Pas 22 THE CAPITAL JOrjtXAL, Salem. Ottgtm Monday Deccnbtr 7. 195S FOR SALE HOUSES CUT. t-BDEM House. M. Dlit Peved StS.. ai CbOOi4. PR. 1-0743 Iter I p.m. ettl BY BUILDER 0) Beautiful birch kitchen. d Ve- piece v r ore mi Air rurnare a Colored Eethrooa Fixtures Hard wood Floors AttacM DouOls Oar age 4Pnced KllFU ScaaU Don vaymtBi. ruoi imi. 2825 Sandringham Dr. Christmas Steal THIS IS THI BUT OP THE TEAR Bdrm. nice beta, very lovolr kitchen. iirui Let 30x100. ThU is not junk I Ml" BEAUTIFUL tour - bedroom home. Two bathe, two fireplace, playroom, doable eras, pte Bins-wood Dr. 3-4441. aJS4 COZY 3-bedroom hoot. Living room, din InrToen, kitchen with lots of bnilt In. Instd lUtt. Hew iirui and oi.ip and attic. Nice yard, trees, !. IT. Phon 3-1101, UN North lib. 211 BY OWNER W hm n 3-bcdrooa and i 1 bedroom bom. Would lino to Mil one. The 3 bedroom U new. Tht 3-bedroora U t rrs old. Bath aro eery wttl plaond and ale also room. Both houses lo eated tn Reiser, con out and sec thee. 121 Lorry Ar or Pboaa J3S4I. aaii I BEDROOM homo. Reisr dlit. Small down, balance 4. Fnono 3-ssio. a3!3 VrW S-BEDEOOM, doubt' seres sTnorth saiem. wui uu ob uad. Phone 37130, a3li Open Evenings ill ' 8 p.m. COME OUT TODAY Only $800 Down for this 3 bedroom DREAM HOME! See the famous Lockwood Home that has all of Salem gt'plng with ad' miration. t7 ft.. Ft S Ktdrooma Lane Ulnt room and d'.nini art with blf ' pictur window d Beaatlfullr datltnrd kitchen with natural blrcb eablnata foia anowar and tun a) it. ward rob tloifti tn all badroomj a Hard wood floor 9 Thermo-cootrotlod Oil f urn at Inautatrd and wcathr trlvped a urn torat room a Tour r'nole of exterior and Interior color 9 No down payment If rou own lot Approz. SAP oo per mo. taclud Ins Interest, taxca, Inaurane. t, AI.L THESE WONDERFUL fialurti lor only fl.2B0.0k OnnERB ARB NOW BBINO TAKEN, BO AEB TUB MODEL HOME TODAY I FJfONI 1-0871 COZY HOME OB Blca corner lot 2 bedroom, dl Bttta, utility, located So. UnbeUvibJ tnn.Owntr.Ph.:-80S. a39l CHBlVfMAS ftrEClAY. IIOO below PHA ftppraliaL In tood Dtnu Fully modern. S-bedroom horn. Well arrant ed, ha vtrythlnf you ar look In t for. Pull prk only 111.000. Approximately H.ftOO down, or wtU lean wlih option to buy. Olf Lanratltr, 4161 Munkcra Bk Ptinn 1-03B6. 296 SOUTH BEDROOM ECONOMY BUY. ThU eond boms li in A-l condition inside and out. Flattered and hea lets LR-DR Comb, Lars Kitchen wltb breakfast epacs. Nice 1ULh. Larse Utility Room. PliiUy n Stores apace. 1 Pedroom Dnvn, t up. Nicely fenced bark yard with outdoor lireolac. Handy to fbooL cur bu. on paved St. City Water, lmmd Pommhoh. This 1 real buy for ! and froO Down 4 BLOCKS TO Hl"illLAND School. A re SI alee 3 BR Home with Mwd. Pin, Inaulated Weetheralripped. Venetian Blinds. On PM. St.. a real handv lo cation. Only 77l0. THE EASIEST OP SUUVT TKHMB. SUMMERS BRALTOIt ITJl Btats BL ph. 3-M03 $8050. Creek Property All year feat flowing stream, ruitle tpe neat 3 bedrrn. home in a arov of fir treea, good view, nice setttnt. only 4 miles from down town, ae're ur You'll like it. Ph 3-MS0 Ed Lukinbeal Real Est. 431 N. Hlsh Ere. 3-1704 $10,750. Three Bedrooms Lftte buT.t I bedrm aemt-rsnch atvte hrnr.r. nil hfat. real nice hardwood fiofm. in i strd aitU-. p.ace u real ne A ran llt lawn la all In. located on a half scr in the Kelter duirlct rta! chw tn b;u A store. eofd iurrnndlnit Ph 3S9S0 Ed Lukinbeal Real Est. 1 N Hltb c. 1-ITM ONLY $13,875 BUYS A "!'v lovely 3 TR home completely f iinur-fci dfn tne acuum cleaner A .n nwmrr. 1r:t. drep freeze rura. a itc miift MKriMtm T' Evetv luin b ,i neditine. dilie Ai pernonal ellfL-- ( rn j,, a pln reajt ;n tno-. e Irt Pt! (num. m.rti can swumed Don v :, s.m, VfS 4.4417. ONLY $4750 Trt b.iM-ka frnm So Saifm hlsh 0"1(iO !.f M'TBl'? lol It 11 irw 1 Bft th ,iv r:ri . kit. nnok. llMUt tii Bern trri. Uay Bard I'a.Mn H;rr. rt J-7PJ3 EURT PICHA HE ALTO R S7I N H-sr Si orr 2. 4017 w AME Ht B ck n pavTi-ent Brand new 3-tHxlrnom imnir n.;nj Un ot nor an pre Mi A (milt Phone J-0BI7 U4HMHIU AIIVI.BTIS1WU Per Herd. 0 time l Per Hard , Per Raral, 3 llmea la Per Herd. 1 month ... ... o No RerWnc Mtaimea 10 Ward READER! In Itxal New (lama DBly, Pre Ward Mlalaoa 10 Weeds. Ta Plare Ad In 8amr Par i Psfsrr. I'hone I-24M Befort B4B. fORSALI HOUSES CALL NOW!! And w win ahow yea fhie aaar 9 waroa son vim fireplace la Ba de woo dutrwi. insulated, oaiua. peers old. Only at.fM Only $1,000 Down Baailor I bedreoa Bob with ttrtai room and dlaina room eeakiaatioa UnfinUbed petair. Bis tares. Frit RAMSEY, REALTOR SOM North CMiifflll Off 4-tSlt v. Al Bender. BalaeaeB. MM Rve. Jiav Ramsey 4-104 a99V 1.BKDBOOH BO ME. years aid. Patt with fireplace. Utility rooa in base. menL Ni laraft. Hie vord. klTld. Bhont 1-liai. itu North Itn. alfl BT OWNEB. alneit now 1-oodrooa horn, south Ba. Baiuitr ll.t rn a-04S. jm YOU FINIBH Ott tM t. ft., com, roof, concrtto foundation. II Si iirui ind wri ahop. II i 13 utlut fooa, urtt far- dtn. Prtf S3 000. OCNKRAL KEAL BSTATB 9M Cntw du rAoai t rtn 311 FOR SALE LOTS II down and lit Bosth. with waur, aleetrlcltr, phono, dou to icbool and Otor. OENCRALi tl w.Alt MMTATM, Ctnitr. Phon I-J1W. ! FOR SALE FARMS T OWNEB. tt. oi.a. A Dm FARM ' OPPORTUNITIES lot aera tattle, ah, ar rrass ranch 0 acre under cultivation. Balance ood permanent pasture. Twenty ltht acres needed to chewlnr faacu grass last year. Oood older typ seren room home. An ether out bultdlni la a ood hap. Two new chicken hou'sas and new macrtiot snd- Mlfhs trad. H. 00 111,000 da. to acr lrrliatod firm tn Tualatin Valley. Deep wllL solL 11 acres under cultivation. All under Irrigation. Pull Irritation riant en creek and river. Two artesian wells. Both soft water. Two full set of bulldlnaa. 17.000 tr r 1 at Ion outfit oas. 4.000lt.000 lit Mr berry farm. M a era cul tivated. 27 acre in oat, it aores bcrrlta. 30 acre timber. I room home wilb full basement, t If at ha, lrp!ca. furnace beat. Oood set of ut bulld Inn. Ot oMd 110,000 last year. Would trad for am all ranch. IM.MO 120,-1 tOO dn. I 40 acres. 12 acre cultivated. I acre bveverdam. Oravlty water etm from I aprlnf, 31 lbs. pre. ore. New Irrita tion pond lust completed. Can frrlsat all cultivated lartd. 4 room borne. 4 years old. Full basement, tlatssd In aun porch. Fin lined In knotty pin. Only I miles from Salem. Would trad xor city borne. Frtc tit.ooe. Ask for Roy Benson Farm BaleimaB It. Phon 4. 14 It J. E. LeClerc, Realtor Office Phon S-33II 1IM N. Capitol BL b3l3 FOR BALK OR TRADE Chicken ranch for 3,000 brae. 4 year old modern 3 bedroom bouts, alio an older comfortable house. John Deer L A tractor with all farming equipment. New well of etctllent water supply. Every thine valued at I11.0M. Will sell or trad mr 7.tot equity lor houa in saiem. Walter E ckhotr. Yam hill. Oregon. Rte. 3, Box la. phone REAL ESTATE A. A. LARSEN REALTOR Lovely new 3 Br. bom. Haa dlnlnr room. Basement, s lirepiares. Choice district, inaid etty. South. Close to acnooi. 114.130. PHA Term. Two and Threa Br homes In South Tiller. Choir location among all new homes. Why not set moved Into on of these by Chrlalmas. Reasonable financing. A very substantial aider borne, t story 4 Br boms. Dining room. Basement. Lovely yard. Close ta school. Perfect for the larger family. I it. 100. Terms. Low In price, but not cheap. This 3 Br. bom, eloie in. dining room, firs place, i&ot will handle. Full price 3H. Ill B. Rlth Ph. 31131 Bvss. Ph. 11113 I4SI1 33731 e3tl LOVELY HOME ON MILL CREEK A fins tcz.i :a;ti a beautiful reek lot. full basement. 3 bedrooma down and I up. a bathroom on each floor. Uvinc room U leilo with at tractive fireplace. Din In room 13HI pacloua kitchen with breakfast booth Plaatered. hardwood floor, French doora off of living room and off of 1 bedroom. Pstlo snd outilde fire place and sarate. Excellent location cloie In to shopplns center end state office bulldlnss. Pull pries only lis - too. 2 BEDROOMS FIREPLACE Extra neat and clean t year old home inilde city on paved st Urine room with fireplace, attractive kitchen with breakfast nook. Hardwood floors oil furnsc. Only S block to bus, hnme set among dandy oak shsds tree A buy for only II7S0. 2 ACRES Pin soil plus a lets built I bed room plaatered noma In scel!ent con dition. Juit ouUtde city northeast. At. tarried saraie, brooder houie. ben house and barn. Owner will tell I his dandv acreaie for only ISSOO or sney consider tradlns on 20 acre a or mors farm with bedroom boms. $500 DOWN OR LESS Call us about our aelartlon of lower priced home w:t.h am ail down par menu We ran help jou gel started on home onerhlp. 201 South Hlsh Street Phon 1-1303 Phone rvrninii M Bunds 4-1171. 31151. I-4I7I. 4-1)11. 3 3314 r3 ?fd doan buys this 3 rorm horns ana unfinished ailk. Ha plumbing,' hit and cold water. I-i 60x137. Lo- 1 csled ouUM of elty northwest. Total' p(..-e , MM Oitvn Wat'd' noithea! eviake : ho we with 3 bedroom uarace Lot ( 70li House r.eeds aom derorattne. I'M down, total price 17150. Located clnte in Lrslie arhoul. 3 bertroom home 1 Uh hardwood floors, oil floor fur-1 nace. lerae attached larase Owner or this hme lire out of stale end aill sacrifice en low down narment CU O V Hums or Stanley Brown. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTOR IV, Huh Hi Ph 1-4111 v. 1 UM OT I1MI cl- Journol Wont Ads Poy REAL ESTATE BNOLBWOOO XMAB SPBC1AL W ihi Wvely boa Finest W eetion. very eacellent conditio tnrwout, 3 ale bdrau. down, 3 up. aod stores pac, llv. r.. din. ra., hdwd, Ors-. ail beat. In id unity, nice yard, partially bricked front t set off UU Icvelff Cap Cd boaM Os.y 13.aM. CAU, ROT aV PDUtlA. 4 BroRooua tare it, ra-, dm. ra.. kitcbs and fcrfb. are BeamL sawduat furnace This la an ldar bom la to eevdlUoa witb nice yard. Fries 110.74. CAiX tL K. UTUON. CHOICB HOkfB IN CNOICB LOCATIpN-A spacleua I Mm. boa with beautiful Is, llv. ra., built-in bookcase, fireplace, din. ra. wan built-in buffet. Tiled betb and kltch. utility rssu. attached erase. Brick fsaccd altb anake. CAU. J- B. LAW. B. B NEAR FAULUS BROS. CANNBRT Rice cleea 1 bdra. heme with brkf nook, a win rnt-, full baamt. with aawduak beat. Dble. aerase. Frlc I1M. CALL O. H. ORABBHIIORST, JR. GRABENH0RST Aoutk LlMrtr St. U( B..B1BH mn4 lildirj CM B K. Un 14111 K, t. Finn l-Mlt 1. B. Lav 14111 for Your Iniurince Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johniton J-2471 or 1 3365 s FINE HOME EAST M0RELAND If rou are particular, yon will want t so throuth this extra alee I bed room boms, only 1 i old, there's a double cares, (arte utility room. 3 sets plumblnr. blc living room, din Ins r,oom and kitchen complete with dishwaeher the werkmenshlp la the beat and a at in location Ask for Ted Korrlsoa. $7300 BUYS THIS HOME Oood t bedroom bom with ll furnace, about A ysara eld. lo cated suburbaa near Washing to school good buy for tn money. CLOSE IN t large bedrooms, welkins; dlttance to town, this borne baa lets cf posslblljtl, spacious llvlnr room and dlntnc room with fireplace, basement, tr alee lei; owner waate offer c call Ralph bfaddr BOW. ENGLISH COLONIAL Lars I bedroom colonial home with full basement, auto, oil heat and double seres this very attractive borne has a secluded sstilnc of shade Irsss wltb larga patio priced at Ill.tOO. Owner will consider trade. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 4TT Curt at. Pbra, 1-U 111H B Wnanl H.nrr Torond tUl: lt,lph MuMr I IIH LmU Loi.qi -MMj Msrruoa 140U REAL ESTATE Emm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Beat This If You Can Almost new roomy home. Separate utility wltb automatic washer and dryer which ar included. Nice built in. Circulating fireplace. Flagstone petlo. In the bat of condition. This is a buy for 110.340. PH A. term If de sired. (Call for MR. ORIMMSTT, CVS. ph. 37173 Sim.) Under Construction But it will be a dandy. 100 sc. ft. floor space. Oil farced air furn. Fire place. WeU -deelgned. 100 bv 10b lot. Insulated and wee tht rat ripped. Wa have sold severe homes for this same builder and believe us th buyers ar happy and satisfied. (Call for RAY ORIMMETT, ev. ph. 3-7111 Sim.) NEED ROOM? Yet don't went to tnak too larg en Investment? Let us ahow you this one. 3 bedrooms. Oil beat. Inaulated. Well -located im a ii pc I sod bus. Very lib eral terms, pull prtc only I7.E50. Among Lovely Homes This Ls ths choice on. Owner will accept a smslier home as part pay ment. Oorteous wall-to-wall carpets. Radiant heat. Luxurious bathroom. Younsstown kitchen, garbags disposal. Waaher and Dryer. 3-er sarate. New area. The prlc haa beta reduced ta 34.00. (Call fr MR. . OR1UAIETT, ev. ph. 3-7171 Bin.) LIKE A BASEMENT Let us ahow you this one. Pull d ar ils ht. Horn Is Immaculate. Forced air' ell furnace- Inaulated. Peved St. Just: like new. Pull price 1 11. 140- (Cell for Mm CRAWFORD, eve. ph. 4-W30 FOR LEASE For 3 year. 2 bedroom modern home plus income. A rare opportunity. Rent only SS per month. Small depoalt re ajuested for personal property. (Call for DAN ISAAK, eva. ph. 4-3S3J Blm DUPLEX This property conaUt of two rentals. Income 183 M per month. Well loreied for school and bus. Owner will accept lata model pickim st payment. C. wui sell tor 13.1(0 down. Pull price only IfllOO. Thia Is a buy. (Call lor dan i.haak, eve. ph. 4-Jf33 Sim.) GRADE A DAIRY 0 ecres ony 4 mllea from Salem. II acres irrisated paiture. balance most ly cultivated. Oood. lane barn wltr milking parlor. New ml'.k house. Ma chine shed. Comfortable, modern 4. bedroom house, plus another amaller house. Year round creek. Spring. All thai you can hate for I IV 000. Mare land available If wanted See It to ner. h:b;i Tor lR. CKAWPCtRD, ev. ph. 4 jo jo Sim i l' i ACRES With a ftTt good modern 3-bed room house, built la IHI. Oerese. Deep we:i with elec pump. Nice lewn. sev eral fruit tree TM la reallv worth TM 'Call for MR. LEAVENS, eva. pn. sim.) Joins Puddine River On the ea.U bntindary. S3 acre of fin. Wmamett silt soil 30 acres under cultivation. I acres strawberries. Fam ily fruit. Very good modern I bed room house 10100 barn. Osrase. Fruit nous. Pared rrad. Only 4 mUei from Salem. Pult prlc I3I.SO0. o PHA CONVENTIONAL MTOB . 30 Year FTDXRAL OI MTOS, YEARS LICENSED A I AO IN WASH. A IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Ofr Phon 4-3311 or I-7M0 E 3-47 4 B.1J, 4-SOIfl. 2-7C7I. 4-1047 If no answer call 4'13T WA NTED REAL ESTATE NOTKE It your property ha for sa. rent or evchanee. '.in it with us. We hsve a.i k-nds of reh buvers STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 13 SH:s:i Si. ca WE ARI m need of eooi hfturs lo sell, in or near Saiem If you with to tilt your prnpertv for a. ee ORABFNHORAT SHOS RFITORB 11 S I.ihert Pi 3-3471 ra BUSINESS OPPORTUNjTIES 4-UN1T APT hoWln Medfcifd. 111.004. 111(1 i,.uiin, t'on.ode, Salem res tn trade r detail write L. H tu bocker, 333 Wi::ir.e!t Ar.. Medford fd33 BUSINESS & INCOME Money Maker If voj a-e looking for real menev matins place don t let this en et a a r tr on you. fountain, mataaine. ariori order restaurant, etc. Making net orer 70O0 teor aod setting better all trie time, a'l first claja equipment Aj fmure. worth far mot then the lit oo asking price. Terms to rtebt , part No phon tnfe Ed Lukinbeal Real Est 431 R. High . REAL ESTATE BROS. REALTORS Pttf 1-i 1111 REAL ESTATE NaTW LIST! NO S Acres located north wltb Blc 3 bedrooa bom (room for ont morsi. Berries, apples, nets, good deep well. ige. cnicaen Bouse, nasriy eoupi UB' able to do the work, want to move to town. Consider trad. Priced at ONLY $M,no, cash. Don t delay on this one. Call Mr. Klgglns. aim., eves. 4-S494 EXTRA FINE LOCATION Tory Bice I -bedroom ranch type Bom. Gum wood finish. Separate dm. rm.t full basement with knotty pine ctartr room, dbis.- Pibg., dble. attach. eras. This on is brand new and you can get Immediate possession. A dandy Xmas present for some lucky-one at 1 11. WO. Must be show by apptmt. only. Call Mr. Xlggms, a.m., oves. S-S494 HOME FOR CHRISTMAS Not luit this Christmas but for many Chrutmasses. Sparkling new 3 -bedroom home In arrowing area. Entrance hall with Ige. cloaet. 13 x 20 llv. rm. with picture window fireplace. 10 x 10 din. rm. also has lie. window plus china closet desk, corner windows A; sink In beautiful birch klL with eat ing area. sen. utility rm. wired & pibd. for autom. laundry eo... covered petto, colored bathrm. fixtures, at' t ached gar. Nearly 1.100 an. ft. fir. space and the prtct only lio.vM). Term. Win go OI. Call Mrs. Of lei bee. aim.. vea. 3-S37I CHARMING WON DEB FULLY LOCATED SOUTH New Chooe your colors for walls linoleum. Beautiful entrance hall, spac ious llv.-dn. rm. with ftrepleco a large windows, kit. has many cupboards eating area, sep. utll. rm. on main fir. Double isr. In bimnt. plus playroom and flreplac. This mmt be seen to be ep predated. Total rule 114.150. Call jars, utiesoee. urn., eve. 7-n MAKE YOUR OWN JOB cutting wood on this 1IV4 acre Bear Delias. Large 1-bedrm. home, hen house. Only 13,100, all cash. Mr. An derson, slm., eves., 4-3714 ONB ACRE wltb 4-bedrm. modern horn with base ment, only M0. 11.100 Dn. Call Mr. Anderson, elm., eve. 4-3714 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE HARDWARE-FURNITURE stor. Trad tor nom. Mann's Hardware, Delake, Oreson. cb293 lc9t PROPERTIES IFRVICE RTATION and fuerl bu'.ineis. Oood location. Phon Albany uu or 1334R. 1410 Calapoola St., Albay, Ore gon. f391" FURNITURE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL mahocany spinet p 1 a B 0. good a new. A bargain lor cash. 1IH W. Cottage. dial TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY a MONDAY EVEN1NOS d281 OOOD OKNKBAI, ELECTRIC range, n't hoe any drop'.eaf table, ft x 13 rue mat. twin beds, complete, a etc. Call 3-7473 or 3-4701. d33" AUCTIONS AUCTION OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS m, CINTtH T. At tM !' BUILDING LEASED Clostng cut preaent stork to rak room for new tenant. AUCTION TONITE 30 pm. Barsaia Barn. 4 ml. p) Saiem 9IE Furniture Buss Appianca Badios s D)hr Aniiaues. Fet. Vera Leek. Auctioneer dl FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Bin WEANEB pie. C. L. Fierce. On mil West Bruit Co.lete elsl LOCRER REKFWhlt face Hereford. 30c. Nothing dew a. a,wiih to per. Custom bullae Trailer loaned free. aUlea Msal CO, M3 V It lb. Pb. WANTED FURNITURE ! baa rn da I rrrs avear PAKAKBETB. atnsax eamexies Bomo case. Mr. A. B. Fwr. Tl BeiMvac Betw 4 Winter and cat lui. el- BOSER prPFIBS lor sdenl Cbrtetae ClfU. Halo ar.v. uuyjiuauw vw ra, Taras U Bastro. Pnoao 1-0AC4. ciJ CHAMPION BUB Bessr puppMs. kloorM Treoicel Pisa suipbi. rareau, pets. Mac leer Ui o-ITIe. Cloeed ttiv- CLOVEB'B IAMEBB kittens and cats. Beauty. atlaaeas. taUltlgsar. d tloa. Priced rlcnt. I-M3I. ocJIO PARAKEETS Cagas, fseds and omplto supplaa, Tear Rudfie Xmae atocktna , are aow a sale. Buy Row or Reatrre Towy Xaaj Rudsia WbUc Seine tl one Ar Available. eczw CANAB1EB FINE CHBIBTHAS ClfL ameu deposit. Phone l-tlse. UU cho meketa. cc3tt CAN ABIES. PEW singers, I7.M. Hens. 1.M. 1451 Hickory St, Phon 3-079. cJ PABAKEET1. LOVELY seltctlon. all COl ors. Cbrlatmas slits. Ressonable depos it will hold, eases dr euppUee. SIM Uv- Innlon Phone 3-1H42 ecl9 FUEL ANDCBSON'I tLABWOOD, 1 Mtdl 111 00. dillmod.. fboo. t-TIll or 1-411). Mln 1,- fUBWOOD, I1IM Ht iMd. w- ju.i. in to par Iomi ixunrM Is au. vcrtoa ,rr, only. Twin Falls Lumber Co. ILVIRTOIf, OREOON . FBONI 14101 SPECIALS! 1 Oak, Ash, Mapla Wood, Oreenilaba ws have block As planar sods. WEST SALEM FUEL PH. 3-4091 300 FOR SALE POULTRY WE ARE hatching New Hampshire a old en Broad and Arbor Aores White Rock, every week. Special prices to year around fryer grower. Pox's Hatcttery. 3130 State St. Phone 3-4III. f PRODUCE RED DELICIOUS apples for sal. Phons 2-1144. Delivered in Salem. IfJM WALNUTS LARGE Franaucttas. Fine quality. Commercially dried. 30c lb. 139ft No. llth St. Phon 3-1123. ff393 WINESAP a aplts apples. Pre of worms. II a 13. CecU Boyd. RL 3, Box 211. Phon 26123. ff2ll WAlXCTS, SSe FOUND. Phono 4-4017 evenings, or weekends. ff292a HELP WANTED FEMALE ACCOUNTANT, experienced, atata e. experience tr amine. Own handwrit ing. Box 294. Capital Journal. sb292 WANTED Olrl for permanent position with na tionwide organisation to start imme diately. No treveltnc. Single. Age 20 35. Rich arhool graduate. Must type minimum of 42 words per minute. Pleasant working conditions. Pbona 34161 for appointment. Pleas do not call If not fully qualified, gb29l EXPERIENCED CAR hop. Nlsht shift. J. B. Drive -In, 3230 Fairground Rd. b32 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES GOOD JOBS? F-See. pub contact, no typ. 30-30 till F-Acct. f da 1360 F-Ekkpc. machine opr lexp.l ....llto P-Typiit counter clerk 3B-33 ....1110 P-Typlst so wpm. I da 1175 P-Dlctaphone opr ..... te 1130 P-Oen. ofc. bkkpr. 1300 F-Secy. da. 31-40 .1301 M-Jr, acctg. clerk Open M-TypLst, 49 wmp 1201 Th Best Way to the Best Jobs COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 414 Stat St. (Oregon Bids ) 4-llM i efJll' WANTED SALESMAN BEAL ESTATE aalesman. man or woman. thoroughly experienced In aelllng and exchanging real estate. Mutt be blab calibre. Have good automobile a ex pect to work long hours, devoting full time to real estate business. Ona of Salem' leading offices give this op portunity with complete advertising becking. All replies strictly conflden tlal. Box 397 Capital Journal. cg293 Heat aw. autei by of fice that ad vert iiea every day. We will - furnish plenty of prosper ts and lutings. Good opportunity for rlsht party. Fine working conditions and top commUMlon Ramey. Realtor, 3014 North Comm 1. Phon 4-6311. gf WANTED POSITIONS FRUIT. SHADE a ornamental tree work. References. Portland. Salem. Pendleton. Box 39l.CapItal Journal. h292 ODD JOSS and handy man work. Any thing, anywhere. Phone 4-3111 after 100 pm. h3l WANTED, JOB pruning a pear or prune orchard, experienced pruneT. Box 399. Capital Journal. hIBl CHILD CASE In my home? Phone43S90 or Ith house outh of Brook Post Office. b2ll BOUGH CARPFNTTR work. By hour or th lob. Phone 3-4369. h391 EXPERT TRKE eervlce Treea topped, trimmed, removed Kedsee trimmed, yard cleaned, trash hauled. Free eitl mate. J -7444. b-1- RrMPVslRLE,EXyFJtlEVrED lady want baby sitting and housework un til Christmas. Phone 1-4719. b293 PA INT IN a PPERHANOING. da-T'er contract. Small Job welcome. Phone 3-749r h293 PAPER HANG INT.. petntlng Free astlf males. Dan Lucero. Ph. 3-5)33. hill RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will o day r nights. Phon 3-9964 hSOl PRACTICAL nuTtte. chronic, ssed or eon vstescent. Reaaonabl rate. Phone 3-J66 1. h3 CARPENTER repairing At butldtnc of any kind. Phon 1-1691. hill CHILD CARE la my bom. Phon 36360 b393 CARPENTER A repair work. Call alter pm Phone 3-14M) h39l Journal Want Ads Pay! nToTPALOOKA PCS" J! M KIWI Ml IIUM- reTSaS8 Mr'fy Asurss. Cobalts. wCawJ J mvMt ChT" XjaTMa&jT' areusa. D Tl I AM OF TH' CONSi&UHEO -1 P M SMOOlC"B - -T-W-H .m.imu tu.t rtiif U1BE I I rrajaillTin u C CO I, Il5y51'lf WRONG THINO TOO J I EVEN KNOeffV SvVII 1 h on tm'kwtcf joer .1 I ON THIS HEBE l II 'jt nk - I b MATTER.' WW js WANTICX fOSITIONS TRBS WORR. Topptn. trbsala. re aeTtBc laaurad. Jena Fame. Phone IMS. bl' MICK EH HA UTS DAT MURBRRT AUeie Liceaiad 4b Usyoatia, PA, J-TCM BllMEOGBAPHlNO and TTPTNO. Quality werfc. Reesoaabl rates. Mrs. Pee. Ml N. Hth. Phono 1-143. UM UCRT CBAWLEB, tfoaiac. dtfl lvl lac. grading. Phoao S-II3. bill bole h)ll WIEMALB Day nurierr. licensed and etat inspected. Phon 1-Mla. B3l PAPER RAN QUO. Ry the hour. Phone 1-3IJT. hSOb CARPENTER Repair, remodel cabin! ana g erases. Set ail Jens waicoa. Phono 42st. bsoi FAINTINO AND DBCOBATINO. 31 years Balea cspcrloaca. Fra asttautes. l-7i3. hUt RXPBRIENCED liAIBT and farm hand ads eapleyaent. Pbll Yancey. P. O. Rob 414, Corvallla, Orsg. b391 WANTED HOUSEWORK by tM boor. 4-111. hM3 HIGH SCHOOL girl needs work, baby Bit ting, etc. Phone 2-aill. hT96 FOR RENT LARGS warehouse space for rent -teaac. Ceaaat fleora, brick buUdlaa Down town. iBoutre H. L, Stiff Fur niture Co. Phon I-I1H. r ROOM & BOARD BOABD AND BOOM fer your gd or dis abled dependents. Phon mornings, 2-OOTt. 4" FOR RENT ROOMS S VEBT NICE room. Pr.vat entrance. reasonable. 4 N. Cottage. Jk3l WARM SLEEPING room, bot a cold wa ter. 41 If. H1XB. )3 CLOKE, NEWLT decorated, warns room. not, coia waur. es center. jsjfj- PLEASANT LEE PINO room for gentle man, mi Norway. Phone 3-4S4T. jkJM SLEEPIVO ROOM for 1 ar 3V 790 North Church. Phon I-43J9. k396a FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN, THREE-ROOM Duplex. Rea sonable rent, near State Hospital, chipping center. IIM Csnter BL Jm2ll ONE FED BOOM furnished cottate. Rea sonable. Some utilities. Inquire 3I4& Portland Rd. )ml BEAUTIFULLY furnUhed cosy 1 bedrm. duplex. Largs rooms. Close to bus. Wat Belem. 15. 1211 Rdse water. Ph. 3-5103 eves. 3-9I33. Jm39 3 RENT HOUSE. Three room furnished. Priced right for newly wed or office girls. Oarage available. 1013 Edtewe ter. West Salem. Jm393 TRAILER SPAre, children welcome. No pets. 110.00. Phone 34Mb. 1740 Oxford. )m3Ma NEWLT REDECORATED I room bous. Near State bulldlnso Willamette university. 1141 Oak. Inquire 1143 Oak. Im393' t BEDROOM bouse, large living room. fireplace, basement wltb oil heat, close to shopping center on Capitol Street. Adults. 7n. Call llltl. imi' THREE ROOM unfurnished. Lens lot, III. 33147 between 1 p. a. aod 3 p.m. lm39l SMALL 3-bedreoa. all electric Insulat ed. Water a range furnished. Call 37118. Jm29! TWO BEDROOM unlurntahed house. IIS. Two children. J4M Park Avenue. Phone 45711. ' Jm293a 3 BEDROOM suburban furnished bom. 1104 per month. AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PHONB 4-3311 J mill LOVELT TWO bedroom court apartment. Rang, refrigerator. Tile baLh. auto matic washing facilities. Bus line. Phone 3-3141. Jmlll CLEAN 1-BEDROOM house, furnished. Ph. 3-9101 or 3-6751. imB ONE FOtB-ROOM. one five-room, all electric. Both redecorated. Oarden pace. Inqulrs 1996 S. 13th. Jm291 3-ROOM HOUSE a Oarags. 110 Cross. Phone 1-6954. Jm7ll CLEAN, TWO - bedroom unfurnished house. OH circulator, close to Stat Eulldlnga. Phone 3-4IH. Jm29l t-BED BOOM bouse furnished at 304 N. 23rd. on bus line or caU 35741. Im293 ALL ELECTRIC one bedroom house. 34M Ferry St. Phon 2-1013 or 3-3472. Jm292 COI'NTRY HOME. Two bedroom. Re decorated. Unfurnished. Basement. 159. Phone 3-3031. )m292 OM5 BEDROOM house. Stoves furnished. Close to school, bua, store. 130 r.onth. hone3-l733J Jm392 UNFURNISHED Dt PLEX. automatic heat. Oarave. Easement. 1211 Court. Phone 1-7114. Jm393' FOUR-ROOM unfurnished house. Close In. Inquire 609 N. Front. 3-4839. Jt"3'l LARGE ONE -BEDROOM recently built. South, near Ladd'a Market, ISO. Phone 4-3603. )rt392 3 RKDROOM DUPLEX. Oarage. Also, one bedrom spartmert. Hardwood floors, electric heat. Phon 4-1636. Jm295 4-BF.DROOM furnished suburban home. Phone 3-3071. JmJIl Breys Courts Must be seen to appreciate". All new S-bedroom home In court. Lot ot bunt-ins with fruit room, utility and ample Iterate space. Car port. 605 00. 141 BREYS Out Center to Brer, 1 Block North m29I NICE 4-REDROOM suburban. Middle Orove Dist. High school bus by door. No drinkers. 165. Phone 2-3705. JmJflS 4-ROOM modern bouse. Electric range A electric water beater. Inquire 1530 Woodrow. 130. . Jm293 S-BOOM brick ottase. newly decorated. utility, garace. bus line, adulu, near General Hospital. Phone 4-1667. Jm:96 SM UI.. FURMMllFD, clean and nes,t. IJS OO. Fhon 3-Ml. lm2.16 C07.Y. MIHH. EN one-bes)room hou!-e I Electric watr heatrr dt sarase. 40. j Salem Hrisht Dlatrtct. Phon 1-49. Jm293 NrW -HFDROOM bouse Wltb seraie. 166. Phone 2-S4U. 3mJ93 NEW TWO-BEDROOM house. Oood'Toca' tion. Inquire 3111 Monroe Avenue. r 1-4751. J23M SMALL HOUSE, clean. nTcely furnlshedC CVtse to Stete buildings. On or 3 per. sona Prion 1-4111 imW BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DITBinrrORSwarehouj'e Sep arate unit. 40' x 30. oeorse D:lt. ill ttb St., West Salca. Phone 3-1131 joMl" W ARE HO U S lTi F 'hENf w " but idingw1 th Urge parking area, with or without of fice fse tilt las. Rail siding. Drlve-ta and truck dock. Ferkllft trucks and pal let. Capital City Transfer Company. Phone 3-3431. JffL BUSINESS-BFNTAL for buttaeu or of fice Excellent location. II-foot front. 41 leet. Ample parking. 1141 S. Com mercial. )o291 FOR RENT APARTMENTS CLEAN, NICELY tarnished two-rooa opextaeai. shot. seiriserasce; asn- ing tsctuiiee. owuiev i-wi. jw' COMTOBTABLB BAaXMENT baebelaw aporteseat. PWrauaod. Prrtau batb. ptta j arri. cm a. roth at. ipmj FRONT P1BIT floor fenitshed threo- swo si stersr. ram a-iis. JptU THE REST tbrot-raoa off ra Uwe. Oeaa. aedera. lo to business dle trwi. Partly funiUaed. IBM Rdse water street. Weas staiea. Jpa4 BASEMENT FURNISHED. aS Utilities ex cept tas- Private bath, adult. (34). 1301 a. CemmsrclAL Fb 34314. Jn3tl THREE ROOM famished apaxtsncaL Clean, warm. Walkias absiiaaa. Pboao 4-1IIS. JP291 ROOM FURNISHED tor ladj. ell util ities, at earn beat, atov a refrigerator, I34 0. Block to Capitol. 1200 Court Pnone 3-44. Jp391 CLOIE 3N attracuv. clean, furnished apartment, electric stove, refrigerator, private bath, entrance. Laundry facll Itiea ground floor. 34A Galea. Phone 4-l4J. 1P391' FLBNIBHED CO l IT apartment. 3 rooms a garage Close la on North Commer cial, lea. Ptoon 3-M4I r 1-444. Jp NEWLT REMODELED 1 rooms, privet oam. uooo d. uo B. ntB. lp3 CLEAN. NICEUT furnUhed apartment. sisoo. uuuuat inciuded. 13 Oerth iWestl. jp2fi NICE ONE bedroom apartment. Located atar Shopping Center, stale offic and schools. ISS per month. AL ISAAK REALTOR, PhOBO 4-11 11 J Pill NICE, CLEAN, furntehd apt. Close la. 444 it. Cottate. jpa SEVERAL furbished apartment good location, inquire H b Still rural lure Phone I -I IB.. Jp COURT APARTMENTS, utilities furn Uhed 3I and til. Trailer boas for rent or sate. 3311 Portland Rd. JplOl THE ELAINE bas lovely furnUhsd apart ment. Living room. rro us of xut lng TV outlet, kitchen, dinett. bed room and batb. Free laundry facilities. 3. 370 N. Liberty. Jp292 ONE-BEDROOM. Chetneketa. near Hth. mrnnnea or unrurnunea. Phone 4302. Jp292 TWO THREE. BOOM furnished cparU menu, private oato, cntraBCe. TOl w. Liberty St. 3-1917. Jp395' S ROOMS AND BATH, furniabod, dose in, ciean, main xwor; i larg rooms, aewly remodeled and decorated, pri vate batb, furnUhed. oil beat; email cottacs, oil heat, dean, - furnUhed. comfy. Laundry lacllltlea for all. 493 b. man. jp29b BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED court apartment, purnuned or unlurnlehed. On r two bedrooms, atov. refrlser etor. automatic washer furnUhed. tOT B, 13th. Phone 4-5331. Jp391 LEE-APTS. Bslcm'a Most Distinguished Address Thoroughly modern, ideally located, for those desiring better 11 vine. One bedroom units from 113.00; baehator unit as low as III. M. Inspection in vi ted. Iff N. Winter. Jp2ll CLEAN, t ROOM apartment close la. utilities paid, fis.u. Phone 31013. JP293 CLEAN, QUIET, warm one room apart ment, nose-in. lAoy preferred, its Ferry St. Jp33l DOWNTOWN, NICE. clscB, small apart- mtatt gooa neat, reingerator. cos cen ter. JP3S1 APARTMENT IN WEST Salem. Obtldraa welcome Phona 3-3011. 1111 3th at. JP311 THPEE-BEDROOM furnished upstairs flat. Adult. 460 N. Hlsh at. Phone 3-6375. lP?91 3-BOOM furnUhed apartment. Also, b ac n e 1 o r apartment. Ambaa?cger Apartments. M0 N. Bummer. JpSll 3 ROOMS furnished, utilities paid, 136.00. 1173 N. 4th Bt. Phons 4-3S60. Jp393' CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment with ga rage. Utilities furnUhed. $33.00. Phone 3-9014 . 2261Hasel Ave. Jp39 ! CLEAN". FURNISHED apartment. Close In. Phone 3-711. Jp39l 3 LARGE ROOMS and bath. Furnished. Ii7.oo. Private entrance and auto. heat. Phone 4-1511. Jp29l REDUCED TO BM.ea far ana 3 rooms At private bath. Clean. UtIUtlea. Partly furnUhed. 1M7 8 Liberty St. Jp391 LOST & FOUND FOUND Man's Mason ring. Ph. 3-7313. wwnrr pay ior aa, bjh MISCELLANEOUS BFE-HtVE TRUCKS U -DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE t CAR RENTALS - STAKES TANS TEXACO CITATION 111 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 PAOE STEVEN SOP and AL ME FORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARRY SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids., State At Commercial Bt. SALEM PH. 1-3311 m SALEM BAND a GRAVEL CO UP ANY contract wore Road Clearing Ditches Sewer and Basemen! Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Phone Days I-94M Eres. 2-4417 or 2-7413 Salem. Oreson BUILDING MATERIALS NEW LUMBER DELIVERED PRICES SHIP LAP 131 and 143 2i4s 23 and 345 CEDAR SHINGLES. ALL ORADES TED MULLXR PH. SALEM 3-1114 mal SALE OarasC doors complete with hwd 145 00 Overnsad car doora. hwd. .... 1315 IxS waterproof wallbd. 1 71 Nails. 1 71. 3 kecs at 3 91 New picture windows II up New westher stripped windows 14 ?o New doors, all sties 390 100 used doors a frames Unpainted cedar abate 6 00 Painted shake witb undercours 10 M Asbestos aiding, per sq ObO Pibcrglsss roll blanket iBsulatlca, New shale moulding lOe Cedar fsnc poats Cheap 100 gal. septle tankd 43 30 4" cast Iron soil pip 75c Roll roofing, large supply 3 :i 4" solid oranfeburg pip , Sc 3 tab compos It Ion roofing 0 94 Cedar shingles, 4 eradaa Cheap New toilets wltb eeat Jt m New bath tubs complete 470 Double kitchen haka coapUto 41 m 40 cel. elec. water htra 11 so Steel 1 cabinets complete 41 SO 14-3 Electric w trine SSc 13-3 Electric wiring , tSc Laundry trays, pipe, euh bailna, Sal C. O. LONO a SONS Ph. I -soil 1 aL N. of Raiser as THU 8uMS.C6fcA. AN-IS MANA& tL TNW HE'S TWVNWA Be WFK'UY WHICH IS C RKKONLY UILDING MATERIALS ROOFINO, INIULATIOM. TeaetleR Blinds. Call Waators Auto Rapply Co., for free estimate. 3-tlTT. ma BEMOOEIJRO a naT3tOYIIBar LOANS 34 MONTHS TO FAT MO DOWN PAYMENT ' BSTtMATINO SERVICB ADO AH EXTRA REDRMH OA RAO B. (to, ALL DETAILS HANDLED AT. OUR OFFICE , DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. ITH) Lane Ave. Pb. S-4J3S HO PARKING PROBLEM malfll NURSERY STOCK 8HOP FOB ahrabe save. Berried tloW r piaaia ia-S4", li s. ndie Holly plaata 13-13", toe. Cut Holly, wreatba. Mlddl Orovs Nursery, 4IM Silver tor na. t-nono ARlCAJf VIOLETS, many varieties ta aioom. th bp. Rooted leaves. Bcr trs orBbouso, 11 01 Third Su, Stay tea. Phon 30Ij mb) FERTILIZER Rotted maaur. Wed frc Deltv danyhere. Phone 3-4TI4. ab3ft FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS METAL FENCE Permanent. Ma upkeep. Fra sstl. mate:. 38 mos. to pay. BORXMAN LBB, HDW. CO. 1 Jo Stale at. Phone 1-37(11 nzil XMAB TREES, Wholesale Phone 3.4350" nz02 BIRCHCRAFT BOAT, trailer, motor Ind extra. Must a i 3-6639. ' USED OIL heater. 3 te 4-room sice. 1 1 1 J - vmw BiHia, til m. torn 1. n29l SMALL DINETTE set, ll. Rose davendT mi. rneni -9Ji, B292" CLOTHESLINE POSTS, Iron less for teoics, lurnuure, rauuus. u N. Lib-a, mm USED ELECTRIC room beater wltb fanl ies ree, uewq Btor. UT a. Com'l. n391 BATTERIES A LL Cars II 95, li ps. Ex. cnang. n months guarantee. Opea till 3:00 dally, Lytle'a Tire Mart. B333 HAND PAINTED organdy aprons. 11.33 aima vvueon, r KJ. SIOZ S3. Phoenix, Oregon. nl USED 4 -PC. WALVUT bedroom set. Ill Tt iv viva. wavB owe, HI O. tODIl. B291 CROCHETED pot bolder for that extra .nnmii gut. lOiS if. llth St. B3fl DIKP FREEZE HOME freeier Tester nvpuanc v-w., sis wnemcxtta St. Phone 3-4311. B USED DAVENO and matching chair, T9. w viw. wta ewtt, ssi a torn j. B291 130.00 ALLOWED for your old water neaicr. negaroieu el condition or make, on a new Wutlnghouse auto mat electric waur heater, witb a 10 year guarantee. Yeater Appliance Co., 373 Chemekete Bt. Phone 3-4311. a GOOD USED washers. 119.05 a up. Yeat er Appiianea Co., 373 Chsmeketa Bt. Phone 3-4311. a USED DAVENFOBT Wltb Club chair, SIN. nogg oroa. useo store, 137 a. Com'l. B231 Vcro FRIG ID AIRE refrigerator for sale. 100. ixeeuent condition. Phona 4-4791. n391 I'll TRADE new furniture for piano. Woodry. Ph. 3-IUO. n396 WOODRY BUYS plan 0. Ph. 3-1110. n39l 3x13 LINO RUGS, 4.93. OlsB Woodry, 1603 N. Summer. n29S IM FERIAL candle wick crystal. At con anlerebi dlKoanU Rersly used. Fhar 3-6164. n3!3 SAWDUST TIRES, 170-11. I.9B. Lytlr g Ttr Mart. Phon 4-6033 . 0313 BARGAIN, Porter-Cable Bpeedomatlc saw 130. Call 33213. B3I1 Antique Mantel slock. Mahogany living -din-ins table. Oray chrome drop leaf table. Xasl&iaa kodak post card. Brownie kodak. Walnut metal bed. Card table, 4 chairs. Hand pa la fed table lamps. Table Pbllco radio. Lava- 1 torr bowl At sitting. Hip boots, sir T Coau. sulU, dube. a miK. All good. Priced right. After 10:30 Itn. 030 Oarnet. Pb. 3-7445. n393 HOSPITAL BED for sal or rent. B. L. Stiff Purnltur Co. Phon 3-9163. n GOOD USED rcfrUertors, 149 0 a up Tester Appllanc Con 371 Chemekta St. Phona 3-1111. a? USED ELECTRIC RangM. Ill a UP. Yeater Appliance Co, 37S Cbemekctb St. Phone 3-4311. a BECaps, aoo-td, S4.9S. Open Bundsy'eZ Lytle's Tire Mart. c3S3 S3 HIOG1NS pump shotgun loO.OO. F: 29914. n3 PLAATIC-ROTE requires no waxing for your floors or linoleum. Yestsr An pilanc Co., 373 Cbemeketa Bt. Phon 3-4IU. a LIKE NEW. EnslUh type bicycle. Thrre speeds, seal beam lights. 460 value for 134. 411 a. lath. j, nasi SPINET PUNO, your price. Phon 44744; -B39 used ir Motorola TV. Conaola Mod. 980 Kumler St. Ph. 37347, n39t APRON AND Luncheon set. Alio, apron, pillow case, bath towel eU. Mrs. E. Hobbenslejiken. Phone 3-1339; n2l2 ADDlNnMArnilvESUted hand a elec trie. Clary Multiplier, 1971 Fairgrounds Rd. 2-5375 n29S TALLMAN'S BIO XMAB PIANO SALE! 110 Holds a Piano for Xmaa 1 DELIVERY PavemcnU Begin Next Year BRAND NEW SPINETS. $393 UP Small Mahogany Spinet 339 Studio Spinet 37 Mason i Hamlin Conaole Spinet .. in Bach Polnet 437 . Heller Spinet 493 1(195 New Mahogany Spinet in Bteinway Console Spinet 67 1743 New Blond Spinet MS 1745 New Hallett ft Davl Spinet .. ITS I7S5 New Limed Oak Spinet 47 197 New Betsy Rnsj Sptnat SAT 11.300 New Knabe Spinet 197 Manv Others GRANDS. $427 UP OVER 300 PIANO BAROAIN8 UPRIGHTS, $89 UP : Eav teme W carry your contract OPEN EVERY EVE. r.i. im TALLMAN PIANO STORES 11 a. w. uu, roiii.n4 By Ham Fisher i iMtr w.t mist-in-toipit fvfi.' Vy Z TM'lPl.AFlCASHUN FEU W rTTl r5 cowar-oice...i aw rJ-tTT-.-H v, coNioiBLy boint or .. - n' I I vt am 1 give joe j- I 1 L me riorVws-f I I J & 4