Monday December 7, 1953 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL,' Salem, Pact 20 Oregoa RADIO PROGRAMS SANTA and O FLYING PUP TUESDAY f. M. It lUCUCf HUOGINS SEAlf STEVE BOTES I tm L PESTERS ISNT 5UCH A VAUDEVILLE ONCE--H6 "fSr. S r ..TER8JF 1 KOOK TOOBS-KXA BOUQH CO-1 WORKED rrf! ALWAYS SAID! "STEER- tJJL JGONE J Ca7t WP ) T TV tmSefJ LAR6E ANIMALS V- h-VTa . 'atTrt?HVlJ s- a 'M. "I believe It U a dinosaur. Synopsis: Henrietta's falier fire VYtUle, th pup. a war be came ther Is not enoufb food In the houw to feed him. When her father telle Henrietta why he had te (in Willie amy. aha rnne awar, hot re turns later and says ahe's Bony. The father decldea to get Willi back, hot Willi cant b found anywhere. CHAPTER 4 STABTI.NO an adentukb The war Willi figured It, If he was Just golnc to be handed around from on person to an other he would as soon start out on his own. That way he would at least have som say In his own affairs and certainly wouldn't be shut up In a furnace room for maybe the rest of his life. He might even have a great adventure. He sneered four times In a row. Phewl Furnace rooms!'' he thought with disgust. Ever since he had escaped from that awful apartment house he had been sneezing coal dust out of his nose. "Of course, it Is too bad about Henrietta," he thought as he re sumed his run-away Journey. "I'm afraid she will mtss me very much when she finds out what her father did with me. As far as that goes I shall miss her, too. He began to be distracted by the wonderful smells that sur- OK Rails Cut on Washington WV The Inter state; commerce Commission Friday authorized railroads op erating in the Pacific North west to cut their freight rates on petroleum products to meet pipeline, 'trucking arid barge vuiiipcuuun. The reduction! were pro posed by the carrier! last Jan uary for hauls between points in Oregon, Washington, Wyo ming, Idaho and Montana. However, the pla was held up by the ICC because of protests from competing forms of trans portation. Friday's decision to allow the cuts said that the railroads could not adequately compete for the petroleum traffic at their present rate levels. The proposed new basic scale of charges will begin at 7 cents per 100 pounds for 10 miles or less, and progress upward for distances up to 1,200 miles. FEEL RELAXED! Ease that tension Chew Wrigley s Spearmint Cum Pleasant chewing reduces strain. Help you feel relaxed". Tyijo, it anytime, anywhere. BOOM BOARD 7 ITS BEEN OVER. !J A. vEEK SINCE VOU WROTE ttXJft. FRIEND TO SEND LIS A BARREL OF f r r. 1 OYSTERS'-HAVE VOU HEARD FGGrA 1M HIM VET? 1-4 f Our rerjr lives are in danger." rounded him. "On the other hand," he told himself, "I feel that a Great Adventure awaits me. He paused to explore the in side of an old tomato soud can. When he had licked It clean he amused himself by pushing it ahead of turn down the street. It made a lovely noise. Some boys saw the tun and Joined. In. Willie chased the can and the boys chased Willie. Pretty soon Willie found him self chased right out of town. He lost tne can ana ne lost uie dots. He didn't know where he was. He wasn't scared exactly. But be was tired and he was hungry. He found something: he thought was a good T bone but when he bit Into It he found It was only niece oi tree nmo. Tnen he thought he had gotten hold of a hunk of clew but it was only a pile of most and no good to eat at aU. Ob. weU." thought Willie. "I shall find something to eat to morrow." He curled himself un on some dead leaves and went peacefully to sleep. EarlT next momlne. while Wil lie slept, there came Into' that part oi tne woods two tlnv crea tures named Mr. Not Much and Mr, very Little. They were named like that because of their sense. Mr. Not Much did not have much sense and Mr. very Little na even less. They were traveling along at great speed on a very Important errand when suddenly. Mr. Not Much, who was in front, halted and called back to Mr. Very Lit tle. I "Alas! There Is a mountain In front of us and I am top tired to climb tt." Mr. Very Little came up and stared at the mountain. "We must be very careful," he said Impor tantly, i can near it rumoung ln- siae. it may erupt any moment." Just as he sooke the mountain snook, itseu and turned over. Mr. Not Much and Mr. Very uiu nuriea inemseives oaca ward and hid under a mushroom. The mountain stood un on four legs and yawned. Why Its not a mountain at all I" whispered Mr. Very Little. "It's an animal. In fact, I believe it is a dinosaur and our very lives are In danger!" The dinosaur stretched itself scratched his ear, and moved ab sently in tne direction of the two creatures who were shivering In terror under the mushroom. Just as the dinosaur was about to step on the mushroom Mr. Not Much screamed and Mr. Very utile screecnea. cwopi ciopr The dinosaur nearly fainted with surprise and fright He stared down at the two tiny things dancing around his toes. He wasn't sure whether he should run away or whether he should just stand mere and holler. "Oh, Mr. Dinosaur, cried Mr Not Much. "Have rAfrrv o,, usr ' On, Mr. Dinosaur," begged Mr. verv utile, "apare us!" "Why, I am not a dinosaur,' said Willie. "I am a punpv dog.1 I "A puppy dog." exclaimed the I two creatures. They were ashamed and embarrassed. "My name Is Willie and I am looking for a Oreat Adventure." "wny, then," said Mr. Not Much eagerly, "you must come with us!" "Yes. Indeed." said Mr. Very Litue, tor we are on a verv inv portant errand and I am sure it will lead to a Oreat Adventure. (Next: Trip to Santa Land) a to chew... d good for you wiaeiltfB..nVdow By Ahem GOSH WnOW WHAT? -AFTFR r, .... .. r vrKUIt 7 fvL.t KtfWCIWBtKtU HE SAID HEP WORK TH OYSTER BEDS UNTIL TH' END OF NOVEMBER,' THEN SIGN ON AN OIL TANKER. AMKIN6 TH'GULF PORTS' -WHILE OUT IU GET SOME OYSTERS WOULD THERE BE SIX APIECE IN A PINT? POGO ' ' " ' ' ' ' - f YWlwW wi4atfc,., -hau$!tWn tttf In I pwhto fed urito,wtw,lxM I fr.enlPtMtiC rrftf fjtlfr&t oHl life: Iio-' fJ3S fc ORPHAN ANNIE ' I pf t ""f"Y j.frA I X. r u.wA.'n.AI I cm a oemooiNO I REQD TO SPEND I I PK3GERE0H6 I ftND EPfT IT. TOO-L, I I I W PHY 0T- GWMTA R "OflMe BUSTEir I R WMOTWBrOTONY ft MHXtON TO I I ' aT5 fl 9PO 1 1 i "j. izjktt n i rt; a cysiio vsyf u-. w 11 I 1 I mm If sT . la r :.1 I 17 mW L y I r Was CV Z . (T I f ill w i f di, un UcJ I 1 III IKP A U LIL ABNEB . I K0 CXXJBT BOOT lilt WO.Pt . I OESTCAME W'OUR CHILE M V MAMHrr-KIN Vt?EP5 I wfAf.-SlNCE HONEST ABE IT- HONEST ABE i HOW JS NXTCHalAL.AH ) rSKINGOTH &OARY MOMt LADPER? J r4r I BEOKE KIN6 O'THC GOTATAULNT.r If TH'Lll fl Goe4S.'.'-KY.f- SKONKS NO ' 5T 4KOMKS, HE GOT A MIGHTI -HE KIN WHISTLE If tARLIN' U HAIN'T THEM LI'l TWO WAVS ft l i ' ?IJ I SUPERIOR LOOK OH H IS UP ARMIES O' e7a LAtV4CO I CRITTgRS LOVAL 1 'BOUT IT?- ) U A .-a I LI'L FACE.'.' IT SKONKS.WHEM HOW TO 1 TO HONEST ABE? 1 I IRRtTATXS IElNTROUBJ HOPALONG CASSIOX m-oa .r.a ; . LcT w6 (JOT UIS DESCRIPTION. I ALL K0UT. SON.. 1 11 Hiiia.Mna.rwwlw..i i -fa,.j v&Afea I S0WEB0PY WILL HAVS TO J START WARNIN7 J I tiyeFP who pip it? jum tiviMaQa iwn sundown . 7 l 4r-' MUTT tt JEFF - f.f .iMunNFy B NO 1 P OH.THANKNOU, JS AMP IF fT DOEsi I, O 1 ffi :, OH THISDPESS OADOPABLE'V' 'T( OBIEOTWHEH MUTT IT WILL. T' ( THAT, DEAR, ITS fJ$M ST IAT tTlAT 60V MVL0tE'3 MAKE A NEW ) WELL. WORTH TYSLV. . b,2eT M T HAPPINESS . WOMAN OtTOF )V THE M0NEV JifSAlL-SfSff. i - -n i i usi ik nca t . r . r 1 trn?AVi ica mvnuAn n.i i DONALD DUCK I I the rascals.' painTeothb thiS'll fool4eaa? I'll claim)! I . . (se6, whvaje Ou) r step first to shame aac.Ii was up at j -rv . sittins in the J (wonder ip the eoys oar ) . oveg-. .- .sr pawn anc s CAINT suckex T . E- TAUTEP ON THE JO&S r' ( SLEEPING.' J flXlJ I OLfT VVALKINsinii S . fVv XUNCA OONALO? LINED UP P0J - ''j nrr f, wiva p; ivhar"- " i f -l a ii i-" viv-u u H ii r-f3-- n ii in--!T3, MARX WORTH TiV I lTACt, WITH Hit UTTLt 1 V I M SUM Ht WILL t PROPERLY RT1 mmm' 1f0- 4J HOME ON WMttU Of "iTBOytD, I Iff I 6eATtFLn.!...5HAlLWtet0OlNl, IVl 1 jTtTWWPWHtx'y l'VtKENMiJM! LMWQUAKTEMwaUy rfP'WJ KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO" ' w KQ WCH 11W ABC ISSt StBC 11M El. Hlc 12 '00 N,wi Stwt raalSlamF To TraSw Nrwa S'twi !:l) lamUl Cw M 1 KaiUW SHSw UiU.t 2:30 rnw T'as Hua rM- Bm SIsfm Oav SplSaf Miale i t:' suanw M rart MS Be Mif HalSHe ki a7BMa sts wi iuiit a a wni atiu saaNwa ataita """ 11 suite Dallu A Oarnr Kar ""I Bkla Stw SalSOT Htuar Y via awa As aornr i sm uar D saisw Ma,u ta la sua. A OaSTrw Eaf W aaaeh SaiAtr HiMt ' V:W puis sull GSfry Jack't nM Ntwi 'su hml OWm O. Ian M"l SalS Mu : :' Ll GaSlrar Dick rawall N.w. SpMM M.iU . a: Dai'i Wlfa afawr rtr L Maakt SaWtr Milrti . J:? RiIm ! OSSLrarlkaOltb Baikal BXI Mm WW KT 1- Tranttra Eatk Aakua rar laa OUb Telia M pl4tw TaM rZ 1:30 M. WlkM RalakSUn rar taa Jack KlrktSlr riaaa 3:45 B. OBTrawaT TaaclaUr Olria Jack BUrkwajsplacr Hart'i It fv !M IlUa Btaall Klrkaas SaaU Claat rallaa Into S7w Malta Af bwm Maila SaaaU Saalrral Bialaiwar Pl aa :3f Man Baa Klikkaaa Caaa ' Cart Maaan Ml, w..., , W ArtBakca Kltakaai Biaar Tlaaa Saai Baiaa Sua on r,ai J;0( BIU Slaca so Ham Cla'a'aBaar iL rr,.t. n 2:15 Newt Nawi Catato act, rraataa Rk J : V LM.C.n WarlS TaSar I'acto Bafc Skr Elaa MuT, j:4 E. PtUrfa hraak Otaa Bok OarraS 8k Elas Sal.a tMk !:M Belaa. Mail Jahaar Waatfcaraiaa tOaa Mtallcr ' lr.-ji.n..." :IS Bel... klaila DaUar Baaa 14. Tllaa HaaSr r!!S!zi! :0 Baraa aa Mr. aa Bin Chit Haalta Vlnll riakki i.r ka Baa Wink BUI Birr. laai B.rn s Sin !:H MeOaa a Ma raaala Ata Slarr That Baaui :U Alia Diilaa raaar at Saaaa Oaa ,,V.Ti,. :f Sla Skaalar till rraelail Maila RnUra iillf :.' Sla Skaalct im rntlacl DriiatliaS MaUa JJJ 1:00 Maaf raaUl L. raraaaa Sraiahaaitta Shaw Taan :1 Wa'IS m OlikMn BrapkaaiUa ThiaM Tlw r.i.. :tr Dlaah Bhin l. Tkaraaa Vaaamaak Hhlillla' !:.' F. Slaalra raaa. Skill, Maila Tania ' Oaaiais : Orarnil BcaUk Tawa Gla Haiti IT, " :. Draiaai BaUaea Skai MaHlas - Ma. Ncwuai r.i. f.t ka at Gaa. riihar Taw. MM. t.M Bw. W-gI 0:4- rata Oriheura Maallt Nun Barry WUiai Ntoki slw 10:01 Biaarlar I Bill Final Ftaal IE F. UwU IT,. 10:15 'aaru rtaal nam Baak Daa Tlaai riatl'r fraSi, mhi.w l:lf O. L Jaa Ma Nan- Daaaa Tlaja Nrl 8HS 10:4' Q I Jaa Oicteilra llanea Tiara riillT fraSi Hlll.Wr, I :fl N Raaard Shaw Daaea Tlaja Hlrh . --, I ;15 L. MiCall Rc.r4 Ska Daaaa Tla Adrintara . Mthi Mcn I :ll rilr Caaacn RaearS Daaea Tlmi MilaSlia Siaa I :4' Cllr Caaacll Skaw Daaea Tlml Mil4ln slut Siaf ll:f Sla Off ilia Off Daaea Tina WHee Man I Isiia Of. " Do TV Prices Hove You Worried? WEDNESDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 6:0 Dstoj W Ml IRFD OresD Ortssa Fra NW Nvva Brkfut Mtldlt 6:1.1 D.t Weil KOIN Klck Hor TlmekoMMt Nk MlxliM 6:30 Dt West KOIN Klck Orcca fara Nows Brr.kfut Fmra Nm :4S Fuji Tin KOIN Klfk Clllf . ffl Noxk N. Km 7 :flr Jbnny Wills KOIN Klock New HtnlatTw.r Br-ahfut KOCO Kltcl Cnairr E4. Newt M. AtrantkT Breakfast jth KOCO bUms 7:Sr News Newt Bl Garrca Oaa Brrakfasl KOCO KkM 7:4SKbo Man. Vartttlw Bk Batea Nrwt Wk KOCO KJaejfe 8 '00 Old 8b Can. Ntwa Brvakfast "" CmU Brawa Newt News 6:1.' Old gun News Clab rsjallr AlUi Saldrr KOCO Steal g:Jf Old Banca Yur Hlsi Breakfast Uaea f Spider KOCO Slaal 8:4' Old Stags RsstBaary Clak Best Spider News 9:0f News W. Warrea t A.M. ItHL Or. fward News Ray's 9:15 kls Aaat Jenar Tadav't Star Cvtl Camtn Spider - Reearai 0:Sf Secret Starr Helta Treat Daabla ae Paitar's Call Spider Br'i 6:4 Secret Story Gal Baftday Natalar Ba Ceanter Spider Betttdt 10:. Iloitesa He. Koad Lift C. Hanllov jn.'nsrdr New ! 10:11s Hsetess Us. Ma Ferklnt Tny MarUa Tele-Test Mr. ffmythe Keetrit 10 :3r Strike It Dr. Maltaa My Trie Ballad Box Mr. Smyths Bart 10;dr Rich Paid. Hint Story Ballad Box Mr. Smythe Beetrsj H:0C Rob Bops Mrs. Barton Whliperlac Ladlsa riilr" News B" U P. Fredeiiek Perry Mason Girl Marries Ladles Fair Spider Be terse ll:Sf Phrase Pays Nora Drake News Qasea far Spider S . 11:4 tnd Chance Brighter Dai Barney Keep a day Spider Reetrdl FM Meg. i KOIK UL1.I DIAL LISTING KOAC, 550 IfnAf Taesdap. PM-lttw, Newat ,xw", lt:14. Polk Caaaty Agent i Rid 'Cm Cowbayi !:, Uelns anal Learn Ins: l:M ChUdrea'a Theater i :M, News and Weather; 1:14. Evealas Farm Bean f:U, MedlUtUai 1, Sign Off. Child Lost in Mountains Safe Pasadena, Calif. UP) Dickie Lutzoff, 8, lost for 19 freezing hours in the San Gabriel Mountains, was rescued yes terday from a Mt Wilson cliff by three members of the Alta dena Mountaineers Rescue club. They found him perchpd on an old slide overlooking a 1,000-foot precipice. Dickie said he hadn't moved from 4 p.m. Saturday when he became lost until he was found. - The lad had gone Into the mountains with three other ACROSS 1. Period ol um 4. Craft 7. Push up 12. Legislator 14. Shaving implement 19. a publics uon 16. Subiunc derived from Cey lon Moss 18. Note ot th scsl 19. Utilize 20. Obstruction 21. Knock 21 Congealed water 23. Fastener 24. Automobiles 25. Mjrself 26. Disabl 27. Grate 28. Engrossment 33. Noah's boat 14. Italcea Into - leather 35. A brother of Odin 36. Stratagem 38. Shore of river 30. Chop 40. Insect 41. Deep holes 42. Evergreen tree 43. Pronoun 44. Famous bass- ball play er's first nam 45. Unit ot electrical capacity 47. Saltpeter 49. Manage 51. Vegetable ferment 52. At present 63. Cry ol a cat DOWN L Compass point T - - : m f Z.Z.1E1' 7r Ji To 3152" "xr jt -r-jr J 17 ff " " JrjT -tt JaaaaataawaJ" ' ' 4.-i Trader Louie will solve your problem with ease so that you can owb a beautiful new . . . Raytheontp mCTIUUY AKYTHINC TAKEN IN TBADE TRADER LOUIE 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 3-8558 o 11 p.m. KEX I to I a ab KOAC Wednesday. AM. M, lxwns' News and Weatheri :!, EipeeUHy fer Womsai U:M. Mattel U;U, Nen Farm How. Tornado Damages Hangars and Planes Marietta, Ga. VPi A small tornado ripped Into a private airport near here late Friday damaging 22 hangers and sev eral airplanes. There were no casualties. Walter E. Nix operator of the field, said about 20 of his 40 sincle-eneine plane, vere destroyed or damaged. The corrugated alumnium hangars were heavily damaged. Nix es timated their value at $40,000. youngsters but. decided to re turn alone by a short cut, sher iff's officers said. Solution of Saturday's Punla 1 Photograpbie bath 3. Aromatic seed , 4. Siamese coins 6. ArtiAcial lanciiage 6. Trtr.rrorma- '.. T.oast 5. Rowing unDlement t. Comic opera country 10. Of th sua 11. Snares 13. Devoured 17. Opening tULevanUn sailing vessel 21. Most Important harvest in IndiB 21 Young demoa 23. Public vehicle 24. Makes an Incision 28. Greater amount 27. Grade 39. Direction 30. Broad shal low vessels It. Took too much food 31 Recently acquired 38. Showery 37. Unfasten 38 Lara 39. Masculin nam 41. Harbor 41 Distant 44. Word of consent 45. Not many 44. Light moisture 48. grmbol for tantalum SO. ItaUan river AiR.EHriffipiEgTCfrM CI0!STUM'EagiKCT E'5ITiATr:BPARE15i tyjl R U E taVI AIL E'NTCia TlRlgilslAlilRiElrTO HjAtYBFlL ATTmjH A;i.,g atHsT MLn aiIM KaIr Myp STElELiE. IoTr ri s ksfs T TTnTg Ejg ISA NGffOP ALflE N lElYlElsUDreTUslAlll