Friday, December 4, 1953 rw6 IOC VAmAL JUUKHALe, 5AMM UTffOt - It C ' 1 SL .. If,,'' i Ak I Capital Women Edited y M ASIAN LOWBT FISCHEB ART AS HOBBY Duo Tell Engagement Announcement if being made by Mr. and Hit. Charles Rice of Silverton ef the en gagement of their daughter, Miss Patricia Rice, to Donald Johnson of Silverton, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Johnson of Salem. The weddinf Is planned for next June. Both younf people are traduates of University of Oregon. The bride-elect Is a member ef Alpha Gamma Delta soror ity. She is now teaching at Lincoln high school in Port' land. Mr. Johnson Is a mem ber of Phi Kappa Pii at UO. He is now business manager at Silverton hospital. Birthday Party A party for Dick Laymon who observed his fourth birth day this week, was given by his mother, Mrs. Keith Laymon, Monday afternoon. Those present were Dick's two brothers, Dennis and Kelly, Jon and David Home and their mother, Mrs. G. F. Horne, Lori and Keith .Orton and their mother, Mrs. Lester Orton, Bob, Carolyn and Rodney Proc tor, and their mother, Mrs. Charles Proctor, Teddy Mc Kenney, and her mother, Mrs. Marie McKenney. Alto present was Dick's grandmother, Mrs. W. R. Lay mon of Oakville, Wash. Mrs. Laymon la spending the week in Salem. Legion Group Members of the Kingwood unit, American Legion auxili ary, sent f 10 to the "Christmas Gifts to the Yanks" fund, a committee report revealed dur ing a meeting of the group Thursday night. Mrs. John Kinney, president, presided at the meeting in Kingwood hall. IN ALBANY last evening for dinner- of the real estate group there were State Repre sentative and Mrs. Lee V. Oh mart. Mr. Ohmart is state presi dent of the real estate boards and addressed the Albany group. On Wednesday evening, the Ohmarts were at McMlnnville for a similar meeting, Mr. Oh mart also giving the talk there, A DAUGHTER, their sixth, was born Tuesday, December 1, to Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Ble- cha. The baby has been named Doloris Elizabeth. The five sisters welcoming the new ar rival are Dianne, Anita, Pa tricia, Carolyn and Teresa. "MERRY CHRISTMAS" in vitations are out from Mrs. Chester Loe for a "jule koffe" for which she is to entertain on December 17, guests being Invited to call between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. For JoAnn Hoover Honoring 'their daughter, Miss JoAnn, who Is observing her birthdsy on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Theron C. Hoover are entertaining at a dinner party. JoAnn a guests will Include Misses Kay Tomlinson, Nancy Owens, Phoebe Lou Braun, Anne Heltzel, Sondra Jochim sen, Nancy Payne, Gloria An drews, Barbara Bacon, Glenda McCormickJean Lid beck. Pa tricia Myhre, Connie Ham mond, Gladys Maude. Program for Smorgasbord Among the featured enter tainers at the eighth annual YWCA YMCA Smorgasbord next Tuesday at the YMCA gymnasium will be a master piper, one of the Royal Scots Guard bagpipe band. He is Rue ben Charge, who came here from "yon bonnie banks" in 1950. Mr. Charge will play a selection of Scottish airs on the pipes and will accompany a group of young dancers doing famous Scottish dances. These are Carol Scott, Kathy Miller, Denlce Miller, Marilyn Rehm and Alma Kanosky, Parrlsh junior high school students, who will dance the Highland fling, sword dance, and double swords. Many additional attractions have been arranged by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stone, who are in charge Of entertainment for the world fellowship benefit at the YMCA. Lanny Dibbern will entertain guests in the lobby with his accordion as they srrive and dp'jart throughout the evening. The Y Swlngmastem Folk Dancing group will carry a large part of the program with a selection of dances from Eng land, Brazil, Germany, Israel, Greece, Mexico, Finland and Estonia. The origin and mean ing of each dance will be brief ly explained to the diners as the dancers enter. Activities of the Y are car ried on in 78 countries, but the countries featured by the danc ers all have particular signifi cance in world events of today. or have special interest because of local circumstances. Serving at the smorgasbord will be continuous from S to 8 o'clock to accommodate the large attendance expected. En tertalnment will be repeated throughout the evening. Tickets may be purchased at the door, reservations are not needed, and the public is Invited. SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold Boe rimer (Almira Hau gen) are being felicitated on the birth of a daughter, Wed nesday, December 2, at Silver- ton hospital. The older children are Gary and Diane. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Haugen, Sil verton, and maternal great- grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis English, Silverton. Pa ternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Boehmer of Mt. Angel. Amateurs Display Work Here By LANETA aUNG mm an iMMiui Two yean ago saw the be ginning of a nauon-wiae or ganization for artists who paint only as bobby. Called the "Amateur Artists Association of America," It offers recog nition on a national level and makes available to Its members good, professional criticism, a welcome stimulus for the many amateurs who may feel the lack of academic background and contacts. So far, Salem has the only Oregon chapter and its mem bers are currently showing through December 15 at the Gleason studio, 182 S. Com mercial street. Strictly produced for the art ist's relaxation and enjoyment, there occurs no pure abstrac tionism or non - objectivism among these paintings. It is a show of literal and genteel ren ditions with little striving for the exotic or eccentric that, when it turns to sensational ism for its own sake, can ham per the necessarily publicity- seeking professional. Although amateur paintings, the pictures are for sale and at some very reasonable prices. Gone to Homesteader s Dance" by Geneva Harrison, granted one of the 38 national awards in the association's 1952 contest, is displayed, as is her South Dakota Homestead, a cash award this year. Evelyn Benner has hung a deftly colored "Still Life" and two portraits, "Nancy" and 'Joe" in contrasting subject moods. Reginald Garrett's "Tree Gulch achieves a mov ing composition by brilliantly contrasted shades of gray. His watercolor, "Eola Hills, is pre dominantly moody sky, char acteristic of the Willamette valley. Maxine Shurtleff Is repre sented by three oils of very dif ferent tones, "Yellowstone," China Man" and "Tired Feet," the latter a dancer resting in a sunstruck doorway. L. Moses shows two watercolors, "Aut umn" and an impetuous "Dessert." Clean, pastel oil colors dom inate K. Burnett's "Landscape" and "Blue Clown." M. Shurt leff offers a simply composed Winter Bouquet, a head called "Woman," done in pas tels and a watercolor, "Still Life." "Still Life" by P. Collins con structs a design of unelabor- ated masses in rich color while "Dwarf Dahlias" makes up its bouquet by the use of line and detail. CHRISTMAS candles were made at a meeting of Alpha Gamma Delta alumnae Thurs day evening at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Groff. Attending the meeting were Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mrs. Robert Gordon, Miss Shirley Hill, Mrs. Verni Kitchel, Mrs. Dean Needham,! Mrs. Robert Nelson, Mrs. E. L. : Peterson and the hostess. f .: iV ... Goldeaweds Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heatei, above, are to be honored Sunday at a reception observing their (ol den wedding. The anniversary is Saturday, but the open -house is planned for Sunday at the horn of a son, Maurice Heater, Sublimity, friends being Invited to call between 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon and T and o'clock in the evening. Junior CD As Plan Christmas Projects Third meeting of the Mystical Rose troop. Junior Catholic Daughters of America, was conducted at the home of Miu Dottle Shepherd, December 1. During the meeting the group voted to supply food for a nee dy family at Christmas as their Christmas project They also plan to sing carols around Sa lem during the Christmas sea son. They decided specifically to sing carols at Fairview home following a Christmas party at the home of Miss Janice Brown. Leader of the Junior CD A group is Miss Mary Ann Fisch er . Officers recently elected are: President, Miss Rosalie Kerr; vice president, Miss Jean Kirich; secretary, Miss Pat Godlove; reporter, Miu Edwina Hurtman; treasurer. Miss Jan ice Brown. Other members are Miss Bonnie Jean Hilton, Miss Dottle Shepherd. Miu Rosemary Slimsk and Miss Eleanor Sudtell. a Holiday Party Mt. Angel The annual Christmas party for members of the Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will be on Thurs day evening, December 17. The committee in charge of the event is Mrs. Emil Zach, Mrs. P. N. Smith, Mrs. Carl Wam pach and Mrs. Joseph Piatz. An evening of games is being planned and a gift exchange will be on the program for the evening. Plans for the party were made at a recent meeting of the organization. A social hour with refreshments followed the business session, and honors were awarded to Mrs. A. A. Eb ner, Mrs. Carl Feuler and Mrs. Lee Peters. i I VISITOR in the city for a few ' days is Mrs. John L. Rand of j Baker. She is at the Senatpr. ! SILVERTON Mis Kathryn Overlund, daughter of the Al bert Overlunds, Is to be hos- raa jot ine unmanuel Luth eran children's reformation, for a Holiday party and devotional and business hour, Saturday, December 12. The nrnnim to begin at 3 o'clock In the af ternoon. Mrs. Weaver to Head Copettes Mrs. Leland Weaver was named Dresident and Mn V r Charlton, secretary, of the uopeiies ourmg a meeting at the home of Mrs. Weaver, Thursday night. The remainder of the even ing was spent working on Small lifts for nitltnli In h Slate hospital. The next meeting will be In January at the home of Mrs. Bill Wilson. KAPPA ALPHA THETA alumnae rjlannri th1i torn Christmas boxes to go to local needy families at holiday time when thev met -ThnrU v v. olng. Mrs. Donald McCargar ana Mrs. w. E. Deeney were hostesses to the group at the McCargar home. 17 attmrilni Mrs. Maylon Scott was a new alumna In the city welcomed by the group. To Visit Grouo Mt. Ansel Mr. Trmnnm. Grunde of Dallas, district presi- aeni. win Be present at the meeting of the American Leg ion auxiliary at the Memorial hall on Tuesday evening, De cember 8, starting at 8 o'clock. The regular meetinv nt th Mount Angel post, American iegion, will also be the same evening. ' ' COLORADO PAN-SAN at the SAN SHOP Holiday Event for Town-Gown A Urge croup enjoyed the Christmas program and tea 'for Town and Gown club, Thurs day afternoon in the First Methodist church Carrier room. The program featured the Willamette university a eappel la choir In Christmas songs from different lands. The tea table was arranged in holiday theme. The cloth was a green one. Two large white Christmas candles and an arrangement of gilded cedar boughs, pine and laurel with gold ornaments featured the centerpiece for the table. Mrs. George ft. Swift, presi dent, named Mi's. Robert D. Gregg, Mrs. Harry V. Collins and Miu Lorena Jack as the committee to select the gift for Lausanne hall. The project of the club each year la some as sistance to the hall. - New members announced for the club include Mrs. Glenn Barge, Mrs. Gordon Barnard, Mrs. H. H. Brooks, Mrs. Leon Brown, Mrs. E. r. Chapman, Mrs. G. O. Christofferson, Mrs. E. H, Dorr, Mrs. L. L. Fergu son. Mrs. William Franzwa, Mrs. Merle Kaufman, Mrs. Rob ert E. Shinn, Mrs. Ralph Van Horn, Mrs. F. C. Wiuenbach. To Attend Meeting Mrs. Ralph M. Gordon, pub lic health chairman in the American Osteopathic associa tion auxiliary, has been invit ed to attend the mid-year ex ecutive board meeting of the auxiliary in Chicago, Decem ber 11 through the 14th. The board will convene at the An drew Taylor Still memorial building. Dr. A. E. Eggleston, president of the American Os teopathic association, is to be guest speaker. Mrs. Gordon is active in the local, state and national auxiliary work. A PICTURE from a recent Sunday Issue of the San Fran cisco Chronicle shows Mrs. Russell C. Haehl, Jr. (Jean Claire Swift) among the group who modeled old-fashioned costumes at the founders day observance of Gamma Phi Beta alumnae in the Bay area. Mr. and Mrs. Haehl are fly ing north for Christmas to vis it her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift here and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Haehl in Portland. Due Here Dee. f The Paganinl Quartet, above, ap pears here next Wednesday, December 9, for the next con cert of the Salem Community Concert association. The event will be at Salem senior high school auditorium for association members only. Today's Menu Surprise your family with BaK "nt "'den. turning " . MM MnkM 19 In 1A nan. these featherv nancakei Saturday Breakfast Orange Juice Cereal Chiffon Pancakes Currant Jelly Crisp Bacon Beverage (Thlffnn Pancakes Ingredients: 3 eggs (separ ated), Vi teaspoon salt, V cup flour, cup cream style cot tage cheese. Method: Beat egg whites un til stiff. Without washing beater, beat egg yolks until thick and pale colored; stir in salt, flour and cheese; fold in egg whites. Drop heaping ta blespoons of mixture onto very hot lightly gressed griddle. once. Makes 12 to 16 pan cakes. Furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 1148 Ferry St DANCE TRAINING Bright, alert youngsters require training in mental, physical coordination Christmas Special NEW TAP CLASSES re-School Fri. 3:30 School Agt Sat. 4:00 DON ALLEN STUDIO 155 South Liberty Z-K GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN MUC STN! 141 Candalarla Blvd. DATE PRUNES An "Ideal Gift of Oregon" Available Either in Bulk or Gilt Boxes CHECK ON OUR SPECIAL VOLUME BULK PRICING '""aaBaaaaaaaaaaaaBasusMjSHaBaBBSBmr canes. - i m! 6 V sal hi Phone 1-1523 $ QuoliCraft prove! that glamour nttdn't cott a fortuntl U Bitck tueds foes tali Ids QuiliCrift way by combining tha finest materials with stand-out styling bijhlijhttd by custom trims to jivi you provocative fashions that . elsewhere would cost dollars more. In sizes 4 to 10, AAA thru C Handbogs yee'll be Breed te carry . . . read te give I Matchmated handbags are I specialty of the house! The very same extra special materials, styling, workmanship and trim make them sensational fashion values, too! Toastmistress Club "Is There Any Educational Value in Today's Entertain ment?" waa the subject of a debate conducted by members ol the Chemeketa Toastmistress club during a meeting at the Golden Pheasant Thursday night. Taking the affirmative were Mrs. E. W. Hillstrom and Mrs. Lee Haskins. One the negative side were Mrs. B. L. Trelstad and Mrs. Eric Nelte. FORD Street Birthday club was entertained at a Christ mas party Thursday afternoon at -the home of Mrs. George Minifie. Mrs. John Minlfie assisted. Others attending wereMrs. John Justis, Mrs. Ira Ralston, Mrs. James John son, Mrs. Henry Keeneyr' Mrs. Melrin Lyons, Mrs. BUI Clarke, Mrs. Philip Fischer Mrs. Fred Taylor, Mrs. Doris Dixon. Linoleum NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS til S. High Ph. 4S7S1 DONT Tfertw Tevar Wtlrb Awmr W. Tin Tbejg Wbta Olhtn Cal THE JEWEL BOX 44S SUU, Sain, Own Ow IU KUU til S m. S I I I 1 -a a m.- m. - m iwi:eaii:K-in.-iii:ei:i n.RmsiirnAiini? FOR IFFKTIVI RflllF FROM PAIN ACTS PAST If PAY LESS DRUGSTORE 484 State St. Salem AJNTA was HERE! AND LOOK WHAT HE LEFT FOR THIS WEEK'S FRIDAY NIGHT FEATURE! Sheer gift magic Penney's own I famous nylons . . . lr U K a3 m V iff 'J''?. )) ' ; xf . nil SSlilt 1IH Till l II A SPECIAL t1 PURCHASE! K 66 GAUGE ' Ly J IS DENIER h $1Pr. Buy a Box Penney' Goymodes your buy-word for o quolity gift! In the high twist, you get longer wear, added beauty; in the name Gaymode, you get always first quality; In the 4 Gaymode shades, you get always right fashion! Sizes 8Vi to 1 ). MAIN FLOOR Jjudh Valley Farm Store 3935 Silverton Road OPEN RIMY NI6HT IR 170 N. liberty Mill OlOEItt! AM V4; 1 0. D.t, (herfN M. X