Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 05, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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Miss Odle to
Be Wed Soon.
M. nd Mr. Glen E. Odle announce
the engagement of their daughter, Mitt
Elizabeth Odle, to Wealey Henry Han
ten of Berkeley.
The wedding la planned to be an
vent of the holidayi In Salem, with
only members of the Immediate fami
lies attending.
Miaa Odle waa graduated from Ore
gon State college where the la a mem
ber of Alpha Gamma Delta tororlty.
She did graduate work in business ad
ministration at the Unlveralty of Cali
fornia and It at present administrative
assistant to the secretary-treasurer of
the board of regenta of the University
of California, at Berkeley, where the
hat made ber home.
Mr. Hansen It the ten of Mr. and
Mrs. H. H. Hansen of Hubbard, Ore.
He received hit degree in botany from
Oregon State college and served with
the navy during World War II and In
the Korean conflict. He haa done grad
uate work in marine biology at Oregon
State college, the Oregon institute of
marine biology and the Unlveralty of
California, and in medical technology
at the National Naval Medical Center,
Bethseda, Maryland. He la connected
with the U. S. coast and geodetic survey
and recently returned from a tix
months tour of duty in the Aleutian
chain and Bering sea.
Justice and Mrs. Walter L. Tooze are
' planning a pre-Chrittmat dinner party
for members of the supreme court and
their wives and a few other friendt for
Friday evening, December 18, at their
Fairmount HiU home.
(Jutta-MlQtr Audi alcWrt) '
A SLtt Garden Club Plans Greens Show
UTjL Daughters of the Nile, for Mon-
ilaw TWamKsr 7 at ha Ma.nnle temnle.
Members are asked to bring Christmas
cheer packages. A sewing meeting
will precede the luncheon at 10 a.m.
On the luncheon committee are Mrs.
Kenneth Morris, Mrs. J. R. Linton,
Mrs. R. C. Cole, Mrs. Paul Shafer, Mrs.
Harold Irving, Mrs. John Imlah, Mrs.
Fred Viesko, Mrs. Leon Everitt, Mrs.
John M. Ramage, Mrt. L. R. Tweedte,
Mrs. Byron Simonson, Mrs. T. Harold
Tomlinson, Mrs. Jeff Earlywine, Mrs.
Max Alford, Mrs. I. M. Doughton, Mrs.
John Miller, Mrs. Russel Beutler, Mrs.
T. W. Leasure.
On the committee from , Silverton are
Mrs. Kelly Fish, Mrs. William Woodard,
Mrs. Ted Finlay, and Mrs. Jim Hollings-worth.
An event for Sunday will be the
annual fun and food fair to be given
by Salem chapter of Hadassah, the
vent to start at 7 o'clock in the eve
ning at Temple Beth Sholom. Pro
ceeds go to the philanthropic program
f Hadassah.
club will be Monday afternoon at 2
o'clock at Salem Woman's club. The
program feature will be a demonstra
tion on gift wrapping by Ka:imark rep
resentatives. Members are asked to
take Christmas items for the arrange
ments event.
Mrs. Carl W. Chambers is tea chair
man and assisting will be Mrs. Walter
H. Smith, Mn. John Carr, Mrt. Arnold
Olson, Mrt. Norman Merrill, Mrt.
Harold Larsen, Mrt. Charles Fowler,
Mrs. Luke Johnston, Mrs. L. H. McMa
man, Mrs. Alvln Luhr, Mrs. William L.
Phillips, Sr., Mrs. Richard A. Meyer,
Mrt. W. S. Grier, Mrs. Gordon Black,
Mrs. Charles Cole, Mrs. Henry M. Han
sen, Mrs. Harry Sappenfield, Mrs.
Kirby Johnson, Mrs. Ann Van Horn.
Greens Show
Big event of the month for the club
will be its annual greens thow planned
for December 15 and 18 at Izaak Wal
ton league club house.
"Christmas as You Like It" will be
u (kimi far ihla var'a thow. It will
be open between 1 and 9 p.m. each
of the two days, through the dinner
hour. Many other garden clubs of the
area are cooperating in displays for the
Mrs. James H. Turnbull Is general
chairman for the show. Miss Edith
Schryver it chairman for staging. '
Mn. Russel E. Pratt It tea chairman.
Mrt. Evert Given! it chairman for con
tact with other garden clubs. Mrt. T.'
E. Borkman it finance chairman. Mrt.
Howard N. Hunsaker heads the tales
booth group. Mrt. Charlet Palmer and
Mrt. Arthur Martin are co-chairmen
for wreaths, Mrs. Walter Martin chair
man for corsages.
Mrs. Jack Hennlngsen is chairman
for Chrittmat trees, Mrt. Ben Maxwell,
chairman for tablet, Mrt. Lee Canfield
and Miss Elizabeth Lord, co-chairmen
for the displays of madonnas.
Mrs. Estill L. Brunk and Mrs. Her
man Lafky are co-chairmen for the
demonstrations. ,
Of interest to a large group on Sun
day will be the annual silver tea soon
sired by Salem Federated Music clubs
at the state school for the blind, the
proceeds to go to the group's Mrt. Wal
ter A. Denton memorial fund.
The tea will be between 2:30 and 8
Three programs, featuring young mu
sicians who are students of members of
the Federated clubs, will be presented
during the afternoon, one at 2:30
o'clock, the second at 3.30 o'clock, the
third at 4:30 o'clock.
Mrt. Wtller P. Weathert it general
chariman for the tea. Mrt. Clyde C.
Gilbert Is president of the Federated
Music clubs. Miss Margaret Hogg is
program chairman.
Pouring at the tea will be Mrs. Paul
L, Patterson, Mrs. Walter E. Snyder,
Mrs. F. R. Hunter, state president of
the music federation; Mrs. Mary L.
Craig, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. Everett
Chapter CB of P.E.O. Sisterhood
plans its Christmas party for Thursday
evening at the home of Mrs. Harmon T.
Harvey, 625 Salem Heights avenue, at
7:30 o'clock. Mrs. Evelyn Sleep is to
be co-hostess.
A "business meeting and luncheon are
planned by members of DeMolay Moth
ers club for 12 o'clock noon Thursday,
December 10 at the Masonic temple.
A- .... 4nr 4hi AVRnlnff Will be the
fill t,u, . ,
installation for Job'a Daughters, bethel
No. 43, at 7:30 o'clock in the Scottish
Rite temple. The event it formtl and
it open to the public. Misr Ann Berger
is the incoming honored queen.
A reception for new members of the
Knight Memorial Congregational
church will be given by the deacons
and deaconesses between 4 and 8 p.m.
Sunday, December 13 in the fireplace
room of the church.
' Peg in Washington
Washington, D.C., November JO.
Dear Marian:
One of the best entertainment pro
grams they have enjoyed in Washington
was commented on by Secretary and
Mrs. Douglas McKay following the
B'nai B'rith "Dinner with the Presi
dent." Among the top flight artists
participating were Helen Hayes, Rex
Harrison and Lllll Palmer, the latter
two serving as Joint master and mis
tress of ceremonies, Ethel Merman, Wil
liam Warfleld, Eddie Fisher, Locile Ball
and Desl Arnez, and Jane Froman.
.Jackie Robinson, of baseball fame, was
introduced and was asked if his race
proved any handicap In his career. He
replied that all any club asked now
was "can a man play ball?" and prob
lems of earlier days had all been forgot
ten. When Lucile Ball in chatting with
Mrs. McKay signed the Utter s pro
gram, she wrote. "Love, Lucy," a re
minder of her TV show.
On the same evening, - the Charlet
Lawten program of readings at the
Library of Congrest resulted in a jam
packed auditorium, with many turned
away. His facility in creating the Illu
sion o'f reality in letting the tcene and
developing the characteri of the etory
is well known but one marvels anew
each time he is heard at the power he
has to make one appreciate more fully
the beauty and strength of words. Dur
ing the intermission, with ex- Salem
ite. Mist Margaret Forsythe, a look-see
around the building gave at least an
inkling of the wealth of material hous
ed in the Library of Congrest. Display
cases revealed not only treasured old
manuscripts and objects of Interest but
also up-to-date material for the educa
tion of the tcholar or the pleasure of
the diletante. The Stradivarius violins,
i.uwi hv ih famous Budapest String
Quartette when concerts are given at
the Library, always attract a crowd
about the large case in which the musi
cal instrument are displayed.
On Thanksgiving Day, alter exer
cising Eugene Peavine on a ride in
Rock Creek Park, the Secretary Joined
Mrs. McKay at a dinner party at the
apartment of Mr. and Mrt. Raymond
Davit, Seattle residents who are mak
ing their home here while Mr. Davit
serves as special assistant to Secretary
McKay. Among the other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smyth. I was im
pressed sgsin with the friendliness of
Washington families to comparative
strangers In their city when Thanks
giving dinner invitations were extend
ed so freely and warmly by a number
of local couples. I dined with my
cousins, Mr. and Mrt. Wallace B. Can
field, at the Shoreham but It waa heart
warming to experience the offers of
hospitality on the holiday. Mrt. Cau
field has jt returned from a three
weeks' plane , trip to her former home
city of London and reports living con
ditions much improved in the past two
yeart. No longer are gifta of nylons a
life saver to the English woman. Food
it plentiful but high.
Salem's Mayor was a visitor to the
Interior Department this week while
in Washington on business for the city.
Mayor and Mrs. Al Loucks, and Coun
cilman and Mrs. Bob White received a
warm welcome at Interior and Secre
tary McKay invited them into his office
where a bright fire blazed in the fire
place as news of the home city was con
veyed. Since it was the first visit of
the Loucks to Washington, the Whites
were busy showing them their favorite
sights. The Loucks flew to New Or
leans today, where the Whites will Join
them Wednesday following Mr. White's
attendance at a seed convention here.
The American Municipal Association
meeting in New Orleans was being
eagerly anticipated by the two couples,
although they felt the need to get a
little rest before it started at the dayt
here were crowded and they were foot
tore from walking the corridora and
streets of the capital.
N event of interest io many Mar
lon county frienaa on tsunoay
win h th at home to fete Mr.
and Mrs. W. A. Heater, who observed
their golden wedding anniversary on
The Sunday open house will be at
the home of their son and daughter-in-law,
the Maurice Heaters, friends be
ing invited to call between 2 and 5
o'clock In the afternoon and between 7
and 9 o'clock in the evening.
Greeting at the door will be the
couple'a only daughter, Mrs. Byron
Royce of Portland, and Mrt. Maurice
Invited to pour are Mn. Elmer Hub
bard of Victor Point, Mrt. Chrii Ward
of Alameda, Calif., lister of Mn. Heat
er; Mn. Charles Heater, Union Hill, a
sister-in-law, and Mrs. John Rolow of
Salem. Cutting the cake and ices will
be Mn. Dolph Heater, a daughter-ln-law,
Mrs. W. M. Tate of Union Hill,
Mrs. Douglas Heater, a daughter-in-law
of the honored couple; Mn. Marlon
Hunt of Union Hill, Mrs. Harry Cooley
of Portland. At the punch bowl will
be three" granddaughters, Mrs. Donald
Peters, Mrs. Walter McElhsney and
Mrs. Rollin Heater. Serving will be
two other granddaughters, Miss Mary
Heater and Miss Margaret Heater, and
a niece, Mrs. Robert Morrison. In
charge of the guest book will be a
grandson, Jim Heater, and a grand
daughter, Miss Barbara Ann Royce of
Gold and white will feature the decor
for the party. The Uble will be aet
with a white sheer cloth with gold
thread in it, the centerpiece to be white
pompon chrysanthemums with gold
balls with white tapers at either side.
On the piano will be a large bouquet of
white chrysanthemums with gold ar
ranged in a brass compote.
Miss Barbara Culbertson and Mist
Judy Burdette were eo-hottetses at a
bridal ahower honoring Miss Beth Pro
ebstel at the home of Miss Culbertson,
Friday night.
Mitt Proebttel It to be married De
cember 20 to Edward Young, Salem.
Those invited to the shower were
Miss Sandra Anderson, Miss Anna Mae
Lockenour, Miss Evelyn Lebold, Miss
Phyllis Shrake, Miss Marilyn Jones,
Miss Joan Neal, Miss Margie Barge,
Miss Arda Lien, Miss Janice Coffel
Miss Barbara Seeber, Mist Leanne
French, Miss Judie Foreman, Mist
Jackie Jones, Mrs. Bill Vsn Horn (Bev
erly Johns) Mrs. Ronald Cross, (Nancy
Rust) Mn. L. R. Burdette, Mrs. Mc
Arthur Proebttel, Mrs. Carl Young,
Mrs. E. M. Culbertson and the hostesses.
Wednesday afternoon literature
group of American Association of Uni
versity Women will meet December 9
at 1:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F.
D. Palmer, 5345 Center atreet. Mrt.
Leon Brown it to preeent the review.
Holiday Time Calendar . . . ?
December I
Tillicum club dance, Marion hoteL . ',
Greens show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnaa. Valley Motor company.
Annual Chrittmat party of Sigmat, Fred Rawlins horn. . "'
December 4 1
Hadassah 'I Fun and Food Fair. Tempi Beth Sholom, 7 p.m.
Federated Music clubs' silver tea, State Blind school, 2:30-8 p.m.
Greent show of Alpha Chi Omega alumnae. Valley Motor company, 12 noon
to S p.m.
December t
Holiday tea planned by Mrt. Robert J. Herrall and Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, at ,
Herrall home.
. Community Concert association concert, Salem High school, 8:13 p.m.
December 18
Junior Woman's club Christmas party. Knights of Columbus hall.
. December 11
Brunch of Mrt. C. B. McCullough and Mn. John R. McCullough. .' -
Wisteria club dance. Veterans of Foreign Wart hall. . ' V
Tuxedo club dance, Marlon hoteL i '
Dec en ber 12
Holiday time tea planned by Mrt. James R. Linn and Mrt. WiUIem H. lytla,
Marion hotel, 3-8 p.m. ....
Cama club dance, Knights of Columbus hall.
December 18 "'
Chrlstmat musical of American Association of University Women, Fin
Methodist church.
Beta Sigma Phi tea for Mrt. William L. Phillips, Sr., horn of Mri. Walter L.
Spaulding. . , , ,
. December II
Greens Show of Salem Garden club, Izaak Walton league club bouse.
Coffee party of Mn. Lee V. Ohmart and Mrs. Arthur M. Roethlin, horn of .
Mrs.Ohmart. .........-..
- December 18
Greent Show of Salem Garden club, liaak Walton club house. t . ,
December 17
Christmas coffee given by Mrs. Chester Lo. '
December 18
Christmas ball of Order of Rainbow for Glrlt, Cryttal Gardens.
Dec am bar 19
Waverlv club dance. Senator hotel. ;'.''
Spinsters club Christmas Charity Ball, Marlon hotel. '
December 24 , .
Cosmis club dance, Mayflower haU.
December 28
Junior Catholic Daughters of America Christmas formal dance, Catholic Can tar.
December 31 '. .
Town club New Year't v danc. Marion hoteL ;
Cirque club New Year's sva dance. Senator hotel.
Tillicum club New Year's v dance, armory.
Carousel club New Year's eve dance, Izaak Walton league club house. -Cama
club New Year't eve dance, Knights of Columbus hall.
Subscription club dance, Marion hoteL
Spinsters Ball Top Holiday Event
At work it large group of commit
tee members planning the annual
Christmas Ball of Salem Spinsters club,
the event to be Saturday evening, De
cember 19, as a benefit for the group's
philanthropic projects.
Black and gold decor will be featured
at the dance to be staged In the Gold
room of the Marlon hotel. Dancing will
be between 9:30 and 1 o'clock, Robin
Gilbert's orchestra playing.
Mn. Delwyn Kleen la general chair
man for the affair, which will be a high
light event for the college group and
young marriedt during the holiday
West Salem Woman's club plans its
Christmaa party for next Thunday eve
ning, December 10. A no-host dinner
for all memben and their families is
arranged at the West Salem City hall
at 8:30 o'clock.
There will be an exchange of nomi
nally priced gifts. Entertainment and
dancing are planned and Santa Claut
may make an appearance, says the com
mittee. On the committee are Mrt. Reginald
Garratt, Mn. Robert Covert, Mn. Lynn
Furbush, Mrt. Irl Folsom, Mrt. Regi
nald McDonald.
Mn." William Byen, Mist Margaret -Stump,
Mist Lois Mulcahy, Mitt Btv
riv I.vtle Miss Betty Breaker and
Miss Patricia Ullman are en the decor
ating committee.
- Mlat Ann Carson and Mitt Janet Kirk
neaa itiv utw vutiiuittwv.
Mill Norma Station Is chairman for
patrons, Mrt. Ronald Jones, Jr., for
music. Mn. Howard Mader it publicity
Reservations may be made by calling
either Mrs. Jamea Whit or Mrt. George
C. Alexander. ,
Tri-Y-Teen Mothen club plant lte
Christmas program meeting for next
Thursday at the YWCA, dessert to b
at 12:30 o'clock. Three students from
. . i , i ....... 4. ..ii
xoreign janas win ov sunw w
something of Chrittmat In their horn
' lands. The students will include. Mist
Henrietta Harvell, Pan-Ian school, Sa
moa; Miss Ann Tarem, Salem high,
school, Estonia; Mist Miml Chi, Wil
lamette university, Indonesia.
Mrt. W. J. Brtun, Mrt. T. Harold
Tomlinson, Mn. Herman Joe him sen
: and Mn. Hal Randall are trie committee
of hostesses for the day, .
.iiiWlnltll, JUU I I J I I. lil ny hi i i i. .. i.. j. iii. i tt 1 1.,!.-, r -i BTV .
A daughter, who hat been named
Julianne Christine, was born Friday,
December 4, at Salem General hospital
to Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Lee (Mari
lyn Power). The grandparenti are Dr.
and Mrs. F. Kenneth Power of Salem
and Mr. and Mri. R. R. Lee of Portland.
reeta of the capital. , r-s
Other Salem citizens greeting the f nnrPfT UUG
Secretary this week were Mr. and Mrs. , , , . .
Lee Cross and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sim,
who have been enjoying a motor trip
through the eastern part of the country.
With them was Charlee Capon, of
Washington who lived formerly In Sa
lem. Captain Harry Graves, Supply
Officer at the Naval Air Station at San
Diego, flew into Washington on Navy
business and it was good to chat with
him about the days when he. too, was
In the ' Secretary of State's office in
Salem. John Tennai.t, Portland steam
ship company official, and Al Sehern,
Portland athletic coach, serving on the
Obmpic National Committee, were in
during the week. Mra. Sylvia Mesael
dine, Pertlsnd, a cousin of Henry R.
Crawford, of Salem, dropped in to re
port she is now living here and brought
greetings from Mn. J. W. Frater, th
mother of Secretary McKay.
So went Thanksgiving week in Wash
ington. rEG
rt iiwiil Interest for next week'a
musical eventa wjll be the third con
cert of the season for Community Con
cert association, Wednesday, December
The Paganini Quartet Is to appear,
the program to be at 8:1! o'clock for
association members only. In the Sslem
high school a-jditorium.
The quartet Includet Henri Temian
ka, first violin; Gustave Rosseels, sec
ond violin; Chsrles Foidart. "tola; Lu
cien LaPorte. cello. The program for
the evening is as fol.ows:
Sonata a Quattro Scarlatti
One of the great Quartets of Beethoven
The Heart of the Quartet
The Heart of th Quartet (Cont'd) ....
Ill' . . -TV JI ,J ! ' j I
ataaatsaaasavak. - lift I r . -attf - .O" ' ' " ; Jt- k ' lJ s
ll4M.Bll!Lca -'- asiaHatMl
a FtlO EVKNT far the Mr wheal set will W the aaaaal Christmas Ball at (Mrr f Kalnhew ''Girl, m
nwmbrr la. Officer, an chairmen are aletur, here. HUndlns. kit U rithli Mha Nancr Bjik Mlaa Jaake
m T Ml- HeaaiS MletWe. ae. left U Mtosea M.riaret rUMrelh. Mn Haitman. Palrlela GUture,
Paarkla jVhtSsi Taake Ollleapl. The leraial affair aaaaauy at a ealerlt event at the helMay teaeaa.