i rai 19 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 84m. Ortgw Satarday, December t, 1953 ? 2! SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS ' P X.ji-ln tht lips of him thot hath uneWritoncjlno; wisdom h -. founds but o rod Is for. fha bock of him that Is void of undsrstondino. . : -...; ft4: t ' ' ''' ' ' ' ' ' -. : ., - . . , " ',..! r :..! . . : ' - " 4 ; . . I . - , , BRADLEY'S BICYCLE A POBTIBOP Formerly Moore UTN. High Ph. 3-1644 W. T. KIGDOM CO. , Funeral Director SSI N. Cottag ' Phone I-31TJ , BEUTLER-O.UISTAD LBfc Ce - "Everything to Build With 4M Wallace Rd, , Ph. 3-3131 ROBERTS BROS. Department Stor) 2-w tj ip Mfc I, mm sii mm mi tt sdl ! ill ' i ill RUBS PRATT CAPITOL CITY TKAN8FES Moving . Protected Storage Expert Packinf Agent for Mayflower Nationwide Furniture Movers Phone 8-238 230 So. front St capitol ornci EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriter'- Adding Machine! Accounting Machine Calculator Letter DeLapp Trasifer-Storar "Local and Nation-wide Mover Ph. 21780 1118 N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 68 Highland Ph. 3-4821 B.L.ELFSTROMCO. 180 8. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCY ir Insurance All Type 863 N. Capitol Ph. 42201 W.T. GOLDEN MORTUARY OS 8. Commercial Ph.4229? HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thing Photographic 4M State 8k Ph. S4S08 B3TEL MARION Cotiee 8 hop Open 7 ul-I pm. Special $1 JO Sunday Dinner Noon Till pm. BOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL BOMB Acroaa From Sean S4SN. Capitol HUTCHEON PAINT STORE Painta-Vamlsbee-Wallpaper Ph. 2-8687 182 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Frost & Ferry Ph. 2-2421 DICK MEYER LUMBER CO. One Piece or a Truckload 1771 Lana Ave. Ph. 8-4939 UTIUWINHIS DADDY'S SHOES..; rl .': 1 : ' ' " I - I '-'.v 1 I ' '- . a? '" 'H' A a I H .... A Rt K -"faW' II r CT i3 ' I t1""-..v: f',,fc c,,,' ii mi i -nil im mi n hi , . iiit ,,,, .,,. M,;- ,t.,.f, , r-iWM w-i..;ni'ttaTHy , mOTiwTOagimMa fe . Imitation i on of the bade impulae of human life. From earlieit infancy man ha learned the way of life and the paths of progreis by imitating other who poises and practice such knowledge. The child learn to walk a the fledgling learn to fly by imitating it parent. ' The impulse to imitate other i stronger in infancy and childhood than at any other period in life. The child i anxiou to learn - thing and to be able to do thing a grown up do in thit great, big interesting world. That is why the little boy in the picture trie to' walk in hi daddy' ihoe. Children learn to walk in their parent' footsteps in many ways, during this forma tive period of their lives. They acquire their habit, their mental attitudes and their sen of value mainly from their elder. And these are the thing that will most largely determine their, character and (hap their course in the years to com. Thi make it all-important for people to walk uprightly before their children, and lead them in the way of strength and safety. Above all, parent should teach their children the dependence of all life upon ( God, and the value of religion and the Church as the guardian of man' spiritual existence. And this must be done, line upon line and precept upon precept, in practice as well as in words. Th. chu CHURCH - Site -awS 2 """'"'.p. . IE l. . rap him . XT and h"."o" o oo """J oiuie daUy. "" tni- 10-Ji 1- 14 1-J 1-1 1 isaf,fai MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Dally By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking C. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give JMT Green Stamps Phone 3-7S77 1880 State MONTGOMERY WARD Department Slort) MAYFLOWER MILK Phone 1B2M LES NEWMANS Men' Wear and Shoe 179 N. Commercial PAT LESS DRUG STORE "Pay Less Has Everything" 484 State St Phone 2-3694 T ALLEY PACKING CO. The Home of Famous Cascade Rama, Meata, Bacons" 1808 Valpak Rd. Ph. 3-4158 R. R. LADD Electric Wiring and Repair Construction-Commercial Residential Phone 4-2843 Rt. 4. Bos 309' BEARS ROEBUCK CO. Senator Hotel Coffee 8hep SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 9 P.M. Court & High St., Salem Ph. 34181 SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC Owned e Operated by L. H. Campbell 3630 SUverton Rd. Ph. 4-188 TWEEDIE FUEL OILS "OU to Burn" Ph. 2-4151 1174 Edgcwater West Salem THE VISTm MARKET Complete Shopping Center 3048 S. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Elslnore Capitol Grand Liberty State - Drive-la VALLEY .TELEVISION CENTER Salem. 2302 Fairgrounda Road Woodburn, 171 Grant Motorola RCA-Victor, Dumont Hoffman Television Complete Sale and Service ALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Trctor Sales & Service 3333 SUverton Rd. OTTO J. WILSON CO. 'Authorized Bulck Salei-Servlc 388 N. Commercial Ph. 3-8621 THIS SERIES 0 ADS IS I El NO PUBLISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY AND IN THI INTEREST OP All SALEM AREA CHURCHES. AND IS SPONSORED BY THESE PUBLIC SPIRITED, CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS ' 11