Friday, Decesaber 4, 19SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salt. Orftm r tf ( il 14; vK A' ' BPW Club Party . . At Brokke Home SUverton Aaaual Christ mat party lor the Business and Professional We me a' s club u a nil affair it the country horn el Mr. ud Mrs. Hclmtr Brokkt, T u d a jr night, lira. Knute Dlfemess, chairman ol music and arts. served as program and ar rangement director, assisted by the hostess, Mra. Brokkt. Mrs. Bennett O. Lea eh. president, conducted a briet business aeailoa in which Mri. W. U. Brandt, legislative chairman, explained to the (roup the national legislative aimi. . A con tut game. This Is Tour Life," was enjoyed. The simulated lite history ol Mrs. Knute Digerness, Mrs. Ben nett G. Leach, Mrs. Zrnest R. Ekman and Mrs. Frank Deder ick, waa revealed. Christmas carols were sung, led by Mrs. Irene Roubal. There was an Inexpensive gilt exchange. A Urge Basket lull ol at tractively wrapped gilts lor the state hospital at Salem were brought as donations, a project ol the club lor several years. Besides 31 members pre sent, there were eight guests. Miss Ina Harold, Mrs. Len ard Kephart, Mrs. A) Osler llng, Mrs. S. Pickering, Miss Susanna Leach, Helmer Brok- ke, Elmer Olsen and Ernest R Ekman. A formal dinner will be featured at the next meeting on the llrat Tuesday evening In January. Wed Eecently Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ear! Roth (Joyce Alice Larson), above, were married recently at SUverton. , The bride is the daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Lar son of SUverton Hills and Mr. Roth Is the son ol Mr. and Mrs. William A. Roth ol Central Howell. (Arts studio picture.) Lutheran Society Jnstalls Officers V SUverton Reports ol com mittee chairmen, plans lor projects, accomplishments ol the past year, and installation of new officers were features of the Wednesday meeting ol Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid society, Mrs. Adolph Haughen presiding. - Projects planned were furn ishing the fireside room in the new addition to the church and the buying ol a large projector screen lor the showing ol films and slides. Gifts needed had been giv en to IS other groups outside the local community, as weU as home projects, it was re ported. Mrs. James Phillips, Wil lamette circuit president ol the WMF, was the installing officer inducting as president: Mrs. Bessie Morgan; as vice president, Mrs. Olaui Moen; as secretary, Mrs. Theo Sever son; as assistant secretary, Mrs. All. O. Nelson: treasurer, Mrs. M. O. Hatteberg; and as assistant treasurer, Mrs. T. O. Reed. The new president, Mrs. Morgan, named as her depart ment secretaries the following: on loreign missions, Mrs. Lewis Hall; home missions. Mrs. Carl Haugen; education. Mrs. Alvin Legard; charities, Mrs. William Schwartz and Mrs. Ed Hatteberg; life mem- oersnip and in memoriam, Mrs. J. C. Larson; promotion, Miss Nettie Hatteberg; histor lan, Mrs. Ed Holden; liters. ture, Mrs. Adolph Haugen; publications, Mrs. All O. Nel son; sunshine, Mrs. Olaf An derson; hostess, Mrs. L. M. Larson and Mrs. Carl Johnson. The Rev. Joseph A. Luthro gave a talk. Mrs. Adolph Hsu gen, retiring president, ex pressed gratitude lor the co operation during the past year. During the social hour, refreshments were served. Woman's Club at Woodburn Entertained Woodburn A large crowd ol members and It guests at tended the regular meeting of the Woodburn Woman's club, Wednesday afternoon, at the library club- rooms. Guests included the speaker. Mrs. Haul Bartlett ot Brooks. Mrs. Mary B. Grimstad, Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Margaret Johnston, Mrs. George Swee ney, Mrs. Alyce Baguley, Mrs. Clarence C. Wampole, Mrs. Sam Smith, Mrs. J. C Kelley, Mrs. O. E. Meisenheimer, Mrs. Curtis Wright, Mrs. Nettie Wright of Brooks and Mrs. Ethlya McKilllps of Florida, Mrs. Thomas Higginbotham, Mrs. James Llvesay, Mrs, Adolph Glitt.. Mrs. Bartlett gave a dem onstration ol Christmas dec orative ideas. During the business session it was voted to send a Christ mas basket to a needy Wood- burn family. Mrs. GaU Wengenroth waa elected to represent the club 'as one' ol the judges lor the home room decorations at the high school. A leature ol the afternoon was a "Christmas cookie tree" and a gift exchange. The tree was later sent to the MacLar en school lor boys. Large don ations ol cake mixta and other packaged goods were scat te the mental hospital. A cake, donated by Mrs. Thomas Leol felman. was awarded to Mrs. J. B. Gay. Proceeds from the cake go to the Children's Farm home near Corvallis. Refreshments were served with Mrs. O. R. Randall and Mrs. James Lamb presiding at the urns. The table waa at tractively decorated with vari ous colored tapers and other Christmas novelties oa green cloth. Tb hostess committee included Mrs. Harry VanArs dale, Mrs. Gensro Ramon, Mrs. Lyman Seely, Mrs. Arch ie Murphy, Mrs. C. A. WUkins and Mrs. Joe Sows. . t t Stadelis Leave On European Trip SUverton Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stadell began the first lsp ol their air Journey to Europe, Wednesday forenoon, Mrs. Olat Paulson, Jr., en tertained women ol the First Christian church In a lareweU tea, honoring Mre. Stadell, S u n d a y afternoon. Hostess group was the executive com mittee ot the Junior guild. Mrs. Perle Bye and Miss Mar- guerette Hallock presided at the urns, and assisting about the rooms were Mrs. C. B. Cslkins. Mrs. Louis Wavra, 'Mrs. Howard Hatteberg and Mrs. E. A. McCullough. Mrs. Delene Flsk. guild president, received at the door Introduc ing guests. The gift to the guest was an orchid corsage, in acknowl edgement ol which she con fided to her donors, "This Is my very first corsage." She had received ether flowers, she explained, but no corsage. The Stadelis wUl be in Eu rope for two months, spend ing their time in Denmark and Switzerland, the native countries where they have relatives. . Woodburn to Start $35,000 Sewer Job Woodburn The City ol Woodburn is calling lor bids on a $33,000 sewer project. Bids are due at 7:10 p.m. Janu ary 8. The work will be In the northwest part ol the town and will involve everything north ot Harrison Street not now in an existing sewer District. Included in the project will be removal and replacement ol 1728 yards ot pavement The work will be financed by a property Improvement assessment Rural Fire Dist. Election Monday Woodburn The annual elec tion ol directors lor the Wood- burn rural fire protection dis trict wUl be held Monday. Dee. 7, at too Woodburn American Legion building on the high way from ajn. until p.m. To be elected are a director for a three-year term and one lor a live-year term. Only one candidate has been nominated lor each ol the pos itions. Frank Felton ol the Mission Bottom area is seeking to succeed himsel! for the three year term to liU out the un expired term of GaU Lansden, who resigned. For the live-year term to succeed Lester Henn, who does not seek re-election, the candidate is Mantoa A. Carl ol Hubbard, route 1. Judges appointed to conduct the election are Josepn mc Cormkk, David A Dryden and S. R. Selme. all of wooaoura, Seal Booths Open for Public Convenience Three Christmas Seal booths have been opened lor the con venience ol those persona who wish more seals or who did not i receive them in the maU. I General chairman ot all booths is Mrs. A. Earl Croghaa. i Organizations In charge oil booths are: Salem Post Office, Chad wick chapter, . OES, open from to 9, with Mrs. W. H. Gardner serving as chairman; U.S. National Bank, open from 10 to I, with Mrs. James O BurreU, Amaranth Lodge, and Mrs. I. Saffron, B'Nai B'rith in charge; First National Bank, open from 10 to 3 with Mrs. Thelma Walters Irom Ains worth chapter OES and Mrs. John MiUer, Salem chapter OES In charge. . Coin coUectors with small packages ol seala attached wUl be placed in various business places Saturday by the Ex change club, tor further con venience of those wishing seals. Mill City Asks For Gym Bids MIU City Bids will be op ened at I pjn., December 21, lor an elementary school gym nasium bare. Plana, as prepared by An- nand, Boone Lei, architects. are for a 101 by 130-foot rein forced concrete building. Wood trusses wUl be used under built-up routing. Aa adjacent boiler room win measure 31 by 10 feet An other area, to measure M by 31 feet, wUl contain snack bar, laundry and toilets. Shower room floors and walls and toilet floors will be ceramic tile. Cement block walls are to be used la puces. concrete (floors are to be laid in the locker rooms The gym floor will be maple. The gym floor wUl be 90 by 100 leet. A balcony area above the locker room section wlU moos ure 40 by 100 leet and will be used tar various athletic activities. Exterior walla are to be painted concrete. Equipment is to be furnished by the district Mill City Elects J. C. Kimrnell Mayor Mill City J. C. Klmmel druggist, was elected mayor of Mill City at this week's elec tion. William Stewart, Jr., was elected a member ot the city council. There were live write tn candidates for mayor. The vote waa: Klrnmal. 10; Harold Kite- ' war, II; Joha Mulr, 8; D. B. Hill, 1; and R. P. Venesa, 1. In the councUmanie race the vote waa: Stewart, 101; Harold Kllewer, 3; J. C. Kim rnell, Albert Toman, Gladys Mason and Leonard Herman, one vote each. When the Sudan election recently it live weeks. held aa required b Tear Fael BUI . Over 10' A Month? Better Convert te Continental Radiant GLASSHEAT Utt Fairgrounds Bea4 Phone 4-2t3 TBI , . . "608D0H SHAH" For Lasting Hair Beaaty Mum luun oxtu SHOPPING CENTER SHOE! FM VERT MEMKI Of IH FAH1T Red Goost For Children . DANA'S BOOTCRY Cultal samlM CmIw JUST ARRIVED Lovely Holiday Dresses for Your ' Young Miss i Margwen's Capitol Shopping Center AMERICA'S HoitModtriKltthn CAPITAL 111 N. High COME TO ALLEN'S TOMORROW-SAT., 5th FOR A DOUBLE Smheani DEMONSTRATION A Factory Representative will be in the Housewares Deportment oil Joy showing the many outstanding advantages of the Sunbeam Electrical Kitchen Units ALSO FOR THE MEN On the Main Floor A Specialist on Electric Razors will be here to give odvice on the core of razors and will be glod to show the latest in Sunbeam Rozors. I 1 1 smrwiMD Allen ) fpi! n J TWTMU W1 111"" , " I F.I T I I 2M Herd (esmercle! JL U J CHRISTMAS V 50 a . ft) OtllDO toOCHM) POO O 0)o with a famous name gift from his favorite store ... BOTANY ROBES A robe he will wear with pride ... in smart clan plaids. 90 wool, 10 nylon for wormth and wear in three color com binations. Sir S-M-L' 22.50 e?3 O 3 , BOTANY SHIRTS The shirt rhot't right for every man's wardrobe . . . and hand washable, too. Choose from six smart Torton plaids . . . 90 wool, 10 nylon. Sizes S, M, LAXL $12.50 OPEN FRIDAY NICHT TIL 9 TDDE MAN' LHID DOXTMQSnCMI Xmas Piano Sale " at ' TlUrUMUUNiTOtB 3S So. ltth r PENSON'S Shop of Imported oiffs Opens Saturday, Dec 5th Hand Carved Oriental Furniture, India Brass ware, Ivory and Ebony Carvings, other Imports. oik n.-L i... avi ran aib. DON KAMSDELL JAY MONNETTE 416 STATE AT. ( mm r', v . . ; M- OPEN I M TONIGHT; fo tr- mm 7. "IV TIL 9:00 REAL LIVE SANTA IN fTOYLAND TO TO GREET THE KIDDIES m tr .. ' lit 6-y FREE CANDY CANES k.. ... '