Pic 2 THC CAPITAL JOUBNAL. Sties, Otxce Monday December 7, 1953 In The Valley , . uiu hrifiuroBBKs Lyons Detroit D) troit Honor guest at a tort shower Tuesday evening t the home of Mrs. Starr Reed wu Mri. Al Warby. The 17 guest gathered with Mra. Warby for the occasion were: Miai Minnie Miller, Mrs. Glad ys Claxton, lire. Margaret Curamtngx, Mra. Dorothy Mor gan, Mrs. ' Evelyn Cearhart, Mrs. Lloyd Kefcliutn. Mrr. WU 11am Fryer, Mist Marlene White. Mra. Otis White, Mra. S. T. Moore, Mra. Earl Parker, Mra. Scott Young, Mrs. Bob Young, Mrs. Ray Monroe, Mrs. Nettie McMillan, and Mrs. Frank Moore. Co - hostesses were Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Fran ces KetUeson. Miss Allison Reed celebrat ed her fourth birthday with a party for several of her young friends, Thursday afternoon, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Starr Reed. Sharing yefreahmenta with Allison were:: Peggy and Patrick Moore, Eddy Loewen, Terry Dean, Michael and Patty Ket telson, Frankie and Lit Moore, and Patricia Reed. Also pres ent were: Mrs. Ed Loewen, Mra. Frances KetUeson, Mrs. Frank Moore, and Mrs. Reed. C. T. Patterson, of Redmond, was awarded the contract for the construction of two per' manent reinforced concrete bridges in the Detroit vicinity, one on Ivy Creek and one on Blowout Creek. The bridges are being built on forest serv ice roads by tbe M. It M. Ply wood Company. In accordance with terms of the timber sale contract requiring their eon structlon, they will revert to the forest service at the close of the sale. farmers may sign , up, which should be done by Dee. It. They will begin at 1:10 p ra. and be held at Perry dale, Dallas and Monmouth. The one at Monmouth will be held Friday, Dee. 11 at the city hall. Mr. and Mra. Edwin Sedivy went to CaidwelL Idaho, Sat urday to attend the funual ot his father. Mrs. Tress McClin tock. Maple Grove, substitut ed at school at Pedew for Mra. Sedivy during her absence. - Hubbard Hubbard The annual Christmas meeting of the Hubbard Woman's club was I ina were Mr. and Mra. WiUard Lyons Mra. Pat Lyons en tertalued tba Wednesday after noon card club at the Rabekah hall with a 1:10 dessert lunch eon, followed by several tables of S0O. Mrs. Vera Nydegger held the high acora. Mrs. Bert Lyons second, and Mrs. Andrew 8 leg low. Tbe next party will be held at the hall, Dec. 19, with the Christmas party and gift exchange. Mrs. Earl Allan, Mrs. Bert Lyons and Mrs. Inex Ring will be hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Arnsen, Ronald and Johnnie from Sum mit, Ore., were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Arthur Olmatead and sons. Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Toland, Marvin Toland and children, Sharon and Melvin, were re cent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fetherston in Prineville. Mrs. Fetherston Is a daughter of the Toland. A family reunion was held recently at the home of Mr. and Mra. D. A. Franklin. Attend Monmouth Monmouth Mrs. Clarence Grund accompanied Mrs. Stan ley Krueger of Independence, Polk county commander of the Oregon division of the American Cancer Society, to Portland to attend the annual - conference of the organiza tion. Mrs. Grund la captain of the work here. Dr. Al H. Glogau, dean of men ot OCE, was speaker at the Moumouth Luncheon club last week and told of his work of advising students entering college. The Red Cross Bloodmobile will be at Independence on Wednesday Dec.t, from I to T p.m. and stationed at the Pythian hall. ' Attending the county WCTV meeting ta Dallas Wednesday were Mra. Claude H. Boyd, Mra. Blanche Rosenstock and Lois, Mrs. Walter Baker, Mrs. C. J. SchJoU. Mrs. Alice Tay lor, Mra. Minnie Gillam, Mra. I. H. Cady, Mrs. Joyce Emer son and Mrs. J. E. Hargreaves. Mrs. Ethel Hargls. state vice president waa the speaker and Rev. Rosella Douglas showed picture of her recent trip to Palestine. William Green ot Ventura, Calif., is critically ill at the home of hla daughter, Mrs. Blanche Mogul. Helping care for him are two other daugh ters, Mrs. W. W. Bennett, Monmouth, and Mrs. Mildred Keyt ot Salem. Central High school Panth ers won thr gam over the Dayton Pirates, 38-34, at the Central court. Dr. Jack Bridges, who has had an office open some hours the past month In the Mon mouth Hotel building, started full time office hours Dec.l. The Elementary PTA will meet Monday, Dec. 7, at 6 p.m. and Jamea Curtin, principal of the Independence elemen tary school, will spesk. N. John Hansen, county ex tentlon agent, has reported that three meetings will be held In Polk county to explain the IBM agricultural conser vation program at which held at tbe heme of Mra. Floyd Dominick Wednesday. The program for the after noon featured Mrs. Sadie Rich singing accompanied by Mrs. George Grim pa st the piano. Christmas carols were led by Mrs. Rich. A game was con ducted by Mrs. Crimps and the gift exchange preceded re freshments served by co-hostesses Mrs. Walter Shrock and Mr. A. L Murphy. Mrs. E. T. Rose was ap pointed on the Christmas treat committee for the community and Mrs. A. F. deLespinasse reported for the library com mittee that the fund for same is now In the city's general fund. A2c James Spence and Stsff Sergeant Clifford Driv er of the VS. airforce drove back to. .Fairebild airbase. near Spokane, . Wash.. Sunday after spending the week-end at the homes of their respec tive parents, the J. W. Spences and the Loyd Driv ers. Spence is a dental tech nician and Driver 1 a clerk-' typist. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hole of Asotin, Wash., were holi day -guests of her parents, Mr. and Mra. L. M. SchoU. A Swedish Smorgasbord will be served Wednesdsy evening, Dec. . from 3 to 8 p.m. at North Marion union high school by the chorus. Proceeds of the dinner will be used to purchase choral robes for the chorus. The din ner will be served by the members of the chorus and their mothers will prepare the food. The . North Marion chapter of Future Homemakers of America will hold their an nual Daddy-Data night with a Christmas theme, Thursday evening, Dec. 10, at 7 p.m. at the sohool. General chairman for the event is Beverly Copeland, chairmen ef the other com mittees are Joan Zehner, pro grams . and Invitations; Dar- lene Burnham, food; Diane Feller, decorations; Shirley Moore, program and Janet Solberg, clean-up. Franklin, Sandy and Linda, and Robert Franklin from Oak Ridge, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Mel vin Peck, Alvin and Elaine, of Menama; asr. ana Mrs. sen Franklin, Carol, Nancy and Vickie; Mr. and Mra. Harry Franklin, Jerry and Judy; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Garrison, Carol, Gary and Terry, all from Ly ons, children of the Franklins. Also present were Mr.' and Mra. Mack Franklin, cousin of Mr. Franklin, who are new resi dents here. for adult Girl Scouts, held In Albany laat week. Teachers end officers of the Methodist Sunday achool held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mra. Alice Hu ber Thursday evening with Mra. - John Prideeux, general superintendent. In charge. Plena were made for the Christ mas program, with Eldon Thompson, chairman, who will appoint otnere to assist him. The program will be held Sun day evening. Dec SO, with all children of the church achool taking part Henry Holztuaa la suffering with a badly brulxed leg. re ceived while at work for the Parkett Legging cwuiuau Thursday morning when he was struck by a log. Stayton Stay too Tbe Stayton Toast mistress, club held Its a e m 1 monthly meeting Tuesday eve ning in the high achool, with Mra. B. Hoop, president, . in charge. - Invocation was given by Mrs. Harold Reynolds. Mra. Helen Novak waa topic mistress. Toastmistresa Mrs. Fred Hot- tinger introduced the speakers for "Armchair Adventures in Foreign Lands." , . Mrs. Pat Gorman spoke on Alaska, Mrs. E. A. Ditter, Mex ico; and Mra. Walter Frey, Canada. Mrs. A. L Prugh extended an invitation to the members to attend the World Forum classes Dayton . Dayton Rep. Carl Francis submitted to surgery at the Emanuel hospital in Portland on Monday, Nov. 30. Ha is get Una along nicely. -. - Mr. and Mrs. Lea Ritrhey and family were dinner guests of Mr; and Mrs.' Don Croy and family in McMinnville on Sunday. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dundee were ber brother, Lloyd Lubbea and son, Wayne, of Malin; her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wilson of Hermiston; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Johnson, Newberg; and Mr. and Mrs. Suiuuu Ness and two children of Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Eddie Clow. Mrs. Bill Belts, Mrs. Earle Coburn and Mrs. Earl Kidd attended a meeting of the Cameo club. held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Custer at Carlton Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dun das I were among recent guests of his I sisters. Miss Jessie Dundas and Mrs. Jennie Thompson in New-1 berg. Other guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth i Pomeroy and Leslie Lynn ofi Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Wood of McMinnville; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dundee and Boy, Jr., of Dundee. Mr. and Mrs. Mauley Borgan and family spent the week-end with her sister, Mr. and Mra. George Lawson, and ber broth er, Mr. ana Mrs. lrwin neu and family at Eureka, cam. Mr: and Mrs. Dave Ellis and Ron had as guests the past week-end, their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scoggan of Corvallis, ber sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Versteeg and son, Gail, of Vancouver, Wash. STAYTON GLEE CUT Stayton The Stayton Un ion high achool Glee club and band directed by Dwane Bur gess will present it . annual Christmas Concert Wednes dsy evening, Dec. 9 at 8 pjn. in 'the high school gymnasium.! Scotts Mills. Scott Mills Mr. and Mra. Gene Damewood and sons have moved to the former Sam Jones ranch. Mra. Roy Watts la visiting at the home of her son at Wheel er. Ore. - - - Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pown ell and sons have moved to Marquam. Clyde Bruce la a patient at Sllverton hospital. Mr. and Mra. Amos Porter- field have aold their ranch and are moving to southern Oregon. Raymond Mole if working XD . .. . 11.1, . i " mjvm niiwa ' received broken leg recently in a log. ging accident. WCTC MEETING ' Silvertnn Mra vtk-t .- rington la to be home hostess iur me memoera ox the Silver ton Woman's Christian t in- perance Union at (102 N. 2nd lur meeuag at 1 pm. Friday, Dec 11. , ' COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP lafeSA. M amvnrrv Concert Assoc iatwa PRESENTS THE PAGANINI QUARTET WEDNESDAY. DECEMIER 9th, :1 J f.M. saion nm AMrroham I4r and D Srs. ran i fa ay "J uwuillVIWIip OBIT. Tickets: tar next year may be obtained next March. Mrs. Kenneth Bass fell while 'conducted by Dave Hoss be- skating Tuesday evening in Stayton, breaking ber leg. She is confined to her home with her leg in a cast. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Allen and her mother, Mra. Lizzie Bassett, visited Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Mael Turner, an aunt of Mrs. Alien, who is confined to a nursing home in Monmouth due to an extended illness. Mrs. T. S. Roberts is suffer ing from a badly injured fore finger, received when she caught her hand in the wringer. Mrs. Roberts will be absent from her work at the Stayton cannery for some time. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White were recent guests at the home of his sister and family, the u cruaona. iney were en route to their home in St Re gis, Mont., following a vacation trip to Arizona, Utah and Cal ifornia. Mrs. Gladys Hurst, cook at the Mari-Linn school, was ab sent from her work with a bad ly bruised arm she received when a can of prunes fell from the shelf, striking her arm. Mrs. Melvin Peck assisted at the school during her absence. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reisterer from Scappoose were Tuesday overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lelind Man ning. Mrs. Reisterer is a cous in of Mrs. Manning. They came here from California, where he is stationed with the navy. They also will visit at his home in Scappoose. Mrs. Orville Britton, Mrs. Donald McWhirk, Mrs. John Prideaux and Miss Reane Fletcher, from Lyons were among those attending the Santiam area council meeting ginning Monday, Dec. 7 and continuing tor 10 Mondays, i Mrs. R. L. Stewart, Mrs. Har old Reynolds and Mrs. ' Angus ware were elected on the nomi nating committee. Mrs. Pat Binder waa lexicolo gist and Mrs. R. L. Stewart timekeeper. Guests attending were Mrs. Clsude Philippe, Mrs. Stanley Belden and Mrs. Robert Mc Callura. Mrs. B. Hoag and Mrs. Tom Snodgrass were hostesses.- Webfoot .Webfoot Eight members of the Webfoot social club attend-1 ed the meeting held at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sharer Thursday afternoon. A Christmas meeting was planned to be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson Saturday, Dec. 10, when a Christmas dinner will be served at noon and exchange of gifts will be a feature. Attending were Mrs. Ralph Curfman, Mrs. John Hack worth, Mrs. Rosco Roberts, Mrs. Albert Msy, Mrs. T. Ly man, Mrs. Dell Morgariedge, Mrs. A. M. Vernon, Mrs. Archie Shafer, the hostess. PI New Showing 6aa 1:11 "South See Women" -Bart Lancaster, Virginia Maya C-Feature -"Utah Wagon Train" with Rex Allan 1 1SS N reran n I mews a-aer See Till : Tany Carta In "The All-American" Ate Barbara Stanwyck . Fred MacMarry "The Moonlighter" Liberty - Phone 3-3191 a a awwi aannnil M aae-aae-a T J- J M a 3 !-. t k't .V. f 1 J NOW PLAYING Kaliert Mltchm Linda tUmrll "Second Chance" e "The Bride Comet to Yellow Sky" Jaaa Crawler "TORCH SONG" la Taehadeaaar a laha tralani BUY THE NEWEST TYPE HEATER NOW-AT WARDS Small -Yet Heats Entire Room FULLY AUTOMATIC-KEEPS SET TEMPERATURES b Houseware 49.95 Ast eeoat rrsM This new Knopp-Monorch Becrrk Heater will heat meet 9x12x15' rooms. Set furnace-type mermottol (or heat wonted, forget ft adjusts Hierf as room temperature varies. Seated fWrype elements give more hoot man any other kind and dont burn oxygen In air. Meal for child's room oil wires aibeitee-coveredj heater cos Ina won't bum hands even after long use. AC U. L oppr, SHOP WARDS TONIGHT Til .DuMont Television Come m...for COMPLETE'COMPABISON . - - . ' ...ateyeryprice! ev. II I w l ,t'I.t a V'l m HARTFORD an I I See the Quality! Hear the Quality! Prove the Quality! Buy the Quality!, ll-iach DvMmI Selfocmt t-b. Swedish Medflra fJesifa ia lmeai i j ou or misfocaer nnisri. uMKmau MUt-U UU 1 U Ha I SUTTON lT-nc DmMmI WlVn.t tnsM. CMtaaapwrary ub) nodal, niboiaaT m wsJinl taw. Bajill-ia mimm. J rhasintl !!( DytiMal. 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Now Du Mont engineering is first with all these feature! 1 aa , - Moat Caataaa HANOVER U MM Da SWiua cmjoU dik kill Mnk tit bbaJ hbt. llnt DaUnt Mtamt S2aurf naiM liMML taih-ia m taaai. Orar for ntH ,Ur. I V LTl ew m Imagine .-nlVInii uuitiuni 0 r peftj NIW FAll IUYINO QUID! owning QUALITY TELEVISION, Vlrwtwtth h Fin at in IMovtainn ... $nut, prmt emAfdmnt NEW1 SEE THEM AT YOUR AUTHORIZED DUMONT DEALER I I ananas PnfnFffM) M. e9 Sli.it us' ft, Iraa lifyiftl Gaida. ikowl"! I NAM! i OTY Am a DaMaal UbaiatatWa, tmt. OaMwrt TilMft' hi arSmnfc wftoi for wr JTATL. VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER TWO VALLEY STORES SALEM 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. WOODBURN 171 Grant St. I Ph. 21913 HI "Combat Sauad"