Ro 45 thi ia Pag 20 FOR SALI HOUSES FINE HOME -EAST MORELAND Xf Fa are pertiemler. yea U1 warn to t tbreuab ibis extra ate I bea ream bnu, ecUr i mr eld, there' atonal iirui, Ur e.lliir ream. 3 MLS PlumajiAC, big 11 TIM NM, din ing room and kutohea mmu wiit dishwasher tb wefkmenshlp la tne best god aa a k leaUes-AaE Ii Ted MorrUosY. $7500 BUYS THIS HOME Ooed t bdioa bom with atl furnace, about t yeanj eld. le Sftted nburbea near Ww lues to school goad bay Jr the money. CLOSE IN t Una badroama. walking dtsteaee ta tava, ttiig bow nae Jet f possibilities, apaclaua living room end dining room ana fireplace, basement, eiir tuca tat awner want afiat aa caU Ralph Meddr So. ENGLISH COLONIAL larta I bedroom aolealal heme with (all basement, nut, atl httl Ad double garage this very attractive home hat a secluded Mitiot af ahada tree wits lerg peila piced at 111 tot- Owner U1 eeasider OH MART & CALABA, REALTORS tri eoan at. mm i-uit-t-aiit Bvt ailfinra Harm Tor.aat lull lulpb Uaddr 1-1144 Unila Larui l aw M lioirlaoa 1-1041 FOR SALE HOUSES CITE, t-RDRJl. Hoaaa. al.tH. M. Dial. ; (., Ml acBoola. Pa. J-0711 altar I p.n. aim : BY BUILDER Beautiful birth kitchen. Flre pMa 9 Forced Air Furnace 4) f Celorad Bathroom Flit art m Herd- 1 wood floor Attached Double Oer- ace priced Right d Small Down payment, roena jini. 2825 Sandringham Dr. ID' BEAUTIFUL, four - btdroon bent. Two batha, two flraplacaa. plarrooai. toubla una. M Kloa.ood Dr. J-4441 AlM i BEDROOM homa. Kalaar dial. Rmall dO.B. WUH 4. Pboat J-M40. 42.1- IfAHl'yOL't do.B parrflaot. Rrand B. . S-badroom. Innldi ulnar. Lou or i tor act ma, nu tuuL pnou j-o AIM Open Evenings Till 8 p.m. COME OUT TODAY Only $800 Down for thii 3 bedroom DREAM HOME! See the famous Lock wood Home that hai all of Salem gc?plng with ad miration. tl Ba. Ft. I bedrooma 4) tana Bvina loom and cUmoc aTea with bit picture window ft Beautifully dealnird kitchen with natural birch cabtnete ft Both ihower and tub ft ft. ward robe cloaeti In ail bedrooma ft Hard wood floori ft Tberme-conlrolled all furnace ft Inaulatad and weather at ripped ft Larae etoraia room ft - Tour choice of eiterlor and interior colon ft Re down payment if you awn lot ft Approx. IM.o per mo. lndud- Ina la tar ait, tax, lajuraace, eta. ALL THBSR WONPKRPTJI. feature for only l0.0 ORDXRB ARB NOW BBTNQ TAJCIff, SO MB TBI MODEL HOME TODAY I PHONI I -0971 I'M I'll IJHif COZY HOME On nice eorner lot I bedrooma, di nette, utllltr, located So Unbaliavable terma. Owner. Ph. 2-0M. aiM IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY - NEW HOMES I BR. M7M OR 7M If your credit report la food builder will let you move In tven before the final oral la c.otea. rnwa nomra Ue comparison. I lane bedrooma, hardwood floora, Republic kitchens. ' 14x17 living room, bath with tiled a how era. Ra.vtf elftitt doora, ever head atom in aaraae. cltr aater, eewar, pavrd trt. I47U home only tso 00 down. I97M home with Roman brick fireplace and forced air heat emir $1240.00 down. PRANCES KNAPP (llai Bf. t-4381 CLIFF BOWDER tbkrj Era. J-tvM al CRRIHTMAfl HPEriAI. flM below PHA appraisal. In food Dtau Fully modern, t-bod room home. Well arrant ed, hu verrthinr you are look in t for. Full price ontr 111 .004. Approilmatelr tl.S.10 down, or will Ira with option to buy Off Lancaster. 4145 Munkera St. Phone S-03M. al4 HOME Or Rental til North Ilt street, t bedrooma. Jlvlnr room, kitchen, utlittr room Modern house. Lot eOilM with lawn, flowere and ahruba. Price la lust a4Q.0f) with terma. Neat and Clean North 1 bod room, combined llemr room nd dlninc room, kitchen. Undern houae. Approilmatel S arre, on paved atreet. Near bua and atoie. The price la 0 04. AbratTK, B Airland t6 Skinner , 411 Uaaenia BuCdinr Jteal Batata . Inauranc Mortatr Loana Offica: 4-Hlf nTee: lnn ar 1-470H II. AKMIFIEO ADVKBTISlVa Per Word, 4 llmaa Pet Wrd - Per Werd, time ) Per WoraT. I month No Belinda Mlalmam I Ward SPADER I Local Newa Colo mo Ooly. rrt Word Mlalmam I Words, Ts FIbtp Arl In Bam? Hy a Pper. rhons t-I40w Before 10 B-flB. FOR SALI HOUSES 11 FOR SALE HOUSES $8950. Creek Property All rear tail flowing etreem. rustle trpa u 1 bedrm. ham id a trovt af ftr trtca, good Tliw, alct atttinf. oolr 4 mUm (raai dowa town, va ra aura rau'U uu tt. pa. 1-nu. Ed Lukinbeal Real Est 411 K. Blim BYI. 1-1104 AMI NEW l-BCDEOOM. double faraaa, north lalam. W1U Uka aana trade, phane nno. az' $6950 rkad far aukk eala. 4 rr. aid. 11 aa. It., t BR borne, II?. tbj. Uil (t . OR, kit., car port. WaU ta wall carpet, plaattred, i walaut irate. A very sice bomc. BURT PICHA REALTOR ! . HUh Rt. Oft: 1-4MT DOO Will Xru. 4-4UT Ml' Fine Homes LoTily I bedrooma. PI replace In Uj- Ibc room, cnecrful kitchen. Hard wood floor. Oil heat. Oaraaa. Xnj la wood area. Only ta.95. St. Vincent's Area Two bedrooma. Pine II ring roam. Vary food dJnlnr arranrtment. Beau tiful utility. Hardwood floora. Oaraa. All electric. $.3M. RAMSEY, REALTOR H North comm.rtlml Ofllc, 4-1111 Srt. Al Bender, flcimftii. t-1144 Xt,. Jim JttmMir 4-184 Ml MORE FOR '54 Lira better in 4. Bee (hit 1 bed room borne In Uanbrln Oardena. The real Urlni la thta home la the lane ruatla dan complete with fireplace nd fully plumbed bar. Home haa lane l a rue and la on a corner lot. Bellini for 110.800. Cliff Bowdar. Xv. Ph. 1-B0S4 HI Pain round Road Hollywood DtttrtU 1111- $10,750. Three Bedrooms Late butlt I bedrm. aeml-ranch itrle Borne, all heat, real nice hardwood floore. Inaulatad attic, place la real seat at clean, the lawn la all in, located an a half aera hi the K alter dUtrlct real cloae to bua fe tar ood aunoundioaa. Ph. 1-KI0. Ed Lukinbeal Real Est ; ill N. HUh Bra. 1-1704 a3 BT OWNER, almoat new 3-badroom home. South Salem. Equity 41,00. Pn !-. alM TRADE 4 BEDROOM houae for S bed room. Muat ba food location. Bnt 101. Capital Journal. a4 NAME YOUR OWN DOWN PAYMENT Modern clran 1 bedroom home, lo cated In north Salem. Owner hu bouaht another home ft you can have Immediate pout anion. Pull price only a.iaa. call Mr. Ktaaina inim I. oiai 3 BEDROOM RANCH STYLE PHONE 2-5046 $10,500 WHAT A BUY. Brand apanklnt new I In fact not even aulte finished a houna full of everrthinf rou like. Tm it hu a fireplace, attached far air double wardrobes, inside utllltr room, ma hoc any china cupboard, forced air oil furnace, black top atreet. and a ood location. Eutlt b a rood bulkier and can be bouaht on F1IA. Stale O. 1. or even possible ll.oooo down. Ask for TED MORRISON SALESMAN FOR OHMART CALABA COLON'IAL Ta condense this lotelr home into an ad is Ilka tryinc to set a battle oJnp Into a shoe boi. Imatme a col onial home with formsl isrdeni; maids quartan. 3 full baths, formal dinina room, study, massive bedrooms, cen tral hall !th open staircase. Located In fine netihborhood loe in. Please call in advance for appointment FRANCIS KNAPP islmi Eve. 3-I3M CUFT BOWDER ibkr Fe. I-MM 1110 Fa;ri round Road Hollywood DUtrlct FOR SALE FARMS BY ORrR. US arre Orade A Dairy farm Oood bnHdin-. mat-'unerr, rlone In Phone 4-3173 or 4 :dl. bMJ" For sale or TmriE Chicken ranch fo 1 KI bans. 4 year old modern t bul-mm house, alao an older comfortable home. J h Deen L A tractor with e,l farming equipment Nrw well of ecvilent water supply. Everything valued at 111.40. Will eell or trade m acuity for houae in Bam. Walter Fkihoff, Yam hill. Oreaon. Rte 3 !. 15. Phone mi biet jg"--"At7 Journal Want Ads Pcy! FOR SALE FARMS FARM OPPORTUNITIES aa Afra uitla. ahaa. ar araaa raacb- actar uo6t ct.lUaUaa. Balaaaa taad aaraiaaaat atufa. Taaaiy aiaai acraa aaadod la cttavi&a (aacua faM laM raar. oood aMaf a ta rmvm kw.amt.. AM alnif atut hialidlfMa IB aaod ahkpa. Twa saw chlt-tca bauaaa aad at aiaerilaa aoad. aiiM vaoa. aa. , M aera Irrlcatad farai ta Tualatta Talttr, Dta muL aoU. acraa andtr auluvaila. All aadar Irrlatia. Pull trrlaatlaa rlaaia aa crtk and nvar. Twa arttalaa valia. Bata toil water. Tw tn m u kt buiiaiBia. li btw ir- rta atlas autlil doaa, ,0ft-ll.b da. lit acra barry firm. W atrea ! tlvaiad. IT araa la Uu. 1 acraa barnaa. M acraa tltaaar. I raaai boaia ua fuU baaaatat. I bath, firatlaca. furaaxtt hL Oood att af ant build- laaa. Oroaaad 110.0b laal vtar. Would trada lor aataii raaca. w 4 acrta. II bcrai caltlrated I aerti baavardata. Oravttr watar arJitm (roai anna. M Iba. prauura. Nw lrrua ttoa pood Juot eampiciad. Caa UrUata ali cultivated land. 4 room nana. 4 rtara aid. Pull baaaiacat. alauad la unaorcb. Pialahad la kootty ptna. Only I mllaa from Aalam. Wouid trade far city bona. Price 1.0M. Aak for Roy Bftuoa Pam Salcaaaaa Iva. Phone 4141 J. E. LeClerc, Realtor Office Phase t-!3 1M W. Capital a)t, bt REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES FEDERAL GI tt FHA MTGS. YOU CAN TRADE Cither a trailer house or a amall home an this home. Owner leavlna. It'a onlj S rri. old. Just outside city. 1100 aa. ft. floor apace. IV acre lot. Fireplace. Insulated. Deep well. Well located for school. Pvd. at. Pull price 113.600. This la the FHA appraisal. -Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-H3 Slm.l BEDROOMS GALORE In this home. It'a aa older type but very nice. H basement. Furnace. Very clean. Ideal location. li baths. Bua br door. This la a buy for 1 10. M0. Terms. (Call for N. O. "DAN" ISAAK. are. ph. 4-is J J aim. I JUST THINK I bedroom En I lew ood home. AH en one floor. Completely rebuilt. Fuli drr basement. Lovely kitchen. Brand new oil furnace. Pvd. driveway. Patio. Bua by door. 3 blki. to Enflewood achool. Tht ii a steal for IS250. "Call for MR. CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-030 Sim.) WALL TO WALL CARPETS In all rooms. A very attractive sub Urban home. In the beat of repair. Pvd. at. Excellent flowers and shrubs. Insulated. Value lor only $7900. Terma. (Call for RAY GRIMM ETT, are. ph. J-717 Sim. SHINEY, NEW & LOVELY It's dandy. Oil forced air fur Baca. Dual fireplace. Imm. poss. Built by one of Salem's most reliable build ers. Insulated. 14x31 livln room. Ideal for TV. Lawn and shrubs are In. Full price $14. too. P.H A trrms If desired (Call for RAY OR1MUETT. eve. ph. 1-7174 Aim.) MR.'& MRS. BUSINESS Yea. one lor man and wife. Very eaar to operate, Overhead extremely low. Ideal location. Rent very reasonable. Equipment In fine condition. Part al most new. Shown by app't. ontf. Pull price tll.500. 'Call for N. O. 1UM"' ISAAK, eve. Ph. 4-3531 Sim-t INCOME $180 PER MO. Plua modern 3 bedroom auartera for wnar. Private bathe each unit. Some furnlahlnca. 4 . twit total. Wall lo cated. Liberal terms. Full prke $30. 400. (Call for N. O. "DAN" ISAAK, eve. ph. 4-S&3S Slm i 212 ACRES Very close In north. Irritation pipe and pump. Very clean older type 3 bedroom home. 14 br 30 barn, ae rate. Pump house. Good soil. Full price only I14D4. 4Call lor MR. LEAV B34S, Y. eh. 3-473 61m. t 10 ACRE TRADE For elty property. Close In on pvd it. Very close to achool. Modern and Clean. Very food I bedroom houae. Ma chine ahed and barn. Pump houea. tPhirkan hriuu nrii Oood well. Full price only 1310. Terma. iCafl for MR. LEAVKNSL evev pn. s-7i? Dim.) 19V. ACRES All under cultivation. Fruit and nuts. Rolllne land. Modern house. Barn. Ma chine shed. All fenced- Only n from Salrm. Out of c;tt owner says sell It Pull price only tvS0. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, cte. Ph. 4-5030 Sim.) FHA 4. CONVENTIONAL MTOS.. M Year FEDERAL Ol MTOS.. YEAR LICENSED ALSO tN WASH. Al IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor otr. Phoo, 4-1111 or I-1I10 t. I ll" 4-1M1. 4-0, 1-147,, 4-4M7 If no turn .u 4-n?l elll' LOVELY HOME ON MILL CREEK' A fine home located on a beautiful creek lot, full basement, I bedrooma down and I up. a bathroom on each floor. Ltnf room U lftilO with at tractive fireplace. Dlninc room Ihll, spacious kitchen with breakfast booth, plsitered. hardwood floors, French doors off of iivina room and off of 1 bedroom. Patio and outside fire place and carate. Excellent location cloe In to shoppinc center and stale office bulldlnie. rull price only i, too. 2 BEDROOMS FIREPLACE Est re neat and riren 3 rear aid home in'Kla elty on paved at. Lltlna room with fireplace attractive kitchen with breakfast nook Hardwood floors, all fu-na.e On'y S block to bua, home aets am one dandv oak ahada trees A bur lor amy U7S. 2 ACRES Pine soil plus a late built t bed. room pi aet ied home In eicellrnt con dition Ju.t ojUvdf city northeast. At tached laraie. brooder house, hen houae and barn Owner will sell thla daiHlr acreate (or only SMOO or may consider trauma on 30 acrea or mare farm with i bedroom home. $500 DOWN OR LESS Call ua about ear selection erf lower need homes with amall down par- menu We can help you flat started on home ownership Ml South Hlfh Street Phene -304 Phone Even la as ek Sunday 4-1471. MIS. 1-1174, 4-U1. I 134 mmm TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL. Baleta. Ortgom REAL ESTATE MOLIWOOD VECU1 i Ural, 410 P1M.. U, IK. tm. sltk tlnntM, tim. tm-. k:ien,o brkt. mM ad4 luktt mtlUE WM. tm RMiiK yoimimi, Ttim. CAU. K. a. uruon. lli SIARSORN-llte, t Mm. asm, wttk unr.UkMl aHUln. ft ImoI. IM4 lot ao. locttlo. IB KtlMr OjUUWk Mil. IMUf. 0lV MM. CAU, ORAREMliORAVT RROtV . aotmr alii dream cottaoi lit w.jt .im nbu An. Vrrr uw omb, m fo4 latlB. onto. Tltv. t Hmi, muto-aoot. potla, 1 lau AAA ooorr uw, Moiitltiil ruo 4W4. CALL ROT a. rtjutia. COCT COMPURTARH-uU r,i, R knt lw Ulfom. trtm uotporotortA. t borou . II. rm. wltb flr.pltc. dim. m . Aite.s. lto. lot. Prlcod U Hll-tt rUA AprroifAl Cow. port. Allot. CALL 1. R. LAW. ' . GRABENH0RST BROS. REALTORS Ut atk UWrt, at. PR. K-14T1 BrtDlui nd RuBdtrt Ctll AftlumtB . a. Loraoa I-tlll Ror A r.rru 1-Mlt J. a. Ui I-4I1I For Your Inturancc Needi CaU W. H. (BiU) Johnston S-2471 or I-336J I $1,000 DOWN ; DOUBLE GARAGE Don't mtae thta opportunity of purchaalnc fin twa bedroom home with double erase en S acra lot for only 11,000 0O down. Lo aatad near the new Bar shop pins center la Reiser. Immediate pos eeasiao. Full prle acUy M.OOO.o. Call Chat Xtawiina for aapaiatment ta see. NEW 3 BEDROOM; 4 CORNERS DISTRICT This new three bedroom home with automatic heat, fireplace, separate dinln room, plastered ear a a on a let Mai la ready far Immediate poutMtOo. F H A. terms. Thla hom is priced to salt at only I11.344M. (Tall Che Rawlins far appointment ta aaa. PROPER LOCATION la location must with yout Then don't mtaa thla fine twa bedroom home. Xt haa all the requirement for fine livlnf, such aa lane' bedrooms, full aliad dtnln room, a livlnf room that will accommodate your irand piano, forced air oil heat, all redecorated. If rou want fin location drlv by 171 Norway then call ma. Fred Rw. in a. WANT ROOM TO REALLY LIVE? In thla brand new three bedroom home yon have 164 eouare feet floor apace to enjoy. Top quality construction, throughout, extra larva pletered double carafe, anany fireplace, comfy forced air beat, every thine firat class throuyhout, top flnanclna. Price only 14,00.00. W have the key, caU anytime. Jim Rawllna. . EAST ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL 1150 Muare feet, twa bedroom, full din las room, alee fireplace, beautiful landseaptnc on lane lot close to Endow ood achool, cltr bus close br. FH A. terms. Price 11100.00. Would trada on three bedroom In Salem. Call Jim Rawlins. RAWLIN'S REALTY ' (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) KM M. Capitol air,t OHM phonn 1-4M4 r 4-17(1 KvtntBC PnoB, Tlbbttu I-74M Cbal l-nu Jim 1-U7I D.lo Unburn I-M41 HIGHLAND DISTRICT NEAR ST. VINCENTS t bedrooms, full basement with trays fc fruit room; lane comb, livlnf 4c dlnmf room, fireplace, dandy kitchen with nook, plenty built Ins, auto, fas furnace. Oood tot, nice shrubs lawn. ll&OO down, bal. Ilka rent. CaU Claude Henderson, eve. Sunday phone 3-1347. WALNUT PARK SEE THIS ONE TODAY 4 bedrooma. Xnilbh Colonial, livlnf room with fireplace. dlnln room with bulltm china closet, kitchen, auto, dishwasher to disposal. Pull basement, party room, bar, laundry room, FA auto, oil furnace, double aerate. Terms. Full price 14,400. CaU Joe Hutchinson, eve. S Sunday pnone 3-4749. 1-A. SOUTH RIVER ROAD 460 FT. RIVER FRONTAQE S bedrooma down room for a mora upstairs, llvinr room, dinette, nice kitchen, plenty bulltins. HW floora down, nice bath, t lasted in porch. Full baaament, laundry room, shower, plenty space for play room, auto, oil furnace double carere with overhead work ahop aad full basement. Oood well with HP motor. 41400 down. baL like rent. CALL DEL SH1BLDS, BVES. Jk SUNDAYS PHONE 3 Mrt JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR' til IDOIWATnt REAL ESTATE NEW LISTING Acrea located north with nice 1 bedroom home (room for one morci. Berries, apples, nuts, food deep well, lee. cnicken hour. Elderly couple un able to do the work, want to move to town Consider trade. Priced at ONLY 4t0. cash. Don't delar on thla ano. Call Mr. KUllns, aim., evaa. 4-MI4 Extra Fine Location Very nice I -bedroom ranch type home. CMimwood finish. Separata din. rm., full basement with knotty pine party room, dttle. plbc . dble. attach, ear site. This one la brand new and rou can aet Immediate posaesaiea. A daddy Xmas present for some lucky-one at lie.ioo. must be shown by apptmt. only. Call Mr. Km Ins, slm , eves. Home for Christmas! Not Just this Chrwtmaa but for many ChrUlm eases. Sparkuns new 3-bedroom home in rowtnr area. Entrance hall with ice. clotet, 13 x 30 llv. rm picture window A ft replace. 10 X 10 dn. rm. also has las. window plus china closet desk, corner windows sink in beautiful birch kit. with eat Ina area, aep. utlllly rm. wired J plod, for autom. laundry eq . covered patio, colored eathnn. futures, at tached far. Nearly 1.100 tt ft. fir. apace and the price ta only 110.46 Terma. Will yo OI Call Mrs. Oeles- bee, aim., eves. 3 1371 Charming Wonderfully Located bouth Kew Chowe your colors for walls A linoleum. Beautiful entranre hall, spa loua liv.-dn. rm. with fireplace es larce window, kit. hM mm cupboards A eatiot area. aep. ntu. rm. on main nr. Double car. in bsmnt plus playroom and fireplace. This must be sern to be appreciated. Total price 414 A4. Call Mrs. Oflesbee. aim., eves. 3-1J7) Make Your Own Job cattlnf wood an this 141 acrea near Dallas. Lane 1-bedrm home, hen house. Only 13 500, all cash. Mr. An derson, aim., eves.. 4-3714 One Acre lth 4-bodrn. aiodrra bom. lth bt,, m.nt. onlr 46.WO. Il.ion Pa. ci)l Mr. ABderMB. ,1m., ,H. 4-2714 ROY TODD REAL ESTATE INVESTORS SPECIAL 1 heuaea cm one lot l new Room for 1 more units. Lot IMH Or will trade for vacant acreaee. 1400. GRADE A DAIRY 4 acres all under cultivation. About 1 acrea paatun Well for trrtaatioa. It etaaeheoa rtie A ban Lea fine ahed Machine shed 1 bdrm house. $140 Would conaider I ar I bdrm bom ia trade ENGLEWOOD On af the better bit it bona In the better section af Bnclewood. Only 11 years eld Full bearmeet. 3 bdrm. dn.. I up. Din. rm.. livlnf rm . bit. You wtu leva this home. $11 704. Roy Todd, Realtor fill Blaa St Office phone: 1WI sTveaiats call: Vandervart 1134; impaaas I 1141. Rath 47114 REAL ESTATE FHONR 4-1741 REAL ESTATE NELSON $500 DOWN 1-bdrm. horn about 4 yrs. eVd. Nice ly a rr anted, hwd. floors, utility rm. let tflSiSao. 1mm ed. pou. Only 45300. CaU Mrs. Woollen. NORTH Well arranied J bdrm. home with flrepiace. dinina rm., bwd floors, util Ity rm. oil furnace, aar. pvd at. Appx 4 yrs old. Price 443M, 13000 dwa. Call Mrs. Wootten. KEIZER DISTRICT My client han a very livable 1 bdrm home on 7U1S3 lot on paved stree near new Ken's store In Kelter, Fam ily has outsrown home. Price SS4M, Would trade lor I or mora bdrm. home. Call Al Watts. 1-72F. TWO FAMILY HOME BEAUTirUL CALIF. RAMBLER All on one floor. Ideal errant ement. Annex with private entrances. All rooms colorfully ltntthed. Spotlensly clean. Tile bath and kitchen. Hwd. floora, forced air furnace. Nicely land scaped yard with rock patio. All for 41. BOO. 5 UNIT APARTMENT HOUSE Nlcetr furnished one bedroom apis. : with individual taracea. This food in- j vestment for steady monthly income rare bo bad for 133.000. Call Mr. 1 Schmidt. Nelson & Nelson SPECIALIZING REALTOR n down buys thla 1 room home with unfinished attic. Has plumblnf, hot and cold water. Lot 40x117. Lo cated out tide of cltr northwest. Total price 414so 150 down located northeast. Shake houoe with 1 bedrooms. Oareae Lot 10 v 130 House needs some decoratlnf. 4740 down, total price 17940. Located loaa to Leslie school. 1 bedroom borne wuh hardwood floors, ell floor fur nace, larae attached saraae. Owners of this home live out of atate and will aacrlfice on low down payment. Call O. V. Hume or Stanley Brown, with STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 117 i niab a pn I-tlll IMa. I not or 1-SM1 Itl- JOE PALOOKA lL I 1 T He M THC I 1 TWS MfS H T'C-1 CBOCtS.' LOOK MS r tVOOOOTAHtRE. vL AW6M7 AHVPJGWT, I V , . I PIGGfR. 6(Vf Li HEBE? A SPV FROM THE . HA SPY - Sg - Si& CKUM-t " AUCTIONS ANTIQUE AUCTION WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9TH AT 7 P.M. SHARP This is your opportunity to buy nice old antique at your pries Own with wind lamp. 4 waaa bowl pltcbat aet. Caster bottle set 1 Pc. Austrian dlshea. 4 baacln Urns. Otd oak das. 14 pe. spice aet. f Branch aaet Iron at) fhudalters. Me whin pr. Mr. and Mra. walnut Ball ha'- Colered water pitcher 4k 4 iumblera. t sou silver ua ecu. 5 copper coffee pets. Maaollc planter bowl 4k plat. t at rtoas eleiab bells. rasa aaip compass wit lU lamp. 1 Oermaa Biaeju dell. S ship lamps.' 14 antique platee. 14 pictorial platea. . 1-14 pc. sets aUshea. w Old kerosene lampe. pc. mstal lea cream aet Several pieces af old dishes ak furniture. 141 O. B. pushbutton elcctrle reuse. -Ittl We lint ho use refrtterator. 144 M. W. dec a la ranse. Many ether place ml furniture vphelstered articles Mow la the time ta bur antique Christmas present lor your friend. Preview Wednesday afternoon. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD SIU aiLTXRTOal ROAD PHONf REAL ESTATE HOME AND INCOME A food buy for someone wantinc lea bom plus throe separate ren tals. Property weU located for state workere and la a district that ts Im proving Paylnf 14 plus on Invest ment. Owner Klllni because of health, will consider taxlnf 1st amal home on trad. Nearing Completion t bedroom bom with attached rase, nice quiet residential area, food aardin around, city bus handy. MHO wlta a lew down payment to quali fied burer. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1144 N. Capitol Ph. SKIS WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property la for sale. rent or exenanye, uat it witn ua.- we have all kinds of cash buyers. STATB FINANCE CO., REALTORS 143 S. Hlfh St. ca WB ABB In need of food bouses to sell. in or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, sea ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 1-3471 ca AVE NO down payment, but can make blah monthly payments lor modern. 3 bedroom suburban home, with barn and 1-1 ncres within 4 mile of Wil lamette University. Box 303 Capital Journal. ca34 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HARDWABE-rrJB&ITl'BB store. Trade for bom. Mann' Hardware dDelake. Oreron. cb393 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 4-UNIT APT. bouse In Medford, 413.404. piou. mo. income, vonsraer aavirtn rca. In trade. For details write L. H. Lsu bockar, 331 WUlamatt Ave., Medford. od33 Small Town Grocery, $8,000 7 room hone with attached Hon bultdln. Oroaa last year 443.000 mortfeie baiane inoo 44soo nan' dies, In small town, close to Salem. RESTAURANT AND BUS DEPOT TJn usually cood restaurant. Thla really makes food money. Fully equip ped for operation at the price of 17.000. 11 stools and booths rent ass oer month, dross income laat rear 434.OOO netted 44404 plus 41444 from bua company tor rent. Open 4 dara per week. located In email town close to Salem. Ho phone inquiries, please. Phone for appointment at our office. Ph. 4-1314. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor 1404 N. CaplVoi St. Ph. 4-331 MOD. STORE BLDG. And hem. 10 eq. ft. of aaod. store bids. Best business location en Fair grounds Road, haa alley, also ood 1 BR house with fuU bsm't- Full aakin price 133,400. Owner leaving etate. EURT PICHA REALTOR 17 1 Utah St. Offf- 3-4047 Bob Conklia ve: 3-3 il BUSINESS & INCOME Money Maker It you are looking for a real money making place don't let thla one ret away from you, fountain, masailne, ahort order restaurant, etc. Maktna net ever 47004 year and fetilitg better all th time, all first 1M equipment tV fixtures, worth far more than the 411,004 asking price. Terms to rlfbt party. No phone info. Ed Lukinbeal Real Est. FU RNITURE FOR SALE OOOD OENEBAL ELECTRIC ranae, ma- hoc an r dropleaf table, 4 I 13 rus mat. twin beds, complete, 4t ate. Col 1-773 Or 1-4708. d3vi" WANTED FURNITURE gas gtg FOR SALE LIVESTOCK UU. WEANEB pita. C. L. Pit rca. One mtle West Bruet College. e293 W(RER BeVf WhIU face Hereford, 30c. No thine down, 4 months to pay. Custom kuiint Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co, 1334 4V 151b. Ph. 1-414. c TOUR CHOICE of my1 registered Duroo aows 4100. OUts 44S. I am SSA mem ber. These are from state champlona. Phone 3-1 13R e397 PETS BOXER Pt'FFtE, for Ideal Christmas alfta. Male If-C. Outstanding pedi gree. Tat ass II desired. Pbona 1-M04. ec39l GLOVER! SIAMESE kittens and eats. Beaaty. reatieiter-v t-"-"ifenre, ' uatv Priced rUM. 1-434, acJia AUCTIONS AUDI. OKI. 1-tOtl PETS CHAMPION BRED Boxer pup piss. Moores Tropical Flab Equipment. Parakeets. Pets. Macleay Road. 4-IT7I. Closed Wednesdays. c314 CANARIES. FINE CBRI4TMA1 flfU smell depoait. P&ene 4-41C4. 1344 Che meketa. ec3 CANARIE4. FEW lnerj. 17. M. Hen. teaa succory h. men s-074b. ac333 PARAKEETS, LOVELY aelecUon. all col ors. Christmas fills Reasonable depos it win now. safes 4k aupniiea. llio ut Ins st on. Phone 3-1143. cl9i' SIAMESE KITTEN! 411.00. Malea, Phone 4iJ. ec3S7 FOR 4ALE CoUla puppies. May ba ref- utered. 1 lert, 1 aabie tw white mala, 1 tri-color female, wiu hold UU Christ mas. K. C. Adams, 1 au, E f Shaw on Silver Falls Rlway. ec347 CAT. WHITE kittens, Ire. Fa, 3-1147. 0C3P4 FOB I ALB Male Oermaa hapcrd ralllA din PrtAna SISSA 1 tkolOS YOL'NO FABBAKJaBTBj 1114 Wallace Rd. rnone o-bjcj. ecaai- FUEL ANDERSON'B ALAR WOOD, eorda 14.00. dallTarad.. pdobo a-Till or 4-lS3. O.I07 It" JLABWOOD. Ill H ft load. Raw. dual, ail 40 oar load- Dcllrarod la Rll vartoa araa ool,. Twin Falls Lumber Co. RILVERTON. ORIOOlf PHONE 14101 aalll SPECIALS! Oak, Ash, Maple Wood, Oreenalebe We have block Si planer ends. WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 4-4111 eelOO FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatchln New Hampshire Oold en Broad and Arbor Acrea White Rock, every week. Special prices to rear around fryer frewcra. Fox's Heunerr. 1130 State St. Phone l-4Stf. f PRODUCE RED DELICIOUS apples for sal. Phone ait4. uenvereta in saiem. WALNUTSi LARGE Franqnetta. Flhe quality. Commercially dried. 0c lb. 134 No. lltn St. Phone 1-W3. ff393 WALN17TS, toe POUND. Fhene 4-49S7 eventnes. or weexenos. HELP WANTED MALE POSITION AVAILABLE For 1 wall qualified men. who will work In the southern part of the state. You muat be between the ares of 34 and 44. have serviceable ear, be bond able, and be willing to travel during the week. If you feci you are qualified, see N. THOMPSON SENATOR HOTEL, SALEM WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 14 A.M. TO 4 F M. gsJ93 HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTANT, experienced, slate age, experience training. Owa handwrit ing, flax Hf, capital journoi. ow EXPERIENCED CAR hop. Night Shift. J. B. Drive-in, 2.39 rairgreuiKt na. b3M EXPERIENCED sewing machine demon strator and lnatltutor, part Urns. Car neceuary. 454 Court St. iww MIDDLE AUED ia1r for light house work. One In family. Preferably Cath olic. Phone 330B7. rw EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES OFFICE JOBS See ua for quality lobe. Benefit by our snowiease 01 ibihwvh Check our listings Mon. 4k Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 44 State St. Ores on Bldg.) 4-331 gf393 WANTEDALEJMAN REAL ESTATE salesman, man or woman, thoroughly experienced in selling and exchanging reel estate. Muet be high calibre. Have ood automobile a ex pect to work long hours, devoting full time te real estate business. One of Salema leading offices gives thla op portunity with complete advertising backing.- All replies strictly eniiaen tial. Box 147 Capital Journal. gg3' " Real estate salesman wanted br of flee that advertises everr day. We wtll furnish plenty af preapecl and listings. Oood opportunity for rtfbt party. Fine workinf conditions and top commissions. Ramsey. Realtor. 304 North Com1!. Phone 4-4311. fg343 WANTEDPOSITIONS PBUIT, SHADE is ornamental tree work. Reference. Portland. Salem, Pendleton. Boa 35. Capital Journal. bl3 WANT SO. JOB pruning a peat ar prune orchard, experienced pruner. Box 194. Capital Journal. h39I PAPER BANG1VO. painting. Free esU mataa. Dan Lucero. Ph. 1-4131. h391 Tuesday, December 8, 1953 WANTED rOSITIONS IXTBRT TAEt Mr Tic. Trow top4 trtomoa. ramovoa. nuam rard cKurd. uta AAAloA. rto, ,,tl- aiaUA J-14t4. -! RitroNtiRU. ixriRiivrto la ABtA OABI 4tltlB BB. bOUaa.tTA til Cbrutataa. Paobo 4-47 Iti hlti PAINTINQ. PAPCRHANOlNOi 4aP AT ootrack RatAU loba .aicoaat. rpo t-lttl. BUI BELIABLS BABY SITTtaV-WUl CO deS or nianta. Phone l-44. MQ4 PRACTICAL suraa, ahretaM, as ad r easv taleecanl. Beaaonabla rata, rnona 4-341. hies CARrtNTia rapoUIAl At kultfu. of anr a lad, pnopa l-tail, bi caiLD CARI la au homt. fboaM itltt. Utl- CAariNTIR At lapall .Bit. CaU tliar t P Bl. PhQB, 1-1441. MM MIHEOGRAPHINO and nTPINO. Qualltf vork. RoaaoBAbl, ratab AtrA. roa. oat N. IttB. PBOB, t-tt4L QUI UOBT CRAWUR. doama. dllt laral- IB,. tradlnA. pnona J-11M. Mil OIXIRAL WLNO and kuttAa kolaa. Pbooa 1-7440. Mil. WllkTAta Da, auraarr. Ucnuod ABd atato iBapoctea. moat a-aota. aapa- PAPER HAN GIN a Br th bur. Fhon 1-1137. h!0 CARPENTER - Repair, remodel cabinet and faraaea. Small ion welcome. Phene 4-438. hiot PAINTINQ AND DECOBATIMO. 14 yeT4 Salem iperleaee. ' Fiea etimate. ft- 74 53. bT CHILD CABEt 1090 H. llth. Bn lew ood district. Mrs. Btle Johnaon. ham WANTED HOtikWOBB br the hour. 4-1111. MM" IfiH SCHOOL ttrl needs work, baby slu tin, etc. pnone x-ria. nwi BBPERIENCED woman wanU clean In or lronlns by hour. Phone 4444. h34 WANTED Part Uma Janitor Job. 1330 N. com'i. ni experienced baby sitter. My home or rours. Phone 3-4333. bM3 FOR RENT LABOB warehouse space for rent or lease. Cement floors, brick bulldln. Down town. Inquire H. L. SUff Fur nlture Co. Phone t-4144. f ROOM & BOARD BOA BO AND BOOM for your asad ar dla- abied dependenta, Fhoaa morninss. 1-007. FOR RENT ROOMS WABM SLEEPING room, hot eh CO Id wa- ter. aai w. nun. Jk33 CLOSE, NEWLY decorated, wans room. not, co.q wiw. mst venter. jxaij" PLEASANT SLEEPING room for f en tie- man, ipso worway. rnone 3-4B4T. Jk39l SLBEPINQ ROOM for t r B. 794 North t-nurcn. en one a-usn. )k3M FOR RENT HOUSES BEAUTIFULLY furnished cosy 1 bedrm. wupiez. lABrae rooms, ciosa to bus. West Salem, tm. 1311 Xdiswater. Ph. 1-1104 arcs. 1-4834. Jm3 BENT BOUSE. Three room furnished. Priced rltht for newly weds ar efflc SlrU. Oaraaa available. 1044 Edarwa- ,ar. west esiem. Jm3B3 TRAILER SPACE, children welcome. N pew. rnone saaa. iia oxford. Jm393 NEWLY BEDECOBATED room house. Near State bulidlnae c Willamette university. 1144 Qak. Inquire lit! Qk. jmtti THREE ROOM im far Dished. Lane lok 114. 4341 between 1 p.m. and 4 m. Jm398 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished house. 444. Two children, 140 Park Avenue. Phone 44714. Jm3410 CLEAN 1 -BED BOOM house, furnished. Ph. 1-1101 or 1-4744. )m 1 -BED ROOM house furnished at 104 N. 13rd. en bus line or call 1474. im39l ALL ELECTRIC on bedroom house. 344 Arcrry an. rnone awou ar 3-4473. jmsti COINTET HOME. Two bedroom. Re- aecoraiea. uniurntaneol. Basement. 454. Phone 1-1031. Jm393 ONE BEDBOOM houae. Stoves furnished. (,-iose io scnooi, pus, store. 110 month. Phone 3-4713. Jm393 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX. a atom at la heat. Oaraaa. Basement. 1144 Court. Phone 1-7134. Jm3930 LARGE ONE-BEDROOM recently built. stou.n, near i,aocra at arret, IM. Fhon 4-1401. Jm393 ft BEDROOM DUPLEX. Oaraaa. Also, an Bm'om oparunens. siarawooa noora, electrlo heat. Phone 4-1414. Jm396 NICE 4-BEDBOOM suburban, Mlddl urove insi. jticn scnooi bug by door. Na drinkers, lift, phone 1-3704. Jm391 4-BOOM modern bouse. Else trie ranse water neater, inquire isio Woodrow. 130. Jm391 4-BOOM brick cot ua. newly decorated. uuiitr. carate. sua line, adults, near General Hospital. Phone 4-1417. Jm394 SMALL, FURNISHED, clean and neat ui w, raona i-bhi, Jm394 COZY, MODERN ene-badroom house. suec.rie waier neater m garage, 140. Salem Hetghte District. Phone 1-4 s 19. NBW 1-BEDBOOM house with arasa. sow, rnone g-3t. Im39iw NEW TWO-BEDBOOM house. Oood loca uon. inquire lis Monroe Avenue. Jm398 SMALL BOUSE, clean, nicely furnished. so ai.aie ouiMings. one or 1 per aona. Phone 1-414. iir.393 I BEDROOM house, furnished or un furnUhod 444. 1410) So. Commercial. ltr.394 CLOSE IN. n Union. Older S bedroom, suitable for rooms. Phone 14U. ln.394 SMALL MODERN home, automatic heat, fireplace, bus. close In, 440.00. Phone -7093- Jm3M- UNFURNISHED ONE -Bed room houce. Automatic heat. Oarate. 1414 N. Church. 3-4441. Jm397 SOUTH 4LEM. l-beTroam hnuatt at tached garage, electric heat. 445.00. Phone 1-479. Inquire 1114 Pelton St. lmI94" SOUTH SALEM, 3 -bedroom houae, at tached saraae, electric heat. 165 00. Phone 1-4794. Inquire 1134 Pelton St. Jm394 MODERN ONE-Bedroom c'uplex. Electric heat, ranse, water beater. Phone 1-4234 or 3-4741. Jml7 CLEAN. OLDER I-bed room bouse, untar nished, except en circulator. Close in. ISO. Phone 3-8744. Jm394 TWO BEDROOM unfurnished. 45. Larrw lot. Children welcome. 1454 Ward Dr. Jm34 ONE BEDBOOM ttnfornlshad cot tare. Phone Jm6 Attached gar age. 43 4-5257. NICE TWO bedroom home. Close to school, bus, stores. 474. 1-4471. Jml44 FTRNDHIEB ONE bedroom cottaaa. Near Stale Bulldln is, Shopping Center on North Capitol. Adults only. No pets. Call after 19:34 em. 434 Oarnet St. 1-7445 lm7 LOST & FOUND WIDOW LOT black billfold, please re turn. Reward. Phone 14114. al44 By Ham Fhher ?r Ttrrr -.r-' -'.-..."j-.v"