Tncadsy, December 8, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Ortrm Fatal ROBERTS Wednesday Special Features Buy for Gifts For the Home- HOUSEWAREJ COURT STREET WtCfVe and Redeem i&VC Green Stamps liberty tttroset - court street Open Friday Nights Till 7d 42 il! Re.C IM.M Food Humeri. Casse role with frame tt CA and candle J.JU Rer. $7.l I-qt, Pottery Casserole. copper frame with oven C AC $2.98 tested casserole Re. J4.00 l-pc. Carvinc Set. Good quality Re. $7.2 Laiy Susan. Pot- tt 00 terjr disheawith meial frame 3.00 Value to Gift Items. Ass't Vases, Figurines and ' tl A A China Cups . ea. I.UU Reg. SJ.9S Mirro Bun Warmer. Alu minum with wood J sr handle ji.lj Reg. tl 00 Value Clothes Hamper. Lined wicker type, (a as assorted colors yO.OO Reg. $2.39 3-pc. Range Set Grease jar, salt and pepper, made ti ZQ of aluminum I .97 Reg. $46.50 Dormeyer Elec. Mixer. Heavy duty, all attach- (JZ 00 menu included JJv.OO Reg. $9.95 Elec. Corn Popper. Also can be nsed aa deep tl AP fryer, etc...., 19.73 Reg. $4.54 Coffee Warmers. O OC Pottery base, ass't colors. JiJ Reg. $12.09 S2-pc. Dinner- tl 00 ware Set Service tor six M0 Reg. $1.50 Roast Rack. Stainless steel 98c Reg. $3.50 Clothes Basket 1 ft Strong woyen type yi.07 Reg. $2.50 Wood Clothes H OA Dryer Racks, strong It large I 07 Jf Store Where Your V eUiV IIIVIV X Xk - HI 6IYE AND J Cftrcu rtu !l & WttM STAMPS SPECIAL PURCHASE! Just 100 Peel Cane CHILD'S TV CHAIRS $295 ea. A last minute scoop purchase by Roberts! Brass-tipped legs, sturdy reinforced cane chairs. Ideal for the children. Imported. Light weight for easy moving. Compare 4.95. No mail or phone orders. No de liveries, r. ' Furniture Court Street EVERY INCH A MAN'S SHIRT! -4UjBsMBstMBa vashgble gabardine shirts 2.98 REG. 3.98 VALUE Rates top honors on a man's Christmas list! Handsomely styled with roomy action back; flap pockets; good-looking bluffed collar. Choose yours from these vat-dyed colors; maroon, forest green, navy, copper, azure ' blue, grey, aqua, beige; S, M, L, XL sizes. They wash without o worry, too! MEN'S MAIN FLOOR DRAPERIES COURT STREET Exciting New Rayon Damask.- Self patterns. Gold, beige, tl 08 grey, green, it" yd. 0 Chromespun Bedspread. Stripe and metallic trims. t)A JB Full siie ea. W. Chromspun Yardage. 41" wide. Stripes, plains and ti AA print yd. liVW Crisp New ti 00 Sash CurUIni LJO Multidot Embroidery tC 10 Ruffles, 45"x54" Unlined Cele-chrom Drapes. tC QC 4"x84". Seven colors pr. New Shipment Glosheens and S6''nwide . . yd. $1-45 to $1t95 Antique Satin Drapery Fabrics. Floral and Modern 1 3 08 Prints Yd.J0 Nylon Priscillas, eggshell, tl JC 50x84" Only W.HJ Nylon Panels, eggshell. (180 42xl- Each I.O? Shower Curtain Sets. tC QA Pin stripe pattern Set .' Lined Drapes. 48x84". til AC Rose, green, beige 1 1.1 J Imported Swiss Hand- M0 CA embroidered Panels . Pr. Sofa Pillows. Satins. $2.29 1. $3.49 3 Mm?. Special Purchase Regular 5.98 Ladies' Chenille Robes DOMESTICS LIBERTY STREET 42" Pequot Pillow Tubing. 85c yd. If perfect. 1 ti Bleached white . . yds. 1 Famous Cannon Hand Towels. All perfects, J ti 69c values . J for White Hemmed Flour Sacks. Bleached white, 1 ti opened for 27" White Diaper Flannel. Kei.JSc. 2 to 1 . 1 10-yd. pieces for , Full 12x84" siie. 1 10 00 Assorted colors III. J 7 Looped Bath Mata. 21x14 4 AA .i.. Non-skid back IV v ..... V . rifil fihta. , Doubla bed. Top ti TQ m bottom fitted Famous Name Electric Blanket. rJlv ruarinteed. H AT PI asserted colors LL,1J Tax Wool PUid Throw Robes, tl OA Satin binding all around . Double Bed Sheets. Type ti QA 11$. Cellophane wrapped f ' PUIow Oases. 30r O-E Electr-i. Blankets. IQ QC DM. bed , 10SJ model."'" Towel Gift 'Sets. Large QC leetloa. Chrtstmas kc .. $99 A lovely Christmas selection in a galaxy of color! Lusci ous shades in yellow, pink, wine, white or blue. Fine corduroy chenille. Yards of soft, cuddly chenille for pleasurable comfort! Sizes 12 to 20. Larger sizes and slightly higher. Robes Liberty Street Something Newl , NYLON COVER FOAM PILLOWS 2 ,0, $10 Zipper nylon cover; 3 asst. colors; allergy free; Special Christmas item. Domestics Downstairs "Slumber Queen" Percale Sheets 81x108 2.79 72x108 2.49 First quality, fine white percale sheets; cello phane packaged; practic al gift item! Domestics Downstairs 98c SPECIAL CHRISTMAS EVENT! OCCASIONAL (HAIRS $1295 A delightful gift item at a budget price! A tremendous array of factory 'select covers. Modern stylings; blonde finish; ideol interior motifs in pairs. Compare with chairs selling at much much more! Furniture Court Street LITTLE GIFTS BIG VALUES Folding Umbrellas wih Cover $6.95 Famous Name Gloves 2 for $1 Shulton Stick Cologne $1 Boxed Costume Jewelry 39c 25c $1.50 $3.25 $3.50 $1.88 59c Colorful Christmas Corsages Floral Christmas Handkerchiefs Farrington Jewel Cases Old Spice Shave Set Tussy Shaving Set Quilted Garment Bags J Metal Skirt Hangers '. Plaid Carrying Case $5.95 libery Street 1.50-S1. Distinctive neckwear We've hundreds of Christmos ' gift ties to choose from! Eye-catching patterns and beautiful solids . . . many in the longer lengths and narrower . . widths; Wovens, foulards, satins, jacquards included. Reg. $3.98 Men's Flannel Pajamas The most appealing selection yet! Fancy geometric patterns, colorful stripes, all sizes; the gift Hem he will rave about! Men's Main Fleer TOYLAIM1D SPECIALS! plrI -.,J FOLDING DOLL IUGGY 9.95 Bis enoiuth (or a M-loch doll. Hu padded frame: uy-rolling rubber-tired wheel: foot brake and re-leaw. IC'TRICTCLI . 14.95 BturdT metal construction, well-balanced trlke is afe for Junior children. SmooUi rucninf. BIG TOURNAHAULER 7.95 We U-conjitriKLed imilU cmle model of thl fa mous machine; detlffrwd to carry working equipment. CARIINE RIFLE 2.98 Automatic, Frontier nris that shoots safe ops. Macaaino opens for easy Big, Sturdy ... Hl-Woy EXPRESS VAN 7.95 Looks )ust like the actual coast-to -coast hauleral Lame plastic tractor and metal trailer. Dual wheels have rubber Ureal Will Lest for Years! TOURNAHOPPER es , ; ..niii'W F"sssr-' . t ' V- fHWi L jf : - - - - A ItoJ a- issssJT.. I,, ,,.J " ' i i ii.r-i ssr t m 7.95 ELECTRIC TRAIN SET 24.95 Remote controlled: Twin dtesel locomoure: auto malic coupler: transform sr; buUt-tn circuit break- TRAP DRUM SET 2.98 quipped with neceawrv attachments for a bif now! Bells; trlamle; cymbal: tom-tom, small baas drum. WALKIE-TALKIE 3.95 TwOfiray talklnc machine posered by famous Retn co electric masnet. No batteries required. FERRIS WHEEL 1.98 It's a Me mechanical fer ru wheel, roomy enouin for a alrl'a favorite doUa: piaya music. Super -strong! A heavy duty truck that hauls, has a clam -like dump. The 'big wheels hare beavr rubber tins. Sturdy All Metal DOLL CRADLE 2.25 Chime belt rines) as tl rocks. All metal cream and bias; metal rockers. , t ; 1 i i t I