Saturday, Dwwb 1, 1953 Patt II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea, Oragoa FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE Sunday, December 6, 1953 2 to 5 P.M. i Hum pmlp CANDALARIA IMm Hinnl tht lul MtTM Of tader's tan iUiIIN mm M iw wanateaca aad uupooiioa. 755 HANSEN AVENUX ' J325 MT. VIE W DRIVI ' 180 ALICE AVENUE GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS IM Smtk Ubertr ! . WITl MUM U lo4ui Cell Eeleemea aw a Fwti l-ten , a. Lew i-nu ternars Mm FOR SALE HOUSES BY BUILDER : 9 tteaatlful birch kttsaro. 4) Fire place a mvi i mi au rw Cauir. ftatbroom PlxtUTM 4) Hard wood Floor Attached Double Cer ate 4) Priced BUM Smell Down payment, riteae iun. 2825 Sandringham Dr. SPECIAL Sunday Only Open House 10 to 4 Hurt Sacrifice I-Bedroom low 114 OQa Act, HIM 1215 Hollywood Dr. TW Christmas Steal Tin a the but or im tear BM..U- I1M Mr, lOTClt kltclMB, IMfl. Lot aoilOt. Tht, M Bat Juki Total price, aroe wwn. Ml T OWNER, elmoet n.w j-bedrooat Home (cat wn. Xauitp 13000. Ph. WW. if BIAUTirJL four . bedroom homi. Tfl bethe. two fireplace., plerroosa. double I uit. m xjtuwoo Dr. i-titl. COET S-bedrocm homo. Urine room, dln iBeToom. kilcbea with lott of built too. Ineld ulUltr. Nt sarac. and hop tnd tittle. Mice yard, trtu. eld. 1IU. Fhone J-1101. UH North ith. ill" BY OWNER Wt hav l-bedroem and a I bedroom fcom. Would Uk to Mil out. Thtj 3 bedroom It new. Th 3 -bed room It 3 m Old. Both ait MTT WOU pltBDOd and Die) sua room. Both uoumb lo vated la Ketser. Con out tnd mo 4beo. 439 Utxj Ave or Than 13143. tUll BED BOOM HOME. vari Old. Pttlo with firiploM. Utility room la baee ment. Mt ftriit. Nice yard. 41744. Phono 3.110. 1440 North Ith. e2ll PRICED TO IK IX. Maw three-bedroom. OuUUndlnt kite ban, doubU earu. excellent location. Low down payment. Will take lot. or ear. Phone S-lftii or $-1711. a2M Open Evenings Till 8 p.m. COME OUT TODAY Only $800 Down for thli t bedroom DREAM HOME! Sea tht famous lockwood Horn thit h ill ef Salem facplng with ad miration. an to. Ft, hedroMU Lane B.1BI tMat and dlnlaa ore with hie Sletur, window BceutlfuUr detlned llebea with atturel birch esbtnote Both ehower end lob It. ward robe elotete IB ell twdrooma Herd traod flooro 9 Thermoontrollod ell foroece Intuleted mod wtether tripped Lane etoraa. Teoee Toot ehetce et extorter end Interior color, a Me down permcal If pou own lot o Approm. iae oe per at. iaeiu. tat laurttt, tuet, Inturuee. ete. all nun WONDntPin. Itelune (or pair W.1M.N orinxiw am mow Bcnto taxkh. ao m nil liODD. HOUI TOO AT I FHOK mil FOB SALE 3 bedroom houM. I ye ara old. Attached tareie. Prlee 17440. Take after on down paymeat. South Aa- lem. inquire at sin reitoa m. a' COST HOME On alee corner lot I bedrooma, di nette, attllty, located So Unbelievable terma. Owner. Ph. ijSOSr eJSl t MDBOOM home. Kelrer dlit Small dowa, balance . Pbont 3-3140. ar NAME TOt'B dowa payment. Brand new Twa bedreoma. ttulde uillltr. Lota at atoratt apace. p.H.A. built. Phone l-OBST. aJSO" NEW -BIDOOIdidoutile taraae. north Salem. Will take some trade. Phone SI 434. a3l SOUTH 9 BEDBOOtl ECONOMY BUY. Thli food home la In Al condition lrui-l and ut. Plastered and haa larte LR-DR Comb. Larta Kltehan with breakfMt tpaco. Nice Bath. Larte Utility Room. P!ntP Of AtAresr tf-. 1 Cewwuin Down 1 up. Nicely fenced bark yard with outdoor fireplace. Handy to school, city boa. on paved St. City Water, Immed. Poseetalon. This la a teal bur for lW and $T Down NORTH 4 BLOCKS TO HIGHLAND School A real nice I BR Home with Hwd. Hrt.. Iniulated. Wealheralrtpped. Venetian Bunds. On Prd St., a real handy le CatlPn. Only 17710. THE EASIEST OP EAAY TTRMS SUMMERS REALTOR 111) State At. Ph. t-4403 a 141 Journal Want Ads Pay L AiriED ADVEBTIIINQ Par Ward. 4 timet 14 Per Ward 4 Per Ward, I Umee .10 Pew Word. I maettb Owe N Befaade Mlalmam 14 Warda 14 Drift In Laeal Newt Comma Only, Per Ward ta Mlalmem 14 Wards. Tw rise Ad ta Bamo lay raMT. I'hano t-t4M befwra M AJtn. FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES COMPLETELY FURNISHED Tm. aU rouU aMd U baddlnc aad fSlahoa to aurt hooMatMatac la Utia lofair S bdr homo that u list a draam coma bua. Loria litis ut. DM, brfe Book, and a kitcbea that akM tookinc a launro. Whta wa sar nraiaAM wa maaa mot oowa ta a power mower to mow baautlful Uwd. 11400.00 dowa will pt you la BtttMMloa of thla flaa kooie. Coil m todar for an appolotmaat. frank Tjockman Realtor tit d. 4TT. ra. its $1000 REWARD To tht lucky irarar of thla attrae ttrt t bedroom anburbaa homo. Mere ly uiBBt a H100 mortcatt tad thla $I7M valot will ba youra, for only IHM foU price. To ara tnvitad to tnapaet thla exceptional ?a)uo at 111 Vausha Ave. Phona J-TJP4. a0 MAIX MODEKN bouia. WIU Uka traU- ar boaaa aa dowa aanaaAt, Phana 4-iuii. ao 2 BUCKS MR. G. I. PER DAY Is All It Would Coit You to Ow . Thli BEAUTIFUL NEW t ROOM HOME In Weit Salem at 1720 Glen creek Drive. Thii home was definitely not built for spec ulation but wai carefully and well constructed for a Government employee who wai suddenly and unexpect edly moved elsewhere. Priced way under cost Open Sunday a till- dark. FOR SALE LOTS THEBK LOTS. Cloee-la. amall dowa pay ment. Owner. Phone I-U7I. 1IU Cen ter St. ealta FOR SALE FARMS T OWNI. IIU acre orade A Delrr farm, oood Bulldlnl, macninarr. cioie In. Phon, 41171 or t l01. bill REAL ESTATE $4950 Onlv 11000 down for t bedroom home cIom ta nth ek Market. Ideal for older couple or would make a tood cheap rental. A little flilnt would treat r improve mis property. aeau Uful lot. $4250 Only 1400 down for a 1 bedroom home oIom to aaw Hoover school. Ku nice ilia dinlnt room. Built s year ato. One block to bus llns. Bit lot. Balance sm.h per mo. $3950 SmkU horns near new aeuth Salem httb echooU Haa full buement. New utility room wired for drrer. Kitchen rente Included. Katy home for addi tion aa needed. Pay 434 down and oaiance use rem. Ml Smith W:, Street Phone t-tlt Phone Ivaninse St Sunday 4-1411. J-m. I-U74, 4-Wi, 1-1244 3 QLlReV2f2IO TRADE your present house In on thla lovely 3 er home. Eitra lit clouts. Bit I-car tarata. Top Vocation. The price la only 411.440. We have the key. CANDALAR1A Lte 3 br home with flushed bsMmtat 1 fireplace. 4 -tar tarata. Take houM aa to 41.004 in trade or mo on low dowa payment. WEST BALEM Eitra cleaa I br heme with fireplace, full dry basement, sawdust heatd. Very nke lot. Owners need a larttr heme and will sell tor 14744. MR HANDY MAN Must be sold in a hurry. I bouw an 1 lot. CIom to Blue Lata cannery Only 13700 for both. CALL BON CLE ART W. Muscrave Realtors 1111 Bdte water 34144. Eva. 34414 C340' A. A. LARSEN REALTOR lovely ntw 1 Br. home. Has dtntnc room, baaeenent, 1 fireplace Choice dm net, inside city. Aoath. CIom to school. 114.044. PHA Terms. Twa tad Three Br homM la South Village. Choice location era en t all new home. Why not tat moved tntt ana ef these by Christmas. Reasonable flnanctnt. A vrry exoer heme t story 4 Br home. Dinlnt room. Basement. Lovely yard. CIom M erhool. Perfect for the larger family. 414. t04. Terms. Low la price, but not cheap. Thla I Br. home, cloae ta. dinlnt room, fire place. 4404 wiU handle. Pull price 141 B. BUh Eves. Ph. JT14J 3J7JI Ml REAL ESTATE Ml loll V. 9 WE SPECIALIZE IN THADES Beat This If You Can A:maa bcv twamr aoma. aeparate auuiy with awtaeaatta WMbar aad dryat mmth ara JaeJuda-a. Nut boiiu aa. Clrcylatlac fii-evlace. Plaajtamo IwtUia. Ib the beat f awpttaaa. Thla u a aw? far lt.XM. tm a. terma U e atrad. CaU fat MA, OJUMMBTT, tea. pa. eiaTi aw. i Under Construction But 11 will be a aUaAv. IMt 00. ft. float tiaaca. OU farced air lara. Fir auaa. Wan Aceiyxed. xsa lea tot Iaaulatod aad weatlwaWiwed. Wa haa aaid aa cral hotaea far tbu aama bwJiAtr aad, b) aa. tht aurora ara happy aad tatultad. .Call far KAY OJUMMKTT. av. pb. 1-1071 Ka ) NEED ROOM? Tat dea't waat to make lea larte aa taiwaLmaatl Lett aa aMer jf bla oni. 1 Woraoeai, OU heat. Iaewlated. WeU lacatad far oebool an hue vry utr orau urma. mil ariea onir Amonjr Lovely Homes This Is the eheica oat. Owaar will accept a amaiier some aa part pr witnt. Oorsaaut wall-to-wall carpeu. Hadiaat heat. Luxarlaoa bathroomo. ToKBcetowa kltchea. arbato dlapoaal. Wubar aad Drrar. t-caf aaraia. Maw area. Tht prlet haa beea raducad ta S3.OOt. (Call tor MR. OKIMMCTT. ova. ph. -WI9 Sim.) LIKE A BASEMENT Let aa ahow pob thla oca. Pull day- He bt, Roma la Immaculata. Forced air ell fBTaact. laaaUtad. Pared St. aluat Uka saw. Full price 111, 10. (Call for lift. CIUWFORD. ova. pa. 4-MUQ FOR LEASE For t years, t bedroom modem home plus lacomt. A rare opportunity. Rant aaty Ml pay month. Amall depoalt re auaatad for peraoaal property. (Call lor DAM JBAAK, are. PA. -lUI elim.J DUPLEX This property tonauti of two rental. Income II3.H per month. Well located for whool and bus. Owner will aoeept lau modal pickup aa part payment. Or will Mil for II. 1M dowa. Pull price only toot. This U a buy. (Call SOT DAN ISAAK, tTt. Ph. BUh.) GRADE A DAIRY M acras only 4 miles from aalem, II aerae Irritated pasture, balance most ly cultlratad. Oood, larte bant with mllkiov parlor. New milk Iwum. Iia chlne shad. Comfortable, modern 4 bedroom bouse, plus another amaiier house. Tear round creak, sprint- All thla you can hare for 118.004. Mora land available If wanted. See It to day. (Call for MR. CRAWFORD, svs. ph. 45020 Aji.1 114 ACRES With a Terr food modern S-bedroopi ho-jte. built la lltl. Oerece. Deep well with elec pump. Nice Uwa, eev erel fruit treM. Thle It r,enr worth IT.tH. (Cell lor MR. UAvnts, ere. ph. J tllt aim.) Joins Pudding River On the out aomdarr. dl acru dt fine, Willamette ellt aoll. SS acree under eultlretlon. I ecret atrawberrlee. Pem Ur f rait v.rr food modern s-bedroom houte. SdiOO bera. Oerete. Fruit home. Pevod road. Onlr 4 ml lee treat Balem. ruu price tit toe. FRA Si COHTKNTIOKAL UTOa., M Tier 7KDERAL OI MTOS.. Id TEAM UCENSSD ALSO IN WASH. IDAHO Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Fhoae Mill or I-1IJI . I-ITPI, 4-IU1, 4-HM, 1-7171. 4-MI7 II bo aiuwir cell 1-1171 WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTlCEi If your property la for aaie. rent or eienantt, ust it with us. wa have ell Simla or cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO. REALTORS 161 & Hlth St. ca WE ARB In bead of rood houses to Mil. in or near Be lew. if you- wish to Ust your property for tale, sea OftABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 134 S. Liberty Ph. 1-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE ARDWARErURNTTlTRE I tort. Trade for home. Mann's Hardware Delake, Ore on. cbJSJ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWNER MUST SELL THE SPOT LIGHT CAFE 4440 SO. PACIFIC HIGHWAY Tllnaaa forcea us to Mil tbta very wood paylnt business which la nicely and completely equipped. A real money maker lor i people. Set or tall ear stent JOHM J. DANK, REALTOR 411 N. Hlth Pbont 4-1443 Cd340 FOB LEASE, major oil tompanr Mrvlco station. Established business, tood tallonatt. Call 44444. ed344' 4-FNTT APT. houM tn Medford. 413.400. 4140. mo. income, coutdar Salem rea. la trade. For details write U H. Lau- bocker, 333 WlUametto Ave., Medford edl3 INCOME PROPERTIES SERVICE STATION and fuel ell business Oood location. Phone Albany 1440 or 1334R. 1414 Calapoola St, Albany. Ore son, a fill FURNITURE FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL mahogany aplnet piano, tood as new. A bartel fr cash. IS5 ft. CcHiage. 41341 WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS BUILDING LEASED Must tlMt out larta lot new and used slock of furniture at once ta make room tor new tenant, Ut. Vern Leek AUCTION MON.. DEC. TTH 1 14 P M BAROAIN BARN, 4 Mt N SATaBM 40E 304 YDS. N. OP DRIVE-IN THEATRE. Hundrede of new and uaed Items ta sail retard leu ef prKt. Ne Reservetl New 4-Pe. Bedroom SeU Uaed Bedroom Seta New A Used Springs New and Ued Mattrasue 10' WMtinehnna R frittratat I" Ute Model Refrlteraier a) Deluxe Electric Rant 0) Wishing Machines 4) Small Appliances Now and Uaed Daveno Sets ft) Swtnt Rocker. Orraaienal Chatrs. New and Used Table and Floor Lamps. End Lamp and Col fee Tattles ft) Carpenter Tools, Oarden Tools, Fir t urea, Mlrrora Dtntnt Seta. Chett-O-Drawtrt ) Chrome Set 0) Dxa. new aad ud 33 Repeal in Rifle 4) Antique Chairs. Figurine 0) I Linoleum Ruts. Clock A) New and Used Rugs 4) Console Table RadlM 4) A-wtne MachinM g) llectrolux. Compact Lewyt Ta Cleanera Hike aewi. Hundreds more Items. "It will pay yea te attend." VERN LA IT. AueUweieer ddTM FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Bin WEANRB pin. C. L. Pierce, One mile wmi Bnni coJiece em- LOTKEB BEEP White faea B refer. ttv Nvlhlnt dowa. 4 an oaths te pay. Cwatom It mat Trailer leaned fro Salem Meat CO, 3Jt 4V 14 La. Pb. REAL ESTATE ' WANT CONVENIENCE? ' m tku kawo wa North Hit It bee t pedraeou. Nttw raeai with fireplace. peMmeat, Iloored attta. ajlae lea. CaaveaJaM la dcaaal. kae aad aleca. N.M H, Teraia. BUILDERS ATTENTION! Oar awo aero as taael iUeH. Bat atuactrvt oas badraaaj mama, taraae. eaUeml apu. Wauld b flaa place to build rental aortBaa, t ear la awAtfivMa. aUavMaaaty prtead a ktuotAt- CtS Mr. Paxaaau. TRADE FOR ACREAGE WeD-bum homo with I bedraama Aava aa4 aae ap, autamaUo ait aaal. larta 14, taraaa. Will uade far t to W aerae wit had- now. Mu ap to M. sot At, prU ll.Ma. Cail Mr. Keee.a. HOW ABOUT THIS? nearly wow raaah stylo Snalewaod ha aae. Larte Uvtac rata. MPtarau dlBiat roam, taavaalml bltchaa, 1 larte bedroom, beaatlful Vath. doubla tar we. jut raducad to 11.4. 04 with vary aaod "c. V. KENT & CO, REALTORS MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 4M Martfe Charoft rhoaa 4-ttu ee: Hera. 1 1871; Aadefooa I-lltti CatMU S-laMi Heat S-J7M HIGHLAND DISTRICT. -. NEAR ST. VINCENTS . t-bedraotaa. full baM mant with traya aad frolt room; laryo oamb. It lot dlatas room, fireplace, dandy kitchen with nook, plenty bullliai. Aato Oil Furaace. Oood lot, also Ahraba aad lava. SI MO down. BaL like rant. Call Claiado Bndariea. Svt. i Buaday Phono -SlT. WALNUT PARK KB THIS ONI TODAY 4-todroorB BntlUh Colonial, iivint room with fl replace, din let toim with built-in cblaa cloaet. kitchen, auta dlahwaaher and dlapoaal. Pull buauant. party room. bar. laundry room. PA Auta Oil Furnace, double strata. Terma. Pull prko 14.404. Call Jet Hatcnlson. Bvo. and Sunday, pihono S4?M. 1-A SOUTH RIVER ROAD 4H FT. POVBlt FRONTAOB i bedrooma down room for mart vpatairs. UvmsT yoom. dinette, ntco kitchen, plenty bulltlna, BW floors down, nleo bath, lUaMod-la porch. Pull tMuemena. laundry room, ahower, plaaty a pax for play yearn. Auto-oil furnace. Doublo tarata with Overhead work stvop and full baaament. Good well with HP motor. 11400 dowa. nal. Ilk rant. .. CALL DC SHIaOX 1VAB. fiUMOATS PHONE l-OCU JOE HUTCHISON, REALTOR M IDOrWATIlt PHOKI 4Til w wxiTiat CANDALARIA DISTRICT But by door, pared street, exceptional horns with central hallway, all auto-kitchen with appliances, bdwd. firs., fireplace. S bdrms.. plenty of storats space, 100x104 ft. lots with trees. CALL ROY A. FERRIS. LOVELY SUBURBAN BOMB In beaatlful Rlvercrost Acres, f larte bdrms. and caotty pint den. Llv. nn. with fireplace, dla. rm.. kltobea and nook; tiled bath, large utility rm. with forced air furnace and H bath with tiled ahower stall. Beautifully landscaped, fruit and tardea. CALL !. X. LAW. ( BEDROOMS Home In excellent condition. Corner lot, nleo yard, close-in location ta No. 1 tone. Ideal for conversion to apt, Oood term. CALL K. K. LAYMON. LOCATED NORTH AT CLXARLAKI Mice heat 4 rm. plattered home with 1 bdrms., fireplace, tarata aad nice ftaced-ln yard. Price 44310. CALL O. X. GRABENHORST, JR. CLASS "A" WAREHOUSE BLDO. Approi. 13.404 s. ft. Full spaa construction, vary adequate office apace, excellent heatl&t system. Located clOM-ln to downtown Salem. Thla property Ideal for ware house mate, office uaate. tarata purposes and ao forth. Offered at attractive price of 441,444. CALL C. L. ORABENHORST, FOR DETAILS. GRABENHORST BROS. REALTORS 114 South Liberty St. ph. 3-3411 Evenlnct and Sundays Call Salesmen B. K. Laymon 3-4141 Hoy & Ferris 3-4010 J. X. Law 3 -till For Your Insurance Needs Call W. H. (Bill) Johnston 2-2471 or 3-3365 PETS PABAKXETS, choice yount birds. Xnu tifts. All colore. Reasonable. Cases, feed. toys. 34 boor Mmct. Open Xmas. Bird Paradise. 3144 Livingston. 3-1143. OC340a PRICE NICX kittens, 1 tray, 1 black, sm Hawthorne. ec340 BABY PARAKEETS, sing ex canaries. Soma eates. Mra. A. B. Power, 115 Beilevue. Between S. Winter and Cot tage. ec391a BOXER PUPPIES for Ideal Christmas tilts. Mala A r.C. Outatandlnt pull tree. Terms If desired. Pbont 3-4444. ec.SS CHAMPION BRED Boxer puppies. Moorea Tropical Fish Equipment. Parakeets, Pet. Meeleay Road. 4-I7TS. Clued Wedneedaya. ecll4 QLOVEB'S SIAMESE kltUna and cats. Beauty, tentlene, IntelUteore, devo tion. Priced right. 3-0434. cJl4 PARAKEETS 81 act full flight- ed babies. Oreens. Asures. Cobalts, let Bluet, Char- Catta, feeds and compltlt supples. Tour Budsles Xnu Stock law are bow an tale. Buy Mow er Reserve Your Xmas Budtlt While Selections Art Avtllsbit. - erjan CANARirs. FINE CBRIKTMAR lift. Small depoalL Pbona 3-434. 1344 Che. meketa C24 FUEL ANDERSON'S SI.ABWOOD, 3 cords 114.00. deUvered.. Pbona 1-7141 or 4-4153. M307 IS SLAB WOOD. 419 00 Per load. Saw dust. 413 M per load. Delivered la Sll vertoa ire only. Twin Falls Lumber Co. SILTTTtTON, OH POOH PHONI 1-tUl e.ll SPECIALS! Oak. Ash, Maple Wood. Oreenslabe we hav block planer eada. WBWT SULEM FUEL PH. 1-4031 eeSOO FOR SALE POULTRT WE ABE hatchtnt New Hampshire Oold- ea Bread and Arbor Ac Me waive noct, every week. Special prices to year around Iryef trewera, fox a natcnerr. It; a Pitta Si. I none l-tM. f PRODUCE RED DILICIOl'S apple for tale. Phone 3-1144. Delivered la Salem. mil WORM FREE SpltMBbert. Dellelout ap )M 11.44. Pbona 17143 tvtalnta. I7f4 cenur. ff4 WALNUTS) LARGE Franouetta. Pint quality. Commercially dried. 10c Ib. 114 No. 1 Ith St. Phone 3-M.t4.ff 441 WINE SAP Bpltt apples Pre ef worms. 41 43 Cecil Boyd. Rl. S. Bex 304. Phone 14133. f f341 WALNlTa, IS POUVD. Phone 4-4447 evenlnes. er weekeadi. ff.;j HELP WANTED MALE WANTED XXMBIENCEO meet man te take ever a fully eejuhvixad meal xar ket la store dntnt coed baetnM- Mutt hav raab te buy opening stock. Writ Box 344, Capita: Journal far appoint ment ta HELP WATErIMALI Arrot'NTANT, exWrtenced. ata'u ate. experience ah tramiat- Own haadwrn Shs. Bos tw. Cwitai etoarBOi, tMST t as)!"" f REAL ESTATE HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Olrl for permanent position with na tlonwida ortantaatloa to start Imme diately. No traveling;. Smile. Ait 10 3ft. Hlth school traduatt. Must type minimum of 41 wordt per mlnut. Pleasant working? conditions. Pbont 34144 for appointment. Please do not cell If not fully qualified. tb341 WANTED SALESMAN REAL ESTATE salesman, man or woman, thoroughly experienced Id mIDbi and oxchantlnt real tstat. Must be hlth calibre. Have tood automobile ex ex pect to work lont hour, dtvottna full ttm te real estate builneaa. One ef saiam'a lead in t office Uvea this op portunity with complete advertlaint eacxint. ah replle strictly confiden tial. Box 311 Capital Journal. ttlll WANTED POSITIONS FRUIT. SHADE ornamental tree work Reference. Portland. Salem. Pendleton, Box 341, Capital Journal. h343 ODD JOBS and bandy man work. Any thing anywhere. Phono 4-3413 after t oo -p m. hail WANTED, JOB prunint a pear er prune orcnaru, experience pruner. bos its. Capital Journal. hl43 CHILD CARE In my home. Phone 43944 er Ith houM south of Brooks Post Office. hJll' nuns cARlTCTait. work. By hour or the Job. Phone 3-4344. bail EXPERT TREE aer vice Treat topped, trimmed, removed. H edits trimmed, yard cleaned, trash hauled. Prw estl- miwi. aweee. a-i. RERFONSIBLE. EXPERIENCED lady wui taoy sittint and housework un til Christmas. Phona 4-4714. h3M WANTED House work by the hour. Want T&c hour. 4-1614. h340 PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, iV Or contract. Small Job welcome. Phone J-7WX. U341 CHILD CARE h mr home. Day. Phona a-aajf. im a. commercial St. b340 PAPER HANOtNtt, palnttnt. Free Mt. mate, uan ujcero. Ph. 3-4433. h3' RELIABLE BABY SITTER Will e days or nlthta. Phone 3-4M4. hl04 PRACTICAL nurae, chronic, aged or con valescent. Kteiooebla rata. Phone a-3441. nasi CABPENTEB repair In any kind. Phont 1-41 buildinc ef CHILD CARS la my home. Phone 34140. htlj- CARPENTER repair work. Call alter p.m. Phona 3-1444. h4 TREE WORK. Top put. trlnmlnx, re movlnt. Inaurtd. John Payna. Phone 1-4634. h341 MICK EN HAM'S DAT lfURAERY Stat Licensed Injpetted. Ph. 3-7441 . h341 MiKrocRAPniNa bm ttpino. Quality work. ItoMonabl rata. Mrs. Pee. 449 M. 14th. Phont 3-3143. nil J LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dttl lvI Int, tradlnt. Phont 3V1334. hill GENERAL SEWINO and batten holej. Phone 1-1440. hill JOE PAL00KA X X WMACT -POU TO tw.' V . !?H.M aVCfT DOWN ID WSrBtAV-w'T. WANTID POSITIONS WIPMAL4 Dap aanerp. Urtjied and cue, rata,, led raeaa a-peia. a part a auituna r th. ami. rneae i-iin. CASWKVTn eaati. limilil. Mhtaeta and paraeM. daal jaea weteMe. Faea. Mm i alee- rAiNTmo ah aootuTOia. at iwaia Salem atporlwe. proa detimeie, HtJl. hJtl IXriBlCNC LD a.IKT aad feral haad aoodt eawlarmeal. FPU Taacar, r. u. om at. cenauu. Ore. Utl FOR RENT - LABOI aarehene. apaaa lap Teat op liua CMteat fwre, anal amuejaa. Dewa Uwa. iaaulre at- L. StUI Far- aitur. Ca. Fhoae l-flaf. I FOR RENT ROOMS NICU.T FVBMUaia raam a Caaklaa tarlllllai, SM M. Water. Jktt OUALB ONLT. MlUhea prtrtledM. Vee ealire hoiue. TT. M N. artater. none I-H71 ee i-atee iuw I riar Nica raMa. FniaM aatraace. reaaoaabla. OH M. cattaie. jaapi- lUirrM EOOM fee 1 ar L IP N. Charch. Fhoae l-ea. Itw." WAaa iLKiFno raem. hot It aatd .- ter. Ml p. niga. CIOM, NtPrlT decorated, wana room, hot. cold water. AM Center. JUM FLIASAirr aleeplas iMat tec eallemea. top, weewep. rheae i-m. r. j. rr FOR RENT HOUSES MODERN, TBRKE-BOOEI ' Duplex. Raa- aeaabie rent, near state HMPiiai, ahopptng center. 1444 Center SU Jm341 TWO BED BOOH hoota. Oaxaa. Fenced yard. Pbont 3-341. -Jm344" ONE REDBOOM furnUhed eettate. Em. oeabl. Soma atiliuaa. inquire stas Portland Bd. imSSl BEAUTIFULLY furnUhed easy 1 aedrm. duplex. Larte rooms, cieee to bus. waat saiess. its. lilt BMatwaur. ra. 1-1144 tvta. I-Mll. lm3Sla TBBXX BOOM furnished Beose. Oar ate. Lawn, tardea apace, awtaaie lor werktni ar retired cwnate. Bferancct required, tn sr. inn. rnooo t-teit. PhU As pin wall. Jm340 BENT BOUSE. Three room furnished Priced rltbt for newly wads er efllM iris. Oarace availabl. 1444 Sdttwa- tor. WMt Salem. jmxts- TrUILta arACE, atHMraa welcome. No pete. llt.PI. rhaa. lean, ilea oaioro. SMALL HOUSE. 1 OX 1 psrtOIIA. 439.04. mono saoai. TBREE BOOM house for rant. 13440. Water, tar bate, uat p. winter tw. JmlM NEWLY REDECORATED I room hOUM. Bear State bulldtnsa wmameiw university. 1144 Oak. XBolrt 1143 Oak. Im343 FOUR BEDROOM heust furnUhed. Ph. 4-4411 afur 1 04 tn. 3to . tin. IrnlSO S BEDROOaf bouae. lane llvtns ream, fireplace, baMment with tu neat, cIom to thoppint center on Capital Street. Adults, lit. Call 14441. 1ml THREE ROOM unfumUhad, Larta lot. 434. 1-3444 betwMB l p.m. aad 3 p m. )ml44 Breys Courts Must ba teen to appreciate. AH new S-bedroom home la court, Lett ef buUt-int with fruit room, utility and ample s tor ate apace. Car pert. 141.04. 441 BRXYS Out Center to Brere, 1 Black M. 3m 344 RURAL 4ETT1NG Six -room houM for reliable family at tlrU camp netT Falls City. Write box 344, Capital Journal, for detatu. Olvs rtlerencet and txpe- rlences. JmlftO SMALL S-bodrM m, all electric, Intulat rants furnUhed. Call Jml41 ed. Water b 311M. TWO BEDROOM unfurnished houM. U. Two children. 1444 Park Avenue. Phone 44111. Jm343 S ROOM, redaceratad. range, oil heat, nice yard. Adults. II 13 B. ktnn St. Phona 31041. JmHKr S REDBOOM suburban furnUhed home. 1104 per month. AL ISAAK. REALTOR. PHONE 4-1311 JmMl LOVELY TWO bedroom court apartment. Range, refrigerator. Tile bath, auto matic was bint lacuillaa. But lint. Pbont 3-3441. Imlll- CLEAN 1-BSDBOOM house, furaUhad Pb. 3-3101 or 3-4740. im' ONE FOUR-ROOM, one five-room, all electric. Both redecorated, oarden space. Inquire K44 S. 13tlx )mla S-BOOM BOUSE At OSTUt. 114 CrOM. Phone 1-4434. JmJSl CLEAN, TWO - bedroom unfurnUhed houM. OU circulator, cum to twste Buildings. Phono 1-4411. Jmati' S-BEDROOM houM furnished at 304 M. 33rd. on but una or cay 74t. mm' ALL ELECTRIC one bedroom house. 3444 Parrr Si. Phone 3-1013 or 3-1473. imSST COUNTRY BOMK. Twa bedroom. Re decorated, uaiurnuneo. Basement, tot Phone 1-3031. Im343 ONE BEDROOM houM. StovM fuTnlshed. CIom to school, sua, atore. iso month. Phone 1-4743. jm343a CUTE. t-BDRM. Heuae. ilJM. B. DUt. Paved sts4 near mooou. ra. x-7tj alter 4 p.m. Im340 UNFURNISHED DUPLEX, automatic heat. Oar Ma, BaaemaaL 11M court. Phont 1-1134. Im343 S SCS2I uniurnuned houM. Oas rente, wtter heater. 434 S. 14th. JmZ44 ONE BEDROOM furnUhed duplex. Near Bute Hospital, aerate. Laundry, t-wte jmZPO1 FOUR-ROOM unfurnUhed house. Close la. Inquire 444 N. Front. 3-443I. imail LARQE ONE-BEDROOM recently r-ullt. soiiih. near Ladd s Market, its. Fnone 4-3103. jmisz S BEDROOM DUPLEX. Otratt. AUo. ent Mdrom apartment. Hardwood noora, electric heat. Phone 4-1434. JmJ THREE-ROOM Modern, furnished cot Late. Phone 3-4414. jm3M 4-BEDROOM furnished suburban home. Phone 3-3011. Jm341- ROOM & BOARD BOARD AND ROOM for your aaed er die abied dependent. Phone mornlat. 3-0074. J14 BUSINESS RENTALS FOOD DISTRIBUTORS warehouse. Sew- arau unit. 40 x 14. Oeortt Dllt. 434 4th SL. West Salem. Phone 4-4111. 134V WAREHOUSE 4 PACE. New buUdlat With larta parkins area, with or without of fice facilities. Rati itdinc. Drtre-in and truck dock. For kill t trucks and pal let. Capital City Transfer Company. Phone 1-3434. J0141 BUSINESS RENTAL for baalaeat er ef- ffcre Wveeiitnt ltcstlatu 14-foet front. 4V rett. almpie park tat. iltt S. com mercial Jo341 LOST 1 FOUND lOUND- Maa's Mason rtna. Fn. 3-TJ14 Owaar pap for ad. k34l' 'ff SOMrfrawtS I IWNOfa. at th' Kl4Sr XjrJPff-J iff SjtV ASrT LOST TS SAMrTltV sSRf IZ -v3- Jfh. r Nttfi out ts amn jfcs T " m JTt wy LOST 4 FOUND MMfT-a-AJamlaum Maatcaaaary Ward trip srbeet bee. Beat imrt af atlatt Fiadar SMTT. an FOR RENT APARTMENTS B4TBBOOM ruraiahad aahaTt-sasai. UtO- ium . inrsiua. jawv as ma. n CLEAN, mcSXY litreUhad tww-ream eptrtment. skots, rMiuefaAar, waaa- tat lacuitms. awuin. s-aaei. jpzm- COMFORTABLE BASEMENT bachelor apartaaeat. nrauaaa. rrnui aatn. PbOB 1-44T4. 414 AV PttA Si. IP341' FRONT FtBST flatr fvntwhed three- svaau, S44 H. Ukrty. Phwaa l-l 1 14. IPlSl TBI BEAT tbireess affer tn Uwa. Otaa. modern, elOM to aatinaM tia trlat. Partly furalahSki, 1444 Rdcewater eirwet, WMt Balem. Jal44 BASSBKNT ITORNTABXD. aU atllltltt et MM im PTtvat aatn. aatut. sm. 1141 B. CeeamMtTlai. Pbtatt 14344. TBBXX BOOM furnUhed apartBMnt. Clean, warm. Walklnt dittanee. rnene 4-1444. JPMl NEAR PN1TXU1TY. nleo thTM-room fuTBiaiMd apartmtni. utuiuas pom. Very reaaaaabU. 4-4441. 1p3M' ONB LARGE room apartment. XUetrlc heat, atiuties. privat feaih. twist, Chamekeu St. Ph. 1-444T. 1P3S4 t BOOM FURNISHED for lady, all atll 1UM. ateam beat, ateva b nirtterator. 34.44. Block to Capites. IMS Court. Phone 3-1794. 1p341 CLOSE IN attracUvt, clean, furnished apsrtmsBt, electric ttove. rtfrtterater. rivet bath, entrance. Laundry facil tlM treuad floor. 144 Union. Phon 4-1441. lp341' ONE t-bad roam. down, and 1 bedroom. tsjd court apartment. 1111 Waller. Phont 13443.. Jp344 FURNISHED COURT apartment. S room 4 tarase. CIom tn oa North coenmer claL S44. Fnone 1-4444 ar 1-4444. lp CLEAN S BOOM furnished apartment. with strata. Rants, refrigerator and laundry. Utilities furnished. Alt. Phont 1-4044, 1141 Basal Aft. JplSv TXBY NICE furnished throe room court. Rawly dectrtted. 344 S. 17th St. JP3S4 FURNISHED s bedroom wpetelra apart ment. JtST Lte St. JP1W NEWLY REMODELED 1 rooms, private pain, uooo aeo. iso a. ltta. jpxaj- CLEAN. NICELY furnUhed apartment. uuutut nujadec us otrtn (WMt). JplSl NICE ONE bedrooaa tpaxtmeat. Located ear Sbeppintr Center, ttato nleo and schools. 444 per month. AL ISAAK, REALTOR Phtnt 4-311 1 f JpMl TIUI LARGE rooms furalthed, bath. private an trance. P7A4. Fnone 4-4941. 1314 Lasalnc Avenue. Jp344 CLEAN faraUbod apartmaai, CIom ts. rnono j-iij. Jpato NICE, CLEAN, furnished apt. CIom la. aw m. coitatt. jp- SSVSBAL furitUhed apartmanta, toed twcasMSs. inquire x Still Purwnar Phone 1-litB. jp COURT APARTMENTS. ntllltlM furn Uhed 434 and III. Trailer Boom for rent or sale. Sill Portland Bd. JplOl THE ELAINE has lovely furnUhed apart- meat, uvmg room, rree um ec txuu Lot TT eutUt, kltehan. dinette, bed room and bath. Fret laundry facilities. 99i. S74 M. Liberty. jp343 ONE -BEDROOM. Chemaketa. near 13th. t-urnrsnea . er oniurnished. Phone 4-3403. lp393 TWO THREE-ROOM furnUhed a part- menu. dTrivsta oatn, entrance, tss n. Liberty at. 1-4441. pl S BOOMS AND BATH. furnUhed, close an. ciean. mam xMer; x lane rooms, aewly remodeled and decorated, pri vate bath. furnUhed. oU heat; email eo ttate, ell heat, clean, furnUhed, comfy. Laundry facilities for all. 443 Hlth. jpzlV BEAUTIFULLY DECOBATRD court apartment. Furnished ar ttnfnrntshariL One er tw bedrocms. atove. refrlser- etoT. automatic washer furnished. 441 S. 13th, Phona 4-1314. 3pl4ta LEEAPTS. aalea'e MMt Mtlnnlshed AddreM Thoreuthjy modern. Ideally lotatad. for tboM duirlng better 11 vine. One bedroom units from 443.40; bachelor unit as low at 161 44. Insptctloa ln- vneo. in it. winter. JMtl CLEAN. S ROOM apartment aloe to. utiutiet paid. 43-44. Pnotw 14043. 1P343 I BOOMS, newly decorated, tad floey. ao. winter, separate entrance, heat, bath and laundry tray. Unfurn Uhed, except rente. 1-4443. .Jp0 CLEAN, QUIBT. warm ent room apart- meat, ctote-m. later preferred, mi Ferry St. iplti DOWNTOWN. NICE, clean, small aparU bibb it aeoa neat, rtmttrater. est cea tar. iplil APARTMENT IN WEST Salem. Children welcome. Pbont 1-3411. 1111 4th St. )P311 TBP EX-BEDROOM furnished upstair flat. AdUlU. 444 N. Hlth St, Phone S-4174. Jp341 S-ROOM furnUhed apartment. Also, aaenoior apartment. Ambasssdor- ApartmenU, 4A0 N. Summer. Jplll" MISCELLANEOUS BAX-H1VI TRUCKS D-DRTTa MOVC TOtnUaXF SAVE H CAR KtNTAU . STAXXS . TANA TEXACO STATION II COURT ST. PHONI 1-1111 FAGI STSmSOF and AL IIXTOIID DENTAL FLATS IttTAIll 1-HR. SERVICE IN HOST CASBS DR. HARRT SIMLER. DENTIST Adalprt Side. State At Commercial Stt. SALEM PH. 1-11 11 m SALEM SAND at ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Road Cleanup - Dltrhei Sewer end Baaement Equipment Rentel Dltchlnt by th. Foot Phone Dm l-ttot arvei. S-4I1T er l-ltll sal.m, Oretoa BUILDING MATERIALS NEW LUMBER DELIVERED PRICES aHIFLAF Ill and Id life 121 and IU VrOMK aniNOLIpj, IU, ORADKS TED MULLER FH. SALEM 1-11M maS' ROOPINO, INIITLATION. T.aellaa Biiaat. call wattera Ant, supplp Co. for tree ettimate. I-I1T1. ma1 REMODELUO A IMPROVEIaRVT LOANS II MONTHS m ... NO DOWN FATMENT EaTTMATINO SERVICE ADD AN EXTRA BEDRM- OARAOI. ltd. tUi DBTAILS HANDLES AT OCR OFFICE DICK METER LUMBER CO. ITtl Laaa A... Ph. l-illl no FAitarnra frorlem .Ml IUILDING MATERIALS SALE OarasA eleert aem plate with hwd 441 44 ttrbad sar. doers, bad, ..... li 41 4x4 tatemeef wail ad. ........ 114 Mailt, 44-14, t kws a4 4 44 Bew ptotoro wtaAewa ,.44 bp Mew weather ttrlpred Wtav-Vr 14 x Mew door a, aB aUm 444 IM used dears t frames Capalaled cedar abases 4.04 Belated abakM with ttadesAOiuso 14.44 AateetM tlwUas. per ae 444 PiiectiavM na blanket laaatlen. Mew aaake sscwldlas Cedar feac PoaU .. Ctteap 404 taL MPtie tastba 41 44 4" cast tra sett pipe 14 Boll rooftnt, lartt supply ..,. 134 4" aeiid erentabars pipe S4e tab tMpeaiuon real lad 444 Cedar ablatio. 4 4radat Cheap Mew toUeta with mm 34.14 Mew bath tabs complete 41.44 1 Dousl kitchen ttnka ooaxplete 4I.4S , 44 saj. ale, water hUs. tl 40 BtMl shower ctbtatU complete M 41 44 14.1 iflri wlrlni I'aa 11-1 Blettrta wlrlnt 4He LoJiskdry trays, pipe, wash baalna, Sale P. O. LOHO Si sons Fx. 4-4441 I mi. M. of atetsar at Sp444 FEET ef tloorlnt tt 414 per thou. ' ana. sniniap Me. l trade 434 par theua ' and. All klnda of Mlllnta. 1 complete furnaoea. All klnda ef plumbtnt. bath flxturM. lltht fixture. Doors all klnda 41.44 aad up. Sot windows 14c and up. Can be Men at old Ca&Bery waiwbeaa aa Uth alTMt. Pboave 1-7344. O. W. Klant Wrecklnt Co. malto . NURSERY STOCK SHOP FOR SHRI RA Save. Burled Hol ly Plant 11-34", IMS, Heate Holly plants, 14-14", 4 sc. Cut Holly wreath. Middle Orevo NurMry, 4434 Silverton na. Phone t-ttai. AFRICAN VIOLETS, many varieties la loom, im up. ftooted leaves. Bar ter's OrMobouM, 1101 Third SL. Stay ton. Phone 3044. mbl FERTILIZER BotUd manure.. Weed free. Dellr ored anyhera. Phone 3-0774. mb34t FOR SALE MISCELUNE0US XMAS TEEES, Wholatale. Fhone S-41H. ' RIRCRCRAFT BOAT, trailer, motor end: oium. Matt Me a, appreciate apsa. lau. nlll. C9ID OIL heater. I to t-rooa elie. Ill It aioap bum. uim stare, ill a. com'l. nlll- MALL DINETTE Mt, 111. Rom tfareno. .41. ran, ,...,1. atpi MATTAO waahlss machine. Excellent condition, aw. Phone i-ltM after 1:W F. M. HIM CLOTREILINE FOSTS, Iron lau for taoiea, rorniture. rautapa. 11M N. Lib. ertr. uil USED ELECTRIC Hot heater with fan. ill. Im Brae. Deed sure. 111 s. Ill' BATTERIES ALL Can tare, It.PS. EX. cnaape. 11 meatno snerentee. opes till l:M dallp. Lrtla'a Tire Mart nie BUN'S StLOVA wrlat watch. AUo, Don. can ran, uienerea aiBjas table. bjpo- AND FAINTED orieadp aprane. .eca. niartna. wuton. f.o. Baa It, Fboenlx. Oreioa. nl USED 4-FC. WALNUT bedroom let. lain itoep area, ueea store. 117 a. com'. nHl CROCHETED pot boldara for that extra enrutmae put. ion h. 11th St. al- DEEFPREEEE ROME freeam. Teatei Appliance co, ,7, cnemeketa st. Fhone Hill. a USED DAVENO and matching chair. 7I. bom area, seed store. 117 a Com'l. nine Hreee allowid far T0U .i. water aeeter. tteiardlau af eeadltiaa er moke, m a now Wktrtsebottee aat mat elcetne water heater, with a 10 tuaranUe. Veetrr Appllanc Co. ITIChemeketa St. Fhoae I.4IU. B OOOD USED waahera, I1I.H Si ap. Teat. er appliance Co. 171 Cheauketa St. Fhone 1-4111. a. USEB DAVENPORT with elab chair, tilt. aoea arroa. ue atore. lit a. com't. BMIO USED FRIOIDAIRE refrlderator for .tie. pea. sxeeuant aoadltioa. Fhoa, a-7tl. ant USED ROTS Mcrcla. Terr loot md!. tioa. ut a. commercial St. nlto ELECTRIC WASRTNO machlae. 111. Twa aouoio eaaa winoewe, price, none l-Ult. nt rn trade new fBTBitar, for piaao. wooorr. ra. i.tiio. nltl- ptoodrt ruts piaaoa. m. i-ino. Bill tall LINO RCOa. d.n. Olea Vfoodrr. ihi f. summer. nm IMPERIAL cendlewlck crrttal. At con. eiocraoi. diKount. narelr died. Fhone l-MM. HI. SAWDUST TIRES, 170-11. IMS. Lrtl.'a tire teart. rnooo -wn. nm BAROAIN. Porter-Cable Speedomatlc lew 110. Call Hill Ml- Antique Mantel clock. Mthotany hvtnt-dln-tnt table. Oray chroma drop leaf table. Eastman kodak pott card. Brownie kodak. Walnut metal bed. Card table, 4 chain. Hand painted table lamps. Table Phlleo radio. Lava Vwt' dwi m sitting. Hip boots, tlsa T. Coat, tuiu, dashes, misc. AU tood. Priced rltht. After 10:10 ara. 430 Oarnet. Ph. 3-7444. n343" HOSPITAL BED for gait or rent. B. L. aim rurniturf co. Phone S-414S. GOOD USED rifrUerators. 144.40 A? up. b .sm npvHwmim 919 vnemexta St. Phona 1-4311. a USED ELECTRIC Rant as. 414.44 bp. Tetter Appliance Co., 174 C heme ket a St. Phone 3-43U. a RECAPS,, 4411. Opea Sundar'a. wwi b lira atari. nit J" 41 BIGGINS pump sbottun PM.OO. Ph. PLASTIC-ROTE require no waxlnt for your floors or linoleum. Tester Ap pliance Co., 371 Chemaketa SU phone . 3-4)11. b LIKE NEW. EnglUh type bicycle. TbrM apeeds, seal beam lltht. 440 value for 134. 414 a 14th. Apt. 4. 1-7314. n243- SPINET PIANO, your prlct. Phont 44144. nros ONE DELTA band aaw, ent table, one jib eaaw, en latne, aome plywood. Ill Oarden Rd. n344 USED It Motorola TV. Console Mod. wa -kumier at. n. 33347. nlll APRON AND Luncheon sets. Also, apron. kiiiuwp imvb, twin nwii set, tart. B HobbenalMken. Phone 3-1334. n343a NUMEROUS BAND toots, teelodlnt hand ww tvi . it. weraint irons, trail er bitch, brush stitiTint hatili-L, ADDINO MACHINE S. Used hand alet- iria. tiary aiu.tip.ier, 1171 FairtToundi Rd, 1-1314. ni IS CC. FT. O. X. Commercial Refrlttr- sw. avvsmb soeei ir larm. horn, rastcurant er tavtm. S yetra eld. only I344.IA Yetttr Appliance Ca.. S14 Cliemeketa St. Phone 4-4111. By Ham Fisher XTg,iV