P.lt ! Squad Foe Always Tough for Salem High Br rAix barvit in A 11-man Salem high basket bll (quad travel to HllUboro tonight lor non-lesgue an counter with the strong Spar taint. Harold Hauk'i Vikings will ba after their second win of the aeaaon after they beat Roosevelt S0-4 Friday night Making the trip on the var sity squad are Phil Burkland. Cordy Domogalla, Wayne Erlckstn, Herb Juran, Jim Knapp, Gary Pi tenon, Tom Plrkrni, Neal Scheidel. Larry ffprlnger. Herb Triplett, Jim Whltmire, and Bob Wulf, Jarveea ta Play Members of the Junior var sity tquad coached by Lee Gus tation who are making the trip Include Nick Error, Bob Fore man, Dale Jones, Dan Luby, Stan Page, Don Plgsley, Hurry Santee, Marvin Strain, Bob Tom, Don Zeh, and Marv Rhine. Hauk has no definite start ing line-up set but last week's starting line-up of Tom Pick ens and Springer at the for wards, Erlcksen at center, and Knapp and Domogalla at the guards may start It off. Bob Wulf. 6-4 junior, will see plenty of action at center while Phil Burkland, another Junior, will aea action at a forward posi tion. The Vikings overcame their lack of experienced height against the Portland team Fri day night as the shorter Salem ! piayera ouuougni me teoaies and also that Bob Wulf helped along with nine points in the short time he was In. HllUboro has always been rough for the Vikings. Last year the tough schools split in regular season play and then Salem scored a surprising win ever the Spartans in the state tourney 68-J8. HllUboro will probably hava mora helghth than the Salem team but they have lost several of their stars. Tonight's game ts the last Viking contest until December IS when they meet Springfield to open their Big Six season. The preliminary contest tonight matrhrs the junior varsities of both schools. Lepper Takes Singles Duck Pin Playoff Honors Ediie Lepper won the handi cap singles playoff Sunday night In duck pin bowling at the BAB Bowling Court, get ting $7 50 for his score of 1M- i sit. In the weekly handicap dou bles playoff. Harold Evenden and Lepper joined ta win SU.SO. Evenden rolled 111-17 138 and Lepper scored 199 19 Jl for a total of . Daily winners: Sunday. Harold Evenden, SOS: Monday, Eddie Lepper, SOS; Tuesday, Lepper. 208; Wednesday. Chuck Ne I a a s t , SIS; Thursday, Harold Even den. 199; Friday. Ed Davis. 193; Saturday, Harold Evenden. 117. Daily doubles; 0tinasy. snaarn ana lep- Cer 347: Mondav Mel Nrinast ana no iseinasl, 1W. Tuea- day. Herb Neinast and Dick Taylor. 446; Wednela.v. Andy Golrtahy and Kilo Neinast, . mursnay, tnuca etnast ana Jerry Alderman. 420, Friday, Lorene Hansen and Harold Ev- ecden. 4S1: Saiurdav. Hare M Evenden and Herb Neinast, 4 i. .1 it. v - v- "trt it was learned that Sunday n.iht. when Ramona Taylor and Roy Greenwood, two low aersee ... ... toarrker doubles, thrv rolled ut for fun and strored what would have been the hottest to data. Taylor had 160 and Greenwtx-d 218, wKK with akandicap wcii-i UtlU a WW e wCSfc awBSB..tajagaBa. Multnomah Loses OSC-UCU Tilt Sin rrac4o W Th ftainvs awty frott Ptsrtlguvti Km tarrd. Pciftc Coast ronfrrrK ci- L'Clkw-Orro Su. lSxkbivU ram from rortlnd to .Farfcvr idiuTt at Civ alii. cur Car. - - k- - -a 1 - J aw afkv d m FAN FARE sNlttlwilVta of 12 i' II Ml: Comfortable graadsoa at the faneaa aiavia dog at the IMOs. Handling the retired canine actor la Bill West, whs has tare dogs sired ky Rin-Ttn-Tin, III. The dog will appear at Ih Hollywood theater Satarday afternoon. Rin-Tin-Tin III Visits Salem to See Kiddies The grandson of the German . The dog arrived Sunday Shepherd dog Rin-Tin-Tin. from the Rin-Tin-Tin ranch on which thrilled movie aoera in the Clackamas river near Port- Uie 1820s with his heroics and intelligence. Is visiting In cm this week. He is Rin-Tin-Tin, III. pound "Clark Gable" of the inal and is Metro-Uoldwyn-dog acting corps which retired; Mayer snimal trainer. This 18 months ago after a "career" j dog s last show was with Dick In Hollywood during which the ' Powell, "You Never Can Tell," dog drew $1500 a week when! which ended a two-year con making movies. I tract with MGM studios. Eyen The present carbon copy of ; when not making movies he re the original Rin-Tin-Tin which jceived $300 a week until re was brought to America from I tiring. the battlefields of Germany aft- er the first World War Is at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill West, 1535 Pearl street. West has two dogs out of Rin-Tin-Tin. HI, the son being Blase of Cedar Hill which won the Olympic Kennel show at Ren- ton this year best of breed. The daughter If Butt of Cedar Hill. Cedar Hill being the dam. Te Appear at Theater West will take Rin-Tin-Tin to the Hollywood theater for the i children's matinee Saturday afternoon where ne can tie seen on stage and in the lobby. SCORES in Capitol Alleys m,vimiL xo s Mart Tarara ikt Lana :. Xassat 11. arwar 4k. Mates 4a Halcsa 44k. pssd rtsasaa til Mecaan ara. Ml. marts . ratat Ma. galas rtt-pra ua. lui i saa Paaaaa an. WadaaaM 111. Hwu ul. it 11 Uhiaa kl. Itaaa tit, aMmaaaaa 14. Waa Skk. OS- taaw in Taa Baada Itttl nartalrasi as, aaa- U 411. ran kkk rVaa. aa. Htall kkk. Martla aratSata 1 1 W -D'r Sal. Lav- lata M T. KiMtt tat, SBlalH aM. a?aa sat aa aad lui illOat? Ml. Ktl tV t:a.aad Ul IWrtlar in. Frannaa V'i AI Laaaa awtaauas ilv R Lata 4. a L4t lai. o. all. a lk. Utt M4 Tvtadaal Wa il- MtrAa '. Soaa I 4M. suaa Ma. Oassaa H. Oasa at ltaaMa atatsaa tit itoaaia all. Mitiatt ui ,k ml -caaa m. nasi - ( u casual m c u it. . la, ataau at rt. w. art - -:t- " f" t.:. Bra, aad Jaa iX:I: a( aaat ataa tadiitMal aa.-taa -atas. Wa. ttiBii to. I I t .a- stHa4at tl Hrrr W. r-aA4 kla nk u O M-rr !. s,?i- 4M Hatta Oft, tit . a aa kix raaat i -a aaa. aiwta . .. ' - aartat aid i atwakaada taatat tvSff at aal iaaa,. .t- a..., k-a. srraat t. Ki. . Sk aaaia:as . kl -t . .1 a t.i 1 k. AMaatar, . . .vy f MJ. V -V , 4H. !t-a ft li.a larartafa . I' - . 4Jtk o- PVctxaa ta t-Su.MS at cattaa aai ia, a.aa ,i T,,?",. v7'" 1 tavas .-..JMr TNorO U. Am ;rirr -r- i usxr in U KAla 4ru 4X .1- rT lda k m W ! t k atfa a.sX aJkat mr df-a. H-'-tr.k. ItJr a-J las? inMl sK-a!-a 1 '. mrm 9m M tkC C-tttJta U Duck. Pins aTaattW UH. tCtHl H Saadka aa . i 1 Vikings fto Making klmaelf at home la the CaplUl Joarnal office la Bin-Tla-Tin, III. land where he lives with Mr.jGtlnun, 'and Mrs. Gene Lindbrrg. He I Is owned by Lee Duncan of Hoi- 115-!lywood, who trained the orlg- The o-year-oia Kin-1 in-1 in is a model of behavior, in nil vuit to The Capital Journal of fice he responded immediately to hand or voice aignlls, hand signals being the method of Mntml on movie staff sets. His father and grandfather both are : uru. la this the end of the line for the Rin-Tin-Tins? No. West replied. Rln-Tin- Tin, IV, is being trained noWlWathall ttrnirram snrl at.tt.rat by Duncan in Hollywood, be-more lre .xpected before the cause the finest pup of achijwtmber in deadline i inter is sepi as poaiuie iuc icessor to the famous name. the ALLEYS Suau las Tartar Ut. Miiw araad tt Maaara 119. rraiar ITS, Ymina Ba. Thlalada Ul. Ham 341. SaaSMhl Sas Skaa lit Ptulatlc 111. Sariaaas 1M, Matt JM. 1RW SIT. atoa ardaaa 141. Hats sadrrtdtiaj sasta Paallss Csa rara. Id Math isdltieaal aarlaa esaUs Cas ran. US. Kits tsaai I1M WtlUaittu Sank. Sll Miak laaal aarlaa WUlastatta Sao. University Alleys CVASalC LSJtars Caaaaard Cafa ll Haaaarac Ml. wtttta 411: Bwaaall 4H; Braaah Ml. O.tfdl IIS Valtt. OU Ca. fli Caltck ilM Jacl tvav IX wi kat MS. Jua ! ta MS. (WraMffe aa arta Saarttaa Caada ill va:aaa Ctar all. VtUaaaa all. rar.ar HI: lt Sana lit rrwa at. oaraa aw. ; ata.raiasa aat suaa aa it, . ati. jma a. smf ,ut ; ja.! i. Trax-an cat. .t uNaj c-" t.-a .ra.r it Tt, tat C.r- Ua k:. MKtu Mf raa at ta aaaalt OS Ca tl Ma.aaa 4r H tta t:i. UTaarsaaaa kkl. Taaaa 41k. Fradaata klS. V'4k tr.A raa. T aVaAaraaa Csp kaara CaJa kat kata . wraa s HUtarita ataljar cat Ca. ' tl) kk taaj, tariaa. SAa lttara. ken taata laatt. Ba.-a Saarttsa Oaaaa 3t fhhtS last Wight Drtur-.--tt. .. a--. tV SVw. 1 a;4 CaV-MS) C' ra. .J ' aarsdat. Mm- Ct -i-tstrs It' WtaM.. I'.rfrW a7-XMK A--M. It'Kr TJ-.-4 1 to fvAtav Cm -Omt a7 .-. MS EI CENE C.OLFTIl WINS Tacoxa A live-o er par 77 yesterday give Hugh Stark weather of the Eugr rte Country club the sensor t:.le of the North west Pro!e-or.al Golfers association Ted Lorgworth of ; Portland was sewrd with 7J. SOCI WINS .-ahlaad gca last n.gM stared off late game rsy i-k! defeated Kumboldt State. 1 S y Wak DKMew THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. BUm. Onpm SHS to Cite Grid, Harrier Lettermen Salem high school coaches will present letters at an award assembly Thursday morning to at vsrsity loo loan players, 43 Junior vsrsity players, nine varsity cross-country runners and' four junior vanity run ners. Among the 31 football let termen are 14 seniors, leaving 17 juniors to be divided be tween North and South Salem high schools next year. The Juniors will hava their choice of buildings. Among the state champion cross country runners, two are to receive theb third letter. They are Ted Henry and Bill Roher. Getting their second let ters will be Gary Ramsdeh. Clifford Willmarth. Stanley Pawley and Jon Castle. First-year lettermen are Ron Towel, Ron Dalrymple, Ken Martin and Manager Charles King. Coach Vera Gilmore will make the presentations. Earning juior varsity "S"s will be Richard Castle, Ron Welton, Clsude Besrd and Mar ty Mattson. j Coach Lee Gustafson will! present letters to the following ' seniors: Paul Beck, Mike Campbea Wayne Carr, Vera Coates, John unman. Bob Goddard, Ray Holmquist, Ron Mathers. Bob Psyne, Jim Person, Tom Pick ens, Ken Rawlings, Ray Tay lor and Herb Triplett. Junior gridders are Jim An derson, Phil Burkland, Bob Cotner. Dave Cundiff, Nick Er- ror. Bob Griffin, Bill Jacobson, j Herb Juran, Edwin Keech, Rod McClellan, Larry N e w so m , I Terry Salisbury, Harry Santee, Neal Scheidel. Jerry Walling.! Don Zeh and Del Funk. j 6 Teams Enter Woodburn Hoop Recreation Slate Woodburn Six teams have already signed up for the an nual Woodburn recreation ha a. The project is sponsored by the municipal recreation and park board athletic committee of which Walter Lawson is chsirmsn. Junior teams registered tor the season are MacLaren school for Boys, Free Methodist church, champions for the past two seasons. In the senior di vision those registered are MacLaren school. Woodburn Javcees. Valley Manufasturing Co.. and the May Furniture Co. Final plans for the 1953 1954 season will be completed during a meeting of managers, athletic committee program di rectors and referees' Thursday, December 10. starting at 8 p m. in the Washington school gym nasium. The schedule, en- i trance requirements, and other i matters will be discussed. Organizations wishing to en ter teams in eith- the unior or senior divisions are asked to contact Charles Corwell or one of the members of the ath letic committee. Walter Law- son. Layman Baird or Kenneth Thompson, before Dec. 10. Garrett Retains Passing Crown For West Coast Nt-w Yk B'.ond Bob Garrett. S:ir.!ord se-;0r. stands alone as n-a.-or college foot ball a leadirg forward passer of 1M. Trie quar.erb.-k from San Mar jio. CaU . turred in a per formance that kept the passing title on the st Coast for an unprecedented fcurrh straight year, hot Georg-.a t Zeke Brat- kcwjki estabushed some im pressive career records. Garrett paced tie field with llg comt:ors of 105 at tempts. 1.(37 yards (axed and 17 touchdown throws according to XCAA Service Bureau S:a u:cs released T-jescay. His Southern Ore- percentage of 57 waa tops amocg those who had tried IH or more aeriaav and was sur- passed by only one piay-er woo ihrrw Vesa frequenti? Garrett did all tnj despite th, tc Bratkewsk. saw action in 11 gk-r-es wtule he played in 10 In the three preceoutg years Westerners Don Henneh of WashsTtc-a won the passing crown twice a ion rvtaeirr ' mar. of LcyoU cf Los Angeles orce I - ITS GJtLIN S S4KrirG SHOP FOB... rviNIUDI 111 S. Caaaaiirrisl Travel PCC Extends San Francisco 4MB The Pa cilic Coast Conference has granted Joa Ulm and two oth er San Josa State College foot ball players another year of eligibility. The PCC took action yester dsy on an "unofficial" request from San Jose State, non conference school which has athletic relations with PCC schools. Ulm, Tom Powers and Clar ence Wessman were ruled In eligible after four games this fall because they did not have enough semesters after trans ferring from a junior college. At the time, Ulm was lesding the nation in scoring. He finish ed the season tied for tenth. Feund Innocent Under PCC rules, they would have lost all this yesr's eligi bility as weU as that for 1954. However, the conference ruled the boys themselves were inno In "j S Tiade &k IBS Us your old tires os part or all of the down paymentl SERVICE STATIONS a a s v-ourr ar v.apirui snrril fT A llrtr v-cnter Lib4rty at Center UKCCN JlMIYlrj Marion at Liberty io Millsboro Tonight Eligibilities cent of wrongdoing and that San Jose officials were unsure of the rules. Victor O. Schmidt, confer ence commissioner warned this "benevolent" ruling did not set a precedent. In other actions, the PCC: 1 Granted Bill Albrecht. Washington halfback, an extra year of competition. 1 Refused William Char- bonneau, Stanford halfback, another year of competition. 3 Granted Terry Maddox, Oregon baseball player, a year of eligibility. 4 Refused Mike Monroe, Washington halfback, another season of eligibility. 5 Refused additional eligi bility to Nathan Short, Univer sity of California baseball player. 8 Set the dates for the PCC Track championships for May 28-29 at Seattle. Na the GRIP need the extra The world's greatesfction tires - in snow and mud on ice in 464 GWP-ttlATS 1o56SHaWKG.3 ROAD RUMBlt .BUCK or WHlTlSIDWAiu DON'T DELAY - s.l Church League Winners Listed For First Games f the first nllht of Church Basketball league play were announced looay. i.npo tition in five leagues is spon sored by the YMCA, .city schools and churches. Senior league First tnris ti. as rm Methodist 24: Cal vary Baptist 44, Nazarene 32; First Presbyterian ai, rirsi EUB 21. Inlrnllat 'A" FifSt Presbyterian 34. First Baptist 28: Englewood EUB 63, First Methodist 50: St. Mark Luther an 51, Jason Lee 33. Intermediate B West Sa lem Baptist 34, South Salem SVUtvHa 2.. Rvanveliitie Tem ple 46. Englewood EUB 26; First Congregational 38, Keiz er Community 16. Junior "A" First Baotist 28. Deaf School 16; St Mark Luth f winter ?T 1 nnim 111 PUUS THRU SNOW H01DS BETHR ON ICE UKB HOLD IN MUD r.MKUFttY ON COME IN TODAY! siM Center Tuesday, December 8, 1951 eran 27, Englewood EUB 11 Junior "B" Calvary Baptist 44, Deaf School f . . PLANS BOXING CARDS ', Portland UJo Tex SalkeM local matchmaker for the Ma! tional Boxing Club, today ta. nounced a pla.i to stage twa boxing shows a month at ft. Portland Armory featuring Pm, cific Northwest fighters. T Of. t. 1. LUB. I S Dc. O Chit. S UKO. lOAn inn L.AJU CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs. Z41 North Libert? OfltCS (MB SfttUfdftV attlf. m to I p.m.t f to 1 an. CoDiuuttaZ blood arcaaara and grin, twain frta af chart Practical matt ui. Writs tar altracllra tin a, JJJ by WH ROADS r INC. at Commercial ar v.ommerci lliaai t -at W4 JL