Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 07, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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-to - Host IPt&liC
galea, Oregon, Monday, December 7, 1953 Page 17
Four OCE Players Selected
To OCC All-Star 1st Team
Three of four Oregon Col
lege of Education
pUyeri chosen to the first
team ware unanimous choices
of the four coichei for the 1953
Oregon Collegiate conference
ell-star team. ,
' They are Halfback Charlie
Pinion, Tackle Ray Hubbard
and- Guard Ray Cummin gi.
The fourth selection announ
ced Sunday was 135-pound
Arden Detering, freihman end
probably one of the amalleat
ends in the nation. - ."
Cummingj, team captain, la
from Salem; Hubbard is from
Newport and Pinion from
Arden Detering
j Frank Good
Sam Haina
Ray Hubbard -Ray
Floyd Printx
' Lyell Metcalt
Larry Jeter
Lorence Savage
Charlie Pinion
Jerry Garrett
Rough Bout
Seen Here
For Armory
- Salem wrestling followers
will see Just how rough two
roughnecks can get when Don
Kindred and Jack O'Reilly get
their venom in an uproar Tues
day night at the Salem Ar
This main event will be in
addition to an extra apecinl at
traction, the wrestling midget
in an Australian tag team
match. The battlers on one
team of two will total 187
pounds, while the opposing
midgets will total 203 pounds.
Little Beaver, 92, from
Quebec, will Join Tito Infante,
OS from Mexico, against Tom
Thumb, 105, England, and Fux-1
ay Smlty, 98, Providence.
In their own class, these lit
tle grapplers can do all that
the heavyweights can do, and
more, for Little Beaver can
run around the ropes.
' O'Reilly, an ace from the
land or kangaroos, gained an
advantage last week over Dan
no McDonald by using face
stomps to soften up the local
favorite for a decision in the
tag teant match.
Kindred has used head butts
in all his recent scraps, plus
other doubtful tactics when
be thinks the referee isn't look
In. Last week he was dis
qualified for butting the ref
eree, Frank ragetty.
Rounding out the full even
ing will be a semi-windup be
tween Golden Boy Lena, 210,
and Danno McDonald, 198,
Lena has a physique like Eric
The Great Pederson and is ex
pec ted to give McDonald trou
ble. In the opener at 8:30, Dan
ny O'Rourke, 190, will meet
Al Warawsky, 201, Detroit.
70 in Benefit
Archery Event
' Seventy archers from all ov
er Oregon braved the rain and
hail to attend the Jaberwalkie
Field Archers' benefit shoot
Sunday at the range south of
Salem. ,
The shoot was conducted for
Stu and Lela Henshaw of Al
bany, outstanding archers
whose home and belongings
were destroyed recently by
fire. More than f 100 was real
ized from registration.
Shoot results:
Vni Taillactlv Tommy Thompson,
1M. Portland: Kaftan Govts. 130. Al
bas: Lewis Johnson. Hi. Salem.
Maa'i Fraa atria Bob rfortoa. 101. Sa
lt m; Chuck Antlla, 114. Salem; Zka Zp
perlr. 104, Salem.
Women Xnitlnetlv Lela Benehav,
Albany: Dorothy BaUev, Boseburoj Jean
AMersoo. Salem.
- Women's free Style Betty Barton. Sa
lem Junior-Mil Kelson. Dalian: BonaM
We. Salem; stare Dawaenu Aalem.
Pea-Wee Bare Boole Morton, aalem;
BUlr Norton. Salem; Alike aoilia. Salem.
Pae-Wea Olrlo Linda Antlla.
a, .sr
j apiUiDTsiiyTT j
Reedsport. The OCE Wolves
rwon tbe occ UUs th P(
tour years under coacn Bill
McArthur, and Pinion wu a
member of all four teams.
Eastern Oregon placed
three, a halfback, end and cen
ter; Portland State rated two,
a back and tackle; and Oregon
Tech placed a back and guard.
On the second team, Port
land State placed four, OCE
and OT1 three each, and
EOCE one.
Coaches voting by mall bal
lot were McArthur of OCE,
Joe Holland of PSC, Rex Hun
saker of OTI and Roy Tatum
of EOCE.
School Claas Weight Position
OCE Ft. 1J5 End
EOCE So. 15S End
PSC So. 19S Tackle
OCE Jr. .190 Tackle
OCE Jr. 170 Guard
OTI Jr. 168 , Guard
EOCE So. 185 ' Center
OTI Jr. 174 Back
EOCE Jr. 160 Back
OCE Sr. 168 Back
PSC Fr. 175 Back
Don Mcintosh, On End.
. Gene Rider, PSC End.
Junior Grassman, OCE
Gene Bolen, EOCE Tackle.
Paul Riley, OCE Guard.
Charles Wagner, OTI
Chuck Becker, PSC Cen
ter. .
Norm Fenton, PSC Back.
Odie Canada, On Back.
. Dale Stewart, PSC Back.
Darrel Davis, OCE Back.
OCE Charles Harris, Joe
Roberts, Gene Owens. PSC
Lon ' Spldel, Phil Cosgrove,
KIrby Hall, Jack Knudson,
Dean Hostetter. OTI Green
Rudd, Len Genetin, Dick Flan-
ingham, Jim Doerfler, La
erne Cimfl. EOCE Larry
Pryse, Roger Payton, Kermit
Marion County
'B' to Launch
Slate Tuesday
The Marion CoVnty "B"
league will be the first circuit
to go into basketball sched
ule in Willamette valley, with
a full slate of games Tuesday
and Friday nights.
The nirst games are among
17 being played - Tuesday in
the valley. The Old Grads
tourney of 16 teams will start
at Llnfield Wednesday and fin
ish Saturday.
The Marion County sched
ule this week:
Tuesday Detroit at the Ore
gon School for the Deaf, Gates
at Mill City, St. Paul at Ger
vals. Sublimity at Jefferson
and Scio at Chemawa.
Friday Gervais at Detroit.
Mill City at St. Paul, OSD at
Gates, Chemawa at Sublim
ity, Jefferson at Scio.
TBMsUir Kit lit
Mem at Hiilsboro.
A-ered Hurt at woMQiurn.
JUlverton at AtaTtoa.
Dallas at Central.
St. PaUll tt Otrttrft.
Sublimit at Jefftnoa.
Cantor at North Marios,
Gates at Mill City.
Cascada at Sheridan.
Lebanon at McUlnnTlUi.
Detroit at CD.
Scio at Chemawa.
Corrallta at Cottua OrOf.
PerrytlaU at JUsea.
Eitacada at Columbia Fro,
TddrrlUt at TaUcta.
ParkroM at 64047.
Llnfield tournament: Dayton n. Star
too. Wlllamlaa s. Philomath.
Wt. Ants, at Sacred Heart.
Llnfield taurnament: NpwDert n. Na
ahVahnle. Yamhill Tt. Uadrai, Shedd ts.
H alter, More va. PaJU Citr, Oakland ti.
Mail pin, Calm ?s. Qlendal.
Friday Night
Oervala at Detroit.
OSD at Oarta.
Mill City at St. Peal.
Chemawa at Sublimity.
Jefferson at Scio.
Bend at Albany.
Suteoa at Medford.
Sprint Held at CorrallU.
Sweat Horn at Lebanon.
Caacade at Sheridan.
Wood burn at North Marlon.
Salem Academy at Waldnort.
Dailaa at Tillamook:.
Tillamook Catholic at Mt. Antel.
Lin fit Id tourney; Second round, win
ner re. winners.
Satarday Mtht
UnflaM ttrurney: Finala in both brack
eta. Centra at Portal Qrort.
Salem Academy at Tart.
Woodbarm at North Marlon.
Labanon at Sweet Roma.
Kucent at Medford.
Bend at Albany.
Perrydala al HlH aim iamborta (at
HU1 Military. .
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Whn aibars fail, tsa aw Chltisaa
rtwaAss. AamaiiiBf au eat ss fat MM
rears tm Ctalna, Ma matwr trita vbal
aUmsots m ara affitetad, ojiasra,
BtaosstlB. btart, hmca. livsr. ktttetTft
Cava, oMtutstMtt, tear sfiacttas,
ThMsaiim, tail bsmI alacMat (sret,
skis, fsassla aoasalalnta.
Oftta. aare 0 la S
Tk aH SaA eary
M a flaaamstslal
fa S1000
Spokane .
Foe Loaded
On Talent
It will be a victory-hungry
Spokane,- Wssh., basketball
team which comes to Salem
Tuesday night to plsy Willam
ette university, but one which
has had two narrow losses to
Pacific Coast conference
Gonzaga university, the
alma mater of Crooner Bing
Crosby, will cruise over the
Bearcat gymnasium floor at 8
o'clock for Willamette third
game of the aesson and Gon
aga's fourth. . :
The Zags, cosched by Hank
Anderson, lost their opener to
Eastern Washington. 48-43
then lost to strong Idaho, 76
67, and to Washington State
Saturday night, 62-60. It was
in the last game that Forward
Jerry Wells had the doubtful
honor of scoring two points
for the wrong team, a basket
which eventually decided the
Out of the last two games
was the Gonzaga ace of aces,
Jerry Vermillion, who has a
back injury. It is not known
if he will play against Willam
ette. Vermillion, at 6-feet-2
or 74 Inches, is said to have a
wingspread of 83 inched, mak
ing him a rebounder ranking
high in the nation. He aver
aged 13 points last year as I
sophomore, and holds the all-
time Gonzaga rebound record.
Other visiting threats are
Tom Mulcahy and Gary Heth
erington who shone against
WSC and Idaho.
Coach John Lewis of Wil
lamette said today he will
start Tom Gooding again at
center, Pete Reed and Bill
Colvard at forward and Dick
Hoy as one guard. The other
guard is not decided yet.
Willamette frosh will play
an intersquad game for the
preliminary at 6:10.
Basketball Scores
(Br The JLMoclated Ptmi)
Satarday Baaalta
Stanford cs, wuhtniton el
Oregon Stat M, Hawaii M
Oretoa 74, Sa& Joie 10 (ovcrUmt)
Wuhintton State 3, Ooniai a M
California M, St. Marya M
UCLA 10, Weit Taxaa Slate
UBC OS, Utah H
Oirmplc J.C. Tl, Waihlmton J.T. 91
Whitman ti. Central Waahlntton IS
Lewis and Clark 71, St., Martin's II
Whltwortn U, Pacllle Lumaran H
Oreson CdUeta. at Xducatlon 10, LIB'
field 7 v
Oreson Teen U, Bionboldt Stata TI
( oyer time)
Utah State 04, Portland Uvlr. TO
Pacific Unlr. 03. Portland State tT
Tele at Tewrnaaieal
Vancouver tB.c.t ailcra IT. Colleca f
ruiet souna si
Brttieh Columbia 01, Weetern Wash
Indiana 71. Cnctnnatf
Michigan 70, Plttabursh Of
Mlchtsan Stata II, Crelthton II
rajuas Stata 70, Denver 01
Mlnneiota 7. Nebraika 04
Purdue 71, Wabuh 01
Ohio State OS, Butler Tt
Iowa 01, Waihington (Mo.1 t
Iowa State 70, Orlnnell 03
Mortbwastarn St. Weetern Michigan IS
Ohio Univ. 01. Marietta T)
Kentucky H, Temple W
Duke 101, Tennessee 01
Arkansas tSnte 14, Mil. Collets 71
William Mary 10, Hampden -Sydney
Oortla 71, Clemion S3
South Carolina M, Oeortla Tacit 41
Tulana 07. Louisiana College 41
LRU 100. Pensacola Navr tt
Rio Grands 10. Providence 17
Oeorcatown f D C ) 00, St. Peters 00
Boston Collete 00, St. Anselm'a 04
Pordham 17, Nlaaara 00
New Hempen Ire 70. Bates 00
St. Josfph's (Pa.t 70. Rhods. Xaland 11
VanderbUt 78, Texas Toon TI
Tulsa 0:. Arkansaa 50
Oklahoma City SO, Texas Christian 11
lexaa axss ss. Trinity Tsx.t 40
Texas II. Lamar Tern l
oacooN rasp basketball
(By The Associated Press)
Myrtle Crsek 30. CoquiUs SS
North Bend 87, Roeeburt 14
Myrtle Point 13. Slaalaw IS
White Salmon (Wash.) 40, Wy-Saai II
ranoon ti, uraia ss
Medford 30, Portuna (Calif ) M
Rotua RlTtr 40. Kacle Point SO
Kooseveii iPortland) 01, Vancouver
(Wash.! 40
Portland U. Proab f 1, Grant (Portland)
West Lion M. T-ake Osweco 40
Albany 17. McMlnnvlUe W
Ashland 40. Crescent City (Calif.) S4
Laorande 01. CaldwaD (Idaho) 49
Or-ton JVa 74. Toncua Point Naval
'By The Aasoclatad Press)
aadsy's Reealts
Boston 102, Bsitimors 01 (overtime)
Port Warns 70, Syracuse 77
Minneapolis at Philadelphia, postponed
Salardars Realise
Minneapolis 00, Syracws M
Port Warns 0, New York 11
oBston 07, Milwaukee TO -
Rochester 13, Baltimore Of.
Camp Stop, cooks like a cfrv
raoae. Lichts insuntly. Fordo na
and carries lilt, s puitcase.
Lsntcrs floodliahta 100-h am.
Liatito iosuotlv. Saic; stormproof.
Coano In for I oeroomtrstKm.
NEW Colmman Folding Picnic Tobfe
A gift that Beans oaoro fun for all the family.
2s-ia. square lop; M4 k. bisk.
friog case foe icta, otooia, om
237 N. Hi(hStrt4)
16 Teams Enter Old Grad
Cage Tourney
Llnfield Sixteen ' high
school teams coached by Lln
field college graduates will
play In the second annual Old
Grads basketball tournament
starting Wednesday night at
Paul Durham, Llnfield di
rector of athletics, said that
there will be two brackets,
one the Cardinal and one the
Purple (Linfield's colors),
with eight teams in esch.
There will be two' games
Wednesday in the "Cardinal
division, matching Dayton
against Stayton, fifth place
winners last year, at 7 p.m. Wll
lamina and Philomath will
play at 8:30.
,. - Two other games In the Car
600 to Begin
Leagues on
More than 600 players on 41
teams from 23 Salem churches
will begin their schedules this
week in the Church Basketball
Play, sponsored by the
S.B.C. Has
As Guests
- Willamette university bas
ketball players, 14 in number,
were introduced this morning
to the Salem Breakiast club
meeting at the Senator hotel.
Coach John Lewis presented
the varsity players and told-the
club that Willamette tried to
schedule the better teams for
early season home games for
benefit of local fans pointing
out the caliber of performances
by Hawaii, St. Martin's and
Lewis related the life of a
player the day of the came.
pointing out that a hohte game
gives the team an advantage
for several reasons: Players
live a normal Ufa until time to
go to the gym, and "they know
every board on the gym floor."
They meet at 4 o'clock for a
chalk talk, eat at 4:30 to review
strategy, get to the gym at
t:4S and take plenty of time
to areas, review strategy again
at 7:zu, start warm ups at 7:40,
and the starting five handles
the ball from 7:53 until game
time. " . i
During the halftime they dis
cuss "what the opposition is
doing to us. ' "
On the road, they breakfast
at 10 or 10:30 a.m., take a walk
and read or talk, have a chalk
talk at 3 p.m., eat at 4 p.m.
and try to sleep until 8:30.
Harold Hauk, Salem high
school basketball . coach, said
his team "did well for an open
ing game' and that "both Sa
lem and Roosevelt pjayed like
it was the finals at Eugene."
He added that "I hope they
continue to try like that"
Next wek th Vikings will
be guests of the Breakfast club.
Tleae far Tall. Qrasan Paaamaar. las.
(CamplIsS ay n. S. Cat a OeoSeui
Klfh WaUrs htm Water.
December Time Heiebk Time Helfht
I 1:0 a.m. 0 1 0:10 a.m. S O
11:00 p.m. 11 1 11 p.m. 4.0
S 1 11 a.m. 0 1 til am. 1.0
13:t p.m. 1.1 0:10 p.m. 41
S 1 11 a.m. 01 1 11 a.m. I I
1:11 p.m. 1.1 loo p m. 41
14 l:ll a.m. 0.1 0:10 a.m. I s
1 11 p.m. 10 S:l p.m. -4 0
It 4 It a.m. I f 0 so a m. IS
1 11 p.m. I I 10:11 p.m. 41
II 0:10 am. 0 0 10:10 a.m. IS
4 IS p.m. 0.T 11:10 la. 01
II f :H a.m. I I 11:11 p.m. 1J
14 0:44 a m. 0.T
1 01 p.m. 01 1:11 p m. 10
M 1:10 a m. 1.1 11 11 a m. 1.0
I II p.m. 4 0 1:41 p.m. 0.0
ond Swank
Accessories for Any
And All Occasion
Gifts that naeaa fjoed irnal sal
food lifjbf cm eoerf oauna.
Folds isms car
satn cfui
L H Taf- JTLrll
at Linfiold
dinal 1 division' are set for
Thursdsy night, Newport vs.
Neakhkahnle, and Yamhill vs.
In the Purple division
Thursday, It will be Shedd vs.
Halsey, Mora vs. Falls City,
Oakland vs. Maupin, and Cul
ver vs. Glendale.
Second round will be com-,
pleted Friday and the third
and final round In both brack
ets will be Saturday night.
Joyce Willis, 1953 Llnfield
homecoming queen, will be of
ficial hostess. Pat Smith, Jun
ior varsity football coach, is
general chairman, and Ad
Rutschman, letterman club
president, is business mana
ger. Church
41 Teams
YMCA, city schools and the
churches, will be three nights
a week in five leagues. A sen
ior league is for young men
older than 18; a class A and
class B Intermediate league is
made up of high school age
boys; and a class A and Class
B Junior league is made up
of boys of Junior high school
Four school gymnasiums will
be used. The YMCA sponsor
ship is made possible by funds
from Community Chest con
tributions. Nights for competi
tion are Monday, Wednesday
and Thursday, League presi
dent is Gilbert Jones of the
First Methodist church.
t -v ,t
TUtiht'a adudUHl '. " v a-',
l:a. Farrleh ivm. Flrat BOB a. Flret
STeabyMrtan; t:0Q, Parruh irm, calvary
Baptist va. Nacarene; f:og. ie!M arm.
nrat Christian n. Free MeUuxtliL ...
1:0. Parrle cm. St. Mara Lutheran
ti. Jaeon Lee: 1:00. -LeiUe. rirat Pres
byterian ts. Plrst Baptist; 0:00,, Boys
gym. Bnllewood KUB vs. Plrst Metn.
1-M, Leslie cym. Plrst Cons-retetlanal
t. Kelser community: 0:00. Boys irm.
Kvanaellstw Temple V,. Bnslewood IUB:
o:oo. oiris arm. weet aelem Baptist vs.
south aalem Prteno. m
T:00. Boy. gym. Deaf School a. Plrst
Baptlstl M. Olrls ym, BMleweoa BUB
mm mt Bar a TV l4iinarPBl
jtjmob "a" " ' j
Oaaf SesooL
v.w. via , mh,hi mvin, va.
aajft) -.ABVWStasasf
'r-T -axel T4J l'''X -a- A Ta"mJIbjT ,..
'Souths Edges
In Marion B
The North, represented by
St. Paul, Sublimity, Gervais,
Chemawa and the Oregon
School for the Deaf, was de
feated by the South Mill
City, Scio, Jefferson, Detroit,
and Gates, 83-C1, at the an
nual Marion County "B"
League Jamboree at Willam
ette university Saturday night
The winners were paced by
Mill City, who downed St
Paul, 18-7, and who had the
highest team score for the ev
ening. The Tlmberwolves
high man was Al Ward, who
dropped through six, while
Charles Merten led the St
Paul attack with three.
Sublimity Beats Beta .
In the second of the five 10
minute periods, Sublimity
dropped Scio, 13-7. Ron Bentx
was high for Sublimity with
six points. Da in led the lea
sers with four of their seven
points. Both teams were about
even in scrap, but Sublimity s
height was the big . deciding
factor. , -.
In a well played contest,
perhsps the best of the even
ing, Jefferson lost to a smooth,
well-polished Gervais five, 15-
10. Gib Thompson topped the
winners attack with eight,
while John Wright was collect
ing three for Jefferson.
The final two contests prov
ed to give the non-partial fans
the most excitement. In the
first of these two, Detroit edg
ed Chemawa, 15-13; and in the
last contest the Oregon School
for the Deaf squeezed squeezed
by Gates. 18-15.
Chemawa was paced by rat
Morin who tallica, five.
I taller Detroiters spread their
.ia UMirVmn Whiskey
wiA that old-time
Be' .
- i K ri , - .
v- ' .J"1,M r-'i !V' VlfXt ?toWe0il1M
scoring over a number of play-
are ......
The Deaf School five was led
by forward Dava MaynartL ac
counting for six points. Al
though being on the -losing
team, John Bamhard tanked
eight points for Gates, tieing
Gib Thompson of Gervais. for
scoring honors. v.;,
Trephlaa to Winners - - ' - - -'
After the games, there was
a presentation period, In whioh
football trophies were present
ed to first place Gervais, and
second place Jefferson.
Jefferson . again . came oft
with the second place award
as its cheering section was
runner up to MiU City, In the
cheering contest
Now that the teams have all
had a look at each other, the
league will swing lntr Its dou
ble round robin schedule, to
tart Tuesday.
MIS CHy (10) i St Put
so Oresorr. a ....P......s, a. smith
Wars, S ..,. .S. Rambeeu
Carey. S .C....0, Van Damme
Ueltlno, S O S, O. Smith
Crook. I 0 1. marten
Besoms aoorlno: Mill City B4 Orao
orr L aylversen S. St. Paul Klrscn 1.
woit i. naiiume eoare: asm vitr . .
Paul S. Officials: Seirvena u ainnahlk.
Sale i : :
(U BaMliallr
Daln, 4 ,...M...P.
Thurston, s P.
Strou. 0 ...C
0, Beau
..1, rrana
J. ParrUh
oibaen, s M.o..
..0. Klata
Bell, 0 0...
0, Blasterer
Heserves acoflat: Scio Mortr 1. aufc-
llmlty Sullivan 3- Halftime More: Scio
o. aubitmitr 0. Officials: aokappati am
Jafteeeai U
(ll aarrass
.... M. Kepplnser
0, Scblaetar
.......1. Belllu
...S. Thorn peon
Harlatl. s
Talfke, 1 ,
Wrtsht, S
Keren. I
Oetmen, S X
0. Kspa
Reserve, oeortnt:
jeneionn eyponoar
1. OiTval. ft. Kevplrsiay 1. Lacvr 1
Xalttlma aoore: Jefferaon 4, Oervaio. 4.
Officials: We tmt Basllna. - , -'-,
ti aVaftT I
Hopeosj. a
Kloe. a ..
..P.............). Sam
.c. ...... 2. ooldteoLh
Yiclere. S
...O. Thamaa
..JO- 0. BenaUr
Ketones, S
Detrrt Boarera 1. -
Cnemewa Ontush S. awhaler I. Morla S. .
Balftlma aaara: Detroit 0. Chemawa S.
Officials: Achoysert a4 Daaoo.
Oataa ni
Bvaaa. a .... .
an asa
...I. Mccana-
Thorn won
Bernhardt, S
ear. a
Lereen. 1
Vail. 0 0. 4. Beath.
Haimma Score: oaMe 11. rmo f. oin
OIAIU VaMat nnet Bawllao. . . ... I
I - -
Salem Senators' .
Tickets Suggested
As Christmas Gift:
Uckat : books for
Salon Senator baseball -games,
sagestad ss Ideal for -Christmas
. gifts, went an
sale today at four Salem
business houses. , - -,
The book often 111 worth
al tickets for (1 far grand
stand aeats, General Msn
ager Bogfc Lafcy solntsd
ut They are en sale at
Wteklund's sporting roods.
Elks club, Salem Golf elub
and Kerber'i Market1 In
West Salsa.
Tiny, almost transparent lob
sters drift hundreds of miles
with ocean currents before set
tling down on .the sea bottom
to grow Into big lobsters.
5 3 a
OFENEsV Danny dUarxka vs.
Al WaraawsU
Jack O'RlleT vtvDon Klndrad
8 KM I . FINAL Garden Boy
Lens vs. Dnoo Mc Donald
SPECIAL rMldiets) Uttls
BeatvaT sad Tit Infante vs.
. Taan Thasnb ai Pinir Smith
1 tmmmmA mm i-m lamsaUsn Map.
' JQmnmmWmM WW aayB BjBBBaBBav oaBBs y
s - i
ova anana enmaiASO J . a.
v.-xa-.zj rV.W