which narrowly missed getting into the Rose Bowl, got some measure of consolation by fin ishing the 1953 football season as the nation's passing leader among major colleges. . The west coast school, which won six fumes, tied one and last three, gained 179.5 yards per game through the air, final NCAA statistics showed Wednesday. The Indians, thanks mainly to Bob Garrett, the nation's in dividual pace-setter, completed 130 passes for 19 touchdowns for a 66.5 average. Only Utah with 57.8 per cent, Mississippi State 57.1 and Cincinnati's 57.0 finished with a higher percent age. College of Pacific was runner-up to Stanford on passing offense with 171.8 yards per game. Dartmouth was third with 165.9 followed by Cali fornia 161.2 and Columbia 151.9. Washington was 10th, 136.9. Terps' Faloney Doubtful Player College Park, Md. UP) Ber Faloney's knee Is respond ing to treatment but doctors say they won't know for an other week or 10 days whether the star Maryland quarterback will play in the Orange Bowl. Faloney, injured Nov. 21 in Maryland's victory over Ala bama as the Terrapins were completing their undefeated season, will begin exercises to strengthen the injured knee and will continue heat treat ments. IDAHO SWAMPS HAWAII Moscow, Idaho Ai The Unl. versity of Idaho Vandals ex panded a 31-24 haUtime lead to a 65-39 final victory in a non-conference basketball game with the touring Univer sity of Hawaii Rainbows here Tuesday night. Hawaii plays Washington S'ate College at Pullman Wednesday night. SEATTLE TOPS LUTHERANS Tacoma Pi The Seattle Uni versity Chieftains won their second game in three starts Tuesday night as they clearly outclassed the Pacific Luth eran College Gladiators, 75-54, in a basketball game here. Joe Pehanick led the scoring with 28 points. Mickey Vernon of the Washington Senators has bat ted over .300 in the major leagues only twice. Both times however, he won the Ameri can lesgue batting title,. In 1948 he hit .353 and In 1953 he batted .337. Food Hangover? !, MaprtBprBa A4I. If .lit) 3" Tarns , top-pd1 r m f Hf. No waitr, no snuintt f g ttk 4arnf Alwpf4 carry "was m t top IIBM POt M TVBM FIFTH WHEEL? . .. 'r 'if ! V- j 1 jn aL laarVwiiiiifii it1 Mn. Richard Wakeman ot Union Mills, Ind., smiles as the hangs onto her new automobile after a harrowing experience which resulted 'In a freak balancing act She N told state police she was traveling about 5 0 miles an hour . when her front wheel came off. The ear went off the road and veered back in the path of the rolling wheel. The car tipped up and came down on tht wheel. Mrs. Wakeman is holding the 'car In balance aa strong gusts of wind rock It. (AP Wlrephoto) Newbry Puts Blame for Delay In Blue Book on Rep. Sweetland Oregon Secretary of State Earl T. Newbry today took a dig at State Sep. Monroe Sweetland at the aama time he announced the 1953-54 Ore gon Blue Book will be out about January IS two months late, i Sweetland, in a recent let ter to Newbry, said that he and David Baum, La Grande, introduced a bill at the 1953 legislature Intended to bring about faster publication of the Blue Book. Sweetland aald his i bill died in the Senate be-; cause of assurances that New bry would handle the matter without legislative prompting. Newbry said today in a let ter to Sweetland that the bill did not die in the Senate and is to be found in the 1953 session laws as chapter 886.- One reason for the glow ap pearance of the book is a new format, Newbry said. The book 1 Is being printed outside the state printing plant for the first time, but Newbry did not blame the delay on the Port land printing firm that holds the contract. j Sweetland Immediately la beled Newbry's reply as an "alibi" and as "pure bunk."! He charged the delay was a j "great waste of state funds, I and a great inconvenience to the people of Oregon who use the Blue Books." j "There were two Blue Book bills at the last session,' Sweetland said. "The leglsla-l tlon which Rep. Baum and I sponsored (HB-704) was only! intended to be effective for the next Blue Book 1955-56 and following. "The other measure. House Joint Resolution 17, related to : the current Blue Book. It was this, resolution which was 7 Interviewed ' For NAV-CAD ! Seven- young men were In terviewed for the navy's NAV CAD program Monday and Tuesday by an Interviewing team, coming here from Se attle. The team was at the Salem Naval Air Facility both days giving both the meatal tests and a screening examination to determine the physical eligi bility of candidates. Final phy sical examinations are given the applicants at the Sand Point Naval Air Station, Se attle, at a later date. Quota this year of Naval Aviation-Cadets from the area from the Candian border to the California border and east to the Cascades Is 80 men and there are still some openings Oregon usually furnishes about half of the men entering the NAV-CAD program from this area. Members of the team here to Interview the men were Cmdr. George Hoppe, NAV CAD procurement officer for the diitrict; LL D. E. Wilson. NAV-CAD procurement officer for Oregon; B. S. Morris, chief aviation examiner, and B. A. Monette, procurement yeoman. Dr. T. 1. LAM. R D. Dr. O Chfj RA f)RH, CHAN and I. AM CHINESE NATIROPATHS I paUln. Ml Nwrita Uhrij Offk pptp BataMar Palp. 14 a m. to I a t t 1 p.a. CMaMltattop. ala pr antl arln Uatp ar fraa af ebars Pr?ttea use 1411 Writ fa attraetif pin B 14- caufaa r.l &'':'?. el mn "hi stymied In the Senate after passing the House and which Newbry Ignores In his explan ation. "It would have set up a three-man interim watchdog committee to expedite this current volume, which already last March was heading for the same tardiness which Newbry haa permitted In pre ceding Blue Books." . VALUE PACKED SPlCIAlpiimWt 0' x 12' RUGS MADE SY SIGELOW Km "tvemmtU jf Genuine woven Axminster with over 4,000 lonf wearing tufta to the square foot aT Sparkling colors thank to this scientific blend of wool and miracle carpet rayon "pV Full-bloomed yarns give a lusher ice to walk on V "Pattern styling" assures complete harmony with all type of furniture if Woven by Bigelow a name that represent over a i hundred year of QUALITY ; r ssnra 2 Wayif Right at the uan you lav by buying t top quality, thrillingly beautiful V x t rug st prioa tar below what you'd expect to pay I And THEN on top of thai you receive, with our compliments, a wonderful BISSELL "Silver Streak" carpet sweeper priced nationally at M M or higherl PAY NOTHING OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M. Senator Sees Deficit Danger Oregon Is operating In the black so far in the present fis cal blenniura, but the slim margin of safety between re ceipts and disbursements Is narrownlg, Senator John Mer rlfield. Portland, told the Pre. bytarian Men'a club at a dinner meeting Monday night. Merrifield said that out ot 8193,124.282 ot general fund appropriations, the major part comes under two headings, 897,061,618 for education and $50,792,017 for welfare. Law enforcement, the next largest Item, costs ll4.Z4g.000. Esti mated receipts are $198,181, 363, but there is no certainty they will re oh this figure, the speaker said. . . Merrifield attributed the stringency of the tax situation mainly to the fact that the fed eral government is taking 77 cents of each tax dollar the Oregon taxpayer pays. This is too big a slice for health, ha warned. Oregon people par too much in ratio to what they get back when they let "Uncle do Jobs they could better do themselves. Dr. Leon Barrick showed color films he and Mr. Bar rick took on a tour ot the Holy Land, showing many of the famous places ot the Bible aa they look today. He described the visit as the pictures were' changed on the screen. Karl Thelan led the singing, the Ralph Oobba on the piano. The group stood In a tribute to Robert Patton, a member, who had passed away. Sid Boise introduced the speaker. i JUNE ALLISON RECUPERATING Santa Monica, Calif. VP) Movie actress June Ally son It recuperating from an appen dicitis operation performed yesterday. "Biaeavmitic" action aeeds bo Dresiure to sweep CLEAN! "Flip O" lever empties st a touch. Rubber bumper protect furniture. rmisausfa $ . DOWN! SWEEPER Z IT VVRv Revenue Men Coming to Help Farmers on Taxes; Between January 4 and 13 Internal revenue agents will visit all communities ot the state to assist fanaera In pre paring Income tax estimates or their returns. The farmer will get assist ance In. preparing and filing their Forma 1040ES, declara tion et estimated tax, which must be filed on or before Jin uary 13; or the preparation ot their calendar year Income tax returns, which must be filed on or before Monday. Feb. 1, if no estimated tax return - la filed. Accused Pair Get Time to See Lawyer Charged with robbery, Virgil Mulford Barker, Snohomish, Wash., and William Robert Boston, Long Beach, Cal., were given additional time in which to secure counsel when they appeared In Marlon county cir cuit court Tuesday attention. They are scheduled to return to court December 14. Barker and Boston were ap prehended by city police early November 27, shortly after the clerk of the Salem hotel. 161 South High street, was robbed of - approximately $7. They waived preliminary hearing when they appeared in district court and were held to answer to the grand Jury. They are being held In lieu of $3500 bail 5 0 USTEflOLE I taTasaleSMV P44taV4)S OltMefaBS Wseawa4J wlM4)t tBiMOat)) Jf rnncpninc Farmers who file an esti mated tax return on Form 1040ES will have until March IS to file their final Income tax returns. - Farmers who do not file an estimated; tax re turn on or before January IS must file a completed Income tax retren on or before Man. day. Fob. 1, to avoid penalties. This pertain to farmer only. Other taxpayer will be assisted later. . ; The schedule of agent visita tion In mid-Willamette Valley cities Includes: , - Linn county Lebanon, City hall, January 8; Sclo, Post Of fice building,' January 1: Hal sey. Library, January 8: Al bany, 231 Post Office building, January 11 to IS inclusive. Marion county Silverton, hall, January 4; Mt Angel, City hall. January 8; Wood- burn, City hall, January 8; 5a. lam. Post Office building, Jan. uary 4 to IS inclusive. ' Polk county Monmouth, City ball, January 8; Independ ence, First National bank, Jan uary 7; Dallas, city auditor' office. City hall, January 8. Yamhill county McMinn- villa, City hall, January 7 and 8; Nawberg, City ball, Janu ary 11. EAT ANYTHING WITH , FALSE TEETH ! If paw km trotaaU wfcfc iiaai try Unmeaa PiatlUmr. Ua i aaket plat wtmm$ifwmm, bacaaxa itoaaan riaaa-k.aa ehareJam taiaweata rj a pawsiet t pmm tat W leaMii4bwii8liycp tiMmomAtmtymtmtmmm.rm am tui amvthinI feasspjy aay t4 atfip taf Mae Umt Oft tioableioai appe mt Una. aVai acaal It fMltk paarfactly. Bstfto&u, tU4 a aWacaed. Maay Wck Hi aatUbad. A ywwty7 Mrali'il.M !5" THUR.-FRI.-SM. Remember! This Offer Good only 3 Days! fnurs.-Fri.-Sal.