3 . A-.- Monday DKmb 7, 1953 Part 10 TEX CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sato. Ortfta k Church Elects Wayne Greene The eoneregstion of th First Christian church Sunday voted at the cIom of tha mor ning worship service to extend a call to Wayne Graena of Be atrice, Nebr., to become minis ter of the church. A telegram was aent to Rev. Greene by the local church board informing him of the ac tion. Rev. Greene, who hat been pastor of the Beatrice church for the past 12 years, will suc ceed Dudley Strain, who re cently went to Lubbock, Texts The pulpit committee of the Tint Christian Church met with Rev. Greene early last week. The committee express ed satisfaction over the Ne braska minister's qualifications and then called a meeting of the official church board. Sun day's vote was the final step in the selection of the new min ister. Rev. Greene is 48 years old and a graduate of Drake uni versity. Mrs. Greene also is a Drake graduate. The Greenes who are missionary minded, have built the membership of the Beatrice church to about 1400, which is about one tenth of the population of Beatrice. There are 22 other churches in Beatrice. The Greene have two chil drena son who is a sopho more at Drake and a daughter who is married to a minister1! student. Donald Payne, associate pas tor under Dudley Strain, has been filling the local pulpit on an interim basis since Strain's departure. John Hartley Riles Monday John William Hartley, 81, of 1893 Lancaster Dr. died at his home Dec. 4, after several months' illness. He was one of 10 children born to John and Elizabeth Hartley at Fostoria, Ohio. He was born Nov. 0, 1872 and lived near Fostoria until 1899 when he went to Iowa to make his living as a farmer. He fanned there with the ex ception of two years when he lived at Hastings, Neb., until 1918 when he retired to an acreage at Earlham, Iowa. In 1933 be came to Salem, buying an acreage at the corner of Lancaster Dr. and Cunny view avenue where he built a new home and hat lived there until his death. He is survived by hit wife, Goldie C. Hartley, to whom he was married in 1929, and four ions, Harold V. Hartley of Brighton, Colo.; William L. Hartley, Denver, Colo.; Norris M. Hartley of Santa Ana. Calif.; John Warren Hartley of San Francisco, Calif.; two daugh 'ters; Mrs. Mabyn Williams, Lot Angeles, Calif., and Mrs. Ruth Shaw of San Diego, Calif.; two sisters, Mrs. Jennie Darrin and Mrs. Ada Zuber of Fostoria, 'Ohio; one brother, Arvio Hart ley, Hamilton, Mis.; 10 grand children and five great-grandchildren with many nieces and nephews. He was a member of the Christian church but attended services regularly at the First Presbyterian church. Rev. B. J. Holland will offi ciate at funeral services at 2 p m. Monday in Clough Barrick chapel. Interment will be at F.arlham, Iowa. CEYI.OS ENVOT , TO VISIT US Colombo, Ceylon W Cey lon s finance minister, Sir Oliver Goonetilleke, plans to visit Washington this month seeking a world bank losn of 118 million dollars to finance the second stage of the coun try's hydroelectric program. "AMOS' " DAUGHTER WED Santa Barbara, Calif. W) Virginia Maria Gosden, 23, daughter of Freeman Gosden, who is the Amos of the Amos 'n' Andy radio show, was mar ried yesterday to Richard Em ery Jackson, 29, an ell com pany employe. NEW SILVERTON MINISTER r w r I Y.I II Silverton Rev. and Mrs. Paul Henry who assumed the pastorate of the Silverton Methodist church Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Henry, and their two young daughters, are making their home at 404 S. 3rd St, Silverton. High School PTAlo See Adult Education The Salem High School PTA will meet Tuesday night at 8 in the high school library. Sa lem high's choir, under the di rection of Howard Miller, will sing at the meeting. Also scheduled for the meet ing Is a film of Salem adult edu cation classes George Porter, hesd of adult education, will show the film and show work of the classes. Hostesses are Mrs. H. W. Car ter, chairman; Mrs. Donald Waters, Mrs. WUIard Webb and Mrs. L. M. Grier. No Action Taken On Sales Tax Portland W) The repre sentative council of the Ore gon Education Association took no action Saturday on a tales tax proposal. The proposal called for pro ceeds from the tax to go for school support The council also: Approved full membership In OCS for educational secre taries. Referred to the legislative committee motion calling for proceeds from forest lands to be distributed on a 80-90 basis to schools and roads, instead of the present 25-79 basis. Authorized a study of the law which requires pupils to remain In school until they are 18. Elected Mrs. Antonia Crater. Newberg, vice president and John Turbyne, Tillamook county, Robert Sabln, Rose burg, Mrs. Velma Buckingham, Bend, Mlat Elda Mae Childert, La Grande, and Worley Have ley, Portland, as trustees. Mrs. Crater will become president of the organization in March, 19S3. Wilson Heads Wheal League LaGrande UJD Morris Wil son of Mayville was named president of the Oregon Wheat Growers league at it closed its annual convention here during the weekend. Other officers included Kenneth Smosic, lone, first vice president; Ken neth Fridley. Wasco, second vice president and Dick Bsum, Pendleton, secretary-treasurer. The group adopted a resolu tion opposing proposed lower ing of parity and support prices on wheat It also urged con struction of more grain eleva tors and use of laid-up Liberty shipt to store surplus wheat Continued payment by the government for conservation practices was favored. Furs Exclusively For IB Tears LACHELLES 1248 Ferry St Mrs. Eva London Funeral Dec. 9 Wood burn Tunersl serv ieea will ha held at in . Wednesday, December 8, for Mrs. Eva M. Landon. S4. prominent Wood burn church and social worker. TH. Ices will be at the Rlngo Fu neral Chanel with tha. n. Ormal B. Trick officiating. Interment will ha In n.n. Pass! cemetery beside her hus band. J. R. Landon. whn rfl.H in i.io. . Mrs. Tendon - w hnm t.. Wisconsin, Mar. 10. 18S9. She married J. R. Landon at Bloom field. Wise.. Feb. a ma Th. uvea in iowa lor two years, then move1 tn Park. dm. Minn., where they lived for 14 years. The Landons ruwmI to fw. ion In 1899. livinr in Silver. ton three years and came to Woodburn in 1898. Mr. Landon owned a furniture business in woodburn for 25 years. Surviving are a cjn nnpp A. Landon, and a granddaugh ter, Mrs. John (Marcile) Car son, both of Woodburn. A dauahter. Mrs. Edith I preceded Mrs. Landon in death! airs. inaan was active In the Methodist hurrh anH tha WCTU until illness forced her retirement a year ago. About three-quarters of the trailers being sold to Ameri cans are more than 30 feet long although in 1048 more than 83 percent were under 30 feet Savory and Tender . Spareribs ...Sweet ..from SAFEWAY Model Ne. S258R $36(.tl Wills Music Store 432 State St Fh. 3-4958 Open Friday 'til 9 P.M. Tele-fun by Wirrrn Goodrich TERMITES 1-TF.AR GUARANTEE PHONE 2-9711 tumnlied tit (antral Jenrtct 15 so. 20TH Wallpaper Sale Continues YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO REDECORATE EFORE THE HOLIDAYS 200 Patterns at Vi Price or Less Paper the Walk of en Average Room for $3.00 Hutcheon Paint Store HfC GREEN STAMPS 162 North Commercial, Salem Phone 3-6687 'I dsn' umdmnt aka k Me brings heme tots e beaks Jo studyP Everybody gat. better service when the young- Threw aJMmiuustajat factor siiuss tn eat Us bee ia IVsaaertptJoft Servtoe wttea ye Wing Fosar Pi eu ittiuai hare. Oar Ptiar-aaclat ks AC CURATE ... to the last aWaree . . . ho ks tW sceaaary BACKGROUND at rrainiskf mm4 m porsanco . . . and he take smueioj CARE ta .a that your praecriptioa Is followed and filled just exactly the way yow Doctor wdesod sL DOW rOeWn-.NKUU TMTWU JMOMAUOtD, TMUKCI.STlUIP.rt i CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405 Slale St. (Corner of Liberty) We Give ZK Green Stamps ' Spare Ribs and Sauer kraut a natural! Spare Ribs with Dressing a special! Try them either wav this week . . . and save on the budget! Thick meated sides for a real feast! GUARANTEED TO PLEASE OR YOUR MONEY REFUNDED Sei T U..V Vie. SLICED BACON Standard Pec Nice nd Lean lb. Other Meat Features Pork Chops Center cut loin lb. Sliced Pork Liver rullefT,Ul.. ,. Fresh Ground Beel Le.D ... ,b Beef Short Ribs For stewing lb. Calf T-Bone Steak Cutth.ck Calf Round Sleak '-1 79c 29c 35c 29c 75c Small bone lh. laH. Calf Shoulder Sleak Bi.d. .t ,b. 43c Breasf 0' Calf For he-man stews lb. 19c Sliced Luncheon Meal , v.,, lb. 49c 'Hershey Chocolate B,kta, M.,b. 39c Wesson Oil QMrtill. 69c Crisco Shortening 83c Snowdrift Shortening 83c 'Del Monte Corn TSZtiZST. 17c Pork & Beans X",c0,Tn 13c ISwifl'l Prem SK?S 43c White Star Tuna Fish No. H can 33c NBC Rifz Crackers ,.,.,, 34c ....... 22c 29c 29 c 49c 28c pkg. Dalewood Margarine ,.,. tUn . Sunnybank Margarine i.lb. Nucoa Margarine i,D. , Hershey Cocoa l ib. else Clorox Bleach Mf.n VALUES IN SAFEWAY'S PRODUCE SECTION A Wonderful Juicy Eetinf Apple m Hi '! ". . . .j.-yiT i l aill 1 1 1 S IIS'S IIILIiaarwTf-ra aa l ltllr. ...I m ,alm iir., lelicious Apples Rome Beauty Apples Arizona Grapefruit it, VI 59' Juicy Oranges lZlmi Salad Vedetables An Excellent Baking Apple lb. 17! Rinso Detergent 29 Large Pkg. Parade Detergent 39-oz. Pkg. 59 Parade Detergent 19-01. Pkg. 29 Tide Detergent 67 47-oz. Pkg. Tide Detergent 29 19-oz. Pkg. ceiio. pkg. SUGAR HO' in GOLDEN CARROTS CRISP CELERY lb. BRUSSEL Cello SPROUTS Pkg. ,k. 9; 12 . CANE 5-lb. 50c 10-lb. 98c 25-lb. 2.35 50-lb. M.65 BEET 5-lb. 49c 10-lb. 97c 25-lb. $2.33 50-lb. M.65 Seedless Raisins 2 lbs. 33c 45c 53c Mines Meat, Bordena, JO 28-es "t Radiant Frnlt Mix Fabcaka Flour Sasanna, 2H-lk.. Faneake Flear If M Sasanna, 1 lbs. . . .V7 Faneake Flear Sperry, 4 lbs. . Faneake Flear $4 4 ft Sue rrr. It lbs. Floor, Kitchen Craft AC. It lbs. W Gold Medal Floor AC. It lbs. ''V Black Pepper, Crewa C. 1.29 Colony, 4-ea. Black Pepper, Crewa Cel. l-es. Campbell's Soup lie variety, can . Campbell's Soup lSe variety, can . Campbell's Soup Tomato, can Neb Hill Coffee Mb Neb Hill Coffee 2-lb. Airway Coffee 1- lb Airway Coffee 2- lb. Edwards Coffee 1- lb Edwards Coffee 2- lb Coffee, adv. brands OA. 1-lb. 07t Nestles Cocoa Eveready, 1-lb. ..13c ..17c 10c 85c 1.69 83c 1.65 87c 1.73 49c Oxydol Detergent 65-oz. Pkg. 67 White King Soap 46-Qi. Pkg. 53 Cheer Detergent 51-oz. Pkg. 69' Duz Soap 65 56-oz. Pkg. White Magic Bleach Gal. 28 PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH WEDNESDAY, DECEMIER Hiimitiiiiin h3 are considerate telephone s...racme letapboM. I - ,