Satnrdmjr, Deccnbcr 5, 1153 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefon PifO II SANTA fiyi;:g pup By IUCRECE HUDGINS BEALE He's all I ever ' Santa and the Plylnt Pup story synapsis: Henrietta's lather leU ber keep Willie, the Utile dog .the found, kecaoat Christmas la near and Henrietta it happy with " the pup. Bat WUUe est M much, and causes as much damage la the house, Henrietta's father de- , eldea the family cent afford te keep him. Be take him ent of the heue while Henrietta sleep. CHAPTER I .-' THE HUNT FOB WILLIE j When Henrietta vote the next ' morning the first thing ehe did was reach out her hand for Willie. , Willie I WUUe I Here. WUitl But Willie did not come. Hen I rtetta ran into the kitchen where : the grandmama was slicing atale .bread for breakfast. "Where's wuile, giandmamaf" Grandmama aald nothing. Hen rietta ran to the grandpapa who .was trying to (tart a fire to warm the kitchen. "Where's WUUe? Have you aeen Willie?" " Grandpapa said nothing. ' Henrietta's heart began to -thump wlkUy. Her voice trem bled. "Mother, where is WUUe?" I The mother said. "Get dressed, dear. Breakfast Is ready for you." Henrietta was filled with fear. "I want my dog!" The father came Into the -kitchen. He looked as though he had not slept that night. "Come here, Henrietta," he aald tiredly. He drew the little girl to his lap. "I had to give the dog away, child. He wsi eating aU we had and chewing up our clothing and" Henrietta tore hersell away from the father's grasp. Tears ran down her cheeks. -He's aU I ever had! she screamed. "I never have good Mt. Angel Awaits .Blood Bank Tuesday Mt. Angel The bloodmoblle unit will be in Mt Angel Tues day, Oec. 8, and Peter Gores, blood bank chairman, and the assisting committee, Leo Trae ger, J. J. Penner and Mill Lor ctta Dehler, have sent out an appeal to residents of the Mt. Angel area to contribute. The Red Cross will receive the blood donations at the St. Mary's school auditorium from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. The American Legion aux iliary, with Mrs. Clifford Nor ton as chairman, will have charge of the canteen. Nurses, aides and other helpers will assist. No appointment If needed. Anyone in good health between the ages of 21 and 60 li eligi ble, and young people from 18 ' to 21 may give blood if theyj bring a signed release from! parents or guardians. i ACROSS 11. Near L Nourished SI Foundation 4. Kind of dog timbers i a. Minute S3. Friendly particle associate 11 Exist si. piactt of 1J. Expectant worship lt3 so. cnureiy 1 oyouisi. i-u J7. Land dinting 13. UUUJ1CUV1 dress IT. Card game 18. Landed property II. Peel 20. Regret Jl. Hanging drapery 14. Gail of a horse M. Ventilated 27. Like 28. Winter fodder 29. Talent torce English dramatist 41. Fragrant root 41. Insect's sting 44. Warbled 45. Ger 44. Type measures 47. Organs of sight 41. Go swiftly 48. Perched DOWN 1. Countenance 2 God of love KkHiiri tain - $v !4 7j 'it ml? T W1 WW u&iiiiui W'Z. 11 JT,J7 "V: t-h? - yr At IIIMilHl II jad!" she screamed. clothes or toys or any kind of Christmas or anything. All I ever had was Willie and If t here's no room for Willie In this house then there's no room for me either." With an awful sob she rushed I from the kitchen. She put on her clothes and ran out of the house not even bothering to slam the door. Out In the kitchen the old folks were sad. They could not eat the little food they bad. The mother oegan to weep. The father aald. "Shell h- hoi Don't worry." He dropped his neao in nis nanas. wnat else couia i 007- ne aald heavily, am a poor man." Together they waited In the autcnen tor Henrietta to come home. The morning passed and she did not return. Th nnnn hour came and no one ate. The afternoon drifted by and no one left the house. . 8 till Henrietta did not come nome. At twilight when they were about to despair the door opened and there was Henrietta, white and tired and strangely old-faced She went to Uu father and said, "I am sorry I spoke so this morning, father. I know you had to oo wnat was oest lor au Tears came to the father's em He gathered Henrietta Into his arms. "Child I Child I" he whis pered. Suddenly he leaped from his chair. "Come with me I We're going to get Willie back. If there's room in this house for anyone I guess there's room for Willie I" AU the family exclaimed with excitement and relief. The bright ness and the wonderful little olrll look came back into Henrietta's I eyes. "I gave Willie to Mr. Murpny. the drug store man." said the father. "I know he will give him back." But when they went in the drug store Mr. Murphy shook his neaa. "me pup chewed up mv wife's brand new marvelous hat. After that the couldn't stand the sight of him and I gave him to we grocer. Henrietta and the father rush ed to the grocery store but the grocer shook hit bead. "That dog ate up twenty dollars worth of food from my shelves in one morning. I had to give him sway to lony tne paper ooy. They found Tony and he said. "Rvervtime I threw a Daoer the pup ran and brought it back to I me. I never couia get mv papers delivered. I gave him to the Jani tor in the apartment house on the corner. They went to the Janitor. ..e said, "Sure you can have hlro back. I have him locked in the furnace room." But when the Janitor opened the furnace room the pup was gone. There was a broken window and anyone could plainly see Willie had run awav from there and was gone forever. (Next: Suiting an Adventure) How Chrtmn Science Rmu "CAN YOU AFFORD TO . CRITICIZE" (AM (1390 kc.) Sumter 5:30 P.M. aTtTa F F L QIPIE R 511 2 IS nTsilT(I1l NGO Solution el Yesterday'! Futile 1 Ruin 4. Inclined . trough L Goal of the man on base I Unclose: poetic T. Ourselves g. Idolised t.Slgtr 10. Unity 11. Deface li Tight IT, Having lest depth ol color 11. Trench capital 21. Small bottles 22. Summon 21. Catch sight of 24. Demonstra tive pronoun 25. Rank 38. Narrow back street a. Moving picture SO. States with out proof 12. Small shoots 13. Scandinavian measure ol length 15. French river 16. Tipping IS. Asterisk 19. Siberian river 40. Formerly 41. Full of: suffix 42. Beam of light 41. City in Bel slum 4i H.'P"ihUcal tores tTEVl EOTEE - - OTX" AM SAM MALMA II fiat, fa local THEBS IS NO AtSTpT IZ Jig T ORPHAN ANNIE mPtmtatoma'-nm a iduqh ooyw e MureaTMowarea mis th-up If wtth this A public stRvswr. I I r -a y x- i T w jx iviiw 1 1 . rv' . I II ,-r3U -J II I r I f ill II LIL ABNER BOPALONQ CASSIDS -v-w- . i I OO Ht COrAS TVBS WAY? JLZZLjZ7:"i kf I WONT KNOW THAT TILL t , ssW A 6T TO AiOAVOWCBf M ftESBE'9 CJONEf BUT WHEN? I 47 BfetBb KAC6D OUT S HOW LONCr HAVB I OUT T ) I II I OP MfcRE LI ICS A SHOT. 1 lasisss pii Mil J k TB :1V. . ' ' I V wtiaxi aoiNQ on, cassipv? J wlXMucc. HCyZ!.:. Pit urn lj-i V!lf3i,'l?fc msrx.xL jms jrm ECT ( APbrt aa.. iTHJI iTI;iW r ' ' ri a i iir I ssf swJlMvswiakrlall.r 1W I IX5Cw It PW!a 7 MUTT JEFF fetf Pr lyrMtlM'TOTrteemrjgpDfJVOiJ V OH. I AIN'T TM TAKING kJ W V HELLO. AHT STOP TO iKT "LMZ '21' k"S ,.1 OLD.TIMERM CHAT. SOMNY ' IrrVSTS-,Y -CVPmmi I '"' J mwm. "-ur ""'"w3'- x-rsoTTo Ki sffi'tfsara i yy.r. htn nm-rMSAsx: REX MORGAN. M.D. - Ll'sin'y out rrr innr-n 1 Y mtve ob. A 4-M n "II 1 I "vure J iO,i SHOULD K Ota AYY MOSSAJK SVAJT J If 1 I 1 1 II tATglt... l) kH DONALD DICE to LitJIlHI ES3 on, oh.1 poasor to eeT &sl fOH.OAifN! fosot) oops! ALMOSTll'Wiy l- i.L- n (SORKY TO 8 SOLATeI r WELL HAVE TO WALK j AT WALLET.' FORSOT TO !l rlSr I I i s4Tut I Fokacrr J JTme zest gc the way JTf lEnomeafew ) kiss you sdSr JL :LJ j JtW MARTWORTH L "SWKsTj I vt-V'V4J AMCAfTT BUAItlN(j J COME , MV CXAIt! . ItTS fuT I'ja'C WAWAN0MW jf If I MAPPtNtD TO K. OUT, VitlLXV, 1TL2l?t 800,1 y- I I iAPW WT X TO (WK V VOUNi reitND. I I, WMtNWMM.KIX)cb!-IWM. i WWA"aAJN!- IJl flTH WOR05 ON rt.; . AS LflfJS A6 V t T I lO j - usw- - I I 111 ! 'V I I MONDAY IKGWlKOIN KEX IKSLM KGAE KOCO irae m cats use aac sate tne Mas o isseao I:M Ketss phi Sim ta tsataa Km . sueau ' :15 SoaS of Lass Daso Oot MMoosi Batskssi aotss tHose tlM :khlaN s Pukllnl to tta tallw ttsata :' aasetxss sVmo rit Sosaiaoss taltsa Uiw i:H Misn wut sums tbe, sue Wt ssMtso saoa. Km suits i tUlU SMIIm OMtne . BUS In) MmW Jm Sssw slilite I mnmrn Oltn ' BUf Wat IMS Mirais slaats 1 Wss sua. oaitr aae Wool H ray looltUroae sussty t rtsla atu Goartra B. Osaka oss . Kwmt stasU 1' rvfi. fasso Cstm Ooar. Imii aasta tsaor sutsaw rL Jmh Coassor Mt tso ISMto SoMor tbits T "Un" Cmn "aasoa rostr Loo stoolo Satoof ssriotr H Wioioim Wsv ol SM4 Km Nooa tlodo Km stoats :I3 Trontts a. Aaktoa rst MtM Hotta SsMor aMttw 1:M St. n tuts tun rm ska tMi Mm lotoor ISattt 1:1' OatTotms Tooolotrf tap tssrss stosta sua tttloST i:M Lafo attat. Blrtkoaa EuU ctaao Patsoa kotsk Bttk Stotss " . :jj Bono aaoitaot tootrsolCoaitlnslatiiir tsl ' D Wot :V slaoH oa autoosa Snlna Coot Oan tUatot Hotel stasia Lj tVtkor Utaaotl stotaa Tlsto Has SSMaa llttl OM V Wast) : asn aiam aa Han a. Soar Mtaao Htatt ' :lt kottta Noot Too It Sots Moats S Waal ML. ataCoa att Taiol Ckot Baatts WtVS M , SSaala tKaat Wnat Oats SoO Baiitt Mattit B Waal :tt Saloa Moata ,aUU atatOrMa KX Boatai tCaatlailaM i :15 BaloiHaats Taaolst Bast. Sow ram Coast ' Coaottatssa (:S0 To rklo attlo S. Bortttat V. rsaklor WttM Hoat :i8 aoalaaai Tkralar ua Start tota Borto It Koto J: lie. slsOao Cttsal " Uao Boaaot rs rtloosa aooorr ' :15 aiaol Droior Cototoak taaoSaosss rho Saiaoaa Star fStat :M Sato tlasoaa taaatt Baarv Tarli DoaM Tkss Moats 7:4' taoa Taiaot aaofc Btoe Bo Too ' Btoit Stat J:rf Moa'trtatii Moxttotm stttaatottn Matoaot - fj-jf" :15 Worit Ntsts Thaolar ' lyaaaaatottt Boost Troak lost :V BoUroaS L. TSaaaaO Voatstook Lot O soars Tiaak US 1:4' Boot taosloa Moots Bo It no US litf Ttlookoaat Baolok BtBrwoaS Otta BkoSf Troak ISM :1 Baar Jialao Miss Tkooste Ma. Moaaro , Troas MM :t MoaSotaal toataoao . roaattaag Baaaolaat Troak ISM j'i; Moala taaaaott Moast Boaatoa ' rroaa lit It:f Batons S ttu rtooi rtoal BaWa rotloa tttm tfarioraa " 19:1' taorttrioal Caottaoo. , BoaotTtoso rtoSstt ne. Kaolorao ltrSf Btrrtt Crols Foroal Ooaoa Ttato Now Sftatoroo 1:4 Borrlo Cross tto a WorU DoaaoTlraa ruiaor taa. sraHoroo 11 :t( Nttrt Biaart Show Doaao That Caaostt Noatorao " I;i L. MtCoB Baaori too DoaatTlott Bar Koatoroo li:Jf CltrCaaaaa Boaart too Doaao Tlsto Milistts ' rfoatorae li;3' dtvOottiea Baaore taow BoaotTloso sloloalttt Wattoraa HH'HaoOH 'Silaal iDtaooTtaa STaaaar Mat I ' atiaOlt ' rn Mtt.i Bon it lu s sua. so u so. iu aaj, a s t av ' TUtSPAY 4AJtT01145AL ' a:Qi Dora Waal gH Oroooa ITatai Baar Sltw, Waaa. BWto l:lSIai Waal Bom Bttas roraaaoot n 1 1 It IS Itoak trass BWooS t:M Dot Wool kom Bleak rant Boat laoao ajaaatat ram Btaaj g:4J Data Waal EOIW Jtloak rasas Baar Bamty Baa as Hoat ' 1 :M Caaatrr as. BODI Etsak rtrsl BSsslaai Notts Nm KOCO Bios 7:1; lata Wills Heart , M. aatoattky lllaaooa) not Host BoooKloas J:JJ Nttrt Naaa BaSOotsot Oaas . - inn BtatBstak 1;4i B. Mtaolae Votsoslsa BotBotoa Notrt aatk BoataUaok !.et Olt Boaaa Co. Notts SvaalftaS CatB aaan Haaa a... sriiai :1 OM taaao si. Ms Brtaaraa) PaaaBt Staat t BtaoBstall t Oil aaota ToarMttS Braoalool Botaa at stltar nTT, timO ;4J Olt tatao BotaaiatT Oat Basl Statae Mtw i;M Natra Wtati Won s tira. Nm Ntat :1S Mottt Baoj l Jaaar Moto goto itaioer UMae ..'..a. :J0 Blrakt Doaols oa Mot COB Stltar " : at TtU O" toatot Baattse Baa. Oftal tatltr Sota II; Of Bra. Hoot Lot C Booth oOmi Bat-. Ms. ttaflk a.m 1 ' la. Battalta Mo rttkraa T- Mania Sim Mr. aaartk , ,,aj itlgr ttrlka II Dr. Mtloao " WZ lea, taaatO ton H:if """i Oolto LUOt Story Motto ' ' Be. fUB Booorta ll:tV Bok Bo Mrs. Boilsa WttltPMSt Loraos Stir Nta , Base 1:IF S4 Cash Fatrr Mara 0. Boallor Laotsa rtr lotaor BtssiH 1:30 rarote rort North Drokt Boo Bam Qotaa Bar laloar Bon 11:45 r. TtoStthai BrUfclar Bo Karat Etta Bar alaloar ami la m Maa.i Born ami DIAL USTTNQ IfOAf M-I:M. Slolo Fur, rWr-VSrf s:tt, Mtaaan Matstl 1KB Onto Boaaritei S.M. CkMrat' sorl Ills, rortt Boor 040, Matst. A conference on tlcohoUct found the typical Canadian alcoholic is middle Capoulo Bloaaa Wtrdreket A set of blouses for good taste and art leas easel Your choke of V-neck-line, seal loped neckline or with a little collar borrowed from the boys! Three reasons to Insure these sleevelet auccetaea of use s' ullneas as well aa sty It I rio. MM is cut in tiles 10. 11. 14, 1. 18, 30 else It: V-neck blouse, 14 yds. 3v-ln. Oollsred blouse, 14 yds. tt-ln. or M-in. Send 30c for PATTERN; with Name Address. Style Number and Size. Address PATTERN BU REAU. Capital Journal, 6) mi,. tion street. San Francisco (, Calif. ROOM BOARD fa WARN EVERYBODY IN THIS HOUSE ID STEER CLEAR OF PLAYING CHECKERS WITH FOGHORN" PUFFLE .' HE NIPPED ME FOR i7 THE I AST TWO DAVS.'-I WONT OPENLY ACCUSE HIM OF TRICKY PLAY BUT 1 SUSPECTED HIM OF MOVING PIECES WITH HIS SLEEVE CUFFS , ; i Carol Curtis Pattern MM, i MOVING PIECES WITH HISiLbEVt currs fRj"'" M. It IS las. BIZ BkaV g a Ms. KOAO, It KCjAC !. -titt, Boat a woosaari satis. it tta. Itsoa Vtrta Bw. tween IS anil 48, a skilled or semi-skilled worker, married. owning his own homo with two or three children. , Cola Transfers. No embroidery needed on the heavenly lily -of -the valley designs at the green of the sterns and leaves and the toft, pale green-blue of the lilies is right in the transfer I Just Iron off on organdy lunch cloths, place mats and napkins: onto blouse, avarvea, party aprons, drearier and vanity lets, trousseau gifts. But sprays of e Inches, 10 sepa rate motifs of 1-lnch each In pat tern. Bend 308 for the LILT of the VALLEY Transfers in Color (Pat tern No. 4M complete transfer and laundering tna true lion, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CURTIS, tH3 Mission Street, Sen Franclaco I, Calif. By Aherg I ASSURE YOU THERE WASN'T ANY CHICANERY' JUST NATURAL PUFFLE SKILL THERE WERE SEVERAL CHECKERS IN OUR CLAN IHM---THIS GNAT FINALLY i .. aaet his swatter i. i W At eei A ' -----.