Tudr, Dtwabcr 8. 195S DENNIS th, MENACE BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DUTRIEvfoES wtrtbouM. Ap rate salt, 40 i ST. Oeorte Dilt. 12 It St, WMI Salem. Phone -lilt. JcMl" WAREHOUSE SPACE. New building with Un Mrktng area, with or without of llet ftclllU. Rail siding. Drivs-la ud truck dock. Ferkllft truckj and pj. let. Ctpltil City Transfer Compear. Phon 1-3431. ol03 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN, K1CELT furnished two-room apartment, stove, write rotor, wash In facilities. South. I-U07. )p293 COMFORTABLE BASEMENT bachelor apartment. Furnished. Private bath. Fbone i-iti. 430 s. 30th At. jplM1 FRONT FIB8T floor furnished thrte rooc. m. Liberty, foods 1.-7124. JPWJ1 THE BEST throe-room offer In town. Clou, modern, close to business dis trict, Pertly furnished. 10M Edgewster street, wen slm. JplM' FURNISHED COt'BT apartment, I roon true, cios in on Nona commtr 1aL U. phone J-Mil or I-W44. Ip ' HEWLY REMODELED I rooint, private bath. Oood bed. 330 I. 14th. Jp3 MICE, CLEAN, furnaihed apt. Clot In. 444 H. Cottage. Jp SEVERAL ftutiUhM apartaeota, iood weaua. tneutr B, L suit Ponttart. Phone Mi. jp COURT APARTMENTS, lit 111 ties furo tehed 131 and 119. Trailer hoiu for rent or lale. 3111 Portland Rd. JnlOl THE ELAINE has lovely furnished apart ment Living room, free use of exist- In TV outlet, kitchen, dinette, bed room and bath. Pre laundry facilities. 4A- t7t N.Llbfrty. Jp33 ONE-BEDROOM. Chtmaktta. near 13th. Furnished 1 anfuraUhed. Phone 4-1603. p291 two THREE-ROOM fur&Uhed apart menta. FrlvaU bath, entrance. Hi N. Ufrerty at. 1UI7. jp3B5 BOOMS AND BATE, furnished, close la, clean, mala floor; X lane rooms, ewrr remodeled and decorated, on- vato bath, furnished, oil heat; email aottatt. ott neat, cieao, lurnubed. omfy. Laundry facilities for all. 411 B.Hllh. JpV lean,"s BOOM apartment close In. UUlltlea pftld. 443 M. FboM SMl. jpltl APARTMENT IN WERT Salem. Children welcome. Phono l-ifil. 1111 ith at. Jp311 -ROOM furnished apartment. Also, bachelor apartment. Ambawador Apartments, M N. Summer. JP311 ROOMS furnUbed. utilities paid. 131.00. 11TI N. 4th St, Phone 4-3M4. Jb393 CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment with aa raae. Utilities furolshed. .00. Phone 3-1014. 3301 Hastl Ave. JPr CLEAN. FCBNISHED aPartmenk Close in. Phone 3-T14I. iP S LARGE ROOMS and bath. Furnished. 137 M. Private entrance and auto. heat. Phons 4-8551. JP3 1340 CENTER ST. 3 rooms and bath. Newly decorated and new furniture. Phone 4-4S73. 1P4 CLOSE IN 17 N. Liberty. I room fur nished apt, ML inaulra M0 N. Lib erty. ip"4 FURNISHED apartment, utilities fur niahvd. nrlvau bath and refrtterstor. 1301 N. Com'l. Jp!" CLEAN QUIET, warm one-room apart ment. Close-in. LadJ preferred. 141 Ferrr St. JrtT WlCE S and room, SM and ap. Ad ul ti. Phone 3-3351. IpW MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVB MOVE TOURS ELF SAVE H CAR RENTALS - STAKES - VANS TEXACO STATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE t-1931 PAGE STEVEN SOI' and AX, MEFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR J-HR. SERVTCE IN MOST CABER DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bldi State A Commercial Sti SALEM PH. I-3J11 mj SALEM SAND GRAVEL COMPANY ConUact Work Road Clearlnc DiUhet Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Dltchlni by the Pool Phone Days 3-940 Ere. 1-4417 or 1-7418 Jtalem, orevon SUILDING MATERIALS REMODEUNO IMTHUVSHtn; LOANS 31 MONTHS TO PAT NO DOWN PAYMENT ESTIMATI NO SERVICE ADD AN EXTRA BKDRM . OARAGE. Etc ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT ntlR OFFICE DICK MEYER XUMBER CO ph. l-lllt ITO Una Ave NO PARXINO PROBLEM msSftl SALE .... 4o.tf eonwew l " OmtitM SootA " :r ' 4l ..UrpfOof WAllM. J-JJ. NUU. 4i.l. , Ur.. Avr w..'lo7r TuitSIl l4M:io"IN .m4UIM lutPAC.. 224 V. 14- !ii 7 tmm I C.r4 o 04. C.W141 Joarn4l. J tr...,.i 44T 4I ! P4IBU4 4H44M n- "'S AsMltOA U4104. f M plMr,l roll "4M41 In 464,4 BOOKIMA- C4d4t I404 P04tt ' AM .41. 44,114 U014 4" cut tro. 4oU PIP4 RoU roolla,. Wr,4 tuP. 4- 41M mooftbart Pipo I 4 COP04IUO roofiot C,d4f hlB4l4. 4 4T4d44 I ... Cheap N.w tol.tu wiui w-. ,. (Wine wtrlut r O LOKO A SONS PV 4 J4 . I "- "?..' A.KirtNO I" LAtl&N. V e a e 1 1 a a KtMrs.u, s . ! Co.. ?Md4 CO.. ---- --- ... By Kttcham BUILDING MATERIALS NEW LUMBER DELIVERED PRICES 8HIPLAP ) .Qd ta and IU t-AVUAH BnilNQUB. ALL PRAUEB TED MULLER PR. SALEM 3-1194 ma 393' NURSERY STOCK HOP FOB thrube sav. Berried Hol ly P1UU 11-24", 11.16. Htdll Holly plants 15-11". tie. cut Holly, wreath. Middle Orove Nursery, 430 Bllverlon it a. mane .-U2. a AFRICAN VIOLETS, many varieties In oioom. lie up. Hooted leave. Br tera Oreenhouu. 1111 Third St., Stay too. Pbon 30ti. mb3' FERTILIZER Rotted manure, weed tree. DHv. ereo tnyner. Phone j-OTTt. mbjtl' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS XMAS TREES, Wholesale. Phone 1-4241 nl B1RCBCRAPT BOAT, trailer, motor and extra. muu ace to appreciate, mo. s-euo. n2(3' CLOTHESLINE POSTS, Iron leu for tables, furniture railings. 1141 N. Lib erty. nl DRAW DRAPES for I ft. At 4 ft. windows. Black backs round, tailor-made. Save half, to for both, 10M Hlehland Ave. Ph. 3-7431. Bltt BATTERIEK ALL Cars M IS. 17.14. Ex- chance IS months tuaranUe. Open till t:0t-dally. Lytli's Tire Mart. a3" RAND PAINTED orsendy aprons. $131 each. Martha Wilson, P.O. Boi Is. Phoenix. Oregon. nt DEEPFREEZE ROME freescrs. Tsater Appliance Co, ITS Phone 1-4 J 11. Sft-et ALLOWED for your old water heater. Re?ardJost of condition or make, on a new Wei tint bouse auto mat electrio water heater, with a 10- year guarantee. Tester Appliance co, S7I Chemekela St. Phone 3-4311. ft BE SMART Pool your Christmas money and bur furniture the enure family can enjor. Our prices have been cut so low, you are loslnf money every minute you stsy away. TRADER LOUIE. 1170 Lana Ave. nM4' GOOD USED washers. Ill OS At up. Ycat- rr Appliance co ill cnsmeaeia " Phone I-41U. b I'll TRADE new furniture for piano Woodry. Fh. J -1 110. nae' till LINO BUGS, 4.M. Otea Woodry. 1105 N. Summer. Bwr IMPERIAL candle wick crystaL At con siderable dlKoank Rarely used. Phone 3-S864. ns' A WD I' ST TIRES, 170-15, ISM. Tire Msrt. Phone 4-M3S. LTtle's nSflJ Antique Mantel clock. Mahotaar llvlnt-dln-lnt table. Oray chrome drop leaf taole. Eastman locea post cam. nmwnl kodak. Walnut metal bed, Card table. 4 chairs. Hand painted tabls lamps. Table Phllco radio. Lava tory bowl At slttlna. Hip boots, sire t. Coat.', suits, diahes. misc. All ood. Priced niht. After 1010 am. 030 Garnet. Ph. 3-704y B393 HOSPITAL RED for isle or reel B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone I-91II. a' HARLEY-DAVinsON motorcycle. Tip top cond. 1135. TRADER YOUIE, 1170 Lena Ave. n394 GOOD USED refrtterators. I4J.M M up. Tester Appliance Co, 111 Chemekta St. Phone 3-4311 a USED ELECTRIC Rsnies. Ill P YeaUr Appliance Co I7 Cbemeketa St. Phone 3-4311. a RECAPS, a-l. Mil. Opea SundaT'e. Lrtle'i Tire Msrt. n3M U Hir.GINt pump shots un ISO 00. Ph. wait. y3 PLASTIC-ROTE reeulres no wailna for your floors or linoleum. Tester Ap pliance Co., 11 Cbemeketa SL Phone 3-43U LIKE M'W. Ensllih type bicycle. Three speed, seal beam lights. 140 value for 1.35. 419 A. lth. APL i. 3-1319. n393 FINAL rLOSEOl'T of all freeters. wash er, and drvem. Nevrr aaain such an opportunity- TRADER LOUIE. 1170 Lana Ave. n394a iFiNET pFaT rouf pr.M. Pbm, 4"4 DIM rn I." liaterol. TV. CoDMl, Mod a Kamler 81- Ph. JM. nl ArRON AND Luirtieon eti. AUft prn. Pillow cut, biih lo.el stu. Mrs. E. Hobbftu-lMkm. Phonf Mill n3' ADDING MArniNIJ. OlS nH At ,1m WW. Clrr MUHKr. UTS Pmir,ro,na M l ull ONE GIEL-S bkrel. And om bo,', eTd. ". Phon. 4-1114. nni' CA!tH RrOIBTERH. from l up. Qirr UUIllpiltr. ruriroBntw ..j DSOft 1 ATEEL EDQED .klU. tlomraom POI.i. i " I-MI7 .ftff I 34 n4 ntNITI EE AT PRICEA t. low TOU .111 tuiak la 4Xsf. TRADER 1ACIE 1474 , RE AI'TIFl L Kn4 IPlO't ! A-l t01Mlll!OIl. B.B An Pbon. 4-AM4 I RENMOEE CAI r444. I SH414T 044 clrcnlour he4l.r Ith loa. I to-441. 44a W4t.r bt4lr. oad 0fi4 7r. Th.M 4r- IK144 ir 4t JUP4. 4U R4UP4BI4. p. t-itu !s ANTIOI I HAVTEtf lock. 44M 1I4M4 Ai Iirtplaco wt. mow i-wii. owi) gQy-f j-fjco Bicycle Ideal far Chnst. mas. I4T 0 matrim. a OOOD UGRTWRK'RT btba for anly ji dollars, caU -iQM. aMi FtAKO SALE. Doa't Bttso TaUman s big Xmas piano sale. Over log p. ana bar gatns. Brand ne sptaets as low as 3). Orsnda M2T ap. Uprighto Uf p Buy terms era carry roar esa tract 111 hovds a PtaM for Xmas ViiTfry. Tailmaa piano Storaa, III s. lfD FOWKB tocl at terrlfU savings TRADER LOOTS ItTE LaAA At. mi' FOR SALE MISCELUNEOUS I'UD IIMOIR eiectrt celaet xhlM, Sews forward: Rosjfid 0IB. wan HtUtUMtU tr sewing Minu. Only HI At. Hit r wtas Center. 1M M. 47anuMrial Sf Ova Friday vUag. MX ClXUlAJtCE BALE Oaad aiecim awnabi is lag ma hlnes. All tnachlaaa aod aotrtM aandittoa A auarutoed. Bo e as soar 4 IM1. Bluer awta Cvatw. IM n. coaamarciai 4U. Opa Pnday eve aln. nw . E. ALTO MA TIC Iraat AhoaM eel: I11M prico tAM. Ph. 4-4JU. a)tl' t PC. MUD at dm: a ft Ml. F- MUni COBkSlUaa. 3t.lt. FA. a-HTl nni- RADIO-PBONO. Combinations and r- cordera from I11.M. THAOKB lilt Lana Ave. a3t4 TRAVEL IB ON IN O ord Ideal lift ff Utm trftMliM HTML 14 M. PL 4-4BTI ELECTRIC ranee 134 U. t MM. CAMERA projector A acreea- very nice Cbrutmai lift. Almost aw. Very roasonable. Phone 44314. B34 MEDItM S1ER all boater, feaseaabla. WMU aaamsl eaoft atovm. u n. Com'L IM I PANE WIMTJOW UxM PUt lau mirror. Oct axon 14" diamond cut. Phone 43141. PXt4 SPINET PIANO, tT4t new Hallett Davis spinet only W! durlns Tan mane bis Xmas Plane Bala, ftto thu one now at Tailmaa Piano cUerea. 3tt . 13th. Salem. 3tT NEW BEND IX automatic washer. EU . . reduction. Phone 47F1 Salem. awe BEMINOTON BAND addlnt machine. Bunt column, adds, subtract, mi montha eld. Reasonable. Phone t-t4l mornlnia and evenlnts. n3t4 UPRIGHT PIANO for sale, la toed con dltion. Phone i-iiae. awe- OOOD I'SED PIANOS, only IT4. TRADER LOUIE, ino Lana Ave. - nwr ALMOST NEW Baldwin Aeraeontc spinet plane with bench. Priced reasonably. Rt. 1 Boi 3t3. 4 mllrs north ef Sa le oi on Wallace Rd. Phone J-tlll. am BLUE FRIEZE chair. Tapestry daven port and ehalr. All tood eooditioa. Bed. sprint, mattress. 3-7IIT. a3t4 TELEVISION RETS. Mast anythlnf taken la trad. TRADER, louis. iB7t una Ave. B3I4 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Piano. Phone t-lllt. FLRNITVRE REFTNItniNO, chair seaU recaned. very reasooaoie raiea. rnone 4-lltA. Ba3t3 ELECTRIC ranges. Woodxy'a. Ph. a 1-1110. SPORTING EQUIPMENT FORCED TO SELL 13 aa. dmible shot tun 130.00. lot Savas-e with Weaver scope SIM M. Both tood condition. Ph. evenlnts. 3551. nc34 RUBBER BOAT. It tauge Shottun, fUh Im Mulomant. St duck decors 4s etc. Reasonable. Phone SUM. 1IH Trade Strert. ncJ94 EXCHANGE MISC. FOB SALE or trade 110 AC lUbt planty. heavy duty bumper trailer hitch lor pickup or truck. 11 Larry Ave. nnl PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIOATION, do- re u tie problems, social aatncrincs. tracine. recovery. Phone 3-SoTl.. p38t NOT RESPONSIBLE for any debts ether than my own. X. R Thomas, on oertn Ave. P2I4" AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co., eipcrts wiu solve roar pcob- lemn and cava you money. Free eati mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. TRUCKS 1031 DODGE PANEL. Extra seat, heater, new tlraa. 11.11k eaan. none l-IOll. d4 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-7 CAT FOR HIRE. Phone S-04M. Wil liam Phillips. 1300 Abrami St. oew HOUSE TRAILERS Buy TRAILER HOMES Sell Trade Bank Finance Real LANA LANS TRAILER PLAZA laot Last Ave. taltl FINANCIAL Lie 8-133 and M-331 and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13 05 Dally KfiLM 1390 Kd. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 111 So. Commercial St. Tel. 31111 REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO ROBERT ay SORHSCN Pact. $87 Cowt ot e. 4-22W CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 SEE FRED SCHOTT AT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS UP TO $1500 oa 8 it n a tare. Faraltaro. Car AT PERSONAL. It's -yes'' aramptlf b e raptor ad men or women. l-visli loan . . phone first You select beat par meat data Between payday leana Phone, writ a coma ta TODAY! Personal Finance Co. Ill 8 HIOH ST . SALEM State License Mat. 8-122. M-1W Losns over SIM up to 1M0 and bp to 10 months ta repay made by Personal Finance Co. ef Marlon County and? the Industrial Loan Companies Act at Oregon. rill SEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real asttte Mont at as contract! State Finance Co. Ill So. Bub St. Ph. 1-4111 ACTO LOA.fS WTLLAMrTTE CREDIT CO. Ul eVsata Chure Parking Plenty Ph. t-IMT Ua. Ha. M-IM. S-1H I . w i ownjrvAl wnvn LA A VINO FOR Fort Wo i in, Texas via Saa Franctaca. oa Dec llth. miT etd riders cat) IM Rhode) or write Rnx 1101 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE or trade. 11 A'ro-Aea 4-door aedaak radio, beater, overdrive, wb:te tide wall urea, two-tone paint, ltdo tnilei, avw car guarantee. 1-4)21. lis? Ruga. a? WILL SELL eaulty in 111! ton Ford pinup. Mas aifat aafara I M a TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Orcfo AUTOMOBILES YEAR-END CLEARANCE! -All NEW 53'S and USED Cars MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS! OPEN EVENINGS LODER BROS.' YOUR 0LDSM0BILE DEALER 465 CENTER AUTOMOBILES NO DOWN ON AFPBOVBD ON CARS UP Buy Now-Pay Next Year 1953 Buick Super Hardtop JUST LIKE NEW. 1951 Olds. "88" 2 dr. sdn. ... ' dn viaon, cluh. 1950 Packard 4 dr. sdn A rntr ran i owkeh car. 1950 Buick Rdmster Riv. 4 dr. sdn. X ownir, riiniruu ww Tun. 1950 Buick Super Hardtop WW TIRES, NIW PAIWT. milACULATS. 1949 Ford 2 dr. sdn. R.H., PULL RACE HOTTEST FORD XN TOWN. Assembled Conv. Cpe. Custom padded top . 41 UERC. XHOINC MCXT Tb HOTTBST FORD IN TOWN. 1948 Buicks Three of CONV. 4 DR. SDN. SKDANIT, 1948 Pontiac Sedanet CLEANEST IN TOWN. 1947 Chevrolet "Aero" sedan . $695 PRETTIEST IN TOWN. 1946 Chevrolet "Aero" sedan. Runs like new $ 595 NEEDS POLISH OOOD OWNER. MAKE US AN OFFER ON THESE 1H1 LINCOLN C CPE. 1141 PONTIAC CL. CPE- 1131 PONTIAC 4 DR. SDN. 1942 MERCURY 4 DR. SDN. LEE'S IMS P4lrcrliid4 Rd. PH. 14011 STAR MOTOR CO. N. Com'l. & Union IT'S A CLEAN SWEEP WE'RE CLEARING OUT OUR LOT BECAUSE WE NEED MONEY TO BUY NEW STOCK DO YOU NEED A CAR? HERE'S WHERE YOU GET IT AT PRICES YOU'VE NEVER SEEN BEFORE! WE NEED THE MONEY, SO WE'RE PASSING THE SAVINGS TO YOU! THESE TERRIFIC BUYS ARE DEPENDABLE; THEY'RE GUARANTEED! '51 PLYMOUTH .$1125 4 door Cranbrook sedan, l-tone blue, eitras. This U b iar tn cleanest cars over offered for aalet '51 CHEV. ,...$1225 Deluxe 4 door sedan, I tone trmj. whlta atdewalls, directional sltnals. locallr owned, eiceptlonallr low mile ase oaU 30.000 atllea. RAtH, Power tilde. '51 CHEV. CI. Cpe $1125 Style Ine model and an Meal ear for a famllr with small children. It has radio, beater you 11 love Ul AUTOMOBILES 1111 BOtCK SPECIAL t Dr. Radio, beater. E-Z-eye glass. Surf blue. Parchaaad new from as and eervvcod ta aur ahop imi 1IM RU1CT SUPER Rivierta 4 Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, draeflow. SerWee record available. One , awser. Vtrdl graea i:44 14t MERCtTRT CONTERTIBLE New top. Row whlta wall urea, radio and beater. Riact naua. Libe new 1401. IN 7 PONTIAC SEDAKETTE Thla oar has bad eicellcnt cart. Radio beasts HVU Otto J. , WILSON Company CmsMrclAl 41 C4.I44 Ph. t-UU 0 c USED CARS AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES PAYMENT CREDIT TO $1500 $2995 , $1695 $1195 $1370 $1595 O.D $1095 them $795 TAKE TOUR CHOICE, $795 1041 OLDS. 4 DRT SDN. 1141 KAISER 4 DR. SDN. 1931 PLYMOUTH CPE. "MODEL A" 1 OR. SDN. 14 It. Church Ph. I-IU1 Phone 3-6303 '50 BUICK .$1125 Super ttdtn. UAH. siraauow. others: this one should sell ftr much mora but you caa nave II at bar am prica tight aowl '49 MERCURY ..:$925 4 door sedan. RAH. overdrive, white atdewaUs, colar la beue, arlaa aeat covers. Ton must asa this car to appreciate Its quality and condition. '49 PONTIAC $975 Silver Streak 4 door sedan, ehocolstc brown color, autjldt sun visor. RAH. hrdra. white aWe walla. Can t be told from new I q3 AUTOMOBILES WORK CAR '40 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE RUNS & H." NDLES PRET TY DARN GOOD FOR THE MONEY. , $65 MAJOR MOTORS CENTER AT LIBERTY PH. 4-4111 3lt MECBAVirs SPECIAL 41 Mercury I dr RH si OO acda work oa entlaa. See at n M. Winter St. after 4 pm 1141 CHRTHLER Windsor I door sedan Eacenent eooditioa. All tstras. Phone 44 iu evenings. vnr CHFCK THIS PRICEI 144T Pord 4-0wor V-l oupfff daaw ..rf.rt thtmiahnDt law Mil.... Al ttru lociodia, caian4i4 4r4ran4. ll'Lrl'.Z:'- OTO''.?,;; t7nrAP T.H.mT.Tio. i En.-.o rord. New moun. i4. pnono 4-n - ''Sirc'.n'Ir'a1 """" "Si - imLd.4.da ip.i 4.n. v.r? ti.,n. pint ciom cMtduioa. ao. KiZfc'gZS'JSTSJSi best atttnuan. 44. Pbon 4-1411 9irr 141 FLTMOITR. L0O0 mile. 421 13th St. Pon 1-ltlO. M3 1,7 " J 7 r irpMm-r.a.W"..u .W ut ? th w,tf . ,r pwnoid .jin. .ft:-:; ,.! "Jurt shows what can hap- Pn.n, 1-1441 4144 . nn wuh.n vmi mnnkev with tin. AUTOMOBILU PHONES 4-2261 or S-T97S ant AUTOMOBILES - 1953 PACKARD AND WILLYS, DEMONSTRATORS AND EXECUTIVE CARS NEW CAR ' ' GUARANTEE THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN " f ELSNER MOTOR CO. 352 N. HIGH SALEM PACKARD -WILLYS DEALER 1M1 CHEVROLET 4 Seor 44d4tt. B4141T4. D.IUK4 44UlPB4Bt. WIU 4411 44UIIF. Ph0A4 4S124. WW' ipnitT CAR Pronch Cltrooa aonvortr Ibl4. rtont wn41 rl44. 44 At im W4rktt St. Ph6n4 11241 uotll 9-m. 1144 P4rk An. Pttono 1447, titor 4 P.m. 4144 LODGE . Salem Lodge No. 4 A.F & A A M., Wed. Dee. 9, E A degree. 7:30 p.m. 293 STOCKS iBy The AaooolattS Ftoaoi Adnlra Corporauoss 11 Alllad Chemical 14 A1U Chalmers 44V American AlrUaoa Ula Amerkaa Power Llfh.., American Tel. 4b TaL Ill American Tobacco Anaconda Copper Atehlsor Rsliroa4 Bethlehem SteU Boeing Air plaint Co. M Borg Warner Burrows Adding Matatai., California Packiai .... , Canadian Paclfto Caterpillar Tracior ...., Celaiiest Corporation .... .. 00 .. IIS .. 41 .. 14 .. J) .. USt .. II .. 20 .. 12 .. 10 V. ,. 41 ll .. 14 ,. 1 .. ..104H .. 43 4. 10 .4 11 .. 0V, .. .. 10 .. 2A .. 11 .. .. ) .. MVb .. 14 .. 13 .. .. 11 .. 12 4. 1) .. .. II .. 10 Cbrrsler Corporation .. , CtUas Service Consolidated Canon .. CoasolidsUd Vultaa Crown Zellerbach . Carttas ttrttbt Dousiaa Aircran Da Pont oo Kemouro .. , Eastmsa Kodak Emerion Radio ... , Oeneral Electrio Oeneral Poods .. Omni Motors , oeortia Pw. ilywooa Ooodreai Tiro Homealaka Mining Co. .., Inurnational Harvestat , International Paper .... Johns afanvllie Kaiser Aluminum , Kcnaoeott Copper ... Ubbr McRen Loci heed Aircraft itt Is:srvoratos ..... Lon Sell , Montgomery Ward Hash Kilvlnsto' , Hew York Central ...... Northern PaclfM Pacing American Flsb . Pacific a as as EiectrM . .. 11 0. 0 .. 11 ..1U PaeifM Tel as Tel Packer Motor Car ..... Penney. J. C Pennsylvania R, R. ..... .. 4 .. II .. IT .. 1)V .. 11 Pepsi Cola Co. Philoa Radio Radio Corporation RayonM' laeorp Ra rosier Incarp Fid. Republie ateet RerncMs Metalo Richfield Oil Safeway Storaa. tea. .... Scott Paper Co .... tsears Roebuck Si Co. .., . IIS . 10 . li . Is . I7H Socony Vacuum Oil Southern Parifie Stndard Oil Call! Standard OH N 4 atudrbatver rnrp unhlne Mining Swift CO TraniSmerlea Corp .... . 12 . T2 . 31 . . n . 10 . M .101 . . 44 . 4 . 14 . . 13 41 .. 31 Twentieth Ceatary Fat Unioa Oil company Dm P set tie OnttM Atrllnet United Aircraft United Corporation .... united Stetes Fir wood . Uniteo States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union TaL .... Wwtinehrtuse Air Brako WMMfifftrfase BlOCtTM Waal wev U .... Dentist's Car Stalls Dr. Jotyi A. Dyke, Salem dentist and staunch believer in water fluoridation,' had a try ing experience with unfluori dated water Monday night. The doctor's csr stalled in wster on the highway near the Marion county side of the In l dependence bridge while on his way 10 moaeraw a water iiu. orirtstion meeting there. He fl ny w'd'd from the car to the I bridge, and reached the meet ing all right. 1 Securing a wrecker after- rd' he w" un,.bl to Jch I the stalled auto from the In- dPndence side, so dentUt. d f . f Sfld wrtKKT CSRie around through Salm, reached S th frnm ,hl aiHe and null. ed. MARKET QUOTATIONS PORYLAIfR fmoSHCB lABV ntaos lai-aaaUTa. aaajoet a am- aauata aaaaaai Fresalaai aosUtty. maai- anam At est oava pet eeat acsdltr o .1 vexed ta IHrtlaaJ at-Tie Lb.) first tual- tty, gg-Oae, oecond aiisy. 04-41 a. Y allay rwutaa and ooualry ieMa, I aaate ttaa. nwtMiwwbatasaia l.a-a auii aaaaa u alaaala, grade AA. n tottn, OtVtyai trad. M aoor. saui B, M aotr. Mat C. 00 ecesra, Sea. Aevv art s-KU naaalaal. oVaUtas artat a ForWaaal wtMieMiera, Oragon aiMkat. ilnj-ab. Oraaoa I Hs. loaf, 4IHlla, ate a Wbistsastra CaaSlaS aama eaatatarns aa taea, aaaaa taaladad M.a. Portland: A grade Urge, M40o: A trad medium. U-I)sai A trade aataO, tV U oas; B ttai lexaa. 4-4.va. PMtiaas Daary laarb Bauer. Ft tea ta iwuibmt Orad prlat, fie: A eartoa, Mt; A srtata TAt; carsan. tw priaia, aw. Egg ta aeasaeata Caudled l.a. PorUand: Untraded large. 40-lie So.; grada AA larga. 44 do.t A tars. Sat i madlutm. flla Saa.i A trad medium, tt-ta na A arrad aamajt aoaatntM, 14-M. a gmmffi or a tut. aarta. a-iic. A laxtt Sl-tAe AA asedtasa, t-iit; A atMlum. aaci A anall, 41a, Car tana wiu aoxutieaai. Cbsati Prloe ta ratoilara, PccrtUad. Oratoa ting las, 4ftU-4t I 2b. laavaa. tl-alei Uipleit. 1 toas than ala- gla. Fromiam aracMa, atagia. Hti in. tat unci waaau eaiaa. rrecoKis abb trtoaa ahaaia, 4-lb. laarto la rotail. 41 V- ta la. v , Poaltrv Ure cbNhaaawa. i tuaitty. i.o.b, pUBtarrytra. reaaUro. all wtMbta, 14 ); heavy boas, all weights. I) -14c; light nana, au waatata. i-ii a raoaura. ia-1. DreeseS niebess R. l araaaad to re tails rt: Fryora, broiler, 40-41 ta.; roasiera. all vu.. 4i-4iei tight nana. ll-3Sci heavy hens, It-Mo, cut-up fry are, all wtsv. 44-llc llu whoia drawna, oft. Me lb. Oreaaed Tarbaya Ta rttaUttat A grad tvlstrated neat. II -Me lb.; tvUerated sosns. t-saa ia-i aacoraiBa o wuantoi. New York drtased toms 40-42 ta. Me7 York draastS ten. 40 lb, T araduo- ; orad a young amsa, om ta. i.. rm; A tosos. 12c lb. Rabbiu - Avar at t to crawerat Uv whJUt, !- Iba. ll-lloi S-4 IU Iff-SOc Ib-i ehi does, 10-11. few hither. prb draased fryara to rttailan, aMHt at up. at-tic. Coaatry RlUod Maata veal Top aaauty. nt-ll B.I rotun heariaa, 10-2)c Rett Leant, btocktrt. Il-llc Iksi towt. Utht, M-Mc. Lamba satt. It-Ma ll.l itayuna. U-tbe lb. Mattaa Batt, 11.144 B.. OUU-atUlty. I-IOC Beef UtlUty cowt. 10-140 &.! anaar CDturt, 11-lle; sheila down to It. Froah Dreeeed Meet Wholesalers la retaUtrt. Dallaro at OWt.: stf Htiirs. tnotoo, M-T0 em.. bit ; tood. 114-Ui aommtrelaL tlo-U; utility, m-ll; commercial cows, 134-11; utility 133-M; canner-outtera. 134-il. Beef CatawCnolca a tear a bind auartu art, Ml-ii: rounds, Iti-U; full lolna, trlmmad, Ts-tOi tr tang las, m-ui foro- quaiiaia, Ill-Ill ohucka, ll-41( rib, tbl-ftl. Fort cats isotna. obmc. -ii na. Ml.tO-Mi abonldera, II lba.ASI-40; spare rib, I4S-I4. lreah ttaatt, 10-14 lbs, SM- Veal and Carta OaoS-cbole. nil welt his. U0-401 oommoreiala. IU-14. uama caotcf-priBi, nitwi soon U4-J1. bbmm aaa. . skianas ih-it. ii-ii lbs. i fined lard Is drum 1 14-II. Ml alat aacon. aao-Tl. PwrtlaaS MlstalUaeaaa is bO la. aacka. Wh ne odium, H-MbV lart. 11.10-1.14: Idaho yeuowa, mad., 11-l.Rl large II .aW-bO, Whit. 11-l.M. reiateea cr. Daaenntoa Rustttg no. I' A. I3.M-1.1I; 1-10 0. I2.1ft-I.24; 19-14 oa. u.ii-4: -io. at. oo-taci lt-ia. utac: No. I to-ia. TO-ttc: waan. Russets, no. 1-A. 100 lbs- UJS1J4: Idaho, A-ll sfe. U.h-i m; toe-la. at. i-4ttA. Ray U. S. Ho. I rn alfalfa. Uvered ear lot L.a. ParUaod aa4 Se- att a. !!. wi areata basts, wuiamett val ley medium. II -It lb.1 Eastern Ore on tin and haU-blooL H-IK. Wlllamett Valley lamb nook, ilet U-nwaU wool. Mabaitwea-OI jb. oa 13-moath grow in. i.o.b. country snipping potnta. laaa producers paying pric l.o.a. roruarMV eeir atint, it-n it., acooro- in to condition; green lip. un it. treea cow hide. 1-1 ib4 according ta weltht and duality i bull hid, l-4o lb.; ilu ttMst. 00 per at bJow prtcaa ror aoova ciasets Fllaerta .. wtwiasala ttinni orle l.a.b. Ores on plants No 1 Jumb Barcalonas 19c; larte 31 Wo lb.; medium 2te ib.i o growers f.o.b. piantt II lb. for Bare lonas, DuChlllyg half cent leas. Walaot Producer paying phou. f ob. Pltnti larca Fraoeuttlee. ll-lfrt lb.: Uay- ettea, lie lb.: seedlings, 13-l4c lb. Whole sal aellint prieei first oualltf Ian Fran quelle, 11-31) lb.t llgbl halves, Il-I3e lb.t shelled Utht amber halves, 10-Tftc la. SALEM MARKETS Cosaptled Item repert Baleae Seal fee the gatdaaee of Capital janraal roadara. .Ber.oeO dally ) Retail Feed Prieaai Rabbit Pelleta M 41 tAO'lb. bag. 44.24000 OOO-lb. batl. act Ms se.at-is.n. Dalrv Feed UJI-AO 1 10-lb. bat): troo-4.Pi tioo wvi. PMlir R s-sUas, ryi-?i Srtrt, 34e: aid roaturs, laci ooltrad fowl, 14c; usnora low . nt: loastars. tic. Barlag Frteea Etts. AA. OSCi larga A. Il-Kci mad lust A A. 4ic: medium a, 4a-4ic; small. 13c. Eggs wholesale price generally 1-1 cents hither than prices above; lent tradt A. ganaraliy quoted at 03c: mediums at Is. Batter. BetUrfat Batterfat Buying prlct: Freealuai, ia- Tl eeaui Ra. u ti t eenu: M, 3, 00, PartlanS UvettaeS Portland ifj The llvaatock mark! asa most y steady udar. Cattle 1U; marktl slaady with Mon day' 2-way trade; led ateer weak Mc lower Monday with other cattle strong to SO higher; load blab good Ito-ib steers n -M; choice l.o&l lb. Monday II; load low good around 71-lb. today 30. M; commercial steers 1111; tonmerclal heifers 11-11; cutter utility steers and heifers 1011 w. can aer-cutur cows 1-1.40; utility 10 M-ll, Calve M; market tteadr onidriat anti. 1004-cnolc veaiers it-ll above; few good slsuthter calvaa II to ll: atllUT-eooimerelai 10-lt. Hots 300; market active, steady: cholct 110-23 lb. 14 11-24; few loU chole 1 butcher 14.21, cholc 1M-SM lb. aaw. 30 M-ll. Sheep 200. holdover 150: market alow; early bd weak t MM lowar. few util ity lambs steady at 1314 SO; good. choice lambs held around 14-110: chotce-prlme held 11-11 M or tbov; good-choice feed ers i4-i; good-ble twet nominally a. Chirac Uveetaek Chicaio tpfv-A alow Mm and aad a larcer supply of aalablt hogs than the trade had capectad sent hog price tum bling M crau to 1100 Tuesday. Cattle were mostly steady whll slaughter lamb ad vane. Top of hots wag 114.00 compared with 134 M Monday. A load ef high prima ateert aoM ot lit 10. the top. Moat choice and prim trpa brousht 121 00 to 12100. Most good and chole wealed lambe aald at lit ft to IMO0 Salable receipt ware Mttmld at 14. om hots. t.MO atti, 400 cslve and 4, 140 sheep. Cbtcat Oalowt Chi caa aj Suppllet avoderai ad ma rxl alow, market dull. Trark sates 04 lb : U. S, Ro. t naleet stated; Jdala Spanish J-Inch and larter L3I - sn.n.a a-ma and iar,,r iw-in Street tawt M lbt' Id ah and Ore on whites I'tneh aad lrtr 30; Colorado Saaaieh 1-tneA arvd larter 1 10-1.40; Mid weal reilow Olobea medium --l II. poorer At- It, MMhltta carton twelve 1-pound cello 1 -l It; Mlchiian whites medium I 34, Wtaconaia Red Olobet 1.1 tb Marbet Mew Tork i4V- Tn otack market 4- clined Tuesday In a moderate manner with a few madias twaao nwrtat wtdaly e iloer way. Aircraft stood ahead, bat an other Ells; aT..M t,4M aaia- M tower. taint and . etUMled to around point at in owtaidie with tat mm ttn dominatlnfl tit ttt. Trading catne to an ttmtt4 tot8, 000 abarat, ta a Monday. Pat il - Third Arrest Mscte For St. Peal Theft A third naa hsj been arrasU ' ed la connaction with the r cent doubl. btsfUrjr of ttw St. Psul Market and Copeltnd Lumbar company In St. Paul, tat. pollca reported Uonday. Arrested by San Francisco police ii Robert CUUck, 40. A state officer Is expected to so to California later this week to return him to Salem to face charges sionf with John CUria Ooddard and Phillip Clay Til- ton for the theft of S2.SS0 worth of liquor, cigarettes and tools from the two businesses. The two young Seattle men were arrested there late last week and appeared tn district counrt Monday en the charge. Arraignment was continued Thursday when they asked to consult an attorney. Ckfean ant. CAUA4. (4V- OTtini fe4 . nana Hmo on lha beard 4f Arada TU44dAP aa tfto morkfl Bl.r.it a thaioal taa4tl4e altar Ita rac.nl advaaea. bloat ol toa drop vaa attrtbaWl 4a arolu iaklAt. Kowoii. aayb44Ba nr. .old aa a larior tb4a 4mei4d aoaat la tba ,0r4raw)4aV4 Miles crop or4e4A4 and .4 aank ra raperu aaoat m4, buah414 U AraaDilaa MU had 4m. pmr 4D4Md I4f inipmant aa um uutad aut44. WH444 elaaad 14.4T to 14 nlahor. Dm. I.WI, com 44 to tt hlaherr Dm. 1.4414, eeu anthAncod to low4r. DM. TV,, m -iy, low4t. IM,. tint, oor- oaani lewer, daa., 4nd laid rt U 40 OOSIJ a bundiad aaa. lowor. O44. II 04. Partla.i Oral. ' Portload tiPH. coaraa m u 1, aa. 4hlpm4nt, bulk, Mut d41tr,: Oal4 He. la i,. niM u.n. BArur sa. a 44 la. w. M.4. Cora K4. s a. r. ablPMBia W 34. WH44I wd t. arm. Mortii. aaiM ar bulk. d.UT4i4d raaat: Sod Whlu l.Mi soft wail. 4Keiadina R41 sji; wan. club 1.14. 4rd .4d winur: oTauair 34. Tuudor1! ear neiipui WB44I 44: bar. lap It Uoui i oora I. 44UI I40d 4. Mid Willamette, , Obituaries" Mrs. Mary E. Perfect Perfect, 82, Albany resident tor 46 years, died at an Albany hospital Monday. Services will be at the Fisher Funeral home at i p.m. Wednesday. Burial will be in Waverly Memorial ceme tery. Mrs. Perfect was born In Shelby county, Iowa, and lived in that state for several years before coming west She naa uvea viso in taiuornia and Washington, She was married April 3, 1887, at Har lan, la., to E. M. Perfect They celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary In 1881 In Al bany. Mr. Perfect died In Decem ber, 1951. Surviving are four children, Mrs. Olive Hovey, Chlco, Calif; Hugh, Pomona, Calif.; Mrs. Vera Grossenbacher, Portland, and Mrs. Adra Looney, Albany; a brother and sister, IS grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren. DEATHS Fraab 3L Albrleb Frank X. Albrlch. lato resident af SsS Marion St., at a local hospital. Dae. 1. Ago of 71 jrear. Survad by Mrs. Margaret Albrlch. Salem: five daughters. Mrs. Theresa Allay. Mra, Eva Hemann, Mrs. Wlnllrsd Post, Mr. Mary HeUon, all of Salem; Slater Ann Miriam of Holy Wamts, Spokane, Wasi.i tbrte eons, Joseph B. AU brttb aad FrnnK T. AJbricn, both w h lcm. John A. Albrlch. PorUand: tlaWr, Mrt. Mary Barr. Salem: brother Joha A, Albrlch, Portland. Also tarrlTtd by 14 trandchlldran and II great grandchil dren. Recitation af tho Rotary In th Howell-Edwards chapel Tuesday, Dae. a, at I p.m. Rlaaulem aaat St. Joseph church Wednesday, Dec t at M a m. Concludlnt services su aftrbara aaa- UfF. Mr. 1111 M. Baits Al tha raaldeoo 14H Ortraway Dr. Dec. I. Survived by husband, C. E. Bat, Salem; dam titer. Mr. Carolyn Print; on, Stanley Bates. Salem: alstar. Mar- tarsi Conner, Foruana. announcement of services will b mad latw by uo Clous h-Barrkk Co. RcV!Tt P. Psltan At a weal hospital Dcmbar t. uis resident ef 1411 McCoi St. Ann tun oe- ment of services wUl bo mad law by th Clouth-Btrrlck Co. Reeaaa RarHag Roaanna Hsrring, daughter f Mr. and Mrs. Fiord Herring. SUm Routt 1, Rot ltd, tn thlt tlty Dec. 0 at the asa el alt month. Also, survived by t rand par ents, Mrt. Roil Herring tad Mrs. Way man Carllal. both ef Salem. tVrviee Wednesday, Dee. I al 1 p.m. tn Howala Edwarda Chapel with tht Rev. LUrd An al City View temeury. . . Diaaaa Lyaa Daaaea ' Dtaans Lrnoe Damon. Dee. 1 al Fan City. Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oen Demon of Falls City. Alto survived by two brother, Htrold Lester Demon tnd Terry Lee Damon, of rails Cltyi srandnarenta. Mr. and Mrt. Perry Wee ver el Salem, grandmother, Mrt. Luctlto Damon af Salem. Serf ice wUl be held In th Howell-Ed warda ahapd. Wednesday. Dec. o. l;H it Rev. 3- Jamison Of ficiating. CoasUadiat Mrrve, Blcrt Memorial park. . Taoma C. Tflcry Thomas jo. Towry. ot Ortgos city. Dec. I. Survived by son. T. W. Towry. Salem: several a tec and a op hews tad cousins, IncludJnt Mrt. Petri Adrian ef Oregon City. Oregon. Piivtte trr1e be held In the TlrtU T. Oetta flhapol Wednesday, Dee. t, al S p tn. Mra. Mailt P. Wagaar avtra. Mo lit P. wumr, ot a local noa- Pital Dec I. LeU rwtdant 1 131 W. Sa Itm ReUhtt, Salem. Survived by daugh ter. Mra. J. W. Douglas. Mr. Clsrtneo Holder aad Mrs. Lois Croltan. all of Sa lem; eons. R. V. WstneV, Saieea, ML R. Wagner and Jama Wesner, both or Los Angeles: brelher. Joseph Collin. Berke ley, Calif: grtndchlldren and II greal grandchildren. Christian Science tervlce will b bald Wednesday, Dec- 0 at 10 a.m. in tha Vlrttl T. Ooldn Chapl with In terment al Belereat Memorial park. FrsaS PWh Fran Picha. at 1 Meal heepllal Deo. Let resident f Salem Rout A Roa OTT. Survived by wlla Wra. Htttt Iran Ftcne. saiem: thre tons. Burt, ciyd and Stanley Picha. all of Salem; brothers John Ptcht. MohleforS, Canada. rvd An thoay Picha, Wtacoasiai auter, Mrt. Ray OopUn. Maduvoa. Wit.; tltht grandrbil drtn and flv treat rrandrhlldron. Srv Ire will be ta held in the VI rail T. OoUen Chapel, Thurtday. Dcembr 11. at I p.m. Interment Bestlnwn Msanory OarttM. Df. Oeargo ilotebrry wUl ffiiat. Mrs. Ctarn Cbartbtff Pttej avtsrbta Mr. Clara Cbwrchin Pattcree DarblR In tht ttty. Late mtdm af HO R. lliR St. Mother af Mrs. D I. r?rt. Btlrx: alitor al Arthur tlTnwranlR, B:nk and four grandchlpdrea le tarvlv. Serv Ice will at bald WMaeaday, D. al 10 to a.m. in the Chape of th W. T. Ritdea Co. Th Rev Robi. MiitshlataB I of mum Rtvar i