m m If Moaday. Decesaaer 7, 1J5S THE CAPITAL JOUKNAU feleavOrecua Pica If Mother, 4 Children j Die in Explosion ' Edmonton, Alt. ( A mother and three of her four children died yesterday in an explosion and fire that destroy ed their home in southwest Edmonton. The victims were Mrs. Rob ert Blair, 33: 5-year-old twins, David and Donna; and Mar tens, 14. The father, Robert, escaped and rescued another son, Don ald, 11. An explosion in an oil stove caused the fire. Bladder Irritation fteblnf tlfteti, CUlttng VmmiAu Katkat ha. Praiius mtl " ' mrttm OamOt DrlM. ataa ta DO YOU KKOW! rrht physically handicapped Ineed your help. Goodwill la Idustries needs your discarded clothing, furniture and boas hold articles to keen the ban Idlcapped employed. telephone 4-2248 Pickups Tuesdays and Fridays! Israel Prime Minister Quits Jerusalem ( David Ben Gurion resigned Monday as Prime Minister of Israel to fol low the trail of the Jewish na tion's ancient prophets Into the wilderness to meditato and rest. RESIGNS The 88-year-old statesman. Premier of Israel since its founding in 1S48. submitted his formal resignation Mon day morning and said his goodbye to President Izhak Ben - Zvi over a cup of Turk ish coffee. The outgoing Prime Minis ter, who had insisted h was too tired to carry on, has a bare four-room prefabricated house ready for him in Mu desert wilderness where he is retiring temporarily to the role of elder statesman. Foreign Minister Moshe She rett is taking up the govern ment reigns as acting premier. m THOMAS BUYS GUERNSEY Gervais Fred N. Tho mas has Just purchased the young Guernsey sire, Valley View Daisy's Builder, from Staehely Bros., Oregon City, Ore. This young bull is out of the cow, Belmont's Daisy of Vally View, and it sired by Wandamere Jean's Builder. Fly United to CHICAGO 9'A firs. NEW YORK I3M hrt. and n "All the East" UNITED AIR LINES commii tns raas ah rem ao ir aia n i David Ben Gurioo, Prim Minister of Israel resigns. B-47 Jet Clips 14 Minutes off Record, Tampa, Fla. (V-A B-4T Stratojet bomber flew non-stop from England to MacDill Air Force Base here, yesterday, in t hours S3 minutes, clipping 14 minutes off the old record for the 4,480 miles. "Aside from strong head winds we encountered no dif ficulties." Col. William E Creer of Spanish Fork, Utah, commander of the bomber, said. Hikers Go on Railroad Trip Chemelietans numbering it, gave their legs a rest Saturday when they made the round trip from Independence to Valaett over trie Valley and Vaiaeta railroad. The passenger rolling stock of the, railroad, consisting of the "Yellowjacket" and "Scoot er," was filled to virtual ca pacity. Both "trains ara motor driven vehicles. The Chemeketana, who in eluded guests from Australia and Switzerland, were taken oa a tour of the Valseti Lum ber company plant by W. B. Brownlohn. A atop was made at Bosklna en trie return trip for an Inspection of the rail road company shops. ' Another year, if sufficient Interest is ahown, the Cbemek etana may charter a special train, including locomotive and flat care. During Saturday's trio the Chemeketana learned that the Valley and Valsets railroad was once the most profitable line in the country on a per centage basis. Grades as steep as three percent penetrate the upper reaches of the Luckla mute and Siletz river where vast reaches of timber have been cut. Negro Sought for Rape at Albany Albany, Ore. (V-A '13 year-old girl told police that a Negro threatened her with a knife and raped her Satur day night. The girl said the man grab bed her as she was crossing the Pacific highway viaduct here. The hysterical girl was taken to an Albany hospital for treatment after she flag ged down a passing motorist NEW TRANSIST HEARING AIDS la All PrtM SUnjr Make Hearing Aid Pernuent Office Senator Held Ph. t-SISt ' The Sudan la about the aize of the United Sulci east of the Mississippi river. We'll Give You '7.50 Allowance For Your Old Electric Shaver Toward a Brand-New 60 DELUXE Take advantage of thii special offer and save $7.50 on the magnificent new masterpiece of shaving perfection br Remington. Hera is a truly fine shaving instrument with 6 King-size Blue Streak cutters... the most powerful shaver motor ever built... 1-piece, easy-to-clean hair pocket., stop-start switch. ..all in this new Contour shaver that shaves smoother nd cleaner than ever before In teeondt! In iU handsome black-and-gold gift case, It's the finest shaver ever made. 22 jr -w- jt cwsa o j-. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 State Sr. Comer of liberty WE GIVE ZrK GREEN STAMPS ilOWUtaj! lar..a WaJnsai llamas W ikm vaJWTWW pwTPflsjTajg we rW ftnalf 4 tf Isstsra Ortjsa end tdslto. Muhial at fear, eltw Iim spread wrrl today 0 M a byword among ttva eeple ef the Norttiwsit. feUtVft ftrHHWeT' sWJl eei eersfiea art Inrayity. fair ' play, heaet dsaliae, eae tow, Wfy-tb yean later, thie rewarded Muhrat of EnumcUw wfHi a raurlwae ef Inejtws, pAC ejf mrf that comet frora knowing yn0 peiwniont ere amply era. tact, a a wonderful tne Why don't you sal year Mv He! ef Emawiew aoant today -Jwl yea the fachl cm a r. anei ISM EMlrlt An. aia. oritfla a.Mrt c. tMtt m a, ana cm. oritfla a a. oautif 41 VIMII aiat. tm KlnnrMt Drtfi wnarai . avr Inn Ihtm KM. Crmm MIS I SMMa. Oneaa FerirheyIs 10 N. UIEKTY ST. SALEM, OREGON AGAIN THIS YEAR - - CHRISTMAS STORE HOURS , BEGINNING MONDAY, DEC 14th OPEN EVENINGS TILL CHRISTMAS M0N DEC. 14, AND ALL WEEK 9:30 ra BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER! TO WW WW EXCLUSIVELY YOURS, GENTLEMEU PENNEY'S AT YOUR SERVICE ...AND FOR YOU ONLY . . . WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER 9th THAT'S RIGHT. JUST MEN, BUT MAINLY MEN SHOPPING FOR WOMEN HERE'S WHY: Sine men tend to "go to pieces" and get "fussed" in a ston crowded with women and children, we . think it's best to give them a night to themselves, where they are truly "King for a Night." . ! Lost year MEN ONLY NIGHT was a big success, but many men told us they would like us -to hold it earlier. For that reason we've set the night one week earlier this year. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 9-7 TO 9 Plenty of Pleasant, Helpful Clerks Refreshments (on the house, of course!) , , , Music ! ; , :!-::'-.:;. Free Gift Wrapping MAKE A DATE WITH YOUR "BUDDY'', MEN!! Park "Mamma" and come to Pennes ... It's your night to shop : for her. Calling all men from 8 to 88 . . . You'll enjoy ittremen ; dously . . . Don't Miss "MEN'S NIGHT" at Pennes! A BIG FREE SHOW FOR THE LADIES! Maybe you can't get to town without "Mama". That would be too bad, because we don't wantyou to miss this big "Men ONLY NIGHT.". , , But it's for MEN ONLY and she can't come shopping with you, because it's your night to shop for her. And it's a secret, and. strictly private. SO, WE'VE GOT A "DEAL"- $ SHE CAN GO to the GRAND THEATER AS OUR GUEST, WHILE YOU HAVE YOUR SHOPPING SPREE" : : That's right. It's all "en us." Just brlrta her te the store with you, where she can pick up her ticket far the shew. If she can't find anyene te stay with the youngsters, she may bring them, tea. lut coma te the store : i to gat the tickets tor ins hmno Wednesday night eniyi ysswtwryr'lT, "t lajfll ,ia'TJ twaaasaiiJswaMij I" ' 111 ' n. uvHi'wi'i v 44 xqulsito with lace, embrc4dery! f s It ' rl yl 3c ' tX NYLON TRICOT SLIPS 3 98 Other Rtm Slipi 4.9US.M Crseefnl four gore styling lariatied with an infinite varietr of 1 excitingly beautiful embroideries 'aces, heers, applidiMa. rib ft LOOK MEM! HERE'S PENNEY'S FIRST Main Fleer MEN'S NIGHT FEATUBE REMEMBER MEN MEN'S NIGHT IS WEDNESDAY, DEC. 9 FROM 7 to 9 P.M. 3522 41( NIMH B.U41M attaa. Orarta