Pat IS WRITER - I Y- 1 1 X,, A . Mrs. Carmen Jennison, teacher at Richmond School, who bu been accepted (or membership in National Writer Club. Teacher Accepted By Writers' Club la recognition of consistent ly good work In creative writ ing. Bin. Carmen Jennison, r.CT..ti0n council rive a re. Cobaf Seated Ai Sweet Home Sweet Home Blaine Cobat waa appointed by Sweet Home City Couneilmen to serve the unexpired terra of the late Harold MeUinger at meeting this week. Mellinger's term expires In 15. Cobat Is a partner in the South Fork Lumber Company ana has lived in Sweet Home for seven years. Other business on the agen da during the meeting included the order of the council for City Manager Jets Parker to call for bids for the construc tion of the new city hall and i fire hall addition. Bids are to i be opened Jan. 12, 1S34. A letter from the State Speed Control Board was read and was rejected by the couneilmen. It included a plan for revision of designated speed zones on M street. Pol ice Chief Roy Clover offered an alternate plan which was approved by the council and it will be submitted to the State Speed Control Board. Clover's plan calls for des ignated speeds of S5 m.p.h from the west city limits to Ames creek; 25 m.p.h. to 18th Ave., and 35 m.p.h. from 18th Ave to city limits. C. V. Patterson and High school superintendent, Harold Dishaw, representing the city EX-LEGISLATOR DIES ft. II L T vi. noun, j Ex-Solon, Dies Wit II i r f , in i . ..." i Dr. Jacob Hosch Fv4e at Scio ranch. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Oregoti Monday December 7. 1952 its North 13th street, has Just been accepted for membership In the largest organization of freelance writers, The Nation al Writers Club, Denver, Col orado. On the club's council are such well known writers as . Gene Fowler, William E. Bar ' rett, Thomas W. Duncan, Pal mer Hoyt and Clyde Brion Da vis. . Mrs. Jennlson is teacher at Richmond school. WILLAM1NA BABIES Willamlna Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton of Willamina are the parent of a duaghter, bora December 3 at the Mc Minnvllle General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mlih ler of Willamlna are the par ents of a daughter, born De cember 1 at the McMlnnville hospital. JAFAN MAT GET ISLANDS Tokyo W A member of Japan's house of representa tives said Monday he has re ceived a letter from U.S. Sec. retary of State Dulles laying the United States is "consid ering" returning I wo Jima and other Bonin islands to Japan, Kyoko Mew Agency rported. Quick! Break Up dlESTW heriCQNfiESTION MUSTEROLE TRKKUNO . . . roisy TOIUT v A XiKlllnTfB LJ mfiSTTR "njcieE$T selling ' ,AW MU J" '"t cm warn km 500 dor. Th. iia roWM.d WaMt Matin tMlk.ll .,t.,l, ., ,ht m m mumt aim M.k ttlliorfworaMofMEVniYWMflU port of the 1953 summer act ivities. A. B. Berns, O. M. Lewis, Art Sherman, Dale Weeks, and Raleigh Middleton were appointed as viewers for three new sewer improvement dis tricts. The districts are be tween 3rd and 4th Aves.. south of I St.. in the Crabtree addition and between 4th and 5th avenues south of I St. The council passed for first and second reading an ordin ance that amends the insur ance section of Sweet Home's ordinance. It now requires TV installers to carry liability in surance covering only the per iod of installation. The viewers report for Street Improvement district No. 12 waa passed for second reading; An ordinance author izing a $40,000 issue of Ban croft bonds for completed street and aewer improve ments was also passed for sec ond reading. Passed for third and final reading was a regulatory ord inance for the flying of model aircraft that prohibits the use of electrically-conducting con trol lines. The council endorses lic ense applications submitted by the Bohemian club for beer and wine licenses and by the Town Club and Lee's Pastime for beer license. Scio, Ore., () Dr. Jacob Frederick Hosch, 13. a Demo cratic representative to the Stat Legislature from ISIS to 1843. died at his ranch here Saturday. . . ; , He purchased . the 400- acre show-place ranch in 1945 when he retired, after Dractic- lng medicine 40 years. Before going to the Legis lature from Deschutes county. Dr. Hosch was mayor of Bend lor three years. . Before going to Bend in 1924 he practiced 14 years in Red mond. He retired after prac ticing during World War II at Albany, Soil Conservation Office Destroyed Baker V-A building nous- I ing the U.S. Soil Conservation office and the post office was destroyed by fire at Richland. I Ore., Sunday. Sheriff Fred C. Thorn said he thought the fire had been de liberately set Richland is about 45 miles northeast of here. ception and caused damage es timated at more than (25,000. TOPS IN QUALITY! WIND TOPPLES TV TOWER Denver (XV-Wind reaching 80 miles an hour ' yesterday flattened a 300-foot television antenna atop Lookout moun tain, disrupted other TV re- COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP jllMITATIOwfc? ! fORtM ITmI 11 hp"v I fH" X Iff Armour St., 5 Wlll Prices Effective " Jl MM Tue-Wed., Dec. -9 Double VALUE Oh Your I6A Cosh Register Receipts TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Toward Premiums In Your IGA Premium Club CATALOG Your Dollars Are Worth Mora at IGA LOW IN PRICE Mrs. Bright Passes Away Mrs. Mildred L. Bright, the mother of Mrs. Richard D. Sla ter of Salem, died in a Port land hospital Saturday, follow ing brief illness. She had liv ed in Salem for several years before going to Portland four years ago. Mrs. Bright was the widow j of the late C. J. Bright, an at torney of The Dalles, Oregon, where she made her home be- , fore coming to Salem. She was active tn church, civic and ! musical organizations there and ! was organist of the First Meth odist Church of that city for many years. She is survived by two daughters, a sister and six grandchildren and one great grandson. Services will be held at the Colonial Mortuary, East 14th and Sandy Boulevard, Port land, Tuesday at 10 a. m. fol lowed by Interment in the fam ily plot at The Dalles. mm f OF SALEM Your CiCgjfal GAS HEATER DEALER Economical Operation 263 N. Com'l St. Ph. 33445 t stop msiif rai DID TOU EXPECT A WARM HOME WHEN YOU BOUGHT YOUR HEATER? ah rou connnid ro oni oor . aii youi noon icr coio All rOUl CIIUNOI OVIINIATtO- eAII YOU Ml 11111 TOO WOHT w heater foolln' and tmiW you- ii mm i in I t I I SMI Etf UrS!BrH2tSXcd III1 IET U& DELIVER YOUR SCGUR HEATER NOW- MKN FURNITURE 1425 Edgewaler St. West Salem, Oregon 'MMBaBBBBBBBBaaaBaBBBBSSasSBBBiaBSSBBa I iMssMaaMSSaTSMssaa--. ' aasassjsssssJiii. Nr M wVn el e kaast.staat Ivm vm FURNACE HEAT No eosH pipes or itistett to Install or clean! I 3 " U I VsUacQEjajljiy IJ S4S4 SaMBHBBI Ckfi ASMS WM w ass ) Salt SrL. ' . ssmsavai tesfiej ska, mit,tt ill CUT MM WSWHOiaS tm . SM. J I w rMMssaana..euk.rfiM,i J I UJ J I 2 . I" ' h- 1 issk Vni vner noyoraee mm DINNERS .4 J . . With Meat or Mushrooms Borden's Powdered mat C Tomato Juke DENNISON Catsup "S.-" r J gf-j JkAsf w,:,.SJt-5.'.TrI V I S 1 1 llr Vended for Qualey.TrisMiied tar Velvtl ' Priced fo Save You Money 214 Bol oz. Bottles U.S.G00D RIB STEAK Lb 55( U.S. GOOD ROUND STEAK Km met it!.. FAN?? IT IGA Pumpkin Finest Quality ' Large No. VA Tin 2 " 29' ARMOUR STAR CORNED BEEF ARMOUR 8TAR .16-01, can 49' aafsaa snVLnV J CORNED BEEF HASH 23' . JVi-oi. tin ' ARMOUR STAR DEVILED HAM ARMOUR STAR VIENNA SAUSAGE 4 o, linU ARMOUR STAR SLICED ' DRIED BEEF l4-oi. glass ARMOUR STAR CHILI viU, BEANS . lt-es. can 29' 0 COLGATE DENTAL CREAM HAS, THE CLINICAL PROOF rhsrt brings new hop to millions for Lifetime Protection Against Tooth Decay! AstStSnjA I ICOSOKTtltl COLGATE DENTAL CREAM I kJe CONTAINS COLGATrS MIRACLC I WW?" ENZYME-INHIBITING INGREDIENT GARDOL Camay Soap Camay Soap 3 Bath Bars Ow DETERGENT DUZ large ft Box Oil CHEER DETERGENT Large 4A Box OU DREFT DETERGENT Laroe 3Wt Box 30 JOY LIQUID DETERGENT Small Bottle 30 Ivory Soap Personal E Bar Ivory Soap 3 Med. OC Bars ttmrnQ Ivory Soap 2 Large Bars u Lava Soap Medium Size Q Bar f Ivory Flakes 29' Large Box Spic 'n Span Small Box av Shop Every Day at Your Favorite IGAI Reserve EMERY'S IGA FOODLINER Wallace Rd.t7Mi West Salem STATE ST. MARKET 1230 Srete Sf. VISTA MARKET 3045 S. Commercial ORCUTT'S MARKET 4200 N. Rirer Re". IGA Stores Hie Right to Limit Quantities PLAYFAIR 9 DOG m FOOD