t Mondmy, December 7, 195S DENNIS the MENACE AUTOMOBILES i 1953 DeSOTOS AND PLYMOUTHS DEMONSTRATORS AND EXECUTIVES CAR NEW CAR GUARANTEE UNBELIEVABLE SAVINGS W.L ANDERSON, INC. 860 Marion FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS II CTJ. FT. G. I. Commercial R el r Iter ator. Double door. Ideal lor farm, home, resteuruit or Urern. s iters Id. Oolr 1215. Tetter Appliance Co.. 171 Cbesseket St. Phone 1-3U. a " ONI OFJlL't bicycle tod one bor'i bt cycle. M". Phone 4-1188, nlr CASH MQISTVU, from 130 up. Ctry Multiplier, 1671 Fslxirounds ltd. liV Z2W tTTaUQMT riASO for sslo. Pbone I-TIM. AVlNPOT chlr i only tneath; old. lluit sscrlflce. 164 Merlon 81 Phone 1SI10, J SIM. nail tTKBL COLTXD aklia, aluminum polu, MO. .-MSI alter t It eve. ai93 OS KINS BMlttnc furnsce. 230 V. ta ble else, handiee Itiht ellor cuttnci. Care box 100. CaWtai Journal nXSJ KAUTtTVL Knob, spinet piano. A-I condition. Seen tt 1140 fiunnnirw Afe. Fwbonc 4-5M. n3 1 IN MO EI OAS rente. '. Sletler Oai elreulatox beater with an 1 10-isl. its weter better, used one m. '"-w r tlclss ere not lunt, will sell reuossb.e. Pn. 4-1UI. am ANTIQC1 MANTSX' clock, antique dish" b flrepUce set. Phone 1-4M4. aJ33 SOT'S TJSED Bicycle. Ideal for Chrlii bu. 147 8. Commercial. nM3 A OOOD LIGHT WKinHT bike for only n dollars. Call 4-1038 nlM WonHd MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Piano. Phone ns PURNITUU BBPINIRHING. str leats "rssed. Vr reasonable rates. Phone 4-IMS. ns7MJ XLICTBIO BAN CIS. Woodry'a. Ph I-tUe. fW EXCHANGE MISC. POR SALI or trade 110 AC JUht p.entr. heavy duty bumper A trailer hitch tor pickup or truck. lit tarry Ave rnlM PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL INVKSTIGA 1 ION. do meatle problems, social istherinit. traclnt. recorery. Phone 1-5071. pfe AUTOMOBILES 1M1 CHEVROLET 3 door aeCan Oood tires, runs food. Bin. in lS. 1414 Court. Phone 3QM o2 POK SALI or trade. 11 Aero-Are 4-door edan. radio, beater, overdrue, white Me veil tires, two-tone paint. J.S00 mlee, new car guarentes. S-327. lie: Run. s. AECRANICI SPICIAL 49 Uercury 3 dr. R.H. OD. needs work on eneme fte t STB Winur St. efter t p m. IMS CHRTBLEB Windsor 4 rtoor srdsR. Itcelleal condition. All eitraa. Por.t ttlf,a erenlnti. j CHECK THIS PRICE t I4T Pord 4-door V-l super deluxe. Perfect throuehout. low mtae. A.l ettras Including Columbia eerdme. eve 1 1 00. Price oo:y mi. Owner. runer Rd. Phone I -wo. u- CHEAP TRANSPORT ATTON. -tt En!th Pord. New motor. it. Phene 4-Jn iW lMi DODGI sedan, cheap, phone J-l'3 12 Center t. J' IMO OLDS SEDAN by ortolnal Very clean. First eleu condition. Re ello. heater, custom eeat coven ThU mn 9m our lamity car ana n" beet attention. M40. Phone 4-121 olll' 1U PLTBTOCTO. 000 milei. S37 0 13th at. Phone t xr.t. vn l PLThTOUTR CTanbraok. Radio, heat- or. epkmdtd oondltMei. Reasoosbie Ptieae s-iom. q8 frnx BILL eejolty In 1983 Chrri.e' - toea. Radio, beater, power ba" Phont -1134. oW AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR AVINO RADIATOR TROrBLE Valy Motor Co experts U solre your prob Wtu and eave row money. Free eeM b tea, speed? eertico. Center at Lib rty. k TRUCKS IMS DO DOR PANEL Bltra seat, beater. w urea, SUM caah. Phone -aJJJ(. HEAVY EQUIPMENT -l CAT PC ft mnw.IL Phone I-944S Wtl- Ham Pnmtpe, S3 at) Abrans W oeW HOUSE TRAILERS TTtAli.ru noun f-n Tr.4. Bulk rta.DC. RBt L4II4 lAHB TKAILIR PLAXA . UMUAn. UI. By Ketcham AUTOMOBILES Phone 3-7703 AUTOMOBILES 1951 BU1CK 0PBCIAL t Dr. Radio, beater, S-Z-ere class, urf blue. Purchased new Iron. o and errleed la our shop .... Ilflftl 1190 BUICF SUPER Blvlerla 4 Dr. Sedan. Radio, heater, dynaflow. Berries record available. One owner. Verdi green Irttt 1947 MERCURY CONVERTIBLE New top New white wall tires, radio and heater. Black finish. Like new 151. 1947 PONT1AC AIDANXTTB Thii car has bad eaoellent cart. Radio, heater M4 Otto J. WILSON Company Commartlal at Center pa. Hen FINANCIAL see 1.8 roa farm, crrr or acheaoi loahs Bnvr or TBUU VI BUT Rtkl ut.t. UorUMM ft eatttrtds State Finance Co. 1(1 SO. Bwk BL Pk. -4lll REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INVESTMENT CO. OBET W (OR MS EN Ft 687 Court sToe. 4-22S3 BSE CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 m FRED SCHOTT 118 S. Liberty St PHONE 4-220S Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS UP TO $1500 Sirnatir. Purnttmro. Cor 1 AT Personal. lie "r preoapQF to napfored esen or woonav O) l-Tieil loan . . . Phone ftrrt a Too eoloct beit pa men I Oslo O) 8etwen payday toons paoso. write or ooow fes TODAY! Personal Finance let S. RIOII AT. SALSQI StatO Leeetue Ben. B-133. M-loB Loons over Pt p M) lto aad wo be 90 nwnths to repay Bade by Peioee.nl Pinance Oo. of Morton Cwwatp wader the Industrial Loea CeBposUoo Ac of Ores on. fllr IS Case Delayed so Accused BW. a a fa i r May Consult La wye r charged with th burgUry of u ou ratu Markat and Copa- iana uuntw Company (tor In SL Paul tha niah. W vembT 17, appeared ta Marion county aittrict court oa the charge Monday morning after beins raturniwl km fiatitMt.. by Oregon itata police. John C. Coddard, 14, releas ed lait July after aervina a burglary aentence la the Ore ion State penitentiary, w a rrtated Friday night by Se attle MliM M. (nlnmuHiui celved from atate officer here. Phillip Clay TUton, 23, wa. "rami saiuraay artar further Inrertlgatlon then by Seattle DO lice and tA. farlav Mnnn nd Sgt. Robert Baker of the aajem omca of the Oregon State police. Police described TUton aa a known bootlegger in SeatUe. Arraignment wai continued until Thureday. on the pair ao that they could consult attor neys. They are being held In lieu of $2,800 ball each. Douglas Rejects Union's Oiler Santa Monica, Calif. VP) Douglas Aircraft Corn, baa re jected a wage counter-proposal made by the International As sociation of Machinists and has set Dec. 13 as the deadline for union acceptance of the com pany's offer. Union and company repre sentatives have been negotiat ing for weeks on a new con tract. The company has a long standing offer, of 8 cents an hour basic increase, plus other benefits. Originally, the union de manded a general increase of IS cents. The counter propo sal called for basic Increases ranging from 7 to 10 cents hourly. The average hourly pay at present Is $1.85. Meanwhile, negotiations In the six-week strike at North American Aircraft, Inc.. will be resumed Tuesday. FINANCIAL lu a-ui oa u-ui U4 nor b. annioa DWURAHCS AND lOAMS H.r 'Top TrKlM" ll os d.iit Ksui in, Ka. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS UI So. Comm.reul St. 1M. S-tlll AOTO LOANS WILLAlf BTT CREDIT CO. m Sraik cbint Patkina t-r Mat. r. i-iert lm. ita, u-m, s-ibi WHEN YOU NEED MONEY See Us All trMi of D.r.oB.1 km Tim ta suit. No iBTMUMUn aBaraM. All Strictly Confidential Home Owned, Borne Operated Hollywood Finance Co. UN rtlrrram. Hotd Nt Door to lull rm rarkias Lot can i-tui ua m mi' DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All ai.ku U..4 michta. .old, rntii twtuid aots, 4M court, rn. 1-ffiii. BLASTING BEBTICa BAT. Blutlni Sorrloo. Qwm, Slumpln,. r.vtmrat krolas. Br S.jr or soDtrut. rboo. 4-1170. oj BULLDOZINO Bulldoitn,, roMli, el..tiat loath. Vlr. Sil luuv, 1,1, rurrkiw. raoBO S-Ilt,. comrsanaL rrrna AIM Street Mil adTOrtUtBS. UATHAB SWAN. 11(1 BoU.il olll- RCATATINO Bra Otirn oi Boo. ucraUBt and arodias. Lus aiMrtaa. ra. I-MM 1W macLATiow In.nl.uoa, v..th.r.trlM, .tona aua. Pr oaUrutoo. T. rallM. rhooo 1-tWi ojit" BUTTBESSES Capitol Boddlu roBoroUi. a.v tt.ttrMM.. Pb. ioh. OmCI IX'BNITCBE A .Lm.II I Dwk ch.lr niM. flUn, .uppllw, ..f.fc Supllc.tor., auppilot. d.ik l.np Irpo wrltr .UBQj. Rora. Ooort. o- SErTIC TANES Mike. Soptie Taak. alooaod. Sralaa. rkoao OMT D'rootor C.ili t.itsi. Bton. mpu. UakL aruaa slMaoA, Roto-Roour Dm aomoa, Faoao .-.JIT. H.m.1'. Mp It. ucko cltUML Un. atrrlot. OooraaUod vork Phoao S-TW4. t-ant. olio TTrtWBITIkS amtth. coreoa, Romlaatoa. Roral, TJa aorvooel poruklo.. All Mako. aaotf aiuMoM. R.pur. o nal. Booa, oM Court, l-cni. o WINDOW CLEANINO Acn. Wlaoow Ctn.ri. taduatnal noor aoaaarn.oai,. raoao l-Ull. Ill Cowl . LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4 A-F 4c AM., Wed.. Dec. 9. ZJl. degree. ':30 p.m. IM LEfiALS PINAL NOTICE B.tlo 1. tlroa tkat tbo aaAmlnaa hoo fuol la tko Clrtalt corn of H.r loa Coutp. Otoioa. Prokolo Oapon rooaL lu frool oteoaM ao akontor of tko ortow of Law HI a. HCarraNDOOl. oarau M O.M Coan bao ruM Wo- oouur. DacnaMr P.. , . if . mr la in. Ctrtoll Coon Wiiw at tao conn Coart Room .1 soloar. Oroooa, for bo.r- iao bom iiau-BOOOBBI aaa au oojot tlona tbpmo. Sou IWTraikrr ts. tfU. PIONEER TRUST COfPAWT Ekonitor of loo mum of Lrni a. HnuoM. OkkmA BrOODT a LAkUUR. Atairaofa, aaana, Omoa. Bf aajMt-T.luiJ, THA CAPITAL JOURNAL. Stint. Oretw . t flAina il 1.40 wi.tti nf ItauAP cigarettea, power and hand tools were taken from the tores. The liquor was taken from tne atata llnune .mm in the market None of the loot was recov ered, police said. The men ad mitted in aigned atatemenU selling the liquor for 11,100, they reported. - The two oftlcen also brought back Jose Navarro Ban Una, 51, Portland, on an assault and robberv eharae fop whih ha was arrested in Seattle recent ly on a Marion county district court warrant. San tana la accused of partic ipating In the beating and rob bing ,of aged Louis Credito of the sum of $72 last May near SL Paul. The other person ac cused in the case, Jess Jack Friend, Tracy, California, was arrested on June 28 and was later released on his own rec ognizance when the complain ing witness was unavailable for the trial. SALEM MARKETS CojopUM tna oM ol SoMro man1 or iao iiiium of Copiui Joaraal POW.ro. ia.il... i.lh.1 SM.B Pop, moral aakUt Pollrta tt.u 110.1k saai Ea. Matt ll.u-11 M. Fool try Cortae PHiee Ooiored tryera. Bte; old rooaurs. Itei oolorod lev), lie, leoborn fowl, lie; roasters. 37. kayina Prleoo-EBf- Aa asnt Uph a H-Moi odium AA, 41c; nedlum A. wtirBi antu, im. ma wholesale Prteoe teaoraU S-t oente bttber than prlceo nboeet lam trade A, (eneraUy euoteel at s: Bedinma at tic Batter, BatUrfat Bottorfat--BartriBT wtImt Wrawitmn eo. fl conUl Mo. L eenUt Ho. 3, Mb, Sleek Market Rew York t A broad Mixture of alM and laoeso te the stock market Monday was welt h Led on the lower aMe by n smeil biitu. Fractional ohaagos either way were tbo rale, and tbo ranee was ejceedini Ly small. volume ame to an estimated 1.400. 00 tharea. That compares with 1.160, 00 ahoree tTadod Friday. The toula are rteht am tbo dolly twin ow far this fear. Ctdooco Qrabi CnlcoaTO ilVi A atronr wheat sent the b'tad cereal up about I eeate on the board of trade Monday. Oth er trains also firmed. wtuet waa boaiht on an Acrlenltnre DeMrtaeent prodictlon of hkfher prices, teamtaration of tbo eroeram to sU eof- ornme&t wheat ootelde the International wheat OATroement and oonttnued talk about tnovLni rod wheat from cueaso to other tennlnals. Boybeans rose en reports west Oer many will be tranted an allocation to bay Americas bonne. Oats were wanted as statu ties rereoled dwindilns Bint SUBPllOS. Corn btettatod oarly bo came ohead with tbo rest of the market late. Lard ntaiwa-oonred Itcbt bos recetpt. Wbttft otaoed l-! hither. Dee, IM; ooro hither. Dee. I.WH- t oats hkther. Deo. n-T; rye lH-Stt. bhrher. Doe. soybeans 1 to I blsber, Jan. I.10V.-4. and lard f seats to l.H n bwndred nowads lusb- es; Dos. U IT. Chicago tePt Row prlees hnnped u rnuob as ll.M Monday as salable arrlTats fell far under both a week and a rear aco. Cattle were weak and lambs miner. Receipts In the bos section totaled SOS head compered with ll.tie a week aeo when the m) was suite larre and lT.tdt n year as a. Batchers s Blood to eonts to tl.OS while sows were moeUr M ante blcher. Boreral loads of chotec 1H to no potmd orrerinis sold t uo-sa-M.M with the Utter price the top. cattle went down about as mueo as boss went up. Bauble receipts were Terr larso at 75.00 head. Stem lost SO cents to 11.00 with prime types showing1 most rostetanoe to the drop. Heifers were weak to SO canto lower and oewa steady to Jft cents lower. Too price was tus.N, paw ror rew loads f blsb prime itoere. The balk of nun cnoice ana prime ouermss said at 135 M to laC.M. An active demand dtreleped Tor siantb- ter lambs, which sained n to M eente. Blanchter eheep bold s toady. Most food and choice wooied siaashter lambs brousbt I1S 0S to I1S.M with a few choice kinds at SM.M. tbo tow. Other solable reeetpia were estimated at l.ost oolros and Itos sheep. Chlearo Onions Cbieaco sajo supplies moderate, de mand slow. Market dull to aULrhUy weoaer. Track sales M Toe.: V. B. 1 unless stat ed: Idaho Spanish I-inch and lartrr 1.T5. Street sales Sf lbs. Idaho and Orecon Spanish S-tneh and tarter 11.0-1.60, fair wnirn medium 1 M: Midwest Tel- low Olobes modlam 100-l.n, poorer .fte- -Wi naan mnag 1.99. NON-READINO SENATORS Providence, R.I. (U.n Sen. Wayne Morse (Ind., Ore.) told the 16th annual Rhode Island CIO convention yesterday that he belongs to "the grestest non reading fraternity in America, the United States Senate." 'Tm sure that if many of my colleague, read a book on po litical philosophy they'd suffer ill health," he said. FUNK GRADUATES i,i ihb limai. n i I 1 -i Pfc. Robert S. Funk, Jr., (right) Canby, Oregon, Is con gratulated as h receives bis diploma from the leadership school on Okinawa from Col. Willam T. Spurgln, com mander of th 97th anti-aircraft artillery group. Looking on is First LL Wallace Dawson, commander of th school. Funk, a graduate of the Canby Union high school entered th Army in September, IDS 2, and completed his basic training at Camp Roberts, Cslif. H arrived on Okinawa last March and la a switchboard operator with the S9th regimental combat team's Third battalion. His parents and "wife reside at Canby, Oregon. (U.S. Army photo) MARKET QUOTATIONS POBTtAMR PBOlX-B US ttt SO SBWr- oaallty. aOAxi. at wao oer ooot aotdlts do. Uvored to Poruanj os-Tla ks.i tirM onai-1 Itr. ss-oso, oocond owaUir. se-OTo. Toiley rouios aoo oooatrp pota.. I coats teas ; aeieo wboieialo (e-b. !k tsbea to, Baiieealo. arado AA. M eeoro. Mwso. A trsde, ' score, smei B. SB aoore, M a M sMoro. sia, Aboro swMaa strictly tomlul. Cbeeoo BoUIeM bMso In PortUad wnoleaalers. Oreaeei alulae. 41 w. Oka. Orecon lb. loot. MH-bia. sss to WbibsBClere ciBSles ssss eoauiatBC no toaa. oases bnoladod f k. Portland A trade Ursa, M-So. A srado aedlnaL UVb-okoe; A srado asaail, Bti-4t,; B srado Urss. M-SISM. rwiiMS siotrr ssarBos swttor rrtoo to retausrst ore so aa print. Tie: A oar ton. flet A Mats. Ike; carton, nci B prats. Mo. nsss to ate aees Paneueo 1.0 B. Pwrtlaad: Onsradod Urcc, SS-le doc; srado AA Ursa, SOS cVotvi A Urse, Ss Kodlmm. tls Aoeui A srado odlBst. U-4e dom.1 A srado ssmO somiBai. IS-lea. Brt to RetoBcrO) Ore SO AA. larws. Ok-eUo. A Urse SS-Ske AA modlam. 4-1c; A atedlBBa. sse: a ewitlL tec. csrto&l I Mb is addtuoBsX retaliere. aFwrtUsvd. Oreson stntlee. tt'o-SS; lb, loaros, l-klc: telpUts. me Ices than aie sms. Premium brands. aiBslee. teste lb. for stasis wheals , Proocssed Am- orisaa sheass, l-lb. Imtss to retail, ute IB. PojHrp Ueo Chiakeas HO. 1 SmaJlty. r.b. plants Prytra, roasters, all wetchts, tt is: hoayy hens. aU wetshts, st-itc; Usbt hens, all welsh ta, M-1T. oid roosters, It-1. Oreeoei ChlokoBO Bo. I dressed to retailers: Pryers. broilers, ts-tis sk.t roasters. tU eu, tl-tle. ttr,bt bens. M-3e. hoary bens, IS-Ue. cut-up fry ers, all wts. M-t7s lb.i whole drswas. ko- Uc lb. Dreeeod TwiBore To retailors: A trad ertseratod bens, wl-ttt lbt srlserated tonu, 't-ttc lb. I becordlns to wetshu; New York dressed toms ts-tto lb. New York dressed nana, ttc lb. To produc er"; Oradc A young baas, efts Ok (.ob. farm; A tosna. 13c lb. - Robbns Arerate to srewera: uvo wbitoe. lA- Ike, 1-Jle: t-t iber It-roe lb.: old does. It-Ike, few blsber Presh drosted fryers is reUUers. U-tHi out UP. SO-fM. Coontry Killed Meats Yeal Ton UUSUtr. SS-IM M.l TOWSb heane, ko-rke. ess Leans, blockers, ll-Ms b.t sews, Usbt, M-tOc Lamba Best, ts-it lb.: mrllnss. lo-rto ib IS-lis lb., oan-uturty. l-10e. I BoefwDUUtp oows. lo-lto Bb.1 aajuur I ruturs, 11-lle; shells down lo 19. reaa araooos oats Wbotosaiers t rotAtasrs. DaUars par1 SWt.! Beef steers. OboMS, SOS T0S Rs, BIS- tl: sood. -: commercial. (Ja-js. BUlttr fat-M-21; commercial cows, slt-11 Btliitr IJl-M; canner-catters. $30-11. Roof Cite Choice ttoeto-" hind suart- srt, ttk-u: rounds, 941-tti fun loins, trimmed, rrt-ttt trlajules, t-Ul toro suarters, Ul-tti hka. tll-il; ribs. su-ts. rork cote Lotne. choice, s-ll nw. 4 -44: ahoolders. IS Ibs S31-: spare- ribs, bs-s4; irtsa bam, i-it s M- Veal awd Catrco Oood-Bhetee. oJl wiUhts. Mt-40; eomrsorciaU. tit-it. Lambs - Cholco-prtma. SI7-ll.tS: oood MOBws mama 'amnoB ses-ei, ix-io Bvs.i fined lard km drum llt-UJti slab StS-iSo Portland MHiaReance ObIobB' 50 lb. aacksu wadh- tcuow ledium. ti-110, lane. Il.io-l.at; Idaho reuowa, meo., fi-i.sni larss 1.is-i.n; white. $3-a.S0. retetoeo or. DescAutee itutsets no, i . ntO-S.Tt; t-lt os. .-! : II-U os. vs.n-t: atj-lb. sk. to-Soe; 10-lk ll-lt: He S so-lb. TO-skc: wash. Russets, He. 1-A. loft lbs. llJU.Ni Idaho, -l sV 13 4S-130: lOS-Ib. ak. tS.tS-l.H. Hay U. B. He. t reen alfalfa, dW Mrertd car loU f.eb. PorUand nnd Bo- nttle. 31-10. Wool oresas basts. Wmamotts Y al ley medium, tl-ttc tb.t Rasters Orasoa n.ne and half-blood. tt-SSc, WLUaseitio Valley Umb wsol, 4ksi 13-watb wool. u-wsc. MohalrdB-7e B. wa 13-meeth trrww- ih. i o. a. eouBirr snippms points. Mldeo PTodaeors sarins: price f.e.b. PorUand. calf skins. lt-l?e lb., aeeord tnv to condition: green kips. 11-Ho lb.i sreoa rw hides. 7 -to lb- eccordlns to welsht and oualltyi buU bides, t-to ib.j ioe aMe. to per cent below prices I or above classes. TOUrta .Wholooalo Mntn mieo 1.0,0. Or as on plants No. 1 ram bo Bare alec as tec; large 37 lb.: medium stVks lb.: to growers f.e.b. plant: 11 lb. for Ssrcs- lonas. DuChUly bslf ceat lees. WUBtProduoar paying prices. f.o.b. Pleat: Urge Praacuettes. II-Ike lb.; Iter- ettos, 10c lb.; eeodllage, 13-ltc lb. Whole sala celling prices first tvaUtr large PTeaowttcs. ll-UVk o lb. I light balras, n-tsc lb l sbellod Usbt amber haires. 10-Ttc lb. PartUod Orake Portland (-- Coarse crams unquotes. Wheat bid. to arrive market, baala No. bulk. deUvered coast: Soft white 14: oft wblte esciudiBc Res tJ: white club tl. Hard red winter: Ordinary IJ4. Hart whit Baart: Uoeuoted. Mondays' car receipts: Wheat si: bar ter li flour ti oora 4t oeU 4; mill feed PertlftBS Ureetock PortUnd orv TrsdlaaT ta alva and boss was active today. Cattle I.1M; market wneven: tncreased supply food ehort-fed steers about steady but many bids 3 -60c lower; others strong to too lower: several lots sood-shortfed steers ll-33.be; few loads sood-eholee 31 with some held bis her: commercial steers 11-1S: utility ll-ll; load sood tit-lb. fed brirers 30; utll ity-commercial heifers ll- ll; canncrcutter cows meetly - M; tlHty cows 10 JO-13 : commercial 13 13 M; BtUlty-oommaTcUl bull 11-11. Calves ttO; market active, stesdr: good-chotce vealera 11-11: sood -choice srass calves UftO-11: chokoo SM-Ib. stock calves li t. Hogs IM: msrkvt acte. around toe hither: choice IM-m lb. butchers St we-M; 3wt-30S A. 34-34 W; choice 1 00 -tOO Dt. sows 31 St -33 M. r Sheep 3.10: market slow; early sales and bids around He lower so slsuthter Umba: faodrr lam hat artsravdv: ksevrl a hoi cs). prime Srountf llt-lb. fed woolvd lamho it; cooo-cboiee traoea is-ii to; sood- choice feedors held around It-It 2 good' choice owes t-4. if J J. "h il $1 n : STOCKS i By Too Sieciiaiad ft teal Admtrs Corporouo uied CbemtCBl , . . on, , U . H . 11 . . 1 . 1 . . . wt . MH . . ' . 41 . UH . 1 . 1 . tl .IM . ,, . U . P . H . MH . Iff, . U . II . Uli Allts Chalmers .., , , AmorlcaB Air 1100 , Aawteaa power b Usb Ameraaaa TeL At TaL .. AmerKaa Tebae Atchlaer Baur4 BetUebem StU ............ BeotBg AUptala Co. ( Berg Warner -.! urrowe Addtas Maehkea,.,. CallfernlB Pacstng ....., C'anadlaa Paetile , OaurptllBt Tractor Celeaeeo Oorporatloa .... cbrraier CorporsttoB Clues Berrlco .... iCeaeoUdatod BorsoB MneoUdeted Valtos ..l Crewa Bellerbcb Csruss vmsbt ... Douglas Aircraft Da Pont oe ResMwrs . kaatmaa Kodak . Bmereoa Rallo Oeneral BleeUM OenorsJ Poods Oeaernl Motor ........ oeorsis Pac. aiywee Ooowyoat Tire Remesiak Mini c. IUraUonal Marr eater International Paper Johns MobtIIM Kstsor Alumtnuni ., KennocoU. Copper Ubby MeNeR .... Lockheed Aircraft , Loewes lasorporaUB .,.. Lone Bon ... ,,,r,... Montsomerp War Nash Ktltlnate- . New YerS Cuatral .. .... Nortbera reeifto .. Psetfic Araertc Ptsb .. Pacifts oeo a BiettrM . .... Pacific Tel Tel. Paekard Motor Car .. ... Penney J C . Pennsylvania B. R. ...... Pepel Cola Co. ... , M . oil , , , n , 11 H . II , UVt . II . . M . s . IH .III , 4 , Mil, . Ill . US . m. , i , u . I . u . II". , 11 , IIH , to. , 1H , am . am . u , ii . . m , 41H , rm , 11(4 , ail, u, . aa . 4IH . 4 , M , tltk , IIH , 41 Pblla Radio Radio Corporation) .., Raroaier Ineorp , Rayenier Ineorp. piw. RepublH Steal , Reynolds Meuis RtchfieM on ....a.....,..., Bafenor SWiee. bm. ..... Scott Paper C. ...... ..... oeara Roebuck At Co. Boconp Vacuum OU ., Southora PaclIU Lstandard OU CallL Stwtkbaker corp. , , Suosblne Mtataf Swift dt 00. Traniamerlea Cerp. Tweaueib Caotery Pes .. Daloa OU company unioa pacific . United Airlines United Aircraft ......... United Corporation ,,., , united States Plywood United States Steel warnor Pictures Waeters Union TeL ..,.... wotungnouss Air srrBO as WMtlnshoBSS BsctrM . M. S1H Woelwortb 41 British Railways officials es timate that 9,600 vehicles car ry 12 million poUMngra day In London. - Mid Willamette Obituaries Olive May Sellers : Dallas Funeral aeivloea were held at 1 p. m. Monday at th BoUman Funeral Chapel for Mrs, OUv May Sellers, a resident ot th Oak dale dis trict, who died Thursday at the home ot a son, Albert Sel lers. Burial waa in Dallas cem etery. Mrs. Seller wa born Sep tember 7, 1881 at Dallas, Or., and married Clarence A. Sel lers at Dallas December t 1899. He died August U 19 45. Mr. Sellers was a member of the Dallas Christian church. Surviving are bar son. Al bert Landon, Oak dale; a daugh ter, Mrs. Mildred Fin, Patter son, Calif.; five grandchildren and It great-grandchild rn. Frank E. Kersey Dallas Funeral services wer held at 10 a. m. Monday at the BoUman Funeral Chapel, for Frank E. Kersey, former mayor of DalL-a, woo died Thursdsy after several months Illness. Burial was at Brown a Cemetery, Polk Station. Mr. Kersey waa born at Sa lem May 8, 1881. He attended Dallas college and managed the school' stat champion ship basketball team In 1007-8. Mr. Kersey was the first commander of Carl B. Fenton Post of the America!. Legion, a vice commander of the Vet' erana of Foreign Wars Post No. 3203, a veteran of World War I and a member of the Dallas Christian church. Survivor Include a daugh ter, Mrs. Retta Ma Draper, Albany; a sister, Mrs. Ed Shsw, Dallas, and two grand children. Dr. J. H. Nelson Amity Dr. J. H. Nelson, 93, formerly of McMlnnvIUe, died in San Francisco Friday, Dec. 4. He was the oldest living past grand master of the grand lodge, A F. and A.M, of Ore gon, and had long been active In lodge work. Services were held at Macy and Son's chapel Monday, Dec. 7, at 2 p. m, in McMinnviUc, with internment in th Ma sonic cemetery. Survivors are, on son, Ber- nle Nelson; on daughter, Wanda McEerhran, both of San Francisco; on grand daughter, on grandson, and two great-grandchildren. Dr. Nelson had lived most of his life In the McMlnnvUl area and returned frequently to visit after going to San Francisco to live with hi daughter. He was a member of Occi dental Lodge No. JO, LO OT, sod Shaffer Encampment No. 22, McMinnviUc. Arthur Wolfer Sheridan Funeral nrlea. were held at th Fort latwta post ehspel for Arthur Gar field wolfer, 71. forme Sher idan resident. Interment waa in the Doat cemeterv. Wolfer lived here until thre years Frank Picha of Oak Grove Dies Funeral services will be held at the Virgil T. Golden chapel Thursday afternoon at 10 o'clock for Frank Plena, farm er in th Oak Grove community for IS years, who died at a Sa lem hospital Tuesday. Inter ment is to be in the Rest Lawn Memory Garden. Picha waa born at Eastman, Wise, December 13, 1876, and In 104 was married to Hattie Irene Writ who aurvlvea him. The Pichas moved to Salem in 1926 and two year later mov ed to their farm home. Surviving besides th widow are three sons, Burt Picha, Clyde Picha and Stanley Pi cha, all of Salem; two brothers, John Picha of Nobleford, Cana da, and Anthony Picha of East man, Wise.; eight grandchildren and flv great-grandchildren. Service at Ontario For Harlan Stansbery Funeral services for Harlan Stansbery, St, with the fed-eral-stat shipping point In spection service since 1S28, will be held in Ontario Tuesday with commitment in Portland on Wednesday, Stansbery died unexpectedly at his home In Ontario Friday night, death be ing due to a heart ailment He waa transferred from Portland to the Ontario district as supervisor of shipping point service in 1841. Trior to Join ing th inspection service be had served a short period as Multnomah county fruit Inspec tor and then several years with a Portland produce firm. He was a veteran of World War I. His widow, Rachel, and two son, survive. Friday th Howard Dean drove to Cottage Grove wbr they were guests of Mr. Dean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wirt, for the week-end. ago. He was a member of th Methodist chureh. Survivors are a daughter, Mra. Florence Weber, South Bend, Wash.; sis aoni, Glen ot Tacoma, Henry of Portland, Harold ot Renton, Wash.: Nor man of Japan, Raymond ot Edward Air Fore btte, Calif., and Leonard ot Selin ese, Calif.; aeven grandchil dren, two sisters, Mrs. Lenna Hunt of Hubbard and Mrs. Ma bel Andrew of Medford; and four brotherf, Hugh and Ed' win of Portlsnd, Dewey of Logsden end Henry of Sberl- dsn. Harry W. Porfer Btayton Harry Wilton Por ter, 72, died In th Santiam Memorial Hospital Saturday, December S. Mr. Porter waa born in West Stayton Decem ber 9, 1880, and had farmed in that district aU his adult life. Surviving ar a daughter. Helen Glrtman, Aurnsvllle: two brother, Roy' Porter, of Aurnsvllle, snd Floyd Porter, of Seneca, Or.; two grandchil dren and several niece and nephews. Funeral services win ba at 2 p. m., Wednesday. Decern ber 9, at the Weddl Funeret Home, Stayton, with th Rev. Father Jonas officiating. Bur ial will b in th Catholic cem etery. HEALTH TO YOU After Correcting HEMORRHOIDS (PILES) FT. tola, Mikrare, rratapa and Other Rectal Dawrdcra. WiUi "I HMplUltattlon. tuwaaxh, Coiaa and Other Ditsatlos Writ r CaB for Pre Ds seriptlTe BMklet Tsdsr. Dr. R. Reynolds Clinic Natartrpath rUloiit 1144 Center St. Phea WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highttt Coth Prices Villum3ttef.ut Shelling- rasott DEATHS Praak X. Alorua. lot, irollm of MS Mario, a , al a laool kaMUi, Dm. Ao. of raaro. Barol ftp ktia. Marsan, Aitrfek, Baloa.' nr. Saaakion. stro, Thnaia Aim. am. at Inum, kia Wlnlfra, Polo, Mr.. Morr M.U00. oil of Salara: Slator aaa aurloai of Bolp Boapio, apokoaa. Waak.; thrw m. Joora. a Ak onak 0.4 Praak T. Aanak. kotk of ao. ka. Ma A AJkrlok..Pw1ao4: abUor. Mr.. Marr B.rr. aWH: kroUor J aha A. Alkrlok. PwtloaA. AIM Mrnva, fcp M .rrAtehlMroa aaa II ,rool ,r...ikn oroa. Bacltauo. of Ik. koMrr ta Ik. Bo.oU-Edv.rA. .lupol Tim nr. Dm. a oi t t o aiookiM aoH m. Jowpa ckorck w.aa.idar. Daa. ot is a.ak -CMludliis MrrkM. a,, aarkars m. Moom Lraa. aoawa Dloaoo Lr.no DarMe, Do., f at Pan, OHr. lofaat .u,hlor of Mr. oa, Mr. Ooao Dano. .f Paste crtp. AU. aornroS op Ivo krokon. HuoM Uur Doraoa US Ttrrp Lo. Doraoa. of Pall. Curl lliaatimll, Mr. aaa Mrs, Parry Waa. rar of Sol.au sriaaMlbor. Mra. Laalllo Daraa. af Baits, aorvur. otu a. fcoi. k. fc. woU-E..ra akapal. Wadooatar, Dm. .. 1:M P ol kn. A O. Malao. if. mutint. co.el.siat Mrhooa aoUTor Mamorlal Park. amum WUU..1 Pttanroa. ka a I hMpltal DM. A Lot, roaM..' M N. ta oh. mrrlw pr wl r,Uroa. a.lra. autor. Mr. folrao or dB. Hrraraoa, M.aa : .reikor, PY, k p.l.raDD. Lal.niu, Ml... aarrlea. v.V, k. h.M la tfc. VlrtU T. Ooldoa CUaa. TMOadar, DHia-r a, al I P.BU IU ntr. Brmo.1 P. Ooulaof offMoUM. Co.. eludta, arrvtoM BoU, Poan MkHiarp. woodkua. , RoMaar?HrU(, d.Mkior of MP. and Mra. Hard Harris,, Salara Boot, t. Boa 1U, ta thu .itr Dm. t .1 tko u. of .la atoalka. ' Anaottncn.nl of prr.leoi I.IM kr Ik, R..u-Edard. akapal. Una. 0. Polono. LmUP O. PMWMa. 1.10 MMdl.t Of an a. Hr4 S- ta thu fllr Dm. s, aurrlrad k raotlM.. Mra. M.k.1 Pauriaa. Balaral auun, Mra. J. A. OomoK tad MU. Aa Potoraop, kotk of aalaa: krothara. Bnar Pruraoa, S.lMa, a.4 Alto. Potman, Portlaaa. Borrlou Tuoa. dap, Dae. a ot a la lo Ik, w. T. Slo ooa ckopol vltk ooaclMaa par no s tko Clip TW. caautarr. Th. nop. Oaa. C. Btas of portkias vm omalato. . Mra ctora Ckan.nl PaMaraaa Mk Mra. Clor. Ckmfcffl Pattorooa ZHirola la ibU clip, L.U naUMat itMI. lltk at. MoUur of Mra. D. L. cr.la. aalrai olrlw of Arthur Ch.rehUl. Salora, aaS four tr,aSok)lrlri ato amrrl.a. In M ui oo kald Wi.oiil.r, Daa. t at ll H a.w. at th. caapoi of iko w. r. ww tm TM MP. pjmi. ; Of Boot Blrot VU offM.ta. TkaroM A Tpwrr TkooiM O. Tawrp. ol Oropaa ciw. Dob. a aantiM kp mb. T. W. TMrrr. .1 mpopu bioom oaa aoahov. ui raw, Inaliadlna Mra. Poarl Adrlaa af Oropo. Cltp. OrMoa. Prri.ta Mrrvlaoi ft M kald ta ma vmu T. Oabloa uaMl Wadaotdar, Daa. p. ol 1 pjk. . Prank Plena. .1 a Waal heiettal Deo. I. Lab. tnldMt ol aalaa. Hata A Baa m. mmntm kr vita, Mra. Bam. traM noao. aaiaBf. nra aana. mat. Clr. oaA atoalep PWha. all of SbIiobi speaker. Joka nana, aekleford. Canada. aa4 As. weep pioba, wiooo.ei.1 auttr. am. Rap Oe.ua. MittiiB. Wla.1 aorM naafahu drea oad nr. otm! vroadehlldroa. aorp. IM0 VUl M 1. BOat t. too TIT, 11 T. COMOB CaopoL Tavradar, BOMrnkw II. ,1 1 ..at. taWnaM Utatlawa Mobmtp Oarsos. vruuaaa lerM. al . orUe.A Doa A Lata rapMeat of OM a IMA. ttkvar, aokna. arptra4 kp vtn, Mra. nn ina, araiaaii BBOaojBT, ark Aaaa IvBveai PlttoMrtk, Pa.l kretk. m. Vhwenl rvonmkl. Waahlnptoa. Pa. Lean. Jullal and Matthew IvaaoakL aU of ptttBkaraa, r. an urn pin k. kot la the VMUT. aillia OkaBal. Tkaadop, Dm A at II u. ZatarmoBl BaMrrept Ma. MOIUI papa, r BBS, MakBe p. Wonor ' kara. MolUo P. Woaaor. al a tout BOOe Hlol Deo. a. Lata peoMoal of nt W. aa. Mai BMekkk a. ka.. aarptn Br daawk tara. Ataf. t. W. DomIoa, km. rkrww HouMp and kfra. Lot, cralooa. aa of o. Ieo.1 oaaav a. V. Wmwat, Slliea. kf. R. Waaaer and laaM. Waamap, kotk of Las AoaolMi kretkor, MMpk CoUlna, Borko hrp. Calif! a eToaorehndrea and II rrral praaoekUdTe.. Ckrkmaa BrleaM MrPleM PUI ko kald Wodaaadar, Dae. t .1 1, ara. kr ta. VlriO T. ailrli. Ckaaal auk B loraioal .1 bompmi Mamorlal Part. Betal Boary Moor, ftooepl aeon Moot, ftl . kaakl fcatal tal Dm. I. Infant eoa or Mr. aad Mra. Broen. eiua, oronoperoal. cam- . Poor.. NebreakB. Prlrate ppttkm Conrotorp pMtar eOrMtM of VMU T. Oeldea CA PATROL CARS PILFERID El Reno,' Okl. V For th second tun this year scout car officer wer red-faced. Someone had pilfered on of the city's two patrol cars. It was found later stuck la a ' ditch. . . Dr. f . L Laav II D. Dp. a. Caoa, EUk DBS. CHAN and LAM CHINESE NATUROPATH! TJBBtairt, 141 North Userty OfflM opoa eatardop onlr, I, ,.pa ta I aa.i I k) t p a. coapallaUoa. kloof pram an aad arte. tut. an Itm of otaarra prMtuod bdm mil wnu tap MtPMkrr. sin, B. oou touoa. Free Book on Arthritis And Rheumatism iow n km qskm soosMrns ! An amazing newly enlarged 44-pai book entitled "Rheu- matlam" wl be sent free to anyone who will writ for it. It reveals why drugs and medicines give only temporary relief and fall to remove th causes of the trouble; explain a specialized non-turglcal, non medical treatment which ha Sroven successful tor th part S years. You incur no obligation ta sending for this initructiv took. It may be the means o,' saving you years of untold misery. Writ today to Th Bsll Clinic. Dent. 2811, Excel sior Springs, Missouri.