Monday, December 7. 1953 New Grangers For Woodburn Woodburn Eight new mem ber! were elected by the Wood- burn Grange at the regular meeting held at the Grange hall In Woodburn Friday night Thoae elected were Ed Hermle, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hem thorn, Mr. and Mrs. James Jar min, Mr. and Hit Don Williv er and Harold Livesay. Verne Cannon preiided in the absence M the new master, Lawrence Paradis, who ii in California. The new officers were installed tart week at the Silverton Hllli Grange with the officer from eight other PRINTING.... for Quality Work and Speedy Service DIAL 3 8853 WALLY'S PRINT SHOP Maaonie Bldg. State Blgb Grange and the Pomona Grange. Mn. Ida Benson, Pomona master for Marion county, was the Installing of ficer. A special meeting will be held Dee. la with rh.i.t.. dlnner at 7 S0 p.m., following which the first and second de gree will be conferred on the new member. A primary ballot waa taken Friday nieht for i . - - --- Grange officers. A rennrt nn the agricultural committee wa given oy Albert Shalock, chair man. A recitation and mln were siven durine th nmmm hour bv Mist Rnnia AiHn refreshments were served with nrs. Lia iiugill, home econ omic chairman, In charge. SHERIDAN CLCB Sheridan The Sheridan Garden club will meet Decem ber 7 at 7 p.m. at the borne of Mrs. Callie Heider for a no host dinner and Christmas gift exchange. THE CAPITAJ. JOURNAL Salem. Oreta Pago 11 East Salem East Salem Gifts for the Vet fortunate have been planned by the member of several East Sa lem group meeting last week. Lansing Neighbor Garden club, meeting at the home of Mr. Roy Lively on N. Z 1st St, made bedside Christmas tree favor for each patient at the Lansing Nursing home. Mm VaWh T3 1 1 J I I nvuni oauwu. v lie pmucni, praiaea mi uie Dul lness meetine. Plan, were jmade for an exhibit at the Sa jlem Gaitltra club green bow wis monin. On this committee are Mr. H. WUlard Cole, Mr. Milton macxman ana sir, nooert Ballard. Money to assist in the Christmas decorations for a ward at the state hospital was voted. Present were Mrs. Blackmail, Mr. Ballard, Mr. Ernest Wal ker, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mr. H. O. Anderson, Mr. Ralph Hein, Mr. Glenn Larkins, Mrs. Cole, Mrs. Ben Rathjen, Mrs. Lloyd Keene, guest Mr. J. J. Oeder, and th boa tew. A gift corsage wa awarded 1oMra. Anderson. " Merry Unifiers, meeting with Mr. Carl Border on Lan caster Dr., for dessert lunch eon and social afternoon, voted to provide a gift box of food for a need at Christmas time. Thia month gifts for member are for aecret pal. The Christmas party will be with Mr. R. Gordon Scott At tending were Mrs. Ernest But ler, Mrs. Clyde ColweU. Mr. Covil Case, Mr. Albert Fabry. Mrs. Robert Fromm, Mrs. E. A. Jackson, Mrs. Anna Jess, Mrs. Leonard Malm, Mr. Harvey Page, Mr. Scott, Mr. Ernest Sprick, Mr. Jo Slimak. Mr. J. Irvin Wager. Mr. W. B. Whittington, Mr. Allen Mc Cain and the hostess. Toe Merry-Go-Round club held it meeting also Thursday at the home of Mrs. Edward Curtis on Hollywood Dr. This club will bring gift cookie tor the Christmas party beside the annual gift. Present for the evening were Mrs. w. J. Buck, Mr. J. P. Robtnette. Mr. Har old Holler, ftn. Clayton Gibb, Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. Sam Rehfeld, Mr. Jack Llndeman, and the president Mr. David Kant, and the hostess. For the Best la FUEL OIL GEORGE CADWELL OIL COMPANY ISfli mi Utki Jt Htm 2-74)1 Beer give i enaeae unw r.Hrlk.a t.joa. mS anacMitoae t-.Li l afftaWaW ...... .TT, Wolf Bros. CROOXS and STRAIGHTS n"hfegy I '" 1 ,.- ,.,i.s VEe" rjW.gXLeW wdJiW ' )2yo A W o 1 1-1 ., " i J IV -e54 a 2 I. trelM eueai . .. . "If I were a critic, I'd give it 4 stars" ays Charlton Heston, .tar of "LEGEND OF THE 1NCAS" you can twitt It, a. you cjr twirl It a you can bandit. il "f f . ' . - 1 t PJPJI I r il PI ill ( v . - ..II ALL THRU THE HOUSE... ; hundreds of Penney tcay$ to say ferry ' mftristm as Dec. 18h I Smrt osbord night at Hi Y." 54 p.m. MFN, LOOK! PENNEY'S ANNUAL MEN ONLY SHOPPING NITE IS WEDNESDAY NIGHT, DEC. 9th FROM 7 to 9 P.M. STUNNING MANDARIN QUILT DUSTER 5)w The glamour of the Orient in elegant acetate satin with frog closing and pa goda appliques a picture pretty gift! Eggshell with red, black with gold color, red with navy . . . 12-18. SECOND FLOOR Charlton Union starring in Paramount Picture' f Legend of the Incaa.1 The new revolutionary collar on Van Heusen Century shirts won't wrinkle . . . ever! Even the most critical of men are enthusiastic about the Van Heusen Century. Because here is the only shirt in the world with a oft collar that uon'f wrinkle tier! It' as soft as a fine handlerchiet ... and woven on a curve to fit the contours of your neck. What's more, it's the world's easiest shirt to launder because the fold-line is woven in. Your wife just irons the collar flat, flip it-and it folds neatly, perfectly. We'll give you a Dew one free if it ever shrink out of sue. You'll be wearing your Van Heusen Century for a long, long time, long pat the age when wearing and washing usually take their tolL your Van Heusen Century will come up smiling. Choice ot rcg- .1 :A .A ,Ura- 4"ir ar sm TouU nd the Van Heusen Century al r JEWELED! MANDARIN QUILT DUSTER Oriental glamour In rlch- as-sllk acetate crepe stunning with black and gold-color appliques, with sparkling rhinestonei, with smart contrast piping trim! Exciting colors! 10-18. SECOND FLOOR y; ir ; ' : "I Sparkling with g90 hoUday airs... " rostiing with ; , I 7 gift importance 1 'Di I Vw- L WARM MOCCASIN JUPPER-UNED WITH SHEARLING 3.49 Her toes will stay toasty In this gifty slipper! Mock uede upper has natural shearling lamb collar and lock lining, napped fabric vamp: hard sole give added comfort wear. Royal, red. Size 4 to (. Downstair Sror HEIGHT-OF-LUXURY-ROBES z QUILTED RAYON BEMBERGS r RAYON VELVET SLIPPER WITH FUR TRIM 2.98 Gifty and warm I Luscious rayon velvet ..rper haa perky whit fur eol'ar, white moccasin lacing; with elastic Instep Insert for mug fit, hard sole, platform. Sanitis ed. Sixes 4 to 9. Downstairs Seer DUSTER SIZES 10-18 790 Truly impressive gift! What woman doesn't feel like a pampered prince when he steps into onel What woman doesn't love these elegant, royal color 1 Wonder ful value, too. See Penney' whole collec tion of robet-all wonderful valued FUCHSIA PEACOCK NAVY SECOND FLOOR ML L FREE GIFT WRAPPING ON ALL GIFT PURCHASES!