Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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Wednesday, December I. 19M
Viks Stop IHlillsboB-o 72-62 imi Mon4gue Contest
Paga 18
Vikings Get Early Lead;
Pickens High With 13
Hillaboro Salem high'
Vikings led from almost the
Urt hrt Tuesday night to di
feat the Hilliboro Spartan 71
63. The non-league encounter
waa the second atraight win for
Harold Hauk'i Vikings, who
beat Rootevelt 80-48 to open
the aeaaon.
After Hillsboro' Wyman
Cernhart put the Spartan out
. In front 2-0, Wayne Erlcksen
lumped In field goal to tie it
up and with Tom Picken s char
ity toss and another Erickaen
Jump ahot the Vikings were tn
the lead for good. They led 19
10 at the end of the first quir
ter with Bob Wulfi six poinU
topping the acorera.
la Groove In tnd f erlod
Salem began hitting the bas
ket with eate in the second
period but lta defense fell down
at the Spartans also did well.
Larry Springer pumped In nine
point to lead the Viks to 22
point quarter while the home
team was bitting for seven field
goals and 18 points. They led
41-28 at halftime.
The opening period of the
final half was again on Salem's
aide as the Vikings upped their
margin by one point to 87-43 on
even field goals and two free
The Spartans began to move
In the final quarter but still
only sank two field goals and
and almost unheard of 18 free
throws. The Spart scoring drive
was hurt with several minutes
remaining when Gernhart com
mitted his third technical foul
and was forced to leave the
Eckert led the final period
surge by Hilliboro with six
points while little Dick Ed
wards had four free throws,
forward Tom Pickens kept the
Vikings in the game with six
points in the last minutes of the
game. Herb Trlplett had four
in the last quarter.
Pickens also nabbed high
point honors for Salem in the
game with IS and tied with
Edwards for game high point
man. Salem's Larry springer
had 12 while Gernhart had
eleven and Gary Hum burg
scored 10 for the Hilliboro five,
More Salem Field Goals
' Salem far out-scored the
Spartans from the floor with 26
field goals to IS for Hilliboro
but from the free throw line
Salem had 20 for 45 and Hills
bora had 33-46. The officials
called 61 fouls in the game, 27
on Salem.
The Vikings now are Idle for
over a week until they travel
to Springfield December 18th
to open their Big Six schedule.
Hillaboro aas opening their
regular sea ton laai night
- Lee Gusttfson's Salem junior
varsity trounced the Hillaboro
JV's 8S-33 in the preliminary
tor their s-cond win, both by
food margins. Salem led from
the very start, leading 9-4 with
one period gone, 25-13 at half
time, and 45-26 with one quart
er left.
Bob Tom and Nick Error of
Salem and Mots of Hlllsboro
shared high point honors with
seven apiece. The Viking jun
iors committed but two louls in
the first half and had seven in
the last half. They had 1 field "'
foals to 14 for the Spartans.
(alee 111) IUI Mllitar.
rsrtrr nnrfi
Fleams f
Walt. I
Donas .f
Vnapp.l 4
PtU'a. M
Bprlns'r.f I
BuHloU I
TrlplstUf 4
I Erkert.f 1 4
t 1 Hump if 3 4
1 I Camp.. 3 3
4 lOnh'ts 3 I
4 pftlr'da.l I 11
3 f BfM'r.c 1
3 Scioit'rf a t
a 13 Rikthl..s 1 I
5 IHiibji t 1
l a cot s I I
a " '
h.ri.r aft
.-'UUP uwners
Not to Drop
Pension Plan
New York tlx Baseball's
big league club owners were
expected to drop today the
whole Idea of wiping out the
players' pension program.
The final word on the con
troversy that has introduced
note of discord into the major
leaguea' annual meeting was to
come from a Joint meeting of
the American league and Nat
ional league owners regarding
the proposal of the game's ex
ecutive committee that the
pension plan be scrapped.
It was learned that the Am
erican league owners would
vote to keep the pension pro
gram. Whether National league
owners would follow suit was
not known.
Frlck for Pensions
But, should a deadlock arise,
it Is virtually certain that Com-
missioner Ford Frick will rule
In favor of keeping the nlan.
For one thing, Frick has stated
positively several times dur
ing the past week that he
favors pensions. For another,
he said when appointed com
missioner that he would settle
deadlocks by voting in favor
of "no change."
Though the owners are ex
pected to maintain the "status
quo" as regards pensions, there
is no indication that they In
tend to grant the players any
of the demands they made for
larger pension payments and
for lowering the starting pen
sion age from CO to 43.
Also slated for settlement to
day are demands by the play
ers lor a boost in the minimum
salary from $5,000 to $7,500,
an Increase In the meal allow
ance, and other Items.
Gervais Defeats
St Paul 41-37
To Open League
Gervais Gervala high
school danced into its Marion
County B league schedule with
a 41-37 decision here Tuesday
night over St. Paul's Bucka-roos.
Friday night Gervais will
play at Detroit, while St. Paul
will entertain defending cham
pion Mill City.
Gib Thompson, a guard,
scored 16 points to, Gervais,
while Sam Smith, senior for
ward, was good for 16 points
for the losers.
At halftime St. Paul was
ahead 27-26 and at the end of
the third period Gervais had
closed it 1o 27-28 before forg
ing ahead in the final stanza.
Gervais won the junior var
sity preliminary, 42-24.
at. ri im un tDmii
amILh, 14 F.. la. N. Xeppmeer
amith. a r.. t. sp
Vandamae, I ,..,..C..,.,. 3. Bertleehter
Klrerh. t .....a. .0 . ... 14. ThompaoB
laVrter,. 4 .........0... t. R. Xepplnser
fleaenras: at. Peal Waif I,
1. Officials: Slrnlo and Bataa.
St. Louis (At J. B. Ears
Whitworth, whose Oklahoma
A&M Aggies shared the confer
ence title, is the Missouri Val
ley Conference Football Coach
of the Year. .
Jefferson Beats
Sublimity 51-25
In 1st Loop Tilt
Jefferson It was victory
No. I for the Jefferson high
school Lion here Tuesday
night as they opened the Mar
ion County B league schedule
with a 61-28 decision over St.
Boniface of Sublimity.
Jefferson increased an eight-
point halftime lead to 24
points before the third quar
ter ended against a cold Sub
limity crew, then coasted to
the end. It was Sublimity'
second game and Jeffs third.
James Lewis, a reserve,
topped the Saints with 12
points. Leading Jefferson were
John Wright and Claude Mey
ers with 13 each.
In the preliminary, Jeffer
son won 47-28.
ma (311 (3SI SaUlaiNir I T 4, reals
nana, t r..... i. rraaR
J. Wrlfht, 13 C 3. Parrlab
C. Merere. 13 0 1. Klntx
Cotmeo. a O 3. Rlaiurar
Reserves: Jefferaea Walla 3. Havklrta
3. Daullon 1, apenrer 4, Ranion 3. Sub
limit UwU 13, Welter 1.
Jerreraoa 13 12 43 11
aaUimitr 13 at
lyW.e? Bits
Mill City Opens
League Beating
Gates 76 to 49
Mill City The Marion
County B league opened for
the Mill City Timberwolves
with resounding 76-49 con
quest of Gates here Tuesday
night. Friday night Mill City
will go to St. Paul while Gates
hosts the Deaf school.
Four Mill City starters di
vided 55 points evenly among
themselves, Jack Melting get
ting 16, At Ward 15, Elton
Gregory 14 and Phil Carey 10.
They took a back seat, how
ever, to Herb Homey, the 6-
foot-1 Gates center who hsd
26 points 13 in each half.
Leading from the start, the
Timberwolves held quarter
time margins of 18-6, 34-24
and 80-33.
Mill City Is defending league
champion, having won 22 and
lost only X last year, losing
none in the circuit. Coach Bur
ton Boroughs and his assistant,
Arthur LeCours, have five
lettermen back.
In the B squad game. Mill
City ran away from the Gates
Junior varsity, 84-10, after
blanking the Jurrfor Pirates
18-0 In the first quarter.
Lemke scored 13 for MiU City
and Chance had live of his
team's 10.
miii rii, 041
Orelerr. 14 .
AI Ward. 13 ...
Phil Carey, 14 .
Melllns. 14 .
D. Crook, a ...
RMrrrea: Mill
It) (latee
..r .... 13. Birnnardt
..r 4. Even
,.C 34. Ftomer
.CI 4. A. Vail
.a 4. Larfton
Cilr-Rd Or44rr 4.
Child 4. Crnalar 3. Srvtraoa a Oetee
-Sk-heer a. D. Vail a, tteore 0.
Mill cite .la it 14 i
Oalaa 4 34 33 4
Lacrosse was originated by
the Canadian Indians many
centuries ago under the name
of baggataway.
Taint 34 n n Talala 13 33 II 43
Jlalfilme score: Selena 41. HMIabor 34.
Prta tnrovs lae4 Aaltai 34. II: la
bor o 13. .
Officials Piterm and Lnrlali.
iui iixnaoao
1 Uoll
4 Henean
, Hanaaa
1 Moeller
uua ir, iui
Pissles. i r..
Zab. 4 !..
Job,,. 4 ...-C.
Strain, 4 o..
Braarvta acorlai: aalem error T. aea
14 4. Pa a. Uiai a, Horse I. rormaa
ll HltUboro Nerlne 4, Ootaa 1. JM4
4 Brnwa 4. Pranta 1.
Ramima aran: Oalaa 14. Jillb4 U.
Ofllrlala-aaMI U LaML
Wallace Trains
To Fight Charles
San Francisco. U Coley
Wallace, the only boxer ever
to beat heavyweight champion
Rocky Mareiano, settled down
to training routine today for
his bout Dec. 16 with former
world cham: Eturd Charles.
Wallace is -anked ninth
among heavyweight contenders
but is best known for hi star
ring role in the movie, "The
Joe Louis Story."
The 6-foot 1-lnch fighter
whipped Mareiano when the
champion was fighting In the
amateur ranks. Mareiano has
-never been defeated as pro
fessional. TIOI TAB LI
tUe ff Tan, Oree-D.,,mWe 1M
. aCaaaprWd kr t. a. Out a Oi,4,Ma
Bam. roeteaaa Oraeool
aTlrh War Lrw Water
BrMOaabar Tim Raathl Tim XalfM
a-ll a
1 14 pm.
I 43 am.
I 14 a m.
4 34 a m.
3 ll am.
I 14 a m.
VIS a-m.
II 1 44 am.
a as am.-
it i a ie it
4 4 I tl . -41
II a 44 am. II
a I w si am. -a i
la 1 is a m. I a
at U:w am. a.4
cewBir nun si dice
Tmfor mmit Wrtor
three nralen Blue
StTMh !. hMeit, pt-
rtJ by the niitititit
AC-DC thever motor
bu.H...tpMei yv tKrtMifh
mornln efter mornirtf
mooth, My fthavM - m
eleee m you wentt Witk
ajetun Meek an4 oM gift
405 State St. Corner ef Liberty
Pigeon Finds Home
In OSC Coliseum
Cervallls ojjb a plgeem
baa takes up residence aa
Oregon State's mammotli Gill
celisenm, and athletic offi
cials ar at loss to find a
way te move him eat
Loyal Beavers say the
pigeon I just making sura he
gets te see 'all the Oregon
State baaketball game this
Scio Outscores
Chemawa 54-46
Chemawa Scio Joined De
troit, Mill City,- Gervais and
Jefferson as first-game victors
in the Marion County B league
here Tuesday night by defeat
ing Chemawa, 54-46.
Gordon O'Reilly, letterman
forward, had 14 points for Scio
for game honors, but Don Gib
son posted 12 more for Scio
while Gallineau had 11 for
Quartertime scores were
11-B for Scio and 28-12 at
Jefferson will play at Scio
Friday night and Chemawa
will be at Sublimity.
In the Jayvee game, Che
mawa won 41-34.
Sal 114) 144) Cbrma
Blovar, a P 1. Vontueb
Badtar. 13 P I. Scott
r. Olbaoii. a C..... 11, Oalllnaaa
O'Ralllr. 14 C I. Uoris
O. Olbaoa. 13 O II. avltt'ar
Reaarvaa: Tnuraton 4. Brron I, 4. Olb
on 3. Dam 3. Ctiamawa Laptant 3.
Caburn 1, anUr . Official; Xaodrl
ana zito.
Two Free Throws
For Dallas Beat
Central, 54-52
Central High School Herb
Brandll notched two free
throws In the last .45 seconds
to break a tie and give Dallas
high , school a 54-52 win over
Central here Tuesday night.
The score had been dead
locked earlier, 80-50, 'on two
free throws by Mel Haveman
of Central and was tied four
different times In the hectic
fourth quarter.
Central had come from be
hind gradually, trailing 11-3
In the first period and 28-21
at halftime. By the end of the
third stanza, the gap was only
three points. The ilnaltwo
points were the biggest of
Brandli's 19, giving him the
beat record 'for Dallas, but
Marc Nelson picked up 20 from
hi, guard position for Central.
fn the Junior varsity came.
Central won 48-28, Chuck
Dunn scoring 18 for the win
ners and Hughes 8 for Dallas.
Friday night Dallas will play
at Tillamook, while Central
will be at Forest Grove Sat
urday night.
Dallas 14)
wiidt. l .....P....
Hoffman. 3 P...,
R Domaacbolakr, c...
Brandll, II o....
Hotdorr. 3
(all Calra
.. a. JohnaoQ
.... 1. Brtl
i.. I. Praamaa
... 30. Nrlion
PCC Favors Regional
Control of Football TV
San Francisco, 4UB Pacific
Coast Conference directors
planned today to consider
their recommendations to the
NCAA of regular eeeson foot
ball games.
The recommendation will
be put before the NCAA at its
meeting In Cincinnati next
month. Victor O. Schmidt will
be the PCC delegate to the
The PCC last year sought
more ' regional control over
televised football games, but
agreed to go along with the
"Game of the Week" program
supported by the NCAA.
The PCC would like to put
more regional games on TV.
Only four PCC games were
televised this season, and one
of these, the Stanford-California
game, was on a local basis
Bose Bowl TV
Yesterday, the PCC, The
Tournament of Rose Associa-
Fiqhls Last Wight
(Br Til AaaacUtad Praaal
Vol iNOBLZa ai Cms, 11114. Loa
Anaalaa, outpolntad Kudr Oarela 134,
Loa Antalaa, 13.
HOUSTON. TEX. Wltlla Pas. 131,
Hartford, conn.. kack4 put Billy Lima,
13. Harana, 3.
CB1CAOO Mi Black. 14T. Janaartna.
Wli., autpolBtMl Nrma Waba, 141. Cal
ebs, a
Anatia, Tea., utpotatad Bran? Svaa.
1M. Oklahoma cur. II.
MIAMI aSACX. PI. BeUr Drlta,
141. Miami, supped Tina Lent aria. 111.
Houaton. ".
KALAMAZOO. Mlrh. Xddr Blmms,
111, Chlcas. outpolntad Chuck Coltman.
IK. Datroll, I.
LONDON Yoland Pompae. Trinidad,
knocked oat Jlmmt Kins. Buffalo. X.Y.,
3. Middwlabts.
tion and the National Broad
casting Company signed a
three-year contract for tele
vising and broadcasting the
Rose Bowl game for an esti
mated 81.510.000.
In other actions, the PCC:
1 Eliminated the privi
leges granted to Junior college
on the "progress" rule. In the
future, Junior ' college stu
dents must follow the confer
ence rules requiring the com
pletion of 24 semester hours
or 36 quarter hours between
seasons of competition.
2 Removed
against giving
Elmira Scares
Sweet Home in
Losing 49 to 46
Sweet Home Sweet Home
high school hsd to come from
behind in a hard-fought bat.
ketball game here Tuesday
night to elbow Elmira, 48-48.
Elmira. overcoming a 7-18
deficit in the first quarter,
bolted to a 24-23 halftime lead
and still held a 41-38 margin
as the fourth period began. It
became a battle of free throws,
with Sweet Home hitting 11 of
31 attempts and Elmira making
16 of 28.
Dave McKinney, a reserve,
led Elmira with 11 points,
while Mervin Daniels made 10
for Sweet Home.
In the Junior varsity game.
a restriction ! Sweet Home won 31-S7.
. . : Elmira 1MI 143) St lam
ymam;m w HtUc. p r 1. Ktkel
prospective students for athle- oaiman. 1
Cowlabr. I
avcut. wuucca may uuw . orar. I
a. laorlev
. C I. Illiotl
. .O I. Noraulaft
30 complimentary tick- Butiuer. i ....... o....... is.
to those prospective ItU-h, Llndboom a. areas I. Conler a.
dent-athletes Kveat Home Blrdaall I. Bank 4. atur-
, holm It Cftamben I. Roberts 1. Offlclsl
a Hellbars and Marrrmaa.
North Marion to
Host Wood burn
Hubbard Friday evening
the North Marion Huskies will
meet the Wood burn Bulldogs
on the North Marion court.
Basketball playing will begin
at 6:45.
Saturday, Dec. 12, M. H. Beal
will attend a wrestling clinic
at Oregon State college, Cor
vallis, sponsored by the wrest
ling department of the college.
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
RMrvta: DftllaMHtliklsi I. ItaiAd Ra
DomftKhofikr . Wdt, Mort, DtvU.
Lonu 1. CtntriJ Aitip 1, Loy I, Uonson.
umnma 11 31 40 B4 I
Ctntrtl I ai IT II
Capitol Fihapplnt Onter
Ml. ft
I ma H
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I 'f HJf H V.;.
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isei ' : aar - - . -1 -. ':
Wtiatovor you haul or dtiivor . . . whatovor th trudc modal or
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Here's news about the most powerful,
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trucks ever huilt-completely
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You'll find that thne great new
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Come in and see the truclu with
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New Engine
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New Ccmfartmoirsr Cob. New orrtv
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New Heavy-Pirty 3-Spd Trtnttitrls.
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Naw, tiggtr lead Spots New pickup
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New ArfvoiKI-Otilgn Styllnaj. New
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Oatirutal at nrr n. Rub Comet 5 tt
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awaar eat modtii ti tzm tmfmtM.
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510 N. Commercial St.
Salem, Ore.