nt 1 01 12 ir si p: U it 1 3 S P a A ' q d -Pact! THI CAPITAL JOCatNAL. Salem. OrtfM Monday Deceaiber 7, 15 Dr. Bennett to Be Speaker for Club r Sweet Hom Dr. Thomss It Bennett, associate profea m of philosophy at Willam ette university, 6aWm, i the speaker for December meet ing of the Sweet Home Wom an'! club. The group meets December 10 in the club roomi of the Community Church, Methodist, it 1 p.m. ., The Family and Religion'' le the topic of Dr. Bennett' address to the group who are ' beginning a aeries of religion and family relation! pro gram!. Meidamea John Gilbert, A. t. Macoubrie . and Robert Monaon are arranging the cur rent series of programs. That meeting will include a hobby aale, Chistmas carols and a tea at the conclusion ef the meeting. P.E.O. Chapter. Hears Miss Hang Wood burn Miss Rebecca Hang of Singapore was the apeaker at the regular meeting t Chapter J of the P.E.O. Sis terhood at the home of Mrs. Frank P. Doerfler, Thursday eight. Miss Hang is the daugh ter of a Methodist minister and is attending Willamette univer sity on a sour-year scholarship from the university. The Wes leyan Service guild takes csre of her other expenses. Miss Lang told of her family and WATCH THE . . . SPACE CADET st. moekixo urn Bed Goose Shoes DANA'S IOOTERY cum aaiMi Cmm her life fat Singapore where she is one of 11 children. Two of het brothers are attending col lege! in other parte of the Unit ed States. She was. attired In a Chinese costume. . - ' Plans were made for the B.I.L. Christmas party to be December 10 at St Mary's Epis copal halt The socisl commit tee, Mrs. Kenneth MrGrath, chairman, and the entertain ment committee with Mrs. Harry Van Arsdale as chair man, will be In charge of ar rangements. The educational committee, Mrs. C. K. McNary, Mrs O. L. Withers snd Mrs. Clair Nib- ler, were in charge of the meet ing Thursday night Mrs. Flor ence Perish of Sslem was a guest. Other guests during the program were Misses Ksthryn Thompson, Peggy Doerfler, Jo K. McNary and Jane McGrath of the local high school. Refreshments were served by the hostess. 1 Golf Event , Wood burn Seventeen women were out for the month ly golf luncheon at the home of Mrs. Dean Bishoprick. As sisting hostesses were Mrs. Ed wsrd Gomsn and Mrs. Ralph Pickering. Guests were Mrs. Curtis Wright, Mrs. Boyd Brown of Hubbard and Mrs, T. Pretzlaff of Silverton. A short business meeting was conducted in the afternoon and Mrs. Howard Palmer was elected secretary-treasurer in place of Mrs. David Cavett who resigned. The Next luncheon meeting will be January T at the home of Mrs. Edgar Tweed at Moni tor. Assisting Mrs. Tweed will be Mrs. Kenneth McGrath and Mrs. J. F. Lacey. -Today's Menu Delicious Nonfat Milk Quick .. Every try broiling lamb on skewenT Fua to serve and eat! FAMILY BUFFER Tomato Juice Skewered Lam ' Rice Snap Beans Sslsd Orange Ambrosia Beverage SKEWERED LAMB Ingredients: I small onion, teaspoon salt, freshly-ground pepper taste), V teaspoon dried crushed oregano, 1 to 1 14 pounds lean boneless lsmb (cut in about 1-inch cubes), small onion wedges, squsres of green pepper. Method: Grate onion fine; mis onion pulp and Juice with salt, pepper and oregano. Roll lamb in onion mixture; put In i tightly covered jar and refrig-! crate overnight. At serving time, arrange lamb cubes on; ikiwtri alternately with i onion wedgei and green pep- i per squares. Broil until meat j is cooked through but onion is still partly crisp. Mskes 4 servings. Entertains Club Salem Heights Mrs. Paul Burger entertained the South Hill Garden club last week. Mrs. Frank Dy was the assist ing hostess. , The business meeting was dis pensed with and a workshop conducted for all of the mem bers making' Christmas decora tions of dried arrangements festuring madonnas. Mrs. Jack Henningsen gave the instruc tions. Sha placed the various Christmas items around the room. The group plans its Christ mas party on December 22, with an exchange of gifts at Mrs. Lyle Bayne'a home, 470 East Madronna avenue. It will be traveling party, members to visit various homes that are decorated and then go to the party at Bayaea. Guests attending were Mrs. John Taylor, Mr. Glen Pow ers. Mrs. Carl Harris. Mrs. George Gregor and Mrs. Ralph Solum. 14 yatt COUGH FUSSIN? Han's hst thousands ef doctors ban praaeribed (or roughs ef colds , . . fast-erting. pleasant-tasting PERTUSSIN, it works internally; Ioombs sticky phiagm; and ttua "a-V coughing spells. It's grand lor all the Ismuyl Cat relief wKh PERTUSSIN' Modem Beauty College E0T TUOtlNt Inquire About Our Scholarship Plont All work done by students under supervision 476 N. Church St. OREGON'S FIRST HIGH-FIDELITY PREMIER SHOWING! Delicious flavor flue all of milk's none and-muecle-tmilding nourish- a.Wey Peel tyMea-rt Ml 1 7,000 7 fa. (i. katt fttlaa IN TWO SI AT YOUR GROCER'S Ky ... CHI ID DUEL'S winpwjwji mi. ji jiiisvumiiii n i ji ir 1 ,ir,r.,, ' I ' .1 ll. .' I ') , "" T njmft-, ,m t. rmr a mm, i if If n - i is ' ' ir " -rn t ' -' '' -' '' " " ' 1AiiX.i,fWiMSUtmAi jf II iFr T7 i TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, DEC. 8 and 9 f MwZasyAl senator hotel I V Mixinq! hi R00M2M I $S. 'v Jy FROM NOON TIL NINE ;j U Another Exclusive From Yoyr 1 IMf S . High-Fiddty Headquarters f '! l''l 8 CECIL FARNES CO. 1 If? Mm j. HEIDERS IS? J !' ALV 421 COURT ST. PHONE 4-2271 - I ''S II U) Jl1 I I, ttflirlll. ehttaari. k..s.r..., r- K.PII,7!! 1 ill NONFAT 'M ""' ""I" I Jj f Admiral . - I' " " "4iSSM f HIGH FIDELITY FM-AM RADIO-PHONOGRAPH ...t. sis.m., . f ... . I' !': Now ... from Admiral comes a rur high fidel- M eveass ieia. MiwaMfinwate I ?, :, , tty r.dio.phonogT.ph that bring, you mora -fm right out Of the If ... ; J than twice the tonal rang, of conventional Cold-waW faucet III I 'Cl 'l. rsdio-phonographa-outperforms many cue- S?S3 V to make deliciouf torn installations costing three time aa much! I nonfat milk for V XTd 1 il U HZ"" L drinking and 1 M LL Mil l5 This superb Instrument reproduce, every 007,7.7.'; j cooking Cutayour TTOsa', jff I sound tho human ear can hear; brings you f. milk bill in half, '"rft ll; avery delicate tonal shsding in tod.y'a fine . toot Pet Nonfat y0By wide-range recordings and FM-AM broadcasta. tnilk coats only ..t; -SX f" J i Hear thie revolutionary new radio-phone- M bout 9f cruarb -jn'vfr J graph and discover how warm, hew excitingly V (A sjsssssssasaasMaJSSSSt-"u realistic musical reproduction can be! Come in giraSlartaaaw ' iiiiSi' jfl . v for a demonstrstion todsyl MihiiI.Ttm wia m'NvlPET) T rJMmmA 111 YOUR "HI-FI" HEADQUARTERS . . . 52 swaio-tjv w g 4 av av k asr jT7ls 'TX r I f . gfl mm RbI bbbI JT MtiU l vtvii. rMiAiiiaj vw, Jf mt1t Can't "ift out." I ', ' A elite tsa J-i-ra-i f IZES j 428 Court St. Salem Phone 4-2271 i V 1 i. its.. L AIUU ITVI . wn"" s a ! ' i- kef Vte (Free Gift Wrapping . of Course) gowns From Trillium ... la WSB derful nylon trlcet , . . Some are permanent pleat ed . . . lavishly trimmed with beautiful lace . . . many In choose from . . In black . . . petal pastels . and snowy white . . . Site A great selection ... In fil my nylon . . . soft crepes . , . and practical cottons . . . never before so beau tiful . . . full or half slips . . . black ... whitea . . . and colore . 1.99-S.9S 6.9S-2Z9S la costume colors . . . the new (( gauge, It denier stockings by "Humming Bird" ... In 15 in dividual proportioned lengths . te give her that perfect fit . . . GIFT BOX OF I PR. 5.75 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL NINE XcUH0MfJtj'j From "Tommies" . . . beaatlfal S-pe. eat . . . sleeping top and bottom . , . and qulhcd robe . . , made In wonderful acetate aid rayoa . . . with felled seams . . . tested fabrics . . . locked en bat tens . . . colors ... black ... white . . . eoral ... 24.9S TOMOMOW-AIMUU YM-TWCA SMOKJJIMD, TWA DR. t S Till 1P.M. Just In ... a fine selection ef beautiful robes . . , cotton . . . satin . . , nylon . . . long, sweep ing luiury quilta ... or brunch coat length , . . Just the thing for her this Christmss , . . Z.9S-24.9S From HER FAVORITE SANTA" 234 N. Liberty St. In Selem (611 Met St. In Lebanon)