Fit 4 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Monday December 7, 1953 Capital jLJourrial An Independent Newspoper Established 1888 BERNARD MAINWARING, Editor and Publisher GEORGE PUTNAM, Editor Emeritus Published every afternoon except Sunday at 444 Che meketo St., Salem. Phpnes: Business, Newsroom, Want Ads. 2-2406; Society Editor, 2-2409 Pal win CantM at aa inning Pnm mm TM tMUt VMM. TIM AmciU4 u tulMlvtlr ramlaa tm IM um tat aualuaiua. al ali aiapauhai crtattat la It mt aUMrala) araluat M lata him aaa ftlM awi . HfclUnas tatnia. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ? Curtwt UhUli. ii ui aim kaaaUu. 11 Ml Oai lui, SUM. Mas Oiwm: aUatalr. M mis Moalfaa. IIHl Omt In), MM. IIUI OuUlat on..: atMUur, 11-11! mt MmUm. it.Mi On Tut. iimb. LETTERS, WIRES AS INDEX TO SENTIMENT - In theory it is fine to "write a letter to your congress man" or "wire the president," but the recent McCarthy episode has shown the inherent fallacy of this as a guide on public opinion. ' McCarthy urged his listeners to wire their sentiments to the White House. We assume he was not in collusion with the telegraph company, but it reaped quite a har vest, though not what one might have expected. As anyone would assume, most of these wires backed McCarthy. Since McCarthy's admirers would be much more likely to accept his advice than would others, it is surprising that so many of the telegrams supported the president Up to 11 a.m. Saturday the count was 2992 to 1354 for McCarthy. Then a Toledo paper promised cooperation to those of Its readers as wished to support the president, but agreed also to transmit views favorable to McCarthy. This re sponse, amounting to more than 10,000, was about 30 to 1 for Eisenhower. McCarthy termed the paper's project dishonest, although it is hard to see how it was more so than McCarthy's original attempt to pack the telegraph wires with messages favorable to his side in the contro versy. The weakness of the letter or telegram to congress man, senator or president is that normally it comes only from those with extremely strong views on a given sub ject. Let 10 per cent support one side of a proposition wun great zeal and their use of the mails and wires will far exceed that of tha other 90 per cent who may dis agree wun inem, out not violently. Further, people may be stirred to action by a dramatic piea which gives only one side, and may even misrepre sent the facts. McCarthy's plea is c case in point, and it happens repeatedly. The purpose is to give the public servant at the receiving end a distorted idea of what the public thinks. Unfortunately this frequently succeeds, but not as often as it used to. For officials are learning how to discount their incoming mail when it has been given an artificial stimulus. REMEMBER THE DAY IN '41? AMERICA SHUT Qit Yhb ALARM- .'iT '8 .?. '. '.rT-jk'-'x.;-i -AND DOXeO OFF FOR ANOTHER. FORTy WINK .1 PEARL HARBOR MEMORIAL It was just 12 years ago, December 7, 1941, that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and plunged the United States into World War II. The only organization to observe the anniversary at Pearl Harbor is the navy which staged brief, solemn memorial services on the superstructure of the battleship Arizona, which the Japanese bombers destroyed. The Arizona is still at the bottom of the harbor and the tomb of some 1100 sailors who went with her in the Xirst battle of the Pacific war. The superstructure of the old battleship still rises in oenance or destruction and has been made a monument to the men who died in the infamous sneak attack on a inendiy nation. . Memorial services atarted at 7:65 a.m, Honolulu time, 4:65, PST, the exact moment Japanese bombers began wreaking havoc on the alumbering U.S. Pacific fleet. A bugle call opened the memorial program, the Amer ican flag was raised on the remains of the sunken war ship, prayers were offered for those who perished by Captain P. G. Linaweaver, chaplain of the 14th Naval district, followed by taps and a three-volley rifle salute fired by eight aailors. Services were attended by representatives of veterans and civic organizations and the nine survivors of the at tack now stationed at Pearl Harbor who were placed pei ore xne mast oi me Arizona. - iul tHE ttHH WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND Bermuda Gives Big Three Chance to Patch Breaks DULLES on McCarthy John Foster Dulles' blast at Joe McCarthy and Eisenhow er's subsequent support are the tipoff that Dulles has decided By DkEW PEARSON Washington Though the Premier Laniel, Bermuda conference was called partly because ot the accidental fact that Winston Churchill in sisted on a Big Four meeting with Malenkov and because Bermuda was a semi-substitute, actually this accident came at Just the right time.. For the Russians were begin ning to score some hits in their game ot pulling the Allies apart. The Bermuda meeting, therefore, Is giving an oppor Scio Resident Afraid Of Salem Grid System To the Editor: I used to go to Salem at times on business and to do teems to have the inside track. fm ,of trading, but since iney nave pui one way tranic into effect I am afraid to go In, afraid that if I went in I however OPEN FORUM would not find my way out. I was taught when I started that from now on he will standi'? drlv w" t0 uy on up and fight every time the senator from Wisconsin attacks the state department and Amer ican foreign policy. Dulles has bent over backward in the past trying to get along with Mc Carthy and the so-called "Ne anderthal" wing of the Repub- tunity to patch up the old al-jlican party l'ance, I In an effort to appease Mc- Here are some Illustrations Carthy, he even went so far as of how the Russians were play lng the fame of divide and rule: 1. Moscow proposed a aggression pact between sia and France. Why Join the United Euro pean army and tolerate the danger of German rearma ment? the Kremlin has argued. Why not sign a nonaggression pact with Russia thereby com- non-Rus- top security officer. But every time he yielded, Dulles found it only encouraged McCarthy to attack the state department! harder. As a result, he la now fed up, has told his friends that he intends to be a fair and decent secretary of state even if means pletely removing the danger of, a fight with McCarthy or any war? This has a lot of appeal one else who unfairly criticizes in Paris, first, because the Com-1 Eisenhower's policies, munist party Is powerful in IKE VS. DULLES There were no other ceremonies by other branches 0f France; second, because the' It was a fighting mad secre- the right aide of the road. Now they tell me that when I drive on a one-way street and want to make a left hand turn to go down on a different street I am supposed to drive on the left hand side of the street. It gives me sort of a funny feeling to drive on the wrong side of the street as they used to call it It is all to appoint Scott McLeod. an merry mixup xo me. aide to Senator Bridges but I have been thinking about even closer to McCarthy, as his 'this quite often and also told Salem 49 Years Ago ' ly BEN MAXWELL ' December 7, 1104 Said a Capital Journal edl torial of 48 years ago: "The office of chief of police is very much sought after In the city of Salem for two reasons: Re publican bosses want the of fice for the power it gives them In rouncing up the next primaries and levying tribute on vice. Democratic politic! ans want it because it has a $1000 salary and helpa a cer tain Democratic faction to get county offices." Electrical experts were working up an extremely no vel feature for opening exer cises at. the Lewis and Clark exposition, June 1, 190S. It had been arranged that Pres ident Roosevelt in Washington should touch a few keys and set In motion chimes in towers of the government building at the exposition. Then the chimes were to play "My Country 'Tis of Thee." Assessable property in Sa lem, both real and personal, as shown by the 1904 assess ment roll, had been determin ed by County Clerk Rowland to be 12,820,622. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER Boyle Wants to Give Mankind 'Bess' New Miracle Disease By HAL BOYLE The committee of lights had reported to the council t h need for a light at the east end of Polk county bridge. Edison theater. 143 - State street, had an entire change of program. New moving pict ures were billed and Lamont Brothers, ragtime 'dancers, were to appear In person. Ad' mission, 10c. J. G. Retgleman and W. F. R. Smith had formed a part nership and were prepared to conduct a general blacksmith' lng and woodworking business at 10 0 Chemeketa street Smith had purchased the int erest of G. Schultz and Reigle man had been at the present stand for seven years. Attorney General Crawford had handed down an opinion tnat the fairgrounds were ex empt from prohibition prevail ing in the Chemawa precinct. OPEN FORUM the armed service, nor was there a community service at vno iHuonai Memorial cemetery oi the Pacific, where most of the victims of the attack were buried. It is to be hoped that the sunken battleship will remain the tomb of those who perished and kept a national shrine, a perpetual memorial to their memory. G. P. TELLING IT TO McCARTHY Delegates to the American Veterans Committee's 10th United European army is. of tary of state President Eisen course, aimed at blocking a Redjhower found waiting for him in army invasion. Washington when he flew back 2. Ambassador Bohlcn has tr0,T Augusta after Thanksgiv cabled the state department inK !n h'3 hand, Duiies held that the Kremlin has been he statement blasting McCar: adroitlv wooing the British. j thy which he later gave to the The other day Premier Malen-! Pre- kov made the unprecedented' lke was a little surprised at move of asking British Ambas- fir,t- Down in Augusta he by some of my fellow coun trymen that they also thought that the city cops probably weren't making enough on the meters on our parking so they had to start something new in order to give them a chance to tag some more innocent per sons who just happen to make a mistake and make a wrong turn or drive in the wrong direction, ignorant of It until they get caught In the mesa. So my advice to my fellow countrymen is to stay out of these places unless absolutely necessary to go there. A. D. BENDER, Sclo. democratic candidate against republican Sen. Guy Cordon. Significantly, Neubcrger wanted to dine with Morse in ..j c: in, .ii u ... hadn't nairi ton mnrh nttni , , his hotel room where thev . . .... . . . . . . ivui huui otr ' ' 1 1 1 . a 1 1 1 nivicr w .... - anniversary convention at At antic Citv hv vninwl th;..l..nm. t ih. Kr.mii,, . im. to the McCarthy broadcast. In would not be seen. Once a stu- SUDDort of President K :the first Dlace. he didn't litn 1 dent at the University of Ore- Senator Joseph McCarthy's criticism of the adminitr.ithe ambassador only 30 min-! "r the radio, and "the;"0" Law cInoo1 where MorseJ t on's foreign policy. Author-Cartoonist Rill Mai.l.lin notice so he didn't have 'on of the New York ,w "u"rr P'a D"n i , j , . """'"r-arioonisi Clll .MauUtin . . , ... -.,naDers which rearhrn him nrvt toying with the idea of running W8'IedJnat,0nal chairman.y convention delcRates. 1' ? hi wrnmenrnrard Morse for the senate The 300 delates representing 10.250 veterans, sent 1" r"C" LIV while e dtdn't 'read the tcai j but in recent month, has pretty telegrams to the White House Sunday which read in TE,? J .Krim the'0' POP""- ' well abandoned that idea. part: "Senator McCarthy does not speak for us. We J, LT. rWW S . r Most surprising, however, no1 Ind- democratic leaders think he is undermining- the Constitution we fought to, which Malenkov turned on .11 ne " ,,he White House in ; have gted that Neuberger preserve." hl. ,harm toId H,vt .(Washington bothered to send I n 'r thf. ente ol he d- ' .m -ij mm ine text of what McCarthy imocrauciiciiri nexi year " " ' ' " ml.iA C. k. ..... .....I vi a nil nnv r'nrrinn VI. .cbuiuliuii oihihcu oy me cauea ior the oppos ing of "smear techniques based on innuendo, hearsay, unfounded accusations and outright lies ... the tech niques which are the stock in trade of C.oebbels, Stalin and McCarthy." Politicians attach little significance to McCarthy's "Toll It to Eisenhower" but the result so far shows that Ike maintains his pulling power. An Associated Press sampling of newsnaner ditnril comment showed them about 5-1 upholding Kisenhower's Moscow alone, position wun aoout one third of the editormls noncom mittal. G. P. Britain could lead the u it uiuii v persist in i. in. ii . . t ..w i k. .,.. i p tk. I P"rd for the rage of his . . p brings of the ret 0, ,u(e However, when Dulles ex plained the implications of the McCarthy attack and showed him a series of cables from U.S. ambassadors reporting that the United States. The ambassador reported back to London that Malenkov was a man his government could do business with; that he was sure Churchill would be Later Curfew Bend Bulletin has told them that he would consider doing so if sufficient campaign contributions were promised In advance. "You've got to get over the Idea that you are going to get any cash on the barrelhead." prestige ot the Eisenhower nri. 1 Senator Morse advised his for. welcomed royally if he goes to ministration had sunk to an ' mer student during their recent , all-time low, the president rea- ' secret conference. ' Democratic Simultaneously, Lady Haytcr ---' agreed not only to the candidate. Just can't get that was invited to tea by Mrs. MoI- -Junes statement, but to back it kind of money. Republicans otov, wife of the deputy pre-,uP himself. . may be able to get contributions mier. This is almost unheard "Go t0 Foster,' he said,' in advance but not democratic tie nas it coming to him." i or independent candidates. De- was new evidence of how the1 1NO" uulles has been delug-1 mocrats nave to run on merit, wun congratulatory mes-! not money. sages since his McCarthy blast. I "Guy Cordon has one of the This has reinforced his deter- most isolationist records in mination to continue. Mean- eonress." continued llnrv b nut that tinur A -.- of basic "rule of reason" pre-l0' ,n the Ru"-" capital, but VIMS, ma me regulation t " ; " ' , 4 (.-... . . . i Rnuian art nlivlnf thf nnlicv ra Bend hi. just changed Its f.ctorily. with no great amount ' ,ryin ,0 divid" ,nd rule' eurfew rpiuUHnn . nt iHn-nim t.t.- .i These are some of the thinas i "Tl w:" ." rv:"l " rhrrhi, rih., ,rf ,-.m n"" " continue, wean- congress, ia id re OUi on lnr The effert venaai r hl. . ............ wftlle. McCarthy hit itr-nirl ..u.-. .,..j ..:.. n i " 7nve mT ? ''' whe Tthe, .," dovT. -r f aaai m W (Kilt. OCI1U all I tinnfl tha W tm Slnaa . i t . ' ' llllir IX riDfl M Will IfT AAasi lala mmrmM rHoM often forcement. about which there !:;;..h..t.M. V.7. t.o. on Dul1" " h nev" M lo0 " isolationist state. on any otner state department They believe in Ike s foreign official. He expects to bring up policy. Dulles' support for Aler Hiss ..i ,m convinced you could as president of the Carnesle ..... --.j .. 1 -j. , " T The frenrh H.1...tlnn .t r..i ..... .u. " '"V1HO, police say youna peonla h .V 0o,rc"0n o be out at has been no complaint here. that hour returning from the aters, parties o visits with friends. As a result, the en forcement of the regulation has been lax. From now on, It is announced, the enforcement after midnight will be rigid and excuses will have to be good. Albany police say the 10 clock rule t. working satis- rujr he,,, tj,, oUlet "ow leew.T tn hi.k nd ethers needing to and the present 10 o'clock rule works well. The police have the situation, apparently, "well in hand." KINDLY Bl'RGLARS Dallas, Tex. (US) Burglars who robbed a Dallas service station of $200 in cash and across-the-tab!e, face -to -face contact to Improve diplomatic relations. FRENCH RIVALS SS-tarta.:fS5L H- -,you; mind soon! 1, Premier Laniel is scarcely talk-; Harry Dexter White was sub ing to his foreign minister, mitted to the state department. Georges Bidsult. Laniel and Bi-1 OREGON H I'DDLE dault are rival candidates tor Sen. Wayne Morse of Oregon president of France in the elec-1 mt an nH li,HMt nt hi. Ct.l. checks yesterday left a noteitlons scheduled for December ; Sen. Richsrd Neuberger. in fastened with tire patches in a 17. And each is afraid the oth-l Portland the other day. And a t .uiiiiiirm spot. to other candidates. It you're not going to run, you've got to let people know so that some one else can make the race." Neuberger, who has a good record as a forthright, liberal er is coin to .teat th. m,h- . .kT- I !" w,,n Hey, mister, your back licity spotliiht at Bermud. lust ! HeeM. ,hV hS w i ? or!"An,, hould P KfnM . K.I1..1-- i : . . . . . . - . nia mu aw.fc .v. wailUIUIB IDI UrCEOD DOUUCS lUD U1B HEX! I .w. w. coor's open," It re.d. Roseburg Man Praises Work of Salem YMCA To the Editor: It was my privilege last Sat urday while in your fine city to visit your YMCA building. 1 wonder if the citizens of Sa lem and vicinity really appre ciate this fine organization and. the work that is being done for the boys of your community who are members. I understand that any boy can enjoy the fa cilities of the YMCA by paying New York (A Science labors to bring forth a new miracle drug every day, but my aims are more modest. All I want to do Is give mankind a new miracle dis ease every few years, a dis esse everybody 'can enjoy. The trouble with a miracle drug seems to be thst as soon as it whips one disease it sometimes give you two other diseases that require' the dis covery of two more new mira cle drugs to cure. How long can this go on? That's the nice thing about my" new miracle disease for the current season. No modern miracle drug has any effect on It, but the disease Itself, if treated properly, will prevent you from catching more ser ious, disabillng ailments. In this respect It is like the common cold or virus A . two fine old miracle diseases that have lost their social use fulness because people now suspect you are lying If you claim you have them and stay home from work. Nothing wears out a miracle disease like suspicion. That Is why I suggest you catch my new miracle disease Boyle's Epidemic Spasmodic Seirure, or "Bess" for short - as soon Ss possible. Get its benefits now. It can't last long In a world where every man doubts the other fellow's sym ptoms and suspects h i s mo fives. To give credit where credit Is due, I got the Idea for Boyle's Epidemic Spasmodic Seizure from Dr. Walter C. Alvarez, the Internationally known physician. Dr. Alvarez In a recent art icle described a new ailment which he himself has suffered dues of S10 a year. Where could ten dollars be spent for a better purpose? I attended the swimming classes Saturday morn'ng with my grandson and watched him with probably 23 other boys of his age as they took their swim ming lessons in a fine pool. I met the Instructors of the swimming pool and gymnasium and can surely say that they are capable and interested in the welfare of the boys. When boys and young men are en joying the privileges ot the YMCA they are not running the streets or being In places where they should not be. H. F. PATTISON Roseburg, Ore. from called The Devil's Grip." It is characterized by a terrible back pain, beadsche, chill, shivering, nausea and dizziness. The title. "The Devil's Grip." drew me st once. It was just the kind of attention attracting name I needed for my new miracle disesse ot 183-34. But after all. It Is a real disease, and who wants one of those? Life today periodically gives everyone a terrific pain In the neck, however, and who doesn't also shiver, feel dizzy and nau sested in these times? This re sults in boredom, and causes a tired, rundown feeling thst csn best be cured by a comfortable siege of brooding In bed. So I thought of naming my new successor to Virus "X" and the common cold "False Devil's Grip." But I decided that word false would keep it from widespread popularity. Then I sounded out such names ss "Ilellburn Warp," "Angel Fever," "Purgatory Flutters," and "Wishbone Cramp." Somehow they didn't ring true. Throwing modesty aside, I decided to name my new miracle disease after it. discoverer, which would give it a ring of authenticity. How can you tell when you have Boyle's Epidemic Spas modic Seizure or Bess? Well, Bess has exactly the ssme symptoms a the common cold or Virus "X" except for two things. Your nose doesn't run, and you yawn oftener from an overwhelming sense of ennui. You go tp bed when it hits you and you recover from Bess when you get tired of it You) treat it by eating an old vita-min-packed miracle drug known as beefsteak whenever you are hungry Bess is a protective disease. It will protect you from pneu monia, overwork, or boring cocktail parties. It will protect you from being hit by a taxi- cab or struck by lightning. What other miracle disease can make these claims? Be the first in your crowd to catch Bess. Win the social ac claim and respect that reward anyone who is the first to fall victim of a strange, fascinating, mysterious and comfortable ailment. It won't be long until some jealous termite in our so ciety passes the word around: "Have you noticed how much Boyle's Epidemic Spas modic Seizure resembles What we used to call laziness?" Then we'll have to discover a new miracle disease. OFFICIAL RAILROAD WATCH INSPECTORS A. B. C O. E. has a heart thst never breaks the DuroPoiosr Mainspring thst is I Elgin's exclusively. It will not rust it cannot be broken by 1 overwinding and It will keep Its springiness. This, plus Elgin's tlmed-to-lhs-itari accuracy, assures trouble-free performance. A. Fourteen ksrst gold $71.50 D.IOk rolled gold plate $33.75 B. Fourteen karat gold $71.50 E. I9- 10k white gold $65.00 CDismond white gold $15000 F. 19-j 10k gold-filled $65.00 G. Fourteen karati 17 jewels $71.50 H. Water snd shock-resistant $49.75 Registered Jewelers tjij ?S Americon Gem Society Artifice. "If DMded Federal T.t fctt a N X IfiS' ! M fair. Cert F. X. liri"lM R 5k X. iujiiiil " llrUrUtX-AWIlkU IN IWU JrlOtUUOU, THU BEL t S 11 1 1. K