Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 09, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Fights Ovv Willamette felly, ft fwfr 1-73 Urn
'Cats Close 14-Point
Gap, Falter at Finish
A highly-touted Conzaf a I
quintet, which wun't supposed
to have much trouble in down
ing the Willamette university
cagera, found more to handle
than expected here last night
in winning J1-7J.
Willamette, playing by far
its best game of the season,
threw a scare in the Bulldogs
when it bounced in the second
quarter to make the score 35
30 at the half, in favor of the
Bulldogs, after being down 9
23 at the end of the first pe
riod. Tied la Srd Quarter
The third period was a
closely waged affair with Wil
lamette almost being able to
take the lead, but dot quite.
The closest It did come was
' midway in the period when
Pete Reed tied it up at 43-43
wilh a free-throw. However,
Gonzaga came right back with
a free-shot of -its own and held
the lead until the end of the
quarter. The score at this point
was S4-S9, Gonzaga's favor.
- As the final period opened.
neither team was able to score
until, with a minute and 53 sec
onds gone, Dick Hoy pushed
one through for the Bearcats.
This was the first time that
Willamette had owned the
lead. The' were able to hold
the lead for only about 2 mln
utes as Bob Richardson, Gon
raga forward, put the .Bull
dogs out in front and although
the Bearcats were able to tie
the score on several occasions.
they were never able to regain
tnai ieaa.
Gap Closed In 2nd Quarter
- In a hard-fought, exciting
first half, Willamette was al
most able to overtake Gonzaga
on a number of occasions, but
every time the Bearcats were
able to come within two' points
of knotting it up, the Bulldogs
would sink a shot and so it
Willamette, alfhough most of
the team possessing the small
er team on the floor, had more
fight and hustle. This was par
ticularly true In the second
half. The Bearcat passing
while improved, was still not
up to Coach Lewis' standards.
The losers were paced by
Guard Jerry McCallister, who
tanked 15 points from his
guard position. Dick Hoy and
Tom Gooding scored 11 and 10
Scoring honors went to
Guard Tom Mulcahy, who
dropped 13 points through for
the winning cause.
Gonzaga played without the
services of their Ail-American
candidate, Jerry Vermillion;
and for part of the game with
out their first-string center,
Jerry Wells, who was Injured
at the beginning of the second
This week-end, the Bearcats
will travel to Tacoma, Wash.,
to meet the College of Puget
Sound. Next Wednesday and
Thursday they will return to
their home floor for two coo
testa with the Chico State crew
from California.
Basketball Scores
I Br Th Awocltit frtMl
ftotherua M. Klku U.
JtMMk . Doutiu S3.
YmuIU tt, Drtia U.
GtCBdtl II. ClBTNTlUl M.
ravturUU 43. Ait 11.
Ultveitdt 14. COatimfcU Pre (PortUfidi
Rlcblud 4T. Hilfwil U.
Lowell U. Orovt .
cvlBcfwid U, t. PrtacU IuctM M.
Hkpleloa 44, aiul 4.
Mohk 12, tow 33.
CorllU II, CetUct Orm M.
OUtldst tO. riMWnl Hill 14.
Hkrruburt? 41. CreiwrU 44.
Totttavltt. , DrU II.
wr-lut 47. WMhouctU wk. 4. It C2, BesMrtog, J 4.
UU1 CUf ot 44
Cue .vdt 44. SbMidM M. .
John Day 4, Dsrvllle U.
Oiwtt M. Tlnrd 34.
Oraiiitra 44. Tlw4 34.
Ombua U. Oriom City H.
Stcrot. Heart ! 1 U. Woodburn SI.
MUtoa-rrMftUr M, St. PaUiek'i
(WeJls Wftltt, 44.
Uveneoa (Waata.) M, CotMtYcUt, (Port
land) u. m TJ. K.IUbor 40.
.UcUmnTllle 43. Lebntm II.
Reediport U. CequUl 43.
Dallas 14, Onti-tl II.
Bank! 41. Nth Iff. U.
Vernonl 10. Knappa M. '
CUtskuto la. Baule Oround iWutv)
Worth Marlon M. Oanby 31.
BherMao 44. Oaatoa 41.
elo 14, Cbemawa 44.
11 ti 44. Wahtport 31.
Bandy 11, Park Bow 44.
Jefferson It. Bublimttr II.
ItHl Horn 41. Bin Ira 41.
Tranklla iPoniasdi 44, Camsj (Waah.)
Central Oatbolta 44. Jeffertoa 41 (tb
Portland 1.
Waahtniton (Portland) 41. Porait
Orove M.
WhlU Balnoa (Wash.) 41. Hood Biw
Baata Clam 14. Preane BtaU 44.
Bealtle 11. Pat If la Lutheran 14.
Oonaacn II. WUlametta 13.
Idaho 41. Hawaii 34.
Collect of Pacific 74. Chlre Btata 41.
Humboldt Stat II. Southern Oregon
Doflcld 10. Portland State II.
Pomona Clareraoat 13. Chapman 31.
Baa Dteto BtaU 71. Whlttler 14.
Central Waab. 74. Wbitaao 14.
Holy Oroaa Bt. UaaaacbgaetU 43.
LouUvllle B7. Manhattan 14.
Temple 11. Seton Hall II.
NYU 11. Equitable Life 41.
Connecticut 19, Colby 41.
Boitoo Collece 94, Merrimiek 14.
Trinity 4J. MIT M.
Westerm Kentucky If. Middle Tenn. M.
Wake Poraal SI, n. C. BtaU 44.
Datldaao 44. Booth Carolina M.
Maryland B9. Wsa. Mary 14.
Tennaaaea 43. Clanaon M.
Richmond 41. Hampden-Sydntf 14.
Waah.Lee 13. Lynchburg 39.
Mies. BtaU 17. Howard (Ala.) 44.
Otorft WaablniUa 104, Wast Vlninla
Ohio BtaU B4. St. Looli .
Purdue 71, Bradley 11 (overtime).
Roe burst 71, Mtssoarl valley 13.
Marietta 104. BieubenvlUe 94.
Ohio Only. II. Ohio Wesley an II.
Dubuoue II. PlatUvlUe 44.
Wartburc 44. Iowa Tehrs. ft.
Hanover II, Anderson 14.
Houston II. Texas AetM 14.
Rice II. Stephen P. Anettn M.
MeUttrry 41. Bul Roan M (otertltM).
Baylor tl, SovtbwtM Tessa 17.
Arkansas Tl. Marthwost La. 43.
Arkansas 8UU Tehra. ff, Arkansas
aAH 74.
Artaona State (PlatsUrf) L Western
(Colo.) StaU 44. .
Rochester 47. Boston H.
WtUaaMUe (Tl)
Pi Ft P Ft
Coif d. I 1
Reed.f 1 1
Oood'f,4 1 4
Hoy.f 4 1
Oray.f 1 1
UrCall'M 1
BhieM.i 1 4
Blihop.f 4 I
Causble.4 1
Wati'n.f 1
1 IHeihcM 4
1 II Wells t
4 11 Scha'b .f 1
1 1 Hab'rlcf 1
1 14 Uul hy.t 1
1 Rlc'd'n.f 1
f iuurp'y.1 I
1 ITrl.a I
(11) Oonaata
Pi Ft P Pt
1 13
S 1
4 n
1 14
Costlo.f I f f
Total M II 11 Ti Totals 14 11 II 41
Valsetz Tromps
'cddyville 60-29
Valsetz Valsetz ran away
with Eddyville bifih school
here Tuesday night for an easy
60-29 non-league game.
O'Day scored 18 and Jack
Cowan 24 for the winners.
Bringman was good for 11 and
Smith 13 lor Eddyville.
Valsetz won the junior var
sily preliminary, 32-14.
fdltvme illi
Br.ntmsn, 11 F. ....
W Down ins. f . P..,.,
E kcr, 4 C...
Frill 3 .O
Smith. II O
Rfiprvnt: Eddjvllle-
(ea Valtctt
.. 14, ODay
. . , Botllot
4. Pederson
34. Cowan
1. Br-U
Sacred Heart Posts Win
34-26 OverWooburn
hrflhhV Bd Richardson, Gonsaga forward, reaches nn
VIWUMf der the rm o( Willamette's Jack BUhop te
knock the ball eat ol his hands In the second quarter
here last night. In back of Richardson la Bill Colvard,
Willamette. . . .
Pot Shot
Tom Gooding, Willamette center, leaps, pivots
and pots two points for Willamette In the
Bearcat's hot rally in the third quarter. Also np In the air
is Gonzaga's Haberle, a forward. Visible on the floor are
Richardson, Gongaaa forward, and Bill Colvard, Willam
ette forward.
Sherwood Holds
To Late Margin
To Edge Gaston
Sherwood Sherwood grab
bed the lead with five minutes
remaining in the game and
kept It until the final gun as
they edged Gaston, 44-41, In
a nonleague basketball game
here last night
Gaston led, 14-13, after one-
quarter of play and Sherwood
led, 28-23, at the half. The
score was tied at 32-32 at the
start of the final stanza.
Tom Marlin hit 14 and Bill
Sheppard counted for 11
points as they led Sherwood's
scoring attack. The game's
high scorer, however, was
Ashrwell of Gsston as he
poured 24 points- through the
Gaston won the prelimin
ary game by a score of 44 to
r..Mra Ul (M SharwMi
Suidtrt, I P 21. SQtppird
A.hw.ll. at T 14, ftUrtln
Dthlu. I C 1. Joyce
WUfm.a. I O I. Krum
SpldftL t O I. Murdock
Sub.: Outon Ttrlar, Kyrtt, rumam
t. flh.rwood Ed.tront 1 Tura.r.
Olflcl.M; Larton. Buaetl...
Oregon to Start
Sophomore Bell
V.lj.l, :nppl. 3. DtrMl.oB I. Brltt 4.
H.itllnt tew 34. Zrtdrvlll, 11.
OtMcl.U: Cmtflh and For.lund.
S. O. C. E.
Coach Bill
Eugene U B
Borcher said
sophomore forward from Kla-'t"1
Otto Keeps
Aerial Lead
Philadelphia WV Otto Gra
ham, the Cleveland Browns'
passer who's been described by
every cliche from "peerless" to
"master" to "unparalleled,1
continues to lead the National
Football League aerial statistics
Figures released by Commis
sioner Bert Bell's office show
Graham is on the way to the
best season of his pro career by
completing SS per cent of the
234 passes he has attempted in
11 games.
Rorm Van Brocklin of the
Los Angeles Rams has moved
Into second place with 142
completions out of 260 tries for
2.198 yards, IT touchdowns and
an 8.4S yards gained average.
In the running department,
Joe Perry, the San Francisco
48ers "Masked Marvel" who's
been playing with a mask be
cause of a face injury, is still
the best ground gainer. Perry
has rushed 910 yards on 175
carries for a S.2 average while
Deacon Dan Towler of Los An
geles has picked up 70S yards
on 142 attempts for a 5.8 aver
age for the Rams. '
Sandy Scores
55-44 Victory
Over Parkrose
Sandy Don Meyers tossed
In 1 points to lead 'Sandy to
victory over Parkrose by a
score of 55-44 in a rough, hard'
fought basketball game here
Tuesday night.
Sandy maintained a slight
lead throughout - most of the
game. They Jumped to a 12-9
first quarter lead, stretched it
to 30-23 at halftlme, and held
their seven-point lead lead at
the start of the final canto, 39
to 32.
Wesselink added 10 counters
to Meyers' 17 to head the San
dy attack. Hardin hooped 11
snd Lanz counted for 10, aa
they led the visitors' scoring.
Sandy also won the JV game,
defeating the Parkrose Juniors,
52 to 46.
SOCE to Play Weekend
Series on OCE Floor
City Hoop Loop
Opens to Teams
There is room for more bas
ketball teams In the City
league this season. Vera Gil-
more, director, said yesterday.
Five teams already signed
are the YMCA, Marine Corps
Reserve and Naval Reserve,
Marion Motors, Wolgamott
Service and Salem Sopho
mores. .
Two other teams tentatively
plan to enter the league, which
will get underway Jan. 5.
a. a -
Detroit Takes
OSD 47 to 40
In Loop Opener
Detroit annexed a victory In
the opening game of the Mar
ion County B league sessonj
Tuesday- night here by defeat
ing the Oregon School for the
Deaf, 47-40.
Friday night OSD will be at
Gates, and Detroit will host
Gervais. -. v
Gerald Vlckerl, a short let
terman guard, waa the scoring
difference In the' two teams as
he carded 20 points, many of
them in the second half after
Detroit led only 28-24 at half
time.. .
Roy McCann, 6-foot forward,
scored 12 points for the Deaf
school and David Maynard had
Quartertime scores were 20
11, 26-24 and 18-33 tor De
troit. In the preliminary, Detroit
junior varsity won, 29-24.
Oregon College, Monmouth i
One of the more traditional
and. spirited collgiate rivals
in the state will be renewed
this week-end when Southern
Oregon College travels to
Monmouth to engage the Ore
gon College Wolves in a two
game series on Friday and
Saturday nights.
The Red Raiders lost "nary"
a man from their 52-53 outfit
and this year additional
strength In two or three for
mer players returning from
the service. Center Leon
Keef and dribbling wizard
Ken Kimura again are expect
ed to spearhead the Southern
Orgon attack.
For the Wolves it will be
the same aong, second verse,
that Is, attempting to curtail
the scoring and rebounding of
the opposing big man.
While the 70-47 win over
Linfield was most welcome
and while there were definite
signs of Improvements In
many of the 13 squad mem
bers who saw action, 'Coach
DatraH (47)
Latfr. S ....
Bovara. I ..
Rica. 4 ....
K.trham, T .
(4S Daa( Staaal
,..r 13. afcCaaa
... !. S. Tlwaapaaa
...C 11, Marnara
...O... S. LawtB.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, December 9, 1953 Pis- 17
Bob Livingston felt that Lin'
field was more outscrambled
than out-finished. Livingston
felt that the running of of
fensive patterns and particu
larly timing left much to be
Coming in for particular
praise on their playing In the
Linfield game were Frank
Grove, for his tremendous re
bounding and 14 points re
ceived; Bob Frantz, for an
outstanding defensive Job on
ace carol cable as well as
the 21 points racked up from
bis post position. .
Some credit for the evening
goes to guards Charlie Pinion
and Larry Chamberlain for
their ball hawking which sev
eral times gained possession
for OCE before Linfield took
a shot. The Wolves hit 36
per cent of their shots from
the floor. .
. , By DON W1CHMAN ,
Woodburn The Sacred
Heart academy Cardinals of
Salera edged the Woodburn
BuUdogs 34 to 26 here last
night In a non-league go.
rne silem boys opened up
with a lead of 9-3 at the. end
of one period as the Wood
burn squad had trouble push
ing the ball through the hoon.
The second quarter didn't see
much, action, but the Cards'
offense was led by Vince Matt
who sank 7 points.
Early in the third period.
Higgina of the Bulldogs mark
ed up three personal fouls.
which added to two previous
ones sent him to an early
shower. But this was only the
start of trouble for the Dog's
coacn, Mush Barbour.
' A few seconds later there
was a mad scramble on the
Cards' end of the floor:
Woodburn guard, Non-U,
came out or it with the ball.
only to lay it up at SHA's end
but managing to miss. Then
Card captain Vince Matt toss
ed in six points, leaving the
Woodburn quint eating the
Redblrd's dust. On top of all
this, there was another free
for all and a forward named
Haymea pulled the same boo
boo aa Norrls did before, once
Silverton Gets
By Stayton Five
By 59-56 Count
Stayton Silverton high
school squeezed out 59-56
victory over Stayton here
Tuesday night on three late
pointa. .
The Capitol league team held
a one-point lead at 56-55 until
Fred Kaaer, high scorer with
21 points, hit a field goal and
Roger Umbenhower notched
two free throws for the win
ning margin. .
Quartertime scoree were
12-12, 21-30 for Silverton and
47-44 for Stayton. Stayton's
layvees won the preliminary,
Jean Marios, substitute
goalie for Providence in the
American Hockey League, is
one of the heirs to a thriving
shoe business in Quebec.
again missing. At the end of
the period, the Blue boys tal
lied a hard earned S pointa.
The last quarter waa a fast
one with the Woodburn five
holding the ball most f the
time but missing about I of
every 4 shots for a total of
nine points aa Sacred Heart's
8. The Cardinals took it at
the final gun, 34-26.
The Bulldog J.V.'s slightly
outplayed the Cards' In the
prelim for a 17-23 decision.
SHA plays Mt. Angel In the
Salem Armory tonlte for the
Cards' fourht pre-league game.
Umpire: Anderson; releree:
Wickert .
SaaiaS SJaart W. libra
hnrn hnrn
Matt, t 14 1 UOaTa,t MM
n-dva 114 sxkau..r eel
Staab. a S 1 SH'taW 1 1 S
Horlar.,1 ff a 4 IHtmu 1 s ff s
Borab'fT,f S 4 I o 4 S S
Jwtu i i a Hi-Bod. a a e a
BunaaJ 4 4 1 4 Haitian list
LularJ 4 4 14 stalo'M SIS
onta.s a 0 4.
Tatalt It 14 a 34 Tatals t S U 34
Cascade Shades
Sheridan, 46-38,
Finishing Strong -
Sheridan cascade fought
off a third quarter threat ta
edge Sheridan high school here
Tuesday night, 46-38, In neat
conference basketball game. '
Sheridan had a three-ponU
lead In the third period but
couldn't hold It after Cascade
launched a fast break for the
final quarter. It was close all '
the way, however, with Cas
cade holding quarter time aat
gins of 12-8, 14-M and 33-81. .
Cascade had the height ad
vantage with three ever feet.
Neal Kmlon, a 6-3 Junior cen
ter, scoced 21 points for the
winners, barely nudging Larry
Green of Sheridan, who tal
lied 20.
Cascade Jayvee won the pr.
Umlnary, 28-19. .
Friday night Sheridan will
go to Cascade for a return eon.
test ;" '
ten --
Wlpear, 4 .......
aaaeh. .r.
Kiataa. SI . C
Braa-a. S . O. a. Fan
Ihrartaa ( M Staaaaa Wlnkla. 14 0 a Bart.r
Coppla. 1 .....P...... U, MlaUliial Raaarraa: Caaaada taa-raaaa, Oalaa,
wojr. t r. ....... 11. Natlaon Mlekap a. Aacaraon. NIB 1. Baaar. eabat.
Kaaar. tl C t. Oahl Man. PaDar. Bii.rWaa Waoda 1. Clark t,
Ume-aJiavar. 14 ..0 14 attataa hflekaraaa S. Stock. PlJfi-r. ofnaaala
Black. 1, 0 4, Winaaata Patanaa aaa Bakbiaa.
Keaarvaa. auvanon onnan I. auartaa i Mr or. ar auarura;
Wallaa 4, Od.r). offMlaJai Malaga u I Caaea4a - at 14 at 44 '
BharMaa I aa 11 js
Raaarta: Detroit aort.r a, Vlckar. M.
Halfttma acara: Daaf School 14. Oatralt
14. Ottlclala: Dtmlt and Vandaraaaru
Birdie Tebbetts, new man
ager of the Cincinnati Reds,
was graduated from Provi
dence College In 1934 with a
bachelor of philosophy degree.
that Ray Bell, ,
math Falls, would start for ,7 ,
Humboldt Oregon sgainst Gonzaga in
a Bfr.on
sua. rararoa Lwwti.a Turanam.
IMI Kandr
... a. Touni
.. 17. M.rara
1. Rhoda
II. W.Ratlink
J Pat.rana
c... ..... - . . . . , , . , . , , . sua. p.
u.o.c - T". ... H-re..un uiiacuiii iicic,iunM. MrlVrr.n t Turn... Wait
non-league basketball game! tonight Borcher said Bell hasiKl,"n "andr-coi. Nauon i. Tnonar.
here with Southern Oregon been impressive in practice ses
College of Education last night 'sions this week.
Men's Valley Handicap
Bowling Deadline Set
1 Deadline for entering the : squads. There will be three
t Capitol Bowling Lanes third i squads bowling Ssturday in the
I annual men's Willamette Val-
. I ley handicap tournament is 4
t ' c m. Saturday, bowlers were
reminded today.
singles, at 5 p.m., 8 p.m. and
10 p.m., and three more Sun
day at 3, 5 and 10 p.m.
In the doubles, squsdt will
I bowl Saturday at 4. 7 and 9
There are 68 entered in the , p.m., or Sunday at 2, 4 and
singles snd 34 doubles teams 1 9 p rru
'at of today. In the special mix- The estimated first prize In
d doubles turkey shoot event, doublet will be $150, and in
there are 28 entries of the 48 singles f 100.
to be accepted. The turkey I Handicap will be 70 per cent
Jhoo! will be at 7 p.m. Sunday, of 200 scratch, with a 38-pin
In the handicap tournry, s limit. The average will be as
person csn bowl In one of six lot Nov. 1 for II gsmes or more.
Brawar. Skala I. OrlMln. Srhmlta
Official.: Copptritona and Bcnard.
Linfield Pockets
Game From PSC
McMinnville OJ.B Linfield
won victory No. 3 in Its four-game-old
season last night as It
edged by Portland Stat?. 60
36. Don Porter, tall Portland
State center, topped all scor
ers with 19 points. Carol Cable
had 18 for the winners.
Eugene KP) More than 50
Oregon high schools hsve re
ceived entry blanks for the
seventh annual James O. Reed
Memorial swimming meet at
the University of Oregon pool
Saturday. Returns Indicate a
near record entry in the annual
prep championships.
That phone number it ,
3-3131 I
Milt to.
119 Ne. Liberty
"Oar repatatlee
yeur security
Travelers -Skiers
1953 Model GENERAL'
Open Friday Night Til 9-Saturdays Til 6 P.M.
(Across from Elks Club)
PHONE 2-2459
.ea..A.a.-aL..-e4rV .aa. - e y elggasftel