t I Monday, December 7, 195S : On Television Krrva7).K0IN-TV(6) UHF VHF MARR RADIO & TELEVISION JLL TV Sole Service . Installation Open from UL to $ mm. Ph.s-UU Ilag.Oml SaleaVs Flnrt Televtsloa Sun MONDAY. I ii fc-K. KFTVKlcflla Coram II Of a a. FPTV Dlaf dob. School N:Jt a-a. XTTT Whit'i caokratf 11.10 u KPTV Havktas PaO. 11:11 a-a. im-Tti Baoastlt 11:10 A-a. KPTV hc4 of Paaur 1J:M am XPTV TBA boih au Parort 0 H 9-M. KPTV This Ii tlx LU. xoin aoo Croibr I N pa. KPTV alatlaao Thaatae KOIN Lova of Uft 1:11 p.m. KPTV Ultima KOIN search Tomorrew S:M P.SS. rPTV Mating KOIN Ouidlric lichk I at p a. KPTV-uatuu. XOIN vultnt Lodr 1:00 P.M. KPTV-Uatlna. KOIN Doubla Notnlns I N p a. KPTV Oa Your Account KOIN-etrlkf II Rick 1:00 P..L KPTV Kata flmtth KOIN Oarrr Moor. liM P-a. KPTV Kau amlto KOIN Armchair Thaatar AM p.m. KPTV Weleom. Traialars KOIN Armchair Thaatar 4:U P.m. rPTV Tormakar KOIN Armchair Thaatar : . KPTV Tormakar KOIN Mr. Uoon 1:00 P. a. KPTV Howdr Doedp KOIN-eaddla Kau 1:11 p a. KPTV Bar IT Corral KOIN Laura! and Haror M P.m. KPTV Wild Bill Hlckok KOIN MUtar Waalharmaa :M P a. KPTV U1U ZMs KOIN Dong Cdwarda 1 M i a KPTV Mortbwaat Dlkatt KOIN lraatcal Drama 1:00 p.m. KPTV Chic ai o Pltbu T:lt P a. KPTV Arthur Murrer Danca ku,n wuoio on. v:M P.m. KPTV Nawa Carana KOIN studio Om 1:00 p.m. KPTV Kama Thai Tuna y KOIN Burna and Allan I II p.m. KPTV Volca ol nraatoM roiN Adolph llanjoi :00 P.a. KPTV Oao&la Dap KOIN I Lor. Lucr 9-H P.m. KPT7 Robert Slootsomarr KOIN Had Batumi 11:09 F m. KPTV Arthur Murray Dene. KOIN u. a. Stall Show 11:09 P.m. KPTV nth Hour Nan KOIN Shovtlmo OB an 11:10 P a. KPTV Waathor Van 11:11 pa. KPTV Ml to Owl Thaatar Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMAMleTLbr PHONE M911 Valley TV (enfer 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. Sales - Service - Installation Open Till 9 p.m. Dally Sunday from 1 to 6 p.m. TU1SDAT :U ia IPTV KlddU Coratr 1I:0 ta. KPTV Dim Done School M:M 4V. K. KPTV What'j Cooklngl )l:M a.B. KPTVHtwkiaU Palls 11:11 s-a. KPTV Tht Bfnaetti 11:M u. KPTV Pr tend si Punlly U:M tV.BL KPTV TBA KOIN Bit P-70ff 11:11 9-M. KPTV Dion t Lucu abov KOIN Bob Croibr 10S KPTV M.tlaet Shew KOIK-LoTt Of Ul 1: y.a. KPTV untin. KOIN etreh ToinarroV 110 p.m. KPTV Utlne KOIN Ouidlnt lathi I 9.m. KPTV Ma tine roiN VtiiicBt Latr IN p.Zft. KPTV Mat in TbtT KOIN I'll Bur Thftt I H p.av. KPTV On Tour Account KOIN atrlkt It Rlea t:N .m. KPTV Kate Bmltta KOIN Oarry Moor 1:11 p.m. KPTV Kate Smith KOIN Armchair Thaitir 4:M p.m, KPTV Welcoma Travtltrt KOIN Armchair Theater i.'tS p.m. KPTV Tha Tonnaker KOIN Armchair TJitatar l:U p.m. KFTV mi lorauar KOIN Mr. Moon IrM MB. KPTV Howdy Doody roiN Baddla PaU M P.M. rPTV Bar 17 Corral KOIN Baddlt PaJa OS p.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Muttr Wtathirnas I It P.m. KPTV TBA KOIN Phots Quit I M p.m. KPTVAtraofa AdTtntrrra KOIN Dous Bdwarda Kan :tt p.m. KPTV NW Ntwa-Bporti KOIN Jaot Prom as Show t:00 p.a. KPTV Llbaraca KOIN Ranca BldtT T: p.m. KPTV Diana Abort KOIN Rom Bowl prtTltv I SS p.m. KPTV Mlltoa Berla KOIN Orient Kipratt l: p.a. rPTV Ulltoo Berlt KOIN Red Bkclton l ot p.a. KPTV Plreilda Thtattr KOIN Captured 10 p.m. KPTV Circle Theater roiN fluipetue IS M pa. KPTV Judie Par ToaTaalf KOIN Danfrr IS: IS P-a. KPTV I Ld Three Uvet KOIN Make Room for Daddr lt:SS p.a. rPTV Poater'a Niwi KOIN Showtime en Sis 11:10 p.a. KPTV Weather Vane 11 16 p.a. KPTV Kite Owl Theater TELEVISION Sales Service S Installation. MITCHELL RADIO A TV 1880 State St. Ph.3-7577 21 CARS JCMP TRACK Klamath Fall. HT Twenty even cars Jumped the track near here Sunday when a Southern Pacific freight en gine that was hauling them struck broken rail. No one was Injured and other trains were not delayed. TV TROUBLES? Trrhnlclani aa Duty Till : pjn. D.Uy TELEVISION SERVICE Co. 14KS. nth rm. 4S51I BELE - K 3j Radio-Television q eeirwFt2?,t?h0'?r "Attic Warfare ipeeeh Tueeday De- SALEM WOMAN ON FROG RAM: "v"-" -MAjui j-PJoWjo human relation.. submitted by Mr.. h.'JSTL.L '"J?, meInoer e TJp Your Mind panel have dlaouued their reaction, to Mm Stewart uuiatton? aov. SJS1. lv ha proleauonal viwwi'on t5 labjSVMS: Btewt wm retelvea l United State. Bavlnc BoDdforher probtni OTHER MONDAY KOIN-TV fTATCRES: f Armchair Theatra "Love, Honor and Goodbye atara Virginia Bruce and Victor MacLaalan. uooooye .tan 1 n.lTI.. KtnriiM nna tl..-.i n.M 1- wv ju . -. with Wm. Hwrigan and Carole Mtohews. Drun coocerni an atunc h.IiLT.?, m,"4 ''-0-orge and Harry Morton lay plans for narmleaj deviltry after Oracle and Blanche deckle to rliit San R-an- cuco. , . :" -. Adolph Menjow -The Pury atari Wanda Hendri and John Kellogg. A atory of conflict on a small bland off the Italian cruelty Wh repeU men brcmuM "f her father. ,,. -1 VV lcy-Btar Lucille Ball and Deal Arna. Lucy and Etheltell their biuband'. old clothe, which acta off a chain of aany 11 a m fitiMvllM o i ti..j . mii ... glnla Orey and David Bruce. . a ' ' MONDAY ON KPTV! WbI1'" ,c,Kki' Barbara AngeS prepare, rout duck (apple dressing) and ratted coffee cake. Thai la the Life, 11:30 etory of pollUcal Intrigue. M.tlnee Theatre, 1:0 "The Ape" .tar. Bora Karloff and Marl. Wrixon. Kale Smith Shew, I:N Chlqulta and Johnson, dance team; Irv ing Field, tno; and comic Al Bernle are featured Arlhit llnmii l -ta n.aa 1 ti . . . . In Kay Murray, absence. Arlene Dahl Is guest. Voice of Firestone, : SO Tenor Robert RounsevlUe, guest. Robert Montgomery Presents, :J "Harvest" atara Dorothy Glsh with aughn Taylor and Ed Begley. A atory of the soil against a Mid. west background. . Kit IWI THmm 11.lt HO.. 1 I M.. 'A. - RocheUe Hudson and Geo. Barbie. o MONDAY ON RADIO: - ' vu i,bm mav, naaio ward O. Robinson and Terry Moore TUESDAY ON KOIN-TV: pjo, nnwoair inemirw -ina sun of uonojuest' (tar. Rkharrl Dlx, Oail Patrick and Joan Fontaine. " v" riwuaa ouw ruicr. i m via rasnionexi,- -ome- ana "America tne BeauuiuLT Peter Birch and the dancer, do a "Turkey in tire Straw number. : P m. Orient Express "The Curse of Agostlno" etory con cerns an impoverished castle owner who has been living on credit rU ,pVmmmwwvwwy nu.HJ .inn yiMaaaj Twice the picture power TV pictures "jolt Ilka the inoviei" longer tuba life. fj "SP0TllTE"0IAl fnlorgss llghfsd chonnsl rvmbsr---slirfvwotsi sroop- ing, tqvittnnq,. bsnding Is changing sta fioni with Zsftjrh'i rvrrst Tha new 1954 Zenith TV is s triumph of radionic in genuity. Always years ahead of tha industry in new developments. Zenith for '54 brings you Five Fabulous Features thst make Zenith "first agsin" in quality, performance and dollar value. Ofher ModeU $209.95 Good Housekeeping, Inc. 467 Court St. Phong 3-9611 Marion Electric 2713 Portland Road Phona 3-6672 VIEWS , -a , i invur anov on xavin at 0. Biu- will be stars. oooga mciuae -nana row Fineit, matt powerful TV cheiili over built brlngi wea 'ecwtraH-Parfafr al ...... Mu jawaath. la ramata "frlnaa" reaa. 2 All IANDSHEU SPEAKER Swings up out of tho cabWiot to play bring, "big- si Mft la table TV. r&m COBRA M4TIC OB iKord ChangK lcatesfeL whoa rec- ordlspkry "lal hgatesoct Vaa recorded speed for rym-phony-true pitch end tempo, Tha Wathlngten-Modol U23IR Today's outitondlng value In rMgnrAcent 21-indi TV. Powerful "Super K" chattit, eaiy-te-reod "SpoHite" diol, wittant ene knob "sulf. lye" turret tun ing, and nany other fabulous features h a superbly graceful Contemporary cabinet of select mahogany veneers end ootidi teeitlodayl 369 95 Hogg Bros. 260 Stat Sr. Phono 3-914t Wills Music 432 Statt St. Phona 3-4959 m -aaVaVrJ JH v mi THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orecra for thirty years. He receive, an offer to sell, but the caatl baa to oa actually untecl." JO P-aa, Seal SAHtauoRfd aa Deader, come, across the plains In a covered wagon. Tlio entire ahow a devoted to Deedeyes eacaiiadas. pja, Captor Chester Morris, boat on detective drama. U la, Sinpaaae -Laugh It Off" atare Dick rjaymea, a atorr of a young actress- fancy for aupplylrag Imaginary eye-witness aoeounta of ermae and bow tney lead to fatal adventurea for a stranger. . Una, Haatrw Tth Trap" atara Ann Rutherford, etory of a aiii terrorised by news that a nan aha belped to convict haa !:! fwa Make Baaas far Daddy Danny Thotnaa finds him self with a career girl oa bia bands in the person of his wife Mean Hagen). 11 Ma, Saawtlme aa 81a "Beauty Parlor atari Barbara Kent. Joyce Casnptoo, and Mlcha Auer. . , , ,o , a a nrrv: Mallaea Theatre, 1 "Phantom Killer atara Dick PurcelL Joan Woodbury and John Hamilton. . .. Uberaew, 7 SeVrttiaaa Include: "Ott Happr "Laura." The Neameaa of You." "Peanut Vendor "Rondo Gavotte." and "Lisa" rireaida Theatre, a "The Boy Dowq the Road" star. Lee Aaier, Ron Hagerty and Walter Sande. Story of how friendship helped dissolve hate and bitterness between two people. - Ctrele Theatre, :JS "Tha Marshal of Misery Ouleh" atara Mary Realy and Jeter Ltnd Hayes In a atory of a new timid law enforce ment officer in a rough frontier town. . I Ud Three Uvea, 10:50 Blars Richard Carlson as Herb Phil brick, undercover man for the FBI in the Communist Party. Nile Owl Theatre, 11 :1s "Million Dollar Baby" aUra Jimmy Pave, Arlma Judge and Ray Walker. ' e . e ' e Toesday, December t: Salem Basketball Tuesday night: Willam ette play. Oonaaga: Salem High School plays Hillsboro KOCO carries both fames at and 1:46 respectively. , , ' . e-,. Festive Christmas Deeeratlana: Suggestions for . making ton. aginative home holiday decorations at little or no cost wll be offered by specialist Ellen Sheridan when she visit. "Second Mrs. Burton" aa midweek family counselor Wednesday, Dee. a. sources of unusual paper tree trims and ideas tor rejuvenating shabby ornaments from past year, will be part ol her money -saving atxuy. o f o TUESDAY NIGHT OK RADIO: ?-IUron Bee, 630; Biz Shooter at 7:30: Dragnet. ; Stroke of Pate, t:S0. KOIN Johnnj Dollar, g; tut Preclnre at e:M: People Are Funny at 7; Mr. and Mrs. North at 7:30; Beulsh at . . HEX Town meeting at pjn. . o " WEDNESDAY MORNING ON KPTV I What'. Cooking? 10:50 Barbara prepare, orange waffles with fruit sauce. ft v V V . . i M ! I M HI t .-1 . , r s - . - . ' M I I ADD $10.00 FOR CHANKEL 27 ' It-gSrn k .J' & :L:lM COSTS 1 HO filOREl k 'Ir 1 1 y Bigger Html g & g MILLER'S Selling Quality Merchandise for 31 Years TV DEPT. OPEN EVERY NITE TIL 9 EXCEPT SATURDAY " COURT STREET ENTRANCE Escaped Con on 'Most Wanted' . Washington O An escaped gum-chewing convict who knifed his second wife to death in Chicago last March was put on FBI's "10 Most Wanted" list Monday. He la Peter Edward Keniik, 48. also known as Peter Ed ward Miller, who has a crim inal record dating back 30 years. Kenzik went on the "Most Wanted" list aa a replacement for Thomas Msssingale, Kansas Jailbreaker and kidnaper caught at Las Vegas, N. M., on Nov. 26. All Classes Appear In Challenge Show AU classes will have a part in the five hour-show next Sat urday night when Willamette University atudenta will atart their campaign in connection with the challenge fund drive. The atudvnta have fixed a goal of 1)0,000 to be completed by May of next year. The mon ey will be turned ever to the committee which ia raising a million dollars with which to construct new buildings on the campus. Saturday night's program will include an exhibition of HEIDER'S 395 NORTH HIGH 428 COURT STREET 30 YEARS IN SALEM OPEN TIL 9 P.M. Hi-Fi and Records (Sea Hi-Fi Fame.) boxing and wrestling by -the freshmen and tha senior class will present a musical produc tion. The junior will stage a danco in Baxter hall and the sophomores will stage a carni val in the gymnasium. War Correspondent Drafted Into Army Tokyo () Bernard D. Kap lan, J5. New York City, who covered the Korean War from start to finish as a correspond ent. Is being drafted into the army. - Kaplan came to the Far Eait for International News Serv ice but since 1SS1 has repre sented the London Daily Mail and the Canadian Broadcasting System. His wife, Antonla Schilling: is en route home by .hip. Kap lan leaves by plane tomorrow to report for induction in New York City.. ' An average adult not .en gaged in manual work in a temperate climate need, about 2,500 calories of food a dsy. New Many Woror FALSE TEETH With Mora Comfort' PASTSJETH, a piaaaant alkaline (non-acid t powder, bolda falM to to. snora nrmlr. To oat and talk In mora eomlort, J oat prink la a UtUo FAS TEST!! on your plaioa. No gummy, aooor. paaty taste or foallnc. Gborka "Plata odor" (danturo areata). Oat PasTrxrH at say eras oounur. TV CENTER 1120 CENTER ST. Salem's Finest Selection of Television OPEN 10 a.m.-9 p.m. , Every Day Except Saturday . And Sunday Pc 21 QUAKE FELT IN CHILI AntofsgssU, Chile W Strong earth shacks were felt here late last night 'No serious damage was reported. GENERAL ELECTRIC? TV SALES - SERVICE WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL YOU WE OFFER TERMS - TO SUIT YOU WE GIVE STAMPS ALWAYS SEHVICK STATION INC. 13 N. Coml . Ph. J-41U Open Fridays HU P.M.