Tuesday, Dumber g, 1953 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sales., Orcfoa Pag U Tele.Vi EWS On Television KrrV(J7).K0IN-TV( UHF . VHP , Radio-Television jq PRESIDENT'S TALK: President Eiienhower'i "atomic warfare talk will h. ,0th .reTbrcSfBsf0 ?:,hrvl uBfk '2 C,lncinnilU ta tte 'ummer of 1833. Viatinia Pavne tmv1 f'dmo,", Fcrt" -taS ta : petitive auditions to introduce i new story about a philo sophic widow and her two partner, who operate TSatltSJS TUESDAY ON KOIN-TVl o.li'V,? Afh,lf Theatra--n, iiu of Cceoueet" atari Richard Dlx, GaU Patrick and Joan Ptootaine """i" aoais " J,.m- Jan hnu Shaw Songs include - an Vaur Father." -I'm Old Fashioned,' "Heme-a ASeroa the Bii53? a.oe poo, Orttnt Eipreia The Curse of Aaostlno" eutrr bob. ST oSyu?t,Vtl " "n " MU- theVcaula hae to h, .J.SS'iSl SH,Uo"n-RL peaoeve eomea acroat the platan in a covered waon. The entire enow la devoted to Desd-ye'a eacapadea! J PJn- Captured-Chester Morris, host on detective drama. t:3f pjn, boipeue "Uugh It Oir atari Dick Havmea. a etory fa young actress' fancy lor aupplyln imaginary eye-witness accounts of cranes and how they lead to fatal adventurea for a sir anger. 1 P. m, panrer "Death Trap- stars Ann Rutherford. Story ofglri terrorized by news that a man she helped to convict has i.1;?! pjB" M' " Baddy Danny Thomas finds him self with a career girl on his hands in the person of hit wife (Jean Hagen). 11 pm. Showtime aa Sis "Beauty Parlor" stars Barbara Kent, Joyce Oompton and Mfcha Auer. o KPTV: HaUnea Theatre, 1 "Phantom Killer" atari Dick Pureea, Joan Woodbury and John Hamilton. Uberaea, 1 Selections include: "Oct Happy," "Laura," "The Keamesa of You." "Peanut Vendor." "Rondo Gavotte," and "Lira." Fireside Theatre, aThe Boy Down the Road" stars Lee Aaker, Ron Hagerty and Walter 6ande. Story of how friendship helped dissolve hate and bitterness between two people. Circle Theatre, :J0 "The Marshal of Misery Gulch atari Mary Healy and Jeter Lind Hayea m a story of a new timid law enforce ment officer in a rough frontier town. I Led Three Lives, 1I:J0 Start Richard Carlson as rierb Phil brick, undercover man for the FBI In the Communist Party. Nile Owl Theatre, IMS "Million Dollar Baby" stars Jimmy Faye. Arline Judge and Ray Walker, o Tuesday, December I: 6alem Basketball Tuesday night: Willam ette plays Goniaga; Salem High School plays Hillsboro KOCO carries both games at ( and t:45 respectively. Festive Christ mas Decorations: Suggestion! for making im aginative home holiday decorations at little or no cost wll be offered by specialist Ellen 6herk!an wuen she visits "Second Mrs. Burton" as midweek family counselor Wednesday, Dec a. Sources of unusual paper tree trims and ideas for rejuvenating shabby omamenta from past years will be part of her money-saving story. TUESDAY NIGHT ON RADIO: ' , . KGW Baron and Bee, 30; Six Shooter at 7:80: Dragnet, : Stroke of Fate, 9:J0 ..,. KOIN-Johnny Dollar, : fist Preclnce at :Mi People Are Funnv at 1: Mr. and Mrs. North at 7:S0: Beulah at . KEX Town meeting at p.m. WEDNESDAY MORNING ON KPTVi "What's Cooking?" W:S0 Barbara prepares orange waffles with fruit aauce . o o WEDNESDAY RADIO PROGRAMS: KOIN On Stage, :00; Spotlight on Youth, :S0; Dr. Chrtt tlan, 7.00; FBI, Peace and War, :0o. KGW College Quli Bowl. :S0; Walk a Mile, 7:30; Great Gildersleeve, 8:30; Groucho Marx, :00: Six Shooter, 10:30. KEX Mystery Theater at S: Obsession at :30. FRANCES tlUKnlCfl tAk" aja Frances Horwich'. "Ding Dong School," KPTV daily at 10:30 a.m., is the subject of a feature article m rut"" for January. 1954, released Dec. 9. ..,,,. ,j Trie program, dubbed the "NBC Goose That Laid the Golden Egg" in the Audrey Probst-authored itory, Is cited aa A nursery ichool . . . boasting 5000 pupils, one teacher and no classroom," and Frances Horwich, wee tot mentor for the natiom' smal fry, li Identified as "The greatest mother ilnce Mother Goose." . . . o HOLIDAY TOY QUESTIONS: rhri.tm.. Question! confronting most grownups during the Christmas leason will be answered by Melvin Freud, prewdent andfound er of the Toy Guidance Council, the guest in "Dwight Cooke i Guestbook" on KOIN Radio, Wednesday and Thursday. Dec. 9 and 10. at 10:15 p.m. KOIN-TV WEDNESDAY PROGRAMS: ,,,,, . 3:15 p m.. Armchair Theater-'Steppln' in Society" (tars Ed. Everett Horton and Ruth Terry. 7 01 P Fights-Gil Turner of Philadelphia vi. Rocky Castellan, of Lucerne. Pa., in 20-round bout telecast "live" om the Cleveland arena. Turner ha, 30 KO in 44 appear ances and 3 losses. Castellani hai 46 wins In 53 times, 80 a, S losjei and 3 draw! .Ms.mi m.in: Jerry Woo" arTd DonMarcello v.. Honest John Cretori. and Chlco Gracie (tag team). Main: uooturnm. ! - - - ----1100 p.m.. Showtime on Six "One Million B. C atari Victor Mature. Carol Landii and Lon Chaney, Jr. WFnVFSDAT KPTV PROGRAMS: MaUee TheafeV. l:0-"Smuggled Cargo" .tar. Barry Mae kav Rochelle Hudson and Geo. Barbier. Name', the Same, :00Robert Q. Lewis U emcee. band's leeretary ann pr-,, -T.,;V str.iBht with Rifh"" Kendrick" Hi Bain, nd Jane Seymour Story b, John Van Dri en deals with the terror that results i from a man". .econJ Tmarriage and conflicting .tone, about a son rf1HeTrAmeeric. 10:30' MaJor Pauline" .tar. Ger- Nagel and Warren Hull. , , TARI Y THURSDAY PROGRAMS: KPTV. What Cooking? 1:30-B.rbara prepare, plum pud ding. ' 1 Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! PHONE 1-113 Valley TY (enter 3383 Fairgrounds Rd. Bales Service . InatallaUaa Opta Till 8 9 a Daily Sanday from 1 ta ( pjm. rcxiaaT u t-m. arrv anna xjrut IS:W u UTT-Otoa Dona aeaaot l:JS aa. kftt wbars CMktaar :u ass. rm-autw yam ll:ta sos. KPTV TOO Boaattks ii-M ass. am rttaaa t ruiiv u.ea aa. Bprr-raa 11 IS .m. kptv-duis. Locos anew koin Boo crour 1:0 a a. kptv mum aoow 1:11 p is. KPTV UoUiiM Kom Lovt f uio l:M la. KPTV uuu rom-carch Toatorrow l:U pa. KPTV suiim KOIN OuWUnt UsU I .a. KPTV sisunat KOI I'll Bur Tliot I N s a. KPTV Oo Your Account KOIS SUlkl It SUcK I OS KPTV Kftto Bmlln KOIN Oarrr Moor. t:lt a. KPTV Koto Smlta KOIN Ara Chur TbuUr I ts p.a. KPTV Koto amits roiN I'U Bur Toot KOIN Mr. Siooa 4:St s a. KPTV WcScomo Trovoltrs KOIN Armchair Tueotor t:SS a. KPTV Tho Tomiktr KOM Armchair Thcottr 4:U S-a. KPTV Too Tomsk! KOIN sir. Uooo CSt S.SS. KPTV Howdy Doodf KOIH-aoodli Polo l is s a. rPTV B.r n corrot roiN Vlflonus S OS am KPTV rat , . KOIN Mr. Woothtnua f II r m. KPTV TBA KOIN Pholo Oils :St pas. KPTV atranca Aovtntara KOIN DAIS EdWATOJ S:U rm. KPTV NW No.oorU KOIN Jon FroDoa abow T OO f a. KPTV Llbcr oeo KOIN Radio RMcr t :SS KPTV OlAOA ahoro KOIN Rom Bool Profit t:M p a. KPTV Nevi Cortioa rOIN PootboU 00 a. KPTV OJllton Btrlo KOIN Orlrot Zxprtoo I H I S KPTV ISUtoD Bcrlo KOIN Red aktlton I 00 r m. KPTV Plreildo Tooitor KOIN Captured i:il p a. KPTV-Clrde Tuaatar arrtTM ai.nHB. 10:00 p m. KPTV JiKuce Pot Touraoll 11:11 p.m. KPTV I Lad Thraa IJvaa KOIN llika Room for PmdA li:oo a.m. rPTV Poawr'a Nawa KOIN Bhowttmo OB Bla 11:10 a.u. KPTV Weather Vane 11:10 tm KPTV Nito Owl Theater :SS pjsy KPTV Mr UHIO Honao rofia Ankmr Ooatieo . . 1:00 BJO, KPTV Krolt TlaaoUr Koiw auite D suca S.SO ta, KPTV KfOit Tkoour ' ' KOtlt-l-vo CM OBacrot 10:00 t-aa. KPTV Tha lo Toot Ula gnra Wiaaiiioa 10 JO pjB. KPTV coaolaodo Aaeraao KOIN abewuae oa aw Ural OJB. KPTV lion Boor Bewo Kom ahaontmo an U:I svaa. KPTV Mil owl Tkaoaar Ali-Chauel I'BF-VHP Law Dorwa roTBMBt, Caaoaleto Beaatar i laaunoiloa ay Pew centipede! have as many aa 100 legs. Tha com mon house type has only IS pair.; tha garden variety, 31 pain. Soma species have as many as 300 legs. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION TV Soles Servica - Installation Open from I tun. to p m. Ph. t-1611 1140 8. ComL Salem's First Television Store l a o.m. 10:00 o.m. 10:10 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:11 a.m. ll:0 aa. 11:00 o.m. U:M P.a. 1:00 P A 1:11 IS. I ll I B l a p a. I 00 p.a. 1 10 p.m. 1:00 I B I:1S p.m. 1 10 p.m. f p.m. 0:S p 4:41 P.m. 1:00 p a. 1:10 aaa. as pa. : p a. CSS p.m. :4S p.a. 1:00 P.m. T:M A T 41 IB I 00 B WIONISDAT KPTV Kiddle Kornar KPTV Dins Dons School KPTV What's Cookrasf KPTV Hawkins Polio KPTV The Bennetts KPTV Friend of Pamllr FPTV TBA KOIN Bis Popott KPTV TBA KOIN Bob Croabr KPTV lletlneo Theater KOIN Lore ol LUo KPTV Matloeo KOIN Search Tomorrow KPTV Matinee KOIN Ouldlos Llaht KPTV Matlneo KOIN Valiant Lodr KPTV Matinee KOIN Double or Mothlna KPTV On TOUT Account KOiN-auiko it Rica KPTV Keto Smith KOIN oarrr Moore KPTV KOIN Arm Chair Theater KPTV Kato Smith KPTV Welcome Travolero KOIN Arm Chair Theater KPTV TM T-mli! KOIN Armchair Theotoo fptv The ToTaoaor KOIN Mr. Moon KPTV Howdy Doodf KOIN Saddle Pale KPTV Bar ST Corral KOIN Kit CorOOB KPTV Naae'e same KOIN jet. WeatbermAa KPTV Names the same KOIN Photo Quia KPTV Piano Porter roiN Douo Idwardo KPTV NW Dtceet KOIN Thta Xe Toot Magic KPTV Blsbop Shoes roiN Plehle KPTV Coke Tao KOW PUbto KPTV Neve Carotoa KOIN Plshu KPTV I Married Jeoa KOIN Arthur Oodlror Aid Society Party Woodburn A Chrisunu tree and gift exchange will be a feature of the regular meet ing of tha Preibytenan Aid .ociety Wednesday, Dec. . at J-30 p.m. in the church locial room. Mn. E. J. Allen will be program thalrman and will the devotional service and hostesse. will be Mrs. Al fred Klamp and Mr.. Fred Roger.. King -Sin crejomiro hniit IT ner cent of U. S. pro duction In 1831. WANTED! FILBERTS AND WALNUTS - AND NUT MEATS Highest cssh price en delivery for orchard run MORRIS KLORFEIN PACKING CO. 460 North Fronf St., Saltm Tat, 37631 ALL THREE General Electric Motorola Kaye-Halberf Sales 4 Service S64N.ComX Ph.3-4163 EASYBUDGET TERMS ZtK Green Srompa I a 1 1 1"" 5 1 J StaVICI 8TATION8 inc. O-.n Friday. Til 9 P.M. Boonltd KlcxrLromao Taehatriaaa N0RTHWESTTELEV1SI0N III BUta Phaaa 4-S( FOR HOSPITAL PATIENTS -J, SENSATIONAL TRADEINS, at Valley TV VAunmiYBioiitBfra 2303 Fairgrounds Road Phone Z-U13 Open Daily TUI t P.M. kin- 1 - - i.nio M.'i0,ii..o...ll.,e . in l.ja.ie. Harold Bevana, patient at Oregon Tuberculosis Hospital who has been making articles that will be Bold by tha members of tha Marion-Polk Medical Auxiliary In tha Roberts Bros, basement December 10, 11 and 11. All pro ceed, go to the patients who mad tha articles. Bevana specialties in leather articles. - Israel to Continue Ben-Gurion Policies Jerusalem WV-lsrael's par liament voted overwhelming ly Monday night to continue the foreign policy the Jewish nation followed before Pre mier David Ben-Gurion's res ignation. By. a 58-22 vote, the law maker, endorsed a foreign policy statement blasting the recent U.N. Security Council condemnation of the Israeli raid on the Jordan -village of Kibya and asserting that tha disputed protect to divert the Jordan river to Israel terri tory must be completed. JUDGE SHOWS 8PEED " Detroit l Recorder's Judge Georgs Murphy sentenced M persons yesterday. The clerks claim It wa. a record for Judi cial speed In the court. The Judge cleared everything up so he could .tart a 10-day vaca tion. Hop Crop Down II Million Lbs. The world' 1951 hop crop I dawn about 11,000,000 pounds as compared with that of 1032, according to estimat es of the U. S. department of agriculture's foreign agricult ural servica. The world yield for 1853 is placed at 132 million pounds. of which tha United States la credited with 41,732,000. A year ago thla country produc ed 63,238,000 pounds. . ,. . . Tha reduction Is due mainly to tha smaller crop, harvested in tha United States, Canada, the United Kingdom and Jap an: A substantially lower crops Is indicated . also for Australia. - On the other hand larger crops than a year ago are re ported for Germany, Czecho slovakia, Belgium, France, Spain and Yugoslavia, The in creases, the report points out, are Mpeclslly significant from the point of view of the com petition which American ex ported must meet in foreign markets during the current selling season. The harbors of northern Norway,, well above the Arc tic Circle, are lee-f r e e throughout the year, warmed by the northward drift of the Gulf Stream, MITCHELL'S laetasy Trainee Sorvtos and InaUlUtVoa M State It rbema t-Tm What Do You Get with Your TV Set Purchase at Yalley TV That You Don't Gel Elsewhere! COME IN AND SEE Valley Television Center 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Ph. 21913 Open Dally TUI I P.M. how protfiffs from the forests benefit you Drop a pebble into a quiet pool. The wave spread out in ever-widening circlea. Timber has that same effect on the Pacific Northwest's economy because trees are a basic, renewable resource. Their growing, harvesting, and procesaving into lumber, pulp, paper and other products brings a steady flow of roorwry into this area ... the money people all across AjraSrica pay for forest products. This money is put back into circulation by the mills through pay checks a"hd in payment for hundreds of supplies and services. In turn, the money is spent in grocery stores, barber shops, garages, for taxes and scores of other articles and services. Regardless of your occu pation, timber plays an important part in your daily life. That is why the prosperity and progress of the forest Industry are important to you. Tree tarming can assure s per snanent supply of forest products. Research and engineming can broaden the industry's services, improve Ms products, increase Ha efficiency and create new jobs. Profitable opera tions make these thing1 possible by plowing profits back into Um btjsinesB, WEYERHAEUSER FACTORIES TIMBER COMPANY m working In fh Pacific Norfhwstf fo build a ptrmantnt fortif industry