Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Pact I
Edited ay MABIAN
Dated for
Jan. 16
Announced for Saturday,
January 18, it tha data tor the
wedding of Mix Janet HU1 Bo
torth of Eugene and Evan
Breyman Boise of Portland
and Salem.
The engagement ot the cou
ple wai announced earlier thii
(aU. Mill Boiorth it the
daughter of Mr Squire 8. Bo-
xorth of Eugene. Mr. Boise
the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Brer
man Boise. Salem.
The wedding will be at
o'clock in the afternoon in St.
Faul'i Episcopal church at Ore
gon City, the reception follow
ing to be at the University club
in Portland.
Several affairs are being
given to honor the young cou
pie preceding their wedding.
On December 16, Mrs. Her
bert Darby is entertaining at
a party for Miss Botorth at the
Waverley . Country club in
On Saturday evening of this
week, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fry,
Jr., are to entertain in honor
of the couple.
Sunday evening, Mrs. Boise
entertained at a birthday din
ner for her husband, the en
gaged duo also being among
the guests.
Surprise Event
A surprise shower was given
Saturday evening for Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Speaker in honor
of their new foster son. Gifts
were presented the couple and
the guests brought refresh-
mnts. Attending the party were
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fitzger
ald, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Riffey,
Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Grouser,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Duncan,
Mr. and Mrs. John St John,
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Van Hou
ten, Mr. and Mrs. John Kueb
ler, Mlsa Sally Kuebler, Mr.
and Mrs. Yale Brooks and the
Today's Menu
Here's a new way to use
hamburger in a casserole dish.
Family Dinner
Beef and Noodle Casserole
Broccoli Beets
Bread and Butter
Fruit Salad Beverage
Beef and Noodle Caaserele
Ingredients: 1 tablespoon salt,
t quarts boiling water, ounces
' (about 4 cups) meaium egg
noodles, I tablespoons butter
or margarine, tt cup chopped
onion, 1 pound ground chuck
beef, i tablespoons chill sauce,
1 teaapoon Worcestershire
sauce, 1 tablespoon toy sauce,
1 teaspoon garlic salt, 1 cup
soft bread crumbs, 1 cup milk
(scalded), 1 egg (well beaten),
. cup grated cheddar cheese.
Method: Add 1 tablespoon
salt to rapidly boiling water.
Gradually add noodles to wa
ter comtinuea to boil. Cook un
covered, stirring occasionally
until tender. Drain In coland
er. Melt butter in skillet; add
, onion and beef; stir and cook
until beef is browned. Add
chili sauce, Worchestershire,
eey sauce, garlic salt and bread
crumbs; mix well. Add milk
and egg; mix lightly but
thoroughly. Turn into greased
1H -quart casserole and sprin
kle with cheese. Bake in mod
erate (350 degree) oven 10
minutes. Mskes 6 servings.
She's Think
ing About
Disappoint Her!
Greens Show
Plons Outlined
Program feature at the
meeting of Salem Garden club
Monday afternoon included a
talk and demonstration on
gift wrapping by a representa
tive of Hallmark company.
Final plans were announc
ed for the group's annual
greens show, a big event
scheduled for December IS
and 18 at Izaak Walton lea
gue club house. Mrs. James
H. Turabull, genersl chair
man, outlined plant for the
' The surprise table for the
day was arranged by Mrs. Ben
Maxwell and Mrs. Jack Hen-
ningsen. It featured the Christ
mas theme.
Mrs. Chsrles Cole arranged
the tea table. Mrs. Bryan
Goodenough and Mrs. Max
well poured.
Spring Conference
Of Group Planned
A delegation of Tri-Y and
Y-Teen girls from the Wil-
lamette area met in Eugene,
Saturday, to plan the annual
mid-winter conference, to be
in Springfield and Eugene on
February 6.
Representatives from Eu
gene, Springfield, Corvallls,
Lebanon, Silverton, and Sal
em were present.
Those attending from Salem
were Misses Ann Butler, Ram.
ona Sslminen, Barbara Boat
rack, Bonnie Starr, Georgia
Walters, and Miss Gloria
Kannu, YWCA teenage adviser.
Miss Janet Summers of Eu
gene was elected chairman of
the 19S4 conference.
Eagles Auxiliary
To Note Birthday
Willamette auxiliary, Frater
nal Order of Eagles, will ob
serve its 28th birthday anni
versary at a meeting this eve
ning. Mrs. Arthur Martin, madam
president, reports several aux
iliaries in the valley wiu dc
represented at the meeting.
Charter members ol the
group and past presidents will
be honored. Mrs. Minor Lew
is is general chairman ot the
Members ot the aerie have
been invited to join the auxil
iary for refreshments follow
ing the meeting.
South Liberty, will be hostess
to the South Salem woman s
Christian Temperance Union at
1:30 Friday afternoon. Mrs.
Elsie Trick will be assisting
hostess. Mrs. Harold Allen will
preside and Mrs. Everett Mc-
Rae will present the program.
Officers Feted
Silverton Mrs. Chsrles
Leonard, worthy matron, and
E. A. Ftnlay, worthy patron,
of Ramona chapter No. 58,
OES, were hosts to their offic
ers and their husbands ana
wives, Saturday evening. The
party was in the fireside room
of Masonic hall. Mrs. Finlay
and Miss Ina Harold assisted
during the supper hour.
Each woman guest received
a fancy apron, the gift from
the hosts. The men received
match holders.
Recognition awards In cards
were won by Mn. Norman
Nyhus, Mrs. George Towe of
Salem, Austin Sanford and
Dr. N. L. Dodds.
Come in Soon
aV jm - .'-.T
And See
Graduate Corietifrt
Art Museum
Will Be
Hosts during the calling
hours at Salem Art museum.
the Bush Home, on Wednes
day afternoon will be Mrs. F.
E. Gsskins. Mrs. D. R. Har
vey, Mrs. Dick Sorick, Mrs.
W. Frank Crawford, all from
$e Weavers guild. The mu
seum will be open between 1
and 4:30' o'clock. No admis
sion Is charged on Wednes
days, although contributions
are always welcome to help in
maintaining the place.
Later this week, several Sa
lem Art association members
plan to deck the house in tra
ditional Christmas theme for
the following open afternoons
at the museum, December 13,
December 18, December 20.
All mantels in the beautiful
fireplaces featuring the house
will be arranged in Christmas
setting, there will be door
nwags and other features. In
keeping with the festive holi
day season, hot spiced tea will
be aerved for those three aft-
LADIEd GUILD and three
circles of St Mark's Lutheran
church will meet Friday eve
ning at 8 o'clock in the social
room. Mrs. B. Trelstad will
present the program. Mrs. E.
Hillstsom will preside at the
business meeting with election
of officers being the main item
of business. All women of the
church and friends are wel
come. District Meeting
For Federation Clubs
Twenty two attended the
meeting of board of directors
for the third district Oregon
Federation of Women's clubs,
Monday, at . the home of the
district president, Mrs. George
Plans were discussed for
the spring convention. Re
ports were given by all com
mittee chairmen.
Luncheon was served fol
lowing the morning business
session. Mrs. Rossman decor
ated her luncheon table with
pink carnations and candles.
Salem women attending the
meeting or luncheon included
Mrs. Merle D Travis, Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding, Mrs. Ar
thur Jones, Mrs. David Wright,
Mrs. Albert C. Gragg and Mrs.
In February, the district
board event will be entertain
ed by the Independence
SOROFTIMIST club's regu
lar program meeting and
luncheon will be Wednesday
noon at the Golden Pheasant
It is expected a report will be
given also on the recent bar,
aar, Mrs. E. H. Kennedy ai
general chairman.
Tri-Y s Plan Party
A question and answer per
iod was the program for Gar
net Knight Tri-Y meeting last
week. Miss Anita Tonning,
Willamette'' student answered
questions about sorority and
college life.
Miss Pst Gordon was hos
tess for the meeting at her
home on Skopil Avenue. Plans
were completed for a party to
be given at the home of Mrs.
Eugene Wa lper. Garnet
Knight's adviser.
Junior Officers
Preside at Bethel
Junior officers ' presided in
place of the senior officers dur
ing a meeting of Bethel No. 35,
Job s Daughters, In the Scot
tish Rite temple. Monday night.
Members voted to change the
date of their next meeting from
December 21 to December 26
when Installation will be con
Bethel girl also voted to pre
pare their drill team for pre
sentation at the grand session
slated to take place In Salem
April 23 to 27 of next year.
Girls wishing to take part may
sign up any time, it was an
Several girls plan to stage a
Christmas party at the school
for the blind next Sunday aft
ernoon. The party will be com
plete with a Christmas tree, re
freshments and a program.
Piano and Organ
Program on Sunday
A piano and organ musicale
is to be given at 4:30. p.m.
Sunday, December 13 at the
Don Worden residence. Those
participating will be Oren C.
Hornback of Albany and Don
Worden. Both are members of
the American guild of organ
ists. The program will be di
vided Into three parts as fol
1. Sacred and classical or
gan group, Mr. HornoacK ai
the console.
2. Piano and organ ar
rangements of Christmas mu
sic by Mr. Hornback and Mr.
3. Folk songs and tradi
tional, Mr. Worden at the con
Attendance is by invitation.
At Amaranth
Christmas carols sung by the
choir highlighted the meeting
of Hanna Rose court. Order ot
Amaranth, In the Masonic
temple. Monday night'
Past matrons of the court
will meet tonight at o'clock
in the home of Mrs. Frederick
Farrar, 812 Electric. The sew
ing group, it was announced.
will meet at the home of Mrs.
Don Patton, 990 North 16th,
Thursday, December 10.
Date for the children's
Christmas party was set for
Saturday, December 19, at
6:30 p.m. in the Masonic tem
ple. s
A luxurious gift... a
practical gift.. .a gift she'll thsnfc
you for by using it every day. 12
She'll "lead" a more beautiful
Metier you give her this collection
cf beauty treatment
preparations. $3
vrfttCTontr. fragrtneel
oap'cnd Boreal in a
charming gift. Shell
love it and yon for
giving it to her. 12.50
(all prices phis tax)
LWV Units
This Week
The Brieker amendment
will be the topic for discussion
at the unit meetings of the
Salem League of Women Vot
ers on Thursdsy, December
10. Miss Eloise Ebert will
present the background mate
rial at one group, followed by
Mrs. Edward Corrigan who
will (ive the arguments in fa
vor of the amendment while
Mrs. C. M. Collins will present
the opposition. This program
will take place at the noon
sack lunch meeting at the
home of Mrs. Francis Gaskins,
863 West Salem Heights ave
At the evening meeting at
the home of Mrs. L. E. de-
Weese, 16S Fir street 8 o'clock.
Miss Ebert and Mrs. Collins
will again participate while
Mrs. Margaret Jean Hooper
will talk In favor of the Briek
er amendment
Miss Ebert president of the
Salem League, has announced
completion of the budget and
nominating committees. Mrs.
Florence Mulcahy, chairman
of the budget committee, will
have serving with her Mrs.
Ben Rsdcliff, Mrs. A. B. Mc-
Lauchlan, Mrs. Thomas W.
Churchill, and Mrs. Margaret
Jean Hooper.
Mrs. Cecil Wickllne has ac
cepted the chairmanship of
the nominating committee
which also includes Mrs. Clar
ence Byrd, Mrs. David Stoll,
Mrs. George Swartsley, and
Mrs. E. B. Daugherty.
Mrs. Randall Mills baa been
appointed the new chairman
of a committee to' study the
league's state item No. 2, re
vising the state constitution.
Bridal Shower
Sheridan Miss Frances
Gutbrod was given a bridal
shower by Mrs. Doris. Bundy
and Miss Doris Jean Suhs, at
the Suhs home last week.
Games were enjoyed during
the evening. I
The hostesses served re
freshments to Miss Lois Gould, I
Miss Betty Kooy, Miss Mil
dred Gilson, Mrs. John Gut
brod Sr., Mrs. John Gutbrod
Jr., Mrs. Bill Brandt M!a
Jeanne Aaron, Mrs. Earl Suhs,
and the guest of honor.
m tJCfefctjrf bf
m owmr 9f dwfon far
Nile Fetes
Past Heads
Past presidents of Salem
club. Daughters of the Nile,
were honored at tha meeting
and luncheon of tha group
Monday at the M a t o n i c
Among the past presidents
attending war Mrs. M. C
Petteys, Mrs. O. A. Olson,
Mrs. David Wright Mrs. John
Imlah, Mrs. V. E. Kuhn, Mrs.
Paul H. Hauser, Mrs. E. A.
Rhoten. Mrs. Harris LieU,
Mrs. William R. . Newmyer,
Mrs. Charles Boyer, Mrs. Rus
sell Bright Mrs. Virgil T.
Golden, Mrs. Ethel Niles.
Mrs. Max Alford was chair
man for the decorations.
Altrusans to Aid
Senor Craftsmen
At their meeting last even
ing, members of Altrusa club
decided to sponsor a sale of
items made by Senior Crafts
men in Portland, the crafts
men being a group of older
people unable to take on reg
ular employment. The Fort-
land Altrusans also are inter
ested in the group. Date and
place for the sale will be an
nounced later.
The club also is to supply a
Christmas gift for a patient
at the tuberculosis hospital.
The Christmas party for the
club comes December 20. A
dinner will be served at 5
o'clock at the home of Dr.
Martha Springer. In charge of
the Christmas program will
be Mrs. Carl Benson and Miss
Peggy Peterson.
Christmas Party
Mt. An eel Mount An eel
Garden club members nlan
their annual anniversary and
Christmas party on Wednes
day evening, December 8, at
8 o'clock at th hnnw ttt Mm
Sylvester C. Schmitt, on West
unurcn street
Ajo77 .
fl'ft it II 1 rf K
1 Strand $1.00 1 Strand $2.49
2 Strand 1.95 2 Strond 3.89
3 strand 5.95'
by $3.75 to $11.95
State Head ,
Fifty-two visitor from 28
different lodges attended the
meeting of Salem Rebekah
lodge No. 1, Monday night
when Mrs. Lola Osborne, pres
ident of the Rebekah assembly
of Oregon, paid her official
Introduced with the presi
dent were four past presidents
of the Rebekah assembly or
Oregon: Mrs. Alma Hender
son, Mrs. Hallie Ingle, Mrs.
Christine Smith and Mrs. Mary
Allen. Also introduced were
Mrs. Edith House, marshal;
Mrs. Nettie Larson, musician;
Mrs. Gladys Frykman, color
bearer; and Mrs. Justina Kil:
dee, district deputy president
Another highlight of the ev
ening came when members of
the Theta Rho club, clad in
white blouses, skirts and sailor
hats, entered th room and
formed an anchor. Miss Dianne
West Theta Rho president pre
sented Mrs. Osborne with a
gift from the club. The FL club
and the Rebekah lodge No. 1
also presented the state presi
dent with a gift
Mrs. R. C. Comstock sang a
solo following the display by
the Theta Rho girls.
Five new members initiated
into the lodge were: Mrs. Cecil
Fletcher Mrs. Edwin Bald
win, Mrs. Bernice Schroyer,
Mrs. Emery Sanders and Au
brey Roher.
Officers and members who
have not aerved during the
year, will be the hostesses for
the party.
. . . this special
ized aspirin for
children la mad.
to best fit chil
dren's Daedal
for her
m 111 II X a t VaT ,.
Tuesday, December 8, 193S
ANL Dinner
Monday Event
About 100 attended the din.
ner arranged by Salts
Women'a Army and Navy lea.
gue for members and husbands,
Monday evening, at Chuck's
Steak House.
Gala holiday decorations tea.
tured the party. The entertain.
ment was put on by the group.
ui. ana win. d. u. wiles and
Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wonri
danced the Charleston for one
numDer. Mrs. Willis boss, Mrs,
Robert Brownell and Mrs. John
R. Wood did a dance number
all having been in the recent
"High Fever Follies." Mr, Ross
and Mrs. C. A. Schaefer sang
a song, and the entire group
sang Christmas carols.
Major General 1 and Mn.
Thomas E. Rilea 'were here
from Clackamas for the party.
Among guests were Colonel and
Mrs. Maylon Scott and Dr. and
Mrs. Stanley Davis, Dr. and
Mrs. Daniel Dilaconi, Colonel
and Mrs. Harold Heiser.
Set Gift Exchange
Woman s Society of WafM
Service of the Enelewood Ev.
angelical United Brethren
church is scheduled to meet at
we nome ol Misses Alta and
Ethel Hall, 196S North 24th
street, at 1:18 p.m, Thursday,
December 10.
Program chairman for th
day will be Mrs. Guy Eades.
There will be a gift exchange
among members and visitors
who have been invited to at
tend the dessert luncheon meet,
1715 So. Commercial
Pb. 4-6313
Fat"oT Mais