THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. SaJene. OrtfM Saturday, December 5. 1953 In The Valley Edited ky WEI FORBES Buena Vista ML Angel Mt Angel air. and Mr. A. J. Butech returned from a two - week trep to tbe eut and couth. Mr. Butach, ai dep uty (tat fire marshal, attend ed a apeeial work type civilian defame fire confer ence Nov. II, II and 10, at Olney, Md. They also visited at Silver Springe, McL, at the home of Mr. Buteeh'a alitor and fami ly. Mr. and Mrs. John Clb boni, (Marcella BuUch). The raturn trip waa made via the Southern route. They spent a day at New Orleans, La., where the Rev. Gregory Frank, formerly of Mount An gel, met them et the train, and took them on a sightsee ing trip around the city. At Houston. Texas, they visited with cousins and they were the honor guests at a Thanks giving dinner at the borne of Mrs. Butseh'f uncle, Anthony Tsttlxer et Victoria, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lenxer received Word from their son SUNDAY DIKXER , 11 Nooa te I P.M. ROAST BEEF BAKED HAM With JO delicious seleds end relishes to help yourself to Coffee by the Sllex-full Choke of Desserts All You (an Eat (or (Kids under 10 44 c) 99- a? Oowilewi as Sirfs Street Frank at tbe home of his bro t h e r in Lindenholzhausen, Germany, the first message from him since January, 1950. Frank Lenier wes captured by the Russians while with the German army In 1944. His family did receive cards from him from time to time until three years ago when last word was received, end be was presumed to be dead. Mr. and Mrs. Lenzer, with three sons, William, Fred, and Steve, came to the United States and direct to Mount Angel in 1850, and reaida in their home on College street. Fred Lenzer is now serving with the V. S. Army. Amity Amity Mr. end Mrs. Robert Brutke end children of Hazel ton, Idaho, ere visiting their parents, the Adolph Brutces, and the J. O. Casteei (amines. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Torbet had dinner with her sister and husband. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Crews, in Salem recently. Mrs. Irnest Gawehn has re turned from a week's visit with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. end Mrs. John Joachims in Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Slade Moorman of Port land spent a week with her mother, Mrs. Horace Wood, on the farm while Mr. Gawehn waa away. Mrs. H. W. Torbet and Mrs. James L. Payne honored Mrs. Royal Tartar (Phyllis Meeker) and her baby daughter, Teresa June, with a shower at the Tor bet home Tuesday afternoon. Since 1950, the V. S. Census Bureau has printed enough books about the census of that year to fill a three-foot shelf and more books are on the way. COLORADO PAN-SAN ' at the 1 SAN SHOP PRESENTS THE PAGAN. Nl QUARTET WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 9th, 9:1 5 P.M. Selem High Auditorium 14th and D St. Admittance by membership only. Tickete for next year may be obtained next March. Buena Vista Buena Vista Farmers Vnloa held their De cember meeting In the Com munity ball Tuesday evening, with e pot-luck supper at 7:10 with Mrs. Leon Loy ana airs. Lula Flckel as kitchen queens. Mrs. Fred Deterlnf . waa elected secretary. County ' president 'Mrs. Percy Lamb, installed aa new county officers: president, Ce cil Hultman; secretary, Mrs. C. F. Well. New local officers installed were president, Elmer Busby; vice-president. Jack Wells; secretary, Etta Detering. The group voted to have a New Years Ive party with pot luck supper snd card gamea for entertainment. Executive committee mem bers elected were Gordon Wells. Leland Prather and Henry Flckel. A letter was voted to be aent to the county court, pro testing the buying of a voting machine. Mrs. Clair Graber wu ap pointed for kitchen commit tee for the new year and Mrs. Elma Hultman as flower eom mittee end for the New Year's party, Mrs. Gib Loy, Mrs. C. F. Wells and Mrs. Leland Prather. Mr. and Mr. Percy Lamb were guests from Monmouth for the evening. Holiday guest at the W. L. Pruiett home were John Pruiett of Grants Paas, Jerry Noble of Independence, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kobler, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sadie and Lorah of Albany, Rockey Cor dis, Otsushl Sherut, from Ore gon State college. Bill and Ramon Pruiett. Perry Wells, Jack Wells and Clifford Wells attended the Farmers Union store meeting in Salem Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ferry Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells, Mrs. Fred Detering attended the concert in Corvallls Wed nesday evening et the Coli seum. Mr. end Mrs. Steve Beck end family of Powers, Mrs. David Short and three chil dren, were holiday dinner guest of Mr. and Mr. W. L. Short, they drove to Portland to see the parade and abop Friday. Fyock and Mrs. ' Fyock end daughters, Lynda and Louise, af Ban Dieao. are planning te spend Christines vacation with her parents, Mr. end sore. George Aaber, at their Grand Wand farm home. ' Grand laland Mrs. Susie Dou (lis report the birth of a son,. Daniel M, weignt six pounds end 14 ounce, born at St. Vincent's hospital, Port land, to Mr. ana airs, sms Douelaa. Portland. Tuesday, Dec. 1. Ks la their first child, and the fifth grandchild of Mrs. Susie Douglas of Grand Island. Willamina Aurora DINNER AT NORTH'S Sunday Special ROAST TURKEY AND DRESSING Sour Cream Cole Slaw Potatoes and Glblet Gravy Home-Made Hot Rolls And Better Tea Coffee -Milk Daaaert PRIME RIB ROAST OF BEEF Whipped Potatoea And Brown Gravy Parsley Buttered Carrot Home-Made Hot Rolls And Butter Bear Cream Cole Slaw Tea Coffee Milk Deasert L00 1.25 Visit Salem's Most Comfortable Dining Room 1170 Center St. CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER Webfoot Twenty-one mem bers of the Webfoot Friendly Neighbors Club attended the regular monthly meeting held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Curfman. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Robert Boynton waa co- hostesa. Following tbe regular busl ness meeting exchange oi Christmas gift waa a feature. Each member brought i small gift for patients at the Salem Fairvlew Home. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. end Mr. Stephen Benedict Marion Marion Week-end visit ore et home of Mr. end Mrs. F. C. Schermaeher waa Mr. and Mrs. Ray Renshaw of Port Angeles, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Walt, Darlene and Joyce, of Oak Ridge spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman DeLangh. Nina Russel of Eugene Is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elzy Plckard. Farmers Union will meet Friday night for a pot-luck super and card party. Grand Island GRAND OPENING DICKSON'S . QUARTER-ORCU "0" PUBLIC DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NITE Dickson' Furniture Store he been transformed into the Biggest and Most Complete Donee Hell in the Volley, Com Have a big time at our Opening Saturday, Dee. 5. $1.00 per person Watch thl space for announcement of our Big New Yeer's ratty! Door Prizes Galore! WESTERN MUSIC BY JACKKIZZIAH And His 'TEXAS RAMBLERS" WORLDS of perking In rear ef Dirbmn'a Rhopptnf Cen ter, IVt mllea south ( tslem, at lit. Street Jeactlea. Grand Island James Aaher is in U. S. school at Fort Dev ons, Mass. His parents report he is advancing rapidly. Kenneth Asher, in the navy, la receiving teletype training at San Diego, Calif. Chief Quartermaster Robert A New Tasle Treall Barbecued Crab . With Toasted Garlic Bread Osckad Crab hi the thefl With a Barbecue Sauce NORTH'S In Hw CcpHtl Shopptif Ctifif Grand Ronde Willamina Mies Joenette Johnson wes elected president of Beta Xi Theta Rbo club at their meeting Iaat week. Con nie Thomasoa we elected vice-president, Pat Beveraoa secretary, and Donna - otoo- dard treasurer, seven new members were initiated into tbe eiub. Mre. Iris Hutton wss given a housewarmlng by member of the Good Cheer club this week, snd wu the recipient of many gifts. Tbe club will bold e food sale and bazaar at tbe Northwest store Bt a, with the proceeds from the sale to belp mske Christmas more pleasant for needy families. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bar rett and daughter have moved to Willamina following the discharge of Mr. Barrett from the eir force. He has been sta tioned at Riverside California, where the family has been making their home. Mrs. E dythe Richardson was re-electea president oi the Community Gerden club this week, end Mrs. Helen Mawhirter was re-elected aec-retary-treasurer. The officer wlU be installed at the Dee. 16 meeting et the home of Mre. W. C. Tremblay, when pot luck dinner, Christmas tree snd gift exchsnge will be held. The Friendly Circle club members were entertained thia week at the home of Mrs. Edna Graham at luncheon, followed by an afternoon ef television. Enjoying the dsy were Mrs. Augusta Hanson, I Mrs. Hllds Rabuck, Mrs. May Morris, Mrs. Anna Gardner, Mr. Ruby To 1 liver, Mrs. Shorty Rlckert and Mrs. Jes sie Trotter. Mrs. Welter Murray waa honored on her birthday by a group of ladles who went to her home, taking a lunch with them. They were Mrs. Melba Yoder, Mrs. Ed Strode, Mrs. Gus Swanaon, Mrs. Kenneth Shetterly. The Fort Hill Extension unit will have aa its only De cember meeting, a Christmas party, at the home of Mrs. Mildred Wade. Mystery slater names will be revealed and new namee will be drawn. The Jan. 18 meeting will neve Mrs. Myrtle Wooden end Mrs. Elsie Werth demonstrating "Food for Entertaining. Mrs. Carl John waa elected noble grand of Primrose Re- beksh lodge at the November aocial meeting. Mrs. Ross Wright wss elected vice trend; Mrs. Earl McNamar, recording secretary; Mrs. Oscer Rudig, financial aecretary; ana Mrs. Oscar Noreen, treasurer. Mrs. Henriette Banyard and Miles Godsey received the Re. beksh degree, and Mrs. Jack Shetterly waa received into membership by transfer from the Riddle Rebekah lodge. The PNG club sponsored a surprise walk with aprona and boxes of Christmas cards as prizes, and Mrs. Oscar Rudig and Mrs. Bill Denton served refreshments to the 31 mem' bers end visitors present. The Grsde School PTA will meet Tuesday, Dec. 1 at I p.m. in the cafeteria, with Elmo Black aa guest speakeer. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McEl roy of Beacon Hill Manor, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Misa Leonore Bailey, to Hubert H. Sowers, USN, son of Mr. end Mrs. H. H. Sowers of Willamina. The bride elect is e hospital corpsman Jc in the Waves, sts tioned at El Tore, Calif. Sow ers Is a hospital corpsman lc, stationed at El Toro attar serv Ing in Korea. He la a graduate of the Willamina high school In the class of 1948, and also attended OSC. He is now home on e 20 day leave. Mrs. Benny Delker was hos tess to the Bunco club et her home liSi week for e noon luncheon end en afternoon of gamea. Mrs. Jeaaie Trotter won Grand Rondo Mr. end Mrs. Ted E. Smith end sister, Mrs. Petri fitrobecke of Salem, spent the holiday in Butt Falla and Mediord aa gueste of their brothers end families, Don snd Wayne Smith. The occasion al so marked the birthdays of Mr. and Mre. Ted Smith. Mr. and Mr. Norman St Germain and children were guests of her parents, Mr, and Mra. W. A. Rlasieuw of North Plain. On Thanksgiving din ner wee enjoyed by Mr. end Mrs. St. Germain and children, Mr. end Mre. Iaaae Rlasieuw and family. Mr. end Mrs. Stan ford Rlasieuw and Mr. and Mra. John Buswell, aU of WU- Mr. end Mre. George Post visited her mother Mrs. Charles Maldment, who is in tbe hos pital at Chehali, Wash. Mr. and Mr. Ivan Callgan (pent Thanksgiving in Portland as guests of tneir son ana lam Uy, Mr. and Mra. Jack Baun neck. The occasion was a house warming for Mr.- and Mra. Baunnack. Other guests for the day were Mr ..and Mrs. William Larkina and eon. Tommy, Mr. and Mr. C. Travis and family and Mr. end Mra. Roy Rohlaon and'children. Mr. end Mrs. Robert Jones spent Tnanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wkkaon at Coos Bay. Gervais Gervais The Gervais Gar den club will hold ita Christ mas meeting with gift exchange et the Fred Manning home with Mra. Manning as hostess, Thurs- dey, Dec. 17. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zellner, Sunday, Nov. 29, a daughter. St Rita's Altar society will meet next week with Mrs. Anna McGulre, with Mrs. G. Eder and Mrs. Appledorn es hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Pillette, Mr. end Mrs. E. G. Pillette end son. Stewart and Mra. Ham mett, all of Portland, were Sun day afternoon visitors of the Ferd Mannings. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Kuschnick, route 1, e son, Dee. 1 Webfoot Vernon Hepler, Kea end Kim Daniel, David Anderson, Laurel Ronfeld, Danny Hep ler, Philip Anderson, Jerry Hepler, Ralph' Ronfeld, Gary Daniels and the leader. Bill G arm ire. - - Countryside Gardener, the garden club of the Aurora area, baa announced the schedule for ita two-day Christmas show, to be held in Christ Lutheran church, Au rora, Friday end Saturday, Dec. It end 12. Mra. Lonn Glesy is general chairman for the event .. The ahow wll be open to the public without charge. A sil ver tea and Christmas sale will feature pert of the enow. Hour ere from I to I pjn. Friday, Dee. 11 and 10 a.m. to p.m. Saturday, Dee. 11 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schneider, Jr., of Portland, son and daughter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schneider of Aurora, plan to leave for Lee Angeles Dec. I, where they wll establish e drug busi ness. Mr. Schneider has been associated with McKesson and Robbins in Portland for. a number of year. Unlonvale Mr. and Mr. E. M. Demaray and sons, Richard and Milton, were Thanksgiving day dinner guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. costs. Sunday the group motored to the home of the other aon-ln-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hiiaersrand end fam ily In the Camp Adair area, for dinner , Unlonvale A new telephone 11ns has been Installed by the Turner Unionvale Dayton company In thia district with the common battery typo instruments. . i - euikarrthm am Mra Brsat No. 111.7; E. M. Coat. ill, juaauu ufimnjr, 111XE Henry Sehlndler, 11120; Mra . John Thien, 1113; M. V. Wright Ills, iT? Another line is being extendi ed in the Wheatland districtTJ Mr. end Mrs. Carl Graves, who have been vacationing in Mississippi, are expected borne this week. Dennia Robertson, has re turned to his school in, Ctve Junction after a visit with his parent the Albert Robertson's. Paul Thomas, Jr., who spent his leave home from the Navy with bis parent, left last week for San Francisco will sail from there to the Philippine. He finished boot training in San Diego. Mr. and Mrs. John Relger spent last week in Eugene. SM TODAY! Open lie. i nr. iviuuz "GIOltY BRIGADST a Itarts Tumius Tout ,: Kg i7tlwlW9i. tO-eliATl KE - Aurora Perhaps one of the most unique celebrations to date waa the old-fashioned costumes donned by members of Kirk Rebekaha of Canny in recognition of the approach ing golden wedding anniver sary of fellow members, Mr. and Mra. J. S. Wallace, late Aurora residents, now of Can- by. With all the princlpala at tired in fashions of BO yers ago, the men with appropri ate mustaches, a program was presented, with Mrs. W. H. Criteser as narrator and Mrs. A. L. Welden es pianist Mrs. Meivin Hahlum gave e life history reading of the Wallace's and Introduced their children who were present for the occasion Mra. Leona Thomaa of Hillsboro and Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. Wallace of Canby. Waltz and quadrille music of e half century ago waa played on violin by John Ka bourek and Mrs. Criteser. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace were eacorted into the lodge room by Mrs. J. R. Meyer, noble grand, who presented them with a boutonniere and cor- ssge. A gift from the lodge was presented to the honored couple by Mrs. vida Ham-blett A smorgasbord dinner will be served et North Msrion high school from S to S p.m. Wednesday, Dec. 0, by mem bers of the high school chorus Four-H club leader, Bill Garmire took hia poultry club the Ma-Ca-Ma Slick Chicks, on a recent tour of the Ore gon Egg Producers establish ment in Portland. Members and parents tak ing the trip were Mr. and Mrs. Turner Mrs. Chester Mc Neal, who suffered severe attack of polio laat winter, la not so well and has been re turned to the Memorial hos pital. The Sunshine club met at the home of Mr. L. F. Petersen Tuesday. A no-host luncheon was enjoyed by the member at noon. Officer elected for the com ing year were Mrs. Manuel Keene, president; Mrs. Robert Mitchell, vice president; Mrs. Lloyd Sidwell, secretary, and Miss Helen Peetz, treasurer. Mrs. E. E. BaU and Mrs. Walter Miller, were appointed on the flower committee. The club will have the Xmas Tuesday afternoon, Dee. 19, at the home of Mrs. Keene. Herschel B rower will arrive Friday from hi home in Mo desto, Calif., to take hi par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brower home with him. The latter have been in ill health for several months. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Webb returned home Sunday from Centralis where they have been visiting relatives. Three clubs will have a ba zaar in the store building own ed by Delmer Berber, Satur day, December 8. Clubs taking part are the Sunshine club, Garden club and the Three Links will have a cooked food sale. Altue Bower, of Sandpoint, Ida., and Jeaaie Brown of Port land, cousin of E. E. Ball, were recent visitors here. MSgt and Mrs. Robert Humlston end three son of Fort Lawton, Wash., have re turned to their home after a visit with her mother, Mrs. Levi Locken. . Perry Wolf, who crushed his toe while working et the mill last week, was able to go to work Monday. Starts Tomorrow! bat iMskjM -art U aceler aj iMlalMei', ilia - Freak Siaifra oubkbrseavt' . I AMADUMHUtOIJ . UpWat N flat SCTM. I Ttallscxllchtsr aeaiaasKCM DANCE OVER WESTERN AUTO A dm. 80s Tax Ine. Dick Johnson's Ores, 158 Court St 1J4 N. Commercial Xa wauon ep Over Fslat liar STARTING TOMORROW! Robert MITCHUM Undo DARNELL USI DAT! Me Ferl 61 Mil SrihiiM THI I6 HEAT ' Grail Jeus Jasws Raid EXCITEMENT! aiMeaieei Psiesreasly I jfhl first Mrs. Lorraine Crone sec ond and Mrs. Violet Kihlstadius consolation. Others present were Mesdames Arlene Mat thews, Sylvia Carlson, Edna Graham and Pat Olson. 1W iiKiiiL LTu ILL. I W YE SING, Pnp. Beit Chinee C Lusty Laughter and Tense Suspense On Hi Old Frontier!! ROBERT PRESTON 'THE BRIDE COMES YELLOW SKY" Crystal Gardens DANCE Back Again With Two Floors of Dancing Two Bands, Adm. 74c Tax EVERY SATURDAY NITE Second Floor Old Tim Doneinf First Floor Modem Cebe ret Style SUNDAY ROASTED VEAL aked Potato and Gravy Colo Slaw Her Biscuit and I utter DINNER CHICKEN and Dumplings Meshed Potatoes Gravy Buttered Fresh Fret. Pea Hot Roll and utter 85' L00 BRING THE FAMILY Served in the Dining Room or Service in Your Car! tljU-'SAH SHOP Vi Mile North of the Underpass Uit Drf "MHHY ur "KIH6 Of THI uciTuar STARTS TOMORROW! TOY AMD FABULOUS! A Musical Comedy Star who cams . up tl hart wiy ...and treated everybody ta tameaajrl V f r"V iP2a Lb aUtruAcH. inn nm HILUIH 1RGH in f ' 2nd Attraction . FURY BREAKS LOOSE! COMBAT SQUAD starring JOHN IRELAND . LON McCAUISTER It