Pat IS THI CAPITAL JODBNAL, Sales. Oreroa Monday ScmW T, 1958 Viknmigs to IPBay oft Collsboro Tuesday $or 2nd Game Salem Then to Be idle Till Big 6 Opens Dec 18 Balem hlfh foe after Iti MCODd win of th HUM Tue Jy night whtn th Viklnf batketbaii equal travele to Hillsboro for nonleafu (am. The Vikinf edfed the Booeevelt Ttdditi Friday night 80-4S to aurt tbalr -on. Harold Hauk'i Vlkinfi hava mada up tbalr lack of neliht with apcad and fight with fuarda Jim Knapp and Gordjr Domogalla leading tba attack. Knapp had 10 polnta Jtlday while Domogalla had II. Hauk wUl probably aUek with the tame atartinf lineup he uied againtt the Portland team with Knapp and Domo galla at the guard. Wayne Erlckien at center, and Larry Springer and Tom Picken at the forward. Bob Wulf, 6-4 center, will aee plenty of ac tion after the Junior helped lead tba viking Friday to the thrilling win. . Idle Until December II -Hillaboro baa alwaya been a strong team In the TYV league with many ftate tour nament appearance. Both team hava been hurt by Joas of experienced heigbth but Salem atlll ha five lettermen at the itartlng podtiona. After Tuesday night' fame the Viking are idle untU De cember 18 when they open their Big Six achedule with a at Springfield. Then they have a return eleah at Salem with Hillsboro Decern' ber 22 and are again idle, thl time until January when they hit tba toughett part of the achedule. Lee Guitafioa'e Viking jun ior vanity, which will play the preliminary at Hillaboro, alaa did well a they (teamed over the Rooaevelt JV' 69-34. Both team practice thia after noon and then wait for the game. Schuster Signed As Rainier Coach New York ( Buffalo Bill Schutter will rid the range (the Sick Stadium Jun ior grade variety) again in Se attle. The Seattle Rainier two roving talent hunter, general manager Dewey Soriano and playlng-manager Gerry Prld dy, announced Saturday the aigning of the 17-year-old Schuster a a coach. Schuster, with a long base ball career behind him, aat thl aeaaon out at hi Califor nia home after two year a manager of the Vancouver CapUanoa of the Western In ternational League. Sam Houston Whips C of I At Evansville IvanavlUe, Ind. M One beaten Sam Houston State (cored a third period aafety and held College of Idaho to 21 yarda on the ground to win the sixth annual Refrigerator Bowl game yesterday 14-12. Tba Teens" victory, viewed by nearly 10.000 fans, snapped a 14-game winning streak for th Pacific Northwest Confer enca champion. Idaho scored first, in the sec ond period, when fullback George Pesut bulled over from the one-yard line, tumbled, and teammate Ed Donaminlo re covered for th touchdown. Sam Houston Fullback Dick Gaines, voted the game' most valuable player, evened the count on a 10 yard run the next time th Bearcat got posses sion. Halfback McNeill Moor nut th Texan ahead to stay In the next period with a 14-yard touchdown gallop. Kennewiek Seer Max Whitley caught Idaho' Walt Jukubowakl In the end zone near the end of the period to give the underdog Bearcat their margin of victory. Then, with time running out, Idaho quarterback Boyd Craw ford threw a lt-yard touch. down pas to Jack Kennovlck to complete the day a (coring. Sheridan Opens Against Cascade Sheridan Sheridan hleh aenooi wui get into basketball action Tuesday night by host ing Cascade, then return the visit by playing at Cascade Fri day night The (ehedula: Dec. 8, Cascade, here: Dee. 11, Cascade, there: Dee. IS. Central, there; Dae. IS. Jam boree. North Marlon; Dee. U Stayton, here; Dec. tl. Philo math, there; Dec. 22, Stayton, nere; Dec. IB, Philomath, here Jan. S, North Marion, here; Jan. S, Banks, there; Jan. 12, Sherwood, there; Jan. IS, Am ity, here; Jan. 19, Yamhill, here; Jan. 22, Dayton, there; Jan. 2, Willamina, there; Jan. 20, North Marlon, there; Feb. 2, Banka, here; Feb. S, Sher wood, here; Feb. t. Amity, there; Feb. 12, Yamhill, there: Feb. IS. Dayton, here; Feb. IS, Willamina, hare. . PENSIONS AT STAKE New York () Three of the big league player' major demand boosts in pension benefits, elimination of the 10 day release clause and an in crease in minimum wage from S5.000 to 17,200 were ex pected to be rejected by the club owners at their three-day meeting starting today. OCE Beats 'Cats 7047 Monmouth Th Wolves of Oregon College of Education worked smoothly for a 70-47 victory over Llnfield college here Saturday night. It was OCE second game. following a 80-50 loss to Pa cific, like Llnfield a member of the Northwest conference. Next gam for OCE will be Friday and Saturday against Southern Oregon at Mon mouth. OCE extended a 18-13 first quarter margin to 11 points at halftime, 19-24, and was ahead SS-S7 when the final period rolled around. i Sharing high-point honor were Bob Franz, 6-1 OCE for ward, and Dave Sanford, Lin field forward, with 21 each. Uafkll i o ca. fa ft vf Is fa ft sf l. oum ista MekM.1 t e a Clbla t s 4 Orovc.r I I 14 eanfare T 1 l 11 Praai.f a a 1 11 Trvlnt.f ea Plnloa.f t 1 S 11 PIMaa Ills CVa'La a 4 1 11 aiuiiuxt ilia aum J ilia WURI 1 1 1 DtTUJ a 1 S 1 Kruiar.s t-S S Rlct.s 1 1 S Lrla.t S S e S Natrn.f s a a a Coliu.l e I t 1 Harm.! 0 w laon.a a a a a rail a e a e Tatals IS IT It ST Tstait IS 14 IT TO 'Swede' Proves Ability to Play Top Competition at osiue rraai) Any doubts anyone might have had about Wada "Swede1 Halbrook moving into varsity basketball at Oregon State were dispelled today. Hal brook, poured home 29 points Saturday night, mora than half hi team's total, a th Beaver beat Hawaii for the second straight night, 53-80. Halbrook had scored 20 points Friday night. Barney HoUand, the "clutch" guy who banged home 23 points for Oregon against San Jose Friday night, got five point in the last 30 seconds at Eugene Saturday night to en able Oregon to go on and beat Football Scores San Jose 74-70 in overtime. Holland's points tied it at 67 aU at the and of the regular playing time. Ken Wegner led Oregon' (coring with 13 points. Utah BUte, led by its re serves, walloped Portland 94 78. Other game saw Lewis and Clark take St. Martin's 73-87; Stanford edge Washing ton 83-81; Washington State nose out Gonzaga 82-60; UCLA -- - i-,o, -1 ljo ABjdaa 4 clfle beat Portland State 63- aaa.r-a Bantu 7 rvv lM..n T iKfi.u ha I Dtuott 111. Chlewa Btaia V liw uu ucai xiuzhdoiuu u, ntw tot I 14 Stat 78-70. CONFERENCE MEETS Portland Athletic direc tor and presldenta of schools in the Oregon CoUegiste Con ference gathered here Mondav for their semi-annual athletic meeting. couaoe rooraau, iar Tba lunulas rtaau aalar-a BaaaHa San Haiutoi atala 14. eases mt ka is laatruaralai atawi Fart Ore U, aaattts Kanakas, a IQura CllT howl) " aalsraar'a Baaalta Nana Dama 40, aatOun MtiaadUt 11 Bouitoa u Tannaaaaa IS H Allan si. rial owu naSkH aavti ' miria vm rr. 1 as. nana aZm ST (Oruia aiawa ! mtioxil roorauj. tuoca (Br Tba lunula rraiii s WuhlnatOB la, FhllMalakli ( rrs green's sporting shop FOB . . . EVINRUDI 11(1 So. CommeTcUl Lllflll oca .... It 14 1 It St IT 4T SI T The U. S. Geological Survey estimates installed water power in the world in 1947 at 87 mil lion horsepower. Coming Thursday, December 10 If BHE TIT k BY A compUte! new, 161 -horsepower, overhead valve V-8 the irnoothesf, quietest, most efficient ever used in a popular-priced car By the world's largest, most experienced L...:iJ. -1 I O : wwiiuvia vi t-0 vnginoa Coupled with the first ball-joint front wheel suspension in its field for the easiest driving you've ever known StvTtnin new styling, too including the ArVefCurySun Valley America's first transparent-top production car L if,- k I954(ln ff 135 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 GREATEST MEN'S SUIT SALE INWARDS HISTORY SAVE 25 io 34 10 DaySale! Alterations Free! , ALL-WOOL SUITS REGULAR $55 Save over $15 now on top quality Barclay Suits In hard-finish, crease-retoining all-wool worsteds. Hand some patterns in drape end conservative styles. 3977 ALL-WOOL SUITS - REGULAR 39.95 You save over $10 now on Wards Brent Suits fav orites of men who want long wear and smart style ot a reasonable price. Wide choice of patterns, colors. RAYON SUITS - REGULAR 29.75 Buy now save 9.98 on long-wearing, year 'round weight rayon Suits that look and feel like fine wor steds. Large selection, but not every size in every pattern. RAYON SUITS - REGULAR 24.75 Plan now save over $5 on warm weather rayon Suits. Were specially priced ot 1 9.88 now reduced for added savings. You'll want several ot this low price. 29.77 19.77 14.77 SHARPLY REDUCED! Smart All-Wool Top Coats Wide assortment of finely toilored gabardine ond tweeds. Many with all wool zip-out linings. Values to 39.50 29.77 Values to 34.50 , 34.77 Also unbelievable bargains in numerous sport coats and jackets. Many numbers reduced as much as 10 to 40. SHOP TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. WARINJER MOTOR CO. Commercial St. 430 Salem