A Ii u n a H n P B n r at i t h. U at ft tc b. 11 at Chapter Lists New Officers ;' .' - Mrs. Robert Fonter and J. I. VanWyngarden were named 'worthy matron and worthy pa tron of the Trinity chapter No. 173, Order of Eastern Star, at M meeting in the Weit Salem ity hall, Friday night Also elected to officer were Mrs. R. C. Genre, associate ma fron; Steven Rosenbeum, asso ciate patron; Mrs. Raymond Hoffman, conductreu; Mrs. 'Clarence field, associate con ductress; Mrs. C. U. Hixson, secretary; Mrs. J. E. Van Wyn ajardea, treasurer. Two new members received 'into the order by initiation .were Mr. and Mrs. Orville W, Graham. Birthday honors were bestowed upon the present worthy patron, Harry L. Mil ler. Mr. Miller was given a gift nd a birthday cake by the chapter. Mrs. Ivan Stewart was soloist for the birthday song. On the refreshment commit tee were Mrs. Jack French, Mrs. J. E. VanWyngarden, Mrs. X. T. HartweU, Mrs. Carl taats, Mrs. Edna Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vedder. t Worthy matron, Mrs. Harry Charlton, announced that the next meeting, December 18, will be the chapter's Christmas party. There will be a gift ex. change and buffet supper, she said. An open installation of offl cers has been scheduled for De cember 30 at the West Salem city hall, it was announced by the worthy matron elect, Mrs. Robert Forster. Mrs. Persons To Head Group Mrs. Walter Persona was named president of the Bar bara Frietchie tent. Daughters ot Union Veterans of Civil War, at a meeting Friday aft ernoon in the Veterans of For eign Wan hall. Others elected were: Senior vice, Mrs. W. A. Gardner; Jun ior vice, Mrs. Pearl .Norenj chaplain, Mrs., Luella Inman; treasurer, Mrs. . Effia Ulrlch; council member No. 1, Miss Mary Hllborn; council member No. 2, Mrs. E. J. Simklns; coun cil member No. 3, Mrs. Edith McCoy; patriotic Instructor, Mrs. Carrie Peyton. An annual homecoming din ner preceded the meeting, Members of the luncheon com mittee were Mrs. E. J, Simp, kins, Mrs. Effle Ulrica and Mrs. Edith McCoy. Special guests from Portland attending the homecoming were Mrs. Irene Lawhead, de partment president; Mrs. Fred- rlcka Dutton, department pres ident counsellor; Mrs.' Hazel Ollerman, department- guide; and Mrs. Mary Ann Siddorn. ' The group's Christmas party will be December 18, the time and place to be announced lat er. ',- ' e - y '. m Donate Funds' ; ' . A total of $25 will be donat ed by the Pioneer post, .No. 140, all-woman post American Legion, to the "Gifts to the Yanks" fund and to the chil dren at the state school for the blind, it was revealed at a meeting of the group Friday night in the home ot Miss Mar lorie Howard. The group also made plans to pack a Christmas box for a needy family. The box will be tilled during the next meeting of the group, it was decided. Date tor the meeting was set for Friday, December 18, at 8 o'clock p.m. In the Ameri can Legion club. This will be a Christmas party. e Schroeder-Guild Announcement is being made ot tne marriage of Mrs. Paul ine Wallace Guild to Richard C. Schroeder. The ceremony was an event 01 November 19 at Cedar Hills Community church in Bcaverton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Satier of Salem attended the couple. The couple will be at home at 310 S. E. Lynnridge Drive. Beaverton. after December 12. Mrs. Schroeder is the daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Wallace and Mr. Schroeder is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Schroeder of Salem. VISITORS in the capital over the week-end were Mr. and Mrs. John Marklcy of Juniata, Neb. They were guests of Mrs. Clara J. Norton. The three had been school friends 50 years ago. ENTERTAINING next Sun day, December 13, at a holiday open house will be Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds Allen and fam ily. Jim, Sara, Molly and Spencer, friends of the family being Invited to call between 3 and 7 p.m. DEBBY Wuhi hie Orion Nylon Wool and Nylon IfTTU FRENCH SHOP US N HIGI! m sso; Capital Edits ky MARIAN Holiday Setting For Wedding A beautiful Christmas time setting was arranged for the wedding of Miss Norma Jean Camfield and Darwin J. Ker ber Saturday evening when the couple exchanged their vows at a ceremony In the chapel of the First Christian church. The Rev. Donald Payne officiated at the o'clock service. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto C, Cam field and Mr. Kerber Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam J. Kerber. Silver boughs encircled red polnsettlas arranged In bas kets, and there was a garland of the greens and polnsettlas. Also used In decorating were candelabrums with lighted tapers. For the music, Miss Coralle Doughton sang, Don Smith, cousin of the bride, being the organist. The bridal dress was made by Mrs. Camfield for her dsughter. It was of imported Chantllly lace and nylon tulle. The long sleeved bod ice was of the lace, the scoop neckline edged In seed pearls, a Jeweled pattern ot pearls and rhinestones trimming the bo dice and sleeves. The bouffant skirt was of tulle with un even tiers cascading down to , the chapel train. A Jew eled tiara of lace held In place the fingertip veil For her flowers the bride carried a round bouquet of shirred loops of white nylon net lace and atephanotis centered with white orchid and backed with white satin leaves from which cascaded a shower of loops of pearls and narrow white satin ribbon. Mr. Cam- field gave his daughter In marriage. Miss Dona Lee Farrlngton, cousin of the bride,, Toledo, was maid ot honor. She wore waltz length frock of red velveteen with billowing skirt. the scoop neckline edged with seed pearls. She wore a headpiece matching her dress and her flowers were a nosegay of Frenched white carnations centered with a red poinsettia and backed with angel feath ers from which fell streamers of ribbon. Wade C. Carter was best man. Ushering were Don Empey, cousin of the bride groom, and Don Jones. For the wedding, the bride's mother wore a navy blue wool crepe suit with rhlneatone clip, pale pink accessories and corsage ot pink rosebuds. The bridegrooms mother wore a black suit with satin trim, black and white accessories and corssge of pink roses. The reception was In the church fireplace room. Mrs. Paul Shafer and Mrs. Charles Wright cut the cake. Pour ing were Mrs. Hobart Smith, at the coffee urn, and Mrs Jack Grenz of Albany at the puncn dowi. Assisting were Miss Sharon Shafer, Mrs. Wil liam McCormack and Miss Gwen Fry. Chri3tma decor ations also were used in decor ating at the reception. For going away the bride wore a three-piece suit of heather beige with matching hat and brown accessories, and corsage of white orchid. Following a trip to Reno and Las Vegas, the couple will Get After Suffering of INFECTIOUS COLDS! tosy 2-Step Treatment Civet Such Comforting liuel When an Infectious cold strikes anyone in your fam ily, most effective relief from suffering is what you want. So, use dependable VapoRub this special way. Millions of mothers have proved its effectiveness! Te Relieve Upper Iremkiol (on tfttoa, Crevpr Coughs at (elds Just put VapoRub In a vaporiser or bowl of steaming water, u directed In pack's. Breathe In tbt sooth lng. medicated steam. With every breath, VapoRub's active meditation penetrates all thraush the eold-rtuBed noes and the throat . . . deep Into the large breathing paaaafes. It helps break up contrition. It soothes and moistens dry, irri tated me moraine . , , relieve the cough, makes breathing eaaierl Mode b, Vkh-Wortd-ieodin, CoWl SpecJotitfs Women LOWRT FISCHER VTJ : 1 ) ' Wm Telia Troth Miss Elaine Graham, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Evert Gra ham, has announced ber en gagement to Robert D. Phelps, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Truman Phelps. No date Is set for the wedding. (Chitwood studio picture) Encampment Group Elects Officers Election of officers high, lighted a meeting of the Lad les encampment auxiliary In the IOOF temple Friday night. Mrs. Lynn Hill was named chief matriarch Mrs. Fred Shafer, senior warden; Mrs. Lora Groves, high priestess; Mrs. Charley Neubauer, Jun ior warden; Mrs. Walter Lar son, scribe; Mrs. Joe Jackson, treasurer. A program honoring the present chief matriarch, Mrs. Clarance Townsend, was ar ranged by Mrs. Lora Groves, following the meeting. Participating In the evening entertainment were Mrs. Wal ter Larson, Roy Pease, Mrs. Fred Shafer, Mrs. Lora Grov es, Gus Erlckson. Floor work was displayed by the drill team. A gift was presented to Mrs. Clarence Townsend by Miss Wilda Siegmund from the officers and members ot the auxiliary. I Refreshments were served in the dining room after the meet-! lng. Sings at College j Miss Janice Olson of Salem will appear as a mezzo soprano soloist when the music depart ment of Pasadena college, Pasa dena, Calif., presents Handel's Messiah, December 13. Chester C. Crill, head of the music department, will conduct the oratorio. Accompanying the 75-voice colege oratoria choir will be the instrumental ensem ble under the direction of J., Willis Flick, with piano- and organ. The Messiah has been an an nual presentation of the Sunday afternoon preceding the college Christmas holidays for a num ber of years. . AMONG pre-Christmas open house hosts will be Mr. and Mrs. George M. Schwarz who have invitations out for an open house on Sunday, Decem ber 20, at their North Capitol street home, guests being invit ed to call between 4 and 8 o'clock. be at home at 424 South Cap itol. AMERICA'S HoslModeri'lkKN. CAPITAL 181 N. High' Then, lor Continued Relief rub VapoRub on chert, throat and back, and cover with a warmed cloth. VapoRub spreads a won derful fecUnf of warrant and comfort It aoothei away Utht neaa, muscular achea and pains. You feci so much betterl And under that warm flow, Vtcka VapoRub keeps on working for tiouri-brtnilng mere and mors relief! ... So remember-when any one In your family feta aa In fectious cold -the sooner you use vkhi vapoKuo, the so you relieve the sufTeringl n WICKS VVapoRue THE CAPITA!. JOURNAL Sale. Oref o DARPIan Museum at Newberg Former President Herbert Hoover baa given his consent to have his old home in New berg made into museum, it was announced at the meeting of Chemeketa chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolu tion, Saturday, at the Woman's club house. The report wu made by Miss Ruth Rullfson, chairman of the Hoover house commit tee. This Is a state project which DAR groups have been working on for some time. Speaker at the Saturday meeting was Dr. L. E. Barrick. who showed pictures which he had taken In the Holy Land. Miss Patricia Collins sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Frank Parcher. Christmas dec orations were featured in keep ing with the holidays. For Miss Radcliff . Miss Gerl Radcliff. bride- elect of Bill Forrest, was honor w m ym ij aim wiuwcr given recently by Mrs. Rosalie Wallace at the Radcliff home. Neighbors of the Radcliff family were invited, guests In cluding Mrs. Lee Clark, Mrs. MscCarthew, Mrs. Walter Nel son, Mrs. Eldon Scott, Mrs. Charles Diller, Mrs. Rose Lar son, Mrs. Ethel Murphy, Mrs. Mrs. . Allen Keith. Miss Lee Meyers, and Mrs. Nourse Rad cliff, mother of the bride-to-be. A scrapbook was made for the bride, also a shower table cloth was signed by the Euests. A late dessert was served. GET A HIAD START ON YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPINOI ( . Hany X :M Styles 1 m$ 4 .t rm$: fr f 4 Dec. 8th Ii Smoraos- b... ...,rotth"Y", M Men Only Shopping Night Is Shower, Party Honor Miss Trams Miss Joyce Travits, who Is to be married to Richard TaV dy on December 21, was honor guest for a miscellaneous show er and party for which Mrs. Gerald Kendall, Mrs. Everett Holmes and Mrs. Donald S hee ler entertained at the Kendall home on Friday evening. Decor for the party featured the pink and white theme. The centerpiece was a miniature bridal party. A dessert was served following the games and opening of gifts. About 10 were invited to th j party. Co-Rec Club About 40 members of the Co-Rec club of the YWCA at tended the dance lessons given by Jon Marr at the Chresto cottage at Willamette univer sity Friday night. Dinner was served to the young adults at the YW pre ceding the dancing. Erwln Lay was evening chairman and the president, Effie Wulff, presided at the meeting. Following the dinner, a movie on skiing was shown. Next meeting is set for Fri day, December 11, when the group ,Uges its "sloppy sox dance" at the Salem Heights Community center on Liberty road. Dinner will precede the dance at the YWCA at 8:30 o'clock. The dance is scheduled to begin at 8 p.m. Is Your Fuel BUI Over $10( A Month? Better Convert to Continental Radiant GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Road Phone 4-6283 PRC-HOLIDAY PENNEY'! ANNUAL HOLIDAY CLEAN-UP OF BETTER DRESSES Dec. 8th Ii Smoraos b. ...4nr at the "J", 5-8 p.m. Bride-Elect Party Feted Mist Mtxlne Davenport was the honor guest at a bridal shower at the home of Mrs. Rodney Jones recently. Miss Davenport will be married to Leslie Thlems, Dec ember 13. The data will be the 25th anniversary ot her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Davenport The rooms were approp riately decorated in the bridal motif with a complete bridal party of story book doll, as the center of attraction. Guests bidden to honor Miss Davenport were: Mrs. Mel vin Courter, Mrs. Lloyd Arn old, Mrs. Andrew Irwin.Mrs. Ed Gilmore, Mrs. John Day, Mrs. Ed Luthe, Mrs. Marlin Ediger, Mrs. Arthur Davis, Miss Mildred Si-irin, Miss Joan Courter all of Dallas; Mrs. John Lorence, Mon mouth; Mrs. Edward Kohler, Springfield; Miss Jean Davis, Miss Mary Hawke, both 'of DRAPERIES CUSTOM MADE IN OUR NEW SHOP YOUR OR OUR MATERIALS SEE OUR SAMPLES IN YOUR HOME Traversa Rods Installation A Complete Drapery Service "Everythinf for Your Window" ELMER THE BLIND MAN Pre Estimates 3870 Canter Phono 3-7328 You'll be amaied at Hie dresses you'll find In this group. Tremendoirt savings are yours if you nurry ... no mora when these ore gone. Choose from all wools, orlon and wools, ray ons or cottons. You'll Find Misses, Juniors and Vz Sizes in This Group . . . Wednesday from Monday, Portland; Mrs. Glenn Daven port, Misses Shirley Daven port and Glenora Davenport; th honor guest, Mist Msxine Davenport; and the hostess, Mrs. Rodney Jones. ,i .... I Dental Auxiliary 1 The meeting of the newly formed auxiliary to the Mar-ion-Polk-YamhlU Dental socie ty will be Tuesday evening, Mrs. Floyd Utter and Mrs. Rol lln Baker to be hostesses to the group at the Utter home. ' Lovely Selection' of Infants Sweaters by PANDORA ' COME IN SOON AND INSPECT THEM Ma rg wen's CiplW Shopping Csntsf FREE PARKING! SHOPPER'S CAR PARK 8. HIGH AT FERRY or MARION CAR PARK 8. COMMERCIAL & FERRT Ask your salesperson to vali date your parking check for 1 hoar FREE. Types and to Choose 7 to 9 P.M. December 7. 1953 Meny Csrhtnss sisls-1.00 JaceeUlM Cacana's "Saialat Near tttaaai at a tblnlas baa snaaaaat ark-Us Cllssaf-1. JacQueSas Coduaa's aeaSamil aajta as and fsiad wlt ewnrtl"S ... ail sting IS aartllM! tad. Mat. amy. Tit-Tat Siatt-Ms JacsaalM Cotana'a "SMalat Hear" aa senvmi la a reaiat Saats far tt tml Shifting Hiir-latt-2.75 Jacqutlint CochiwV'SliMnf HowrSflMM ntl CotOfM m I iMlHWrjf rVMff.ftoM. Shifting Htir roimlftg lath-MO JwftMUM CKftfM' most MdtMf tot iBinry. DcHcioui! Ptrfumftf ! TmquW hi Mi toM tplaihttf dMMttr. Psrsalt-tl-nastl'tst Wt-4.0 Jecenliae CacanM'i Satcleas fnayiatae "urwtt- In at Tolleni, tavbte It X Haas utiaa. la a lanunlii diaaag StanytaMtmalta, ritwlsi VtKst-1.00 Jacaathae Ceciwaa'i fernowl anittaie fanaula la faiqr lale mpointl.... The rati tm el baaatr. Travellte atacftwRAt OotaWni Mwingiy qmipMr M: traveSfif aujsttt koffies at raarias Van. Cleaner. Ma latea. Online! aS at ttm aati BrerS-mla rata, neeue fa at