Pr 24 Record Made By 1953 Fair Oregon's JBSI State Fair wee tha mot eucceoeful finan cially aa well aa in attendance inee tha fair ni atartcd In 1881, according to a report (ubmitted laat week to the 6tata Fatr commission by Leo C. Spitzbart, manager. ' Total income lor the focal year November 1, 1852, to No vember 1, 19J3. waa 43,. 028.70. Total expeniea, includ ing aubctantial improvement! to talrgrounda, buildlngi and equipments, were f3S7.7St.S4, leaving a net gala of f63.290.lf according to tha report ' Total attendance at this THE CAPITAL JOnRNAL, Sales. Oram Monday December 7, 1953 year! fair in Salem. Sptm bar through la, waa tll.ftl, an IncraaM of 15,454 over 195Z. expansion and Improvement of rair facllitlea are being planned and can be paid for out of tha profit, (aid Or. . B. Stewart, of Roaeburg, com mission chairman. Tha fair Jiaa established outstanding record among faira in America for paying operat ing, maintenance and capital investment cecti almost entire ly out of operating Income for mora than 20 yean, according to Or. Stewart Tha U.S. hydrogen bomb project at Savannah River, S.C. baa an ettimated coat of a billion and a quarter dollars, mora than twice tha coat of the Panama Canal. Sfoeffler fo Head Royal Neighbors Sweet Home If ra. Eunice Stoeffler waa elected oracle of tha Sweet Home Royal Neigh bor! of America for 1954. Chosen te aerve with her were Mrs. Agnea Vigue, vice- oracle; Mrs. Selma Hermans, recorder; Mrs. Lucille Pope, receiver; Louisa Young, ehsn- eelor; Ada Van Lieu, marshal!; Mary Bodoma, Inner sentinel; and Dee Brown, manager. Mrs. Catherine Berger will serve aa past oracle and Or. Hartman as camp physicial. The Sweet Home camp will holf its installation of officers on Jan. 8, with Mrs. Mae E. Logan, of Portland, state su pervisor, will serve aa install ing officer. Elected to serve as delegates to tha state RNA convention which will be held in Eugene in April, were Mrs. Ethel Wills. Mrs. Peggy Wells, waa chosen as alternate delegate. Visitors at tha election meet ing were District Deputy Mabel Miles, Past Oracle Blanche Calne, and Mrs. Fosnot, a vica orade, all of Salem. Egypt and England have ruled jointly in the Sudan since 18Si. I O.C. Farm Laborer Faces Deportation Portland Charles Ul mer, who immigration authori ties said entered the United States when he was one month old, waa arrested here Friday and held for deportation to Canada. TJlmer, ST, was ordered de ported by the U.' S. attorney general on grounds he la an undesirable alien. Authorities said the Oregon City farm laborer entered the country in March, 1016, at an unknown border point WINDOW SHADES CaMAl SHADE i DltfQtT BIO (FsraMrly Bcuhelet UwW 2M J. 21ft St Mate 4-ISSt DON'T FORGET Aafraae's fee these sire taale appealing Xaus itft kezae ef canoed frtriu pre- with net meats dried Oretoa We sis sin a few esses ef feed seu4 pack tsaulees in Me. z!4 tin. AIRAIK OBTOH (AlfitaT-J 1417 r w CAR t, TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 WE GIVE Ppen Evenings until 9 P.M. Open Evenings until 9 PM xvt: mil amc nicrr ni a uaiiccciii urunc green stamps DUi uiiC kieie vrc a uuu jcruL vmiLt WE GIVE GREEN STAMPS er-BjHsasa S2S.M ONE LOT Beautiful Upholstered Occasional (hairs Sturdy Construction Choice of Fabrics Special $22.50 (Eaay Payments) ONI ONLY -DAVENPORT AND CHAIR Frieie cover Famous littwall quality. Hurry on This! (AppFox. fls.ll Down tH9 99 f 1.4 per month Special 00.00 Regalar $2a4.tS Kerala 79.M 5-PC. OAK BREAKFAST SUITE lattarn Made A Beautiful Christmot Gift Special $59.95 (HMt Dawn I M a month) UPHOLSTERED ZEPHYR ROCKERS . lilrwell Gueronteed Construction . Red-Greeit-Rata-Baiaa fterular (Apprex. daws . til fit ft.M . a month) Special 4.73 HOOVER VACUUM CLEANER Surprlae Mother oa Xmai Mornfna with This True Value Special $69.95 Keralar .ts (Eaay Payaanta) SIMMONS HIDE-A-BED Keralar . Aa Extra Its! In Your Living Room Special $218.95 (Apprex. down f Ml per month) ONE LOT 27"x54" ALL-WOOL THROW RUGS Value to $24.95 $5.88 EACH SPECIAL OFFER 320-CO1L SIMMONS MATTRESS Regalar $. (Eaay Payments) Special $38.88 ARRANGE NOW FOR YCUR PACKARD-BELL TELEVISION A Fertocr Christmas Gift for tha Family WOOL RUGS 9'x12' Alexander Smith Axminslers Regular 7.ti (Apprex. 11.11 down 11.11 per month Special $58.88 Uegular fl2f.fl BEDROOM SUITE eoutifully Styled (Apprex. 111.11 down 11.14 per month Special $99.95 FAMOUS BERUNGER LOUNGE CHAIRS Upholstered in Either PlorHe ar Frieie Fabric What an Excellent Gift for Dad! Eaty Terms Small Down Payment Easy Terms 1 Regular To tha first 100 women entering our store wa are foing to give FREE 6-pioce purse tawing hit beautiful, compact, colored enamel case. Includes thimble, white and black thread, safety pin and needle. Everything you need for emergency repairs ... a 50c valuo FREE! 1 Group Bullet Reg. $16.95 50 Floor Lamps STi $3 $5388 Hoover Reg. $86.95 Vac, Cleaner Zl Solid Ash Reg. $289.95 Bedroom Set El $17500 Floor Model Lena Cedar Chests 10 5-Pc. Deluxe Reg. $124.50 Chrome Set $78M Armstrong's Deluxe Asphalt Tile Don't Post Up This Bargain! B. Tile 7eo-C Tile 10c eo. DTile 12c Repossessed Davano and Chair, Reg. $359.95 (lies' sety I frw weeks, flnf $1TC0O clsn mdHha. (rtdH b King ark 1 J Coleman Reg. $139.95 Oil Heater ?i $98M Maple 3-Pe. Beauty Reg. $295.95 Da v.-Chair-Rocker $255 Credit It King Price Deed furniture priced to clear. Bedroom sets, davenoe, davenport sets, used oil heat ers, dinettes, dining room sets, mattresses, washers, portable fas heaters, (as range, good heaters, rockers, etc SO BaW Bul. C1AAAI Rockers n $92 Reg. $379.95 Dav.& Chair "1$298M One Lot Upholstered Foot Stools v.m h $2295 $988 Nesco (For Mom's Christmas) Roaster Oven oh, s3588 Englander 1040 Coils Both for only Mattress-Box Spring $99 5-Pc Reg. $99.50 Choice of Colors Chrome Dinette $5988 Every item in our ttora reduced for this CREDIT IS KING event . . . 320 Coils Guaranteed Reg. $59.50 SIMMONS BOX SPRING OR Mattress Eli. 3-Pc. Selig Reg. $179.95 Sectional n Famous Make Reg. $14.95 irm a Prkt Floor Lamps E! $3888 $12995 $tj88 (f I.St dewn email monthly payment Special $83.88 I lnf T,n" $m"" Down 'oymont Eoty Term Regular I3.9S ONE ONLY MOTOROLA CLOCK RADIO Woke Up to Beautiful Music or t Special $33.95 (Easy Payments) FOAM RUBBER DAVENPORT and CHAIR OR TWO-PIECE SECTIONALS Rerular (Approx. $22.99 down O10. AC f 2St.f5 $10.15 per month) Special ilr.t3 Rerular .9S Rerular S39.9S ONE LOT TABLE LAMPS These Won't last Long (Easy Terms) Special $4.88 DROP SIDE STORKLINE CRIB ADJUSTABLE SPRING Special $34.88 (Approx. $10.00 down $6.00 per month) 5-PC. CHROME SET A Reol Volua Choice of Colon Rerular (.SO (Approx. $10.00 down $8.50 per month) Special $59.88 ONE LOT BEDROOM OR TELEVISION CHAIRS Choice of Four Colors Gold-Red-Rust-Green CREDIT IS til AC KING PRICE ONLY ENGLANDER FOAM RUBBER BOX SPRING AND MATTRESS Rerular S12B.S0 Rerular $179.95 (Sinxle Size Full Siie $98.(8) 2-PIECE SECTIONAL Modern Tweed Cover Easy Terms ($9.89 Down Small Monthly Payment Special $98.88 CONTOUR CHAIRS Famous Berkline and Nationally Advertised . Choice of Colors Rerular 99.91 (Approx. $8.59 down $8.00 per month) Special $85.88 20 REDUCTION ON ALL PLATE GLASS MIRRORS A GIFT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY Rerular 279.9S EIGHT-FOOT DAVENPORT Special $199.88 (Approx. $19.99 down $8.89 per month ARMLESS DAVENO AFWiimc tivmr.t DURING THIS SALE This It not wild advertising "coma oa)." AD Kerns drasti cally reduced to force immed iate tola. Wa must move this tack to complete aur expaa. oioaj program. Rerular M9-9S Built by Bilrwell Guaranteed Construction Special $65.00 (Easy Terms) MoCSoGOo Wa have listed in this ad many items from current stock at prices below our factory cost Hera is an opportunity for you to buy ana piece or a houseful. At This Gigantic Credit- Is-King Promotion Up to 24 Months to Pay 3 $aving Centers At the Fool of the Bridge W. Salem ' OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD M0NDAY-TUE5DAY-WEDKESDAY DESCHUTES NO. 2 PUP 50 Sack & LIMIT For Sauerkraut Approx. CABBAGE 70-lb. Sock LARGE SOLID HEADS LIMIT SWEET POTATOES lb. LIMIT Radishes and Green Onions Grade 'AA' Large Eggs Doz. LIMIT Swift's 12-oz. Jar Crunchy P-Nut Butler 25' Vanilla Ice Cream Quart MELLOW FREEZE Cling or Freestone PEACHES arge Vh Tins Each Case ef 24 cans $4.56 LIMIT Valley Pack's Best-Tenderized SHORT SHANK PICNICS lb. LIMIT Pork Small, Meaty Spare Ribs & LIMIT EASTERN OREGON BABY BEEF This It NOT "Conner" Grade Your Satisfaction Guaranteed YOUNG TENDER TASTY Half or Whole ,.. 25' Rib Steaks ... 29' Sirloin SffE ,39' Chuck Roasts ib 29' Ground Beef Pu'V 29' Short Ribs , 15' Mile North of the Underpass Salem 3.on.10c 25 39' 45' (Up fa 24 MHe H fay) Xmo Layawey If Desired 1425 Edgewaler OPEN DAILY 9 kR TIU 9 P.M. West Salem Xmai Layawey If Desired