, Friday, December 4. 1931 , BrltUb Prime Minister Winston Churchill, using a can. Inspect an honor guard of Royal Welch Fusiliers at Kind ley Field, Bermuda. Behind him (dark suit) is Foreign Secy. Anthony Eden. They are in Bermuda to attend Big Three conference. (UP Telephoto) Blast Completes Tunnel Kitimat Alcoa Plant Kemano, B.C. UP) A dyna- six days a week, to drive the mite blast fleep in tne heart of a mountain Thursday com' pleted the main artery of giant power project which will generate electricity for the Aluminum Company of Csnada development at Kiti mat. The blast, fired by Alcan vice-president McNeely Du Bese shattered the final bar rier of 10-mile tunnel through the solid rock of the coast range. It marked the end of 21 months' work, 24 hours a day, Vel Contest V I Ends Saturday All Korean veterans are urged to aubmlt their letters of eligibility by the deadline time of 6 p.m. Saturday, De cember 5t if they want to be come eligible to win the down payment gift on the new Lock wood home in Salem. The down payment gift to tilt approximately $900 in all. Including loan coats, etc. The veterans must have their ap plications In the hands of the Capital Journal by 6 p.m. or they will be disqualified. Eiilbllltr ruin art: 1. Any veteran, of tht armed foKM of (he Ualted fttttes of America, mala or rem in, nonoraftir fliKhtriM r ( ferrtd to the rtstrvw who haa been au thorlied the Korean er?lce nedal 01 nftboa. la olUlbla aa an applicant for IhU aotne. 2 Applicant nuit submit a letter tall Ini tilt or ber beat reason for vantlnt to u ah or btr own home, uwelher wild a complete financial statement thewlni n Income from ealarr. warn, or anr othtr eourcei. This atatement nuit aUo thow how much money the applicant or. The figure wlU ba kept confi dential. 9 AnpUeant muit be able to meet rnk Jon reoulremenu and make oarmeata id ipproxlmauir W Pt montn. Tnia letter nuit be eent or ceiir- d to Salem radio itatlon KflLU. The Ifi-atttman Lockwood Bomea. or the Cap- l Journal Lockwood Homea. 9 Thla letter mtut ne aent or dHt 'A sttt. lata. (Wan St AA ft tit.. MaturdsiV. Scfmber B. 1863. Do not mall any dlicharce or other 'ficlel papers wttn Utt letter aa the immltte cannot be raiponslble for them, it be prcpirrd t ahow any aucb papera i the committee upon request. 7 Uembershtp In any veteran's orian- Intlon Is not reoulrod. nor will aucb r.emserthlp or lack of membership be .luioered by the committee. t Decision of the committee will we nai and application letter cannot turned or acknowledged. KORELl "Not i Hill Sin But eiat Site" LITTLE FRENCH SHOP til North Hiih Phone M451 195 J. Commercial never used such PrCC-tO-l0CC,.of covnt! CAPITOL LUMBER CO. LOOKING THEM OVER tunnel through Mt. DuBese The job, which entailed re moving 2,300,000 tons of rock, was completed right on sched ule. Numerous world records for tunneling were set by team-working drilling and blasting crews. ihe accomplishment was described by Alcan officials as a "major step" toward com pletion of the vast British Co lumbia project which will eventually cost more than $300,000,000. The first shiny aluminum ingots are scheduled to be loaded aboard deep-sea ships for world markets late In the spring. Through the 23-foot diam eter, horseshoe shaped tunnel water will be drawn off west ward from the sprawling res ervoir created on the eastern side of the mountains by the Kenney dam. The water will drop through penstocks 2,600 feet from Tahtsa Lake to .the cavernous powerhouse, hewed out of the inside of a mountain 1,400- feet underground. A 50-mile transmission line will carry the electricity over snowrfdged mountains to the smelter at Kitimat. SO miles away. Retired Teachers Elect Broadbenf Harry M. Broadbent, former Salem high school history in structor, was elected president of the Retired Teachers Asso ciatibn for Salem and vicinity. F. O. Bradshaw, former Sa lem high school faculty mem ber, was elected vice president. Mrs. Mary A. Champ, 1760 C street, was named secretary' treasurer when the group met in the Fireplace room at the Salem city library on Wednes day for their second meeting. The group plans to meet the first Wednesday of each month. Miss Anganette Crlssy of Portland, director at large, of Region No. 1 for the national association, was present at the meeting. Egypt Threatens Neutrality Policy Washington IT) Egypt has served notice it will adopt a policy of neutrality In the cold war unless the Western Big Three find a formula at Bermu da to meet Egyptian demands for control of the Suez Canal. Diplomatic officials disclosed that Egyptian Ambassador Ah med Hussein notifttd Secreta ry of State Dulles -of his coun try's attitude during a confi dential meeting Tuesday. SNOWBALL "MELTS" Reno, Nev. Harry Snow ball, serving a tO-day term for vagrancy, was sent out on a work gang and just melted away. fine fuel..." I m Indict Lorwin, Perjury Charge Washington WV-Val S. Lor- win, a former State Depart ment official, was Indicted by a federal grand jury Friday on charges that he falsely denied Communist Party membership during a loyalty hearing In De cember, 1930. The indictment, returned un. der false statements statute, aC' cused Lorwin of falsely stating under oath at the loyalty hear ing that: 1. He never was a Commu nist Party member. 2. He never carried a Com munist Party card. 3. He never held a Commu nist Party meeting In his home. Lorwin was a one-time chief of the European section, divis ion of international labor, so cial and health affairs in the State Department Lorwin. 46, and no longer with the government, la a na tive of New York City. Tht Justice Department said It was unable to supply his present address. SKYSCRAPERS n Bevo Francis, whose 81 inch frame seems taller to his basketball opponents, seems to have met his match In New York's Em pire State building. Bevo, whose Rio Grande College team met Adelphi, was sight-seeing. (UP Tele photo) IF Favorite Foods Make You "Gassy" D At Million. Do Alwoyt Carry TUMS ' Nwty ww foot has Utorif foods tht ! oaftitBCf ciui gat, tear ttontub. ciJ indigMiioa. fiat aiillioo bavt fcranei ibt answer. They ft can7 roll of Tama ia pok or pane. Eat 1 or 2 like candy, aod ibere'a trtnek. eoousinir. reliei. itaacaa'toTeo Ikalife can't caaat add rehoeind. No nixing, no ttirnot. Taka Turns aif whert at work or at pta. Get a roll HV-tVafi In THX CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem Qrtgos Hew Tax Rate Begins Jan. 1 Commissioner e f Internal Revenue T. Coleman Andrews has announced In Washington that the law provides for chances on January 1, ISM, In the rates for federal Income tax withholding and for employer tax and employs tax under the Federal Insurance Contri butions Act for old age and sur vivors Insurance. This was reported today by CUUkt Director of Internal Revenue R. C. Granquist, who explained that the rate of in come tax withholding will be reduced from 20 per cent to II par eent and that the law in creases the employer tax and the employee tax from 1 Vi per cant for eacn tax to I per cent for eacn tasc. These rates will apply to wages paid on or after January 1, 113ft, even though the wage were earned In 1953," Director Granquist added. ."Tax table for income tax withholding and for employee tax deductions on and after January 1, 1954, are . Included In a new revision of Circular E, Employer's Tax Guide," Di rector Granquist said. "District Directors of Internal Revenue will mail Circular E aa early aa possible in December to those employers who have been re porting the taxes each quarter on Form 941." Maj. Flory in Slates Again Ma). Keith Flory, who In Oc tober, 1950, left tor active duty with the Army with tht 389th engineers, Salem reserve unit arrived back in the States this month after duty In the Philip- pint islands. Flory, whose wife and chil dren, Karen and . Paul, have been with him in tht Philip pines, had spent 26 months over there with the 29th engineer topographical battalion, which is making a survey of the Phil ippine islands. His family left tht states to join him In the Philippines 22 months ago. The Florya arrived In San Francisco November 19 and November 25 arrived In Ore gon. During their stay here they are In Albany with Mrs. Flory'a mother, Mrs. Laura Harnlsch. . Flory, who prior to being called for active duty In 1950 was a designer with the Oregon state highway department, is a Veteran of World War II spend ing five years with the Army at that time, with overseas ser vice in Europe. The major and his family will leave Oregon December 10, for Chicago, where he is to report tor duty with the Fifth Army at Fort Sheridan. Mental Health Group Hears State President Melvln Murphy, president of the Mental Health Assn. of Oregon, spoke to the Salem Assn. for Retarded Children Thursday night at Mayflower hall on a number of long range projects In which the group is interested and answered ques tions afterward. Volunteers from the local group will wrap and distribute Christmas gifts at Fairview, it was announced. The next meet ing Jan. 14 will see a film "Children Limited." President Larry Merriam presided. VIKING SWORD FOUND St John's, Nfld. UP) The Newfoundland museum has an nounced discovery of a sword believed to be of tht Viking era. Tht sword whost blada la cast Iron and handlt of bont, was discovered at Aillik, Lab rador. APPLIANC tV Everybody Needs Furniture and Appliances Everybody Wants Furniture and Appliances k Everybody Appreciates Furniture and Appliances 4 Great With STIFF'S WOODRY'S HOGG'S POSED AS RED il -3.?v" II 0 1 Ji Mariana MacLane Kowall, 27-year-old daughter of movie actor Barton Mac Lane makes call in Wash ington as she arrives to tes tify before the Subversive Activities Control Board. Sht aaid tht joined ' the Communist Party in 1948 and worked as an under cover information for the FBI until now. (UP Tele photo) Wage Increases To AFL Drivers Portland UP Wage In creases for two AFL unions were announced Thursday by the big Paciifc Fruit and Pro duce Co. They affect AFL truck driv ers and warehousemen in Port land, Salem, Eugene, Bend, As toria, Coos Bay, Pendleton, Hood River, Klamath Falls, Medford and Kelso, Wash. The drivers get 10-cent hour ly increases and warehouse men 8-cent Increases,, retroac tive to Aug. 1. A company-financed 19.30 monthly payment for health and welfare benefits, and sen iority disputes also were set tled in the new agreement. BRITISH SEIZE GOODS Cairo, Egypt VP) Police sources say British military au thorities at Fayid in the Suez Canal zone have confiscated 8700,000 worth of goods . tn Egyptian, ahopa there because traders refuse to sell to the British army. GROWN AND MADE IN THIS CHRISTMAS... 0) GIVE Downtown Furniture 1001 Furniture Gifts TOE 29 Million Feet Of Timber Sold Roseburg UP) Tht Bureau of Land Management Wednesday sold 29,362.000 board feet of timber to eight logging firms. That was a record for this dis trict of the BLM. Tht timber, mostly Douglas fir In the Smith River area northwest of Drain, brought in $383,441 at an oral auction,;! Tht appraised price was $386,. 350, aaid tht district forester, James Watts. The biggest .purchase was 12,348,000 board feet, aold to the Woolley Logging Co., Drain for the appraised price of (183.633. Korean Vets Eligibilfy Rules or lockwood Homes Eligibility rules are: I. Any veteran of the armed forces of the United States of America, male or female, honorably discharg ed or transferred to the re serves who haa been author ized the Korean service medal or ribbon, is eligible aa an , applicant for this home. 2. Applicant must submit letter telling his or her best reason for wanting to own his or her own home, to gether with a complete fin ancial statement showing all income from salary, wages, or any other sources. This statement must also snow how much money the appli cant owes. These figures will i kept confidential. 3. Applicant must be able to meet FHA loan require ments and make payments of approximately $ 6 0 per month. 4. Thla letter must be sent or delivered to Salem radio station KSLM, Tht Statesman Lockwood Homes, or the capital journal Locx wood Homes. 5. This letter must be tent or delivered not later than 6:00 p.m., Saturday, Decern Der n. ima. 8. Do not mall any dls- charst or other official papers with the letter aa tht committee cannot be respon sible for them, but be pre pared to ahow any such papers to the committee up on reauest. 7, Membership tn any vet eran's organization la not re quired, nor will such mem bershiD or lack of member ship be considered by the committee. 8. Decision of the commit tee will be final and applica tion letters cannot be return' ed or acknowledged. mm Yet dent have le tear tr cut the top el U and I's Ml carton. Tht top pulls wp and away under tlnoartip Eretiurt, and tucks ack Inlt placel A heavy wax line Ivts dtublt pretto Men after tht packaot Is tptntdl Available In Ida U and I ant-pound cart on ti POWDIRID MOWN INI ORANUUnO ' SUPIRFINI THE COLUMBIA EMPIRE GIVE Stores Ready for the Home HAMILTON'S $aving Al the Fool of the Bridge W. Salem OPEN EYIBY DAY 8 Prices Good Friday EASTERN BABY TASTY end SHORT RIBS . ...... Lh. 15c STEAKS Sirloin, T-Bone ...... Lb. 39c RIB STEAK ROAST ..;;;. - ; GROUND BEEF .... u.25c HALF OR WHOLE )? c Locker Beef BABY Beef Liver 1 .,. 4 OLD-FASHIONED .ogij Frankfurters ib. ; KITCHEN QUEEN ra flour - m 15 ' ' V .' LIMIT ,-"..; HUNT'S TOMATO 1 - I Ry, JUICE W LIMIT ' , Ice Cream 0Mrt Q SAN SHOP PIES BANANA CREAM PUMPKIN APPLE STOCK UP! BIRDSEYE FROZEN FOODS! Mixed Vegetables and Peas and Carrots CALIFORNIA LETTUCE RADISHES or GREEN SDN GIRL Regular DATES FRESH R0ASTED1 N0.1 P-NUTS LIMIT Pate Centers H Mile North of the Underpass;; Salem 1M. TO 10 P.M. - Saturday - Sunday OREGON BEEF TENDER ...::.:.....;u;29c - :.. - .:....;;ii.29c BOYSEN BERRY each PKG. LIMIT Head LIMIT ONIONS 3 bun. 10c LIMIT 39c 25 c LIMIT 115 i J PHONE 3-8861 1 1 i. c -i.-... . .. i. . V - . V.wa,-.. a iV r-