Pact 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galm. Oretoa Tuesday, December 8. 1953 SWAMPED -1 A- 1 , . a v, Loucks, While Back in Town Mayor Al Loucks and Aid rman Robert F. White, presi dent of the Salem City Coun cil, returned Monday from New Orleans, Washington, D. C, and other southern and eastern placet. Mayor Loucki attended and participated in a convention oi the American Municipal Asso ciation, White attended a buii aess convention, and both did lot of sightseeing along with their wive who accompanied them. Juit before Mayor Loucks poke at the convention he laid he got a telegram ilgned by William H. Hammond, presi dent of the Salem Chamber of Commerce, with but wishes from the home folke. Among eide tripa wn one through the bayou country along the Gulf of Mexico. The trip eait waa made by plane and the return by the Panamanian train from New Orleani to Chicago and the Em pire Builder from Chicago to Portland. Handling the avalanche of telephone cails from Toledo, (Ohio) Blade readers who wanted to add their names to a unique "letter" was this crew of 10 telephone answering , service personnel. At the Blade building 25 regular staf fers made entries on lists, too. It all started Dec. 4 with a front page suggestion that readers support President Eisenhower in response to Sen Joseph McCarthy's "write-the-president" campaign. Through jammed switchboards, cal came in at the rate of about 1,300 an hour. At mid night Dec. 4, 9,870 names had been listed of persons sup porting the President. The Blade also offered to forward names of those supporting McCarthy, and the count for him was 324 at midnight Dec. 4. (AP Wirephoto) About Bloal Bloat was the subject of an after-lunch talk by W. G. Nib ler of Oregon State college at the Dairy Herd Improvement meeting In Mayflower hall. Detergents have been tried experimentally to reduce the malady since It la believed by tome to be caused by a foam ing of materials In the paunch. High humidity la a weather factor. Nibler aaid that experiments in Scotland indicate that the atae el a cow's bite is constant but to be a high producer she most be able to take at least TO bltea per minute. Nation-wide, Jess than one tenth of one per cent of dairy amine la arc aireetca by bloat, Nibler stated. Serious in Irri gated legume sections' of Cali fornia, Utah. Nevada and Arl aona, there is little trouble in states of the northeast Preventatives include pas ture mixing, which run 60 per cent grasses and 40 per cent legumes; feeding some dry hay in the pasture lots, and avoid ing first year planting heavy in clovers. Nibler said that Irrigated pastures allowed to stow tn four-inch height recover faster than that eaten when two incnes nigh, because close grat ing Injures grass root svstem. A three-week pasture rotation has bren ahmvn to glv 1J ' more iceo man a two week rotation. Four-week ro tation givea SO per cent more than two-week, he said. James Phillips of Silverlon was re-elected president of the association; Robert Barnes, Sil verton. was re-elected secre tary. The new vice president is urviue urown of Woodburn. rrantt roepping of SUverton was elected as director, suc ceeding Leonard Lee of Aums- iue. Dinner Meet Set Wednesday Members of the Salem chap ter of the Pscific Northwest Personnel Management aasocia tlon will have a dinner meet Ing at the Senator hotel Wednesday evening at 6 clock. Speaking to a group at the dinner will be Dr. Theo Yer ian, head of the departments of business education and secre tarial science at Oregon State college, whose subject will be "The Orentiation of Workers on the Job." Prior to his talk, the group wiu install their officers of the year 1954, with the retiring president, uoroon Shattuck. conducting the Installation. The officers are: President, Roy Lytle, assistant manaeer of Miller's department store; vice president. Gene Huntley, personnel officer, state high way commission; secretary, Nell McCue, owner of the Cap ital Business college; treasurer. noy nice, personnel officer, Ladd & Bush branch, U. S. National bank; and directors, Donald Christianson. person nel officer, Oregon State hos pital George Hall, personnel omcer, western Paper Con verting company; Hazel Mc Laughlin, supervisor of trans actions, civil service commis sion; Gordon Shattuck, person nel supervisor, unemployment compensation commission: and J. W, Thomas, personnel man ager, consolidated -Food Pro cessors, Inc. Marriage of Playboy Ends in Court HOUSTON, Tex. The marriage of Texas plsyboy-helr anepnera Abdullah King and Egyptian dancing girl Samia Gamal ended yesterday in di vorce Just like evangelist Billy Graham, said it would. But the ever-happy King, who changed his religion to the Moslem faith to marry the voluptuous Nile charmer, still could crow a little. Graham predicted the marriage would not last six months. It endured about two years. Set Grand Jury For Linn County Albany From the Septem ber Jury list, which has now expired, the names of eight persons were drawn to com prise the Linn county circuit court grand jury. The names were drawn by Sheriff George Miller and Count, Clerk R. M. Russell. . The new grand Jury will be on call of the district attorney from now until released. Drawn Monday were the names of Lillie Shelton, Libble Kowiti, Renwick L. Brown, George P. Nissen, Elva Bel lows, Doris Nebergall, James R. Applegate and Norman Saltmarsh. Saltmarsh is alter-i nate. Trophy Will Remain Here "That trophy presented monthly to top Marina recruit er in the Oregon district, will remain in Salem for another month, i Staff Sgt. Robert Wilson, re cruiter in Salem, In October 'won the trophy and again in November waa the recruiter with the highest percentage, having 240 percent of his auota. I In October Wilson had 180 'percent of his quota. At that Lt Col Carl E. Fulton. USMC, officer in charge of the recruit 1 ment branch of the Western Re cruiting area, San Francisco, was here to present the trophy to the sergeant. In second place in Novem be tn recruiting in the Oregon district, which includes south ern Washington and northern California, was Sgt. Marvin Lee Cox of Roseburg. He had 190 percent of his quota. The Oregon district in No vember enlisted 93 men in the Marine Corps to have 120 per cent of Its quota. Of the 93 men enlisted in the district 12 were recruited by Sgt. Wilson of Salem. North Powder Man Conservation Leader La Grande (UBEd Mc- Csnse North Powder rancher, today was Oregon's Conserva tion Man of the Year. Announcement of the award was msde Saturday by Ray Forman, Antelope, chair man of the selection commit tee at a session of the Oregon Wheat Growers convention here. McCanse, who operates a 13,000-acre ranch at North! Powder, was selected chiefly because of a rehabilitation project he accomplished on 3000 acres of land "Which had been considered almost worth leu. ! A good team of Arctic sled dogs, pushed by an expert driver, can cover 100 miles in a day with a light load. VOUR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC 339 CHEMEKETA Protect Your Vision . . . ear relief from headachei ceuwd by iyetfreis . . . er only scientifkoHr-fitttd Cletws. Al Sender's ell claim ere mode ie Hie eiecr preicripHM ef yew keeirttred Optometriit . . . Ie your chelce ef MesJom. Yevthful Styles, IXTKA CHAKOi QUICK SEIVICE daises Ready In 1 Day (MSB J Villi I Heaelra at w slow SICHT NOW . . . muft la ft Mw, at mil mHt r awtfM, amviitt pm v. Mdlr Wr Ma n4 last, m Imna al lineWi. 50 . AWIIK. ft Optical 2tot onntnm tmiamt OFFICES Hill I Watm-tea tea ITATI I COMMMCU1 UL. n West Salem West Salem The 4-H Cook tte Club of West Salem met at the home of the leader, rs. jonn Glodt on River view Dr. Officers elected were presi dent. Mery Lou Kosack; vice president, Barbara Glodt; sec rotary and scribe, Shirley Oouler. Other members are Laila Beaver, Shary Boese, Lynne Sheridan, Nancy Trib ble, Margaret Walker, Jean Williams and Barbara Young. Diving on its prey, a duck hawk often travels 180 miles per hour. HP SALE! SALE! SALE! CHRISTMAS SHOPPING AT WHOLESALE PRICES! SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9 Creditors Demand Action! SAVE UP TO f Sacrificing $40000 V Shoe Stock J MUST LIQUIDATE OR GO OUT OF BUSINESS ! ON SHOES FOR THF FMTIDC '0 FAMII Y SHOP THE SHOE BOX THIS CHRISTMAS AND SAVE ! ; OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL ' TOE SHOE BOX 160 N. LIBERTY ST. SALEM, OREGON FREE CUSTOMER PARKING! IHOrrER'S CAB PARK S. High at Ferry ar MARION CAS PARK 8. Commercial and Ferry Ask year salesperson to validate year parking check for 1 hour FREE. BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC. 14th OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 MUM IMIILY! AND WE MEAN JUST THAT! NONE BUT MEN MAY ENTER THE PORTALS OF PENNEY'S WEDNESDAY NIGHT 7 to 9 P.M. THAT'S TOMORROW NIGHT - DON'T FORGET! ALL MEN FROM 8 to 88 WELCOME AN EXCITING ARRAY OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS ... FOR EXCLUSIVE SELECTION BY PARTICULAR MEN -k Glamorous apparel for sweetheart, wife or mother (Take a long, slow look; there'll be pjenty of time) if New Home Furnishings (Practical and useful. Select at your leisure) Study your lady. Know her favorite colors. Know her size. We'll help you from there. REFRESHMENTS AND GIFT WRAPPING FREE . . . MUSIC, TOO A GOOD WAY TO GET "A NIGHT OUT YOU send HER to the Movies as OUR guest The GRAND THEATER presents its usual high-class double feature in technicolor this night and we've arranged for your wife, and or your mother, as well as for sisters and sweethearts to be admitted FREE. Bring your folks to the store with you and get their show tickets. Then send them along, while you "shop in peace." HOW CAN YOU BEAT A "DEAL" LIKE THAT?!! It's your big opportunity, men, to shop in leisure and comfort. You won't be "stampeded," crowded or "heckled." There won't be any one there but you and a lot of other fellows and a staff of friendly, helpful salespeople to "give you a big hand." COME EARLY - STAY LATE - BUT COME MANDARIN QUILT DUSTER 890 Others 9.90-1 2.75 mv Second Floor eni5W JEWELED uilt Duster 990 LOOK ! HERE'S ANOTHER FEATURE FOR MEN'S NIGHT! DON'T FORGET TOMORROW NIGHT FROM 7 to 9 P.M.1 ALL Nylon . 17.75 SECOND FLOOR e 357 STATE $T. NEXT TO MIDGET MARKET PHONE M047