Pact 8 TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL Balm. OrcgM Friday, December 4. 19SS NEW WOODBURN FOURSQUARE CHURCH 1 ' " vV 4 , - 0 , '. , J . , 4 Hi ir-nv " ill I '"br Woodburn Pholo shows new Woodburn Foursquare church which will be dedicated t ipecial services it TM pjn, Mondsy, with high ofliclals of the church participating. Rev. Arthur Goble to the pastor. ' ' Dedication of . Church Monday Woodburn Formsl dedica tion of the new Woodburn Foursquare church on Eait Lincoln afreet will be held Monday. December 7, itarttnl at 1:48 pm.. the pastor. Revt Arthur Goble, announced to. day. Rev. Roy H. Mourer of Seat tle, northwest district super visor for Foursquare churches, will officiate at the dedica tion of the sanctuary and Christian education building. Speaker will be Dr. H. W. Jef fries of Portland, a former su perintendent The main building is 40x78 feet and the education addi tion SOxSO feet. The sanctu ary in the main building is 40x34 feet; the education building is two stories high and includes 16 class rooms for a fully departmentalixed Sunday school. The exterior of the building la brick veneer except for the back of the education building which was shingled to permit future extension. Total pres ent value of the church build ings was given as (43,000 by Rev. Goble. The new church building is the fulfillment of two and one-halt years of effort by the pastor and con gregation. The dedication will follow a talk by Rev. Mourer, special music and congregational singing. The public la invited to attend the special service. ASSISTANT U.I. ATTT. DIES Portland () Limus Fuller, 80, assistant U.S. attorney, died of a heart attack at his office in the federal court house here Thursday. East Salem East Salem An annual birthday dinner for several members of their family and a "leave party tor a service man was a Sunday event for the Wilson Biles family on Hol lywood Dr. Birthdays for live were cel ebrated. Present for the day were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Biles. Barry, Brent and Lind- sey; Mr. and Mrs. Mac Larsen and daughter Cindy; Pvt. and Mrs. John David Biles; C. N. Hunt, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Biles. Birthdays were those of Wilson Biles, Mrs. John Biles, Chris Larsen, Mrs. Lanen and Harold Biles. Leaving for New Brunswick, N. J., expecting to go over for European service waa Pvt. Biles, who has Just completed 18 weeks basic training at Ft. Ord, Calif. Wallace Hoffman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoffman of Sweglc community, was home for the holiday, completing his four years of army duty, being In Korea for some time. The annual "greens" pro gram for Swegle Road Garden club was discussed at the meet ing Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Dan Stauffer on Rt. 6. The lesson was a group project. Special Christmas cards made by Mrs. Daniel Casey, Mrs. Stauffer and Ronald Hillman vers shown the group. 1 Guests were Mrs. Hillman, who will be a new member. and Mrs. Clinton Kennedy. Members present were Mrs. Homer J. C. Conklln, Mrs. Os car Wlgle. Mrs. Casey, Mrs. Robert Fryrear, Mrs. George Oulnn. Mrs. Harold Olson and the hostess. Vice President Mrs. Olson presided at the business meeting. Officers will be elected In January.' One member, Mrs. Bryan Harrison, was reported home from the hospital following surgery. L CHRISTMAS SPECIALS I ' assess : ii;yy PORTABLE UNDERWOOD PORTABLE UNDERWOOD 3950 I5450 PORTABLE M even UNDERWOOD PORTABLE 41 sfa C A REMINGTON Noteless " PORTABLE m M C t CORONA .. 4450 PORTABLE 7O50 ROYAL Quiet, Deluxe ... ACT NOW UMITED QUANTITY. Terms If desired ... No Soles re Dealers All machines overhauled and guaranteed by Salem's only factory authorized sales and service agency lor the Royal Standard World's No. 1 Typewriter. For those who ore renting our typewriters up to 3 months rent payments will apply toward the pur chase of any machine. Open Friday Till 9 P.M. PEWRHER CQ Spaur and Pierce in Panel Talk at Eugene State Forester George Spaur and E. T. Pierce, secretary of the state land board, will be in Eugene this afternoon to take part in a panel discussion be fore the state convention of the Isaac Walton league. O. K. DeWitt, Mehama, will be the moderator for the panel which is on "Watershed Man agement of the State Lands in Oregon." ' i Here Saturday The All-variety Bird club will have Its annual display of birds Saturday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. at the D. A. White & Sons Feed end Seed Store, 365 State street Shown 'will be every type and color in canaries, para keets, finches, cockateela and many others. As a highlight of the day, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Tallman of Longview, Wash., will be present Tallman will bring a display of Red Persimmon birds that have taken top hon ors and prizes in the Seattle bird shows. He will give a short instructive talk on prop er mating ind breeding to ob tain the deep shades oi color. A food and gift sale will be held in connection with the show. Several prizes will be given for bird displays. The display will be open to the public. Others participating in the panel are Charles Stanton, ed itor of the Roseburg News-Review; Kenneth G. Denman, Medford, chairman of the state game commission, and George H. Schroeder, assistant chief forester for Crown-Zellerbach. Saturday, State Treas. Sig Unander will be in Eugene to take part in a panel on "Prob lems of Water Management" before the convention. Check Comes To Paper for Mrs. Taber Compassioa knows e bounds. This was amply illustrated this week when the Capital Journal waa la receipt ef a check for St.Sf, endorsed by , Irving 1. Freelich ef Detroit, with Instructions to pay the amount to Mrs. Mary E. Taber. Froelich's heart waa touched by a story appearing 'in the Detroit news concern ing Mrs. Tabor's misguided attempt to hold up Roseoe Colby, cashier of a Woodburn bank. Confronted with the ne cessity of providing food and shelter for four children, ranging In age from I to IS yeara, Mrs. Taber said aha waa "desperate" after being apprehended a short time at the the cashier had aaid "no" to her demands for money. "Her aaid case troubled me," writes Froelich. "I hope they find her ef a hus band." Mrs. Taber, turned ever to federal authorities in Port land because the attempted robbery Involved a national bank, waa released on her ewn recognisance for a later appearance. Help for Handicapped in Silverton Area Promised Silverton The first meeting of the Silverton Parents Coun cil for Handicapped Children was held Monday evening in the library of the Eugene Field school. In charge was Mrs. Ed win G. Heinonen, president of the Junior Woman's dub, spon sor of the council over the east ern half of Marion county. Honor guests attending were Mrs. William Chandlee, Htlls boro, director for volunteer services for the Oregon society for crippled children and adults; Mrs. Andrew Haugen of Sheridan, vice-president of the Yamhill county council; M. B. Ford, principal of the Eu gene Field school grades of Sil verton; and Miss Viola Eisen- bach, public health nurse for the local area. Concerning U.3 councils in I the McMinnville section, Mrs. Haugen told of the work being, not only for the parents of handicapped children, but for the relatives, the teachers who work with the children, friends who are vitally interested, and the older people who are handi capped themselves. The Oregon Society tor Crip pled Children and Adults, once the councils are set up, will se cure speakers for the monthly programs, and will arrange for doctors, psychistrists and the latest movies on the subjects of greatest concern to the group. Parents who feel alone In their efforts to raise a child that is handicapped, can be as sured that many other parents and people in general are will ing to share tl.eir burdens, in the eastern hslf of Marlon county.. Benefited by this program are not only the physical handi capped, but those with hearing difficulties, and are depressed by visual, speech and mental problems. All residents of this area are invited to attend these sessions. The next meeting is to be held the evening of Monday, Jan. 11, at p.m. 'in the library rooms of the Eugene Field school, when Mrs. Chandlee will show f the film, "Stairsteps to Happi ness." Elected as temporary ehakr man of the group Is Mrs. John -Main, and temporary secretary. Mrs. R. I. Cook. sU Members of the Junior Worn', an's club of Silverton who pre. . pared and served refreshments ' for the group Monday evening were Mrs. Glenn Tucker. Mrs, i. Milt Baum, Mrs. Wally Flager.r Mrs. Charles Piroutek, Mrs. Donald Scott. Mrs. Gale Stephv ens and Mrs. Leland Morgan. i ADMITS CHECK CHARGE Albany Mike Deering, who' ; had pleaded guilty in circuit! court here to a forgery charge' has been sentenced by Judge. i Victor Olliver to serve three), years in the state penitentiary Deering was paroled on condi-, tion he make restitution of bad check he had cashed. . Custom-Made Drapes CiPITil SUM I DtAExT WOP (Formerly RetnhoMt Lewis) 260 I 21st SV Hues 4-1854 - DON'T FORGET Aafrsne's for those tnezpra shrs tasts appeslini Xaua Gift bona of canned I raits re serves, soma with ant meats sua deUdoos dried Oregon Italian prunes. Wo also has a few eases of good solid pack i no. z una. aORDK CUSTOM WM11-14W " CAR A TRUCK RENTALS ' 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 1288 State St. BAND ALL'S Aft AtlKllTPho 3-6489 mm Folks here is the opportunity you have been waiting for to buy beef at the lowest prices in many years. We have contracted for 468 head of Eastern Oregon grass-fed beef in order, to bring these prices to you. THEY MUST BE SOLD REGARDLESS OF PROFIT LOSS ES. These beef will be trucked from Eastern Oregon to the Stearns & Welch Packers in Portland and then to Salem for you selections. Ev ery piece of beef will be U. S. Gov't Inspected to guarantee your protection. These prices will be in effect only while this supply lasts. Arm Cuts Blade Cuts Rumps Lb. Rib or T-Bone Lb. COASTS ST1AEC 23e 29 A complete selection of eur beet flood acting fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the following low pricest Round Steak ,. 53' NEW YORK CUT 69c ROAST OR STEAK - 59c BEEF TENDERLOIN 89c BEEF HEARTS 29c SAUSAGE counmsm! n. 29c GROUND ROUND - , 49c SHORT RIBS u 21c LEAN BEEF CUBES 49c New Low Prices on Locker Beef Beat selection ef Fancy Eastern Orefoa Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prima. Convenient credit may b. arranfed. Nothing down e fall year to pay. Hall or Whole 282C Front Quarter I Hind Quarter 24o I 3314 c Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BEEF STEAK Fancy Eastern Orel on Hereford aj aj d BEEF ROAST wad.c&.Ru!T. Lb.OOf T-Bone, Rib Steaks Lb. BABY BEEF LIVER Lb.39' FRESH BEEF TONGUES Lb 29' l'. S. Government Inspected Grade "A" Fresh Eastern Oregon Heretord Genuine Veal BREAST FOR STIW lb. 19c SHOULDER ROAST lb. 43c SHOULDER CHOPS lb. 49c LOIN & RIB CHOPS lb. 59c CHOICE VEAL ROUND lb. 69c Fully Dressed and Drawn M fji COLORED HENS rrMh l.,45 GROUND MM- ib. 25 SHOUT CHUBS ib. 15' Boned SDHLOBLNhb. 49' SHELDON TIP2S 49" BOUND STEAK l 3 3' Eastern Oregon LOCKER BEEF Grass-Fed Beef FRONT QUARTCR lb. HIND 21fT 27 es HALF OR Li