S&lirfar, December 1, 1I5S THE CAPITAL JOTOVAL. Uku. OrtfM I Tele-Views' Radio-Television K UTUKOAT ON KFTVl The TerBeaamr. (; Wive vtairumtar. win Ud Mr. Tovmaker. 1 ""' ."-reiM at ury creek A relay si pony exprem aeu iMtnys ttit U. 8. Army by opening seeled taking Hi Information with an eight-and-a-half million atvlc. with a raUemaa from Tiffany's. Ethel ul Alaert. 1:eA conflict Is precipitated whan Albert wauie w na mm maun on tv and JRAU has vmm kises 00, a Imuran. ' ... J-800"10 ,n1 roungett son Andy to to New Tort to discuss a TV offer. AB Star stefvs, f-FhU Harris stars with tuesta: Bn Blue. Mary licCarty, Edward Everett Horton, Jim I ackut. Ann aharldan, XUIott Lewis. Lenny Kent, Let Brown's orchestra and Red Nichols and his Five Pennies. Tew Hit Farad, U:JS Too tunes of the week. Greatest Fights ef the Century, 11 Barney Bow vs. Jk&my Me Lamln in bouts of May M. INi rracaier rieetra, 11:15--American Empire start JUohaxd Dlx and Preston Foster. see ATtrmOAT ON KOIN-TT: 4.M mm, Laarel and lardy "Swta Miss.' am. This U Show BoetBeas Ollftoa Padlman, host and emcee on panel show with George 8. Kaufman and Bam Leveneon. Ouesta: Harvey Stone, comedian; Chlqulta and Johnson, dancers, and Betty Johnson, stager. 1 em, MedaUlen Theatre "Blandish Started dome thine" A etvte-mlnded architect pits his wits ag aintt a group of crooked poll- 1:M eun, Mlrrer Theatre "Award Perlonnance" starring Vir ginia Field and Zachary Scott, U bjb, Geerce Jeeael 8hw Children of show Dullness celebrities will be featured. - Ouests Include: Jessels daughter JerUynn and Margaret Whiting, daughter of the late composer. Richard Whiting. s.K.. Ray Bolter Show Ray decides to use Thanksgiving day to make peace with a columnist who has been writing eomments about Ray's ability as a performer. V 11 pja, Showtime en Sis "In Honolulu' starring Phyllis Brooks and George Zucco. (Charlie Chan mystery), e .0 .SUNDAY ON KOIN-TV: t pm. Omnibus Allsteire Cooke, master of ceremonies. "Capitol of the World," a play by Ernest Hemingway Ballet based on "Capitol of the World" display of Christmas window at Lord as Taylor's department store in New York. 1:3 sua. Lamp Uate My Peet "pesk Unto Them" by Paul Tripp. Guest: Dr. Maurice N. Slssndrat, president of oh Onion of Hebrew ComrregsUons. 'Tentetive highlight). pjn, Quick As A Plash Kitty Carlisle and Robert Aids ached - t luea as gueev panvusis. jhio ANiyer, emcee. j 4:3 pjn, Adrtntsre-Series presented In cooperation with the v. - American Museum of natural History. Buoject; ureeniano now f . Man Lives There." Junius B. Bird, guest. .:. s:d an, wnnn uwaj owuj muwH mm iw w " - t t jasseL His career was halted in iihr as tn result a uisasHous v ' ejocident S g pm, TOU ABB THERE "The Balling of the Mayflower Aug. i , I. i30, the destiny-laden moment when a small group waited for J permission from King James to sail from Southampton, Kng, to an , unknown land. . . , . , I :M pjn. Pride ef the FamllT Alble spills some mysterious fluid ' on hlmseUwhlle In a doctor's office. The result of the mishap cause j 1 Alble some anxious moments. , 1 ra, Jack Penny Shew Irene Dunne, Vincent Price, Rex Bvans , i and Gregory Rato't guests of Benny. : ' pm. Teast ef the Town Ouesle of Ed Sullivan include: Sophie ! Tucker, Julius La Rosa, Dr. Ralph Bunch, the "Collier's All-American - football team Jos B. Louis, the Six Frielsnls' bicycle set, the Har - : t monicats and (he Alblns husband and wife dance, team. Bill XII. ' goat of the V. B. Naval Academy, will appear. pm. G.E. Theatre "The Marriage Fix" starring Jack Oaraon f and Joan Shawle. Comedy about t Tenturer'. .... ' KPTV SUNDAY PROGRAM: j In Search ef the Northwest, la-Mr. Perrow presents his lm , rnsilons of the Pacific Northwest. t Prefesslenal Football. 11 Chicago Bears vs. Detroit Lions. j , Wedding Belles, 1:30 Gene Brendler emcees on bride's program. 1 4 kat Kaeera. 4 "M Stands Far Murder" Roy. Dale and Pat are i : gcnfronted with a legend of the Old West being used to cover up t "Mu ef "thTeer, -HtghUghtt of the put year with candidates a v - far TIMS magazine's "Man of the Year;" I Vietery at Sea, g- "Magnetic North". Close-ups of Brttiah oprn- t . mando raids on German lnstaUationa in Norway and film depicting me struggle for the AleuUan Islands. i f life With Elisabeth, 6:10 Features Betty White. Paul Wlnehell Shew. 1 Constance Bennett, guest, will appear L " with Wlnehell in a dramatic sketch concerning a playwright and nit Mr. peepers, :aMr. Peepers decides to buy a new suit, the nrst in several years, without the assistance of his rnother and aunt Cemeay near, s unmy xjtuaui .ru4 Pain Como. J and Philip Abbot, Story of a cynical, mklo-. j-se coai I metician who manufactures an Inexpensive cold cream that has a TeKTinon riaynoose, "TSier uuu !3rBAnte story" .Ur. LoretU Young Hugh BuniS: 8ty U beaed on th. Uf of Charlotte Bronte. SUNDAY RADIO PROGRAMS: Bine Crosby b the host for the "Family Theater dramatisation "Foreign Exchange," co-a tarring Lamont Johnson and Jeann Bate. Sunday, December f. from e:3O-7:0O pm.. on KSLM. Youth Views the News on KOW at SO pm. Sunday wlH fea ture Kelso high school students. ... .... Oregen Nats On Breakfast Club Monday to t. KEX, Farmer Jones wlU present Oregon nuu to Don McNelland ccenpany. Third V. 8. 8teel Shew Monday en KOIN-TV "Tin Wedding with Eddie Albert and Phyllis Thaxter at the co-stars, will be the third production on television's newest dramatic program, The United States Steel Hour, Monday, December 7. at 10 pm. Station KOIN-TV, the drama will unfold a story of an emotional upheaval in an Ameri can family. The new series, raxiduced by the Theatre Guild and widely ac claimed as a major television achievement, appears on alternate weeks. Audrey Christie and Billle Worth will have supporting roles In the third production. Written by Hasar Wilde and Judson ODonnell, making their debut as a video writing team. "Tin Wedding" dramatises the near break-up of a marriage that has endured for a decade. Eddie Albert and Phyllis Thaxter will be seen in the roles of a troubled husband and wile. ... . . . e OTHER MONDAT KOIN-TV FEATURES: 1:3. pm. Armchair Theatre "Love, Honor and Goodbye" atara Virginia Bruce and Victor MscLaglsn. . 7 ml Stadia One "Bulftlo BUI is Dead" stars Anthony Ross with Wm. Harrigan and Carole Mathews. Drama concerns an aging cowpoke in the waning days of the Old West p m. Burn, and Allei-Oeorge and Harry Morton lay plans for harmless deviltry after Oracle and Blanche decide to visit San Fran- l:U .m, Adelph Menjeaj--Trie Fury" stars Wanda Hendrix and .John Kellogg. A story of conflict on a smsUWand off the Italian coast involving a girl who repeUt all men because of her fathers cnei'L' v i Tiwili. sun and Deal Amaa. Lucv and Ethel self their husband's old clothes which sets of f a chain of tany a Man la 11 pm. Showtime On Six ftnia Grey and uevia Bruce. ( MONDAY ON KPTV: What's CoekingT lt:S Barbara Angell (apple dressing) end raised coffee a..?.. T-.tri 1 ' o-.' K.ie Bmlth hw, Chlquit Kid Johnson, J vav.t.1- a A aLi. At AaniU MTtt feWmtUTMl iSnor Murfi? Party, M-June Button and BUI Hayes emcee m Kay Murray . snsence. iinene DON'T FORGET Valley TV's Television Party Free Refreshments BRING THE KIDS FROM 1 P.M. TO 6 P.M. Valley Television Center p " " " ' to an Indian chief a girl who wants to marry an .w. mm "u.ima Anhradlte" atara Ruth White '"Hurrican at Pilgrim Hill" start Vlr- prepares roast duck cake. A'v .tan Boris Karloff and Maris uani b "eat of rtiMUM, I M Taer Hcrt tteunssinXa, jus. art Mmiimoi hum, III "MuymC stars Dorothy Olsk with aughn Taylor and Sd Beglsy. A tlacy of the otl um a aticV west bwkfraund. MM Owl Tbaaare, llitwwButttad Cvanye" ua Bury atakay. wmi ftudsae, and o, MrM. . , MONDAT ON RADIO: "Men en Tight Hop. U Redl Theatre show on COIN t 1 d ward O. Bncilntnn snd Terry Moon will be sun. Valley Television Center Is Open tVtry Night Til 9 for Your CeeivenieiK OPEN SUNDAY From 1 p.m. te .. VALLEY TELEVISION 2303Flrrti-dIM. Ph. 2-1 91 S On Television KPTV (27). KOIN-TV (.) UHF VHF fQ.tr riww uhaevH m a4vai MARR RADIO & mtVISIOH TV Sole Sdrvics Installafioii Open from am te em Ph. t-llll lis S. Ceml Salem's First Tearrisiea Stete ATDBDST KPTV Dw TilM KPTV TEA KPTV Tor aaatr ts4 trlsaS KPTV evtce Caottj kptv mm Sai asm KPTV MoUt DBI IMP :N S B. w:lt .m. 16:M !. 1S:M SJS. 1S: m-m. l:i 9-m. r.n 9-m. :M . I S t.m. t: I ) p.m. 4:0. . 4:M SJB. I:(t t.m. rPTV SvaM latral KPTV-Smlllas ES KPTV TB KPTV-auaasiT Tkaa ruuas KPTV Loa. Ranitr kptv Johaar JaMiie KPTV Cast. MVaaleai FOtK Uuisl aad aards KOWLaard sad Bsidr KPTV euperraaa Kons Paihtlaa LwMB KPTV Colfltttl Ptock :M la :N 1:M m. t:M f a l:M la tie sa. :H m M S B, KOm Thu u Snow KPTV Traaiar. Baal KOIN Bast th. Clots KPTV Ufa of BUra koin Maeauiaa notar KPTV Ithal and Albart KOIN iftrm Tbaalor KPTV BotUne KOIN Jtokla Olaaaoa KPTV Ajaatwr mm KOIN Jtctu Owaa KPTV All Stir Ktvlav pom Tw. for th. Monar KPTV AU Star Bniav koin Mr Pavniu HuisaaS : S B. KPTV All BUT StlMW KOIN Oaona JeMftl KPTV Kit Par Mia KOIN Mar Bakra Shov KPTV Ort.taat Pltbta torn-simttB. six KPTV Pralmar Thaaur KOIN aha TIB. am six li:M SB. U: S.SL U:l I B. Does TV Hurt Your Eyes! HOFFMAM..- PHONE l-ltll Valley IY Center 11(2 Fairground Rd. Sales - Service - Installatloa Open Till t p.m. Daily . Sunday from 1 to p.m. SUNDAY I t. i i. KPTV What I Pm. Caa Do t:lt m m. PPTV Boaeiat Puaalaa It ta KPTV Whau Ten TrMtle l:as ..a. KPTV InSaatrr paras. ISM a m. KPTV aaaklni Norih.aat 1.1S a n. KPTV Rallsl.ua PUB 1I M a m. KPTV Pr. rootball l:ae p.B, KPTV aot eoniMtn. KOIN Omaltsa 1:1 a KPTV Art LlnU.Ua KOIN Omalbua l:H pa kptv Wasdbs Balls KOTN Omalbua l:M am. KPTV llfa Batlas St SS KOIN Onnlhua I M S B. KPTV HOV D0M CMrd. Om KOIN Lamp UdU Mr Paat t:N S B. KPTV Nor Katara KOTO Qulek u Plwk :N I I. KPTV xo ParaS. KOIN ASvaa ture I N S B. KPTV tlaa of T.ar KOIN-Oaa. Autrar l:M pa. KPTV tua of Taw KOIN-Comahaek I M p.m. kptv victerr it a. a rolN Toa Ara Thai. S:l p.B. KPTV Ufa With Xlttaattk KO'.N PrM. .1 Pamllr f:tS S.B. KPTV Wlaehou a Mabiatv KOIN Jack Baaar V:IS S.B. KPTV Hr. paapan KOTN Whit'a Hr Lias I M a KPTV Comadr Hour KOIN Tout at Tow. :tt I B. KPTV TV PMrhluM KOTN o-g Thaaur l:M p.B. KPTV TV Plarhouat KOIN Ilia Beblaa Btdtt II M p.B. PPTV Lttur t. Lwatta KOIN TB. WO. 1I:N p a. KPTV Mas Crlaa KOIN Pa tar Pottar Show 11:11 IB KPTV Talis Kaaalla' ' When you treat yourself to a , I free DuBarry Make-Up Lesson, youll I I learn new loveliness, new faahkma and teehniquea in make-up! Miss Agee, well-known Beauty 1 Expert direct from New York's Richard Hud nut I Beauty Salon will teach you professional beauty f etcret. Quick glamour tricks ... all easy, all fun! f Remember: ahe'll be here one week only . . . ao call f immediately for your private appointment I I And shell have a aeaaty-gtft far yea when yea eeme in I V Pay less Drug Store j 414 Stat St. Selem . - . . BolfsaT i 41 M KPTV Ktdel. CmiT lt SS la KPTV Dins DM eeMal lt.M S B. KPTV What's Cooklas I K B. KPTV H4VKIBS FUJI 11 : am. KPTV Th Ktaaatu 11:1. s b. KPTV Pr was at PUSUr u.M ins kptv ra pons s rant! U:M p.B. KPTV TllU U US UlS KOIN Mmw CrmrnV IM V-B. PPTV M.U.M Tanter .lonwM i lus 1:11 S B, rPTV-ll.Ua 1: S.B. KPTV-M.tUM t:t B. KPTV-usUdM l S.B. KPTV MltlnM 1:M i s KPTV oa Tow Aeeniat Kom airtst it Rich l:SS S.B. KPTV Kau Salts kow Oarer mum ghee I il I. KPTV-KSI. BBIUl I N fa KPTV Kate SB. IS koix ana Chair ThraW 1:1 IB. KPTV Wtlcaau Trtv.ur. fcolff Am clMlr TbMMf :U a KPTV Th. Toraakar koim atmebtir Tatster 4:4i S.B. KPTV Toraaktr t:aa 9-m. kptv Bevsi dmsv rom oioatt riu IS la KPTV Bar n Cm. KOIK-Lsanl IM BUS I ts 9-m. kptv wud am Bitioa koin mttn wtaUMiBaa : S.B. KPTV Mill KDOl Kons Doas uvarei I II l a. KPTV worthw.it disbb KOIM OrtkLMt OraBS V: la KPTV ChlcM. Itthls MITCHELL'S Factory Trained arris and IntaXMOBB UM State St, rhea t-WTt KOItt etnau. Oaa ' I S i i kptv Arthur tains Beats koin stuei. oa. tits P-a rPTV Nan Carama KOm-etaSI. Oa. : P.B. KPTV Nua. That Taas KOUtt-Buraa aaS AUaa :M p a KPTV Vote, of pimua KOIN ASUsk kuaut t OS I. a KPTV Dual. Das KOIN I Lavs L I M im. KPTV Bohart MMfSBBSTt KOIN Rod Batteai 1I:W p-a. KPTV Boban Mae team arr aoiiv amaricaa tv tbssmv It: IS SB. KPTV-unaar auctua 11 M 9-m. rvTV nth Hoar Kiwi KOUt Sboaum. an eui 11:10 la. KPTV Waauun Vaaa 1I:IS S B. KPTV Nit Owl tutelar Trinity Church in Building Program Silverton Trinity Lutheran Church Building Committee met Dec. 1 to review progress on construction of the Sunday School room unit being built ss an addition to th present church edifice. 1 In the absence of Silas Tor- vend, committee chairman, who is visiting in Minnesota, Harlan Moa was chosen to pre side. The two-story unit includes 12 class rooms, fireside room, choir assembly room and church office a well a a few utility rooms. Original estimate of cost for the project was $25, 000. Donated labor is expected to reduce this cost somewhat Most of the sheet rock 1 In plsc in the rooms. Th fire place was completed last week by F. H. Dederick. Jelmer Kefs land is in charge of construc tion He and M. O. Hatteberg have been employed by the church line last May when th project began. Th committee 1 chedulcd to meet briefly sfter fellowship dinner on Dec. 13 to consider report on type of paint and color. History Seen In Old Photo Company M left Salem on June ao, 1S1 far training at Camp Clackamas and photo grapher was en hand to portray the scens as th boy marched j down 12th street preparatory i to departure on Southern Paci ; fie train No. 28 at 10:43 a.m. A copy of that 27-year-old pic ! ture ha been retained by Hed , da Swart, Marion county engi neer, and recently loaned to , the Capital Journal. I When Company M Uft St lam oa that June day 12( xoen wort la the lino of march. A delegation of 11 tram the La die Auxiliary of Bosnian American war veteran led the company through th street. Captain Max Oehlar wag at th head of th eoluma. At the de pot Salem Military band played and selections were sun by Tom Ordemann, vocalist. streets were lined with friend and relatives oa hand to see th Company off. A Capi tal Journal reporter present oa the o cession reported that be tween 4000 and 8000 had gath ered at th depot for the occa sion. Not since S Danish-Ameri-can war day had aucb crowd assembled there. At Camp Clachim Compa ny M put In five hour daily in drill, lii addition thsr was experience la trench digging, tent pitching ud other detail expected to be encountered in actual warfare. Th govern ment allowed National Guard eompanl 75c a day for each man in way of maintenance. Company M, old Third Ore gon and tubawcjuenUy the Iliad infantry, was organixed with Charles A. Murphy as captain during March of 1001. This was th first company mustered Into federal tsrvice for th Mexican border trouble in 1810. Com pany M passed out of existence February is, 1111. Holiness Group To Hear Deal Th Rev. William S. Deal, president of th Oregon Holi- net assoclstion, will speak at the 10:20 service of th M rion county Holiness mooting, Tuesday, December g. Rev. Mr. Deel 1 also superintend nt ef th Salem district of Pilgrim Holines churches. Th Rev. Mllo C Ron will peak at th 7:10 p.m. service Mr. Ron' tint full-tim torat was la Greenleaf, Id' ho, at th largest rural Friends church in America, with membership of nearly 400. -I Sine th first of July, he hss been th speaker over th "Quaker Hour," a radio pro gram with outlet In- Oregon, Washington, Idaho aad Kan (as. Both services wlU b held in the First Church of th Nazarene, 13th and Canter St. Fire Disf. Election ' At Aurora Monday Aurora An election will be held Monday, Dec?, from 2 to S p.m. In thi Aurora Com munity hall, when voters of the Aurora Rural Fir Protec tion district will elect on di rector for a flve-yesr term. Julius Bather has been nom inated for the position to ue-1 eeed X. I. Bradtl, whoa term expire Dec. 11, 1B8I. I Other director r Ray Yer-1 gen, Willis Yoder, Rsy Martin I and Willi Mstthieu. I Laurels to th combined worthy ffortt of th Porcnts and Teochen of our community? Their tntereir in the welfar of our children . . . striving ever toward greater understand ing and unity . . . assures th proper devel opment and right thinking of the men and women of tomorrow! In this very promise lias the future of our community, our state, our nation. Mor duties and responsibilities or added to their crowded and busy lives. Yet their reward and satisfaction Is in the sure knowledge that their labors will beor a rich harvest. Plaudits to our Parents and Teach ers! Their work today assures the peace and plenty of the world tomorrow! CAPITAL DRUG STORE 40S Stete St., Corner of Liberty WE GIVE itf GREEN STAMPS We Salute Our Town! COMPANY M LEAVES FOR ACTION AGAINST MEXICO This 17-year-old photograph loaned to the Capital Journal by Hedda Swart, Marion county engineer, shows Salem Company M marching down 12th street to th depot preparatory to departure tor training camp aad ulti mately border service against Mexico. Date of th Kent I juao so. lsia. Old Sol Cuts Working Hours As Winter Season Advances 1 ' . By j. Huofl ntrrrr WHaM, SataaiMa DtTlatoa, Oust Btaser XahBStwa SnUa t. Th day sr really getting! abort Old Sol is rising away over toward th southeast and setting nearly in the south- west. During th day he move across a relatively abort and low arc in th outhern sky, and is above th horizon only about half st long as la June. The outbeistera morning sky it now bespangled with planets. An hout before sun rise, brilliant Venus Is Just clearing the horizon. Only a littl above this spectacular object. Mercury is quite bright 'Considerably farther west and higher yellow Saturn glow steadily, but Is leu luminous thin Mercury. High In the southeast, rd Mar it th dimmest of the four. Almost under Mir and doe to It, th bright star 8 pica i sparkling. Note that Mart does sot twinkle, while Spies does. This It a noted difference in behavior be tween planets and real start The four planet and the tua ara almost In a straight lin. Brilliant Jupiter it still torn dlstanc abov the west- northwestern horlxon but will set within two hour. a a For our evening observe Uon of bright objects, let us itudy the sky ibout an hour after (unset. Jupiter it Just rising in the east-northeast and later In the evening will be high in the heavens. It was below the horizon, only nine hours. After it was seen in th western morning iky, it ha swung sround under th northern sky line as doe th sun In th summer time. For residents of latitude 45 de gree, this giant world at noon was only about IS degrees be low the northern horizon, A little west of th zenith. w find Deneb, This bright iter la it the held of the Northern Croat, a rither pro St. Mwrk'S , LUTHERAN . 1(1 N. Church lev. Jean L. Caabbe, raeter Wtlceme Te Worship I SO A K. Sunday School 11:00 A. U. Morning Worship S OO F. M. Intermediate League SO F. M. Sr. Luther League ALL ARE INVITED Jrihule to Our PkM minent figure of dimmer iters which extend southwettwsrd along th Milky Way. Below Deneb. there 1 a still brighter star, beautiful white Vega, the principal iter la Lyra, th Harp. Notle th little half circle of small iters, with th round ed tld down, not very high the west-northwest. . This th Northern Cross. The familiar Big Diper it now low in th iky a little west of north. Look at it again, In two or three hours and note that it hss moved eastward. Low fat the south, bright Fomalhaut glitter in the mouth of the Southern Fish. Well up in the northeast bril liant yellow Capella sparkle. This distant sun It In the ssme color elan with our sun, but is actually many times more luminous. Light from old Sol reaehe us in a littl over eight minutes; from Capella, in about 45 yean. Near th horizon, slightly north of due east note th orange star Aledbaian in the V-ehsped atelier group th Hyadetv Somewhat higher, th faint tiny dipper of the tlx start of th arc all Pleiade clutter la conspicuous and charming. CHAEQI MO THEFT Albany Arretted early murseuy by city police, Carl Luker, 41, Albany, is being neia m ui city isii on a district court charge of theft, it was announced by Ray Maddy. chief of police. Luker's arrest cam on complaint of Shirley i.oney. ureen Uables Motel. Coffey claimed Luker took two 130 Mill from him. Arizona mines have nrodueacl minerals of a value totaling four billion dollars since 1853 ny th Nttional Geographic Society. CALL OR COME IN Need colorful, durable, tonitary walls in your" llteh sr both? It'i esy to Install NORRIS-VjfALKER Plotti Well Til YOURSELF or. free evening or week-end. Com In to ee th complete color (election, or phone 4-2279 for free estimate. Let Norm-Walker Help You Be Your Own Home Decorator Grafsinger (lev Breeders Head Silverton Elected presi dent of the Marion County Dairy Breeders association Wsdneaday at the all-day aee- ' lion at th Suverton armory. was Frank Grstsinger of Oer- vala, with around 78 guests present from Marlon sad Clackamas counties. . The VFW auxiliary - unit served noon luncheon. Raymond Johnson is serving on a re-elected term oa the . board of director aad also at new vie president At secre tary, Mr. W. L. Williams was elected. Member of th board also include the president -Grstsinger. Ragnor Anderson of Colton, it to replace Rich ard Bsrnes whoso term x pirc. A retiring president from the put year, Barnea con ducted the business lenion. Vernon Helper of Caaby will represent th assoclstion for Marion county in the Ore gon B tracers association. The association technician and manager, W. L. Williams, in hit annual report specified 174 new members were added , during th past year, totaling 600 members; and a 17 par cent increas in business over th previous year. More than 7,000 cowt now belong to mem ber of th tssociation. Th association repurchased $630 worth of capital certifi cates which had been earlier days issue to members. "Are . You Losing Your Market for Your Milk?' waa th topic of Glenn Kelson of th Oregon state college, tak ing the (tend that producers were definitely not losing their market "a consumption 1 ril ing continuously and that by 1060 th increase in volum of milk used would reach SO per cent" Willisms showed picture de picting educations! progren f th association. -I PEE l' fi n tObj ). amaiiMHJ, b-t- JTtTIO FROM. mtT ffW4-aT"tft 2303 Fairgrounds Hi. .21913 V