Saturday, December a, 1951 Pact 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJta. Oregon 11 THIS IS "HANK" Who It well known to the aiemhanla end 1imwii5 la the downtown ana whan fa handles tea pickup and delivery of freight. Henry Orennan, a lotw-Um Baton nakWol, Is a four-year rrdcbUr, wall valued and aatar to sene. To. father of two boys, be owns bit own bom and I a great U1U tr of fish stories all trot, of ecurac MIS E. Hjt St. Telephone t-tllT 3 EXTRA EARNINGS Of. SAVINGS EARN SAFELY C' Your Saving are Insured Safe to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation Opea your Injured Savings Account today with Salem Federal Salem Federal Savings & Loan S60 State Phone 2-4139 Dick Meyer Lumber Co. Reliable Lumber & Building Material Service One piece or a (ruck load Located two blocks North of Salem Underpass, East I block at . . . 1775 Lana Phone 3-4939 Oil tc utn Tweedie Fuel Oils STANDARD OIL DEALER 1174 Edgewoter ' Phone 2-4151 MT. CREST ABBEY Mausoleum Crematorium West End Hoyt St Sottm Vault Entombment and Crematorium Service Crypts-Nlchos-Urns "Indoor Memorials In Marble and Bronie" The Two Better Ways, t Under Direction LLOYD T. RIGDON, free. Salem Mausoleum & Crematorium Inc. w- Hv Phone 3-5484 WELL DRILLING Residential Drilling Route 6 MARION COUNTY'S OLfj RELIABLE "'IP THERE IS WATER WE WILL GET IT" Sfudebaker Bros. Industrial Drilling Phone 2-2120 For Sunshine Comfort ELECTRIGLAS RADIANT HEAT ttw Origins! Coit-tconomksl OptriHss RICHES ELECTRIC CO. tfKU il SIMPSON Many Young People Lose, Time Going From Job to Job Without Proper Training Merritt Davis School of Commerce, In Salem, offers oppor tunities for this proper training Excellent record for placement of graduates la good positions hoi been made Established in 1941. Br E. KENNETH EVANS Hatntainlnf an atmosphere The executive We Giva tramps FREE PARKING Ui -HI Wi COLONIAL FURNITURE 2745 So. Cooocrdil Salem, Ore. Phot 5-4741 PHONE I-415 based on the Christian phtl osopby of life and training of future citizens to their high est usefulness in public serv ice, the Merritt Davis School of Commerce, 428 State street. In Salem, Is operating In Its 12th successful year. In that time many students have been trained for responsible posi tions which they have filed creditably. The school was established in 1941 by Merritt Davis, who spent 90 years of his life training students In business courses. Merritt Da vis retired from active educa tional service in 19S0, after being Identified with commer cial schools in Eugene, Salem, and after SO years spent as the head of the Commercial , De partment of the Salem high school, he established Merritt Davis School of Commerce. Ellis L. Drake. Identified with the Merritt Davis School of Commerce for four years, has been manager of the school since February 19S3. Since its founding the school has developed an intimate faculty - student relationship which makes for efficient training which carries over to good employer-employee re lationship. Five courses of training are offered including a secretar ial course, business adminis tration course, professional accounting course, steno graphic course and, an execu tive secretarial course. Business Administration Coarse The business administration course, In this school, is the same as that offered by most colleges or universities as a standard four - year course. However, since It is operated as strictly a business admin istration course, which con centrates training to the nec essary subjects, completion of this course can be made In only 20 months at this school. The professional accounting course ' is one of the mam courses taught and is a fully rounded-out business course. It Is a diploma course of wide scope and of practical char acter In accountancy. Com pletion of this course enables the graduate to earn good money from the outset and to forge ahead Into a responsible position as accountant, man ager or Into the ownership of a business. The stenographic course is designed to be completed in a minimum amount of time. It is, of course, not as com plete as the secretarial or executive secretarial course but Is a strong, thorough course based on the steno graphic requirements of the ordinary business office. The average time for completion is 5 to 8 months less previous work taken, it is an economi cal course and popular In many respects. The secretarial course, of fered by the Merritt Davis School of Commerce fits one for an office secretarial posi tion, for a good salary and rapid advancement. The com pletion of the work in this course requires from seven to 11 months, less, of course previous work taken. secretarial court la one that la recog nised as most efficient with a diversity of study that thor oughly trains the student far one of the most Important po sitions in the business world viz., a business secretary. All of the essentials tor an execu tive secretary are Included In this course which ran be com pleted In to 12 4 months. In preparing these eourwM the management of the Mer ritt Davis School of Com merce has kept the fact to mind that they all must fee strong and brief. Consequent ly all of the non-essertUals have been eliminated thereby making each prescribed course as brief as possible consistent with thoroughness. "By this method of person alized individual instruction the student Is enabled to pro gress as rapidly as his appli cations and capabilities per mit," stated Ellis Drake. -The development of the achieve ment of a well-mannered, well rounded, specialized per sonality Is ont of the import ant functions of the training; given students in this school) of Commerce. This factor is materially augmented by the cultivation of interest and ap- j preclation of being -able to ' think clearly, constructively, Independently and to commu nicate thought In correct and effective English," further emphasized Mr. Drake. Enrollment At Any Time It is a policy of the school that students may enroll at any time mutually agreed upon in advance between the stu dent and the school manage ment. The entrance require ments are high school gradua tion, however, if the prospec tive student is beyond high school age and not having been able to complete high! school, evidence of ability to : benefit by training in this; school is acceptable. Contributing to the success! of the Merritt Davis School of Commerce Is the character of the student body. The schpol has a capacity for 100 stu dents in the day school and 100 students in the night classes. Serious minded, am bitious young men and wom en, with high ideals and am bitions, come to this school from some of the best homes in the state of Oregon. High school graduates will soon be forced to decide what channel they wish to choose as their life's vocation. The Mer ritt Davis School of Commerce offers a wonderful opportunity for these graduates to continue their preparation for the future, j I nil nign acnooi eaucaiion lays a foundation on which to build a highly specialized train ing. The Merritt Davis School of Commerce keeps In constant contact with all employment opportunities. The high stan dard of work which gradu ates from this school are cap able of doing has enabled the school to promptly place gra duates in desirable positions "We invite prospective stu dents, and their parents to in vestigate these opportunities and, learn in detail, the ad stated Ellis Drake. "515" LOUNGE Convenient fer Tear Downtown 6hpplnf to a Place of Distinction to rvaka to Meet xear rrieaoa Conveniently Located COFFEE SHOP ' SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNERS Featuring Our Flakey Cheese Biscuits SENATOR HOTEL 515 Court Phone 3-4151 j D A E R B O R N AREA HEAT Call PROPANE GAS & APPLIANCE CO. 3367 Portland Rd. Phone 3-5098 Again Proving Salem's Leading Newspaper 1 Capital Journal 444 Chemeketa Phone 2-2406 FOR YOUR PROTECTION... Contact Any Member of the Salem Insurance Agents Association I WE'LL GIVE YOU 0g I for your old battery when traded in on a new GENERAL HEAVY DUTY BATTERY WE HAVE BATTERIES FOR EVERY CAR. Allowance (or your old battery Stale Tire Service 11 State SL Salem, Ore. Dependable Business Training Pace Accounting a Business Administration a Secretarial Executive Secretarial a Office Machines e Selective Subjects Merritt Davis School of Commerce 420 STATE Dey end Might School Slert Art Mander Phone 2-1 41 S PACE Cr PACE ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION JUNIOR ACCOUNTING SELECTIVE SUBJECTS SECRETARIAL EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAL STENOGRAPHIC SPEEDWRITING emn Davis School of Co Specialist in Business Education m imi 81X8 420 STATE ST. FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE FOR OUR STUDENTS DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL ABOVE THE MAN'S SHOP Approved for Training Under Korean G.I. Bill Also State of Oregon Educational Benefits PHONE 2-1415 NEW CLASSES START JAN. 4 rzi ( A