Pact It Saturday, December 5, THE CAPITAL JOI RNAL. Salem. Ortftoa Willamette Bearcats Seize Lead 1 n VaaA'c R. F,t Br DAVE BARROWS Willamette university mov ed into the win column on its second try lut night ben as it downed St Martin's college of Olympia, Wash., 71-83. The Bearcati now have a 1-1 record, having been drop ped by the Univenity of Hawaii last Thursday. The local five had to over come a 13-27 hslftime deficit to post the victory, for the small but scrappy Rangers led for two and one-half qusrters. Beed Leads Bally Willamette was paced by Pete Reed, last year's center converted to forward this year, who tanked 19 points. However, ha had to relinquish scoring honors to the St Mar tin forward Jack May. who pushed thtougn 20. . Reed sank 10 of his points In period of a few short minutes when midway In the third quarter he was switch ad to bis familiar center slot. It waa like a duck taking to water as Reed couldn't miss with his southpaw hook shot. The Bearcats were a much Improved crew over the team which dropped a 69-50 deci sion to Hawaii. Coach John Lewis indicated a need for Improvement in ball handling and for mora speed for a fast bresk. In the outstanding player department behind Reed, Tom Gooding, the transfer from Boise Junior college, scored 18 points before leaving on fouls. Guard Dick Hoy turned in his usually fine performance and earned 13 points for his efforts. Forward Bill Colvard, the only senior on the squad, got IS points. Lead Change Oftea Save , Gray, second strlnj guard, gave a good perform ance and fans should see a lot of him before the season is over. . Long Punter (ACT Sc.- . '1 i A7 ia'v l ball team In punting, passing and running 'be past season, averaging 41 yards for 35 kirks. He starred at Salem Academy In football, basketball and baseball. In The Alleys Capital Alleys CAPITOL MlNOKKTTt U.OlI TIM tub 1 Atn If. Dtoctr ill. Ka)B IM. Wfldi 4M. PMmpi lit Vrmr Naators 1 1 Turnull M. M tr ie U H. Bffitr , Bare M. Purtati m. CB4 Mm It C4 Adtma Ml. Voct lit. Amundi no, Monntr 417. Hout . OtBif Ortr ( Pftvla H4. WssUmi 114. OsNaDtr MR. Oann III. Mttfvrt 1. W. C. Dr? Hera ft) J. Dss'll Ilk. ftratt It. DMia M. Dvtr m, Rtd ail. rri or. Afty. ui wy m. niri rt SO, Tibltr Ml. Uaeb ill, orfctlitu LWrt aaUrfcrt Htnnum l. Long 4A4, WoUlar in. MerlrT u. Wllkaiti I IT. BIN (t Wltafm 144. Uwood MT. aiBiu-u uv ortr km. lonu M Wlks rf Wlkoi 4 It. Cut 111, JmiIUM SU. B-rtauMn 141, th 3. FAN FARE It waa nip and tuck for most of the first half, the lead changing five times before St. Martin's went to the front at 18-16, increasing it to 33-27 st halftlme in the final two minutes after a 27-27 tie. The visitors moved to a 39-30 margin after intermissioo and it appeared that a trend had been established until Reed took the reins at center. Hoy, Jack Bishop and Gray also con tributed until it was 46-48, then Reed tied it at 48-48 and Hoy's charity toss put Willamette ahead. From a 52-49 third-quarter lead. Willamette fought off challenges, putting on a real finish in the final 8:13 with Gray and Colvard closing with two fast baskets. The Ringers hit 19 of 23 free throws to a record of IS in 28 attempts by Willamette. From the floor, Willamette outscored St. Martin's 86-44. Gonsaga Neat Taesday Next Tuesday, Lewis' Bear cats will meet the highly tout ed Gonzaga university here, paced by Jerry "Arms" Ver million, a junior being pushed for AU-Americsn. He led the coast in rebounds last year and racked up 38 points against Willamette. He is aided by a high school star, Dave Trl, and a pair of holdovers, Jerry Wells and Gary Hetherjngton. ' The Willamette frosh will mske its first public appear ance In an intersquad game. Wlllaw. r Tii Niri. o r r t Colvard,f 4 IB Uar.f 1 1 94 i is D.wui.r s S IWIllam.f 1 I It Wtiu r.f S N Wlii.e s S 11 Brown.f 1 1 T Oiaon.l 1 4 IL.WIJI.C S Kauai s BBhop.f ooml'i.e Sh'ala.l Oraf.t McCall.f 1 4 II TotftU II li IS II TolaU H II II II Half-tin fteert-St. liarllu SI. Wll lamatt 11. omcuu am aura m ohm wu- llftaa. t aaftajaMa-JBffa)?i5awaTBp rV.V .':..? ;;' I,. haH -t ,Mt.-..,A'l Dick Zeller, 200-pound fallback from Salem, led the George Fox college foot Mtrl Crtoatry Hmk T1. Ood Pdichii in. gftnirrtl Jl. Rni 171. Knitter KlorlrU 111 Hoover 131. Drtka 141, Klikpttrtck 1M, Boltoa Ml, Atkttt ton J3 Hlth iMllvldufel tfttnt R. lUtni. Hun individual R. Loni. 4U. Huh tram 1 a ret ft Wtoai Murabura, 1 luh Uam writ Ttw Httk, MIt. r.C.C. DIRECTORS TO MEET San Francisco UR Pacific Coast Conference directors meet here tomorow for a week long discussion of "routine con ference matters," commissioner Victor Schmidt said. .Schedul ing of athletic events between the nine member schools was expected to be high on the agenda. ets Hofr Elally to Top St. ftftqrtin's 1 lln-t.:-..-i-. I aa.: r. D V i.r in It S Minfi Mine Bill " Jack Bishop, Ne. 37, both Willamette players, match reactions with St. Martin's Jackie May for a rebound beside the basket last night Willamette outlasted the Bangers, 71-63. Sacred Heart To St. Francis By DON WICHMAN The St. Francis Saints out plsyed the Sacred Heart Car dinals 58 to 45 Friday night at the Salem Armory in the Cards' first home game of the season. The teams played a blow for blow game the entire first half, with a quarter score of 13-13 favoring the SHA five, and a half-time tally of 23-23 for the Saints. The third period showed the Redbirds ' slowing their pace and their 83'' center Fred Staab fouled out leaving a short team which resulted in the southern boys outshooting them 20 points to 9. The last eight minutes was a fast fight ing free for all netting each 13 points. The Saints hsd a decided ad vantage in height over the lo cal boys with a guard, Robert son, measuring at 6'4" and 6'5" Walsh controlling the back board for a resounding 58 to 45 win. Regardless of this height the Saints were unable to handle Vince Matt, who through terrific control and speed was able to push through 26 points for the Cards. The Cardinals' JV's also bowed to Eugene Hi for a 30 to 47 loss. The Cards play three games next week, at Woodburn Monday, with Mt. Angel here on Wednesday, and at St Fran cis of Eugene Friday. Sar4 Haart Salftl rraftcta pi pt r ptit-b'ti'D.( siit Boraft.f 111 tctrko..! t I 1 4 Endraa.f I fl Brown.f t 1 0 I Joaaph.f 14 8 OCaitan.f I I 1 I Morlartr.t 1111 W.uti.o S t 4 II BlaaD.c 1 1 I J Tuikl.i I HMlw'd.l 111 7 Mall.- 11 4 1 II Hoppc.l 1 I 13 1 J 'I uitrot. Aibrieh. Ompirt, Dick Zeller of Salem Stars at George Fox Newberg Dick Zeller, BOO pound Junior fullback from Salem, led the George Fox col lege Quakers In punting, past ing, running and total offense the past season, it was disclos ed here this week. Zeller, former Salem Acad emy athletic star, averaged 41 yards for etch of 35 punts, im proving on his 40 ysrds for 20 kicks a year ago, and on his 38 1 average in 32 punts in IBM. George Fox college op ponents included the Lewis and Clark Jayvees. Lintield Junior vsrsily. Pacific univer sity Jayvees and Oregon Col lege ot Education Jayvees, beating the last 12 8 Gets Co-captain's Star Zeller, who received the co captain's star along with his football letter, was one of 21 receiving numerals at the an y Welt Ditxen Colvard (No. 3S at left), and Loses 58-45 Quint Here Central Shades Sheridan, 44-41 Sheridan C e n tr a I high's Panthers edged Sheridan 44-40 here last night in a non-league go. The Panthers were be hind 11-9 at the end of one quarter but took the lead 22 19 at halftime. Mel Haveman of Central, a freshman guard, and Larry Green of Sheridan shared high point honors with 12 apiece. Central also won the JV game 50-40. Canlral fill (4 shcrlala JotanMo. 4 P 4. Kden Borttl. II p 3. Woo frwmiB. S C. ....1. Bkller NeUon. I 0 3. Clirk Uumon. S 13. Orten Ctntrll TtMrTti icorlni: Prttrkt 3, Hivtman 13: SfterMui Hlekerion , Pftptn I. Etrker I. Hklltlm Kon: Ctntril . aticrldio II OKIciiU Durham tad Btuch. Woodburn Golfers Elect Adkinson Woodburn O. J. Adkinson was elected president of the Woodburn Golf club at a meet ing of the board of directors Wednesday night at the home ot Mrs. L. J. Plank. John Schmid was named vice president and Mrs. Plank was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Edgar Tweed was elect ed to the board ot directors to fill cut the unpxnirpri tprm of Anton DeJardin, who has moved to Salem and who pre- tsemea n is resignation. nual banquet. He also is a two-year basketball letter man, catcher on the baseball team, bass soloist in the col lege choir and Newberg com munity "Messiah" chorus, stu dent director of the band, president of the Singing Men, the men's group which pre sents the annual Quartet Fes tival in February. Others receiving varsity football letters were Vic Bar nick, sophomore center: End Harlan Barnett, Quarterback Steve Ross and Tackle Ralph Cammack, freshmen all from the Salem area. The Quaker basketball turn - out Includes Ron Barnick freshman Ross, Barnett and Cammirlr i lege will open its Metropoll- tan Collegiate conference I schedule December 11 against the University of Oregon Den tal school at the Quaker gym. TIDE TABLE Til. far Tall, Or.e.a tw.wa... Ian (CaaplkS St r. a rM IkaMa Srvr, PsrtlaaS. Ortal Hlih Wattr Law Watra LVt'ntfr TIM a.unl Tina H.iahl 11 II ft I 4 11 a a. ii a t niia It IT a. I ll am. II 04 pa. ! am 11 14 tm. I II an I Jl a. I SI ft a. I II a. 4 II ft a. I II a. I It ft a. I 14 s a. 4 4 M a. 1 1 1 04 a. 4 1 I II ft a. II I 41 ft a. -4 1 111 la. II I II a. -4 1 II ft a. II tot la. 41 I II a a. 1 1 I II p a. -ft I t M a. II II 11 p a. -t 1 I4T4 ft. a. St 11 II p a. ftl Refrigerator Bowl Sunday For Coyotes Xvansville, Ind. UT) The Re frigerator Bowl Sunday may be more like a laundry tub, to the advantage of once-beaten Sam Houston State of Texas UWIIIHWUIUl over undefeated College of Idaho. A forecast of rain, with tem peratures in the 80s, was bad news for the Coyotes from Ida ho, who have one of the nation's top football passers in quarter back Boyd Crawford of Tor rance, Calif. The Coyotes won't be entire ly helpless if their passing game is drowned out Halfback Ted Martin, a hard running 175 pounder from Fruitland, Idaho, has made 1,206 yards by rush ing this season and scored 14 touchdowns. Sam Houston, stopped only by unbeaten East Texas, has averaged over 300 yards a game on the ground, and also has gained well in the air with quarterback Stan Keathley of Corsieana, Tex., mixing plays masterfully. Both teams have beefy lines, averaging about 210 pounds, but the Sam Houston Bearkats have a huskier backfield. Keathley outweighs Crawford, 17S pounds to 16S. The Bear kats have a cluster of halfbacks ranging from 173 to 200, while the Coyotes' right halfback, Ed Bonammio of Chicago, weighs only 157 and right halfback Ted Martin of Fruitland, 173. Cascade Edges . Silverton 52-50 In 2nd Overtime Silverton Bill Brown hit a jump shot from the key with a minute and a half remaining in the second overtime to ftive Cascade a thrilling 52-50 vic tory here Friday night over Silverton high school. In the junior varsity pre liminary, too, Silverton lost in an overtime, 40-39. The regular- varsity time ended in a 46-46 deadlock and in the first overtime of three minutes, Silverton scored two free throws, then Cascade tied it up with a field goal at 48-48. Silverton went ahead on a field goal before Don Wipper dropped in two charities for another tie, 50-50. The sudden death" second overtime found Brown dump ing the deciding shot The results were a complete reversal ot Tuesday night's 71 49 rout of Cascade by Silver ton. In the jayvee game, it was 37-37 at the end of the regula tion contest. Gene Speer led Cascade with 22, while Jack Weeks had 11 for Silverton Jayvecs. CikiIi IU (Ml SUvtrUn Wipptr. 4 P II. Coppll Ltwrcnce. I p 14, won Kentoa, 14 ..C 13. Kun Brown. 14 0. ...3. Vmdt&howtr Sptr, I ..0 4. Bltrk Rirv: Cucftde Bekch 3, Ukkir I, Wlnklt 13. eilvtrlon Robblm 3. Cwckd I 33 31 41 1013 BUvirlOn 13 31 33 4 Hawaii Defeats Lewis and Clark 34-12 in Football Honolulu iPl Led by quar terback Joe Matsukawas and the running ot Joe Balangitao and Ed Kowawaki, the Univer sity ot Hawaii defeated Lewis and Clark College 34-12 in a football game before 6,500 here Friday night. Matsukawa threw two touch down passes and engineered a smooth ground attack that out classed the Pioneers from Port land, Ore. The visitors struck for their first touchdown early in the third quarter on a betiutiful lateral play from Caley Cook to Earl Engrebretson to Jim Smith, covering 57 yards. Lewis and Clark scored again midway in the fourth pe riod when Jene Flippin bucked over from the one to climax a 47-yard drive. EX-BIG LEAGUER DIES 1 Bend u Bill Douglass, ! 81, a big league baseball player in the late '90s and around the : turn ' century, died at his ' home her ,ni week. Douglass Plaved with bo'h the St. Louis .Cardinals on Sept. 2. 1903. he if" tK0, I1"? '"J1 --; ;0n' . . WITH FARMERS INSURANCE Auto - George I OSKO INSURANCE AGENCY 1465 N. Capitol St. Hione 3-9661 Between Hood end Shipping fVIUIIV. I jamooree mere i onuel The annual Marion County B League Jamboree will be staged at Willamette Univer sity tonight with the first con test at seven. All ten teams in the league will participate with St. Paul, Gervais, Chemawa, Scio, and Oregon Deaf School playing for the "North" while Jeffer son. Gates. Mill City, Detroit, and Sublimity will play for the "South." The first game matches St. Paul with Mill City, the sec ond is Scio vs. Sublimity, the third is Gervais vs. Jefferson, the fourth is Chemawa vs. De troit, and the final game puts Oregon School for the Deaf against Gates. Each game will be ten min utes and the score will go to Bearcat- Cagers To' Be Guests Of SBC Monday The Willamette univenity basketball squsd will be the guests at Monday morning s Salem Breakfast club meeting at the Senator hotel, along with coaches John Lewis and Jerry Frel. Lewis will point out strengths and weaknesses of the current edition of the Bearcats and introduce the players. Willamette beat St. Martin's last night after los ing the opener to Hawaii. Tuesday night Gonzaga's strong quintet will come here. Lebanon Bowmen To Get Plaques Lebanon Four members of the Wapiti Bowmen will re ceive plaques at next Monday's meeting of the club in the ar mory. Buck heads go to Mel Schmidt, Clayton Carpenter and Rollie Smith, and a doe head to H. M. Swartz. The plaques are awarded to membera who successfully bagged deer during the past season with bow and arrow. Target shooting will conclude the evening meeting. RAINIERS ACQUIRE BYRNE Atlanta W) Gerry Priddy and Dewey Soriano, general manager and playing-manager, respectively of the Coast League Seattle Rainiers, Friday announced the trade of first sacker Gordon Goldsberry for aging southpaw Tommy Byrne. Corvallis UP The Oregon Wildlife Federation opened its annual two-day meeting here Saturday. fights Last Wight iBrTtit AtiocltUd Prtul NSW Ton iM.lloa '. Oarl.a) -Jotr Kltmbr. 111. Buffalo. N.Y.. knocked out Jlmmr Harriot. ItOH, New York, 4. WEST f AI.M IttACH. ria. Willi rp. 111. Hartford. Coon., outpointed Daaey Allen. 134. New York. 10. EDMONTON. Canada Earl Wall!. II, Kdmonton. knocked out Bern I Re roc-Ida, 111. Falrneld. conn., 1. BANGOR, Main Joe Orlmard. 113, Bath. outpolnUd charlla Babcock, lilt. Banior, 14. That phone number it FOR THE BEST Hauling Storage Fuel VAN IINIS CO LARMER TRANSFER end STORAGE 889 No. Liberty "Our reputation is your security" Truck - Fire St, on Uiway Going North I 3-3131 m ' Bill wuiny - the total for either the "North" or the "South? team. School cheering sections w 1 1 1 . be Judged on cheering ability and sportsmanship with trophies going to the winners. The line-ups for each school are: Chemawa (Coach Ed Bart lett) Farrell Gallineau, Jim Switzler, Pat Morln, George Umtuch and Art Lane. District 8 West Tops East Teams In Cage Jamboree Sweet Home The "West" made up ot Albany and Corval lis, defeated the "East," Leba non and Sweet Home, 108-70 in the annual District 8 basket ball Jamboree here Friday night Competition was divided into four halves, each team playing one quarter against each of the two opposing teams, and points were totaled. The gymnasium was packed. Results by halves: Albany 28, Lebanon 25. Corvallis 19, Sweet Home 11. Albany 34, Sweet Home 22. Corvallis 28, Lebanon 11. Dave Gambee, 8-foot-B Cop. vallis center, led all scorers by totaling 22 points in the two halves. Dave Shelby, 6-foot-8 Albany center, was good for IS points, Malcom McBride, 8-2 Lebanon forward, made 13, and Fred Chambers, 8-10 Sweet Home forward, scored eight. APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Srull Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and DeUrery . Large Appliances Ivan Royae and Walt Claus. Owners CONCRETE MIX-RITE -Ph. 4-1317 VIESKO SAND GRAVEL At Wheatland Firr, j Rt- Gervais Ready-Mix Concrete, Sand, Gravel, Crushed Rock Prompt. Courteous Servicf Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. Lraraen Tillers . Power Mowers Paint Sprayers - Air Conv pressors sanaers numbing Sharpening - Repairs FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets ' Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810 LANA AVE. Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters. Adding Machines. Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD vvcst OILING TWEEDIE STANDARD PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING & HEATING Repairing 353 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny THE QUISENBERRY UO i. Uberti 310 Curt Diwtfm 2440 imr, Mtdksl (mM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A.M. to 11:00 PM. 130 S. Liberty Store Open 13:00 to 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 PM. to 00 P M. All Sundays and Holidays RnriiA Rannir w """' svaita gits' MITCHELL'S Radio - Motorola Dealers Pick up and Delivery TIM rtflCI All SALES AND nl Solem 2-1913 ICLCTIdlUn SERVICE VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 3303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Grant St, DUMONT TELEVISION SETS Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR HOFFMAN 711-63 I -.UUI$ Detroit (Coach w Kettleson) Bob Lady, U, 7 ton. Riiamell Rirt n..- . .r I era, and Lloyd Ketch urn, Oregon School for the Dm (Coach Allen Hayek) L McCann, Dave Haynard, Larry Applebee. Gates (Coach Dale In, noiasi Hero Romey, Car. nuin, rv. v..... . v I wii, ami At van. Uervata (Cosch Oral, Hoye) Norm Keppinger 1W Reiling, Gib Thompson,' IS Keppinger, and Clartao aiigtrv. kcx , jenerson (Coach Til Johnson) George Marlatl Jot. Wright, Claude MeyersLun Wells, and Dave Henion. St Paul (Coach Butt WeatheriU) John Kirsch, tu Smith, Charles Van Damme m Ted Frith, George Smith, sal Charles Merten. Mill City (Coach Al Wsrl) Elton Gregory, Phil Can .."-.wilt, uu LTOOt Scio (Coach SUn WhirmU Glen Bryan, Gordon O'Reilk Don Gibson, Duane Jacohss2 and Ed Novack. . Sublimity (Coach Tr.Kt O'Hara) Ron Bents, Vic arrant Dave Parrish, Victor Westers muh well LX. YOCR NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ILECTRIC 31 CHEMEKETA . DDLinnut nnnt 1185 S. 12th ST. Tbola Power and Hand Mower on All Small Gas Engines Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5769 SALEM ROAD FUEL' OILS OIUNQ OIL DEALER 24 NOUI SUVKI Ph. 3-9123 Saver Stimna PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 -HT oree. Ph. 3-7577 ' g tamps Television 1 880 Start for General Electric m. Woodbum3611 . jt. 1 - " V