Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 08, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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Tuesday, December 8. 1958
I in f
Gerad L. Kennedy, 17, weeps uncontrollably ta hii
Seattle, Wnsh., home ai hii father (left) triei to console
him alter hla car wa involved in an accident with 68
year old Mrs. Etta M. Oigel of Seattle, who wai fatally
injured. No charges were filed against the youth. The
elderly woman, witnesses said, was jaywalking. "I don't
know what I can say to her people," Kennedy said. (AP
Wlrephoto) '
Grangers Seat
Staff at Macleay
, Macleay At the Grange
meeting held Friday night, Hu-
' bert Asplnwall was Installed as
overseer; Richard McKee, as
' sistant steward: Mrs. Cyril Par
. ker, Pomona; Harry Way, gate
' keeper; and Mrs. Harry Way
i as lady assistant steward.
1 Cornelius Bateson was in
' stalling officer, assisted by Mrs.
; Bateson and Mrs. A. J. Mader.
During the business session
Lloyd Beutler and A. J. Mader
reported on agriculture and
Cornelius Bateson reported on
the Corvallis meeting of the ag
ricultural society.
It was voted to have the regu
lar New Year's dinner.
Standing committees for the
year were appointed as follows:
Legislative: Hubert Aspln
wall. Cornelius Bates and
M. M. Magee.
Agricultural: A. J. Mader,
Ben Newell and Lloyd Beutler.
Finance: W. F. Coie, Leonard
Moser and Guy Keller.
Relief: Mrs. ' Lee Morrison,
Mrs. W. Welch and Mrs. Rich
ard McKee.
Reception: Mrs. Harry Mar
tin, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Keene and Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nelius Bateson.
A Christmas program and
no-host dinner preceded the
business meeting.
Other numbers on the pro
gram were a recitation by Jan
ette Lehman; instrumental mu
sic by Charles Way; the telling
of the origin of the Christmas
tree and Christmas greeting
cards by Mrs. Guy Keller; ac
cordion music by Marilyn Mar
tin; telling of the origin of the
f use ox misucuie aiiu uvuy
Wf T I.., J D,tl.., ni... mIa ku
Gary Bixler; vocal selections
by Fredoria Way; post-Christmas
customs and disposal of
the Christmas tree by Mrs. Hal
Lehman; wvfil jlection by
Larry Martin; reading. Mrs. Cy
ril Parker; tabloid of the nativ
ity scene by Marilyn and Lar
ry Martin, with Mrs. Lloyd
Keene at the piano and Mrs.
Clarence Johnson as narrator.
Honored during the dinner
hour were I. H. White and Mrs.
Cornelius Bateson, whose birth
days are in December, and Mr.
and Mrs. Hal Lehman, who
have their wedding anniversary
in December.
Macon, Ga. W As the Tat
tnal Square Baptist church
choir sang "I Surrender All"
Sunday night, a thief entered
the choir dressing room and
took three billfolds contain
ing $87.
Police said Johnny Williams,
44. of Aiken, S. C, admitted
the theft
PRUNES An '7t)eo Gift
of Oregon"
Available Either in
Bulk or Gift Boies
Valley Farm
3935 Silverfon Road
V -t
Hayesvile The combined
faculties of Grant and Gar
field grade schools held a so
cial meeting at the home of
Mrs. Raleigh Carothers, 3965
Hayesvile Dr., Tuesday eve
ning. Miss Muriel Bentson from
the special education depart
ment of the Salem schools
showed color slides of her last
summer's two - month trip
through Europe.
Present were Mrs. May R.
Smith, nrincinal of Grant and
Garfield schools; Mrs. Clarice
Akerson. Mrs. Elphle Calla
way. Miss Edna Ferv Miu
Ruth Kundinger, Mrs. Gladys
Magac, Mrs. Peg Drager, Miu
tnzaDetn Moyser, Mrs. Helen
McLeod. Mrs. Neva Mundinv.
er, Mrs. Elenor Pierson, Miss
Bernice Singree, Miss Ruth
Newton, Mrs. Gloria Arnold,
Miss Lo Anne Mundinirer
Miss Carol Carothers. Dale
Carothers, George Strozut,
Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh
F. Carothers.
The December meeting of
the P-TA will be held Tues
day night at 7:43 o'clock, the
president, Vernon Olaen, an
nounced. Thomas J. Means, principal
of the West Salem junior high
school, will speak on "Reli
gion ana Morals as They Per
tain to the Public Schools."
The children will have a
separate program of a special
movie furnished by the vice
president, H. C. Ruble.
Refreshments will be fur
nished by the mothers of the
Drivers find
To compare gasoline valoes now with the "food
old days." test driver at Standard ran popular cars
of the 1920' on 1925 gas, '53 models of the same makes
on today's gas, and '53 models' modiSed to us 1925
ga. AH car were driven over the same course, on the
came amount of fuel till they ran out of (as. The
results may surprise you. .
Ralph Harry
Named Chief
Appointment of T. Ralph
Harry aa chief of the division
of grain Inspection for the
State Department of Agricul
ture, effective January 1, was
announced Monday by E. L. Pe
terson, director of agriculture.
Harry has been with the divi
sion of grain inspection since
1944, starting aa weigher and
sampler in the branch office
at Pendleton. At the end of his
first year with the department,
he waa promoted to the rank of
licensed Inspector. In April,
1946. he was picked to take
over supervision of the branch
office at Astoria when vacan
cy occurred there, and IS
months ago he waa elevated to
the new position of assistant di
vision chief, since when he has
been in the division's central
office at 1517 N.W. Hoyt Street,
Portland. ,
Aa division chief, Harry will
succeed C W. Wright who re
tires from that post at the end
of the year.
Prior to entering state serv
ice, Harry was employed in
Coos county and later as a
Greyhound agent. A native of
Coos Bay, he resided in Eugene
until going to Pendleton.
Four Corners
Four Corners The well
child conference will be held on
Wednesday, Dec. 9, in the com
munity hall from 12:30 to 3:30
p.m. tor Infants and pre-school
children. Call Marion county
health department for appoint
ments. Mrs. J. E. Webster. 420 S.
Lancaster Dr., Four Corners,
was hospitalized on Sunday at
the immanuel hospital in Port
land where she will undergo
Sundav afternoon was a gala
day for Mary Lou Shrake. The
occasion was her first birthday
anniversary. Sharing in her
first birthday cake were Mrs.
Mabel Marquias and son, Don
ald, and Mary Lou's family.
Janice, Dick and Gregg, and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. war
ren Shrake, and Miss Gertrude
Visiting ni the Orville Vene
man home in Four Comers Is
Mrs. Marvin Yopp and son,
Danny, of Anchorage, Alaska.
The visitors also are visiting
Mrs. Yopp's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Cain of Salem. The
Yopps have been in Alaska for
three and a half years. He is
a corporal in the army and is
being transferred to Camp Lee
Va. He will leave Anchorage
Dec. 8, stopping here for a few
daya before going on to his new
assignment. Mrs. Yopp and
Danny will remain here for
several weeks before going to
A Scottish law passed In
1288 decreed that any man
who rejected an offer of mar
riage from a girl during Leap
Year could be fined as much
as a pound.
second grade with Mrs. Fran
cis LaMire as chairman.
I ' 1 s-:V V I
Clear Lake
Clear Lake A good crowd
enjoyed a no-host dinner at
Community club Friday eve
ning. It preceded the regular
meeting and program, which
consisted of instrumental num
bers by Mrs. John Guy on the
the saw and by Jimmy Ver
steeg on the accordion, vocal
numbers by Mrs. Jess Taylor,
Byron and Alexander LaFol
lette, Jerry LaMar and Ken
neth Dunnlgaa, a skit by Ted
and Jerry Girod and group
singing led by Mrs. T. C. Mason
accompanied by Mrs. Chester
LaMar. -
The next meeting will be
Jan. S.
The Missionary society met
WE feature the delivered price of
the Buick pictured here to make
point about the big trade-in allow
ances we're giving today.
The price you pay for the car itself
the local delivered price is the first
thing to look for when you're bargain
It's this figure less what you get on
your trade-in that determines your
real cost the dollar difference you pay.
That means keep your eye on the
dollar difference The more car it
buys, the better deal you make.
So with our low delivered price and
gasoline cost
X- t V. .
5 'J '
Today's gasoline gives yOO, under compara
ble driving conditions, 50 more miles per
gallon than in 1925! What does it mean to you?
Suppose you started on s trip from San Fran
cisco to Lake Tahoe with 12 gallons of gasoline
in your car. This is a route covering all kinds
of driving. In the old car with 1925 gas, you'd
Tuesday at the home of Mrs.
Arthur Evans. Mrs. Lyman
Meyers led the devotions and
Mrs. Naomi Massee waa study
Mrs. Ferd Zeeb underwent
major surgery last week.' She
is in Ontario, Ore.,' where she
will convalesce at the borne of
her mother.
Salem; Mass. () Mrs. Ruby
A. Cavanaugh, 2, of Lynn, tes
tified in Salem Probate Court
yesterday that after her hus
band objected to her watching
television he tossed an ax
through the TV screen.
Judge John V. Phelan took
her petition for divorce on
grounds of cruelty under ad
N. Commercial
Early Start Made in
Mailing of Parcels
Ad early, atari ha been
made by the public In connec
tion with the mailing of Christ
mas gifts, judging by the line
that formed before the parcel
post windows of the Salem post
office Monday forenoon.
While the number of persons
stairaing in line was not con
siderable at any given time,
yet the clerks were kept busy
weighing and computing post-....
Postmaster Albert C. Gragg
pointed out that persona send'
ing parcels or Christmas greet
ings should see that the address
the high trade-in allowances we're
giving right now we think we have a
whale of a buy for you.
And when you check into things, we
believe youll discover this:
You get more room and power for
, your money in this Buick than in any
other car on the market. ,
You get hundreds of pounds mora
automobile here more strength in
the brawnier frame, more durability
in the heavier chassis, more safety in
the thicker structural membersthan
in a long list of cars at this Buick' s
price or higher.
per mile down
1 1
:S, tSumm, j
travel about 131 miles; in the new car modified
for 1925 gasoline you'd go 149 miles; but in the
new car with today's gasoline, you'd go all the
way to LaIm Tahoe, 196 miles. Improved auto
mobile engines explain part of thia but better
gasolines made them possible. You benefit stead
ily from lbs competition in research and oper
. f t,n.
North Howell
North Howell Andrew
Hall la spending a tew days in
Portland at the some of hu
daughter and family, the
Richard ' Hettricka. While
there he is doing some car
penter work tor the Het
tricka. - v
The North Howell Home
Economic club and the ex
tension held their Christmas
party at the North Howell
Grange Dec 2 with a 1 o'clock
The hostesses -for the day
1 correct as to street and num
ber. If wrong addresses are giv
en there is bound to be delay In
To fJo get lot
that the specifications 1001
more fun, more thru, mot
more pride and pleasure.
Bat why waste
time growing shorter, winter
closer, and your present ear getting
older? If you're looking for fW
automobile at a real buy in a rod deal
-come look at Buick right a
Salem, Ore;
" !'Fllf.Fiillit V -
- Jx- , . -r
ating efficiency between Standard and other oil
companies. Competition steps up gasoline qual
ity, helps hold prices down. While living costs
have risen 64 in the last 28 years, today's
gasoline coats you only 22 mors s gallon (ex-,
cept for taxes) .. . gaiolint cost per mil has
dropped one fifth ,
, Uut
Fs 18
were Mrs. Thomas Bump and
Mrs. Carl Weatagsard. Mrs.
H. C. Espe, Mrs. Lewi Saw
yer and Mrs. Amy Beer.
The North Howell Grange
will hold its regular grange
meeting Dec. 14 with the new
master, Leo Peterson, In the
chair. - .
A T o'clock supper will pre
cede the meeting.
. ; )
UPHELD . - 7
London (JPVTi Itmiu
Common okayed the Causer
vative government' suspension
of British Guiana'a constitution.
by a vote of 104-271 last' night
The tallv earn an an imnuL
tion Labor motion to annual
the suspension.
more in a Be
v A; .4M I
, J:iLr A
hf He 1 -