Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, December 05, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Teas Mark Pre-Holiday Calendar
Several gay holiday teat are on the
calendar In the weeki preceding Christ
mas. Two Hoateaaef
Hrf. Robert J. Herrall and Mrs.
Clenn Wilbur are to be hostesses for
one of the holiday teas next Wednes
day afternoon at the Fairmount Hill
home of Mrs. Herrall. Guests are in
vited to call between 3 and 5 o'clock.
Pouring will be Mrs. Chandler
Brown and Mrs. Reynolds Allen. Others
assisting include Mrs. Loring Schmidt,
Mrs. Russell Kanz, Mrs. Harold M.
dinger, Mrs. Werner Brown, Mrs. T.
Harold Tomlinson, Mrs. Ralph E. Pur
vine, Mrt. Edward O. Stadter, Jr., Mrs.
Charles A. Barclay, Mrs. Donald Mc
Cargar, Mrs. A. C. Gerlinger.
Tea en Saturday
Next Saturday afternoon brings the
pre-hollday tea for which Mrs. James
R. Linn and Mrs. William H. Lytie are
to be hostesses.
The affair will be in the Marion
hotel Gold room between 3 and 6
Pouring will be Mrs. Louis Lach
mund, Mrs. T. A. Livesley, Mrs. George
H. Swift, Mrs. Howard Gattie of Port
land, sister of Mrs. Lytle; Mrs. David
Bennett Hill, Miss Elizabeth Lord, Mrs.
Governor and Mrs. Paul L. Patter
fon will be among guests attending the
party for which William Masters and
hit sister, Mrs. Lee Patterson, are to
entertain next Friday evening at their
home In Portland to honor Mr. and Mrs.
David Mason.
On Saturday evening, the Pattersons
will also be in Portland for the pre
dedication event for the new grant at
University of Oregon dental school.
An event for Monday evening will
be the dinner and party planed by Sa
lem Women's Army and Navy league
at Chuck's Steak House for all mem
bers and their husbands. The dinner
wlU be at 7:30 o'clock.
On the committee for the affair are
Mrs. Farley Mogan, Mrs. Henry Meyer,
Mrs. H. C. Saalfeld, Mrs. C. A. Schaefer,
Mrs. Norman Campion.
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Zm. LJili he. Cllcll far the event talktnc aver nlim. left U rishl: Mr. Jme H. Ttirn-
aui. tl r"n: Mrv Tajlor, clvk president; Mrs. Hinset E. Pram ehatrman foe the tea; Miia
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Daniel J. Fry, Mrs. Frank H. Spears.
Assisting will be Mrs. William Dun
can of Silverton, Mrs. Allan R. Mann,
Jr., Mrs. Lloyd F. Ramey, Mrs. Dwight
Quisenberry, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs.
William R. Shinn, Miss Betty Byrd,
Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod, Mrs. Ed Lewis,
Mrs. Roy Edgerton, Miss Rosalie Dalke.
December 13 Tea
A tea for Sunday afternoon, Decem
ber 13, will be the one for which the
city council of Beta Sigma Phi is to
entertain in compliment to Mrs. Wil
liam L. Phillips, Sr., newly named city
sponsor for all Beta Sigma Phi chap
ters in Salem.
The tea will be at the home of Mrs.
Walter L. Spaulding, between the
hours of 3 and 5 o'clock.
In the receiving line will be Mrs. Jos
eph Kitzke, city council president, Mrs.
Phillips and Mrs. Spaulding, the latter
sponsor (or Eta chapter.
Pouring will be Mrs. Percy R. Kelly,
Mrs. David Bennett Hill, Mrs. George
Beane, Mrs. Robert Topping.
Assisting will be the four chapter
presidents, Mrs. Ellis White of Eta, Mrs.
Eldon Lindhorst of Alpha Epsilon, Mrs.
Howard N. Hunsaker of Alpha Psi, Miss
Martha Llerly of XI Lambda, and Mrs.
James H. Turnbull.
Beta Theta Pi Mothers club will meet
at the chapter house on the Willamette
campus for the annual Christmas party
of the group on Tuesday, December 8.
A no-host luncheon is planned at
12:15 o'clock. Th boys of the active
chapter will entertain the mothers with
Christmas carols. Mothers of the chap
ter pledges will be special guests.
During the afternoon, Mrs. M. J. Gil
son will preside at the business session.
New officers will be elected. A resume
will be given on the past year's work.
All Beta Theta Pi mothers are in
vited. Mrs. Harry Weinstein will be host
ess to her bridge club next Thursday
evening, this being the annual Christ
mas party for the group. Dinner will
be at 6:30 o'clock, a gift exchange fol
lowing. i - H
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ELTA Gamma alumnae plan their
Christmas party at the Wil
lamette chapter house on Tues
day evening, December 8. at 8 o'clock.
Gifts and toys for the state school
for the blind are to be brought to this
meeting, also there will be a jam and
jelly shower for the chapter house.
The members of the active chapter
will present the program.
On the hostess committee from the
the alumnae are Mrs. Tinkham Gilbert,
Mrs. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Frank Oet
tinger, Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, Miss Lois
Latimer, Miss Marilyn Nelson.
Invitations go In the mail this week
end for a pre-Christmas coffee party
for which Mrs. Lee V. Ohmart and her
sister-in-law Mrs. Arthur M. Rocthlin,
are to entertain on Tuesday, Decem
ber 15.
The party will be at the home of
Mrs. Ohmart, hours to be between 10
a.m. and 12 o'clock noon.
Invitations are out from Mrs. C. B.
McCullough and Mrs. John R. McCul
lough for a brunch planned for next
Friday, December 11."
The party will be at the John R.
McCullough home on Skopil avenue,
hours to be between 10 and Z o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Batterman and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Potts are to be
hosts next Friday evening for an in
formal pre-holiday open house for
friends anl neighbors in the Morning
side district. The event is planned at
(he Batterman home.
Honoring Mrs. Keith Flory. who is
back in the States from the Philippines,
Mrs. George Spaur is entertaining at
luncheon on Wednesday at her home. A
group of 12 close friends of Mrs. Florv
has been bidden. Major and Mrs. Flory
will leave here for Illinois, Major Flory
to be stationed at Fort Sheridan.
. Members of Eta chapter of Beta
Sigma Phi are meeting on Wednesday
evening at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Norman Vaughan.
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Dance Clubs
Bill Parties
Three prehollday dances are on tha
calendar for next week-end.
Wisteria Club
Christmas dance for Wisteria club
is planned for Friday evening, Decem
ber 11, at Veterans .of Foreign Wars
hall, dancing starting at 9 o'clock.
On the committee for the. evening
are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bale, Mr and
Mrs. Joseph Matujec, Mr. and Mrs.
John Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. James Wat
son. Tuxedo Party
December dance for Tuxedo club will
be Friday evening, December 11, at the
Marion hotel. The social hour will be
at 7:30 o'clock, the dinner at 8:30
o'clock with dancing following. Wally
Heider's orchestra will play.
Cama Club Dance
Cama club plans Its pre-Christmas
dance for Saturday evening, December
12, at Knights of Columbus hall, Urs
Wolfer's orchestra playing. ,
At the door will be Mr. and Mrs.
Grant Montgomery. On the snack bar
committee are Mrs. Earl Viesko, Mrs.
Frank Gerdon, Mrs. Dayl Burres, Mrs.
Mark Spears.
Chapter Alpha Pal of Beta Sigma Phi
is to meet Tuesday evening at the home
of Mrs. P. C. Anderson. Mrs. A. J.
Becker and Mrs. E. W. Robertson will
present the program.
Hostess to The Study club on Tues
day will be Mrs. R. H. Baldock, the
group meeting for luncheon and pro
gram. Mrs. Maurice H. Saffron is to enter
tain for her bridge clnb on Wednesday
for luncheon and the afternoon.
Junior guild of St. Paul's Episcopal
church is meeting next Tuesday for a
salad luncheon at 1 o'clock in the parish
house. Mrs. Miller B. Hayden, Mrs.
Earl T. Andrescn, Mrs. Elmer Smith,
Mrs. Elmer H. K. Dorr and Mrs. Austin
H. Wilson, Sr., are the committee for
the event.
Zonta club's Christmas meeting will
be next Thursday evening, December
10, at the home of Mrs. Howard F. Mil
ler, dessert to be at 7:30 o'clock.
Members are to take thefr canned
goods to be included in the food boxes
to be given needy families, also the
members are asked to take little gifts
for patients at the state hospital.
Co-hostesses with Mrs. Miller are
Mrs. Kenneth Hamilton, Mrs. Tom Wol
camotl. Mrs. James Bunnell, Miss Nellie
Hostess to her bridge club on Tuesday
for luncheon and the afternoon of cards
will be Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks.
Aitrusa club is meeting for dinner
and business session, Monday, at 6:15
o'clock at the Golden Pheasant.
Musicale Set
Annual Christmas musicale of Amer
ican Association of University Women,
a holiday tradition In Salem, will be an
event of Sunday evening, December 13
in the First Methodist church at 8
Musicians participating in the pro
gram are Jay Rorick, baritone, with
Chloria Brownell as accompanist; Eli
riore Sharp, violinist, Portland, and
Catherine Petersen, violist. Portland;
Betty Star Anderson, soprano. Josef
Schnelker as accompanist; and the Wil
lamette choir, directed bv Donald
Mrs. Jason Lee is general chairman
for the event, Mrs. Edward Dyck and
Mrs. Ervin W. Potter as co-chairmen.
Miss Mary L. Hammack and Miss Edna
M. Fery are in charge of decorations.
Following the program, members of
the board of Salem branch of the
AAUW will be hostesses at an informal
reception in the Carrier room.
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Smorgasbord Tuesday
Annual smorgasbord for th Salem YMCA and YWCA is the big event for
next Tuesday evening, December (, at the YM. A large group of volunteers is
working on plant for the event. Serving will be continuous from 8 until I
In the picture at far left above, tome of the food and dishes for the event
are checked over. Left to right: Paul Beck and his mother, Mrs. J. B. Beck,
Mrs. Theron C. Hoover and daughter, Miss JoAnn Hoover.
In the center picture, some of the greens for the setting are being brought In.
Left to right: Mrs. Arthur A. Atherton, Mrs. Herbert Nelson, Dr. Herbert Nelson
and Arthur A. Atherton. "
Folk dancing will feature some of the program. In picture at far right, left
to right: Carle Abrams and Gus Moore look on while Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone
do one of the dance numbers. Varied entertainment is planned.
MONG holiday time visitors will
be Secretary of the Interior and
Mrs. Douglas McKay who will
be at their home here over Christmas,
visiting their sons-in-law and daugh
ters, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hadley and
Mr. and Mrs. Lester D. Creen and fami
lies. The McKays are due to arrive Decem
ber 20.
Chapter BC of P.E.O. Sisterhood
meets Tuesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. George A. Rhoten,
Mrs. F. G. Rankin as co-hostess.
Mrs. Floyd Utter, general chairman
for the mid-winter rummage sale plan
ned by Salem General Hospital auxil
iary, is entertaining key workers at a
luncheon at her home next Wednesday
at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. John R. Wood is co-chairman.
Other chairmen and workers to attend
will include Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen,
president of the auxiliary; Mrs. Charles
Palmer, Mrs. Earl C. Latourette, Mrs.
Wilmer C. Page, Mrs. Harold Schick,
Jr., Mrs. Wayne Hadley, Mrs. Lewis D.
Griffith, Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mrs. Ralph
E. Purvine, Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce. Mrs.
Aurelia Grim. Mrs. Charles R. Musser,
Mrs. William L. Lidbeck.
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ANN rvt M KD rerentW was the encasement oflfo Hhirley ton lurart. ibTt,
daashter of Mr. and Mrs. Jr R. Tattart M Boy Leo Christiansen, ton of Mr. and Mr.
Arthur r. Christiansen of boblimltj.
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CHRISTMAS party for Pi Beta Phi
alumnae of Salem will be next
Thursday evening, December 10, .
at the chapter house, the meeting to be
at 8 o'clock.
' Hostesses are to be Mrs. Bertha John
son, chairman, Mrs. Marion Mulkey,
co-chairman, Mrs. Sidney Hoffman,
Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs. Paul Morse,
Miss Mary Laughlin, Mrs. Wayna
Struble, Mrs. Joe B. Richards, Mrs. Ro
bert Siddoway. ,
A Jam and Jelly shower for the chap
ter house is planned at this meeting.
Pi Beta Phi Mothers club has arrang-'
ed its Christmas meeting for Tuesdsy
afterooon at the Willamette university
chapter house at 2 o'clock.
A jam and jelly shower is planned
by the group for the chapter.
Mrs. George Rossman is to be a guest
to give a review of Costain's "The Sil
ver Chalice." Hostesses are Mrs. Har
vey Gibbens and Mrs. Glenn Laverty.
Mrs. Urlin S. Page is to be hostess
to her bridge club for luncheon and aft
ernoon, Tuesday. Additional guests -will
include Mrs. Steve Tabacchl. Mrs.
Robert F. Wulf, Mrs. Vera W. Miller,
Mrs. James L. Payne.