Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 05, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    3-Day Sale
Tht annual display and salt of ar
ticle made by patient at tha date tu
, berculosi hotpiutl will be neat Thurs
day, Friday and Saturday, In the Court
street Roberta Brother itora.
The event 1 ponored a a service
project of Marion-Polk Medical Society
auxiliary. All Item in the sale are
t made by patient at the hospital and
all proceeds go back to them. Tooled
leather articles, towels and many other
items in crafts line are In the display,
Mrs. Don Woodard, general chair
man, Mrs. Roscoe Wilson as co-chairman,
Mr. Carl Holm, chairman for as
sistants, head the directorate in charge.
Circle tueeiings for Womsn's Society
of Christian Service of the First Meth
odist church will be next Wednesday,
December 0, at 1:19 o'clock (unless oth
erwise indicated) as follows:
No. 1, meeting date changed to De
cember 23.
No. 3, at the home of Mrs Stewart
Miner, 1153 Oak, Mrs. Fred Miner as
sisting. No. S, at the home of Mrs. O. H. Yet
ter, 760 Hood, Mrs. Donald Brazie and
Mrs. Etta Hall assisting.
No. 4, at the home of Mrs. John Lsr
wood, 2610 Skopil avenue, Mrs. Ray
Waltz and Mrs. Bess Stevenson assist
ing. No. 9, at the home of Mrs. John H.
Carkin, 495 North Summer, Mrs. Ber
tha Compton and Mrs. Orvllle Johns
No. 6, at the fellowship room of the
church, Mrs. Myrtle Heard, Mrs. L. C.
Taylor and Mrs. J. E. Kirk as hostesses.
No. 7, In the evening, at the home of
Mrs. Herbert Nelson, state hospital cot
tage No. 18, Mrs. Charles Paeth and
Mrs. Philip C. Schramm assisting, Mrs.
Olen Williams to lead devotions, tha
meeting to be at 8 o'clock.
No. 8, at the church in the Carrier
room, dessert to be at 12:30 p.m., a
nursery to be provided for the young
Sojourners club plans It regular
meeting next Thursday afternoon at 1
o'clock at Salem Woman' club house.
Mrs. C. O. Fredrlckson, Mrs. Hobart
M. Price, Mrs. Donald Huff, Mrs. B. J.
Cleary and Mrs. Richard Denton are
the committee for the day.
The Royal Neighbors of America
tewing club plans its annual Christmas
party and no-host dinner at the May
flower hall at 12:30 p.m. Thursday, De
cember 10.
Christms gifts will be exchanged
among members and a program pre
sented. Committee chairmen are Mr. J. A.
Gamble who has charge of the gifts;
Mrs. James W. Prentice, decorating;
Mrs. W. G. Walker, program; and Mrs.
Claude Hall, kitchen committee.
Cherry court. Order of Amaranth,
will meet Wednesday, December 8 at 8
p.m. at the Scottish Rite temple.
Members are asked to bring dona-,
tions of canned food and toy for a
Christinas basket.
A Christmas party and exchange of
gifts will follow the business meeting.
Co-charimen of tha committee are Mr.
and Mr. Ray Johnson, assisted by Mrs.
and Mrs. Robert Nickens, Mrs. Sam
May, and Dr. and Mrs. Leon E. Barrick.
SI. Luke's Treats
For Children
Woodburn The regular
meeting of the Christian Par
ents club of St. Luke's parish
waa held Thursday night at St.
gate to the monthly meetings
of the Centennial general com
mittee, asked for appointment
of an alternate, and told of the
past meeting which she attended.
Mrs. Bea
4-H chairman, waa present to
explain 4-H
it was not necessary tor 4-H
work to have a sponsoring or
ganization. Mrs. Foster announced that
a regional representative of
Cub Scouting would be at the
Eugene Field school Monday
evening, Dec. 7.
Silverton teachers will be
Luke's hall with Mrs. Jack
Connell presiding. Arthur
Heldt was named to act as ser-geant-at-arms
for the meeting.
The membera voted to sup
ply Christmas treats for the
children of St Luke's school as
has been the annual custom for
several years.
A committee was appointed
program and refreshment hosts
at the regular PTA meeting to
be held at the Eugene Field
to Investigate the purchase of
playground equipment for the
school from the receipts of the
recent tall festival. Appointed
were Delbert Haener, Ray Mil
ler, Harold Elchsteadt, Kilian
Smith and Eugene Boyington.
Members of the Woodburn
Jaycee-Ette were guests for
the program which was on
fluoridation. The program was
presented by Mrs. Harmon
Yeary and Mrs. Mary Tester
man, county nurses, and Dr. A.
K. Guild, local dentist, who
showed slides.
Walter Scarborough, Jr., an
nounced the annual "March of
Dimes," which will open in
Woodburn, Jan. 2.
Refreshments were served by
the sixth grade parents. For
the next meeting. Jan. 7, the
seventh grsde parents will
Silverton PTA Hears
Of Centennial Plans
school auditorium. Thursday
Reception to
Benson Public
While the top state officials
will attend the reception to be
tendered to Arthur S. Benson
tribute to
clerk of
Court, all old friends of the
veteran state employee are in
vited to
scheduled to retire on Decem
ber 31.
The reception will be held
In the office of the clerk from
Silverton Mrs Allan Fos-
ter, president, directed the! era, a position that will keep
, .,. .ucrimg oi me nlm In c
PTA executive board
i me
Eugene Field library room
With regrets, the resignation
of Rev. Douglas Harrell as
chairman of international af
fair was accepted, due to the
family having left for their new
location, Talura Lake, Calif.
A daughter, sained Kathleen Ann,
wa bora Sunday, November it at the
Salem Memorial hospital to Mr. and
Mrs. Robert White.
Maternal grandparents art Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Barr, Salem. Paternal
grandfather 1 Charles White of Nampa,
Idaho. Great-grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Barber, of Ryderwood,
Wash., and Mrs. Theodore M. Barr, Salem.
The Rev. Omar Berth, of the Calvary
Baptist church will spesk to members
of the Sslem Woman's club on "Keep
ing Christ in Christmas," at a meeting
in the club house Friday, December 11
at 2 p m. The Rev. Mr. Berth will alio
show moving pictures of the Holy Land.
An executive board meeting at 1
o'clock will precede the talk. Tea
chairman will be Mrs. Harry Sappen
field. During the meeting members will
pay tribute to Mrs Saidle Orr Dunbar,
past president of the Genera! Federa
tion of Women's Clubs. Mrs. Dunbar
for many years headed the Oregon
state tuberculosis association and help
ed to promote the Christmas Seal sales.
Mrs. Clifton Mudd will-comment on
Mrs. Dunbar's work in the association.
Hollywood Lion auxiliary will meet at
the home of the president, Mrs. Marvin
Clatterbuck on Wednesday evening, De
cember 9, at 8 o'clock.
After a short business session, the eve
ning will be spent wrapping gift pack
ages for patients at the Oregon state hos
pital. Mrs. E. A. Bradfield and Mrs. Clarence
Greig will be the hostesses for the eve
ning. Pupils from the three second grades
at Bush school will present a Christmas
program for the Bush School Mothers
club meeting in the school auditorium
at 1:15 o'clock Friday afternoon, De
cember 11.
Second grade mothers will act as
hostesses with Mrs. Kenneth Sherman
as chairman.
Committee members for the new year
were appointed during a meeting of the
American Gold Star Mothers in the Vet
rans of Foreign Wars hall Thursday
Those appointed were: Ways and
means, Mrs. J. D. White. Mrs. Fred Birch,
and Mrs. George Quesseth; legislative
chairman, Mrs. Jessie Sanders; hospital
chairman, Mrs. George Pro; cheer chair
man, Mrs. Jake Lappin; entertainment
chairman, Mr. Mary Champ.
A number of Christmas packages were
reported to have been sent to Camp
White and to the Roseburg hospital.
Plana were made to send canteen books
to the hospital and afghans and clothing
to Camp White. . .
Arrangements were also made for a
Christmas party December 17 at the
home of Mrs. Jake Lappin at 7:30 p.m.
A homecoming celebration has been
scheduled by the Silver Bell circle of
the Neighbors of Woodcraft for Friday,
December 11 at the Woman's club
Dinner is set for 6:30 p.m. On the
committee are Mrs. C. B. Shaw, Mrs.
Pauline Clark, Mrs. Lucy St. Lair, Mrs.
L. C. Mitchell, Mrs. George Noack.
A regular meeting and initiation will
follow the dinner.
Mrs. Ralph Schmidt dele
A Cappella
Choir Sunday
Members of the Linfield
college a cappella choir from
McMlnnvlle, under the direc
tion of choirmaster Carl J.
Kittleson, will appear in con
cert Sunday at 7:30 p.m. in
the Calvary Baptist church.
The choir, now in Its 24th
season, will feature many fa
miliar traditional carols, and
representative Christmas mu
sic from the 16th century to
the present day.
This well known Northwest
Humphreys, county
work and say that
choral group, with approxi
mately 45 members, will ap
pear in high schools, churches
and concert halls, as they
have twice every year since
their founding.
This year two young peo
ple from Salem are perform
ing with the choir: Miss Diane
Burkland and Misa Joan Ham-man.-Eight
states, In all, are
Dec. 3.
Professor Kittleson came to
Linfreld In the fall of 1952
from the staff of the Teachers
College of Brockport, N. Y.
His training was received at
the Teachers College of Man
kato, Minnesota; the Univer
sity of Minnesota; the Royal
College of Music, London,
England: and the Eastman
School of Music, Rochester,,
Preceding the concert Sun
on December 16, as a mark of.
36 years service as
the State Supreme
attend. Benson Is
4 to 6 p.m. with members of
the Supreme Court acting as
The retiring clerk is slated
to become secretary of the
Board of State Bar Examin-
day night at the church, there
will be a fellowship time for
members of the choir and
those of high school age who
are interested in meeting the
members of the choir or the
ose touch with at.
lorneys of the state, with
whom he so long has been associated.
The Collage
13(1 8. Itta
Announces for Your
Shopping Convtnienci
Oirijtmu Stoftj Hours
Maadrf thrush SatwdiT
I IK I t.M.
Suitor, I I.M.-4 .M.
ANNUAL Christmas party for Sa
lem downtown Lion club auxil
iary is planned for next Thurs
day evening. December 10, instead of
the usual third Thursday.
The event at the home of
Mr. Milan Boniface, 1785 Reservoir
. street. There will be a gift exchange
. among member, also member are to
take canned goods and clothing to be
presented a needy family at Chris tmss.
Mrs. Erich Laetsch is chairman of
tht hostess committee and serving with
her are Mrs. Bslph Eyre. Mrs. John
Mulr, Mrs. Cornelius Lofgren, Mr. Jo
seph Kinzer, Mr. Virgil Hum.
Tht newly organized auxiliary to tht
Marion-Polk-Yamhill County Dental
society will meet next Wednesday eve
ning at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Floyd Utter with Mrs. Rollin Baker a
Catholic Daughter of America plan
their regular meeting for next Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock in Catholic
Center. Members are asked to take
their donations of food for Catholic
Notices are out for the next meeting
of Salem unit of the Oregon Federation
of Republican Women on Monday, De
cember 14, at the Senator hotel. Dr.
Howard Runkel of Willamette univer
sity speech department la to be apeaker.
New officers will be Installed, Mrs.
Paul L. Patterson to officiate at the
installation. Mrs. Leon Ferry is the new
The Prisrilla guild and Dorcas so
ciety of Christ Lutheran church wilt
meet together for their annual Christ
mas party and program Tuesday, De
cember 8, at 7:45 p.m. in the parish
The Rev. T. M. Gebhard and the Prl
scilla guild executive committee will
have charge of the' program. There
also will be an installation of officers.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Harvey Chris
tenson and Mrs. Boyd Hillesland.
Meeting next Tuesday evening ia
St. Cecelia's guild of St. Paul's Episco
pal church, at the home of Miss Betty
Byrd, 1287 Chemeketa street, at 8
o'clock. Members are asked to take
their gifts of clothing for a Christ
mas bssket.
Susannah Wesleyan Service guild of
the First Methodist church Is meeting
Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the
home of Mrs. S. A. Wheatley, 725 Court
Three department officers will be
guests of the Capital unit of the Amer
ican Legion auxiliary when it meets in
the Woman's club house at 8 p.m. Mon
day, December 7.
Guests will be Mrs. Forrest Erickson,
Estacada, president; Mrs. Mae Whit
comb, Portland, secretary; and Mrs.
Josephine Kane, Dundee, treasurer.
AMlsting to entertain the dignitaries
will be Salem unit 136, presenting the
special program, and Kingwood unit.
The following evening, December 8,
executive board members and commit
tee chairmen of Capital unit will meet
for their annual Christmas psrty at the
home of Mrs. Glenn Holman on Schur
man road.
Marion Co. Jersey
Rated Superior Sire
National Lonors have been
awarded Floyd E. and Lesta C.
Bates, Rt. 4, Salem, for an out
standing Jersey bull. The bull,
Llndell Galinthia's Sport, has
been named a Superior Sire by
The American Jersey Cattle
Club, Columbus, Ohio.
The Superior Sire rating in
dicates that a bull has passed
on both high production and
good breed type of his daugh
ters. Lindell Galinthia's Sport
has 12 daughters tested for
production. They averaged 9.
434 pounds milk containing
493 pounds butterfat on a twice
daily milking, 305-day mature
equivalent basis. The bull also
has 18 daughters classified for
breed type with an average
rating of 83.61 per cent.
Pidgin English, once consid
ered a corruption of English
used by traders in the South
Seas, is now a language in its
own right
You ladles better not let me down now after I agreed
to keep your Christmas selections free from the peering
eyes of snoopy husbands I have been "rebuffed," and
that'a mild, from all sides. "It's men like you that make .
it difficult for men like us. said one red headed gent
"Listen brother, art you for us or againat us," said an
other. Oh yea. ont of my good friends came up with "I
hope your darn (t think he said) aafe gets to full the
overflow Into the store keeps all your customers out."
Shorty said, "Holly, It should work both ways. If I buy
a present tor my wife will you keep It locked up for ma
until Christmas?" Well sure.1 be glad to, and I'll do tht
aama tor any of you fellow and I'll even do better than
that I'll have our expert "packagewrapperupper" fix
It all up pretty and it won't cost you a cent extra either.
225 N. Ljbtrty St.
The year's last meeting for social elub
of Chadwick chapter. Order of Eaatera
Star, is to be at tht Masonic temple,
Tuesday, December 8.
The dessert luncheon will begin at
1:15 p.m. A Chris Unas program will
be featured.
Those on tht committee art Mrs. I.
Wiper, Mrs. David H. Cameron, Mrs.
X. A. Kurtz, Mrs. H. R. Pickett, Mrs.
Ulva Derby Mr. Mem Pearee, Mrs.
Ludwick Mickelsoo, kn. A. W. Coon,
Mrs. David H. Looney, Mrs. Lucy Mc
Dowell, Mrs. B. M. Bennett, Mrs. M. A.
Pekar, Mra. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. Charles
Fowler, Mra. E. M. McKee.
1 i
The McKinley school Mother elub
will meet Mondays- December T at 8
pa. In tht Coral room of tha school.
' Speaker of the evening will be Mason
D. McQuiston, director of tht pilot pro
gram for gifted and mentally retarded
children for tht stats department of
education. Mr. McQuiston will tie
scribe the state's pilot program for
gifted children.
Hostess chairman will bt Mra. C.
Ronald Hudkina, assisted by Mra.
Charles McColloch, Mrs. Woodson Ben
nett and Mr. F. B. Whltteman.
. Christmas party of tht PLK fc F,
Pythian Sisters, has been scheduled for
8 p.m., Wednesdsy, December 9, at the
home of Mrs. Clifford Schulti, 1340
Highland avenue.
On Saturday, December 12 at 8 p.m.,
a reception for Don R. Judson, grand
chancellor. Knight of Pythias, Is silt
ed to takt place at tht Woman' club
Mrs. Elwood Myers will be hostess to
members of the Accent club at a meet
ing in her home at 3625 Duplex drive
Thursday, December 10. '
Co-hostess will be Mra. Basil Hutch
ins. A Christmas party and exchange
of gifts is planned. A separate party
for older members and their fami
lies has been scheduled for 8 p.m. Sat
urday, December 12, at the Salem
Height community club house on Lib
erty road. This will be a no-host sup
per. Members of the Laurel guild,
Knight Memorial Congregational
church, will meet at 8 p.m. in the fire
place room of the church Wednesday,
December 8.
Hostesses will bt Mrs. O. B. Bower,
Mrs. Andrew Baker, Mrs. H. Dickey,
and Mrs. Robert Ashby.
Plans for a Christmas dinner, Thurs
day, December 17 at 6:30 p.m. were
discussed by members of the Beta Iota,
Theta Rho club No. 57 during a meet
ing at the I OOF temple this week.
Named on the committee for the no
host dinner were Miss Beverly Ready,
Miss Frances Finch, Miss Joyce Mennis
and Miss Emaline McDaniel. Members
were asked to bring something to fill a
basket for a needy family. Gifts will
be exchanged among .members.
A committee was alio appointed to
plan a skating party for early January,
Those on the committee are Miss Mary
Rooker, Miss Pat Schroyer, Miss Judy
Bancroft and Miss Judy West.
Monday evening the girls will visit
the Rebekah lodge to pay tribute to
Mra, Lola Osborne, assembly president,
when she mkaes her official visit to the
lodge. Miss Lila Daily qualified for the
otfic ofe vice-president.
Bing Answers
Damage Suit
Los Angeles ) Bing Cros
by has answered the $1,051,400
traffic accident damages suit
filed against him by charging
that the driver of the other
car was under the influence
of liquor when the crash oc
curred, Oct. 11.
The crooner said In the docu
ment filed yesterday that
Frank R. Verdugo, 32, a city
fireman, who was driving, did
not exercise proper caution and
had not had proper rest and
sleep. Verdugo, his wife Lucy,
28, and her brother, Eulalio
Perca, 25, all we.e hospital
ized. Crnshy denied similar
charges they made against him
and asserted that the accident
was unavoidable.
Crosby was only slightly
hurt but his $12,500 foreign
Christian Women' elub of Salem
plana its monthly luncheon meeting at
1 p.m., - Tuesday, December 8, , at tht
Golden Pheasant. The Chriatma themt
will predominate with Mrs. Fred
Matthieir presenting the special fea
ture on candle decorations, and Mra,
Marion Curry giving a Christmas read
ing. Special ainging will feature tht
girls' trio from the Mennonite school
at Prstum. Miss Norma Jean Kauff
man'ot Albany will be the guest
spesker. '
Additional member of the club a.
executive committee have been ap
pointed a follows: Mrs. Hsrry Court
ney, co-chairman; Mr. Belle Brown,
corresponding secretary; Mrs. E. A.
Meola, music chairman; Mrs. Robert
' Sector, prayer chairman; Mrs. Glenn
Seidler, hostess chairman; and Mrs.
' Abraham Fast, financial secretary. Ad
viser for the group are, Mrs. Emerson
Teague, Mr. Psul Barnett, and Mrs,
Lorenz Schnuelle.
Meetings are regularly scheduled for
the second Tuesday of each month and
art open to all interested homemakers.
Reservations for the luncheon will be
taken until Monday morning, December
,1, by calling Mr. Reidesel, at 8-5318.
- 'A regulsr business meeting will be
, conducted by members of the Hsnna
Rosa court. Order of Amaranth, at 8
am. Monday In the Masonic temple. A
short Christmas program will follow
the meeting.
Co-chairmen of the December com
mittee are Mr. and Mrs. Irving A. De-
Junior officer of bethel No. S5, Job'
Daughters, will take over In place of
the aenior officers during a meeting in
the Scottish Rite temple at 7:30 p.m.,
Sslem Buslnesc and Professional
Women's club Christmas party will be
at the Salem Woman's club Tuesday,
evening, December 8 at 7:30 o'clock. .
The recreation, music and hospitality
committees will be in charge with Mrs.
Marvel Gage, Miss Helen Hiller, Mrs.
Louis Neuman and Mrs. Cecil Hobbs
heading the committees.
The Salem Civic Players will appear
in a Christmas play, "Not Even a
Members are to take Christmas gifts
for boys and girls of 12 to 18 years of
age who are under the care of Marion
county public welfare.
A regular meeting of the Jason Lee
Methodist church Wesleyan Service
guild is set for 8 p.m. Monday at the
church parsonage. Hostesses for the
evening will be Mrs. E. P. Goulder,
Mrs. Louis Lorenz, Mrs. Charles Mc
Cab, Mrs. Russell Bright. The pro
gram leader will be Mrs. Archie Brew
ster, assisted by Mrs. Richard Bell and
Mrs. J. N. Brinkley.
Members are requested to bring
Christmas packages to be given to the
state hospital. They should be labeled
as to their contents snd whether they
should be given to a man or a woman.
The Evening circle of the Woman's
Society of Christian Service, West Sa
lem Methodist church, will meet at 8
p.m. December 9 In the home of Mrs.
Chester McCain, 876 Piedmont street.
Devotions will be led by Mrs. Robert
Pattison. Evening study will be on
"The Profit Jeremiah."
sport ear was badly damaged. I escorting actress Mona Free
He wa returning home after man to her house from a party
The Perfect Christmas Gift
for Family...
CJ) For MOM.. diot Metro spociol look bIm aos aiwoys alSfi.
(r frn wanted tho kimUr iarorito room to haro...asd Jnm&jrX. '
Kt 1 compliments from the family's Meads Ifaoy
ejT u admire the craftsBanihip and boasty lound ia 1 U
m - orofrWariitiw ne. . .and boot ol oft plea. itaCTr1
AjfJ V-mw, ant hows of ralasation bl kor span omonat 11 " V
a. "oDd bjo boojo. VyjL'l
Z&itF " ...For DAD "ffcJW
ni asd hearing hit fcrmilr kept wWi uie . . . 4Y
.... twaj rV and lb nalintiea 1m km givtra IImm as ftn a "
A . tvSCCC. uea' totrsunt noa7 aa buy
Sis and Brother.
ooobm a lot oaoiof on a proctoioa bvia Irvaaw
ftoao. . end thero will bo ondloM hours ol
ntuicai otttormont when friends ottfnet 'foaad
no rr-nkio. attof Mtook
Saturday, December 8. 1953
A Chris tmss program will be pre
sented by the Woman's Society of
Christian Service of tha Jason Let
Methodist church on Wednesday, De
cember 8, at 1:15 p.m. in the Klrby
room of the church. The event wist bt
preceded by a luncheon served by the
June December circle at 12:15, Mr.
Phil Aspinwall, chairman. !
Betty Starr Anderson will sing a
group of Christmas number and- re
cordings of traditional carols and bra
torioa will accompany the worship and
readings presented by Mrs. Walter Ny
strom and Mrs. Ernest Goulder. Mrs.
Edith McClure will play for group sing
ing. Among the women assisting in
the program and arrangements are:
' Mrs. John Hasche, Mrs. Robert Mo
Grew, Mrs. Herman Rehfuss, Mr. Nil
Hilborn, Mrs. Archie Brewster, Mrs.
Elmer Boyer, Mrs. Fred Rose, Mrs. Ray
Tresslder, Mrs. W. W. Chadwick and
Mrs. Elwin Klein.
Nursery cart will bt provided for
the afternoon and transportation for all
who would appreciate it. All interest
ed' women are Invited to this special
guest day program.
' A combined business and social meet
ing of Salem unit No. 136, American
Legion auxiliary, Is scheduled for 8
p.m., Thursday, December 10 at the
Woman' club house. .
There will be an exchange of gifts
among members. The rehabilitation and
telephone committees are in charge of
the program and refreshments. Chair
man of the rehabilitation committee ia
Mra. Harrle Hendricks. Telephone
committee chairman is Mrs. Leslie
Plans are now being nude by the
Salem Junior Woman's club membera
and their husbands for a Christmas
dance to be Tiursday night, December
10, at 8 o'clock at the KnighU of Co
lumbus hall. A smorgasbord will be
served during the evening and decora
tions will be in keeping with the holi
day theme.
Mrs. Douglas Hay is chairman of the
dance, assisted by Mrs. Norman John
ion, co-chairman; Mrs. Gordon Graber,
Mrs. Orville Kannier, Mrs. Melvln Pil
lette, Mrs.l Gene Walper, Mrs. Bernard
Grindle, Jr., Mrs. George Schroeher,
Mrs. Joseph Franko, and Mrs. Austin
A Christmas bazaar and food sale
have been slated by the Royal Neigh
bora of America Sewing club at Port
land Gas and Coke company office at
109 South Commercial, December 18.
Chairman of the committee is Mrs.
Mary Fosnot. She will be assisted by
Mrs. Margaret Willis and Mrs. E. D.
Kasson. ,
Formal Initiation for Chadwick as
sembly. No. 3, Order of Rainbow for
Girls, will be conducted at 7:30 p.m.
Tuesday at the Masonic temple. The
Mothers club who will meet at the same
time, will serve refreshments follow
ing the meeting.
The club Is also slated to make pre
parations for the Christmas party.
Election of officers will highlight the
next meeting of the Salem chapter.
Order of Eastern Star, No. 162, Satur
day, December 12 at 8 p.m. in the Ma
sonic temple.
given by film producer William
Bring tjo ootir. hnnDr to owl nhsw r
to see. boar and play the many Wailittor
Hummm harm on diopter. Thoro io a wide
olocKon ol ptlcoo and Iniohes born wax)
As low at'
at the
1280 STATE ST.
Big Selection of Toy and
1715 So. Commercial
Ph. 4-1313