THE CAPITAL JOUR.VAL, Salt. Orecoa GOLDEN WEDDING COUPLE ; Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Miller, above, will otuerve their golden wedding at reception Sunday afternoon at their home out of Dallas. Hr. Miller hat been an ordained min ister In the Seventh Day Adventlst church since 1907, a school teacher for 42 years. (dlcEwan studio picture.) WestSalem Schools Prepare To Give Christmas Program The West Salem public school's Christmas program will be given by the Junior high pupils Tuesday night, December IS. It will be in the nature of a Christmas carol pageant, featuring vocal and orchestral numbers. Mary will be portrayed by Pat Thor; Joieph by Dan Moore the Header by Jack Scott; the Old Shepherd by Harb Hermann and the Three Kings by Jim Dodge, Bill Ap plebury and Chuck Luke. . Muiical selections will In clude vocal solos by Pat Thor; songs by ninth grade trio con- Keiier Kelier Students In the Keller school entered 39 eiuva In the contest aunnnrt. ed by Stevens and Son and tne Disabled American Vet erans. The topic was, "What the American rug Means to Me Mrs. Mehner's fifth grade room entrants - were: Jim Shepard, Richard Yunger, Bert Wright, Ronald Cookin, LeRoy WUlmschen. Miss Revis fifth grade: Susan Mo ran, lienors Bruaven, Nancy Bbert, Carol Buck, Patty Blake, Jeffrey Austin and Tom Gourley; Mrs. Yung's sixth grade: Larry Penrod, Calvin Gales, Ronald Basin ger, Judith Coomler, Karen Lynn, Patty Vanderpoll, and Charlene Bear; Mrs. Evan's sixth grade: Dennis Wlrtaner and Shirley Plerpolnt; seventh and eighth grades under the direction of Mrs. Lrftnria (Tarnl Ann Hudson. Carol Harland. Lynne Conk 11 n, Geraldine Lawerenee, Joy West, Gloria Gogle, Dennis GUehrest, Mary Olien. Julie Sutherland Sara Mayers, BUI Mauerhan, Car- ne unesi, unaa Lawerenee, Dean Posvar. Jemr TTawlv Carls Duncan and Snun TVal Wednesday, Dee. 2. the fifth irom miss nevii' room proemea me sssemuy pro cram. Eddie Barker and Ronald Baker played electric guitar numDen. Lenora Brusven was the an BaunMP Inr th nl,u The lead was played by Carol Buck. The play was written by tne students. Between the two acts, Karen Carlson Dlaved on her violin Open house was held at the Cummings school on Tuesday, Dec. 1, In the evening from 7 to 9. The Lion's club auxiliary will hold It next meeting at the hom nf Mn tlnrAnrt Dmm. ler, 423S Rlvercrest Drive, on im. cm p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Llnnell of 1430 Candlewood, entertained weir cnudrea and families re cently. Paul Llnnell Jr. has entered the Salem General an eye operation. He is th son u raw i.inneu and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Llnnell. Gary McNall of Greenwood m. nat returned from the Sa lem General hospital. Ha Is home now snd feeling much better. The next home economics meeting of the Keizer Grange, will be held Dec. 8 at 8 o'clock at Lena Ettner's, S8S0 Trail Ave. The newly elected chair man. Nan Francisco, will preside. slating of Mavis Malbon, Nancy Clemons and Pat Thor; numhera bv ih evnth eighth and ninth grade chor uses, ana orcnestral selections. The nroffram will h Hirart. ed by Mrs. Angeline Self. . Pupils making "high hon ors" and "honors" during the recent term have been listed. "High honors" means four A's and nothing below B; "honors" consists of a B aver age and nothing below C. mgn nonor pupils: Seventh a-raH Jnan Pnai Barbara Glodt, Sylvia Mom- eyer. Eighth grade Marilyn Priesen, Judy Willlch. Ninth grade Helen Dodge, Mavis Malbon, Kay Smith, Pat Thor, Paula Wyant. Honor pupils: Seventh n-ari K.lth Al. rick, Janie Baker, Diane Col lette, Shirley Govler, Mary Kosack. Harriet Mni-lr Alloa Mlttlestedt, Jill Scott, Beverly waixer, Bill Bush. Elfhth ffrad Won rn. shaw Gerry Gale, Iris Hunt, Donna Kassel, Laurel Malbon, Edward Wiliams, Marian Fast, Tom Hueneke. Mnlllo Mr. Gregor, Dan Moore, Jo Ann Shultz. Ninth srade David Doll Barbara Noteboom. Judy Panther and Nancy Clemons. Trial of Satterlee Continued to Monday The trial of Raymond Sat terlee. 17. charirari with man. slaughter in connection with the death of 4 vear old Van. new irois last August 4, was continued until next Monday afternoon following Friday's initial session. Circuit Judge George R. Duncan is presidinc and a Jury of five men and seven women is hearing the evidence. Schoolmates of young Satter lce were in the courtroom Fri day, some of whom were on the stand in the role of charac ter witnesses. An autopsy following the death of the Cross boy revealed he had died from bruises about the face and body. Satterlee was indicted by the grand Jury August 13 and he was released from custody on $3500 bond, provided by residents of the Pratum district, acene of the tragedy. OCE ART EXHIBIT OreSOn Collffff Mnnmnull, Currently beinj shown in the An usiiery at Oregon College are the water colors of v .inh Robinson. Mr. Robinson's paintings, which have been on tour throughout the it r and Canada are being sponsored by the Army Arts snd Craf U Serv ice. This exhibit, which will be at OCE for two weeks, was loaned to OCE from the Lin coln County Art Gallery. The gallery hours are from 9 a.m. to S p.m. throughout the week and open by special request. Awards Node Cub Pack 12 Members of Cub Pack IS at a Thursday night meeting held at VFW Hall received number of awards and the den chief, Mike Youngquist, was presented a den chief arm cord. Bobcat induction monies were also held. Awarded one year pins were Glen Miles, Gary Hind man, Bill Prelacy, Steven Hall, Gary Zwing and Lyle Grossman. Receiving Bobcat pins were Robert Tyner, Steven Olson, Robert MeAlpine, Kenneth Kellim. Milton Bogard, Eu gene Kammler, Gary Clark. Larry Oliver, Stephen Pres ton, Charles Bell, Robert Meeks, Donald Volesson. Mi. chael Surles, Russell Elliott Ronnie Madding received a Wolf award and Gold Ar row and two Silver Arrows for his Wolf award; Jackie Martin received the Bear award and a Gold Arrow; Ro bert Clark was presented one Gold Arrow on the Wolfl award; Glen Miles Silver Arrow on the Wolf award; Harley Lamont a Gold Arrow on the Bear award; George Hetland the Silver Arrow on the Lion award; and receiving Webelos awards were Emery Billings and Lyle Grossman Program for College Men College men Interested In the Navy's reserve officer pro gram can get information from the local Naval and Ma rine Corps Resrve Training Center. The young man taking this training under the Reserve Officer Candidate Program of the Navy will reserve a Naval Reserve commission upon bis graduation from college. General requirements are that he be a citizen of the United States; hsve reached his 17th birthday (women ap plicants must have reached their' 18th); not be over 27 years of age at date of gradu ation; have enlisted status In the Navy Reserves at the time of application; be enrolled as lull time student In an ac credited college or university; and must be pursuing a course of instruction other than that leading to a theological, medi cal or dental degree. The program requires that the reservists spend six weeks for two summers training on active duty with the Navy. Under the universal mili tary training and service act a person selected for enrollment in the ROC program of the Navy shall be deferred from induction until he completes his course of Instruction and as long as he maintains satis factory standing in the Naval Reserves. Four Corners Four Corners The Fire men's auxiliary met on Tues day evening in the Emery Hendrickson, Jr., home on Brenner Ave., with Mrs. Hen drickson and Mrs. Frank Hershefelt aa co-hostesses. Mrs. A. E. LaBranche pre sided at the business meeting. This was the Christmas .party and the club completed plans for the annual Christmas tree and party to be held Dec. 19 at 2 p.m. in the Community hall. This annual treat for the children of the commun ity is shared Jointly by the Firemen and auxiliary. The staff and students of Four Comers school are wear ing broad smiles this week congratulating their genial custodian "Ernie" upon the birth of a daughter born Nov. 30 to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krause (Carol Pope' at the Salem General hospital. The little girl has been named Re becca Lynette and weighed aix pounds and six and one half ounces. There is a sister, Janet, and the grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Pope of Aumsville. Mrs. Mattie who has been visiting her daughter in Seattle for several weeks has returned home. Her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuette accom panied her home. To handle record breaking auto traffic across the English channel, a terminal has been built at Dover which can han dle 240 cars an hour. Liberty Liberty Troop commit tee meeting for Cub Pack II met on Wednesday evenfng at the home of Dr. Lewis Clark on Boxwood Lane. Plans were made for the pack meeting scheduled for Dec. 21, at the school, witn skits and carols. Den and 10 will serve the refresh ments. Money raising projects for the peek wss discussed snd also the forming of a Boy Scout troop. Attending were Mrs. Ed Holden, Mrs. Gerald MeCar roL Mrs. Donald Schur, and Mrs. Mervin Seeger, who will replace Mrs. Howard Nichol as den mother, commutes men were Ralph Alexander, Gerald Knepper and Walter Schendel, cubmaster. Army Generous Giving Blood During the past two years army installations In the west ern states have produced al most a quarter of a million pints of blood. Donors in cluded Army personnel, their dependents and civilian em ployes of the Army. The program wss started in September, 1951, and contin ued until the end of last Au gust. During the period 212,- 529 pints of blood were col lected at Army Installations in the west. Despite the cessation of hos tilities in Korea there is a continued need for whole blood in the Far East and at Armed Forces hospitals, so Sixth Army personnel have continued supporting the blood program and for the two months of September and October donated 18,720 pints. Hubbard Pythian Sisters Election Hubbard Mrs. Duane Hat cher was elected as Most Ex cellent Chief of Arlon Temple Pythian Sisters, Tuesday eve ning. She succeeds Mrs. Har old Colgsn who was elected as past chief. New officers will be installed, Jan. 5, with Mrs. Jack Moomaw as installing of ficer, and the staff assisting. Other officers elected were Mrs. Warren Grim as senior, Mrs. Russell Rollofson as Jun ior, Mrs. Leon Graham as man ager, Mrs. George Waddington as protector, Mrs. Lenore Schoor as guard. Mrs. Sadie Rich was reelected as staff cap tain as was Mrs. W. T. Wood as secretary and Mrs. C. R. Amrine as treasurer. Miss Len ore Scholl will be pianist and Mrs. George Leffler will serve as trustee. The December 15 meeting will be highlighted with a Christmas tree and a gift ex change with Mrs. Colman in charge of the evening, Mrs. Lef fler in charge of the program and Mrs. Hatcher of the tree and gift exchange. Mrs. Graham was appointed to the community Christmas treat committee. Members reported ill in cluded Mrs. Amrine in the Hutchinson hospital, Oregon City; Mra. Lord at home and Mrs. jess f allen in independence. DON'T Throw Tr Watffc Awr W rii TlMa Whm Otkrt CmI THE JEWEL BOX WALNUT SHELLING CREW REPORT FOR WORK MONDAY, DEC. 7-9 A.M. Morris Klorfein Packing Co. 440 N. Front' Salem Korean Vets Eligibilfy Rules For Lockwood Homes' Eligibility rules are: 1. Any veteran of the armed forces of the United States of America, male or female, honorably discharg ed or transferred to the re serves who haa been author ized the Korean service medal or ribbon, is eligible aa an applicant for this home. 2. Applicant must submit a letter telling his or her best reason for wanting to own his or her own home, to gether with a complete fin ancial statement showing all income from salary, wages, or any other sources. This statement must also show how much money the appli cant owes. These figures will be kept confidential. 3. Applicant must be able to meet FHA loan require ments and make payments of approximately $ 0 0 per month. 4. This letter must be sent or delivered to Salem radio station KSLM. The Statesman Lockwood Homes, or the Capital Journal Lock wood Homes. 5. This letter must be sent or delivered not 1; ler than 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Decem ber 8, 1953. . Do not mail any dis charge or other official papers with the letter as the committee cannot be respon sible for them, but be pre pared to show any such papers to the committee up on request. 7. Membership in any vet eran's organization is not re quired, nor will such mem bership or lack of member ship be considered by the committee, a. Decision of the commit tee will be final and applica tion letters cannot be return Young People Plan Activities Activity plans for the season by the youth of the First Meth odist church were made this week during a council meeting of the organization. These plana include the an nual caroling event to be held Sunday night, Dec. 20, follow ed by a party at the North 15th street home of Dr. and Mrs. P. D. Baker. Also discussed was a proposed New Year's eve watch party. Mac Baker, president of the group, announced the follow ing program area chairmen for the year: Roger Morehead. Christian fellowship: Carol Carruthers, Christian citizen ship; Ruth Hoffman, Christian laith; carol de Metz, Christian witness and Lo Anne Mund inger, Christian outreach. The area chairmen will be assisted in their program work by adult advisors from the church and Willamette univer sity Wesley group. Karen Hall announced that hex committee had delivered Thanksgiving baskets to needy families. The December Sundsy night programs will discuss "The De velopment of Christian Person ality." Leaders will be Ruth Hoffman, Carol Carruthers and Carol de Metz and members of their committees. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Harris are counsellors for the MYF group. 1 v Holiday Party for Woodburn DeMolay Woodburn Regular meet ings of Woodburn Chapter of DeMolay and the Mothers' Cir cle were held. Wednesday night at the Masonic Temple. At the Mothers' meeting Mrs. N. F. Tyler presided snd plans were completed for a holiday party for Demo lay members, advisory board mem bers and guests on Dee. 30 at p.m. at the Masonic Temple. Special invitations were issued to former DeMolay members now in college who will be home during the holiday sea son. Committees appointed were: Refreshments, Mrs. Dean Bishoprick, Mrs. Clarence Ahrens and Mrs. Harlow Dix on; entertainment, Mrs. Lay- Saturday, December t, 1853 man Baird and Mrs. Hcmer Wadsworth; table decorations, Mrs. Harold Ticknor. Mrs. Lester Sterling was re ceived as a new member. Re-' freshments were served to the DeMolay boys and advisory board by Mrs. Harry Lenton, and Mrs. L. J. Plank. . t For the next meeting, Jan.' t, Mrs. Clarence Ahrens and, Mrs. Edwin Ostrom will serve. Whales have been known to! live for 30 years. i SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of an kinds. Trasaas, Abdom inal Supports, Elastla Hoairrj. Expert fitters prirate OtUag "ASK YOU DOCTOR Capila! Drug Slore 40S State Street Carnrr 1 liberty SAB Green Staaaf Salem Chiropractic Clinic . Tttal Organs Are Cm trailed Threofh N arras - ' , Dr. J.L.AhlbIn Nerve and Bon Specialist Phvtiorheraphy Electrorherophy Colon Irrigation X-Roy Phone 2-6820 lor Appointment Pom Dslrf, tffl t-SstaTdrr till Hoe 1225 South Commercial $00 SUNDAY SAFEWAY Of EN SUNDAYS 1263 2120 935 Center Fain) rounds Rd. S. Coml 8-10 9-6 9-9 SAMI LOW PRICES ALWAYS Par Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR IMERGENCUS Can 38543 3957 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State and Liberty Tear Prescription BUra" VALLEY TELEVISION . CENTER Motorola Hoffman - Dumont Packard Bell 2303 fairgrounds i M. 21913 Ops Snadi, f pjL h 6 ml Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Rseelxllsa In SUPIRI SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sana'sye 7 .m. to 9 p.m. Dotty 1:30 .. 9 p.m. BllMM'f Mill! CattM Mt Comer Coart ft High Phone 3-4111 Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF and PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 . 990 South Commercial Wall Paper, Paints and Sporting Goods Ferrill's Nursery tOAcrMSTMiMntili, throb, fruit, shid isd flowsrinQ frees, OPEN 10 A.H. SuKDM 4 Mi. East of KEIZER PHONE 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Center And in tht Keizer District 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN It NeenTlltttl SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY til North Liberty Phone 3 8733 Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN 8 A.M. T0 11 P.M. AND DUTY PHARMACIST ON CALL 11 P.M. TO 8 A.M. Just Phono 39123 or 42248 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment Sales A Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phone 3-3644 SeileiHp Ore TRAILERS FOR RENT AH Types Local or One Way Rent A Trailer System Salem's Only Exclusively Trailer Rental Lot lti Fatrsroonds Ed. Phene I-I4S1 Oaaa ntaar Xlaal to S a.m. ed or acknowledged.