Monday, December 7. 1953 JlewCofCHead r ill r .11 ni uiaat Hama -tni jni.L.i ii ii i ir H IIWlllV ! four Corners THE CAPITXl JOCIWAU Balm. Oretoa sweet Home C. V. p.ii... m waa eler-tail 4a president of the Sweet Jltmt . Eaal T.I f .' : voumy j.namber of Commerce durlnf f- mommy chamber aneetlni this week. I Pattenon. 1953 vice-preil-dent, will assume the presi dency Jan.l. t Other office elected to erve were Joe Fallon, vice president; Dan Aihton, treas urer; Mra. Ira Hink.r. ;ary. Planners for the fenth n. mal banquet of the group re 'ealed that Governor Paul L. 'atterson hai pitatlon to attend the Jan. 25 sninner. p The chamber adopted a resolution calling lor the (authorization by congress of planning money for Green Peter dam above Foster. Beer Fines Assessed iweel Hnmp Ymifhc Sweet Hnm ISn Ch...i JHome teen-agers were fined '$25 each after being found jteuilty of illegally possessing Fbeer. Both had pleaded inno cent of the charge. A third teen jpger changed his plea to guilty Spnd the sentence was postponed by Judge Ed Russell. The fourth Jteen-ager failed to appear as Mirected ' and a warrant has Sbeen Issued for him. tThe charges were the result " 1 1 ii au auuil Jtuying the beer for the youths uumosi inree weeks ago. During the regular court ses. lon, Judge Russell collected ; S75 irt fines and bail forfeitures trom 12 other persons charged Jwith violation of various traffic statutes. 2 IN ASPIRIN AT ITS RKT j wfitn you buy tfie big IF! 100 T asm tarn t ONLY 49 1 f Z- " You can pay ImSlJs! ItJ.aa X more but f tZZtZV''" IP"r. a. ffcitS-SSl . Pl'ln than III Vl taoU ured by t &0i2iJ!ZLS nam '.So"" "at. Joseph." WORLD'S LARGEST SfUf AT KX Four rnrnH A k- Iar meetlne nl th ... r- woman club on Thursday eve- nma ... oa. ... r " " immunity hu they hM th rhi..-.: - : lauiiaa miu ina dinner at 7.00 p.m. The decorationi reflected the holiAv mntlf Tk- a.kt. lighted with 1 Mi-its of candeU- orm noiatng red candlea with Chriitmu imiim is iuu ui swiwwn. Covers were placed for 14 " """"J ana a guest, Mrs. La rene Snider. . . A Droffram it imI and readings followed the din ner nour. Presidina at h k.laina.. meetlni wai Mra Ham.. M.. - - - j j - er. A committee wit appointed to bring Christmas to an under privileged family. Hostessei for th auanlr.. presentine tha nrnmm imi i charge of the dinner were Mrs. Harvey Meyer, Mrs. Dale Jei fries, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker, Mrs. LeRoy Stewart, Mrs. Harold Snook, Mra. Waldo Miller, Mrt. An drew Mesiman. Mra Toater, Mrs. Allen Gordon, Mra. o. T. Bmegar, Mrs. Clyde Woodruff, Mrs. Frank Lahr. The. December meeting of the Four Cornpra arhnnl Mnfh. er'a club was held Friday after noon in the multi-purpose room i me scnooi. A visual education film was presented to the mothers prior to the business meeting. Pre siding was Mrs. Oliver Rick man. Committees reporting membership, Mrs. C. A. Loss ner, 4-H Mrs. R. L. Stafek and Mrs. Robert Rurna wilt i- charge of transportation for all mowers unaoie to get to tha meetings otherwise. , The benefit dinner net pro ceeds were $208. Mrs. Kath leen Tovaen. 2nii arari mnA Mrs. Emily VanSanten,' first grade, tied for the room moth. era count There war 4R nmm( WltK the regular meeting date fall ing An Maw Vaara jlat 4K- Mother'a club meeting for Jan uary was nfbved up to he sec ond Friday, Jan. 8, 1054. A eookie awan will ha hM at the rlext meeting. Hostesses wera the room mother from Mra. Joan Yarberrv'a first grade. Mra. Isa belle Powera substi tuted on Thursday for Mra Yar berry, , , DEFER BAND MEET Woodburn The Wood- burn Band Parents meeting for December will ndt be held on the regular date, next Tuesday, but has been can celled for this month, accord ing to a decision at the laat meeting. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 12, at tha high achooL Aibany C of C Elects Rushing Albany Clyde M. Rushing, manager of the Plctaweet Food plant here, Friday waa named president of the Albany Cham ber of Commerce for 154. Rushing ha served on the board of directora for the past year. Rushing will replace W. C. Donahue, it was announced by Donahue following a meeting of the board of directora A. W Trimble, president of the Moun tain State Power company, waa elected vice president, and wiujam riupatrick, vice pres ident and secretary of the Mountain States, waa reIe-taH treasurer, a post he has held lor a number of years. The new president will begin immediately to Place chamber member in various committee post for the ensuing year, i Sweet Home Makes Fire Fighting Plan Sweet Home A plan de signed to expedite the location of rural fires has been ap proved by the member of the planning commission. The plan, submitted by Fire man Bill Reed, provides for the naming of all street with in the weet Home rural fire district and for the erection of signs at each Intersection that would list rural fire numbers. The plan, together with the recommendation that fund to purchase,:nateriale for the In tersection signs be allocated In the city'a 1854-55 budget, will be presented '.o councilmen after a more thorough fire sur vey has been made and a cost estimate made. mini iuott am. Da All Type ef FtrmaDtnt Machlneleas Cold Wave Machine Capitol Shopping Center Sales Tax for Schools Urged Portland 11 A sale tax with revenue going to support schools was recommended here Friday at the opening session of the Oregon Education Asso ciation representative council. A wither proposal, also scheduled to be discussed at Saturday meeting, called for reappraisal of the law requir ing a student to remain in school until the age of IS or untu graduation. The council voted not to op pose the six-mill property tax limitation. ' Tiit It J25u'1500 start repaying next year in fit.your-budget amounts. Com is, write or 'phone foe 1-TKIP SUtYICt 317 Court St. Phono 4-3396 tftfft litft'l f lata flM Ba mqwa Journal Want Ads Pay Q In what new car can the driver tee all four fenders? ( For safer driving and oier parking!) AERO WILLYS, of court! Eisner Motor Co., 352 N. High 155 N. Liberty Phone 3-3191 I i M CHRISTMAS SEAT COVER SALE PLASTIC-VALUES to 29.98 ix as Words best quality. Made of tough, colorful saran y plastic with a trim of rub plastic in the new "Chan J nel" or quilted design. Inserts insure a neat fit. Colors go all the way throuah. Can't run or stain. Dirt and dust wipe off easily. FIBERS - VALU ES to 1 7.95 14.88 Five count close woven fiber ho plostie coating for odded strength. Choose from either channel or quilted trim in rich oron plastic. Fit glove tight on your car. Save on this special Christmas buy! SHOP TONIGHT TILL 9 P.M. rPKCiS 600DTHaU WED.. Order Your Christmas Photo Greeting Cards How 'tf'' f - a - v1 I Photo Greeting Cardl 10 Card Order H.70 25 Card Order J2.95 50 Card Order $4.95 100 Card Order $8.95 250 Card Order M 9.45 Cenplefe wH fsv.l.eei So Inexpensive . . . 10 perionalized end unique. Made from your own snapshot negative. You stilt have time to place your order. BUT HURRYI Biisissaiiiaaaj Assorted Colors to Match V Your Complexion Reg. $1.50 JEWELED LIPSTICK 29 c Now Only Jeweled Cast Non Smear . . Stays on Longer ; ; Gold Plated Case X ' Toiletry u 1.95 Chrome Plated Car :,'.: REAR VIEW MIRROR THt aloer panel er door flenfe, ne) glare (lets, triple chrome plated 71 Variety Fully Automatic POP UP TOASTER Set tt end forget it. Golden brown tooit fust the way you like it $979 deeming Chreme finish Toiletry I Mumiiia I - iVA j rry pW I Reg. 98c I Zipper Plastic Travel Kif Now Toiletry $5.98 Value, Big 24-Inch ' Baby Doll Now Only V All doll wMi dretiet mf bonnet to match. Soft loteit rmt end log. Ives eee) end clte. Ufo-iike hair. Toyland Lewer Leva! , $4.49 36-Inch r Flexible Steering SLED Flexible Reinforced Sfeel Runners With Curled Ends for Safety J Tojland Lower Level $34? HOW THE 'Fluid Eye WORKS Wh. OK U D.a.aSlae Wliia OK la akaf. a pi S aamaaa.lln kararaWWa claar. Ilahtar OK arlll km ...Hi. i. Eh ML aaaia lass Maw an), 69c Dupont Infant Comb Brush Set unK tin Toiletry Reg. 10c White ; atirr TirriiF Ulfl IIMUC liiy now while . stocks ere complete . ' Toyland Lower Level 3 '"19'; Quick Heat on Chilly Days Reg. $4.95 10-Inch Reflector Healer How $99 Only Ca Save on fuel cost with this handy portable heater. Right site for average light circuit Toiletry 23c My-te-Fine FRUIT COCKTAIL 303 17 6 for 1. 00 1 LIMIT 12 toiletry Doa t Forret! Annaal TM-TWCA ' IMCA Dee. I, Till P. M. Candy Is Always a Welcome Gift Life Saver Gift Book 55 12 aiiertad flavart$f mil. rX Ufa Cuu. ! aU.4lUa ti. Gift Book. H.rd,c.nlyll2989, HARD Mix u. 3S&10. cSndy Cone, 25' "S? 'lM 694 2 ; Old Fashioned Chocolate Drops tt ib,,... Special LOW Prices 5 To churches, lodgei or other group. Ask for Zi Li :.. t m A . . m . . ri rri.a in wsnoy aecrion Fred Meyer Drug, 14t N. LIIERTY ?' . ' i We Remrre the Rltht to Limit Qaantlfl-e 5