i 1 Saterday, December S, 19SS D'NNIS the MENACE fiimK irtv tHLrui- rKrrt3H e30M" fOK SALE MISCELLANEOUS LAROB SBLBCTIOR Or: Um4 Davonoo, DavonportA, Hlat. -mi. au saia rnud. 4-pc. Btdrooa mi . nM CoffM TA.1A, 1 00 ca.r Ma . ; Laundry Ttm with lt.Dd your hole f.ti COOOOlO RAdlOO lyjl UWU AKncnAMDlSB HART IT 1. LlnorU, Phon. 4-UT1 (Acrota th, itrtlt from Armory)' TZiOlft or COUMt OKI OKL'I MercU And 004 hoy'i ! oiclo. 31". Phon, 4.1111. nm cash bsoisters. irom op. airy MUiiipiuv 1111 rairsrmraa. Ad. 3i:i. ro IALI OB TBAOI lor carponun . wom, WW ailKC, IVIO COOT. OAT' ono. Unrp, cbAlr, Duo-UMra oil .to.o Phono im. vjM' UMIGHT piano for aala. Phono l-llu. nltl- Wontd MISCELLANEOUS WOODBI WANTS P1AI0I. rhono t-lllt. rUBKITUBS UrtXIIHIKO, ehUr uiti rocAAod. Vory waobaAIo yotor. Phono B03S3' tUCTBIO BANGIS. WooCJj'a. Ph. 1110. AO EXCHANGE MISC. FOR SALE or trade 110 AC lliht plenty. heavy duty bumper trailer hitch (or pickup or track. 71V Larry Ave. nn293 PERSONAL INDEPENDENT private detective. Civil. eoeleL dome tie. Reasonable. Phone 1-4071 Salem. PJM AUTOMOBILES mi CBatVROLJtT S door atdan. Good tlrca, runt tood. Barialb 4991. 1474 Court. Phone 34834. 141 4J BUICK Special 4 HI. Phone 33931. 1340 Crawford. 3M BOB SALE or tT.de. ti Aero-Act 4-door edan. radio, heater, overdrive, white tut vail lira. - two-tone paint, 1,400 mil, iev car cuerantee. 1-4121. litl Bute, - .... . . a 22 MECHANICS RPECIAL 41 Mercury 1 dr. R.H. At O D. aecde work ea enttat. Set at J70 H. Winter St. alter ft p m. 391 RT OWNIE 1931 Chevrolet coach. Run alnc well. 414.00. 004 Palrvicw Ave. 1-4141 alter 4:00 vm. alio IMS PORD convertible. 1M for equity. wm trade I or toot uu or itu cnev. club. Phone 3-9307. Q2M 42 PONTTAC two door 417. Take some trade. 10-04 aprtaaiuid. Phone 1-42.1. 200 ltd BUICK -pedal coupe. Oood eondl- lion. ii3a. Phooa M il or J-uoo. PEPECT1 IMS Chev. M ton pickup with eanopr. AJklni 11,100. Phone 4-1104 after 1:10 p.m. a2M 1M1 CRBTBLXft Windsor 4 door aedaa Cwellent condition, AU extra, phont 441S4 even ine I. 023 $$ FOR $$ You can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 'M aodaa hydro, RH 11371 11W so coupe, uh 'it eedaa. hvrtra, RH soden. hrdro. RAH t aeoan, hah 44 lodan. RAH MERCURY f (Mao. RAH I FORD f'4t atdta. RAH KEST FOR LESS ;' Studcbakar I 41 Packard '41 Oldimob.lt ' WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD AT KELLY OWENS CO. 660 N. LIBERTY PH. 2-4113 im CHECK THU PRICE t 1MT Pord 4-door V-t euper dalvn. Perfect thr out bout, low mileaie. All eitraa tnctodlaf Columbia overdrive. Save 1 1 oo. price onlr tM. Owner, lT mner Rd. rnona i-iio. aw 11 PLTTdOtTH Cranbrook. radio, beau r. Splendid bur at onlr llOte. Phono 1-1043. 3M 1HI CHEVROLET 4-door oedan. Belalro. Deluxe oaatpmrnt. Phoa 41134. 2H V.I WRSCHED aar car. aauet have car k Monday or Tuatder, will trade mr I wreca or mui. nti auivertaw rw. aatw CHEAP THANlPORTATlOrt. '41 Ensllah J Part. Hew motor. 3M. Phone 4-JIIl. a 213' vf ltoa dodge aetlaa. choaa. Phooe -3T. , 1 1131 Ctntor 04. astn J1H9 OLD I ID AM br trletnal awaer. Terr ctaaa. Pint elaaf candttlon. Ra I die, heater, lactam a at aovers. Thta haa been our famllr car and aivoa aw boat atteauoa. 4s. Pkaaa t-1410 3tt lOM PLYMOUTH. 1 004 mile. Ml . 1 llth St. Phooa 174 3M IMd PORD bvataM cwopa. HvatoT, food adf. paiat. motor, PTa. itw v wai ter. Phoae l-7ri. a3to NT CKIVBOLAT S'MK ptcAW. OMd naitto. till, rtioao 14.1 tm.au. Aaha OraaarAAA. Bi. U Mhra. fiw feichtim AUTOMOBILES DEWEY'S '47 Chry. Windior idn. Iti loaded with eceuoriei it perfect car. . '51 Nath Ramb. Conv. R te H. al(. light, e-drive. loaded. '51 Chev. Sdn. Here's very harp one. '48 Chev. Aero, hat everything In the book. -46 rord V-8, 2-dr. Here U nice one. - '40 Nnh 800 Sdn. For an old car like new, thia la it '51 Dodge tt-ton pickup de luxe cab, heater, fluid dr., low mile-";- It'a perfect & priced to sell quick. Hurry! '41 Oldi 88 club. A food aound car. BUYS LIKE THESE ONLY AT DEWEY'S MM liorkol r dm Ph. J-tMl 3M AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVINO BAD1ATOB TBODBLtT Valla Motor Co. oxror to ui oolf. your pro, lorai asd aa.o yea menoy. Pro. Mil. atoA, apoody htvIca. CtaUr at Lia- orly." HEAVY EQUIPMENT D-l CAT POB BIBB, Phrau H4H. Wll llam Phllllpo. SIM Abrama St. o.WI- TRUCKS 1PM DODOB PANBL. Bxtra oiat. hoator, no llroa, ll.ioa aan. mono .!. FINANCIAL Llo S-1U and al-Jll Ad ROT H. AUaOIONa mauRANca and loams Hear 'Top Tradoa" 11 1J Dllly BSUI UN . OBHBBAL PINAMCB CO. LOANS III o. ConworclAl St. Tal. l-llll CASH FAST! $25.00 TO $2,500 SEB FRED SCHOTT 118 S. Liberty St. PHONE 4-2203 Pacific INDUSTRIAL LOANS LOANS UP TO $1500 AT PERSONAL. It'a Tee" praaipUf t empio7M men av wwh 1-viilt loan . . . Phone Ore Tou eelect beat panaenl data Between payday loan Pboaa, write er coma la TODAY! Personal Finance Co. 104V HIOH ST, SALEM State Uceiua No. S-133. U144 Loani over 0300 ap to 01400 tad at to Z0 month to repay made by Peraoaal Pinanee Co. ot Marten County under the Industrial Loan Compaalaa Act af Oreion. HIP SEE US POR PARM, CTTT OR ACREAOI LOANS HFT OF TSKMB WE BUT Real aetata Morteuaj ooalracte State Finance Co. 117 Sa. Blah At. Pa. 1-4131 AUTO LOANS WQXaAMETTS CREDIT CO. 113 Sooth Charcb Parkiat a-Pltaty Ph. 1 t LU. Ha. M-lfta, aVIM REAL ESTATE LOANS COLONIAL INYESTHENTCO. oator ou rota U7 Csavt 4-2283 HOUSE TRAILERS Bo. TRAILBB HOMES SfH Trado Bank Prnonc RIA4 . LARA LAMB TRAILIB PLAX 1H4 Laaa Ar. UJtl' At e aMMTu'Tralraiaatar. IT, 1 BR, prleo fir a no trallor. LARA LARS TRAILBB PLAZA lata Una Aro. taTM W RECTORY ADDIRO MACBIRXa AU rnakM oatd roactilnoi amd. rontad, npalrad. Bma. tM Cnrt, Pk. 14771. BLA'Tixo irsnrB H ST. Bluttn, Some. Quarrra. StuBPlnr. rarrmrat broallAS. By day m Miraot. PIhm a-int. AUTOMOtlLES I J It'i thit tcay with m. tL f. The beat cars in town M . re traded in on our new X BuicVal Then ws put 1 I them in top shape-and I E price them to move out fast! So tec us-it'i th . M sound way to save. f 1 fiugfs better I OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER OHO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER YEAR-END CLEARANCE ALL NEW 53'S and USED CARS MAGNIFICENT BARGAINS!" OPEN EVENINGS LODER BROS. YOUR OLDSMOBILE DEALER 465 CENTER DIRECTORY BLLLDOE1.VO Bulldoilnt, roada, clear 1m teeth. Vlr I U Huakey, 1010 Pair t lea. pbene 1-1141. O104 COMMERCIAL TTPTNQ Also direct mall advartuiu. MATHah SWAN, 1340 HOitate. 0391 EXCAVATING Baa OUen At Son. etcavatlna and tradlni. Lanel alaarlas. Ph. 30a0. 0394 rNOULATION Zaaulatloa, weatberatiipa, etorm aaeh. Prte ai lima tea. T. Pullmaa. Phone 1-1041. olfl4 MATTRESSES Capitol Baddiat renovate. Pull line aew mattreiaea. Ph. 1-4000. o OPnCB PVRNITURE At BVPPL1ES Daek chalra, lllaa, flllnt auppllaa, aafea, duplicators, Buppllea, deak lam pa, type writer ataada. Reen, 4B0 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mlkoa Septic ServVca. Tenia cleaned. D' rooter cleaaa aawara. drain. Phone t-04l. 039 T ewer, aeptla tank. draLna cleaned. Roto-Rooter Sewer Service. Phone I-M37. Hamel'a aaptlc tejika cleaned, line aervlce. OuaraDtead ork Phoae t-?. s s:tj. olio TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona. KamlnttoB, Royal, Un derwood portabLae. All makea naed machlaaa. Rcpalra ieat, Roea, 4M Court, 3-4771. aa WINDOW CLEANING: Acme Window Cleaners. In dui trial floor !Bt, licuKls.triliva. rnona J-1337, 147 Court o" Jack Davis Heads Lebanon Chamber Lebanon Jack Davis, West ern Auto Supply store owner, was elected president of the Chamber ot Commerce at the group's board meeting Thurs day noon. Davis is currently vice-president of the chamber. Wendell Gronso, attorney. was named vice president re placing Davis, and Jack Bu chanan, assistant cashier at the First National bank, was re elected treasurer. The new officers will be Installed at the chamber's an nual meeting on Jan. 11. Albany Prepares For Grange Meeting Lebanon Plans were Initi ated Thursday night In Leba non for the coming of severs! thousand Oregon Grange mem bers who will convene for their annual convention next June in Albany. Representatives from every Grange In Linn county came to be briefed on plana which will include overnight accommoda tions, food, program, entertain ment, transportation, and many other details Involved in a con vention of that siie. Harry Wiley, Lebsnon, mas ter of Linn Pomona Grange, is acting aa general chairman for the host groups. Wild geese In migrstion post sentries while they feed. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale. Oreftm AUTOMOBILES PHORS MOl PHONES 4-2261 or 2-7973 Silverlon PTA Hears Putnam Silverton Rex Putnam, Oregon State superintendent of public instruction, Salem, was a surprise speaker guest at the Thursday evening meeting the Parent - Teacher association. Mr. Putman confined h I s talk to the old time news paper spelling with an afflu ence of consonants. Dr. R. E. Steiner, active as a civic and educational lead er of Portland, told of "Edu cation and the Next Genera tion," favoring the present school system over that of former years. Boosting Silverton's 'cen tennial in Augui, ,iM, the general chairman, Lowell Brown spoke briefly of the plans, and invited suggestions. The toastmistrrss, Miss Han nah Olson, called attention to the walls and room decora tions furnished in life size figures and expert lettering, the work of a high school tea cher, John Medcalf. Mrs. Irene Roubal was vocal soloist presenting old time songs, pantomimed, and Jus tin L. Dyrud led in group singing. Mrs. Allan Foster, PTA pre sident, announced a violin duet duo series by Mrs. Wil liam Iron and Mrs. Fred Frtck with Mrs. Harlan Moe at the piano. Stanley Baird aa piano solo ist was received In his presen tation of "Andalucia" by Le cuona. Mr. Baird Is a mem ber ot the senior high school faculty. The January regular meet ing of the Parent Teacher As sociation will feature a prac tical project presentation of the popular theme, "Family Relations." of which Mrs. C. B. Calkins is general chair man. Representing a group of former teachers, locally, and in other sections of the Uni ted States, were Mrs. J. D. Drake, Mrs. John Hoblltt, I Mrs. Emma Coberly and Mrs. r, m. foweu, wno were pre sented and honored. SHIP bKKKS AID Hong Kong W The Royal Naval Radio Station picked up a distress signal early today from the small Chinese Nation alist ship Kwanghua. The vessel radioed It was leaking with rudder dsmage and in need of Immediate as sistance off northwestern For mosa. Puerto Rico is the only land under the U. S. flag on which Columbus set foot. Voodburn Set For Pavement Woodburn At the regular meeting of the Woodburn eltv council Tuesday night three ordinances were adopted. On provided for aassssment of the cost of Improving Joyce, Mar ion and Johnson streets and the other two created special city funds for the northwest sewage collection improvement distiicl and to finance the purchase ot a new city fire truck. The assessment ordinance distributed the 11.319.11 cost of cost of improving Joyce, Mar lon and Johnson streets to the property benefitted. The northwest sewage col lection district fund was set up to receive assessment money from the improvement It also provided that negotiable war rants to pay expenses of the improvemneta during construc tion could be drawn against the fund at five per cent inter est and redeemed by assess ment money. Thia would pre vent the costs of the improve ment becoming a general obli gation of the ctiy. . 1 Receipts from the three-year 1. U 1 I I... ,1. - 1 1 It J UIO LPCV)J1V for the purchase of a new fire truck would go into the fire engine fund set up by the third ordinance. The act also trans ferred $11,000 from the city water fund to the fire engine fund to pay tor the truck when delivered. The water fund will be re-imbursed from proceeds or tne aerial levy. The ordinance providing for compulsory connection to the city sewer system was discuss ed but was not ready for action. - Permission was (ranted to Charles Corn well and Mrs. R. L. Guiss to remove trees in the parking. A petition for widen ing Hayes St. between First and Second to 38 feet was pre sented with signatures of three of the five property owners and was accepted by the coun cil and held until the return of City Engineer Don Bell. The Dec. 22 meeting was cancelled on account of the holidays. Labor Market HitbyWi inter Lebanon Winter weather and low markets are cutting into the local economic field, reports the state employment office at Lebanon. Mpre than 1100 persona are drawing unemployment bene fits through the Lebanon of fice. This figure represents about 65 per cent of the total employed in the Lebanon and Sweet Home areas, the office reported, and is about double the figure of last year. Total unemployed persons are esti mated at 1700. A general closure of activity haa been noted in all fields, from logging operationa down to the production level in the mills. At the same time, lob oppor tunities hit their lowest mark in November since 1940, One mill which has an employe roll of 250, reported hiring only one person during the past four months. Charles Wilson, manager of the employment office here, said this reflects a trend every where in the state. With a scarcity ul work, people are not quitting jobs. However, Wilson pointed out, there is a slightly better outlook for the future, as small mill owners see prospects of increased demand for their products in sight. At least one plant Is con sidering enlargement of opera tions when activity picks up, he said. Recruiter for Naval Shipyard Coming Four hundred shlpfitters snd welders are to be hired within the next 60 days at the San Francisco Naval Shipyard, Capt W. L. Turney, shipyard commander, announced today. A few flange turners and lofts men will also be placed, Capt. Turney said. Work on the Bon Homme Richard, one of the Navy's first line aircraft carriers, hss pro gressed to a point where these men are urgently needed. Ap proximately two years' work still remains to complete the 67 million dollar conversion Job. Shlpfitters art required to have four years of practical, progressive and well-rounded experience, while welders must have had two years experience. The rate of pay for shlpfitters ranges from $2.07 to $2.23 per hour and welders from $2 02 to $2.18 per hour. A recruiting representative will be in Salem on December 7 to Interview interested ap plicants. He will have his of fice at 710 Ferry street CALVART LUTHERANS Silverton Calvary Lutheran Brotherhood, Rev. Arvtd L. Hokonson, pastor, is to meet Monday evening, December 7, at o'clock at the church in the regular devotional snd pro gram session. ii m. i ilt li jaw i l i n Woodburn PTA Hears Chorus Woodburn About 70 mem' bers and a chorus of 40 stu dents from the fifth and sixth grades attended the regular meeting of the Woodburn Parent-Teacher association at the Washington school auditorium Thursday night Two numbers were present ed by the tilth grade chorus, two by the sixth grade chorus and several numbers by the combined chorus of 40 voices, directed by Miss Harriet Nizlc of the high school faculty. Mrs. - Ralph Pickering pre sided. During the business meeting a letter was read from the Mental Health association asking for Christmas gifts for the Faii-view Home. Mrs. El mer Witham read an article, Time and Yuletide" Ralph Pickering, hospitality chair man, welcomed the members and guests and Introduced the committee for the evening. Mrs. Guy Engle, Mrs. Robert Hurst and Mrs. Eugene Stoller, Mrs. Edward Coman, pro gram chairman, announced that the men would put on the pro gram for the next meeting, January 7, with Robert Hurst as chairman. Mrs. M. O. Henderson's sixth grade room won the traveling mirror for the largest number of parents present Mrs. Pickering announced a meeting of the county council to be held December 9 at Mon itor. Refreshments were served by the sixth grade mothers, Mrs, Lester Rosburg, Mrs. Harry VanArsdale, Mrs. Robert Hurst and Mrs. A. K. Guild, assisted by Mrs. John Murphy. Mortgage Mart Problems Told Albany Best practical means of increasing home occupant' ownership Is to expand and sta bilize the home mortgage mar ket, in the opinion ot Ben H. Hazen, Portland. nrlrlnt of the Benjamin Franklin Fed eral Savings A Loan associa tion, as expressed before a din ner meeting audience of 135 in the Cascade room of the Al bany hotel Thursday. Hazen was the main speaker at a regional meeting of the real estate boards at which six boards of the Willamette valley were represented. The Albany ooard was host to the meeting. Hazen in his address, told the group there was something wrong with the supply of home mortgage money and explained the conditions leading to the difficulty. -A realtor." he said tries to sell a house and finds that his normal sources of real estste financing have been sud denly cut off from lending for a penoa oi monins. prices de cline as a result and the com munity begins to lose confi dence in real estate values. Among the guests of honor present was W. Bert Stevens, president of the Oregon Asso ciation of neal Estate boards, now ot Tillamook, but formerly of Albany. SALEM MAN FINED Jefferson Harold Dale Hebb, of Salem, waa convicted in Jefferson Justice Court of driving while under the influ ence of Intoxicating liquor and was fined $7SO and court costs. Coming i venfs Dea. 1-0 Orcta Soed laara aaaaal meet tar. Maltaemah betet Portland. Dec. 1 44 anew cty Herd Ianrav- meat aaaeclauoa aaaaal aaacttat, May Oevov ban. aaleaa. MM a.m. Dec. a Oretoa Overaaer Breed era aa aaal ataathat. aaweae. Dec. 10 Oreawa Parebred Bhtoa4reaV ora aaeectatlaa aaaaal sella, aaieav. Dec. 10-11 Mat Orawera oetety af Oveaea Wei hint ton, enaaal meetla. MultnoffAsti hotel. PsrUaitd. Dec. 14-14 Annas) acrlcallarai tea ftrenca, Oretoa State collet, Corvalll. Jea. 0-T Oratea Uveetock dt Meat aanfertaee, Oretoa Stele eaOete, Cor vaiiia. Jan. V-t Oratea Delrymea'a aaaaal icellnf. Oalari. I fee. oretoa He Orewera aanual I awnferoaaos Oreawa State aeUete, Car-1 vaiitt. I Jan. ya-yr waeicra oretea LlvtotoCE awcletiaa enaaal meettac. Salem. Peb. a Oreeea Swtaa Orevera anaual ' trad Out Sale. Solera, State feu around, i ALEUTIAN CREW GOES ABOARD - Under the watchful eye ot vigilant police, sailors who will man the S. S. Aleutian when It sails for Hawaii ' go aboard the ship. This pier was the scene ot violence as rival maritime unions and police engaged In several . skirmishes. At least eight persons were injured. (AP Wire . photo.) MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLANB) PKODlXrfl LIST EtottartaiwranMfrva. ewajaei ta aa- eeuate ahanae: Premium auaUtv, Mamt mum M af aa par cent actdltr do Uvered la Portland taMla Uvi firai auai. Itr. 44-4c second aualUf, 44-47. Valla? route and country povwtA I oeata laaa. BeiteiwWhoUriaia La-a. balk aubaa 4a wholAuala, trade A A, al aoora. 441. trade, n score. OoHe, a. aa aeera. 44 c; c. acora. Sit. Abars arteee atrletir nominal. Cheat - sellhu artaa to l-oead whole tUera, Orecoa line lea, taVb-dtai Oretoa la. lost. 4lt.aitte. Ban ta WlalaaaMia Caawllad awea conirUntna aa laaa. eaaea taeludad Lava. Portland: A trade lane, MH-oottt; A trada medium. MW-HWc; A trade email, 49V.-44Sti B trada lana, 44-4 IVba. Portland Datrp Market awttor-price ta retanarat orada aa Brtnt, c. A carton, Uei A prlaU, TJ eartoa, TIet R prtnia, 00a, Rata 4a aewoere Caadlad ta.. Portland: Datradad lane. 4e-4la aloe.: trade AA lane. Ma don.; A Urge. Uo doe. i aa medium, tie doci a trada madium, 4a-40e etaevi A trada aavaB nominal, ia-ia. Ean to atetowra-Orada AA. tem. a-swo. larao evaae aa meaium, a-B7; A medium, tact A email, 40c, Cartaat S aante additional. CHeeaa Price to ratallgnTa. tWitta Ore on alntlea. 4IH-4tt 4 fat, loavea, ti-64 4c: triplet, ma leao them ein- tie. Premium erenda, alntlea. ecVjC lb. far alalia Wheel MtM. Praceeaed Aaw ertcaa caeeaa. 4-lb. leave to null, alVa- W IB. PoaRrp Live r.lckea No. 1 auallt. f ob. plant Pryere, rotator, all watthte. la- 21; heevv nana, all welahta, ll-14c: llaht nans. gu wemate m-iii ea leeetcr, DreeeeS tThleheat He, 1 dreaecd to reiauer. rrrera, aroilera. o-4ie au roeatera. all wU 41-43ei lis hi bvana. U-aOc; haevr ban. Sl-lle, eut-up fry era, eU vu. 44-7e Um whole drawn. 40- Ue lb. Pfaeael Tarkera Te retafletat A track evleerated aana. 11-ftOc lb.. evlarUd mm, -t-ata lb.: aceordinc ta weithte, New York dreeeed torn 40-4X) lb. New ort dreaeed head. 4Be la. Ta aradtic- ara; Orada A roust aana. 40a la. Lea. larm; a toou. tic la. Rabbit Avcrat to trewcTti Live WMtea. lrao lba lt-2le. a-fl lbW lt-Ma Jb.i old doe. 10-13c few hither. Preah dreaeed ft rait to rot41era a47j tut UP, aW-IJO. Coaalry K md Mt-ete vi--T0D eualitr, 10-3 3a b.i heaviaa. 10 -33c Boca Lean, hlackare. flJ-Ua .l sterwa. i urn i, jaT-evc, Lamb But. 1314c lb. yearltata. 10-ibc lb. a-BaL IS-14c .. aUatlllty. 9-IOc. Reef Tjtmtr cowi. 10-340 Tb t cenner cutter. 17-itci eheiit dowa to lie. Prcth Dreeacrd Meal Whaiaaaiera to retail re. DtUan atr ewt: lvefoteera. choka. MO-tot lbc to- .: tood. 134-30: commaretal. llf-ll: utility- 34.M-30. cammerclal aowt. I34-S7 utility 133-Mi canncr-cuttera. 430-31. Beef CateCholc atecra-alad awari era, 441-U; round. HI -44; full loin. Ulmmad. ITI-Mi trlantlea. ITI-33J fore- auar.era, !( avaiiea, z,i tut. Park Cate Loin, aholeo. 1-11 lbe 140-44: ahoulder. 10 Iba 37-3i apart rac, 4&0-M. fraah baau. 10-14 le, 444- Teal and Celvea Oood-choiee. all well rite, 430-40; commercial. 414-14. Ljimeavhelca prima. U1-10.40: teed 1134-17. eked Ham Sk La aad 141-97. 11-11 laa.i fln-y lard la aUaae it0J0i slab oaccA. tea-Ti. Pertlaad Mle4Pnaaaaa 0 lb. aack Waahu raUow meaium, ii.ia-iJt; uita, si Id ah yellow, mod- OlJA-lAOi laraa li w-i Hi white, 41-1 to rotatee or. Dcachatea Ruaacta Ma. 1- A. 43 40-1.11: 0-10 aa. 02.ia-l.3i: 10-14 oa. M T4-4: 24-lb. ik. fO-tbci 14-1 b. n-laci Ne. S ta-ib. 70-44; Waah. Ruaeeta, Ha. 1-A, 100 lh.. 13.141,40. Idaho, 4-10 . 12 40-140; 100-lb. ak. 41.44-1.40. Hay U. Me. 1 croen alfalfa, da. Mvered car lata tea. Partland and aill. H-I0. We4 Oreaat be la, WHlamatta Val ley asedlum. 41-44 Ib.i Baatern Oretoa fine and half-blood. Vt-tlc; Willamette Valley lamb wool, 42. 11-month vaaL 44-ftOc. Hbarr-44-4Te ib. aa 1 3-mow I h sirw- th. f ob. country ahlpplnt palate- HldaPradaecra aarlnc price r.e.a. Pertlaad. call akiaa. 14-17 lbs aceareV Int ta condition: ereta kipe. 11-lte lb.; a reen cow hldea. 1-4c Ib aceardlnt wetebt and aualltvi buU hide. 1-4 lb.; tlu faidte, 4 par cent below ffflcea far above eleaaea. PWberta Whelaaala aelllnc arlca f.a.b. Oretoa pi ante ot. I Jamba Barcelanaa Mr; line 3 7 Via IV i mooium UVre tb.i t trower f.e b. alsntt II lb. far Rare laaa. DvChillr half cent waa. Wa4aa4 PTodacer paytat arneea, f a. Plant; lane Pranauatlaa. 14-1N May- ettet, ta la.i aaettlatt, la-14c la. Wnsale- aala ealllat arlaaa tint tuallty larte Praneuettea, 11 -US . Utbl halree. T.le lb. ebelled Ucht amber hclv. It-la lb. WANTED WALNUT MEATS Highest Cosh Prices Willamette Nut Shellers 'Paf 17 SALEM MARKETS CaaipDad ffraaa laaeete al Baleaa Saaleed let eaa taitaaee et vsaowtai eTaanai t-iavaara. iHnMad amlhrJ cOaft spaad trlaeoi atebOM reiHOa . fta-ab. aat). ' 14. 14-4 M 100-la, bat). Eft MaahvH. 44-M M. ' BsaJm atastat aa jua a aaura. ll H i H (10 Wt.). rtMttry mmtimm Prteea Ceiete nyf4b Me: eJd reoaura. lac: aejerad fawl, liai lcthora fowl. Ite; retira. tie. atertaa PrteeaaMaa. AA. 44c i lana A 91 -44c; madluai aa, diet medium A. 4447e: amau. sie. oara waaieeaia arteee awarally E-T oaate Jtltaer tbaa prlcea abere; larte trade A. eaasftUP eaoiaS at 43c; madlam at ato. . Bailer, Battarfat Mt4fta4nyiat atloai Premium, Ti eaatei Ma. L 47-09 aeaui Me. A 04a, SINGER SEEKS DIVORCE Los Angeles (ff) Singer Del la RusseU has sued her fellow singer Andy RusseU for di vorce, alleging cruelty. Her suit; filed yetterdsy, said a property settlement had been effected. She asked for no ali mony. r. ... Mid Willamette Obituaries - Mrs. J. E. (Eva) London Woodburn Mrs. J. E. (Eva) Landon, 94, died in the Wood burn Nursing Home Saturday. I Mrs. Landon was born in Minnesota March 9, 1859 and had lived in Woodburn for 60 years. Her husband preceded her in death several, years sgo. Mrs. Landon wss a mem ber ot the Woodburn Meth odist church, the W. C. T. U. and until recently was active in many church projects. Surviving are a son, George A. Landon, Woodburn; and one grandchild, Mrs, John (Msrcile) Carson, Woodburn. Funeral announcements will be made by the Ringo Funeral Chapel. DEATHS Job William Hartley Joha wtuieaa Mriiy. lata raiaaaa at 1Mb Lancaster, Salem, November 4. al the reatdance. Survived by wife, Mrs. OoMte C. Hartley. Salem, twa dauthtera. Mm. Mabra William. Lot Aatalaa, Caltf.l Mr. Ruth Shaw. Sa Diete. cHf p?UT Umimid V. ataruer. Brubtca. Coio.l WUIlam I, Denver. Colo.j Morrla M.. 6aa ta Anna. CaiU.; ieha w4 Sea Praaciaea, calif.; two aUtera, Mra. Jaante lima and Mr. Ada Zubtr. Poatoria, Ohtet brother, Arvle Hartlty. HamUton, Mlu.l It traadchlldran, 4 treat treikdchtldrea. Pwneral aervtcaa to be enneuaced later by the Cwwb-SaiTMk ChaneL , . Aatatrl WltTlam Petereoa Aucul Wiuiaat rauiwea.. ta a loca) heepltal Dee. 4. Late Teetdent af 1440 M. 4th aH. Barvlved by wife. Em roe Petereoa, Salem. Slater, Mr. Selma Cor den. Henderson, Mian.: brother. Prank Peter aoa. Lafayette, 441 na. Service win be held ta the Vlrtfl T. Oeidea Chapai, Tuesday, December A at 1 pja., Rlebard MaeDoaaM Iafant aa of Mr. A Mr, tattno Mea Deaald. 144 S. Commercial St., Salem., al a local haa pita December I. Ccaadner ante, Harver P. Orar. Salem; Mr. Anna MacDonald, Sclera. crvJcaa will b held Moodar, December 1. at 1:30 p m. In the Howell-Edward ChapcL Rev. Llord Ueck er or f tele tint, Concrltidlnt aervlcaa al Belcraat Memorial park. Of. f . L Law, MJX Dr. O. Chaa. RJX DR8, CHAN Slid LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS fJpeUIr. 141 Narih Ubwrty Ofnee open aatarday aaly. It a.m. to I m.t S to 1 P-m. CerteUaa, bleed BTaasTara and arts teste era free of chart. Practiced cine 1917. Write tar aitratttve sift. Ma 414- Cottie a Man,