KMX Monday. Jetember ? mj 1 ' THE CAfrfAX JOURNAL. Satan, Oregon Pfe 1 11 I r W They lubricate with the thoroughness of a lightweight motor oil ...protect with the toughness of a heavyweight motor oil! Every goJon of gas fakes your car farther. Because revoluonary new Royal Triton 6-20 and 10-30 motor oil flow io freely they radically reduce engine friction, materially increase engine efficiency. 'Tltflinr-' ' """""" '"I" Tilfc'-i. ' KM Si 4" V2 7v Your ear keeps that new car fee thousand's ' of mes longer. Because new Royal Triton 5-20 and 10-30 motor oil clean your engine as they protect ...prevent power-robbing deposit from building up. Your engine responds quefcer lo fh't sfarfar. Because free-flowing Royal Triton 6-20 and 10-30 readi a cold engine's bare metal far faster . . . lubricate more completely. This save your battery, tool Your engne's npait costs or cut fo fho bone. Because amazing Royal Triton 6-20 and 10-80 motor oil hold wear of vital moving engine parte to nexU ' to-none. This materially lengthens engine life. - 2 K ' v 3' It's off been proved I Prove it in your corf Every promise here has been proved in thousands of miles of test fleet driving. Change to America's finest motor oil and prove these promises in your car. J WHICH GRADE of America's finest motor oil FOR YOUR CAR? Use Royal Triton 5-20 grade with any new car that normally uses a 20 weight motor oil. Use Royal Triton 10-30 grade with any car, new or old, that normally uses aliO weight motor oil or lighter. Both give you all-weather, all-climate protection year 'round. See your Union Oil Minute Man this weekl UNION OIL m COMPANY OP CALIFORNIA The West's Oldest and Largest Independent Oil Company Cisw ! t D kt m" : Ml id be u to et et is it r